Reward Recognition Adults

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Reward and recognition policy

For the reward and reimbursement of service users, carers, patients and members of the public for their contribution to planning, delivery and evaluation of health, childrens, social care and other County Council services

Version control Date Review date

V3.0 April 2012 December 2012


This is a joint policy between the NHS and East Sussex County Council. The contact details in the appendices are specific to each organisation. The appendices in this version of the document are appropriate for East Sussex County Council.

NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald NHS Hastings and Rother

East Sussex County Council (Adult Social Care and Childrens Services)

Reward and recognition policy April 2012

Document control sheet

Title of the policy Purpose of the policy Reward and recognition policy To ensure service users, carers, patients and members of the public are rewarded appropriately for their contribution to the planning, delivery and evaluation of health childrens, social care and other county council services Involvement organisers To follow the policy when engaging with service users, carers, patients and members of the public to improve health and county council services November 2008 version N/A Samantha Williams, Assistant Director Planning, Performance and Engagement Jessica Britton, Head of Assurance and Governance Policy lead / Author Sara Geater, Head of Engagement & Equalities (NHS) and Denise Leary, Community Engagement Manager (ASC) ASC Staff Information Team, CS Equality and Participation Team, Corporate Consultation and Engagement Manager. April 2012 December 2012

Target audience Action required

This policy supersedes This policy should be read alongside Lead director

Produced by

Implementation date Review date

Reward and recognition policy April 2012

Contents...................................................................................................4 Glossary....................................................................................................5 Introduction...............................................................................................6
Purpose of the policy Scope of the policy 7 7

Payment rates...........................................................................................7 Out-of-pocket expenses............................................................................9

Travel Care costs Exemptions from reward payments 9 10 11

Reward payments...................................................................................10 Tax and benefit implications...................................................................11 Procedure for reimbursement of expenses and claiming payments .....12
Other methods of reimbursement Making a claim Translations and accessible formats 13 13 13

Compliance with protocols and standards .............................................13 Feedback to participants.........................................................................14 Appendix 1..............................................................................................15
Role Description for Public / Service User / Carer / Patient Participation Reward and Recognition Letter of Agreement About you BACS (Bank Automated Clearing System) Payments to Suppliers Payment of your Reward & Recognition payment Process for payment flowchart Out-of-pocket expenses and reward and recognition claim form 15 17 19 22 23 25 26

Appendix 2..............................................................................................17 Appendix 3..............................................................................................19 Appendix 4a............................................................................................22 Appendix 4b............................................................................................23 Appendix 5..............................................................................................25 Appendix 6..............................................................................................26

Reward and recognition policy April 2012

Participant A person who actively engages with organised activities to inform and improve health, social care and other County Council Services. Organisation The organisation arranging the activity which may be NHS Hastings and Rother, NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald or East Sussex County Council. Budget holder The employee within the organisation who has authority to sanction expenditure. Involvement organiser The employee who organises the involvement activity, meeting or event and provides background information, support and the necessary claim forms.

Reward and recognition policy April 2012

We value the experience and expertise of service users, carers, patients and members of the public. We believe that patient and public involvement and service user and carer engagement are at the heart of providing high quality services that are responsive to local needs and the development of effective structures and processes for involvement, engagement and feedback is central to improving our services. We are committed to ensuring that service users, carers, patients and members of the public are involved in: considering and developing proposals for changes in how services are provided, planning new services, decisions that affect how services operate, and monitoring and evaluating service quality. Service users, carers, patients and members of the public are already involved in a large number of diverse areas of work. This policy has been developed jointly by East Sussex County Council and the two East Sussex PCTs to build on this and: to create a framework for service users, carers, patients and members of the public to work with us as colleagues and as recognised experts by experience, and to recognise and value the contribution that service users, carers, patients and members of the public make, and to provide a clear structure for the recognition of this contribution and the expenses incurred. This policy has been developed in accordance with national guidance Reward and Recognition: The principles and practice of service user payment and reimbursement in health and social care (Department of Health August 2006). It has been subject to consultation with service user, carer and patient organisations and other community groups. The policy has been in operation since 2008 and this updated policy reflects the learning gathered since its implementation.

