Surveying Practice

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Presented By:

Helen Zhuang

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Course Description and Outcomes Course Schedule Module 1 Introduction to Quantity Surveying Module 2 MasterFormat and Types of Estimate Module 3 - Principles of Measurement Module 4 Form of Estimate and Measurement Examples Module 5 Excavation Module 6 Concrete


Module 7 - Masonry

10.0 Module 8 - Wood Framing

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Course Description This course provides an overview of the Quantity Surveying and Estimating profession and will examine the services provided, education, professional institutions and the challenges facing the profession in a global market economy. The course introduces the student to the basic principles of Quantity Surveying. It is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to quantify lengths, areas and volumes for simple plans in a structured format using a standard method of measurement and industry terminology. It focuses on the various types of estimates, the estimating process and the techniques of measurement for excavation, concrete, masonry and wood frame for small buildings.

Course Outcomes Assess professional careers and opportunities in quantity surveying Research international professional quantity surveying institutions Identify areas in the construction sector where knowledge of quantity surveying is necessary Define the attributes required to be a successful quantity surveyor Describe the system for organizing construction information Describe the type of estimate required at each stage of project development. Measure building elements by length, area and volume in accordance with the principles of quantity surveying as stipulated by the CIQS Method of Measurement. Measure and take-off quantities of work for excavation, concrete, masonry and wood frame for small buildings, using sketches and working drawings for Construction works in accordance with the principles of measurement as stipulated by the CIQS Method of Measurement of Construction Works.

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Course Schedule
Duration 2.5 weeks (15 modules-1.5 hours per module) Start date: June 11/09 to June 26/09 Module Topic
1. Introduction to course, course outline. 2. International professional quantity surveying institutions 3. Professional careers and opportunities in quantity surveying 4. The attributes required to be a successful quantity surveyor


1. The system for organizing construction information 2. The type of estimate required at each stage of project development

Assignment1Quiz (10% Marks)

1. Measurement of wall lengths/the Perimeter Centre Line concept, Area and Volume

1. Introduction to CIQS standard estimate form 2. Measurement example

Assignment 2 (10% Marks)

1. Measurement of excavation 5

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1. Measurement example for excavation

Assignment 3 (10% Marks)

Construction site visit in conjunction with the Building Science class. 1. Measurement of concrete 2. Measurement of formwork

1. Measurement example for formwork and concrete

Assignment 4 (10% Marks)

1. Measurement of masonry 10 1. Measurement example for masonry 1. Measurement of wood floor joists 1. Measurement of wood wall framing and roof sheathing 1. Measurement example for wood framing Final Exam Simple Plan for the quantification of items covered in the course Assignment 6 (10% Marks) Assignment 5 (10% Marks)






40% marks

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Module One
Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 1. Assess professional careers and opportunities in quantity surveying 2. Research international professional quantity surveying institutions 3. Identify the areas in the construction sector where knowledge of quantity surveying is necessary 4. Define the attributes required to be a successful quantity surveyor

1.0. International Quantity Surveying Institutions

1.0.1 Introduction The history of quantity surveying dates back to the seventeenth century. However, it was in the 20th century that Quantity Surveying evolved as a profession. Traditionally the Quantity Surveying education evolved around the guidelines provided by two professional bodies, namely the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in the United Kingdom and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS) in Australia.

RICS can trace its history right back to 1792 when the Surveyors Club was formed. The requirement for such an organization was driven by the rapid development and expansion of the industrialized world. As it began to take shape - and the infrastructure, housing and transport links grew - there was a need for more stringent checks and balances. The Institution of Surveyors later became the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and has evolved into the preeminent organization of its kind in the world. The AIQS played a key role with the other professional institutions within the Asia Pacific region to form the Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS) This organization plays a key role in the Asia Pacific region. These two organizations have promoted Quantity Surveying education in various parts of the world and statistics show 120,000 members in 120 countries. PAQS is a confederation of national quantity surveying associations from the Asia-Pacific region and membership is only open to professional quantity surveying institutes within the Asia-Pacific region. Current members are:

AACE International (AACEI) Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS) Building Surveyors Institute of Japan (BSIJ) Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (CIQS) China Engineering Cost Association (CECA) Page 6

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Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Institute of Surveyors, Malaysia (ISM) New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NZIQS) Singapore Institute of Surveyors & Valuers (SISV) Institution of Surveyors, Engineers and Architects (Brunei) (PUJA) Fiji Institute of Quantity Surveyors (FIQS). Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Sri Lanka (IQSSL) Association of South African Quantity Surveyors


HISTORY OF QUANTITY SURVEYING IN CANADA Quantity surveying as a profession has been in existence for over 150 years. Starting in the United Kingdom it has spread to most of the English speaking world. The profession of Quantity Surveying was widespread in Canada prior to the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Changes came about largely due to the influence of Van Horne who imposed the American system of lump sum tendering in the construction of the railway. The results being that for the next 70 years, contractors increasingly employed their own estimators and dealt with clients directly. In this period the term estimator largely replaced that of the Quantity Surveyor. People performing this extremely important function within the industry, however, had no organization to which they could turn for advice or comparison of problems. In February 1959, a number of these Quantity Surveyors were invited to a Founder Members meeting in Toronto. From this meeting the objectives, rules and regulations of the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors were developed. On January 13, 1988 the Institute obtained the official mark Professional Quantity Surveyor and subsequently has also registered the initials PQS and the French equivalents of conomiste en Construction Agr and the initials ECA. Construction Estimator Certified (CEC) is a new category developed by the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (CIQS) and implemented in 1996 to continue to promote the profession of construction estimating. The concept of bidding on a common, guaranteed bill of quantities prepared by the owners quantity surveyor, which is the traditional accepted practice in some other parts of the world, has not gained acceptance in North America. However, the provision of preparing preliminary bid quantities is now common, although the risk of determining the correct amount of work still remains with the bidder One of the significant characteristic of construction estimating in Canada is that construction companies must bid not only on their knowledge of pricing, planning and administration of their construction companies, but in the short time allowed for bidding, on their ability to measure the quantities (material and labour components of the work) as well.

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Quantity Surveying Services The Traditional Services offered by Quantity Surveyors in Canada z Builders Quantities z Cost Planning/Budgeting z Estimating and Contract Administration Additional Services Offered by Quantity Surveyors in Other Countries z Prepare Bill of Quantities z Prepare Contract/Tender Documents z Perform the role of Project Manager


Demands on the Quantity Surveying Profession A modern day Quantity Surveyor in its portfolio of competencies must add Information Technology and Business Administration skills as well has entrepreneurial skills in order to move forward in the global market. Information Technology now plays a significant role in how quantity surveyors provide their services. Construction Information Technology used in Quantity Surveying Profession z Electronic communication - e-mails/use of the internet z Electronic measurement tools digitizers and use of CAD for measurement. z Electronic estimating software Information technology allows quantity surveyors to focus less on the time consuming technical aspects of their profession to achieve more value adding level of services


International Trends in Quantity Surveying Making inroads and playing a more important role in the following field:
z Project/Construction management

At the project implementation stage, it is important for the client to employ some one who should be able to play as an agent on behalf of the client. He/she should be also able to protect the clients interest. The Professional QS is in the best position to provide these PM/CM service amongst those in the project team members as he/she is an independent profession as well as he/she provides cost management during both the design and construction stages of a project.
z Information management

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Information flows in construction will increasingly be made by electronic means as well as tools for the QS. Future tools and techniques will be firmly based on Information Technology. It is also forecasted that IT tools can be utilized to provide new value-added services, for example, expert computerized systems for cost estimating developed for and by quantity surveyors.
z Facilities Management Services

The QS is well placed to provide total facilities management services, such as life cycle cost management, building management, property portfolio management, etc. To most QSs, it might be a new domain to enter and might not be as easy as doing current business. However the QS is always used to handle practical data and is familiar with its analysis. As a result, the continuity of quantity surveying professional services to project owners would be established and it becomes uninterrupted from the time of inception of a new project until its disposal or change to another new one. The QS have a great potential to provide a one-stop service on facility management to clients.

2.0 Professional careers and opportunities in quantity surveying and estimating

2.1. Opportunities Generally, knowledge of the procedures for quantity surveying and estimating is required by almost everyone involved in or associated with the field of construction. From the estimator, who may be involved solely with the estimating of quantities of materials and pricing of the project to the carpenter, who must order the material required for building the framing for a home, this knowledge is needed to do the best job possible at the most competitive cost.

