Rakuen No Uta

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Rakuen no Uta


TuesdayJUL 2012




Title, Original Japanese: 1 Title, Romaji: Rakuen no Uta 1 Title, Translation: The Song of Paradise 1 Author: Suzufuji Miwa Illustrator: Kazuaki CD Information Released: 2009/11/26 Original price: 3,150 yen Running time: 77:43 Catalog number: FCCL-0003 Pairings Midorikawa Hikaru x Kamiya Hiroshi Cast Information Kurisu Shin: Midorikawa Hikaru Sasamoto Nachi: Kamiya Hiroshi Sasamoto Rimu: Gotou Mai

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Iida Kensatoru: Morikubo Shoutarou Kusunoki Haruka: Takagi Motoki Tsukishima Akira: Hirakawa Daisuke Sakuraba Tsuyoshi: Yasumoto Hiroki Makabe Nagisa: Amano Yuri Fujisaki Kazuya: Terashima Takuma Detailed Summary Track 1 Nachi walks along the streets, and hears a song being played. It makes him remember something in his past that he doesnt want to think about. A bitter memory that he had sealed up three years ago. He reaches home and storms into his twin sisters room and immediately interrogates her as to why he hears those particular lyrics on the street. At first, Rimu (his sister) pretends to be ignorant, but falters under Nachis persistance. Telling him that she accidentally saw his lyrics when pulling out his drawer to borrow a dictionary. Nachi questions further as to why his lyrics were broadcasted in a song, and Rimu said that there was this lyric writing contest to the fans, the one who gets their lyrics chosen by the Kixs band gets to view the filming of their PV (promo video). He chided Rimu that she loved the band so much that she even allowed them to change the lyrics to suit the song, without even getting the permission from him. Rimu apologizes and Nachi decides to get Kixs mail address. Nachi: I heard your new song. Lets not talk about your melody, but your lyrics suck. Reply: Who are you? Those lyrics were written by our fan. We really liked it, and they are really good. Nachi: Singing those lyrics that even a middle schooler can write, dont you feel embarrassed? Reply: Well, someone who doesnt understand, wont understand no matter what has been said. I dont know where you got this mail address from, but if you want to talk about these type of stuff, please take it elsewhere. Nachi: Talking about all those sorrowful stuff in the song, only at the end comes some hopeful sentences, makes it half-assed. In that sort of flow, how can hope even come. Other than that, arent you an idiot to reply to this sort of mail? Are you really an Idol? Reply: Is it bad to have hope? The conversation continues and Nachi accuses the person at the other end of changing the lyrics at the end of the song. The reply that comes as slightly puzzled, asking Nachi who exactly he was. However, Nachi refuses to talk somemore and hangs up the phone, asking him not to bother anymore. Rimu then comes running to Nachi telling him that he has a call.

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Nachi: Hello? Reply: Bastard, whats the matter with you and all your mails? Nachi: Huh? Reply: If you have any problems, say it now. What exactly is it that you dont like? Nachi to Rimu: Oi, whos this? Rimu: Its Shin, Kurisu Shin of Kixs. Nachi to Rimu: The person who composed the song?! No way! Reply (Shin) : I never thought itd be Rimu-chans brother. Nachi: Eeh, sorry for sending you such troublesome mails. Im just worried for my sister Shin: Whats that? Your attitudes totally different. And I dont find you bad or anything. Nachi: You must have. Youre busy right? You dont really need to have your time taken up by me. Shin: You want to hang up so fast? Youre talking to an awesome idol you know? At least try to sound happy. Nachi: Aah, drop it. I dont want to speak to someone like you. Shin: Hah? Nachi: Just like what I sent in the mail, I dont expect myself to be understood by someone like you. Just do whatever you want with the lyrics, and sing it with a face that stinks of lies. Shin: You. Nachi: Isnt it enough, I dont want to hear your voice anymore. Shin: Is that your true self? Nachi: If its so, then what? It doesnt concern you. Shin: You were the one who wrote those lyrics right? Nachi: I dont know. Your album release has already been decided anyways. What can be done by asking that now. Just dont call again. Bye. Nachi hangs up, pushes away Rimu who tries to hold on to him and returns to his room to reflect upon what had happened. The old wounds that he had tried desperately to forget has now opened once again. Track 2 Rimu tricks Nachi into following her to the PV shoot of Kix by telling him that theyre going shopping together. Nachi complains that she should just visit the filming site by herself, but Rimu says that she promised to bring Nachi along too. They come face to face with Shin and Nachi immediately starts to run away. Shin gives chase and grabs Nachi by the arm. Shin: Oi! Wait! Nachi: Let go! Shin: We finally meet. Why did you run away? Nachi: Why? I dont have the need to meet you. Shin: Hmm? Are you really Rimu-chans brother?