Reward and recognition policy April 2012

Purpose of the policy

The main aim of this policy is to improve our services, and to strengthen the voice of service users, carers, patients and members of the public in the planning, delivery and evaluation of those services. We want to encourage and enable participation from a diverse range of people and the policy has been developed to help remove barriers to involvement. It is our policy to reward service users, carers, patients and other experts by experience for their knowledge and time when contributing to meetings, work groups, representation at Boards etc. As a general rule, this will mean a commitment to attend a number of meetings. However, there may be occasions when participation in one-off activities such as recruitment panels or one-to-one interviews may be required. The policy provides details of the types of activity which attract a recognition payment, and rates for reimbursing out-of-pocket expenses. The policy also describes the processes by which payments will be made.

Scope of the policy

This policy covers the involvement of Adults in the work of: East Sussex County Council NHS East Sussex Downs and Weald, and NHS Hastings and Rother.

Payment rates
The payment rates are set according to the type of activity undertaken. Under this policy, activity is split into three categories (see table below): Category 1 activities are exempt from payment and out-of-pocket expenses. Category 2 activities will attract reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses only. Category 3 activities will attract reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses and the reward payment.

Reward and recognition policy April 2012

Activity Public meeting Roadshow Exhibition Completion of surveys / polls Activities attended by a PCT / ASC officer but organised by external group / organisation Attendance at board meetings (as a member of the audience) Activity Stakeholder event invited Seminar or workshop Public Panels Voluntary activity (pre-agreed) Activity One-to-one interviews Participation in a focus group Committee / board representation Participation on working / task group Citizens jury Acting as mystery shopper Involvement in recruitment Involvement on tendering panel Direct participation at a workshop / seminar / training event (ie. giving a presentation)

Category R&R Payment 1 1 1 1 1 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Not applicable

Category R&R Payment 2 2 2 2 Out-of-pocket expenses Out-of-pocket expenses Out-of-pocket expenses Out-of-pocket expenses

Category R&R Payment 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment Expenses & reward payment

Note Discuss with the Reward & Recognition budget holder if you are undertaking a piece of work, which is likely to merit a substantial amount of out-of-pocket expenses or reward payments.
Reward and recognition policy April 2012

Out-of-pocket expenses
People who help us should not lose out or be financially disadvantaged as a result of their involvement in the activities covered by this policy. We will make arrangements for them to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses as outlined below.

Where possible we encourage people to use public transport or car share in line with our sustainability plans. Details of public transport in East Sussex can be found at The following travel costs may be reimbursed for Category 2 and Category 3 activities: Return trip from home (or place of work) to the activity venue on public transport eg. bus, train where supported by receipts, or by private vehicle at the rates shown below. Only the actual mileage from home / work to the venue can be claimed and not any additional miles. For example, if someone else drove the participant to the venue, returned home and picked them up later, only one journey to the venue and one journey home may be claimed. Parking costs for the duration of the activity where parking is not provided free of charge.

Type of vehicle Private car Motorcycle (or other motorised vehicle) Pedal cycle (or other non-motorised vehicle) Passenger allowance (when you give a lift to another participant this is added to the mileage rate)

Rate per mile 45p 24p 20p 5p

Reward and recognition policy April 2012

Taxis will only be reimbursed in exceptional circumstances, for example, a taxi is required for medical reasons or because it is impractical to use an alternative form of transport. Prior agreement must be sought from the involvement organiser. If a taxi is required then the involvement organiser may make arrangements for the taxi fare to be billed directly to the county council or PCT, as appropriate.

Care costs
Care costs can only be claimed when they are incurred as a direct result of the persons involvement. These expenses should be agreed with the involvement organiser in advance and supported by receipts from a registered provider eg. nursery, childminder, personal assistant. Examples are: If a child would normally have been in childcare when the meeting takes place, no claim may be made. Where a carer needs to employ a registered care agency to look after their dependant while attending an involvement activity, a claim may be made. Where a service user needs the help of a personal care assistant or support worker to fully engage with the activity, a claim may be made.


Payments for care costs (childcare, care for dependants, or support workers) may be regarded as taxable income by the Inland Revenue.

