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Basic Hypnotherapy for Professionals


Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. Clinical Hypnotherapist

Editors: Jocelyn Baker, Lori Stephens of Verbatim Editorial and Dr. Patricia Cob erly

Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. No material in this book may be reproduced or utilized in a ny form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recor ding, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission fro m the author. ISBN 978-1-60402-041-0

For Kristen, Sam, Mina, and Trish Four Capricorn ladies who made all the difference. Table of Contents Table of Contents............................................................5 Foreword........................................................................ ..1 Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................3 Stages of Consciousness..............................................4 What Is Hypnotherapy?.................................................6 Ethics.......................................................................... ...8 Hypnotherapy Overview..............................................11 Recording Your Sessions............................................13 Controlling the Environment.........................................14 Clients to Refer Out.....................................................16 Helpful Tip....................................................................1 6 Suggested Practice......................................................17 Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 1 - Introduction.......18 Chapter 2: The Pretalk..................................................19 The Client Is in Control................................................22 Abreactions..................................................................22 Sleep Is Fine................................................................23 Sample Pretalks...........................................................23 Sample Pretalk 1......................................................24 Sample Pretalk 2......................................................28 Sample Pretalk 3......................................................31 Sample Pretalk 4......................................................35 Helpful Tip....................................................................3 9 Suggested Practice......................................................40 Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 2 - The Pretalk.......41 Chapter 3: Inductions...................................................42 Relaxation Inductions..................................................43 Sample Induction 1..................................................51 Sample Induction 2..................................................53 Helpful Tip....................................................................5 3 Suggested Practice......................................................54 Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 3 - Inductions.........55 Chapter 4: Deepenings..................................................56

Sample Deepening 1................................................61 Sample Deepening 2................................................63 Helpful Tip....................................................................6 4 Suggested Practice......................................................65 Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 4 - Deepenings.......66 Chapter 5: Scripts..........................................................67 The power of Scripts....................................................75 Sample Script for Finding Love.................................78 Sample Script for Financial Success........................79 Sample Script for Overcoming fear of Singing on Stage........................... .............................................80 Sample Script for Weight Loss 1..............................82 Sample Script for Weight Loss 2..............................83 Sample Script for Weight Loss 3..............................85 Sample Script for Weight Loss 4..............................86 Sample Script for Weight Loss 5..............................87 Helpful Tip:...............................................................88 Suggested Practice......................................................89 Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 5 - Scripts...............90 Chapter 6: Amnesia.......................................................91 Sample Amnesia 1.......................................................94 Sample Amnesia 2.......................................................96 Sample Amnesia 3.......................................................97 Helpful Tip....................................................................9 8 Suggested Practice......................................................98 Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 6 - Amnesia............99 Chapter 7: Trance Termination...................................100 Helpful tip...................................................................10 5 Suggested Practice....................................................105 Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 7 - Trance Termination........................... .....................................106 Chapter 8: Tying It All Together.................................107 Your next step - Certification......................................110 Helpful Tip..................................................................111 Suggested Practice....................................................111 Final Exam....................................................................11 3 Glossary.......................................................................1 14 Answers........................................................................1 16 Appendix......................................................................12 2 Forms........................................................................... 124 INTAKE FORM..........................................................125 CANCELLATION/ RESCHEDULE POLICY...............131 RECORD SHEET......................................................132 CLIENT LEDGER......................................................133 References...................................................................134 Resources....................................................................136 Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed.................................137

Foreword In the 1950s, the American Medical Association took notice of hypnosis after a p atient underwent a thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid) while in a hypnotic tr ance induced by a hypnotherapist (Blakeslee, 2005). No other painkiller or anest hesia was used. Since then, hypnotherapists have made powerful strides toward changing public pe rception about hypnosis. Doctors continue to use hypnosis to calm their patients , and to ease pain during procedures (Bierman, 1995). They regularly tell patien ts how easy recovery will be. Additionally, doctors tell patients that a procedu re is common and meets with a high degree of success. Because these phrases are delivered by an authority figure, they act in exactly the same way as hypnotic s uggestions, and become reality for the patient. More obvious hypnotic suggestion s are also sometimes given to patients by doctors trained in hypnosis, and for o ver a century, dentists have used hypnosis to ease discomfort during dental proc edures. In addition to using hypnotic techniques themselves, doctors and dentists regula rly refer patients to hypnotherapists for help with weight loss, smoking cessati on, and overcoming fears about dental and surgical procedures. Before the 1950s, the medical profession scoffed at hypnotherapy, but today it is being readily e mbraced as a complement to long-standing medical procedures. According to the southern Medical Journal (2004), as many as 40% of Americans us e some form of complementary and alternative medicine such as hypnotherapy. At n o other time has the world of hypnotherapy been as wide open with exciting possi bilities as it is now. Because more and more people are exploring and accepting the benefits of hypnotherapy, a much greater need for qualified hypnotherapists a potential o to open practices now exists. The goal of this book is to give you r practicing hypnotherapist a strong base for building your practice. You will b e guided through a basic hypnotherapy session, and you will be given homework op portunities to use and modify your techniques so that you can help others lose w eight, find love, and increase their financial success, among other issues. For the latest information about the hypnotherapy world, visit www.americanallia the website of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, of which I am the founder and director. The organization started in America as a network of hypnotherapists, but it is now open to practitioners worldwide. Among other things, this site lists hypnotherapists and classes available in your local area . Become a member. It s free.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Hypnotherapy is not a Zen-like trance in which the client, also referred to as t he patient, is in some sort of metaphysical state. From time to time, clients wi ll experience this state; however, the goal of hypnosis is to get the client int o a very light trance, also known as Alpha. When in Alpha or deeper, a client s brai n waves are altered (Blakeslee, 2005) and they are more suggestible than when th ey are in Beta. They are therefore more able to receive messages that influence positive change. Anything deeper than Alpha (Delta or Theta) is helpful but not necessary. Stages of Consciousness Hypnotherapy practices deal with four stages of consciousness: Beta, Alpha, Thet a, and Delta. Normal waking consciousness is called Beta. In Beta, a person s brain is fully fun ctional and in an alert state. It is paying attention to, and processing stimuli from the outside world. In Alpha, the person is slowed down slightly and is therefore more focused and a ble to dedicate her train of thought to one thing. Equate Alpha to the state you are in when watching TV, or when you have been driving for a lengthy period. Wh en driving, your attention is focused on the elements of driving. Outside stimul i play a lesser role. At first, you may be aware of things around you such as ca rs and pedestrians. After prolonged driving, your attention shifts to what is ha ppening directly in front of you. This is Alpha. Alpha is a not-really-here, not-really-out-of-it phase. In Alpha, outside stimuli no longer distract the client, who is then able to receive habit-altering messag es from the hypnotherapist. It is important to note that similar to driving in a trance, patients in hypnosi s still can react as things happen. A common misconception is that clients under hypnosis cannot react, and that therefore the hypnotherapist has ultimate contr ol over the patient. In Alpha, the patient is always in the driver s seat, and is fully capable of reacting and making decisions. Some hypnosis patients go deeper than Alpha into Theta or Delta, and most patien ts will transition between Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta during the session. Som e patients will never attain Theta or Delta, regardless of what the hypnotherapi st does.

However, almost everyone will fall into Alpha on the first session. Techniques f or guiding patients to Theta or Delta are more complex, and are beyond the scope of this course. Those techniques are taught in my advanced class.

You son ta. in

should know, however, that there are tests for ascertaining how deeply a per has fallen. Some methods of hypnotherapy are more effective in Theta and Del (Incidentally, the person whose thyroid was removed while under hypnosis was Delta.)

Because patients generally toggle among stages of consciousness in any given hyp notherapy session, most will have the experience of only remembering some of the things the hypnotherapist has said. Patients often believe that they remember e verything but, actually remember very little. What Is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and therapy, and this is one of the ma ny attributes separating it from stage hypnosis. Traditionally, a hypnotherapist will spend about half of his or her time talking to the client while the client is in Beta (normal waking consciousness). The remainder of the time, the client will be in hypnosis (Alpha or lower). Hypnotherapy works by combining hypnosis with precise, outcome-oriented therapy and targeting the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy is quite different from traditional therapy. Instead of spending ye ars with a therapist, clients who undergo hypnotherapy will have an efficient, f ast, reliable means of altering negative behavior. Hypnotherapy produces the mos t immediate results for changing beliefs and/or behaviors. It is important to note that hypnotherapy is not for everyone. Some patients wan t to spend years in traditional therapy; getting to know themselves and examinin g the roots of their behavior. Some patients will even respond better to long-te rm, non-hypnotic therapy. Hypnosis is just one of the thousands of ways a person can achieve her goals; however, if your patient wants immediate results, hypnot herapy is the most effective tool. The beauty of hypnosis is that a person s body does not know the difference betwee n imagining something and having it happen. As far as the body is concerned, the physiological responses are the same, regardless of whether the client is imagi ning something or actually experiencing it. The client therefore has the advantage of intellectually knowing that a situatio n is happening only in the imagination, and physically responding as though it h as happened. The client gets the benefit of tackling her fears, losing weight, o r becoming motivated without ever having left the hypnotherapist s chair. The clie nt is still reclined in the chair, yet as far as her body knows, she has conquer ed her cravings, lost weight, learned how to speak to romantic interests, and so on. This means that when it comes time for the client to eat healthy foods, go on a date, or stop procrastinating, her body will feel as though she has already done this. Therefore, she will have the confidence and ability to move forward.

Ethics To help move hypnotherapy into the mainstream, hypnotherapists should adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Do no harm. This course provides powerful tools for tapping into the subconsc ious mind. In doing so, you must first make a commitment to making only positive changes in your patients lives. If you have a client whose idea of a positive cha

nge differs from yours, you have a responsibility to refuse to perform therapy on that client. For example: If a weight-loss client wants to lose 15 pounds in on e week, you should explain to her that this is unhealthy. Then offer a more reas onable plan and refuse to treat her if she insists on attempting to lose 15 poun ds in one week.

2. If hypnotherapy is not working on a given patient, stop treatment and refer t he patient elsewhere. If you continue to treat a client who is not getting the r esults she wants, you will have wasted your client s time and money and damaged no t only your reputation, but also that of hypnotherapy in general. Not all patien ts will respond to hypnotherapy, and not all patients will respond to your metho d of hypnotherapy. Accept this, and move on if goals are not being met. Let s say that you have a client who is a mortgage broker and wants to make more money. Yo u should initially have her agree to three to six sessions. At the end of those sessions, you must assess how the treatment is progressing and if it is of any b enefit to the client. I always assign homework to patients to get a measure of h ow invested they are in their own change, and to keep them moving toward their g oal. For this client, I would have her make a certain number of calls per week. If she has not made the calls after the third session, we are obviously wasting each other s time, and I would terminate the hypnotherapy.