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Nachi: Why? Shin: Whats up with this shitty long fringe and stupid looking glasses? When I heard that you were Rimuchans twin, I thought you would be a better guy. Shin then invites Nachi to go together the filming site but Nachi refuses. Shin then threatens to let rumors about him and Rimu fly, on the pretext of just wanting to Nachi better. Nachi decides to just play along with him for now Shins other band members greets him and enquires whos the new guy they see before them. Kengo: Hmm? Whos that? Shin: Oh, Rimu-chans brother, Nachi. Haruka: Youre Nachi-kun? Nachi: Nice to meet you. Haruka: Nice to meet you, Im Kusunoki Haruka. Kengo: Im Iida Kengo, just call me Kengo. Nachi: Hah Haruka: Its very rare huh? Someone who can look at us without much reaction. Nachi: Is that so? Sorry. Nachi: Youre the type whos satisfied when people immediately asks you for a sign huh? Haruka: Haha, dont be mistaken. Actually, it has been a long time since someone doesnt treat us specially, so Im happy. You can also just call me Haruka. They continue talking about how Shins actually quite stupid and if something unpleasant happens, Nachi should just talk to them. Shin gives an indignant retort. Kengo, Haruka and Rimu then goes in as the filming is about the start, but Shin stays behind with Nachi for a bit. Nachi: Hey, I want to go back Calling me here what exactly is your motive, Shin? Shin: Oh, you finally called me by name. Regarding the lyrics, I re-wrote them. I also composed the song. However as a pro, to have a different opinion from the lyricist, is something I cant take. Nachi: I dont really care. I told you before to do whatever you like. Shin: Just sit and listen. Shin pushes Nachi down to sit. Shin: When the lyrics came, I was really touched. I didnt know we had fans with such good literature. Its just that the lyrics were too dark, an idol cant possibly sing it. Nachi: I know. Im honored to have the idol of a popular band sing my lyrics. This is enough right? Shin: Ugh, why do you talk in such a rebellious way? Those lyrics too, you wrote them but you said that they look like a middle schoolers writing. Nachi: It cant be helped. I wrote them when I was in middle school. Shin: Eh? Is that really true?!

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Nachi: Now you understand right? So just let me go already. Shin: If Nachi says that Im cool, Ill let you go. Nachi: Hah?! I dont get you. Then I wont be able to go back for the rest of my life. Shin continues to pester Nachi and Nachi retorts by saying, Isnt Rimu the one youre interested in?. Shin just brushes it off by saying Rimu is cute and continues leaning his face closer towards Nachi, flirting and offering to give him a kiss. Nachi of course gives his full out rejection immediately. They are then interrupted by Haruka who, upon seeing how Nachi is immune to Shins attacks, tells Nachi to be nice to Shin as Shins pride might break into pieces. He then tells Shin to attend his PV shoot. Nachi watches a bit of the filming but later managed to extract himself by coming up with some vague lie. Shin: Ill let you off today. However, dont ignore my mails or phone calls from now on. You remember what I said before right? Nachi: I know. Nachi had no choice but to listen to Shin with the threat of him spreading rumors about Rimu Track 3 Nachi: Ah, Im hungry. I shall just have pasta or something Tsukishima: Sasamoto! Nachi: Tsukishima-sempai? Tsukishima: Just as I thought, its Sasamoto. You give off a different vibe now so I was debating on whether to call out. Nachi: Long time no see. I have something on, so I have to go. Tsukishima: Wait Sasamoto. I need to talk to you about something, it has been bothering me. Nachi: I dont have anything to talk about. Tsukishima: Even if you dont, I have. Nachi knew what Tsukishima wanted to talk about. It was regarding the event that happened three years ago. Nachi didnt want to talk about it. About how he was being lied to. Tsukishima says that its not true, he didnt lie to Nachi, in fact, he still loves him. Nachi continues to reject Tsukishima he tells of the story about how when they were still in middle school, it was probably himself that liked his sempai first. In the literature clubroom, where hardly anyone ever drops by, Tsukishima always reads books by himself. In the autumn of the second year, it became a normal thing for the both of them to be together in the clubroom. The first person to make a move and confess, was Tsukishima. Nachi was more happy than surprised. He didnt know if he could call what he was feeling to be love, but since that day on, his sempai became the number one most important person to him. However, one day, when he goes to the clubroom to look for his sempai, he overhears other students talking with Tsukishima about him and Rimu.