2.1.1. Architectural Offices. The architectural office will require estimates to plan and control the cost in the four stages of the pre-tender period; program or concept stage (based on costs per unit of gross floor area), schematics stage (costs of major elements per square metre or square foot), design development stage (setting a cost target for all the components of the building), and the contract document stage (trade by trade breakdown of costs to evaluate the lowest acceptable bid). In large offices a quantity surveyor or an estimator may be hired primarily to do all required estimating. In many offices the senior architectural technologist, head or lead architect may do the estimating or it may be done by someone in the office International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 9

that has developed the required estimating skills. There are also estimating services or cost consultants who perform estimates on a for-fee basis. 2.1.2. Engineering Offices. The engineering offices involved in the design of building construction projects include civil, structural, mechanical (plumbing, heating, air conditioning), electrical, and soil analysis. All of these engineering design phases require preliminary estimates; estimates while the drawings are being prepared, and final estimates as the drawings are completed. 2.1.3. General Contractors. Typically, the general contractor makes detailed estimates that are used to determine what the company will charge to do the work required. The estimator will have to take off the quantities (amounts) of each material, determine the cost to furnish (procure and ship to the site) and install each material in the project, assemble the bids (prices) of subcontractors, as well as determine all of the costs of insurance, permits, office staff, and the like. In smaller companies one person may do the estimating, whereas in larger companies several people may work to negotiate a final price with an owner or to provide a competitive bid. Many times, the contractor's business involves providing assistance to the owners, beginning with the planning stage and continuing through the actual construction of the project (commonly called design - build contractors). In this type of business the estimators will also provide preliminary estimates and then update them periodically until a final price is set.

2.1.4. Subcontractors. Subcontractors may be individuals, companies, or corporations hired by the general contractor to do a particular portion of the work on the project. Subcontractors are available for all the different types of work required to build any project and include excavation, concrete, masonry (block, brick, stone), interior partitions, drywall, acoustical ceilings, painting, steel and precast concrete, erection, windows and metal and glass curtain walls, roofing, flooring (resilient, ceramic and quarry tile, carpeting, wood, terrazzo), and interior wall finishes such as wallpaper, wood paneling, and sprayed-on finishes. The list continues to include all materials, equipment and finishes required. The use of subcontractors to perform all of the work on the project is becoming an acceptable model in building construction. The advantage of this model is that the general contractor can distribute the risk associated with the project to a number of different entities. In addition, the subcontractors' trade personnel perform the same type of work on a repetitive basis and are therefore experts in their field. The subcontractor carefully checks the drawings and specifications and submits a price to the construction companies who will be bidding on the project. The price given may be a unit or lump sum price. If a subcontractors bid is presented as what he or she would charge per unit, then it is a unit price (such as: per square metre, per block, per thousand brick, per cubic metre of concrete) bid. For example, the bid might be $27.25 per linear metre (m) of concrete curbing. Even International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 10

with unit price bids the subcontractors needs to perform a quantity takeoff so that they can have an idea of what is involved in the project, at what stages they will be needed, how long it will take to complete their work, and how many workers and how much equipment will be required. The subcontractor needs the completed estimate to determine what is a reasonable amount for overhead and profit. The subcontractor would not know how much to add to the direct field cost unit price for overhead unless a quantity takeoff had been performed. If the subcontractor submits a lump sum bid, then he or she is proposing to install, or furnish and install, a portion of work: For example, the bid might state "agrees to furnish and install all Type I concrete curbing for a sum of $23,267.00." Each subcontractor will need someone (or several people) to check specifications, review the drawings, determine the quantities required, and put the proposal together. It may be a full-time estimating position or part of the duties assumed, perhaps in addition to purchasing materials, helping to schedule projects, working on required shop drawings or marketing. 2.1.5. Material Suppliers. Suppliers submit price quotes to the contractors (and subcontractors) to supply the materials required for the construction of the project. Virtually every material used in the project will be estimated and multiple price quotes sought. Estimators will have to check the specifications and drawings to be certain that the materials offered will meet all of the requirements of the contract and required delivery dates. 2.1.6. Manufacturers' Representatives. Manufacturers representatives represent certain material or product suppliers or manufacturers. They spend part of their time visiting contractors, architects, engineers, subcontractors, owners, and developers to be certain they are aware that the material is available, its uses and approximate costs. In a sense they are salespeople, but their services and the expertise they develop in their product lines make good manufacturers' representatives welcome not as salespersons, but as needed sources of information concerning the materials and products they represent. Representatives may work for one company or they may represent two or more. Manufacturers' representatives will carefully check the specifications and drawings to be certain their materials meet all requirements. If some aspect of the specifications or drawings tends to exclude their product, or if they feel there may be a mistake or misunderstanding in these documents, they may call the architectengineers and discuss it with them. In addition, many times they will be involved in working up various cost analyses of what the materials or products installed cost will be and in devising new uses for the materials, alternate construction techniques, and even the development of new products. 2.1.7. Project Management. Project Management companies specialize in providing professional assistance in planning the construction of a project and keeping accurate and updated information about the financial status of the project. Owners who are coordinating large projects often hire such companies. Among International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 11

the various types of owners are private individuals, companies, corporations, government agencies (such as public works and engineering departments), and various public utility companies. Both the firms involved in project management, as well as someone on the staff of the owner being represented, must be knowledgeable in the estimating and scheduling of a project. 2.1.8. Government. When a government agency is involved in any phase of construction, personnel with experience in construction and estimating are required. Included are municipal, provincial, federal, and other nationwide agencies including those involved in highways, roads, sewage treatment, schools, courthouses, nursing homes, hospitals, and single and multiple family dwellings financed or qualifying for financing by the government. Employees may be involved in preparing or assisting to prepare preliminary and final estimates; reviewing estimates from architects, engineers, and contractors; the design and drawing of the project; and preparation of the specifications. 2.1.9. Professional Quantity Surveyors. Professional quantity surveyors may be hired to prepare a detailed Schedule of Quantities for contractors bidding on a project but are unable to prepare their own quantity takeoff. Such individuals, designated by the Canadian Institute of Quantity Surveyors or firms often provide a complete estimating service and must possess all the attributes of estimators employed directly by contractors 2.1.10. Freelance Estimators. Freelance estimators will do a material takeoff of a portion or entire project for whomever may want a job done. This estimator may work for the owner, architect, engineer, contractor, subcontractor, material supplier, or manufacturer. In some areas the estimator will do a material takeoff of a project being competitively bid and then sell the quantity list to one or more contractors who intend to submit a bid on the project. Many times a talented individual has a combined drafting and estimating business. Part of the drafting business may include preparing shop drawings (drawings that show sizes of materials and installation details) for subcontractors, material suppliers, and manufacturers' representatives.

3.0. The attributes required to be a successful quantity surveyor

To be able to properly perform quantity takeoffs, the estimator: Must be able to read and interpret design and working drawings Must be knowledge of mathematics and a keen understanding of geometry Page 12

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Must have the patience and ability to do careful, methodological, and thorough work

To be an estimator an individual go a step further. He or she: Must be able, from looking at the drawings, to visualize the project through its various phases of construction. In addition an estimator must be able to foresee problems, such as placement of equipment or material storage, then develop a solution and determine its estimated cost. Must have enough construction experience to possess a good knowledge of job conditions including methods of handling materials on the job, the most economical methods of construction, and labour productivity. With this experience, the estimator will be able to visualize the construction of the project and thus get the most accurate estimate on paper. Must have sufficient knowledge of labour operations and productivity to thus convert them into costs on a project. The estimator must understand how much work can be accomplished under given conditions by given crafts. Experience in construction and a study of projects that have been completed are required to develop this ability. Must have the ability to keep a database of information on costs of all kinds including those of labour, material, overhead, and equipment, as well as knowledge of the availability of all the required items. Must be able to meet bid deadlines and still remain calm. Even in the rush of last - minute phone calls and the competitive feeling that seems to electrify the atmosphere just before the bids are due; estimators must be mentally alert. Must be able to deal with a number of bids in various stages of the bidding process Must be computer literate and know how to manipulate and build various databases and use spreadsheet programs.

People cannot be taught experience and judgment, but they can be taught an acceptable method of preparing an estimate, items to include in the estimate, calculations required, and how to make them. They can also be warned against possible errors and alerted to certain problems and dangers, but the practical experience and use of good judgment required cannot be taught and must be obtained over time. How closely the estimated cost will agree with the actual cost will depend, to a large extent, on the estimators' skill and judgment. Their skill enables them to use accurate International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 13

estimating methods, while their judgment enables them to visualize the construction of the project throughout the stages of construction.