3. Set reasonable, solid, productive, attainable goals. Aim high, but give your clients time to respond. Never promise clients that they will, for instance, los e 50 pounds in three weeks. Instead, do your research and set a reasonable goal. Do not set your clients up for failure. For instance, as with the mortgage clie nt discussed above, I would break up her homework into small steps. In week one, she should make 10 calls. In week two, she should make 20 calls, and so on. Exp ect that your client will get off to a slow start. Perhaps she will not do the h omework at all the first week. Keep in mind that many people expect you to wave a magic wand over them that forces them to accomplish their goals. These people are waiting for a zombie-like trance to take over their mind and body and cause them to act uncontrollably. By week three, reality should set in. The patient ei ther understands that she has to work toward her goal, or I must explain to her that she is wasting her money. Believe it or not, some clients would be happy to undergo hypnosis for years because it makes them feel and appear like they are t rying. Never allow this. When hypnosis works, it works quickly. Long-term, wonder ful effects may reveal themselves later, but most of the changes begin to happen within a few weeks. Take things slowly when you have a client who wants to lose 100 pounds, for example, but make sure that she is at least doing her homework and making small steps forward.

4. Follow all state and federal laws. For instance, legislation in early 2003 re quired hypnotherapists in California to disclose certain information to their cl ients. It is YOUR responsibility to know the law in your area concerning hypnoth erapy. Consult an attorney if you have to. Do the right thing in your practice. Unlike many medical professionals, hypnotherapists are given a lot of leeway, an d in many states, are not strictly regulated. In any situation, you have a built -in compass for right and wrong. Use it. Treat people with care and respect.

5. Check with your client s physician before performing hypnosis to determine whet her or not the client has a medical condition related to his or her hypnotherapy goals. Perhaps your client wants to lose weight but has a history of bulimia th

at she forgot to mention. Make sure that you have permission (a signed form or let ter authorizing the treatment) from the client s physician before moving forward w hen you are treating any medical condition with hypnosis.

6. Likewise, if another healthcare professional refers a client to you for treat ment of a specific problem, treat only that problem. You have not been handed a blank check. Respect the process of the MD, the hypnotherapist, or the psychothe rapist. Do your job, report your findings to the appropriate healthcare professi onal, and end the treatment.

Hypnotherapy Overview A general hypnotherapy session begins with a pretalk. This is where you explain hypnosis to the client and reassure her about the power of her mind. Next comes the induction, which is the initial attempt to drop the client into a light tran ce. After the induction, the hypnotherapist will conduct a deepening that drops the client into an even deeper trance, as the name suggests. The hypnotherapist will then use a script, which is the therapy portion of the session. The script includes a suggestion for change. Upon finishing the script, the hypnotherapist will segue into amnesia, which suggests that the client s mind will forget the ses sion. Finally, the hypnotherapist will use trance termination to bring the clien t out of hypnosis. In this course, each of these steps will be covered in detail . However, each client is different, and so the therapy session might be changed d epending on the client s needs. Hypnotherapists should be flexible and able to thi nk on their feet. Do your research so that you can take an alternate path if you are on a course that does not seem to be working. When conducting a hypnotherapy session, learn to speak monotonously and slowly. Throughout the session, you will want to lengthen your words. Your tone should b e dull and boring. (See Chapter 3, Inductions, for more details.) You will also want to use positive words. For instance, when I on procrastination, I do not call it procrastination. I call this is the positive way of looking at the situation. Learn to ively. Instead of saying that a person is afraid to fly, say to fly. Experiment with phrasing things positively. work with people it motivation, because spin things posit that she wants freedom

Some professionals believe that hypnotherapists should not use the word no or not, b ecause they believe that the subconscious mind drops these words. In other words , instead of hearing, You will not eat carbohydrates, they believe the client will hear, You will eat carbohydrates. I often use the words no and not with positive results. However, to be on the safe s ide, you may choose to avoid using negative words. Instead, say, You will be done eating foods with carbohydrates, or You will crave foods that are low in carbohyd rates.

Recording Your Sessions Because it takes approximately 21 days to form new habits, you should be prepare d to record your hypnotherapy sessions so that your clients can listen to their sessions each night, thus reinforcing their change. Only record the hypnosis portion of the session. The hypnosis session begins whe n you begin the induction. Be prepared to begin the recording (CD, mp3, etc.) im mediately when hypnosis begins, and stop at the conclusion of the session. I sell hypnosis recordings from my website, and sometimes people buy four or mor e recordings at once: weight loss, unlimited motivation, unlimited confidence, a nd better golf! These clients may intend to listen to all four recordings at onc e. Do not let your clients do this. Tackle one problem at a time, and give your client three weeks to change a single habit. Allow the client to ease into the c hange. If you try to force change, or if you tell the client to listen to the re cording 21 times in one day, both you and your client will get frustrated. Remember: Set reasonable goals. Do not try to force change; doing so could be co unterproductive. Controlling the Environment You will want to establish an office space that allows you to control the enviro nment. Cut your clients off from the outside world and demand their complete att ention. You must have them relaxed and have them in an oasis from the outside wo rld. In controlling the environment, first make sure that the client has gone to the restroom. Dropping your client into Alpha and sustaining hypnosis is difficult i f she is squirming with discomfort. So ask her before you start, Do you need to u se the restroom before we begin? Likewise, make sure that the client s cell phone or pager is turned off. Make sure that she is in an environment where no one and nothing is going to disturb her. There should be no barking dogs or sounds of traffic. Control the environment. Make sure that the client is not too cold or too warm. Give the patient the opti on of being reclined. A comfortable, reclining chair is perfect for this. Get on e. I prefer to have my clients reclined in a nearly horizontal position with an eye covering, like the ones that are sold for sleeping or airplane trips, over thei r eyes to block out any light. The client listens to my voice through headphones . I want to completely control the environment, and for this reason, I generally a void going to a person s house to conduct a hypnotherapy session. The client is not going to see anything because his eyes are going to be covered . He is not going to hear anything except my voice and the sound of gentle ocean waves that I play in the background. The client is perhaps going to be covered with one or two blankets, depending on the temperature. Again, your job as a hypnotherapist is to prevent anything that could interrupt the session. I learned this lesson the hard way in 1986. I had a patient, a doctor, who wante

d to be hypnotized. She was on call during our first session, and she kept getti ng up during the hypnosis session to respond to her pager. She was not respectin g the session. I immediately formed a strict policy against this disruptive acti vity. If your patient is on call, tell her to come back another day. Do not allo w yourself or your client to be disturbed. Some clients like to multitask, but hypnosis is not the place for multitasking. Think of it like surgery it would not be acceptable if someone knocked on the do or during surgery, or if the doctor stopped operating so that the patient could take a cell phone call. Show your clients how you want them to respect the hypno sis session. The bottom line is this: control the environment! It s YOUR responsibility.

Clients to Refer Out Occasionally, you will receive a call from someone who is not an appropriate cli ent for a hypnotherapist. You will know when you are in over your head. It is alwa ys a good idea to refer out (send to a more appropriate healthcare provider) any one who informs you that she is, for example, schizophrenic or psychotic. These are serious mental health conditions that you are NOT trained to handle. Also, r efer out anyone who wants to uncover past memories of abuse. You are NOT trained to deal with the emotional fallout of such scenarios. As hypnotherapists, we work with changing behavior in otherwise high-functioning clients. This means they are stable individuals who simply need help with losin g weight, gaining motivation, being more confident, stopping smoking, and so on. We enable behavioral changes that stem from changes in their belief systems. We do not turn insane clients sane or psychotic clients normal. I cannot list all of the types of cases that you should refer out, but use your judgment. Never take a client just for the money. If you feel you are not qualif ied to handle the case, you are RIGHT. Refer them out. Helpful Tip Go to a hypnotherapist for a general session on motivation, and pay attention to how they do things. You can get some great ideas from other hypnotherapists. Yo u can also see what it is like to be a client. And you can decide what NOT to do in your practice. This visit will pay for itself over and over again. Suggested Practice Okay, I m going to start you off really easy. All I want you to do is get the news paper every day for a week (or more), as well as any magazines you may want. Loo k through them for positive hypnosis-related articles. You re going to be surprise d how frequently this topic is covered by the press. (I was recently on a plane, flying back from Canada, when I noticed the person across the aisle reading an article in Golf magazine about how Tiger Woods went to a hypnotherapist.) Cut ou t the articles that you find and start saving them in a scrapbook. When clients come into your office, they like to see articles that discuss the positive benef its of hypnosis. This reassures them that they have made the right decision and that hypnosis really works. This scrapbook will eventually make a fine addition to your waiting room. Starting it now will help you tremendously with the sugges ted practice exercises in Chapter 2. As you go through this book, I suggest that you take at least one week to comple te the suggested practice in each chapter. Use the time to thoroughly understand

each chapter, to do your suggested practice, and to e-mail me at Steve@SteveGJo with any questions. Although reading this book and doing the lessons will not lead you to become a c ertified hypnotherapist, it is the textbook for several hypnotherapy certificati on programs. I teach a basic certification class online, and around the world us ing this as the textbook. You can register online for a class now at http://www. Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 1 - Introduction (See back of book for correct answers) Question 1 List three examples of the Alpha state that can occur in everyday life. Question 2 How long does it take to form a new habit? Question 3 Whose responsibility is it to control the office environment?

Chapter 2: The Pretalk

Okay, get ready to work! From now on, you will be doing a lot of writing or typi

ng. Stick with it though; most of these tasks will only have to be done once, an d you can use the information forever. Now, what is the pretalk? The pretalk is one of the most important parts of any professional hypnotherapy session. It is only done during the first session. When I work with clients, I will gener ally see them for three to six sessions. Without exception, the first session is two hours; follow-ups are one hour each. The first hour of the first session is devoted to getting to know the client, finding out why he has come to see you ( I think you can handle those two things without any coaching), having him fill o ut some forms (which we will cover later), and giving him the pretalk. This is s imply a talk about hypnosis. You are educating the client about hypnosis and how you practice it, but there is part of the pretalk that is very important. During the pretalk, you must explain to the client that he may be aware of everyt hing you say during the session, and that s okay because he is still in hypnosis. st me, if you do not say this, eventually a client will emerge from the hypnosis session and claim that he was not in hypnosis. Aside from possibly wanting a re fund, here s what else could happen: He could get the impression that he cannot be hypnotized. Tru

He could cancel all future visits with you and never seek hypnosis as a healing modality again.

He could damage the profession by telling people that hypnosis doesn t work.

He could damage your career by telling people that you don t know how to hypnotize people!

So listen carefully: the main part of the pretalk is telling the client that he m ay be aware of everything you say during the session and that s okay because he is s till in hypnosis. Read the above bold print again, right now, ten times aloud! And remember it. Movement by the client is fine during the sessions. Some clients think they have to stay perfectly still during hypnotherapy sessions. Moving, scratching, etc. is fine and will not interfere with the hypnotic state. In addition to explaining the above information to the client, you will want to share other information with him. If you do it my way, you have an hour to talk with him before the first hypnosis session.