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The younger sister of the second year Sasamoto twins, is really cute huh! I heard she doesnt have any boyfriends. But she always goes back with different boys. Yeah! And theyre all good looking ones too! Oh, come to think of it, her brother has the same face as her yes? Theyre twins after all. Why? Dont tell me youre okay with slanting the other way? With such a pretty face, even though hes a guy, he can be a good replacement isnt it? Yea I guess Haha! Tsukishima, you have such a serious looking face! Stop that. Tears fell from Nachis eyes as he heard that The book that he brought for his sempai dropped to the floor, and without even realizing that, he ran away in a daze. From then on, he stopped going to the clubroom. The following week, he wore glasses to school. His family was worried about his peculiar behavior, but of course, he couldnt say anything. He thought that he could finally forget about everything, but in front of him now, stood Tsukishima. Tsukishima realizes that Nachi overheard him talking with his friends, and tries to get Nachi to understand that he only said that, because he was embarrassed to admit that hes dating a guy instead of a girl. He continues saying that he never once thought that he likes Rimu-chan, much less think of Nachi as a replacement. Nachi asks incredulously whether Tsukishima expected him to believe such a thing. Also, if everything was a misunderstanding, Nachi would be the stupid one in this situation. His pride messed with his head, and he didnt know what to do. So Nachi chooses the easy way out and just brushes Tsukishima off with, If thats what you say, then well leave it as such. Tsukishima knows that Nachi still doesnt believe him and pleads further, but Nachi just announced that hes going off. Phone rings and after a long while, Nachi picks it up. Nachi: Yes yes. Shin: Dont fight over every single phone call. You wanted to hear my voice right? Nachi: Really annoying. What? What do you want? Shin: Dont say Im annoying! Why doesnt your phone go into the answering machine service? Nachi: I dont like it. So, what do you want? A person like you is supposed to be busy during the year end right? Shin: Yea. Even though Im busy, I still take time to call you Ah never mind about that. Nachi, are you free tomorrow night? Nachi: Busy. Shin: Think a bit before answering tsk. Youre free right?

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Nachi: Oi you. Are you really listening to what I said? Shin: I have a recording of a music tv program, want to come? You didnt even once hear that song properly right? Nachi: Music tv program? What would I achieve by attending wait, it isnt such an easy thing to attend these sort of events right? Shin: My companys president can handle these sort of things. Oh dang! My breaks ending! Ill mail you more details later! Cya! Nachi doesnt think much about Kixs songs, but he felt that it might allow him to relax his overactive mind a bit His final thought was that Rimus going to get angry at him for going to this program by himself. Track 4 Nachi: Theres nothing but females here and its a live show oh let me off already Interviewer: Is there anything Shin-kun is into now? Shin: Hmm I have actually, Im trying to tame a stray cat now. Nachi: Stray cat? Eh? He likes animals huhthats unexpected. Shin: Its really ugly but Im concerned about it. Haruka: Eh?! Thats not true! Its quite cute isnt it. Shin: Your eyes have gone bad recently. Haruka: No it hasnt. Interviewer: Is a stray cat that easy to tame? Shin: No, it stands firm on its ground, really quite hard to handle. Kengo: The cat definitely wont listen to you Shin. Haruka: When he wanted to kiss the cat, he was rejected with all its strength. *Fans scream Nachi: Why are you looking in my direction, Haruka? Wait. Kiss? Refusal? Dont tell me, the ugly stray cat is me? Interviewer: To refuse Shins kiss, the cat stands really firm on its ground huh? Your fans would want to be the cat, dont they? Fan 1: WANT!!!!!!! Fan 2: ME TOO!!! Shin: Yea, youre right. The cats really not true to itself. More fan screams. The interviewer then goes on to introduce the song Shin composed, and the band goes on to play Pandora ~Save your Heart~.