Module Two
Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 1. Understand the system for organizing construction information in North America 2. State the type of estimate required at each stage of project development

1.0. Master Format 2004 Edition

1.0.1 Introduction

MasterFormat is the specifications-writing standard for most commercial building design and construction projects in North America. It lists titles and section numbers for organizing data about construction requirements, products, and activities. By standardizing such information, MasterFormat facilitates communication amongst architects, specifiers, contractors and suppliers, which helps them meet building owners requirements, timelines and budgets. Major Advantages z Used throughout North America z Produced jointly by Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) & Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) in the USA z Construction information is organized into a standard order or sequence z An industry accepted system of numbers and titles for organizing construction data. To learn more about MasterFormat 2004 Edition, go to MasterFormat

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MasterFormat 2004 is a three level six-digit system. The first two digits represent the division number as level one. The next pair of numbers represents level two and the last two digits represent level three. For example: Division 03 Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-in-place concrete 03 31 00 Structural concrete To systematically organize the estimate, estimators in North American normally follow the MasterFormat system to compile the estimating information to avoid missing or duplicating the quantities and pricing the construction works. International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 15

Estimating summary or recap example:

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2.0. Types of Estimates

At different stages of a project development, estimators need to produce different types of estimates based on the available project information. Conceptual Estimates At the project feasibility study stage, typically, there are no drawings available and the developers/owners only have some ideas about the project type, size and location. When preparing this type of estimate the estimator makes assumptions about virtually every aspect of the project. The estimator needs to use his/her knowledge and experience as well as the database he/she has from similar previous projects to build this estimate. An adjustment may be required for a change of location and for price escalation over time.

This rough estimate (accuracy of plus or minus 30%) will be used to help the owner make decisions on project development and financial arrangement as well as for controlling the project cost in later design stages. A typical unit of measurement would be for example, cost per bed unit in a hospital project or cost per parking space for a parking garage.

Preliminary Estimates (Volume & Area) At the project design stage, the estimator needs to update the estimate upon the available drawings and specifications. When simple plans are available, the volume method or area method are normally used to produce a preliminary estimate. The volume method involves computing the volume of the building and multiplying that volume by an assumed cost per cubic metre (foot). Using the area method, you compute the area of the building and multiply that area by an assumed cost per square metre (foot). Both International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 17

methods require skill and experience in adjusting the unit cost to the varying conditions of each project. These types of estimates are helpful to check whether the project as designed is within the owners budget. however, they lack accuracy. Annual publications such as R.S. Means "Yardsticks for Costing" contain a range of unit costs for a wide variety of building types in seven cities in Canada. These guides provide a number of adjustments to compensate for varying building component systems. Elemental cost estimates are based on the analysis of individual construction components. The elemental cost estimate needs more detail design drawings and is more accurate than the volume method or area method (accuracy is plus or minus 15 %). This type of the estimate needs to be updated according to information availability or design changes. The more information an estimator can get, the more accurate the estimate will be. Detailed Estimate At the project bidding stage, a detailed or unit price estimate is prepared by estimators for bidding a project. This detailed or unit price estimate includes the determination of quantities and costs of everything required to complete the project. This includes the direst costs and indirect costs of a project. The direct costs are the costs of material, labour, equipment or subcontracted items that are permanently and physically integrated into the building. For example, the labour and materials for the partition walls of the building would be a direct cost. Indirect costs are the cost for the items that are required to support the field construction efforts or general expenses of the project, for example, the project temporary site office and the daily expenses. Indirect costs also include a part of the head office administration costs as well as the finance cost. To perform this type of

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estimate the contractor must have a complete set of bid documents-specifications and drawings. The scope of work is broken down in work items and the unit price is assigned to each work item to obtain the total construction cost of the project.

Contemplated Change Order Estimates At the construction stage, under the terms of the stipulated lump sum contract, the Consultant must issue a notice of proposed change or contemplated change, together with any revised drawings or specifications, to the contractor to obtain a quote. These changes may include additions, deductions and alterations to part of the work that may or may not have been completed. These may be due to a change in the Owner's requirements, unforeseen conditions, emergencies or regulatory requirements, and may affect the contract price or contract schedule. The estimate for these notices must incorporate any additions or deductions from the original contract documents and include adjustments in contract price and contract time. Unit rates, including levels of profit and overheads, for pricing changes to the work may be established prior to the signing of the contract. Alternatively, they may be assessed on a fair and reasonable basis by the consultant.

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Module Three
Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 1. Apply basic mathematical formulas in measuring construction work. 2. Understand the principle of centre line measurement

1.0. The principle of the Centre Line Measurement

The length of the wall is represented by the length measured on the mid-point or centre line of that wall. Calculating the length on the centre line of the wall can simplify the wall length calculation by ignoring the thickness of that wall, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1

Length of L-shaped wall


3000 200


Length of this L-shaped wall: 5200 + (3000 -200) = 8000 mm Note the corner adjustment to the 3000 mm dimension

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Example 1: How to calculate the length of an enclosing wall

The principle of the Centre Line Measurement (PCL) In simple rectangular shaped buildings, where (L) is the exterior length on plan and (W) is the exterior width on plan, the enclosing wall length may be calculated by determining the total exterior perimeter length of the wall [2 x (L + W)] and making a deduction for each corner equivalent to the thickness (T) of the wall. In this instance the formula is: PCL= [2 x (L + W)] 4T Alternatively, where (L) is the interior length on plan and (W) is the interior width on plan, the interior perimeter length [2 x (L + W)] may be calculated and an addition made for each of the corners. In this instance, the enclosing wall length may be calculated using this formula: PCL= [2 x (L + W)] + 4T

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PCL OF RECTANGULAR BUILDING Taking exterior dimensions 12700 6500 2x 19200 38400 800 37600

Sum of one long and one short side Sum of all four sides Less corners Centre line of exterior wall Taking interior dimensions


Add corners Centre line of exterior wall


12300 6100 2x 18400 36800 800 37600

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Perimeter Calculation
7600 200



200 8000 200 200

Length of blue box 8000 4000 12000 24000

Sum of one long and one short side Sum of all four sides


Length of green box (interior box) Less corners (differences)


24000 1600 22400

Length of blue box(exterior box) Add corners (differences) 8x200

22400 1600 24000

General formulas for two rectangles: y Any perimeter (larger) outside the primary can be calculated by applying the formula Pe=P+8d, where d is the horizontal distance from where P (the primary perimeter) was calculated to where Pe (the new perimeter) is to be calculated. y Any perimeter Pi (smaller) inside the primary perimeter (P) can be calculated by applying the formula Pi=P-8d.

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y Determining the centre line measurement can be challenging if the building has an irregular outline as shown in Fig. III : y In this case, first try to simplify the calculation by comparing this irregular outline with the rectangular outline, and then find the difference between these two outlines, finally add or subtract the difference.

The length on the centre line of the enclosing walls can be found as follows:

2x Less corners PCL 4x300

20000 9000 29000 58000 1200 56800

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y A comparison of the recess outline with the rectangular outline shows that buildings planned with recesses involve further additions when arriving at the perimeter of the enclosing walls. y In this case the difference is the additional two pieces of the wall BC and ED y The PCL of this recessed wall will be equal to the PCL of the base rectangle wall in addition to the length of BC plus ED (6000mm)

The length of enclosing walls measured on centre line is found as follows:

Add twice depth of recess (2x3000) Less corners 4x300 PCL

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22000 9000 2x 31000 62000 6000 68000 1200 66800

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2.0 Measurement of Area

(Square Metres - m/Square Feet - sf) Gross Floor Area (GFA) - Measure to the outside face of enclosing wall for the area on each floor without any deductions for openings within the floor area except as noted later. The measurement of the gross floor area of a building has been used for many years in the construction industry throughout the world to enable the costs of structures of similar type and construction to be compared. Enclosing wall: Those walls which form the outside perimeter of the structure and are made of permanent materials which provide weatherproofing to acceptable occupational standards Outside Face: The exterior face of an enclosing wall at floor level, excluding such horizontal features as projecting cornices, stone bands, etc.

No deduction to the area shall be made for: y Walls, partitions, columns, etc., y Openings in floors for stairwells, escalators, elevators, ducts and other facilities y Pits, trenches, depressions occurring in the lowest floor which are open or have removable covers Gross Floor Area includes: y Crawl spaces or basement area with a floor to ceiling height of 2 m or greater y Dormers, bay windows and the like, providing they extend vertically for the full floor height y Penthouses y Enclosed porches International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 26

y Balconies and mezzanines which are within the enclosing walls of the structure Gross Floor Area excludes: y Crawl spaces or basement area with a floor to ceiling height of less than 2m y Exterior balconies y Canopies y Exterior staircases and fire escapes which are not enclosed y Interior open court yard, light wells and the like y Porches which are not enclosed Gross Floor Area for special structures: Where auditoriums, swimming pools, gymnasiums, foyers and the like extend through two or more floors, they shall be included for the largest area, at one level only.