The Client Is in Control Reassure the client that he is in control. Tell him that if at any time he has a problem with the hypnosis session, he can end it by counting one-two-three in his mind. Abreactions While we are talking about getting the client prepared for a session, let s make s ure that you are prepared as well. Before you begin the session, you should be prepared for abreactions. These are simply bad reactions to hypnosis. Sometimes, a client will cry, convulse, or yel l while under hypnosis. If you are not prepared for this, it can be quite surpri sing. Relax. It s only hypnosis, a normal, natural state. Chances are that if a client d oes any of these things under hypnosis, he would do them in other situations as well. I recently taught a class in which a client began to yell and breathe heavily. T o be frank, I was shocked. I was also not sure what to do. I had just told the c lass that abreactions are rare, and there was the volunteer client/student havin g an abreaction. Her husband was also in the class. He was very calm and not say ing a word. I leaned over to him and asked, Has this happened before? He said that it happened all the time. So I followed the Abreaction First Aid advice that I am about to share with you. There will come a time when you experience an abreaction from a client. Here s wha t to do: Reassure the client that everything is fine. (Reassure yourself mentally too). T hen go immediately to Trance Termination (covered in Chapter 7). Your client may wake up sweaty, out of breath, or crying, but relax. The calmer you are, the calm er he will be. After an abreaction, I explain to the client that this is normal and happens som etimes. I then refer him to a psychologist or psychiatrist and explain to him th at I do not feel comfortable treating him further. Do this in a polite, caring, professional way. The fact is that you are not equipped to deal with the problem s that have caused this abreaction. This person needs more advanced therapy. Sleep Is Fine One last point before I share with you some pretalks. Clients often ask, What hap pens if I fall asleep during the session? As mentioned, even when the client s eyes close, his ears always remain open, taking in information, and his brain is sti ll recording all the information. Sample Pretalks These are pretalks that I have written to serve as models for your pretalk. In e ach chapter, before I give an assignment, I will give you samples. Sample Pretalk 1 The lightest state of hypnosis, Alpha, is achieved easily. Everyone enters a hyp notic state every day, several times per day. It s that state you are in when you

are watching TV, reading a good book, playing video games and, yes, even driving . It's also the state you are in when you are just waking up or just going to be d. You are not fully conscious, but you are not fully unconscious either. In thi s state, you re up to 200 times more suggestible than when you are fully awake, in Beta. Many people, when they hear about hypnosis, say, Well, I can't be hypnotized. Thes e people have been misinformed, mostly by Hollywood, about what hypnosis is and is not. It is not necessary to be in some sort of an otherworldly trance to be in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state that everyone moves in and out of througho ut each day. Many of our everyday normal activities are actually performed under hypnosis without us being aware of it. Hypnosis is just like the state you are in when you have been driving a car for a long distance. You know that feeling. It s not that you are oblivious to everyth ing, it's just that you have tuned out all of the unimportant stimuli. Your focu s is the road. If something were to happen that required your attention, such as a car trying to pass you, your body and mind would be able to properly respond. You would be able, at any time you chose, to notice the beautiful trees or old farm mills or anything else you may be driving past. As I mentioned, another example of hypnosis is playing video games. Some people can play video games for hours in a sitting. If someone were to talk to them whi le they were in a video game session, they would be able to respond. However, th e game player often feels that he has only been playing for a fraction of the ti me that he has actually played! This is because he was in hypnosis and has exper ienced time distortion. That is perfectly normal, and you may experience that to day during our hypnosis session. A third good example of a hypnotic state is working on the computer. People who are using a computer are focused on what they are doing, but can intelligently a nswer the phone when it rings. So hypnosis is no different from driving a car, playing video games, or working on a computer. Most people engaged in these activities would not think that they are in a trance, but they are. They are in a light hypnotic trance known as Alp ha. (By the way, since reading is a form of hypnosis, surprise! You re in hypnosis !!! Okay, let s get back to the pretalk.) In Alpha, your mind is slowed down just a little, your focus is narrower, your breathing is slower, and you are relaxed. Most people have driven a car, played a video game, worked on a computer, or re ad a really good article. Therefore, to say that you cannot be hypnotized is to misunderstand the true nature of a hypnotic state. Since you are up to 200 times more suggestible even while you are in the light state of Alpha, anything beyon d this is unnecessary for most purposes (programming someone to lose weight, sto p smoking, overcome a fear of flying, and so on). You can have an extremely effe ctive hypnosis session while being aware of, and able to recall every word spoke n by the hypnotherapist. You also don t have to worry if you fall asleep during hypnosis. It has been disco vered by several research groups that your hearing acts like a surveillance came ra. Your eyes close, but your ears cannot close. They always remain open, taking in information constantly. When a mother is asleep and hears her baby cry, she wi ll awaken immediately. The truth is that we never really sleep; a part of our brai n is always alert our hearing. It stays alert to protect us or our offspring. If someone breaks into your home while you are asleep, you will be alerted as soon a s you hear a noise. Your hearing is on 24/7, taking in information and recording i t. In hypnosis, we use this to your advantage, so even if you fall asleep during t he session, your brain is still recording all the information in your subconscio us.

In case you are worried about being too intelligent to be hypnotized, intelligen ce is directly correlated to suggestibility. The more intelligent you are, the m ore easily you can be hypnotized. People of a below-average IQ find it difficult to go into a hypnotic state. Geniuses are naturally close to a hypnotic Alpha s tate most of the time, and therefore enter hypnosis easily. This accounts for th eir ability to transfer information from their subconscious mind to their waking life and bring their creations to the world. And there is no need to worry about not waking up. This cannot happen. Less than 10% of the population achieves such a deep trance state that they dissociate, o r black out , like they do when they receive anesthetic. Such people are called somn ambulists, and they do not consciously remember what happened during hypnosis unl ess the hypnotherapist suggests that they will. However, even these people will wake up at the end of a session. Most people achieve only a light trance state ( Alpha) in which they are aware of what is happening, although they are completel y relaxed and focused. Sample Pretalk 2 The first thing I would like to do today is explain in detail what hypnosis is a nd what it is not. For starters, most people have experienced hypnosis several t imes a day throughout their lives. If you have ever been absorbed in a good book , really involved in watching a movie, or working at your computer and one hour seemed like 15 minutes, you have experienced hypnosis. Our minds function in four stages of consciousness. The first stage is called Be ta; this is the stage where you are awake and able to make conscious decisions. The second stage is called Alpha. This is when the brain slows down and narrows its focus. It turns out that during Alpha, your brain is two hundred times more susceptible to suggestion than when in Beta. This is why marketing companies spe nd millions of dollars on advertising, they get to deliver their message while y ou re very focused on your favorite show. Alpha is the stage necessary for us to b ring about positive change. The third stage is Theta. Theta is when you are in a light sleep. In Theta, you can be awakened fairly easily by a sound or a light touch. For example, this is when you are just falling asleep and when you are ju st waking up. The final stage is Delta. Delta is a deep sound sleep. As you can see, you are in all of these stages in any given day. Alpha is the only stage ne cessary for hypnotherapy, and you will experience that shortly. In the 1950s, the American Medical Association took notice of hypnosis after a p atient underwent a thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid) while in a hypnotic tr ance induced by a hypnotherapist. No painkillers or anesthesia were used. Since then, hypnotherapists have made influential steps toward changing public percept ion about hypnosis. Doctors continue to use hypnosis to calm their patients and to ease pain during procedures. Doctors tell patients that a procedure is common and it comes with a high degree of success. Because these phrases are delivered by an authority figure, the patients act exactly the same as they would with hy pnotic suggestions. There are also more obvious hypnotic suggestions given to pa tients by doctors trained in hypnosis. And for more than 100 years, dentists hav e used hypnosis to ease pain and discomfort during dental procedures. In addition to using hypnotic techniques themselves, doctors and dentists regula rly refer patients to hypnotherapists for help with weight loss, smoking cessati on, and overcoming fears about dental and surgical procedures. Before the 1950s, the medical profession didn t really take notice of hypnotherapy. Today, doctors are readily embracing hypnosis as a complement to long-standing medical procedur es. Hypnosis has countless uses in psychotherapy, psychiatry, and various medical sp ecialties. The use of hypnotic techniques by these professions has increased ste adily in recent years because hypnosis is gaining widespread acceptance as a saf e, reliable, effective, and comfortable alternative. In the modern climate of sk

yrocketing healthcare costs, hypnosis is also proving invaluable as an aid in sp eeding recovery from physical and mental problems, which can really cut down on medical costs. Clinical hypnosis is by no means a new healing tool. The first usage of hypnosis by health professionals occurred in the late 1800s. In its early days, clinical hypnosis was used to treat hysterical conditions, and was also very useful for the induction of anesthesia in surgery in the days before anesthetic drugs. For example, James Esdaile, a Scottish physician working in India in the early part of the nineteenth century, performed over 340 major operations, including amputa tions and removal of large tumors, with hypnosis as the only anesthetic. Around the turn of the twentieth century, Sigmund Freud used hypnosis extensively in th e first years of his psychiatric practice. In the first half of the twentieth ce ntury, hypnosis was often viewed as an exotic or fringe method in medicine and p sychology, but it eventually gained respect as a powerful clinical tool. It fina lly earned formal recognition as a valuable tool in health care in 1958, when th e Council on Mental Health of the American Medical Association recommended that instruction in hypnosis be included in medical school teachings. The American Ps ychological Association similarly embraced hypnosis several years later. Thousan ds of psychologists, dentists, and physicians in various specialties now have th orough training in hypnotic methods within their specialty areas. Professional o rganizations in clinical hypnosis provide extensive training and continuing educ ation in hypnosis, and provide their members with specific ethical guidelines fo r the professional use of hypnosis. Sample Pretalk 3 Many people feel somewhat apprehensive and have numerous questions when they con sider the possibility of seeking clinical hypnosis for their problems. These are some pretty common questions. How does it feel to be hypnotized? There is really no such thing as a specific h ypnotized feeling. As described earlier, a number of different experiences are c ommonly associated with the hypnotic state. The most unique characteristic, the one that people tend to remember best and find most surprising, is perhaps the s ubjective sense of "involuntariness" of things happening without you (seemingly) acting to make them happen. You may also be aware of everything I say during th e session, and that s okay, because you will still be in hypnosis! Will I lose consciousness? As mentioned above, hypnosis is not sleep. Ordinarily , you will be conscious of everything that goes on when you are in the hypnotic state. Sometimes, though, you may relax so much under hypnosis that you may drif t off and lose track of what is happening or even fall asleep! Will I reveal deep secrets about myself? In some psychotherapeutic applications of hypnosis, it is important to uncover mental material that is related to the p roblem being treated, material that you have been ignoring or keeping secret fro m others and even from yourself. However, no such uncovering is needed in many a pplications of clinical hypnosis, and if you were very uneasy about the possibil ity of introspective exploration of this kind, we would discuss that when beginn ing our work together. Uncovering techniques may not be needed at all to deal wi th your problem. Hypnosis can be used in many different ways. Will I do something embarrassing or silly? A clinical hypnotist will not make yo u cluck like a chicken or do other things for amusement at your expense. You do, however, sometimes act differently under hypnosis than you do in the normal wak ing state. You may become more emotional or feel more childlike. And generally, the benefits of these hypnotic states are quite simply amazing. What if I do not want to lose control of myself? Hypnosis does involve a certain