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Nachi: Ah, it turned into such a title? Saving your heart? Isnt that totally opposite from the lyrics? But my train of thoughts totally stopped there, when the piano intro starts sounding, I thought I heard the switch that transformed them into proper band players. I felt that I was cloaked in a place that stopped in time. Nachi: Though the lyrics were edited, the despair that was in it, was left intact. It was the same as when I first heard it. Nachi: Even though ones eaten up by hopelessness, theres saving power. Shins singing of despair, together with Haruka and Kengos saving harmony, its intensity was so much it made me dizzy. Yes, at that point of time, I wanted someone to save me. To be embraced. To have my wounds healed. What was left behind when the song ended, just like the legend of Pandoras Box, was certainly hope. *Translators note: If you dont know about the legend of Pandoras Box, read about it here! >> http://i.imgur.com/Z7fUY.png Girl: Erm, are you alright? Nachi makes a strange sound. Girl: Ah! Dont mind! I cried as well. Its a really nice song isnt it? Heres a handkerchief, please use it. Nachi: Thank you Nachis phone rings. Nachi: Its from Shin Should I answer or ignore it? This was the first time I seriously contemplated over it. Those lyrics had already slipped out of my hands, and completely dyed in Kix. But, I was very happy about it, and felt just a little proud. I was shown something like that right in front of my face, I guess I should apologize. I felt that it was proper etiquette for Shin, whos working as a pro in Kix. Nachi: Speaking. Shin: Eh? Youre not in a bad mood today. Nachi: I guess so. If I were to say, I might actually be in a good mood. Shin: Youve learned to love my performance again? Nachi: Idiot, I have not loved it in the first place. But, you were cool. All three of you. Shin: What? Its like youre being too honest. It gives me the creeps. Nachi: Shin definitely has more talent than me in writing lyrics. Shin: That was because Nachis lyrics were good. Nachi: Was really cool. Really. So, isnt it enough? Shin: Huh? Whats enough? Nachi: You dont need to call me anymore. Shin: What are you talking about? Nachi: You dont need to text me too. Not too worry, Ill erase your mail address. Shin: Wait Nachi. Whats this youre talking about, I dont understand. Nachi: Ill buy your CD. Shin: Even if you dont buy it, Ill give it to you. Its Nachis lyrics after all! Nachi: No. Thats Kixs song, isnt it? Its not sarcasm, I really feel so. Shin: Nachi.

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Nachi: From now on, Ill also catch you on TV if I feel like it. Shin: Nachi. Oi you, dont cut off the phone. Just listen to my side of the conversa Nachi hangs up the phone. Nachi: Well then, shall we head back? Nachi: As I looked upon the whole sky filled with stars, I thought that the next time if I see Tsukishimasempai, Ill let him talk a little more about us. Track 5 As Nachi accompanies Rimu on her shopping sprees, Rimu talks about Shin. Rimu: Is it still no good no matter what? Nachi: You have been persistent since last year you know? Rimu: But Shins so pitiful! Ive already forgiven you about the fact that you went to listen to the year-end recording by yourself, but as I thought, something happened on that day didnt it? From then on, your mood changed too. Nachi: Really? Its the same as last time. Rimu: Ah! My school friends! Nachi, Ill call you when I get back so can you just go somewhere to pass your time? Cya! Nachi: Wait, Rimu! That selfish girl! Tsukishima: Eh? Nachi? Nachi: Ah, Tsukishima-sempai! Tsukishima: What are you doing? Shopping? Nachi: Yes. Ive been dragged out by my sister. Tsukishima: I see. Im also doing shopping for my mum. Err, I I do you remember what I said the last time? Nachi: Eh? Tsukishima: I said I liked you. The other time You forgot Nachi: Sorry. Tsukishima: I guess it was to no avail. Never mind then. Tell me your phone number? You changed it right? I want to contact you. Nachi: Oh. Okay. Shin: Heh? You blocked my phone number, but you give him yours so easily? Nachi: This voice Dont tell me, in such a crowded place Tsukishima: Nachi, you know him? Nachi tries to run away but is quickly caught by Shin. Tsukishimas quite confused and asks what Shin is trying to do to Nachi. Shin just tells Tsukishima to shut up and get lost.