Example 1

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Project: Example 1 Project No: Measured: ZYH Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 31-Mar-09

Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference:







Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard from Page:

1. Gross Floor Area


82.55 83 m2


2. Net Floor Area Length: Less: 2x 200 12700 -400 12300 Width: Less: 2x 200 6500 -400 6100




75 m2

Carried Forw ard to Page:

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Example 2

Project: Example 2 Project No: Measured: ZYH Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 31-Mar-09

Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference:






Unit Unit Cost Price ( $ )

Brought Forw ard from Page:

1. Gross Floor Area Ddt setback)

9.00 3.00

180.00 -33.00 147.00

20.00 11.00

147 m2

2. Net Floor Area Length: Less: 2x 300 20000 -600 19400 Width: Less: 2x 300 9000 -600 8400 Ddt setback) Alternate: Gross floor area subtract the area occupied by exterior w all

19.40 11.00

8.40 3.00

162.96 -33.00 129.96

130 m2



147.00 -17.04 129.96

130 m2

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Example 3

Project: Example 3 Project No: Measured: ZYH Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 31-Mar-09 Element/Trade: Element/UCI Ref erence:







Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard f rom Page:

1. Gros s Floor Area Ddt recess)

9.00 3.00

198.00 -18.00 180.00

22.00 6.00

180 m2

2. Net Floor Are a Length: Less: 2x 300 22000 -600 21400 Width: Less: 2x 300 9000 -600 8400 Recess length: Add: 2x 300 6000 600 6600 Ddt recess) Alte rnate: Gross floor area subtract the area occupied by exterior w all

21.40 6.60

8.40 3.00

179.76 -19.80 159.96

160 m2



180.00 -20.04 159.96

160 m2

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3.0. Measurement of Volume

Project: Exam ple 4 Element/Trade: Element/UCI Ref erence: Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 31-Mar-09







Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard f rom Page: 1. Volum e of foundation w all PCL of f oundation w all: Length: Width: 2x Less 4x 12700 6500 19200 200 38400 -800 37600 Volum e of foundation w all 2. Volum e of foundation w all footing

37.60 37.60

0.20 0.40

1.20 0.20

9.02 3.01

9 m3 3 m3

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Module Four
Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 3. Utilize the CIQS standard estimate form to present measured work quantities 4. Measure wall lengths, slab areas and concrete volumes.

1.0. Standard Estimate Form

CIQSStandard Form of Estimate

Project: Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference: Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 5-Apr-09 Description No. Dimensions Extensions Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard from Page:


Carried Forw ard to Page:

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Column 1 In the Description column, a description of each item is entered. This column is also used for preliminary calculations and other basic information needed in building up the dimensions and references to the location of the work. y The work item descriptions should be clear and precise. The meaning and scope of each item of work should be indicated in the estimate so that each item can be accurately priced y Thicknesses shall be given in the description of items measured square y Cross-sectional dimensions shall be given in the description of items measured lineal y All dimensions shall be given in the description of items enumerated y Cross-sectional dimensions of weighted metal items shall be stated. y In the quantity take-off process, the construction estimator may use standard abbreviations for shortening descriptions. 30 MPa Concrete in foundation wall footing 30 Mpa conc. in fdn wall ftg Excavate for basement Exc. for bsmt Formwork to foundation wall Fwk to fdn wall 25 MPa concrete in column 25 MPa conc. in col.

Column 2 The No. or timesing column in which a multiplier is entered when there is more than one item being measuring.

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Project: Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference:

Project No: Measured: Extended:

Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced:

Page: Date: Checked:







Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard from Pag

1 033000- CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 033100 - Structural Concrete

TIMESING If there were ten such items then this dimension would be multiplied by ten as in 3.00 the example <<

30 MPa conc. in col.




30 MPa conc. in col.

10 5



If it were found that five more columns of the same dimensions were to be provided, this could be added by "dotting on" as 3.00 indicated <<

Carried Forw ard to Page:

Column 3-5 The Dimensions columns in which the actual dimensions are entered, as scaled or taken from the drawings. Dimensions are entered against an item in one, two or three columns depending on whether it is enumerated, linear, square or cubic. The order of entering dimensions should be consistent and generally in the sequence of length, width and height/thickness/depth. Dimensions are entered to the nearest 10 mm i.e 2 decimal places in metres/feet For example: a length of 2456 mm shown on the drawing must be recorded as 2.46 m

Column 6 The Extensions column in which the number, length, area or volume obtained by multiplying together the figures in column 2-5 is recorded to 2 decimal places for transfer to column 7. International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 34

Column 7-8 The Quantity and Unit column in which totals from column 6 is transferred to the nearest whole number (integer) and which dependent upon the type of work will be cubic, square, linear, enumerated or units of weight. Column 9 The Unit Price column in which the unit price for the item of work is entered by the estimator. The unit price includes the following costs unless otherwise stated in the description: Labour and all associated costs Material and all associated costs Placing or installing materials in position Equipment and all associated costs Waste on materials

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Column 10 The Cost column in which the total cost of the item is obtained by multiplying column 7- Quantity and column 9- Unit price.

Each sheet should be completed with the information required at the top of the sheet: 9 the title of the project and the project number 9 the estimate number and estimate type 9 the trade for which the quantities are applicable and the reference number the initials of the person measuring, extending, pricing and checking 9 the date of the estimate and the page numbering to denote the number of each sheet with reference to the total number of sheets used for the estimate. 9 A carried forward to summary page number must also be indicated for ease of reference.

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2.0. Measurement Example

Example 3

Project: Example 3 Project No: Measured: ZYH Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 31-Mar-09 Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference:







Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard from Page:

1. Gross Floor Area Ddt recess)

9.00 3.00

198.00 -18.00 180.00

22.00 6.00

180 m2

2. Net Floor Area Length: Less: 2x 300 22000 -600 21400 Width: Less: 2x 300 9000 -600 8400 Recess length: Add: 2x 300 6000 600 6600 Ddt recess) Alternate: Gross floor area subtract the area occupied by exterior w all

21.40 6.60

8.40 3.00

179.76 -19.80 159.96

160 m2



180.00 -20.04 159.96

160 m2

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Assignment 2: Examine the plan (to be issued in the class) and calculate the following:

1. 2. 3. 4.

the gross floor area the internal floor area the centreline length of the composite wall the centreline length for the following: a. face brick b. concrete block

5. the volume of the foundation wall 6. the volume of the foundation wall footing 7. the volume of the concrete slab

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Module Five Measurement of Excavation

Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 1. Describe the process of excavation quantity take-off 2. Understand the various factors that may affect the quantities as well as the cost of excavation 3. Calculate the quantities of earthwork for small buildings



The quantity take-off for excavation is normally considered as one of the most difficult portions of the estimators task since the tender drawings usually can only provide very little detail about the specific requirements of the earthwork operation. There are no drawings showing estimators the dimensions and shape of the excavation as well as the dewatering system. Estimators must make decisions based on their own construction knowledge and work experience. Drawing sketches to help in understanding the actual excavation dimensions and shape are the most efficient way to help estimators calculate the quantities for earthwork in small buildings. 2.0. Excavation Considerations

2.0.1 Soils Report

The Soils report provides information about the subsurface conditions of the site obtained from bore holes and other information The Soils or Geotechnical Report may be included in Division 31 of the Specifications or may be bound with the specification, or if it is not, can be viewed at the design consultants office

The Soils report provides the estimator with the information to determine the dewatering system- whether water will be encountered; the required slope of the bank in the excavated area or whether shoring will be required. Contractors should not solely rely on information provided by the soils report but should make their own investigation of subsurface conditions.
2.0.2 Excavation Safety Consideration

The potential danger to workers in trenches due to cave-ins of the earth embankments is a safety hazard that must be considered in every quantity takeoff for excavation work. International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 38

The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects (OSHA)require that the sides of all earth embankments and trenches over 1.2m deep be adequately protected by a shoring system or by cutting back the sides of the excavation to a safe angle. As a consequence, the estimator must allow extra excavation for cutting back the face of excavations to a suitable angle wherever this is possible. The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects (OSHA) require that an excavation in which a worker may work shall have a clear work space of at least 450mm between the wall excavation and any formwork or masonry or similar wall. As a consequence, the common practice in estimating for excavation is to make allowances for work space as follows: To footing/Trench/Face of mass excavation: 150mm from face of footing or 600mm from face of wall above, whichever is greater

To trenches for pipes: Not exceeding 300mm in diameter- 300mm on each side of the pipe Exceeding 300mm in diameter-600mm on each side of the pipe

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Measurement Notes

y Excavation, backfill and fill in Bank Measure y Soil Classification (silt,clays,gravels,sand,ordinary earth, rock) y Measuring categories:(as per the Method of Measurement) y Site Clearing y Excavation over site to reduce levels y Basement Excavation y Trench Excavation y Pit Excavation International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 40

y Different fill must be kept separate y Fill and Backfill categories: y Fill over site to raised levels y Backfill to basements y Backfill to trenches y Backfill to pits y Gravel under Slab-on-grade y Soil Removal y Haulage off or on site via trucks y Could leave for recap - ready for pricing