amount of letting go of yourself, and opening up to a new experience. However, you are not really losing control of yourself when you respond to what I suggest . You are making the decision to go along with my guidance at every step. You ca n benefit from hypnosis as long as you are willing to go along with the instruct ions. It may be helpful to think of me as your personal coach a person helping y ou to master new ways to use your own mind. Can I be made to do things I do not want to do? Contrary to a popular belief, pe ople under hypnosis are not captive and spellbound. They can resist direct instr uctions that are at odds with their wishes or moral standards. For this reason, it is not as easy as one might think to make people do things against their will with hypnosis. What if I cannot be hypnotized? The odds are against it. While the degree to whi ch people are receptive to hypnosis varies from individual to individual, the gr eat majority of people, perhaps three out of every four, can be hypnotized to a sufficient degree to enjoy some of the benefits that hypnosis can offer. Aren't gullible or simple-minded people most easily hypnotizable? Not at all. In fact, researchers have found that more intelligent people are slightly more hyp notizable. It seems that openness to new experiences rather than gullibility is related to hypnotic ability. Are women more hypnotizable than men? Research has conclusively shown that, on a verage, there is no difference between men and women in their hypnotic suggestib ility. Can hypnosis be dangerous to my mental health? The state of hypnosis is generall y very safe and free from complications, probably no more disturbing to your min d than ordinary sleep. For most people, however, the experience of hypnosis is p leasantly relaxing and refreshing. The only after-effects that you are likely to experience are possible drowsiness and disorientation for the first few minutes afterwards, and possibly a stiff neck or (rarely) a minor headache. All these s ide effects are transient and harmless. Can people hypnotize themselves? Yes, they can. Entering hypnosis is simply a me ntal skill, and hypnotherapists commonly believe that regular hypnosis is nothin g more than assisted self-hypnosis. It is just more easily learned under the gui dance of a skilled hypnotist. However, once you have mastered it, you can do it on your own. This is the goal in my practice of clinical hypnosis, when processe s such as pain control can be made available at any time. I would like to give you an opportunity to ask any further questions you might h ave at this point. Otherwise, I m excited to start working together. Are you ready to begin? Sample Pretalk 4 Many people have seen stage hypnotists in the movies and on TV, and believe that a hypnotherapy session leaves the participant at the mercy of the hypnotist. I can assure you this is not true with this form of hypnosis. In fact, you may be aware of everything I say. You may be in the Alpha state, which is the lightest state of hypnosis. This happens to you many times during the day. Drivers often experience the Alpha state while driving. We often end up at our d estination safe and sound without remembering much of the trip. We arrive at our destination on a kind of autopilot. You were still in control of the car, but y ou tuned out most of your surroundings. Also, when we read a great book, we ofte n become unaware of our surroundings. We become lost in the story. This is the A lpha state. So this is something you have experienced many times.

Have you ever seen a child immersed in a video game? She is so lost in the world of space creatures or other worlds that she takes no notice whatsoever of her s urroundings. People can do this for hours. They are in an altered state, but the y are still very much awake. This is the Alpha state, the state that you will be under for hypnosis. The difference is that instead of playing a video game, you are using that hypnotic state for your own healing. Even though you are aware of everything I say, you will still be under hypnosis. Remember, you are in control. If for any reason you would like to stop the sess ion during hypnosis, merely count to three in your mind, and the session will be over. Once again, you may be aware of everything I say during hypnosis and that is oka y. You are still in hypnosis, and you are always in control of the session. You are here to change the things you want to change. You will be very relaxed during our session and may be in the Alpha state. Also, if you fall asleep, you will still be listening to what I am saying and getting the same benefit from this session. Your hearing never turns off, even when you sleep. Your subconscious will be getting all the information needed to make pos itive changes in your life. So if you do feel yourself drifting off to sleep, th at is okay. You will still be benefiting from what I am saying. I would like to talk a little about the history of hypnosis, because hypnosis ha s been used since the beginning of history. The use of hypnosis has been traced back to 3000BC in Egypt. Hypnotherapy has been used for centuries in different f orms by different cultures. Both the new and old testament of the Bible talks of what could be deemed as hypnosis. The ancient Greeks and Romans had sleep templ es where people s dreams could be recorded. The term hypnosis comes from a Greek word meaning sleep. People under hypnosis a re alert and are able to talk and move. Modern hypnosis began with Anton Mesmer in the eighteenth century. He became Europe s foremost expert in magnetic healing. James Braid, a Scottish surgeon, coined the term hypnotism in 1843. He found th at some people could go into a trance if they fixated their eyes on a bright shi ny object. Hypnotherapy regained popularity in the mid-1900s thanks to Milton Erickson, a p sychiatrist who used hypnosis successfully in his practice. Because Erickson was well-known and had so much success with hypnosis, the medical community began t o recognize hypnosis as a valid and important therapy. Dave Elman brought acceptance to hypnosis from the medical profession in the U.S . when the Council on Medical health of the American Medical Association accepte d the use of hypnotherapy in 1958, recognizing hypnotherapy as a compelling medi cal procedure. Since 1995, the National Institute for Health has recommended hyp notherapy as a treatment for chronic pain. Hypnosis is used for many conditions, including phobias, depression and addictions. Hypnosis has become popular because it is an effective tool used to help people safely and quickly heal from many different conditions. The power of the subconscious and the mind is limitless. Hypnosis is a well-resp ected practice and is used by doctors, psychologists, and even law enforcement. Hypnosis has even been used in cases where anesthesia cannot be used. People hav e had teeth extracted with no anesthesia by using only hypnosis. People have had operations with no anesthesia in deep states of hypnosis. This shows how powerf ul the subconscious mind is.

Hypnosis is also used for self-improvement. It has been used to successfully cur e diseases and phobias, such as depression or fear of flying, when traditional m ethods have failed. This proves how powerful the mind is. You are here today to tap into the power of your subconscious and to create the changes that you want to make. We now understand how powerful the mind is, and that hypnosis is a powerful tool used to make positive changes in our lives. Once again, you are in control of t he hypnotherapy session. You may be aware of everything I say, and you are still under hypnosis. Some people have the belief that they are too intelligent to be hypnotized. They feel that not being intelligent is directly correlated to suggestibility. Actua lly, the more intelligent you are, the more easily you can be hypnotized. You ca n be hypnotized and you can make positive changes in your life. Hypnosis is perfectly natural and, as I just mentioned, it is also widely used a nd accepted. You are not asleep or in a trance, you are just very relaxed. You a re not under my power. You will only do what is in your personal comfort zone, m oral code, or value system. You are still you, just very relaxed. You will remem ber everything and will feel relaxed during and after hypnosis. You always have a choice and can come out of hypnosis whenever you want. Just co unt to three in your mind and you will be out of hypnosis. You are able to get away from the noise and stress of daily life and immerse yourself in peace and r elaxation. You are here to use the power of your mind to help you. You are alway s in control, and as I said before, if you want to come out of hypnosis it is ve ry, very easy to do so. Just count to three in your mind, and the session will b e over. I learned hypnosis because I had discovered how powerful the mind was in my own search from healing from a chronic illness. I had made many changes in my thinki ng that helped my own body heal itself. It was through hypnosis and working with holistic doctors that I finally was able to be cured. If the mind can make some one heal when doctors give no cure or hope, imagine how much power our mind has and how much we can heal our own lives in so many ways. I want you to just sit back and relax now as we begin the session. Once again, I want to tell you that you may be aware of everything I say and you will still b e under hypnosis. Trust that you are safe and protected at all times. You have c ome here with the intent to heal and so it shall be. You may be aware of everyth ing I say and that is okay. Remember, you are still under hypnosis and you are s afe. So please close your eyes and relax. Helpful Tip Clients can be quite diverse educationally. In the same day, you could have an M D and a tile installer as clients. Rather than changing my pretalk for each pers on, I have found that everyone appreciates simplicity. If you can explain concep ts in simple terms, you avoid any confusion. You also avoid seeming arrogant or like you are trying too hard. Suggested Practice Use those articles you have gathered and put together your own pretalk of 750 wo rds or more. Write it as if your client knows nothing about hypnosis and is a bi t nervous about the whole experience. Give specific examples of hypnosis being u sed successfully, and some notes about the history of hypnosis. Reassure the cli

ent that he may be aware of everything you say during the session and that that s okay because he is still in hypnosis! Your pretalk can be used over and over again for years to come, so write it well and use as much scientific information as you can. Don t talk over the client s head , though. Explain everything as if speaking to a person of average intelligence. Boil the lofty concepts down so that they are easy to quickly understand. (Feel free to use some of the concepts covered in the samples, but use your own words. ) You can also use your pretalk as a speech. If you are asked to give a talk about hypnotherapy to a group, just read your pretalk to them! Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 2 - The Pretalk (See back of book for correct answers) Question 1 What can the pretalk be used for outside of your practice? Question 2 Name two things which might occur if the client is not informed that they may be aware of everything said during the session and that s okay ? Question 3 What steps need to be taken if the client experiences an abreaction?

Chapter 3: Inductions

An induction is the tool that hypnotherapists use to induce hypnosis. It marks t he beginning of hypnosis (and the beginning of the recording you will make for y our clients). Inductions come in all shapes and sizes. This chapter will focus o n inductions that are simple yet effective. Relaxation Inductions The basic induction is called a relaxation induction. With a relaxation induction, you want to bore a person into the Alpha state. Imagine talking to someone and trying to bore her. Some people are able to do this naturally. Some people will start talking, and their listeners immediately get a glazed-over look in their e yes. That type of speaker would be an excellent hypnotherapist. If you are one o

f those people, congratulations! Now you can help others with your natural abili ty to bore. Have you ever been in a classroom with a teacher who talked incessantly with a m onotone voice because she has taught the same subject for years and has no passi on left in her entire being? That may have actually done you some good. Although you could not consciously pay attention, you may have processed some of the inf ormation hypnotically. I guarantee you that the teacher was lulling you into a t rance. Watching TV will lull you into a trance. Driving a car will lull you into a tran ce. A slow-talking, monotonous teacher speaking for 45 minutes will definitely l ull you into a trance. During a relaxation induction, speak in a monotone voice. Stretch out your words . Speak slowly and methodically and enunciate clearly. When working with the subconscious mind, you must be very careful that you say e xactly what you mean. The subconscious mind will take things literally. Any time you are working with someone under hypnosis, speak very clearly. Make sure that she can understand every word. Act as though your patient is a foreigner and do es not speak your language very well. You need to speak slowly and clearly so th at there is no misunderstanding, because if you pronounce a word incorrectly, th e subconscious mind may process it as another word. Practice saying the phrase, Jack and Jill went up the hill. Stretch out the words, especially the word and. Practice this until it is as relaxing (i.e., boring) as possible. This is the only time in your life when being boring is a good thing. If you are not sure of the tone of voice that you should use, visit www.stevegjo Any of the CDs there will serve as an excellent example. It is important to refer to the five senses during the induction. Most people re late strongly to one of the senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell, or taste. I li ke to involve as many of the other senses as possible. By involving all the senses, you can get to the one that the client relates most strongly with. Make sure that the induction has something for the client to see , to feel, to hear, to taste, and to smell. If you have already determined that the client relates strongly to one particular sense, reference that sense more o ften than the others in your induction. But use all of the senses with everyone to make a well-rounded induction every time. Let me illustrate this point by taking you through an induction. Because the pur pose of the induction is to slow the person down, you should also play soft, cal ming music in the background. (Feel free to use verbatim any of the hypnosis session material I provide in thi s book.) All right now. I want you to take a deep breath in through your nose, inhaling v ery slowly, filling your lungs and stretching them out. That s right. Hold it. Ope n your mouth slightly and exhale very slowly, and as you do, just feel your body relaxing, relaxing, relaxing. Good. Now to help you to relax, I want you to vis ualize yourself on a beautiful beach. It is your beach. You are relaxed and safe . You are walking along the beach. Feel the warm, soft sand on your feet. Feel t he warmth of the sun relaxing every part of your body. Inhale the scent of the s ea air. Feel the relaxing breeze blowing gently across your body as you walk slo wly down to the water, where the waves are making a relaxing sound. Let s break this down. First of all, having people breathe in and out slowly is go