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Tsukishima: Nachi, whos this rude guy? Is he really your acquaintance? Shin: More like who the heck are you? Just scram. That person wearing a hat, doesnt he look like Shin? Yea, youre right. Nachi: Not good. At this rate Shin: Nachi, come with me for a bit. Tsukishima: Wait, Nachi! Shin: What are you doing? I cant get through to your phone and my mails rebound back too. Nachi: Theres no need for me to contact you anymore right? Shin: Tch, look here. On that recording day, you teared up right? Nachi: I said before right? The song that you guys made was good and I was moved. Thats all. Just be happy. What do you want to do anyways? Shin: *mumbles Nachi: Hah? Shin: I said I dont know! Nachi: Dont shout! What do you not know? Shin: Its like. Ill get concerned about you. Nachi: Whats with that? A profession of love? Shin: Its not that. Why should I like an unsophisticated someone like you? Youre completely not my type. Nachi: Look, so what exactly do you want with this unsophisticated me? Shin: Im offended that Im cut off of connections by you. Nachi: Hah? Just because of that? Ha? Hahahahahahaha. Shin: WHAT? Nachi: You say such things like a brat. Shin: Dont use the word brat! Nachi: I know I know! You just want to cut off our connections from your side right? I guess theres no choice then, Ill go along with you until you want to cut off connections. Shin: Hm Its like the way you phrase it makes me irritated as well. Nachi: Hehehehe. sorry sorry. Until you get sick of me, lets be friends. Shin: If you insist. Nachi: Yes, (tries to control laughter) I insist. Shin: Then, your mail address. Ugh Nachi, stop laughing already! Nachi: Haha, sorry. Track 6 Nachi: And so, a few days later, I was called to the filming studio by Haruka. Furthermore, this time not as a spectator, but as a substitute, for an androgynous model, who got into an accident.

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Nachi: Its definitely impossible! Im a novice, and I dont look like anything but a guy. Sakura: The make-up artist, which is me, Sakura-san, will make you perfect, not to worry! Nachi: Thats not the problem here. This wont turn out to be a job done by a pro right? Sakura: Nachi-kun, the results are all that matters in work; especially in this sort of industry. As they are talking, the trio from Kix walk in and Shin voices his disagreement in getting Nachi as the model because Nachi looks plain and boring. At this point, their companys director walk in, introduces herself as Makabe Nagisa, and talks more about the CM (commercial) in which Nachis going to be in. Nachi: Such a young persons a director?? Nagisa: Uni-sex, is the theme we need to sell this time. Fundamentally, its a perfume for males, but were also targeting existing female customers. Thats why, we need a stand-in who wont fail in being the perfect model. Nachi: When you put it that way, its even more impossible! However, no matter how much Nachi declines, Nagisa only pushes further, saying that itd be a shame and a waste of staff effort if the CM doesnt get released, and how she would take responsibility for everything. Nagisa: Asking you to do it for us now would be the best option. In fact, youll give us better results than the person we originally planned to have. Definitely! Nachi: I have conditions. Nagisa: Youll do it or us? Nachi: Firstly, please let this really be the only and last time. And this ones actually to Sakura-san Sakura: Yes? Nachi: Well, please dont let me be recognizable to even my friends. Sakura: No problem! Leave that to me! Is there anything else? Nachi: Also, please dont do up my face in a way that looks like Rimu, my younger sister. Sakura: Roger. Ill make it even more beautiful than hers anyways! Nachi: And so, besides being stripped of all I had, I was dragged here and there to get my size measured, got my long fringe cut, and by the work of the hands of the pros, I was reborn as a new person. Sakura: Ta-daa! The captivating uni-sex look has been completed! Nachi: Sakura-san! Kengo: Thats the bespectacled just now? Really?! Sakura: He looks better than what we imagined. Haruka: Nachi-kun, like I thought, you look so much better without your spectacles. Kengo: But, this is seriously crazy. Nachi: Is this alright? Haruka: No problem at all, in fact, we were right in choosing Nachi-kun! Kengo: Haha, Shin, are you okay? Shin: Who the heck are you? Nachi: Im Sasamoto Nachi. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Please treat me favourably).