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Project: College Workshop Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference: Project No: 201 Measured: Extended: ZYH Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 1 of 6






Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page: RECAP

310000 - Earthwork 312000 - Excavating


Excavate for basement

197 m3

.2 Backfill around basement

74 m3

.3 Granular A base to slab

8 m3

.4 Disposal of excavated material

123 m3

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Project: College Workshop Element/Trade: Site Work 310000 No. Element/UCI Reference: Description Project No: 201 Measured: ZYH Extended: Dimensions Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Extensions Quantity Page: Date: Checked: Unit Unit Price Cost ($) 4 of 6

Brought Forward from Page: Basement Excavation Depth 2440 Less top fdn to grade Add ftg 200 2240 200 2440 Length: w/s Width: 6690 w/s 2* 600 1200 7890 2* 600 7920 1200 9120

Excavate for basement (part1) Ddt

9.12 3.52

7.89 0.90

2.44 2.44

175.57 (7.73) 167.84

168 m3

PCL - Exterior Wall Length: Width

2* Less 4* PCL 200 -800 28420

7920 6690 14610 29220

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Project: College Workshop Element/Trade: Site Work 310000 No. Element/UCI Reference: Description Project No: 201 Measured: ZYH Extended: Dimensions Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Extensions Quantity Page: Date: Checked: Unit Unit Price Cost ($) 5 of 6

Brought Forward from Page: Basement Exc - Slope Depth 2440 Less min 1200 1240 Slope Length: 100 600 1240/3 add 8* PCL slope 413.3 1113 8907 37327 28420

Additional exc for slope (part2)






Backfill -random (part2)


Excavate for basement

167.84 28.70 196.54

197 m3

Bkfill Length: 100 300 add 8* PCL bkfill Fdn proj length. 100 1/2 proj add 8* 50 150 400


3200 31620 28420

1200 29620

Backfill around basement (part1)


31.62 29.62

0.60 0.10

2.44 0.20

46.29 (0.59) 45.70 45.70 28.70 74.00

Total backfill around basement

74 m3

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Project: College Workshop Element/Trade: Site Work Element/UCI Reference: 310000 Project No: 201 Measured ZYH Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 6 of 6






Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page: Basement- Granular A base: Length less 2*300 7920 -600 7320 Width less 2*300 6690 -600 6090

Granular A base to slab

Ddt (col

7.32 3.52 0.90

6.09 0.90 0.90

0.20 0.20 0.20

8.92 (0.63) (0.16) 8.12 196.54 -74.00 122.54

8 m3

Disposal of exc mat.

123 m3

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Assignment 3: Determine the quantities for the foundation excavation works required for the residential building shown in drawings A101 107 inclusive (Issued at the beginning of the course) as indicated below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Excavate for basement Backfill around basement Gravel base under the slab Disposal of excavated material Weeping tile and stone cover

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Module Six Measurement of Concrete

Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 1. Describe the process of concrete and formwork quantity take-off 2. Calculate the quantities for concrete and formwork on small buildings


Scope of the work Masterformat: Division 3 - Concrete

y Concrete y Cast-in-place concrete y Pre-cast concrete y Mass concrete y Concrete Finishing and Curing y Formwork y Reinforcement y Reinforcing bars y Welded Wire Mesh (WWM) y Stressing tendons y Pre-stressing tendons y Post-stressing tendons y Steel deck subfloor y Fibrous reinforcing y Concrete Accessories y Anchors and Inserts y Expansion and Contraction joints y Saw-cuts y Waterstops 2.0. Procedure for measuring concrete quantities

The concrete for a project may be either ready mixed or mixed on the project site. Most of the concrete used for commercial and residential projects in Canada is ready mixed and delivered to the construction site by a ready-mix company. Concrete is estimated by the cubic metre (m3) or cubic yard (c.y.). To get the volume of the concrete, we normally take the length in metres of each item and multiply by its width (in metres) and thickness (in metres) or take the length in metres of each item times its cross-sectional area.

1. Review specifications - List for each component (columns, walls, beams, slabs) the type, strength and, colour of the concrete and any special curing and testing. - Requirements for reinforcement 2. Review drawings - To be certain that items shown on the drawings are covered in the specifications, if not obtain clarification. 3. List items of concrete required on the project 4. Determine quantities from working drawings plans, sections and structural details 3.0. General measurement rules for concrete Measure net in place. At this stage, the quantities are not adjusted for wastage. The waste factor will be accounted for in the pricing process. No deduction to quantities for openings less than 0.05m3 or reinforcing bars (rebar). Classify in categories as per the CIQS Method of Measurement y Cast-in-place concrete y Precast concrete y Mass concrete (need specific treatment) Separate take off by the mix (the specification will provide this information e.g. 25 MPa concrete) Concrete Finishing and Curing Measured in square metres/square feet, plan area of slab or exposed surface of wall location, type of finish, sealers

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General measurement rules for formwork y Contact Face Area actual m surface of formwork in contact with the concrete y Classify as per the function of concrete (e.g. footing, wall, column) and as per the Method of Measurement of Construction Works: No deduction for openings not exceeding 10 m Surfaces not exceeding 200 mm wide is measured linear in metres Linear formwork by length: keyways, recessed edges, grooves, chases Circular formwork: Diameter and height Curved formwork: Radius and area Forming to walls and columns exceeding 3.5m in height shall be measured separately in 1.5m increments Slab formwork- Where over 3.5m high, the height shall be stated in increments of 1.5m


General measurement rules for reinforcement y Reinforcing Steel (Rebar) y fabrication and placing is normally subcontracted in North America y take off by count x linear and convert to weight use RSIO (Reinforcing Steel Institute of Ontario) handbook (kg per meter) Quick method - Add 10% to allow for laps, bends and hooks y List all bars of different sizes

y Welded Wire Mesh (WWM) y by type and area y Stressing tendons International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 49

y Pre-stressing (pre-tensioned) tendons - Linear y Post-stressing (post-tensioned) tendons Linear y Bonded tendons -Tube Ducts and Strand y Unbonded tendons y Steel deck subfloor - Area y Fibrous reinforcing - Area


General measurement rules for Miscellaneous Work y y y y Anchors and Inserts - describe and count Waterstops and Saw-cuts - linear by length Expansion joints - type, size, length or sealant type and length Non-shrink grout for anchor bolts & base plates in m3

Example: Measurement of quantities for concrete works shown on the following drawing

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Project: Foundation Plan 2.2 Element/Trade: Concrete Element/UCI Reference: 030000 Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: of




Extensions Quantity

Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page: RECAP

031000 - Concrete Formwork 031113 - Structural C.I.P. Concrete Formwork

.1 Formwork to foundation wall footing .2 Formwork to foundation wall .3 Form bulkhead; 200 wide .4 Form keyway .5 9.5 x 200 Anchor bolts

033000 - Cast-in-place Concrete 03310 0- Structural Concrete

.1 25 Mpa concrete in foundation footing .2 25 Mpa concrete in foundation wall .3 17.5 Mpa concrete slab to basement .4 17.5 Mpa concrete slab to garage

Carried Forward to Page:

Project: Foundation Plan 2.2 Element/Trade: Concrete 030000 Element/UCI Reference: Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 1 of 3




Extensions Quantity

Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page: RECAP

031000 - Concrete Formwork 031113 - Structural C.I.P. Concrete Formwork

.1 Formwork to foundation wall footing .2 Formwork to foundation wall .3 Form bulkhead; 200 wide .4 Form keyway .5 9.5 x 200 Anchor bolts

35 m2 335 m2 1m 71 m 36 ea

033000 - Cast-in-place Concrete 03310 0- Structural Concrete

.1 25 Mpa concrete in foundation footing .2 25 Mpa concrete in foundation wall .3 17.5 Mpa concrete slab to basement .4 17.5 Mpa concrete slab to garage

8 m3 34 m3 15 m3 3 m3

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Project: Foundation Plan 2.2 Concrete 030000 Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 2 of 3


Element/UCI Reference:






Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page:

Ext Length: Width:
2* Less 4* 2* PCL 200 600 -800 1200 60800

11300 6700 12200

30200 60400

Int Length: Less 6700 -200 -1500 5000 Width:

Less PCL of int. fdn wall Less Proj. to ftg: 2*140 -280 9520 PCL of int. fdn ftg

5000 5000
10000 -200 9800

Fwk to ftg
(ext (int

2 2

60.80 9.52

0.25 0.25

30.40 4.76 35.16 290.62 46.84 -2.10 335.37 0.70 60.80 9.80 70.60

35 m2

Fwk to fdn wall

(ext (int (ddt Bulkhead

2 2 2

60.80 9.80 3.00

2.39 2.39 0.35

335 m2 1m

Form bulkhead; 200 wide

0.35 60.80 9.80

Form keyway

71 m

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Project: Foundation Plan 2.2 Element/Trade: Concrete 030000 Element/UCI Reference: Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 3 of 3






Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page: Concrete 25 Mpa Concrete in footing (ext (int

60.80 9.52

0.48 0.48

0.25 0.25

7.30 1.14 8.44 29.06 4.68 -0.21 33.54

8 m3

25 Mpa conc in fdn wall

(ext (int (ddt Bulkhead

60.80 9.80 3.00

0.20 0.20 0.20

2.39 2.39 0.35

34 m3

Basement Slab: Length less 2*200 16500 -400 16100 Width less 2*200 12200 -400 11800 Garage Area: Length less 2*200 6700 -400 6300 Width less 2*200 5200 -400 4800 17.5 Mpa concrete slab to basement

Ddt Add

16.10 5.00 0.60

11.80 5.00 3.60

0.09 0.09 0.09

17.10 -2.25 0.19 15.04

15 m3

17.5 Mpa Concrete slab to garage





3 m3

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Assignment 4: Determine the quantities of formwork, cast-in-place concrete and accessories required for the residential building shown in drawings A101 107 inclusive (Issued at the beginning of the course) as indicated below:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Formwork to foundation wall footing Formwork to foundation wall Form keyway Anchor bolts 25 Mpa concrete in foundation footing 25 Mpa concrete in foundation wall 17.5 Mpa concrete slab to basement

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Module Seven Measurement of Masonry

Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify the scope of work for the masonry trade. Outline the factors that impact the cost of masonry Describe the process of masonry quantity take-off Calculate the quantities of masonry for small buildings


Scope of the work Masterformat: Division 4 - Masonry

In Masonry, the major materials include block, brick, stone and glass blocks. The mason is also responsible for the installation of lintels, integral flashings, joint wall reinforcing, ties, anchors, weep holes, and control and expansion joints. The following are the major scope of the work in Division 4- Masonry y Unit Masonry y Clay Unit Masonry y Concrete Unit Masonry y Glass Unit Masonry y Stone Masonry y Dry-placed Stone y Wet-placed Stone y Stone Trim y Masonry Accessories y Control and expansion joints y Embedded flashings y Weep holes y Masonry Anchorage and Reinforcing y Joint reinforcement y Ties and anchor bolts y Rebar y Steel lintels

The following sketches illustrate joint reinforcement (Ladur type); ties and reinforcement to block walls:

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MASONRY ACCESSORIES - ILLUSTRATED International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 58


Factors impacting the cost of masonry

The cost of masonry work is not only impacted by the type of the materials but also the amount of time required for a mason to lay a masonry unit. The labor hours vary with: Size, weight, and shape of the unit Bond (pattern) Number of openings Whether the walls are straight or have jogs in them Distance the units must be moved (both horizontally and vertically) Shape and colour of the mortar joint

Estimators must read the specifications, check the drawings, and call the manufacturers and builder suppliers to determine the exact availability of the material, costs, and special requirements of the units needed. They must also take into account the above listed factors to determine labour costs. If the specifications are not clear as to what is required, estimators should call the consultants office to obtain the clarifications. They should never guess what the specifications mean. 3.0. General measurement rules for masonry

General rules: Masonry work is measured in m. Measure the wall area Net in Place m Deduct any openings greater than 1.00 m (10sf) Masonry work circular/curved on plan is measured separately

Masonry is measured by the type of materials, type of the bonds, the thickness of the walls as well as the locations and specific requirements as follows: Facings Backings to facings Walls and partitions Furring to wall Fire protection

Measurement rules for Miscellaneous Work: International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 59

Reinforced block and tile lintels are measured linear in metres. Masonry units in special shapes are enumerated. Chimney caps are enumerated. Joint reinforcement is measured in metres Ties and anchor bolts etc. are enumerated Note: Deduction for ties, only if the opening exceeds 5 m Rebar is estimated by the weight, obtained by listing bars of different sizes and lengths and extending the total to kilograms or alternatively it is measured in metres stating the size. Steel lintels are measured in kilograms stating the size (check with specifications for supply and installation) Control and expansion joints are measured in linear metres Embedded flashings are measured in linear metres Weep holes are enumerated


Concrete masonry

Concrete blocks are manufactured in standard sizes. The standard modular face dimensions of the units are 200mm high and 400 mm long. Thicknesses available are 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mm. (These are nominal dimensions, and actual dimensions are 10 mm less. A 10 mm mortar joint provides face dimensions of 390 mm L x 190 mm H. It requires 12.5 blocks per square metre of wall.)

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Lintel Block

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Top course of block foundations should be filled or use solid top blocks

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Brick masonry

Clay bricks are manufactured in a variety of types and sizes. The following picture shows commonly manufactured bricks. Modular bricks are units in which the actual size plus a mortar joint can be assembled on a standard unit or module. e.g. the modular unit for metric brick sizes is 100 mm, the actual size of the brick (90 mm) plus the thickness of a mortar joint (10 mm) is the nominal size. Estimators must check the specifications to determine the exact type of material; the type of mortar required; the shape, thickness and color of the joint itself; and the style of the bond to determine the unit cost of the bricks. The estimator must also determine the type of lintels, flashing, reinforcing, and weep holes required, and who supplies and installs each item.

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Stone masonry Stone masonry is primarily used as a veneer for interior and exterior walls; it is also used for walkways, riprap, and trim on buildings. Stone masonry is usually divided into that which is laid up dry with no mortar be used and wet masonry in which mortar is used. Stone is used in many sizes, bonds and shapes. The types of the stone most commonly used are granite, sandstone, marble, slate, limestone, and trap. The finishes available include various split finishes and tooled, rubbed, machine, cross-broached, and brushed finishes. Estimators need to check the specifications to determine the type and color of the stone as well as the size, thickness of the stone required. Estimators also need to pay attention to the installation of the stone as well as the accessory cost. Stone is usually estimated by the area in square meters, with the thickness given. Stone trim is usually estimated by the meter or enumerated. Deduct all openings but not the corners.


Measurement techniques in masonry

The length of exterior wall will be obtained by applying the centre line principle The height will normally be taken up to some convenient level, such as the wall plate level or ceiling line/soffit level. Any additional areas of exterior wall such as gables and parapets at higher levels are then taken-off. Interior walls usually follow the measurement of exterior walls. A careful check should be made for the type and thickness of each partition, and where there is a number of different types of partition, colour each type in a different colour on the floor plans and mark each length on the floor plan as it is taken-off

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Extra over for various special patterns: brick-on-edge, sills, circular, etc. The formation of decorative patterns and features is measured in m or m as "extra labour and material", describing the decorative pattern or feature.

Extra over for bond beams in linear metres: add re-bar and concrete for bond beams (lintels)

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Pro Masory-Jenson Plan Element/Trade: Masonry Element/UCI Reference: 040000 Project No: Measur ZYH Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 1 of 2




Extensions Quantity


Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard from Page

Recap 040000 Masonry 040500 Commom Work Results for Masonry 1. 12.5 x 200 mm anchor bolts on top of the foundation wall 2. 800 x 400 mm metal basement windows 18 No. 4 No.

042200 Concrete Unit Masonry 3. 200 mm thick regular concrete block 4. 200 mm thick semi-solid concrete block 64 m2 11 m2

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Carried Forw ard to Page:

Project: Masory-Jenson Plan Project No: Measured: ZYH Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 2 of 2

Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference:




Extensions Quantity


Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forw ard from Page:

040500 Commom Work Results for Masonry 12.5 x 200 mm anchor bolts PCL of Fdn wall 10800 5500 2* Less 4* 16300 200 32600 -800 31800 2400 31800 14 14+4 18 No.