ing to relax them. (Many people who are addicted to cigarettes are simply addict ed to the idea of taking deep, relaxing breaths. They are taking the time to tak e a deep breath, hold it, and blow it out. Taking a smoker s break allows the smoker to take a break, go outside, and stop working. Everything shuts down while the smoker takes deep, yogic breaths and blows them out. Unfortunately, the smoker i s also inhaling 4,000 chemicals.) Your client will take three or four deep breaths in and out. Just relax the pers on and get her to slow down. Let s now take a look at the rest of the induction. I want you to visualize yourself on a beautiful beach. Here, I am referring to t he client s sense of sight. You are walking along the beach. This is the kinetic (movement) aspect. I have e ngaged the feelings of motion and have offered something to those people who rel ate strongly to motion. Feel the warm, soft sand on your feet. Now I have engaged tactile listeners. Not ice that I did not just say, You are feeling the sand. I described the sand. I mad e it real. The sand feels warm. It feels soft. (You may even say the sand is whi te, which again involves the visual sense.) I grew up in South Florida, so I can relate strongly to this experience. I have been on the beach many times, and th at sand is warm, if not hot. That brings back a clear memory for me. Most people have walked barefooted on a beach in the daytime. Be sure to use something that is familiar to a wide variety of people. Feel the warmth of the sun relaxing every part of your body. Again, I am referri ng to the sense of feeling, also called touch or the tactile sense. I ve also link ed the feeling to something relaxing. Inhale the scent of the sea air. Here, I have prompted the olfactory sense, appe aling to the sense of smell. Most people know exactly the smell I mean when I sa y sea air. Feel the relaxing breeze blowing gently across your body. Here I am using the ta ctile sense (the sense of touch). As you walk slowly down to the water. The client is moving. Again, I am engaging the kinetic (motion) sense. It is important to engage all of the senses because some people relate strongly to just one sense. Some people are very visual. For example, in their mind s eye, they will see the beach clearly. They will fill the ocean with sailboats, put bu ildings on the land in the distance, and add a few clouds in the beautiful blue sky. Others do not see anything. They will listen to that exact same induction, and t hey will have a nonvisual sense of being on the beach. They will have the feelin g that they are on the beach because they can feel it on the soles of their feet . Or they just somehow sense that they are there. Maybe the smell, the scent of the sea air draws them in. Unless you want to get into an extensive (and unnecessary) pretest to determine which sense the client favors, cover every sense. Even if you know that the clie nt relates strongly to motion, add the other sensory elements; doing so will mor e fully engage her. You want to make sure that the client hears a description of all the things people typically experience at the beach.

By the way, if your client is afraid of water or of beaches for any reason, you should use a different induction. Ask the client ahead of time if she likes the beach! Remember to be sensitive to each of your clients. If you are writing an inductio n for someone in a wheelchair, do not describe how the client is walking along t he beach or rolling her wheelchair along the sandy beach. Choose another scenari o for the induction. If you are talking about swimming and your client cannot sw im, then she is not going to have a relaxing experience. Ask the client ahead of time about her abilities, likes, and dislikes. Inductions should incorporate the types of experiences that the person enjoys. F or instance, if you are hypnotizing a scuba diver, your inductions might be abou t a dive. Think about the possibilities. The client is going down, down, deeper and deeper. Maybe the client likes to go driving in the desert. She could imagin e the drive in the Mojave Desert at night with the top down on a convertible. St ay open and creative. If someone is coming to you for a few sessions, you may not want to use the same induction every time. You might want to mix it up. Once, when I was doing a diving induction, I said, And now you take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Divers wear regulators in their mouths to get air from the tank. They do not breathe through their noses while diving! They breathe through the mouth. After the session, the client said, You know, that was great and relaxing, except for when you told me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. I was not thinking of what the patient was experiencing. Instead, I was looking at the client in the chair and thinking that she should breathe through her nose . In her mind, she was scuba diving. The mind makes it real for the body. She wa s there, and I was incongruent. Make sure that you plan ahead of time and think on your feet. At the same time, do not be afraid to make mistakes. I have been doing hypnosis for a long time, and I still make mistakes. Be aware of the ramifications, and i f the mistake is a bad one, do what you can to fix it in a calm way. Sometimes, the mistakes are not as bad as you think they are, or the person does not even n otice it. In this case, do not point out the mistake. In fact, a mistake could be used as a confusion induction, which is covered in t he next section. Know that the rules are flexible. Think about it like dancing at a club. There i s freedom of expression. Are the rules set in stone? No. You can be flexible. Do no harm, fix mistakes, but be flexible. Try things with the best of intentions and flex your muscles, and I guarantee that you will grow. If something does not work, try something else. The person may report, I just cou ld not get into that. I was not relaxed. What should you do? First, assure the client that even in Alpha, a person is up to 200 times more su ggestible. Second, make a change. You may think, Okay, the beach induction is not working on this woman. She likes the city sounds. I do not like them, in fact I find them annoying, but that does not matter because she likes them. She is going to get t hem.

The following is an example of a short induction script. And you find yourself driving along the Pacific Coast Highway now. You are heade d north, leaving Los Angeles. You are in a convertible and enjoying the breeze i n your hair. You see the relaxing ocean to your left. And you see the high cliff s to your upper right. And the more you drive, the more you relax. You see birds overhead, and smell that salty sea air as you continue to drive down the road. You are safe and protected. Sometimes, it seems as though the car drives itself. You are relaxing more and more as you drive. And as I am silent now, just allow yourself to enjoy the beautiful day and relax more deeply. That s right, just relaxing and drifting as you drive down the road in your conver tible. Enjoying the beautiful day. And as you now look in the rearview mirror, y ou realize just how far down the road you have driven. And it occurs to you that you are very relaxed. Sample Induction 1 You re in your car; it s afternoon; it s early spring. You re driving on a smooth, curvi ng road that leads through the hillside. The grass is vividly green, and colorfu l wild flowers are in bloom on the sides of the road. There are trees lush with leaves. The air is fresh and clean. You feel yourself begin to relax. The road c urves gently to the right, and your car hugs the curves of the road as if it wer e on a track. The mist in the air rises and clears as you drive. You feel the wa rm air against your skin as your car follows the road. You notice that your car is the only one on the road. The engine of your car purring gently is the only s ound. It s quiet. It s safe. You haven t a care in the world; you are at peace, enjoyi ng the beautiful scenery as you drive. The sky is blue and it is clear, but for a few wisps of clouds. You are so comfortable and serene. You re driving slowly, t aking in the beautiful scenery. You approach a gravel road. It calls to you, so you turn onto it. You hear the l ight crunching of the tires on the finely ground gravel. The road leads through a wooded area. The sun filters through the trees; it is warm and bright. There i s beauty all around you and you take it all in. You come to the end of the road. It is large and circular. You see a clearing and a path and you park your car c lose to the clearing. The car door closes gently as you walk toward the trail. A s you approach the trail, you notice that it is wide and carpeted with the same fine gravel as on the road. As you walk past the trees, you hear some birds sing ing. You walk slowly, taking in all the sights and smells. You see a honeysuckle bush, and you stop and smell the flowers. You pick a flower. The flower smells so sweet and the honeysuckle tastes like honey. You savor the taste and continue on the path. You hear the gurgling of water nearby. As you continue on the trail, the gravel path turns to grass, and there are stepping-stones that lead to a waterfall. You take off your shoes and carry them along with you. There are beautiful purple a nd yellow flowers on either side of the trail. The stepping-stones feel smooth a nd warm on your feet. Each stone is a different color of the stone rainbow. As y ou step on each stone on the path, you become more relaxed. The stones are beaut iful. Each step relaxes you more. You continue on the stepping-stones, relaxing more with each step. You are getting closer to the waterfall. The waterfall ends in a calm, clear pool of water. You set your shoes aside on a rock near the poo l. You put your toe in the water to test the temperature. You find it warm and i nviting. You wade into the pool and find a large rock to sit on. You sit down on the rock. You put your hand in the water and move it slowly back and forth, fee ling the warmth of the water between your fingers and around your hand. You take a deep breath through your nose. You can taste the freshness of the air as your chest rises and your lungs fill with the clean air. You open your mouth slightly and exhale slowly. You take another slow, deep breath through your nos e, and again exhale slowly though your mouth. Once again, another slow, deep bre

ath. The water gently falls into the pool and ripples in the water traveling slo wly toward you. You watch the ripples of the water and become more relaxed as ea ch ripple floats by you. Two purple dragonflies hover on the water. They linger a few minutes and then fly off. They take with them any cares and anxieties that may have remained. You take another deep breath and feel so calm, so relaxed. You look around and see a hammock hanging between two trees. You slowly lift you rself out of the pool and walk toward the hammock. The hammock is covered with a large pillow that perfectly fits the hammock. You easily get into the hammock. The hammock supports you effortlessly. You feel as if you re floating in the softn ess of the hammock. The trees filter the warm sun and you feel safe, comfortable , supported. You close your eyes and rest your mind. Sample Induction 2 Now close your eyes. Take a nice, deep, full breath and exhale slowly. Take anot her deep breath and exhale. Feel yourself beginning to relax now from the very t op of your head all the way down to the very tip of your toes. One more time. Br eathe in. Take a nice, deep, full breath and hold it in. Now let it out complete ly, and feel yourself relaxing even more. I want you to imagine now that you are looking at a clear, blue sky. It is a bri lliant blue, like no other color you have ever seen. And in the sky, a sky-writi ng airplane is writing your name in fluffy, white, cloud-like letters. See your name floating fluffy, white and cloud-like in a clear, blue sky. Reach out and im agine what the clouds feel like. Light and airy. Also, hear the birds. Not only can you hear their calls, but you can also hear the flapping of their wings as t hey increase their speed. You hear the silence of their wings as they glide thro ugh the sky. You relax with the increasing silence. Now let your name just disappear with the wind. Let the winds just blow your nam e away into the blue of the sky and forget about your name. Forget you even have a name. Names are not important. Just go on listening to my voice and let yours elf relax even more. You no longer hear or see the birds. You are at complete pe ace with yourself. There are no distractions. You relax even deeper. Helpful Tip As you write inductions and deepenings (next chapter), you need to use your crea tivity. Try keeping a pocket recorder or note pad and pen handy. Perhaps a great idea for an induction/deepening will come to you in the grocery store, in the s hower, or when you just get up in the morning. You never know when a brilliant i dea might come. Suggested Practice Write your own induction. Do not spend a lot of time laboring over this just let your creativity flow and write it out. It can be one page or 10 pages, though i t should be no more than 10 minutes long when read aloud. Have the client walk a long the beach, or in the woods, or in any other place that is relaxing and peac eful. Incorporate all the senses. Remember when reading it to pronounce everythi ng perfectly so that there is no misunderstanding. Record the induction on a computer (mp3 file or CD). Then listen to it and see i f it bores you. It should. See if it relaxes you. See if it gets you into that a ltered state of mind. See if it drops you into Alpha, where you are just a littl e bit slower, just a little bit more relaxed than you normally are when fully aw ake. And if it puts you completely to sleep and you wake up a couple of hours la ter, that is fine. This book will guide you through recording an entire hypnosis session. Between e

ach section of the recorded hypnotherapy session, insert 30 to 60 seconds of sil ence. This aids in relaxing the client. If you have gentle, soothing music playi ng in the background, continue to play it during the silent periods. Like everyt hing else you do in this book, you will use this induction over and over, so mak e it outstanding! Caution: Do not ever listen to your induction or anything hypnotic in a moving v ehicle. Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 3 - Inductions (See back of book for correct answers) Question 1 Write one sentence, which, when used in an induction, would involve t he sense of touch (tactile sense). Question 2 Write one sentence, which, when used in an induction, would involve t he sense of smell (olfactory sense). Question 3 Write one sentence, which, when used in an induction, would involve t he sense of sight (visual sense). Question 4 Write one sentence, which, when used in an induction, would involve t he sense of sound (auditory sense). Question 5 Why is it important to speak slowly and clearly in a hypnotherapy ses sion?