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Shin: This must be a lie. Its impossible. Nachi: If Shin doesnt accept this, Id be troubled. Shin: Accept? Why do you even dress the way you do on normal days? Nachi: What? Is it that you cant work together with a novice like me? Haruka: Its fine, fine. Nachi-kun, dont be bothered about this. Shins like a kid, so it takes him some time to digest all these. Kengo: Yes, yes. Since we already say its fine. Just leave that guy, Shin, alone. Sakura: Then well start filming. Please move according to my plans. Nachi: Right, understood. Nachi: The shooting starts off with the scene where the two of us are in bed. Beside the sleeping Shin, the androgynous me uses Shins perfume, and leaves the bedroom. Shin takes the perfume bottle in his hand, and smiles. Uni-sex, it brings out the fact that both males and females can make use of it, in this story thats filled with mystery. If its just like that, I would not have much interaction with Shin, but in the introduction portion of the CM, was a kissing scene. Shin: Too bad huh, a kissing scene without an actual sexual intercourse, it would be a good chance for me to show you that Im neither egoistic nor unskillful. Nachi: I dont want to know that in my whole lifetime. Sakura: START! Nachi: At that time, Shin opened his eyes slowly, and faced the camera with a daring expression, like a switch was being turned on. Nachi gasps slightly. Shin: What? Youre getting nervous? You dont need to worry, I wont really do it (sex) in such a place. Nachi: Of course! In fact, even if its not here, like Ill ever let you do that!! Nachi: My eyelids lowered, just like my kiss with Sempai, the voice that called my name, was a little sweet, gentle and affectionate, and a warm hand drew my shoulders nearer. Shin: Nachi Nachi: Shin was not projected in my eyes anymore. Thats why, I couldnt find any fault when Shins lips continued to come closer, than what was needed, to mine even after the Okay sign to stop was given. *Kiss Shin: Nachi *Kiss *Nachi kicks Shin away

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Shin: What the heck are you doing? Nachi: Thats my line!!! Youre really unbelievable! Sakura: HAHAHAHA! Sonny, your face then was great! Nachi: Dont tell me, you captured that?! Sakura: Dont worry, I wont use till the end of the recording. Shin: It really hurt. Isnt this a terrible thing to do to an idol? Nachi: Do you want me to kick you a second time? Just be thankful that I didnt punch your face! Shin: Eh, its just that when I saw Nachis sexy face, I couldnt stop, and anyways you were obviously thinking of someone else other than me. That made me irritated. Nachi is rendered speechless while Shin does another sigh. Haruka: But, were fortunate to have taken such a good shot. Shin: Of course, its me were talking about. Nachi: Shin pretended to be indifferent about what we did just now. Ill never forgive him for what he did. Track 7 *Door opens Nachi: Im home. Shin: Welcome back. Nachi: Rimu, have you eaten your din Shin: Not yet. Im hungry. Nachi: Why are you here?? Shin: Why? Im here to eat Rimu-chans homemade food. Nachi: Him again Shin: Anyways, why are you back in that retarded look? Even though your face looked so sexy that time. Nachi: Shin. Dont tell me youve told Rimu about the filming. Shin: Eh? Dont tell me you didnt want her to know? Look, today I did a lot of work. So Im really hungry now. If youre smart, you know what to do. Nachi: That move again? You really like to coerce people huh. Shin: Coerce? I didnt say anything yet. Rimu: Im home! Eh? Nachi, youre back? Nachi: Whats with that? What do you think youre doing? Rimu: But he mailed me saying hes hungry. Nachi: He could have just eaten outside. Isnt that what he always does? Rimu: How can an Idol eat outside? And you have been ignoring Shin again right? Nachi: This doesnt concern you Rimu: Then my friend coming over to play does not concern you either right? *all smiles Nachi: Look here! Rimu: Anyway, Nachi, dont just stand there, make din ner! Shin: Eh? Nachis going to be the one cooking?