Reward payments
Where activities require a significant time commitment or specialist knowledge we will recognise this by offering a reward payment. The involvement organiser should complete a Role Description for Public / Service User / Carer / Patient Participation to determine whether the activity merits a reward payment. Activities which attract reward payments are described in the table on page 6.
Reward and recognition policy April 2012


The payment will be 20 per half-day session (up to 4 hours). Included in this sum is preparation (pre-reading), printing of appropriate papers, any phone calls, and travel time to the activity and follow-up work as required.


The participant can decline the offer of payment if they wish and be involved on a voluntary unpaid basis.

Exemptions from reward payments

Where service user, carer or patient representatives are paid by another organisation for participating in a meeting or training activity they are not eligible to receive further payment under this policy. For example, the person may be paid by a voluntary or statutory organisation as part of their job. Where an individual attending a meeting is also affiliated to a user group, community group or other similar organisation and chooses to waive their right to payment under this policy, the organisation that they are affiliated to may not claim the payment on their behalf. In certain situations we may choose to contract with a user group or other similar organisation to run service user, carer or patient events. In such cases the organisation will be invited to submit an inclusive quote to cover their full costs, including payment to service users, carers and patients. The organisation running the activity or event will be expected to make the necessary arrangements to reward the contribution made by service users, carers, patients and members of the public. This will be in line with payments made under this policy.

Tax and benefit implications

The provision of payment under this scheme including care costs, reward payments and vouchers (see Other methods of reimbursement below) will be regarded as taxable income and may affect a persons benefits. Further advice and information can be obtained from the Benefits Agency or local tax office. It is the responsibility of service users, carers, patients and members of the public to declare payments in relation to tax, state benefits and earnings.
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Ability to participate does not assume that an individual is capable / fit for work within the rules governing benefit payments. While the payment is for work undertaken, participating individuals are not employees of the county council or the PCT.

Procedure for reimbursement of expenses and claiming payments

If a person is participating on a regular, on-going basis, the involvement organiser responsible for the activity will provide the service user, carer, patient or member of the public with: a role description (Appendix 1), a letter of agreement (Appendix 2), and an About you form (Appendix 3). The purpose of the role description is to clarify expectations for both the participant and the involvement organiser. If there are any concerns about a persons capacity to fulfil the role described, the involvement organiser should revise the role description with the participant or the organisation they represent. If a person is involved in a number of activities, they are only required to sign one letter of agreement at the beginning of their involvement with us. We ask participants to complete the About You form (Appendix 3) to understand who we are involving in planning and shaping services, and to ensure we seek the views of a range of people and groups. This form will remain confidential and will be kept separately from any other forms that are returned to us. Completion of this form is optional. At the beginning of a participants involvement in an activity which merits a reward payment, the involvement organiser should supply the participant with a Bank Automated Credit System (BACS) form and guidance notes (Appendix 4a and 4b). The involvement organiser should ensure that the participant is aware of the importance of providing their bank details promptly. The BACS form should be completed by the participant and returned in the envelope provided or sent to the address on the form. The participants bank details will be kept confidentially. Appendix 5 explains how the payment process works .
Reward and recognition policy April 2012


Other methods of reimbursement

The involvement organiser should establish the preferred method of reward with each individual and consider the use of vouchers for those participants without a bank account. Requests for vouchers need to be made to the appropriate person in your organisation (see Contact details).

Making a claim
Participants should use the claim form (Appendix 6). When making a claim, service users, carers, patients and members of the public should complete the left-hand column of the expenses claim form. The right-hand column of the claim form needs to be completed by the involvement organiser, and then validated and signed prior to submission for payment.

Translations and accessible formats

If the participant requires a translation of any of the documents (for example, letter of agreement, role description or BACS form), the involvement organiser should arrange for this to be made available. The involvement organiser should contact the appropriate person in their organisation (see Contact details) who will process the application. If an accessible format is required, for example CD, audio tape or Braille, then the involvement organiser should contact the appropriate person in their organisation (see Contact details).

Compliance with protocols and standards

Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks will be required in situations where the role involves unsupervised contact with vulnerable people. The exception to this is where an individual has already registered as a volunteer with East Sussex County Council as all volunteers are required to have CRB checks. Participants must comply with the protocols, standards and conduct applicable to the area in which they are working, including showing respect for others and maintaining confidentiality. The involvement organiser should explain the expected conduct to the participant. If standards and protocols are breached, the organisation has the right to end the participants involvement.