12.5 x 200 mm anchor bolts 042200 Concrete Unit Masonry 200 mm thick regular concrete block Length: Height: Less 2 courses 31800 2400 -400 2000 200 mm thick regular concrete block 200 mm thick semi-solid concrete block Ddt windows) 4 31.80 31.80 0.80 2.00 0.40 0.40 63.60 12.72 -1.28 11.44





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Assignment 5: Determine the quantities for masonry and accessories required for the residential building shown in drawings A101 107 inclusive (Issued at the beginning of the course) as indicated below:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Brick veneer Metal ties Metal flashing Weep holes

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Module Eight Measurement of Wood Framing

Learning Objectives After studying this section you will be able to: 1. Explain the steps to calculate lumber requirements for wood framing 2. Determine the lumber requirements for floor and wall framing 3. Calculate the quantities of roof sheathing required for a small house 1.0. General

Wood frame construction is the most widely used system for the construction of residential buildings in Canada. Generally called rough carpentry work, it includes framing to floors, walls and roof and any miscellaneous work which use wood, for example, blockings or supports. Lumber is a general term that includes boards, dimension lumber, and timber. It is a product that is manufactured by sawing logs into rough-sized lumber that is edged, resawn to final dimension, and cut to length. Dimension softwood lumber is sold by local lumberyards or builder suppliers in standard lengths of 610 mm (2 feet) multiples ranging from 2440 (8 feet) to 6100 mm (20 feet). The following are the stock lengths normally are used in construction: Metric 2440 mm 3050 mm 3660 mm 4270 mm 4880 mm Imperial 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Page 73

International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack

5490 mm


Hardwood and furniture grade lumber is ordered and sold by the board foot (Imperial measure) or by the cubic meter (metric measure). 1 B.F(board foot) = a piece of lumber that measures (nominal) 1" x 12" x 12" mfbm (MBF) 1,000 BF Board Foot Conversion: Size of lumber 12 (Constant) Example: 2 x 6 x 14 2 x 4 x 14 = (1 x 14) =14 BF = (0.67 x 14) =9 BF x Length = BF


General measurement rules for wood framing

Measure lumber in linear metres (lineal feet) - no specific stock length Measure lumber by the number of pieces in specific stock length Identify separately under the headings: o Dimensions o Grade o Species


General measurement rules for wood floor framing Steel beams - measured by length. Specify the size stating the weight per metre/foot. Steel adjustable posts and bearing plates measured by the piece Sill plates - measured in lineal metre (lineal feet) Page 74

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Joists Identify the dimension of the lumber and the stock length, record by number of pieces Bridging - measured by the piece (or set) stating joist centres, depth and method (solid or cross)

y Sheathing - measure in square metres (square feet) and convert to sheets (4 X 8) y No deductions for openings under 2 square metres (20 square feet) y Common boards, tongue and groove, plywood and other types of sheathing are kept separate


Measurement illustrations for wood floor framing

The floor framing generally consists of a wood (steel) beam, sill plate, floor joist, joist headers, and subflooring.

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Wood (steel) Beam: Beam length = Inside dimension + bearing distance The bearing distance for steel beam is 89 mm at each side.

Sill Plate: Sill plates are most commonly 38 X 140, 38 X 184, and 38 X 235 and are placed on the foundation so the length of sill plate required is the distance around the perimeter of the building. Lengths ordered will depend on the particular building. Not all wood-framed buildings require a sill plate so the details should be checked; but generally, where there are floor joists, there are sill plates. The length of sill is often taken off as the distance around the building. Furthermore, the sill lumber is typically treated and should be kept separate on International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 76

the quantity takeoff since treated lumber is more expensive.

Wood Floor Joists: The wood joists should be taken off and separated into the various sizes and lengths required. The spacing most commonly used for joists is 400 mm on centre, but spacings of 300 mm and 600 mm are also found. The most commonly used sizes for floor joists are 38 X 140, 38 X 184, and 38 X 235 and 38 X 286, although wider and deeper lumber is sometimes used.

To determine the number of joists required for any given area, the length of the floor is divided by the joist spacing, and then one joist is added for the extra joist that is required at the end of the span. If the joists are to be doubled under partitions, or if headers frame into them, extra joists should be added for each occurrence.

The length of the joist is taken as the inside dimension of its span plus 38 mm at each end for bearing on the wall or sill.

Joist Estimating Steps 1. From the foundation plan and wall section, determine the size of the floor joists required. 2. Determine the number of floor joists required by first finding the number of spaces, then adding one extra joist to enclose the last space.

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3. Multiply by the number of bays. 4. Add extra joists for partitions that run parallel to the joists. 5. Determine the required length of the floor joists.

Trimmers and Headers: Openings in the floor, such as for stairs or fireplaces, are framed with trimmers running in the direction of the joists and headers that support the tail joists. Unless the specifications say otherwise, when the header length is 1.20 m or less most codes allow single headers to be used. For header lengths greater than 1.20 m, codes usually require double headers. For trimmer lengths less than 0.80 m, single trimmers are required and for lengths longer than 0.80 m double trimmers are required.(Refer Figure A.7)

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38X235@400 OC


A R E A 1
W 150X 18 S T E E L B E A M

38X235@400 OC



A R E A 2
250m m F D N W A LL






1 1 m m S H E A T H IN G 38X 140 S P R U C E R 2 0 IN S U L A T IO N 6 m il V A P O U R B A R R IE R 1 2 .5 m m D R Y W A L L 1 5 .5 T & G S H E A T H IN G 3 8 X 2 3 5 J O IS T @ 4 0 0 O C

3 8 X 8 9 S P R S IL L P L A T E 250m m 1 0 0 m m W E E P E R T IL E 200m m W E E P E R S T O N E F D N W A LL

75m m C O N C S LA B 6 m il V A P O U R B A R R IE R 200m m G R A N U LA R A 400X 200 F T G


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F IG U R E 3



Floor Joints:
AREA 1: 14 length lumber: Layout Length Joist spacing = Rounded End Joist Total = = = = 10600 /400 26.50 27 (spaces) 1 28 (Regular joists)

AREA 2: 14 length lumber: Layout Length Joist spacing = Rounded End Joist Trimmer Joist Total 10 length lumber: Layout Length Joist spacing = = 10600 /400 26.5 Page 81 = = = = = 10600-2500 /400 20.25 21 (spaces) 1 4 (2 at each end of stair) 26

International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack

Rounded Less Total

27 (spaces) 21

Sill Plate:
PCL of the sill plate (38mm x 89mm): 10.60-0.022=10.58 8.50-0.022=8.48 2* 19.06 38.12 Less 4*89 -0.36 37.76 (38m)

Header Joints:
10.60-0.022=10.58 2 *10.58 21.16 So, to minimize the waste, 5 of 14 length lumbers are needed for header joists and 3 of 10 length lumbers are needed for header joists at stair opening

10600 /400 26.50 (rounded up to 27) Total Bridging: 2 x 27 =54 sets International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 82

Solid Blocking:
8500/1200=7.08 (Rounded up to 8) Less 1 7 2 x 7 = 14

400 x 14 = 5600 2 of 10 length lumbers are needed for solid blocking

Floor Sheathing:
10.60-0.022=10.58 8.50-0.022=8.48 10.58 x 8.48=89.72 m2 89.72/2.98=30 sheets


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Floor Joists:

AREA 1: 16 length lumber: Layout Length Joist spacing = Rounded End Joist = = = 6700 /400 16.75 17 (spaces) 1 2 (left and right side) 20

Double Joist (proj.) = Total 14 length lumber: Layout Length Joist spacing = Rounded Less Total = = = =

10600 /400 26.5 27 (spaces) 17 10

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Measurement illustrations for wood wall framing

The exterior and interior walls need to be estimate separately since they normally have different finish materials. The exterior walls are taken off first, then the interior walls. Basically, most of the wall framing consists of bottom plates, studs, top plates, headers (lintels), sills, trimmers, braces and finish materials


6 7 8



10 11



Plates: The most commonly used assembly incorporates a double-top plate and a single-bottom plate, although other combinations may be used. The estimator first begins by reviewing the specifications and drawings for the size of materials

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(commonly 38 X 89 or 38 X 140), the grade of lumber to be used, and information on the number of plates required The total length of plates is determined by multiplying the length of wall times the number of plates.

Studs: The stud takeoff should be separated into the various sizes and lengths required. Studs are most commonly 38 X 89 at 400 mm or 600 mm centres, or 38 X 140 at 600 mm on centre. The primary advantage of using 38 X 140 is that it allows for 140 mm of insulation as compared with 89 mm of insulation with 38 X 89 studs.

Quick method to calculate the wall studs: y Quick Method (by using a stud spacing measurement less than the actual specified stud spacing, this will allow for extra framing at wall intersections and openings. y Stud spacing 400 mm (16") y 1 stud every 300 mm (12") y Stud spacing 600 mm (24") y 1 stud every 500 mm (20") Hints: Normally need to add another 10% for waste when purchase material

Long method to calculate the wall studs: y Divide wall length by stud spacing plus adding an appropriate amount of studs for details such as corners, intersections, openings and bearing posts

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Corners - wall meeting at 90; Intersections - interior walls butting the wall being measured.

