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Leadership Profle: Mother Teresa

Leadership Profile: Mother Teresa Mother Teresa is a fine example of a leader in todays culture. Her profound ways of humble and servant leadership has forever shaped the way this world looks at those who live without. Her prime example of ethical use of power has become an example to those who have a great deal of persuasion in this world. The example being, that one does not need money, power, an office, staff, an overbearing voice, or a tottering society, to change the world. Instead, all that is needed is a conviction, a heart of humility, and a life of devotion. Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, she was the youngest of three children. In her teens, Agnes became a member of a youth group in her local parish called Sodality. Through her involvement with their activities guided by a priest, Agnes became interested in missionaries. At age 17, she responded to her first call of a vocation as a Catholic missionary nun. She joined Is this essay helpful? Upgrade your account to read more and access more than 700,000 just like it! get better grades an Irish order, the Sisters of Loretto, a community known for their missionary work in India. When she took her vows as a Sister of Loretto, she chose the name Teresa after Saint Thrse of Lisieux. (the Patron Saint of missionaries) In Calcutta, Sister Teresa taught geography and catechism at St. Mary's High School. In 1944, she became the principal of St. Mary's. Soon Sister Teresa contracted tuberculosis, was unable to continue teaching and was sent to Darjeeling for rest and recuperation. It was on the train to Darjeeling that she received her second call -- "the call within the call". Mother Teresa recalled later, "I was to leave the convent and work with the poor, living among them. It was an order. I knew where I belonged but I did not know how to get there." Mother Teresa started a school in the slums to teach the children of the poor. She also learned basic medicine and went into the homes of the sick to treat them. In 1949, some of her former pupils joined her. They found men,

Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was a woman of power, leadership, and compassion. Her great deeds in serving the poor has won her many awards, such as the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize in the year of 1979 (World Book). Mother Teresa changed the lives of many, which includes the rich, poor, parentless, living, and dying. Mother Teresa had a vision to serve the poor, a strong work ethic as a teacher, collaboration skills for working with the Missionaries of Charity, and a strong commitment to gospel values. Mother Teresa's early years spent with her family and community prepared her for the hard work she was going to face in the future. Her name at birth was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. She was born in August 1910 in Serbia. She was born to Catholic Albanian parents and was the youngest of three (Spink). Agnes received her education from a convent-run primary school (Spink). She learned her morals and values at both school and at home. Her family had been Catholic for generations and prayer was a must (Spink). Is this essay helpful? Upgrade your account to read more and access more than 700,000 just like it! get better grades Catholicism was a tradition in the family and carried out well. Her family was active in the church and had a lot to contribute, for example, musical talent. Agnes played the mandolin and sang in the choir (Spink). Drana Bojaxhiu, Agnes's mother, was a critical part of Agnes's journey. Drana let those who were less fortunate into her home and welcomed them by offering food and homemade clothing. Sometimes, Agnes helped her out with errands (Spink). "She assumed her new role as provider with all the strength of which has undoubtedly possessed. Thus it was very largely under the influence of her devout mother, and her insistence on the value of the non-material riches of kindness, generosity and compassion for the poor and weak, that the foundations for Agnes's future apostolate were laid" (Spink). With her mother's influence, Agnes grew up following in her mother's footsteps. By helping others she experienced what it was like to serve, and with such such fruitful education and a...

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