Reward and recognition policy April 2012


Feedback to participants
It is good practice to thank participants for their involvement. One way of thanking and recognising involvement is to give feedback to show how participants views were taken on board and what changes were made as a result. This shows how peoples views were valued and what the service did to make a difference. The involvement organiser should take responsibility for ensuring that participants are recognised in this way.

Contact details
East Sussex County Council
St. Annes Crescent Lewes East Sussex BN7 1UE Adult Social Care Central Support Admin Team Tel: 01273 481565 Email: policy& Childrens Services Atiya Gourlay, Equality & Participation Manager Tel:01273 482302 Governance and Community Services Sue Buxton, Consultation and Engagement Manager Tel: 01273 481503 Email:

Sara Geater, Head of Engagement & Equalities Bexhill Hospital Hollier Hill Bexhill on Sea East Sussex TN40 2DZ Tel: 01424 735683 Email:

Reward and recognition policy April 2012


Appendix 1

Role Description for Public / Service User / Carer / Patient Participation

Involvement organiser to complete before the start of a new activity / event. Name of involvement organiser: Phone number: Email address: Name of activity / committee / group / project

If committee / group representation, what is the groups remit?

Describe the role the participant will fulfil within the group, committee or project

Would the role be most effective if the participant was: Public member / member of the LINk (public interest view) Active or recent service user / patient Carer Representative view of a particular group from a voluntary or community sector Are there any particular skills or knowledge you are looking for in a participant?

Please describe the format of the group, committee or project ie. how often do you meet, for how long, where?
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How much time per month outside of the meetings is required to fulfil the role eg. for reading of papers etc?

Over what period will the participant be expected to undertake the role?

What initial induction and support will you provide for the participant?

According to the Reward and Recognition Policy of the PCTs and ESCC, public, service user, carer and patient representatives may receive a reward payment for on-going or regular involvement on groups, committees or projects. Please refer to the attached policy and define the level of payment that the role may attract (tick all that apply). Out-of-pocket expenses CRB check required? Date of role description Yes No Reward payment

Please retain one copy of this form with the Terms of Reference of the group, committee or project (where appropriate). Provide the participant with a copy. Send a copy to the Consultation & Engagement Team.

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Appendix 2
Reward and Recognition Letter of Agreement

To be completed by the involvement organiser at the start of a persons involvement with the county council or the NHS Dear Re: Reward and Recognition Letter of Agreement (add name of person) Thank you for your interest in being involved in developing and informing the work of East Sussex County Council, [insert name of department e.g. Adult Social Care department]. We appreciate your contribution and in line with our Reward and Recognition Policy we will reward you for your contribution. This agreement outlines the terms on which this is offered. In order to receive payment you should read this letter, and sign and return the enclosed duplicate to me, keeping the original for you. If you need help in having this agreement explained to you please contact me. My address and telephone number appear at the bottom of this letter. It is your responsibility to declare payments in relation to tax, state benefits and earnings. If you file your own tax return, please be aware that reward payments and out-of-pocket expenses reimbursements should be declared as income for tax purposes. If you are in receipt of means-tested benefits, reward payments may affect your benefits. Check with your tax office or benefits advisor if you are unsure whether this applies to you. A copy of the role description (insert name / description of role) is included with this letter. When carrying out the tasks set out in the role description, your relationship with East Sussex County Council shall be that of a volunteer contributor, and not as an employee. The current rate for reward payments is 20 per half-day session (up to 4 hours). Included in this sum is preparation (pre-reading), printing of papers, travel time to the activity and follow-up work as required. Payment will be made against expenses claim forms received and verified by me. Payments may take up to 30 days to process and will be credited by electronic bank transfer. If there are any delays in payment please let me know.

