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Teaching English as a Foreign Language II

Lesson Plan for a Grade X Senior High School

Nama NIM

: Firman Ardiyansyah : 10 530 0103

Kelas /Tahun : E / 2010

Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya 2012

Firman Ardiyansyah 10 530 - 0103


Subject Level Skill Grade / Semester Source Meeting Time

: English : Senior High : Listening and Speaking :X/2 : Advanced Learning : English 1 for Grade X Senior High School : One : 2 x 45 minutes



1. Listening Students are able to : a. Answer question about nice places to visit, b. Identify terms related to nice places to visit, c. Answer the oral text question in the form of descriptive, and d. Discuss the answer of the oral text question in the form of descriptive

2. Speaking Students are able to : a. Identify their own experience about city that they like to visit b. Conduct survey about nice places to visit c. Describe nice places to visit in the form of monologue



Advanced Learning : English 1 for Grade X Senior High School


TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Pre Teaching a. The teacher ask to the one of the students to lead the pray before beginning the class. b. Teacher greets the students. Teacher : Good morning, everybody. How are you today?


: Good morning, Sir. We are very well, thank you, and how are You ?


: Very Good

c. Teacher asks the students attendance. Teacher Students Teacher : So, is there anyone absent today ? : No, Sir. No one absent today. : Good

d. Teacher asks questions to construct the students knowledge. Teacher shows slide contain the word nice places to visit and asks : 1. How do you translate the word into Indonesian ? 2. Do you have some nice places you want to visit ? 3. Have you ever go to that place ? 4. What word that express the beauty of that place ?

Teacher shows slide contain a nice places to visits pictures.

1. Have you ever visited those places ? 2. What have you seen or heard about those places ? 3. Are those places in the picture famous ? 2. Whilst Teaching a. Teacher plays an audio talking about Borobudur Temple as a on of the Indonesian nice places to visit and asks the students to listen carefully b. Teacher plays the audio for the second time and asks the students to do the tasks TASK I Complete the blanks based on the recording

Borobudur is Hindu Buddhist temple. It was 1) ________ in the ninth century under Sailendra dynasty of 2) _________ Mataram Kingdom. Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and consist of eight step like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in base relief. The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of 4) _________ stupa. The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the center of the top cycle. The way to the summit extends through some 4,8 km of passage and stairways. The design of Borobudur which symbolized the structure of universe influences Temples at Angkor, Kambodia. Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a 5) _____________ treasure for Indonesian people.

Task 2

c. The teacher asks the students to answer right or wrong to the facts below based on the recording

Then listen to the text once again. While you are listening to it, decide if the following Statements are True or False.

1. T - F 2. T - F nineteenth century. 3. T - F 4. T - F

Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia Borobudur is Hindu Buddhist temple built in the

Borobudur is built in a hill at height of 46 m The design of Borobudur symbolizes the structure of

temples at Angkor, Cambodia 5. T - F terrace. Borobudur has five circular terrace and three square

Task 3 Give check ( ) to the following lists that match your favorite citys description.




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d. Teacher asks the students to fill favorite citys survey Sheet already provided ( to be done individually )

e. Teacher asks the students to discuss the answers of the tasks above f. Teacher asks the students to describe their friends favorite place in front of the class ( monologue ) 3. Post Teaching a. Teacher evaluates and reinforces the students performance and comprehension by asking questions such as, 1. So, what is the first thing that explained by your friends ? 2. And then what is the next explanation ? 3. What words can you use to describe the beautiful of your favourite place that you have visited ? 4. What is the purpose of the descriptive text ? 5. What is the generic structure of the descriptive text ? b. Teacher assigns the students to make a descriptive text about their nice places they have visited and prepare to perform it orally in front of the class at the next meeting. c. Theacher ask to the one of the students to lead the closing pray d. Teacher says goodbye to the students to end the session

D. MEDIA 1. Note Book 2. Screen and LCD 3. Speaker 4. Student hand book, Advanced Learning English 1 for Grade X Senior High School

The Principal of

Surabaya, July, 6th, 2012 English Teacher

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