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Rimu: Nachi likes cooking anyways! Shin: Eh? Is that so? Nachi: Im going to eat outside, so the both of you just eat however you like. Rimu: I dont want that. If youre going, do so after cooking. Shin: Did you forget what we said just now, Nachi? Rimu: Eh? What happened just now? Shin: Previously, in the advert Nachi: IDIOT! Ill just cook! Okay?! Rimu: Hmm, thats the way! Ill wait while talking to Shin! Shin: Well be waiting! Nachi: Tch irritating. Nachi: Here. Shin: Woah, its curry. Thats my favorite! Curry never fails to be good. Ah! Beers good too. Nachi: Oh yea, how did you come here today? Shin: By car? Nachi: Ah! Then dont drink already! Thats against the regulations! Shin: I guess so. But ive already drank anyway. So you might just have to let me stay. Nachi: Haaaah?! Shin: Like I expected, its a room with nothing much Nachi: No matter how you look at it, theres nothing interesting about a guys room. Ill put futons in the living room, so just go to sleep. *Shin flops onto Nachis bed. Shin: I dont wanna. I didnt talk to Nachi at all today anyways. Lets have a man to man talk now. Nachi: Ive always wanted to ask why are you always sticking to me? Shin: Because youre unusual? Nachi: Whats with this rare animal treatment? Im supposed to be a very normal male senior high student which can be found anywhere. Shin: After I formed Kix, youre the first one who still treats me as a normal person. Nachi: What? Dont tell me after all this time, you still want me to get your signature? Shin: Thats not it. Thats why I minded about Nachi. Ever since we know each other, weve been arguing via mails as well. Ive also always been rejected and ignored by you since then. These days, I feel that I dont really understand myself as well. Nachi: Hah? Dont tell me youre troubled? Shin: What? Even I can be troubled. Nachi: You? What can you be troubled about? Shin: Nachi, this is not a time for laughing. Nachi: Haha, nevermind, just say it? Shin: The working-me, and the not-working-me. Everyone obviously only wish for the working-me.

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And recently, because Ive been busy, Im always taking up the working-me. When its like that, its as though the not-working-me has no value anymore. Nachi: Isnt that true? Shin: Haah? Did you say that the not-working-me has no value at all?? Nachi: Isnt Shins job, a job like this? Shin: Yes. Thats the thing. Even my fans, they just look upon the working-me as a dream. Nachi: This guys an idiot. He doesnt know how much hes being loved, nor how much hes a special presence to people. Nachi: You know, like I said, I dont like you. Shin: Why do you say that at a time like this? Nachi: Just listen to the end, sheesh. Ill only say this once. Shin: What? Nachi: The working-you is without a doubt, part of you, Kurisu Shin. The expressing of that, without the expressing of the not-working-you isnt the fault of your surroundings, but your own fault. Shin: Youre preaching again? Nachi: The working-you is too perfect. If you want people to acknowledge the real you, just let that part out a bit more. Shin: If my fans go away, what would I do? This world is always revamping. Nachi: Theres no one who can replace Shin. The you at works really a Pro anyway, really is special. Shin: Special? Nachi: Yea, special. *Kiss Nachi: All of a sudden, he forcefully french kissed me. From there, was a bitter taste. I left my guard down! Nachi: What the heck are you doing? Stop it Shin! Shin: Because you had that look on your face, with those words you said. Ill obviously want to kiss you, normally. Nachi: Look here! Thats what I hate about you! Shin: What? Didnt you said I was special? Nachi: You. Arent you totally misunderstanding me?? Shin: Isnt that too late then. Anyways, Im totally serious now. Nachi: Its amazing you can create such a indecent face. I have no intention of contacting you. If you want to play with Rimu, do it at a place where it doesnt affect me. Shin: If you ignore me, Ill use the public radio to confess to you. Nachi is shocked. Shin: Let me tell you, Im not joking. Im definitely going to make you fall for me.