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In order to ensure that our records are kept up to date you should notify me of any change of circumstances, for example change of address, bank details etc. Prior to you undertaking any work you may be required to have a Criminal Records Bureau check. If you are undertaking work that involves you coming into contact with children, patients or vulnerable adults, you will need this clearance. I have also attached an About You questionnaire, which I would encourage you to complete, although this is optional. This form will remain confidential and will be kept separately from any other form you send in to us. This information helps us to ensure that we are seeking the views of everyone in society. Whilst working with us, you should comply with our protocols, standards and code of conduct and this includes showing respect for others and maintaining confidentiality. I will be explaining the details of these standards to you. If you fail to comply with these standards we have the right to end your involvement with us. You must be aware of your own responsibilities for health and safety and you must comply with our Health and Safety Policy. If you have any complaint or grievance relating to your work tasks as set out in this letter, you should raise the matter, in the first instance, in writing with me. If this is still not resolved please contact [Insert the appropriate contact details e.g. for Adult Social Care it will be Louisa Havers, Head of Performance & Engagement, County Hall, St. Annes Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE]. Yours sincerely

Insert Involvement organiser name

I have read and understood the above and I agree to the terms of this letter. Signed (participant): Name (please print): .. Also attached is the fact-sheet Rewarding your Involvement, What you should know. Please keep one copy of this agreement and return the second copy to: Involvement organiser: Address: Telephone no: E-mail address:
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insert name insert address insert contact number insert if applicable


Appendix 3
About you
We want to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and equally, and that no one gets left out. Thats why we ask you these questions. We wont share the information you give us with anyone else. We will only use it to help us make decisions and make our services better. If you would rather not answer any of these questions, you dont have to. Q1 Are you ...? Please select one box




Prefer not to say

Do you identify as a transgender or trans person? Please select one box




Prefer not to say

Which of these age groups do you belong to? Please select one box


under 18 18-24

25-34 35-44

45-54 55-59

60-64 65-74

75+ Prefer not to say

What is your postcode?


To which of these ethnic groups do you feel you belong? (source: 2011 census) Please select one box White British Asian or Asian British Indian

White Irish White Gypsy/Roma White Irish Traveller White other* Mixed White and Black Caribbean Mixed White and Black African Mixed White and Asian Mixed other* Other ethnic group*

Asian or Asian British Pakistani Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British other* Black or Black British Caribbean Black or Black British African Black or Black British other* Arab Chinese Prefer not to say

Reward and recognition policy January 2012

*If your ethnic group was not specified in the list please describe your ethnic group. The Equality Act 2010 describes a person as disabled if they have a longstanding physical or mental condition that has lasted or is likely to last at least 12 months; and this condition has a substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities. People with some conditions (cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV/AIDS, for example) are considered to be disabled from the point that they are diagnosed. Q6 Do you consider yourself to be disabled as set out in the Equality Act 2010? Please select one box Yes No Prefer not to say If you answered yes to Q6, please tell us the type of impairment that applies to you. You may have more than one type of impairment, so please select all that apply. If none of these apply to you please select other and give brief details of the impairment you have.


Physical impairment Sensory impairment (hearing and sight) Long standing illness or health condition, such as cancer, HIV, heart disease, diabetes or epilepsy Mental health condition Learning disability Prefer not to say Other*

*If other, please specify


Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion or belief? Please select one box Yes No Prefer not to say If you answered yes to Q8, which one? Please select one box Christian Hindu Muslim Any other religion, please specify





Q10 Are you ... Please select one box Bi/Bisexual Gay woman/Lesbian


Gay Man

Other Prefer not to say

Thank you for providing this information.

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Reward and recognition policy January 2012


Appendix 4a
Name: Address: Postcode: Tel. number:

BACS (Bank Automated Clearing System) Payments to Suppliers

We use BACS to make payment directly into your bank or building society account (or the account you have named to receive the payment). If you are in any doubt about how to fill in this form, please contact your bank / building society for advice. Please use BLOCK CAPITALS to fill in this form. Your name (as it appears on your account) or The name of the account to receive payment Bank / building society sort code Account number Bank / building society name Bank / building society reference number (if applicable) Bank / building society name Bank / building society address

Postcode If you have an email address, please enter it below and we will email you to tell you when the money is being paid. Or you can tell us your fax number. If you do not have an email address or fax number we will write to you at the address you have given above. Email address: Signature: Name (in BLOCK CAPITALS): Please return this form to: Serco Accounts, PO Box 2681, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1WT Email: Fax: 01825 745 637 Office use only Vendor number: 22 Fax number: Date:

Reward and recognition policy January 2012

Appendix 4b
Payment of your Reward & Recognition payment
We will normally pay you through BACS (Bank Automated Clearing System). This has the following benefits to you: The payment goes directly into your bank account. You dont have to pay cheques into the bank and wait for them to clear. This saves you time and means the money is available to you more quickly. The money will be in your account within two working days from the date shown on the payment advice we will send you. There is no risk of the payment made to you being lost or stolen, as there could be with a cheque.