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Bracing: Allow for bracing (14' in length) to walls greater than 3.66 m (12'): o Exterior walls need 3 braces per wall (1 brace at each end is removed when an adjacent exterior wall is raised) o Interior walls require 2 braces (as the ends can be fastened to other walls) Headers (Lintels): Headers are required to support the weight of the building over the openings. A check of the specifications and drawings must be made to determine if the headers required are solid wood, headers and cripples, or plywood sheathing. For ease of construction, many carpenters and homebuilders feel that a solid header provides best results and they use 2 or 3-38 X 235 as headers throughout the project, even in non-load-bearing walls. Shortages and higher costs of materials have increased the usage of plywood and smaller size headers. The header length must also be considered. The header extends over the top of the studs and it is wider than the opening. Most specifications and building codes require that headers for openings up to 1800 mm wide must extend over one stud at each end, and headers for openings 1800 mm and wider must extend over two studs at each end.

Wall Sheathing: Exterior wall sheathing may be a fiberboard material soaked with a bituminous material, insulation board (often urethane insulation covered with an aluminum reflective coating), waferboard, or plywood. Carefully check the specifications and working drawings to determine what is required (insulation requirements, thickness). Fiberboard and insulation board sheathing must be International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 91

covered by another material (such as brick, wood, or aluminum siding), while the plywood may be covered or left exposed. All of these sheathing materials are taken off first by determining the area required and then determining the number of sheets required. The most accurate takeoff is made by sketching a layout of the material required (as with the sheathing in floor framing). The estimator must check the height of sheathing carefully, as a building with a sloped soffit may require a 2740 mm length, while 2440 mm may be sufficient when a boxed-in soffit is used. Openings in the exterior wall are neglected unless they are large and the sheathing that would be cut out can be used elsewhere. Otherwise, it is considered waste.

Other consideration: Allow for backing (2 - 38 x 89 pieces) to walls parallel to trusses and joists. EXAMPLE 1: Determining the quantities for wood wall framing

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Project: SMALL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Element/Trade: Div. 6 - Wood Element/UCI Reference: Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 1 of 5






Unit Unit Price

Cost $)

Brought Forward from Page: RECAP

WALL FRAMING 1. Plates; Spruce #2 .1 Exterior; 38 x 140

(2" x 6")

93 m 305 lf 8m 25 lf 60 m 195 lf

.2 Interior; 38 x 140

(2" x 6")

.3 Interior; 38 x 89

(2" x 4")


Studs; Spruce #2 .1 Exterior; 38 x 140 .2 Interior; 38 x 140 .3 Interior; 38 x 89

(2" x 6") (2" x 6") (2" x 4")

92 pcs 5 pcs 85 pcs


Wall bracing; Spruce #2 .1 Exterior; 38 x 89 x 4270

(2" x 4"x 14')

12 pcs

.2 Interior; 38 x 89 x 4270
(2" x 4"x 14')

4 pcs


Backing; Spruce #2 .1 38 x 89 (2" x 4") Lintels; Douglas Fir #2 .1 38 x 235 x 2440

(2" x 10"x 8')

34 m


8 pcs

6. 7.

7.5mm Wall Sheathing Building Paper

76 m2 76 m2


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Project: Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference: SMALL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Div. 6 - Wood Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 2 of 5







Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page:

First Floor Wall Framing

Length of Exterior Wall : 38 x 140 7400 8100 2* 15500 31000 Length of Interior Wall : 38 x 89 8100 less 2*140 Lr/Dr - Kitchen/Bed Bedroom " Bedroom/Closet " " 1067 add 2*89 Closet 149 610 905 710 50 Bathroom/Hall Kitchen/stairs 2424 2665 178 1245 -280 7820 2665 931 621 621 856

Dimensions by referenced location from drawing

Length Interior Wall : 38 x 140 Bath/stairs less 2665 -89 2576 Exterior Studs 38 x 140: 2 top 1 bottom

Plates; 38 x 140 Spr #2



93 m

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Project: SMALL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Div. 6 - Wood Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 3 of 5

Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference:






Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page:

Exterior Studs (cont'd)

No. of Studs: Spacing 600: 600 31000 51.67 Corner Opening 2.5 x 4 3x6 Total Studs; 38 x 140 x 2440 (ext Interior Studs 38 x 140: Intersection 2 x 6 52 10 12 18



92 Pcs.

Plates; 38 x 140
No. of Studs: Spacing 600: 600 2576 4.29 Precut Studs; 38 x 140 x 2440 (int 5 Wall between. bath/stair




5 Pcs.

Interior Studs 38 x 89:

Plates; 38 x 89



60 m

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Project: SMALL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Div. 6 - Wood Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 4 of 5

Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference:






Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page:

Interior Studs (cont'd)

No. of Studs: Spacing 400: 400 19848 49.62 Corner Opening 2.5 x 2 2.5 x 6 Total Studs; 38 x 89 x 2440 (int Wall Bracing 38 x 89: Intersection 2.5 x 6 50 5 15 15



85 Pcs.

ext) 3 to walls parallel 4 strapping int)to the trusses. 2 2

stock 4270 mm (14' ) Walls Requiring Backing: Kitchen/stairs Bath/stairs Bedroom " Closet " 2665 2576 2665 931 621 621 10079 7400 2* 160 -320 7080

Material allowance for

12 4 16 16 Pcs.

Backing; 38 x 89 ext) int) 2 2 7.08 10.08 14.16 20.16 34.32

34 m

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Project: SMALL RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Element/Trade: Element/UCI Reference: Div. 6 - Wood Project No: Measured: Extended: Estimate No: Estimate Type: Priced: Page: Date: Checked: 5 of 5






Unit Unit Price

Cost ($)

Brought Forward from Page:

Lintels - 38 x 235(2 x 10):

Window Frame # 1: Opening End Bearing 2* stock 2440 mm (8' ) 1100 100 1200 2400

2 Pcs

Window Frame # 2: Opening End Bearing 2* stock 2440 mm (8' ) Door Frame : Opening End Bearing 2* stock 2440 mm (8' ) 810 100 950 1900 2000 100 2100 4200

4 Pcs

2 Pcs 8 Pcs.

7.5mm Wall Sheathing Building Paper

31.00 31.00

2.44 2.44

75.64 75.64

76 m2 76 m2

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Measurement illustrations for roof framing

Most roofs are framed using trusses. Therefore Roof Framing is not a very extensive quantity take-off exercise. The truss manufacturer will likely request a set of the plans and do the take-off and shop drawings for the roof.

Roof framing includes: y Trusses (# of Common and Gable, state slope, span and overhang) y Lookout Sets (Ladder -shaped) - state slope, span and projection y Roof sheathing y Sheathing roof clips y Bracing for trusses y Rough Fascia y Ceiling Strapping

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Steps for estimating roof sheathing: Determine the area on plan Add the overhangs or projections Apply a Slope Factor: Calculated by obtaining the hypotenuse and dividing by the run How to calculate the slope factor: The design slope of 1/3: The rise is 1 and the run is 3 The hypotenuse is:
(1) +(3) = 3.162
2 2

3.612/3 = 1.054 Slope factor for 1/3 is 1.054 International Quantity Surveying Practices - Course Pack Page 102

List of the slope factors: 4/12 5/12 6/12 1/3 1/2 85/250 = = = = = = 1.054 1.083 1.118 1.054 1.118 1.056

Recommended waste factors for different types of the roof: Gable Roof Gabe Roof c/w Valley Hip Roof Hip Roof c/w Valley Full Hip Roof 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

EXAMPLE 2: Determining the Number of Sheets required for Roof Sheathing

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GABLE ROOF Roof Area (400 mm overhang) Slope factor = = 10.80 x 7.30 78.84 m2 5/12

Sheathing Requirements = = = =

78.84 x 1.083 /2.98 85.38/2.98 28.65 29 sheets

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300 5800



HIP ROOF TYPE B(1/3 slope) Roof Area = = Slope factor = Sheathing Requirements = = = = 9.60 x 6.40 61.44 m2 1/3 61.44 x 1.054 /2.98 64.76/2.98 21.73 22 sheets

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R O O F S L O P E : 8 5 /2 5 0

FULL HIP ROOF Roof Area = = Slope factor = 9.80 x 9.80

96.04 m2 85/250

Sheathing Requirements

= = = =

96.04 x 1.056 /2.98 101.42/2.98 34.03 34 sheets

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350 5300




COMBINATION ROOF Roof Area = = = Slope factor = (12.00 x 6.00) + (5.00 x 3.00) 72.00 + 15.00 87.00 m2 4/12

Sheathing Requirements


= = = =

87.00 x 1.054 /2.98 91.70/2.98 30.77 31 sheets

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Assignment 6: Determine the quantities of wood framing required for the residential building shown in drawings A101 107 inclusive (Issued at the beginning of the course) as indicated below: First Floor Framing: Include the following floor framing items only 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Steel beam and columns Sill Plate Beam strap Floor joist Cross bridging Floor sheathing Joist hangers

Include the following wall framing items only

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wall plates Wall studs Wall bracing Lintels Wall Sheathing

Roof sheathing 1. Plywood sheathing 2. Sheathing roof clips

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