Chapter 4: Deepenings

A deepening varies only slightly from an induction. In fact, the terms deepening

and induction are often interchanged. Strictly speaking, however, a deepening c omes after an induction and before a script. The purpose of the deepening, as th e name implies, is to drop the patient into a deeper state of consciousness. After the induction, the patient is relaxed, comfortable, and peaceful. Now that you have the patient under your control, so to speak, you want to relax him eve n more. To do so, you will take your patient down something such as a set of sta irs, an elevator, or an escalator. I like to have several inductions with accompanying deepenings. This is for two reasons. First, clients coming in for several sessions like to hear different in ductions and deepenings. Second, occasionally you will have clients who do not l ike several of your induction/deepening combinations. It is better to have sever al from which to choose. Overkill is not necessary. When I first started using hypnosis in 1983, I had pe ople go down miles of stairs. If your patient is reasonably relaxed, two short s tairways (of ten steps each) are plenty. There is no need to give your client a workout. Confine your deepening to 10 units (e.g., stairs) of one event. During a . You do gs like, ry, deep deepening, make sure that your patient knows that nothing will harm him not want your client to imagine tripping down a set of stairs. Say thin With each step you take, you are going deeper and deeper into a very, ve state of relaxation. You feel comfortable and safe.

And, as in the above example, always tie in the fact that the client is going dee per. Make sure that you communicate that with each step (or floor, if you are sen ding a client down an escalator) your client goes down, he is going deeper into his subconscious. Do not just tell him to go down the stairs, tell him that thos e stairs are allowing him to go deeper as you count the steps. Ten, take the firs t step down. Nine, another step deeper. By the time the client is at the bottom of the stairs, he will be relaxed and sl owed down. If your client is on an escalator, before the counting begins, tell your client that it is a long escalator and that by the time you get to one, he will be at t he bottom. Otherwise, your client may imagine himself at the bottom of the escal ator when you are at the count of five. Make sure that you spell out everything for him. You may want to say, Ten, moving down a little bit. Nine, moving deeper a little more, down the escalator. With each floor you go down, you are so much more rela xed. You are ten times more relaxed every foot you move down, down, down. As with an induction, feel free to incorporate activities that the client likes into the deepening. If you have an adventurous client who relaxes by repelling ( an activity that causes the rest of us to feel sheer terror!), use a deepening t hat involves repelling the client down a mountain. However, make sure that the c lient feels safe. Tell him that the ropes are secure and that nothing bad is goi ng to happen. No matter what scenario you use, be sure to tell your client that nothing bad wi ll happen. The client will not fall down the stairs and will not run into a tree while skiing down the hill; the elevator will not get stuck. Because hypnotherapy is positive, I like to use positive phrasing wherever possi ble. Do not say, In this particular trip down the side of the hill, you will not run into a tree. Although you are telling the client he will not run into a tree, this phrase will be planted in his mind and he may envision it nonetheless. Say

something like, In this particular trip down the side of a hill, nothing will ha ppen to you. It will be smooth. It will be your smoothest trip down the side of a hill ever. Do not let the client s imagination run wild. Be sure to coordinate a downward motion with downward counting, and the client g oing downward into hypnosis. Remember to use words such as deeper, nd slowing down. down, and relaxing. These words imply deepness a

Also, frequently use and stretch out the word and. For example, You are relaxing mo re deeply, annnnnnnd unwinding completely. Clients report finding this quite rela xing. It also helps to tie your instructions together in a relaxing way. By using all of these tricks of the trade, your session will be successful. Many of my patients say that in addition to the problem for which they came to s ee me, they cannot relax. These same patients often leave feeling more relaxed t han they thought possible, and much of this is due to the deepening. Like having a massage, a hypnotherapy session is a perfect opportunity for the client to re lax. In fact, many people compare hypnotherapy to massage in the sense that it o ffers relaxation. Unlike massage therapists, hypnotherapists add positive sugges tions for change, but the type of relaxation is very similar. Though there are clients who might drop immediately into Theta or Delta during t he induction, do not omit the deepening in the first session. In subsequent visi ts, feel free to skip the deepening if the client falls into Theta or Delta imme diately, but do not omit the deepening during the first visit. Aside from physical indicators such as slowed breathing or slowed pulse (observe d visually on the neck, head, and hands), you also can roughly ascertain what st ate of consciousness a client goes into by having a discussion with him at the c onclusion of the session. If the client s last memory of the first session occurre d about two minutes into the induction, and he appears to be equally relaxed dur ing subsequent inductions, you can safely skip the deepening. This client obviou sly goes into a deep trance quickly. If you are unsure, use the deepening. It wi ll not hurt. Sample Deepening 1 You are completely relaxed and contented as you stand at the edge of the lake, a nd hear the rocking of a small rowboat as it floats gently next to a small dock. The dock is inviting, and you hear the call of baby ducks as they swim circles around their mother, safely and securely, near the end of the dock. The well-constructed wooden dock has ten evenly spaced planks for steps, and han drails that lead to a wide platform, to which the small white rowboat is tied. T here is an antique iron park bench sitting at the end of the dock, overlooking t he lake. There are tiny peeping noises coming from the ducklings. You will go do wn the steps, one by one, confidently. And you will count them backwards from 10 to 1. And as you count them, you will go deeper and deeper into your trance wit h each and every step you descend You know that you are safe and secure as you grab hold of the sturdy handrails a nd move calmly to the top step. Ten. And you are going deeper and deeper. You fe el comfortable and relaxed as you step onto the next step. Nine.

You can feel the smooth, wooden handrail as you slide your hands along it and go down another step and go deeper, and deeper. Eight. The planks are warm from th e sun and inviting on your feet as you go down another step. Seven. You slide yo ur hands a little further down the handrail and step down again, going deeper an d deeper. Six. You see the baby ducks swim into the cool shadows of the dock as you take another step down. The bump, bump, bump of the rowboat continues as you go down another step, and y ou are relaxed and contented. Five. Stepping further down, the mother duck calls her babies, and you are going deeper. Four. The rhythmic waves lap onto the sho re, and you lower yourself onto the next plank. Three. You are more relaxed, as you calmly go down another step. Two. The ducklings come out from under the dock , to join their mother, as you take the step safely onto the platform. One. Note: Reading time of this deepening is approximately 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The author did not indicate any (pauses), which may be added, if desired, to all ow the client to go deeper on his own. Pauses would extend the time needed to co mplete the deepening.

Sample Deepening 2 down to the ninth step. Smoothly and easily. Feel yourself Take a step down now going deeper. Now down to step eight going deeper still. Now down to step seven going deeper down to step six deeper still going further down to step five and step four step three two one. Now you are standing on the floor below. There is a door in front of you. A sign on the door reads Doorway to the Beach of Relaxation. Reach out and turn the doorknob. Open the door. A strea m of golden sunlight pours through the open door. Walk through the door into the golden sunlight. Before you, stretches a beach of pure white sand. Beyond the edge of the beach i s an endless ocean of clear blue water. Walk on the beach until you come to the place where the dry sand meets the wet sand, near the water s edge. Stand here a m oment and notice all of the sights and sounds. Notice the seagulls in the sky above. Watch them diving for fish in the sea belo w. Listen to their chatter as they return to the sky. Notice the other birds aro und you. They show their appreciation for life in their smooth flight and the ha ppy songs they sing. Notice the majestic expanse of the ocean in front of you. A gentle wave comes as hore and rushes past your feet. Feel how it pleasantly glides past your feet as it recedes back into the ocean. This ocean is the sea of relaxation. With each wav e that touches the sand, you are feeling more and more deeply relaxed.

Helpful Tip If you have several clients in one day, you may find yourself beginning to get s leepy, especially during the deepenings. To combat fatigue, you may want to crea te a hypnotherapy recording for yourself, which programs you to maintain full aw akening consciousness and mental sharpness during your sessions.

Suggested Practice Write a 10-unit deepening. Incorporate counting from 10 down to one, making sure that the client knows he will be going deeper as the numbers decrease. Record t he process. When you are done with this, you should have a recording with an induction, 30 t o 60 seconds of silence, a deepening (three to five minutes in length), and anot her 30 to 60 seconds of silence. (Obviously, you do not need to record this fina l silence. I mention it so that you will remember to include it when you add the next part, the script, which is discussed in Chapter 5.) Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 4 - Deepenings (See back of book for correct answers) Question 1 In a deepening, you are correlating downward motion (e.g. going down some stairs), downward counting (10 to 1), and what else? Question 2 Where on the client s body can you look for signs of their bodily proce sses slowing down? Question 3 How many sets of deepenings should be used in one hypnotherapy sessio n? Question 4 If you are unsure of a client s deepness, should you omit the deepening?