Completing the BACS form

You do need to fill in a BACS form. The form must be fully completed. You can post the form to the address below, or you can send it by fax or email. By post: Insert your address details here By email: Insert your email address here (Please put BACS insert your ref here in the title of your email) By fax: Insert your fax number here If the space for your account number or the building society reference number is too small please ask your bank or building society for advice. You must not make the boxes bigger or write more than one letter or figure in each box. If you have a Lloyds or Girobank account with a non-standard account number (that is, one that is not exactly 8 digits) please ask your bank for advice about filling in the form. We cannot make payments directly into Post Office accounts or certain other bank and building society accounts. If you are in any doubt whether your account can accept the payments, please ask your bank for advice.

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BACS payments
When we make a payment to you by BACS we will send you a separate remittance advice. This will detail what the payment is for and when it will arrive in your bank account. The remittance advice will be e-mailed or faxed to you. In the unlikely event your payment does not arrive in your account on the date stated please telephone the Accounts Team on 01825 744551 so that the matter can be investigated. If, in the future, there is any change to the bank or building society details you have provided please inform us, preferably in advance, and we will send you a new form to complete. If you do not inform us of these changes in advance, your bank or building society may reject the payment. If this happens your payment will be delayed. If you have any queries concerning this information or the BACS form that have not been explained above please contact the Accounts Team of SERCO who deal with this work on the councils behalf (telephone 01825 744551).

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Appendix 5
Process for payment flowchart

One-off event

Regular or on-going participation in an activity

Inform budget holder of likely level of reimbursement

Complete a role description, and send a copy to: Your departmental Engagement Team the participant, and retain a copy for your records

Letter of agreement to be signed by participant (if first time registered)

Copies of the claim form issued to participants at the activity

Participant completes the claim form

Claim forms are collected, and validated and signed by the involvement organiser

Completed forms sent to: Finance Team for processing if BACS transfer ASC only - Engagement Team/Central Support Admin.

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Appendix 6 Out-of-pocket expenses and reward and recognition claim form

Please use CAPITAL LETTERS when completing the form Name: Address:

Office use only Vendor Number:

Postcode: Telephone number: Email (if appropriate):

What activity are you claiming for?

Name of activity / meeting: Description of activity / meeting: Date of activity: / / (DD/MM/YYYY)

Name of event organiser:

Reward payment claimant Reward payment agreed? Yes No

This column to be completed by the involvement organiser

Cost @ 20 per session

Number of sessions: (approx 4 hours each) Reward payment to be made in vouchers (for claimants without a bank account) Yes


Type of expenses claimed (completed by claimant)

This column to be completed by the involvement organiser


Reward and recognition policy January 2012

Travel by private car @ 45p per mile: Travel by motor cycle @ 24p per mile: Travel by pedal cycle @ 20p per mile: Number of passengers (if any): Passenger mileage costs (5p per mile per passenger): Public transport type: Other expenses (eg. parking, taxi*):

miles miles miles

(receipt required) (receipt required) (receipt required)

* only if pre-authorised by involvement organiser Care costs (if agreed in advance):

Signature of claimant:

Claim total:

Please send completed forms to: (Delete as applicable) Adult Social Care - Central Support Admin, Adult Social Care, County Hall, St. Annes Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE All other departments - CRD Finance (AP), D Floor, East Block, County Hall, St. Annes Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE or email to Please note that it is your personal responsibility to declare reward payments received from us to Jobcentre Plus or other benefits agencies and to HMRC in respect of tax liability.

Authorised by: (Involvement Organiser / Officer signature)

Date: Cost centre: GL code:


*For ASC use cost centre 3298 *For all other departments use the cost centre of the team who are running the

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