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Bring in achievement orientation amongst employees and thus creating an

organisation nurturing performance and innovation.

Reward & Recognition to high performers Recognize every staff employee being a valuable asset of the organisation,
by participating in & celebrating his/her special moments. ELIGIBILITY

All employees on the rolls of the company. POLICY DETAILS 1. REWARDS

Reward will mean a token of appreciation of the contribution/performance of employees leading to significant improvements in the work processes and effectiveness. The employees would be rewarded for their contribution through four categories of awards as given here under:

A) Good Work Done B) C) D) Performers of the Quarter Team Award Annual Awards

A) Good Work Done

Appreciation of good work done within the Department, that sets an example for the rest of the employees, would be done by highlighting the contributions through an appreciation letter by the HOD and display on the Notice Boards. The HOD at his discretion may send the employee for a dinner for two/ present a gift (maximum Rs.350/-). The amount would be given in the form of reimbursement. Intimation should be sent to the HR Department as per enclosed format (Annexure-1) to facilitate the reimbursement and publicizing the contribution. This award may be given as and when employees make such contributions.

B) Performers of the Quarter


To Provide healthy competitive environment wherein employees are

motivated to excel. To identify high performers and nurture the excellence amongst them. Recognize & Reward outstanding contributions made by an employee in achieving the organizational objectives and goals.

Qualifying Criterion
These Awards are given for contributions that have a significant impact on the function/business of the company. HODs would identify the Top Performers based on the outstanding performance/contributions based on the following factors: (i) Quality & Innovation: Suggesting process improvements leading to improvements in quality, devising new ways of working in the organization that results in time saving or easier work processes. Cost: Suggestions/actions which result in substantial savings to the company


(iii) Delivery: Consistently exceeding the set targets. (iv) Customer Orientation: Going out of way to help customers and meeting their requirements, reflecting extraordinary service orientation to achieve customer satisfaction.


Revenue Generation: Suggesting new ideas that lead to increased revenue.

Procedure for Nominations

1. This award is for the individual performance of the staff. 2. These nominations should clearly bring out contributions of the employee in details; explaining his/her efforts and results achieved as per enclosed format (Annexure II). 3. The nominations would be discussed in the management Committee The results should be described in terms of benefits that may have accrued to the company.. 4. A second nomination during the same financial year for reasons of repetitive exceptional performance could be possible under the scheme. 5. The award would consist of a Certificate signed by MD and an amount of Rs.1500/- payable by cheque as token of appreciation. 6. The performers of the quarter shall be publicly recognized including insertions in the company newsletter. The HR head of the factory shall announce the names in the open house. The name shall also be displayed on the notice board.

C) Team Award
As and when any cross-functional team working on an assignment exceeds the requirements laid down for the work or achieves a milestone, the team may be sent out for a dinner or an outing subject to financial ceiling of Rs.2500/- for each such occasion.

Procedure for Team Award

The contributions shall be highlighted by the team leader to the HR Department on the prescribed format (Annexure-II) enclosed for the purpose. The HR Department, on receiving the complete form, shall obtain the approval of the management Committee on the same and process for the award.

D) Annual Award Objective

The purpose of this award is to recognize the Best Performer of the year. The annual award would have two categories.

1. There would be one award in this category. The nominations would be from amongst the quarterly award winners. 2. HR Head would make the presentation of the nominated persons for the PIIL Annual Award to the PL forum to discuss the nominations before announcing the final award. 3. This award would consist of a certificate signed by the MD along with a cheque of Rs. 10,000/- or a three-day holiday package to any holiday resort, subject to an expenditure ceiling of Rs. 10,000/-. 4. A copy of the certificate would be placed in the personal file alongwith an insertion in PIILvani & the name shall be displayed on the notice board.

5. The award would be given on 1st May every year.



The purpose of recognition is to contribute to the happiness of the employees by participating and celebrating in their special moments. Birthday: The employee would be greeted by a Birthday Card & bouquet on the day of his/her birthday by the HOD. A cake cutting function shall be held on the last birthday of every month. Wedding: On the occasion of the wedding of the employees or their children, a gift cheque of Rs. 1100/- would be presented to bride/bridegroom alongwith a bouquet. Wedding Anniversary: The employee would be greeted by an Anniversary Card and a special leave for the occasion. Acknowledging Good Performance of the Child / Children in School : Good performance of the child/children (maximum two) of employees upto level 5 will be recognized by awarding an amount as per the existing PIIL Scholarship Scheme.

Procedure for Recognition

The HR Department will maintain the database required for the execution of this policy. For the purpose of Birthdays, the date as recorded at the time of joining the company shall be considered.

In case of marriage of an employee or his/her children, intimation should be sent to the HR Department well in advance to facilitate the presentation on time. The performance of the child/children of the employee should be communicated to the HR Department alongwith the supporting documents. The cheque, as per the entitlement, will be made only in the name of the child/children and will be paid annually for the previous academic year.


The same activity / contribution shall not be awarded twice. Any activity / contribution which has been awarded in the past will not be considered again even if same is done afresh. The management reserves the right to alter, modify or withdraw this policy at anytime at its sole discretion.

The policy will come into effect from

Annexure I


:- __________________


:- Head of HR.

Department :- __________________

Date :- _____________

Name of the Nominee :___________________________________ Designation


Ms. :-______________

:-___________________ Level

The nominee has been recommended for an award in line with the Reward & Recognition policy as per details given below :Award Recommended : Good Work Done Following are the details of his contribution in quantifiable terms :-

Inputs / efforts put in by the employee: Achievements :

Benefits to the Company:

Sectional Head For use of HR Department Action :

Head of Department


Award Category


Annexure - II


:- __________________


:- Head of HR.

Department :- __________________ Name of the Nominee :M/s_________________________________ Designation

Date :- _____________ Mr./ Ms/ :- ______________

:-___________________ Level

The nominee has been recommended for an award in line with the Reward & Recognition policy as per details given below :Award Recommended : Team Award Performer of the Quarter

Following are the details of his / her / teams contribution in quantifiable terms :-

Inputs / efforts put in by the employee/team : Achievements:Benefits to the company:-

Sectional Head

Head of Department
For use of HR Steering Committee



: 1


Annexure III
NOMINATION FORM FOR AWARDS. FOR ANNUAL AWARD (Nomination form for CEOs annual award for HODs at Regions): From :- __________________ To :- Head of HR at HO.

Department :- __________________ Name of the Nominee Designation

Date :- _____________

:- Mr./ Ms.____________________________ :-___________________ Level :-______________

The nominee has been recommended for an award in line with the Reward & Recognition policy as per details given below: Award Recommended : CEOs Award . Following are the details of his /their contribution in quantifiable terms:

Inputs / efforts put in by the employee




Benefits to the company




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