Chapter 5: Scripts

Perhaps the most important part of any hypnotherapy session, and therefore the m ost important chapter of this book, is the script. A script is the meat of the hypnotherapy experience. It is where the therapy occ urs. If you do not have a script, you are not doing hypnotherapy. You may be hyp notizing your client, but you are not helping her. A script is the portion of th e hypnotherapy session during which you suggest change. It delivers the main mes sage to the subconscious mind. The pretalk, induction, and deepening all prepare the client for the script. Research clearly indicates that a script can be helpful in dealing with many iss ues. Some examples include overcoming alcoholism (Jayasinghe, 2005), dealing wit h IBS (Weil, 2007), improving efficiency for increased financial success, attrac ting romantic partners, weight loss (Holt, Warren, & Wallace, 2006), memory impr ovement, smoking cessation (Rouse, 2007), academic success (Bloom, 2007), improv ed confidence, or whatever the client s challenge may be. As part of a self-hypnotherapy session, a hypnotherapist could even write a scri pt to enhance her creativity to suggest to her subconscious mind that she is goi ng to write more creative scripts! The script is where you form new associations for the client. Instead of being a fraid, the client will associate a pleasant feeling with talking to members of t he opposite sex, eating health foods, going down an escalator or an elevator, be ing in a crowd of people, on a stage, in an airplane, or near a snake. I have a prospective client who is afraid of entering parking garages. The assoc iation she has now is scary for her. During the script, she will be given a new association for entering a parking garage, and she will no longer be afraid. The script will plant positive suggestions that her body will remember when she act ually enters a parking garage. If you are new to hypnotherapy, you might want to start with a script written by someone else. You can borrow one of my scripts or use one from the countless bo oks available on this topic (see the recommended resources toward the end of thi s chapter, and also at the end of the book). When using a script that someone else has written, make sure that you have read through it before the hypnotherapy session. The worst thing that you can possibl y do is go into a session without previously having read the script. You want to be familiar with the script for several reasons. First, you do not w ant to trip through words and concepts while reading the script during the sessi on. (Because your client s eyes are covered, you can read a script and every other part of the hypnotherapy session except the pretalk. You do not have to memoriz e it.) Second, you need to carefully evaluate the script prior to reading it to your client. Each client is different, so you will need to find and eliminate th ose things in the script that are not going to apply to a particular client. You need to have a full understanding of the script so that you can tailor it to ac hieve the best possible results. Do your due diligence. Do not allow yourself any excuses. Prepare every time. Beware of procrastinating and ending up in a situation that causes you to stumbl e. During a live sermon, for example, a preacher can say, I am sorry. I made a mi stake. Let me backtrack. But you cannot do that under hypnosis. Every word you sa y goes into the patient s subconscious. Be prepared. You are dealing with the most precious part of a human: their mind.

Treat it delicately. I do not say this to scare you. I say this to prepare you. Be prepared. Consider a script for weight loss that begins like this: Now, you will imagine that you are a machine, and you can put different types of batteries in your power center. You have been choosing batteries that do not la st very long and that leave a residue. From now on, you will chose proper batter ies that power you for a long time and do not leave any residue. Let s say that you are not interested in, or inspired by the machine analogy in th e script. And let s say that your client is not at all interested in machines. Wou ld this script be appropriate? Probably not. It would be more powerful to use a script that described something that you, and especially your client, related to . Although an analogy might be good and potentially powerful, if it does not feel natural for you, you will not be confident when reading it. And, more importantl y, if it does not feel natural for the client, another script choice will be mor e appropriate. Go through any script you intend to use. Make sure that there are no surprises. If someone hands you a script and says, Here, use this when you have someone who wants to lose weight, make sure that you go through the script ahead of time. Do not be afraid to alter a script. Scripts are not written in stone. Make the s cript something that flows freely from your mouth. Many good scripts may be found in one of the books I recommend, The Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors by D. Corydon Hammond. Note that the scripts in this book were written by hypnotherapists with advanced educational, psycholo gical, and medical degrees. Some of the scripts are fairly technical. Take the g eneral idea of the scripts and rewrite them. You should tailor things with your own unique flavor. I cannot emphasize this enough. The main rule for modifying scripts is this: never insert anything that could ca use harm. We do not harm people. We help people. Say good things. Do not say frightening o r harmful things. Do not excite your client. Bore her. Everything is calm. Every thing is peaceful. Everything is beautiful. Everything is positive. As long as you remember not to harm people, your script will be fine. If you do not have a script to modify, you will have to write your own script. L et s assume that your client wants to lose weight, and you do not have a script fo r weight loss. What should you do? Do not give up. Take heart in the fact that everything you n eed is already within you. You just need a little guidance. Let s take this step-b y-step. First of all, ask yourself what the goal is. Here, the goal is for the client to lose weight. Before writing the script, you need to find out what a reasonable target is. Do not allow the client to expect to lose 100 pounds in six weeks. If you are not s ure what is reasonable for this particular client, consult a dietician or a phys

ician. (Remember: if your client is under the care of another healthcare profess ional, make sure that you are in agreement with the course of treatment.) Find out how much weight the person can expect to lose, and set a reasonable tar get within a reasonable timeframe. Your due diligence should continue with a conversation with the client. Before y ou write the script, find out what the client is eating that is contributing to the problem. Ask the client: What are the foods you are eating, and when are you eating them? Then work this information into the script. For example, perhaps the client says, I am eating Snickers bars at 11:00, right b efore I go to bed. I eat three of them each night. I cannot figure out why on Ea rth I am gaining weight. It s just not fair. The script is the place to alter the negative behavior that is causing the probl em. Your script will tell this client that she can and will change this behavior . If the person is gaining weight, unable to talk to potential romantic partners, or scared of flying, the script is the place to insert suggestions to help her m ake positive changes in these areas. The script is where the healing takes place . If she is afraid of planes, then in the script have her imagine that she gets on that plane. She takes that plane ride. She gets off that plane and nothing has gone wrong. Have her imagine the whole experience. She is safe the entire time. Be creative. Say things such as, You can see the cockpit from where you are sitti ng, and everything looks fine. And you know that your bags are stowed, and you j ust feel great because everything is taken care of. It is a smooth flight. You l ook outside. And it is daytime and you see the sky and it is so beautiful. If you are working on motivation, find out why the client is not motivated. Is s he unmotivated because she does not think she will accomplish the desired result s? If so, the script should help the client to see herself as having already acc omplished the results. The client already has achieved whatever it is that was c ausing her to procrastinate. If the client is afraid of snakes, have her see a snake from a distance. Tell he r, Everything is fine, and now if you want to, you can walk closer. Only walk as close as you feel comfortable with and no closer. And each time you hear my voic e, you can allow yourself to get closer but understand that no harm will come to you. I am inviting you to use your creativity in writing the scripts. I am inviting y ou to reach inside and pull something out of yourself, something that will be he lpful. I am not going to tell you that these methods are written in stone , because that would limit your creativity. Just let it flow. Keep your plan, your idea, and your motive in mind. Your motivation is to help the client. Keep everything positive and uplifting. Do not dwell on the negative. Focus on t he positive. Keep your eye on the mark and remember that you will end up at whatever point on which you have focused. Likewise, keep the client s focus on the positive change from within. The client should imagine that the change has happened. You want th e client to think: I am already flying. I am not planning on it, I am not imagini ng it. I am getting on that plane and I am flying. Or, I am getting as close to th at snake as I feel comfortable. Or, I am taking the steps to get to that escalator , and I am on it and everything is fine.

As discussed earlier, a person s body does not know the difference between imagini ng something and having it actually happen. This means that the client has the a dvantage of knowing rationally that the situation is not occurring, but physical ly and emotionally, she feels that she has experienced the event. Therefore, when it comes time for the client to go down the escalator, she will feel as though she has already had a positive and successful experience going do wn an escalator. I recommend the following books for more information and samples of scripts: Havens, Ronald A., and Catherine R. Walters. 1989. Hypnotherapy Scripts: A Neo-E ricksonian Approach to Persuasive Healing. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group. Hammond, D. Corydon. Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. 1990. New Y ork: W. W. Norton and Company. (A Norton Professional Book from the American Soc iety of Clinical Hypnosis.) Jones, S.G., Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I, 2007 Jones, S.G., Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II, 2007 The last two are written by me and can be found on my website at http://www.stev

The power of Scripts One study (Bolocofsky, Dwayne, and Coulthard-Morris, 1985), published in the Jou rnal of Clinical Psychology, divided 109 people into two groups for a nine-week study. The first group was treated with changes in diet and exercise habits (the only way to lose weight) without the addition of hypnosis. The second group was given the same diet and exercise treatment and was also given hypnosis for rein forcement. After nine weeks, not surprisingly, both groups lost weight due to the changes i n diet and exercise while under supervision. However, what happened after the eight-month and two-year follow-ups might surpr ise you. The group members that did not have hypnosis did not lose any more weig ht and, in fact, most gained most of their weight back. The hypnosis group, however, continued to lose weight during both intervals, and the studies showed that far more people in the hypnosis group met their long-te rm weight loss goals. The take-home is that the hypnosis group continued the eating and exercise habit s learned in the experiment, while the non-hypnosis group did not. There is no magic pill for weight loss, and you simply have to follow a healthy eating and exercise plan, but from this study, it is clear that hypnosis support s diet and exercise adherence. Cochrane and Friesen (1986) investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 60 females, at least 20 % overweight and not involved in other treatment. Th e researchers interviewed each participant this time about their family backgrou nd, educational background, and their belief as to their hypnotizability.

The group was split into hypnosis and non-hypnosis groups, with both groups bein g given weight-loss behavioral treatments and counseling. The results were very interesting. The group using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds by the six-mo nth follow up. The group that did not receive hypnosis only lost one-half of a p ound. The researchers also found that "hypnotizability" and social and education al backgrounds had nothing to do with the results. Kirsch (1996) conducted a meta-analysis, which is when researchers look across m ultiple studies. He was able to confirm the results of previous weight-loss hypn otherapy studies. In the studies of hypnosis versus no hypnosis, the average short-term weight los s was six pounds for those not using hypnosis, and 11.83 pounds with hypnosis. E ven more importantly, over the long-term, the average weight loss without hypnos is remained at six pounds, but with hypnosis it jumped to 14.88 pounds, indicati ng again that the effects of hypnosis seem to compound over time. What is impressive about these results is that doing hypnosis under controlled c onditions is extremely difficult, and to have the research indicate that people are losing anywhere from 2 to 17 times more weight under hypnosis than when they do not use it clearly indicates that hypnotherapy should be used by anyone who is serious about weight loss. In a clinical study of six chronic stroke subjects, researchers using hypnothera py observed qualitative improvements in motor function related to increased rang e of motion, increased grip strength, improved outlook, and increased motivation (Diamond, S., Davis, O., Schaechter, J., & Howe, R. 2006). Irritable bowel syndrome troubles up to 58 million Americans, causing abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Special diets and drug therapies ofte n fail to work well. Recently, British researchers followed 204 patients for up to six years and found that 12 weekly one-hour hypnotherapy sessions significant ly improved symptoms 71% of the time Choi, C. (2004). Sample Script for Finding Love As you relax, drifting and floating peacefully and completely, see and feel your self becoming more confident, choosing to be and feel attractive, desirable, and irresistible. You find yourself connecting with everyone you meet easily and ef fortlessly. Because you are self-confident, self-assured, and secure, you are ir resistible. Now, imagine the perfect mate. See the qualities you admire reflecte d in your perfect mate: hair, eyes, body, laugh, voice, outlook, philosophy, and interests. See your perfect mate now, and feel how good it feels to be with you r perfect mate. Know now that you are open to accepting your perfect mate into y our life. You deserve love. You deserve happiness. You deserve to give and recei ve love now. And you understand that you are open to receiving your perfect mate into your life now.

Sample Script for Financial Success You are a magnet for money. Money comes to you easily. You feel abundance. It is all coming to you. Who you are attracts wealth, financially and emotionally. Yo

u create strong and powerful relationships at ABC Banking. You enjoy relating to people. Your greatest self becomes clearer and clearer day-by-day. Your contrib utions to the world and your spouse become clearer and clearer each day. The per son you want to become is clear. Who you are being creates passion in your life. You are fully engaged every day. You have unlimited energy. You find new and cr eative ways to contribute to others. You are enough. You let go of worry and dou bt. You focus on your financial goals, and you reach them. You are living abunda ntly. You are successful. See yourself being successful with all the many wonder ful things you deserve in your life, such as the house in (place), the bank acco unt of (amount), and your new company doing very well.