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Nachi: So, a few days after that threat cum declaration of love, I received messages from Haruka and Kengo. Haruka: Today we had TV program shooting, Shin felt different. The next time we meet, do definitely tell me what happened yea? By the way, that CM is going to be broadcasted soon. Looking forward to it yea? Kengo: Nachi, something happened between you and Shin right? He told me stuff that makes no sense, telling me to keep my hands off you. Dont tell me youve been eaten up by him? For now, Shins moving in a good direction, if its thanks to you, as Kixs leader, Ill have to thank you. Track 8 Nachi: Even a few days after receiving the set of threat and declaration of love, I didnt treat him seriously. I did not experience confession on the radio, so for now, all I need to do is just not to ignore his mails. Currently, Im just waiting for him to get bored of this rare-animal-treatment of me. Waitress: This is the Coffee Latte that youve ordered. Please enjoy it. Nachi: Thanks. Nachi: Tsukishima-sempai! Tsukishima: Nachi! Sorry, Im a bit late Nachi: Its completely alright. Nachi: I met with Tsukishima-sempai at a prearranged time, and talked about trifling matters with him. About school stuff, or about the books we are reading now. By being like this, I could actually feel that Im only a student, and for some reason, it gives me relief. Tsukishima: By the way, does Rimu-chan have a boyfriend now? Nachi: Eh ? Why talk about Rimu at this timing? Tsukishima: I mean, Nachi didnt go out with anyone all these while right? So I was just wondering whether your sisters the same. Nachi: Aaah. Well, she goes out with so many guys that I dont even know whos her boyfriend. Also, she likes good guys, hasnt changed ever since she was in Junior High. Tsukishima: She has that many guys huh. Then Nachi cant lose too. Nachi: Haha. I guess so. Lets leave soon, its getting dark too. Tsukishima: Err Nachi: Yes? Tsukishima: Ah, nevermind. Nachi: Even till now, I am still trying to understand the meaning of his words of I still love you. However, I just cant seem to do it. Tsukishima: The next time we meet, remove your spectacles. Itd definitely be more Nachi-ish. Nachi: Okay. Ill do that. Rimu: Hah! Nachii~ Nachi: Rimu?

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Rimu: Nachi! Lets go home together! Nachi: Its embarrassing so dont call my name so loudly. Rimu: What? Seeing that you can walk outside with such a non-fashionable look, something like this is alright isnt it? Nachi: Ha.. I guess so. Nachi: Even though the me now and Rimu, definitely dont look the same (T/N: Hes saying that even though he definitely dont look the same as Rimu since they are older, but he still wears un-fashionably and puts on his specs and he wonders for a bit as to why he still does so) Rimu: Hey, the person with you just now; is he your sempai in your club? Nachi: Why do you know about it? Rimu: Well I think it should be fine if I say it now I was confessed to by him before. Nachi: Confessed? Are you sure you did not mistaken it? Rimu: Hmm actually, the first time was when he was graduating, well, his looks were not bad, but he wasnt my type, so I rejected him, and he told me to absolutely not tell you because you were his junior in your club. Nachi: What do you mean by the first time? Rimu: Well, about one year ago, I was confessed to again when returning home from school. I kinda felt that he was annoyingly persistent. I am also unable to remember every guy I rejected, so I really forgot about him till just now. Nachi: I see Rimu: Oh no, your face looks pale, are you okay? Nachi: Rimu, I left something in the shop that I was at just now, so Ill go back to get it. Rimu: Heh?! Wait, are you really okay? Nachi: Im fine. Go back first. Rimu: Nachi?? Nachi runs away, and his phone starts ringing shortly after. Shin: Ho? You picked up after just one ring. Thats rare. Nachi: What? Shin: I just called you because I am having a break right now. Nachi: Hmm Shin: Nachi? Youre weird today? Nachi: Say that you like/love me. (T/N: Suki actually just means like, but it can be used as love too.) Shin: Hah? Wait are you serious, Nachi? Nachi: Haah, you dont particularly like me or anything right? Just that Im a rare find. Shin: Nachi. Dont tell me youre crying? Nachi: Sav ave. Shin: What? What ave?

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Nachi: You said.. even though you said that youd save me! Shin: Oi Nachi, where are you at now? Nachi: What? Youre worried about me? I dont need that. That kindness. Even you will soon forget about me. Nachi: Lie you lier! I hate someone like you! Track 9 Cuming Soon! (**)

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