Sample Script for Overcoming fear of Singing on Stage As you become more and more relaxed, you will remain relaxed and less tense when you are in the presence of other people, whether it is just a small gathering o f friends and acquaintances or a mid-sized room of people, all the way up to a l arge audience of strangers. It doesn t matter at all. You will be able to meet them on equal terms and see the m as peers, even as loving friends and nonjudgmental individuals who encourage y ou to be your very best, and know that you will delight them with your talent. You feel so at ease in their presence without the slightest feeling of inferiori ty, without becoming self-conscious, without becoming embarrassed or confused, w ithout feeling conspicuous. You will become so deeply interested, so deeply involved in delivering your best singing performance exercising complete control over your beautiful voice that you will concentrate entirely on your singing to the complete exclusion of anyth ing else that might be going on around you. With ease, you will deliver each wor d with perfect pronunciation and perfect tone. Because of this, you will remain completely relaxed, perfectly calm and self-con fident, and you become less conscious of yourself and your own feelings. You will consequently be able to sing quite freely and naturally, exactly as you wish to, without being worried in the least by the presence of your audience. If you should begin to think about yourself, you will immediately shift your att ention back to your singing, and will no longer experience even the slightest ne rvousness, discomfort, or uneasiness. The moment you get up to sing, all your nervousness will disappear completely, a nd you will feel completely relaxed, completely at ease and confident. You will become so deeply interested in the words you sing that the presence of an audience will no longer faze you in the least. You no longer feel uncertain o r confused or conspicuous in any way. And you will remain so throughout your performance fident, and perfectly at ease. perfectly calm, perfectly con

With each successive performance, you will feel even more confident and more exh ilarated than the last. You look forward to each new performance with anticipati on and excitement. Sample Script for Weight Loss 1 As you continue to relax, you imagine your perfect body. That s right. You are loo king in a mirror and seeing yourself a short time from now. Muscles tight, thigh s slim, abdomen flat. You look amazing. Every day, you will focus on this perfec t image. And you now imagine that in front of you is a large plate. This plate h as some of the foods that you are trying to avoid: fast food and foods high in fat and calories. Your body avoids these foods. They are unappealing to you. Nearby is a trashcan. Dump the plate in the trashcan. And now on that plate you may pl ace the foods you really enjoy: effective, healthy foods such as vegetables, fru its, fish, and chicken. You love these foods, and they taste so good. You find t hat from now on, you may leave food on your plate when you are at home or at a r estaurant. When you start to feel full, you stop eating. You are highly motivate d to lose weight. You allow yourself to lose the weight you no longer desire. Yo u deserve to be healthy and beautiful, at your target weight. Sample Script for Weight Loss 2 And now I want you to imagine yourself standing on a scale and looking down at t he numbers on the scale. The numbers you see are showing you your ideal weight, the weight you want to be. See your body appear the way you would like it to be. See those parts of your body that need the weight removed watch as these parts of your body become smaller lighter slimmer. See this new thinner you very clearly, and bring this image to mind many times d uring the day. After waking in the morning, before going to sleep at night, and as many times in between as you feel are necessary. And this is the way you will look the way you will become. And as you believe th is, so it will be. When you have reached your desired weight, you will be able t o maintain it easily. You will find yourself eating just enough healthy, nourishing foods to maintain your ideal weight. Until you do reach this ideal weight, you will find yourself with less and less desire to eat snacks between meals. In fact, very soon, you w ill have no desire at all to eat between meals. It simply becomes unnecessary. You will find yourself happy and content with smaller meals. Smaller meals will completely satisfy you. You will have less desire for rich, high-calorie, high-fat, unhealthy foods. Ins tead, healthier foods will become more important to you as you realize how nouri shing and tasty they can be. Imagine yourself in the not-so-distant future, just six months from now, having reached your exact goal weight [enter goal weight here] pounds lighter thinner owing stronger and stronger healthier and healthier. With less weight, you will feel better and better, each and every day, in every way. Sample Script for Weight Loss 3 As you are relaxing on a blanket, here by the waterfall, I want you to imagine y ourself here six months from now, sitting on this same blanket at this same spot . But you are going to be [enter number of pounds they want to lose here] pounds gr

lighter. You will be so proud of yourself. You have worked hard to achieve what you want. You have stopped eating all the bad foods such as fast foods, sweets, and breads. And in place you have grown to love fruits, vegetables, chicken, le an meats, and low-carb foods. You have also begun a new workout program that you are loving and having so much fun doing that it doesn t seem like exercise. You w ill notice that you can t wear the same clothes because they are all too big for y ou. You are wearing much more flattering clothes today. You even notice that you r shoes aren t as tight. Today, you brought a picnic basket of food, and as you op en it to have lunch, you will see that you only brought things that are good for you. The bad foods no longer appeal to you. You have a choice of a hamburger or grilled chicken, and you will choose the chicken because it is much better for you. You notice how much healthier you look, your hair is shining from the sunli ght, your stomach is flatter, your muscles are more toned, you are able to breat he easier. After you have eaten your lunch, you decide to take a little walk, yo u happen to look down in the water, and you see your reflection, and you think, W ow, I have done it and I look amazing! Sample Script for Weight Loss 4 As you continue to relax, imagine the perfect you. That s right your body is perfe ct. As you gaze into the mirror, you re satisfied that you have achieved your goal s! While you ate, exercised, and followed those few principles, in just a few mo nths 10 pounds were simply gone. In six months, friends and family noticed how g ood you look. All because you paid attention to those details, so simple and eas y to follow, of sound weight management. It s now so easy to have a large meal ordered and simply quit when your plate is h alf full (with absolutely no guilt). You re now an example to your friends, co-wor kers, and family on healthy diet structure and planning. You may even be invited to teach and assist others in how to deal with their weight problems. The sky s t he limit to your possibilities. You are now the expert in dealing with ineffective foods as opposed to effective and healthy dietary functions. You will find yourself drinking more water, eati ng bright, well-seasoned vegetables and being very selective with the various he althy meat choices. All of life is opening up for you with your beautiful appear ance that radiates from the inside to the outside, as new doors of opportunity o pen just for you. Clearly, you deserve to be slender, healthy, and beautiful. Sample Script for Weight Loss 5 The subject of this script is weight reduction. Its intent is to motivate the cl ient to reduce carbohydrate intake, reject harmful foods, and to set realistic w eight loss goals, help her to visualize her "new self," promote a healthy self-i mage and celebrate her success. For the sake of continuity, we will start this script where we left off, at the conclusion of the Alternative Deepening, or the Continued Deepening, Ride in a R owboat. The client has reached the middle of the lake in a small, white rowboat. Now, you have reached the middle of the lake, and you are safe and sound. There is nothing there that can harm you, as you lean back in the boat, close your eye s, and relax. Let your mind drift with the boat. Feel the gentle rocking, as the boat settles to a rest, and the sun warms you, as you lay back in the boat. Rel ax, and let your mind drift. You are at perfect peace, warm, and contented. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and smell the fresh lake air. Draw in a dee p breath, and hold it in. Now let the air escape through your lips slowly. Enjoy the peaceful solitude of floating and relaxing in the warm lake breezes.

(Pause and let the client savor the moment.) As you lay there resting, your mind goes back to the days when you were slender and proud of the way your body looked. You can see how people s heads turned when you came into a room, and you can still hear their compliments about your figure and how wonderfully healthy you appeared. You are still the same wonderful person on the inside. You are charming, witty, and full of youthful vitality. The image that you have of yourself is the image that others will see. Rejoice when you eat healthy foods that are good for you a nd that give you a bright and energetic glow. Bask in the praise of others when they see the real you, enjoying all those wonderful foods that are truly good fo r your body, mind, and spirit. Helpful Tip: Beginning hypnotherapists have a tendency to speed up as they progress through r eading the various parts of a hypnotherapy session to their clients. Take the 30 -60 second pauses between hypnotherapy sections to make sure you are relaxed and reading slowly. Remember, your client is in a slowed-down state. They are not i n a hurry. They enjoy slowly-spoken words. Suggested Practice Write a weight loss script. It should be between one and five minutes long when read aloud slowly. Record your script. Remember to leave 30-60 seconds of silenc e between each part of the session you are recording, and all sessions you recor d in the future. Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 5 - Scripts (See back of book for correct answers) Question 1 Which books, suggested in this course, can you refer to if you need a script? (Get those books!) Question 2 What is the most important part of any hypnotherapy session? Question 3 Are scripts magic wands that can help people lose 50 pounds in a week ?

Chapter 6: Amnesia

Amnesia is the term that hypnotherapists use for the section of the hypnotherapy session in which we suggest to the client that he will forget what has been tol d to him during the session. We want the client to forget as much of the hypnotherapy session as possible. Th e memories will not be lost. The information is stored in the client s subconsciou s mind. Another goal of ours is to cause the client s conscious mind to forget the session , because the conscious mind is part of what is causing the problem. The conscio us mind will be analytical and skeptical, attempting to debunk what the hypnothe rapist has told the client. The conscious mind is often busy creating streams of negative chatter such as, I have heard things about stage hypnotists and what they make people do, and I do not want to do things against my will. I am going to pay attention to as much as I possibly can, and then I am going to analyze it, because I know you are telli ng me I am confident, and I know I am not. I am scared. I am afraid to get on th at airplane. I am nervous about that audition. I am scared to go in that parking garage, and I know that you cannot tell me otherwise. So far in your hypnosis session, you have dropped the client at least as deep as Alpha. In Alpha, the client is up to 200 times more suggestible than in normal waking consciousness (Beta). You want to have her subconscious mind listen to yo u, but now you know that you also want to have her conscious mind forget to be s keptical, analytical, and defensive. You therefore use amnesia. Rest assured tha t the information will not be lost by the subconscious mind, and it will subtly work its way into the conscious mind. During amnesia, you will tell your client that she will forget everything you ha ve just told her. She will not remember anything. She will erase it from her min d, even though she will act on it. However, you will want to be subtle about thi s. Do not say, You are going to forget everything. This will raise a red flag for the client s analytical mind. Let s face it: people are nervous about hypnotherapy. Avoid making them more nervous or skeptical by blatantly saying, You will forget. When you use amnesia, the client will forget a considerable amount of what you s ay. Even if you do not use amnesia, she will probably forget a considerable amou nt of what is said during the session because she will go in and out of consciou sness. Some people go very deeply, and do not really pay attention to what you s ay anyway. They are wonderful clients! Some people will try to stay awake during the entire hypnotherapy session, in fu ll waking consciousness, and afterward, critique everything you have said. This is why amnesia is so handy. Amnesia throws the analytical person s mind a curve ba ll and makes it difficult for the conscious mind to remember the hypnosis sessio n. The following analogy will help you to understand amnesia. Let s say that the onscious mind is a filing cabinet in an office. Only the secretary can access e cabinet. The boss is the conscious mind. When we use amnesia, the secretary comes confused and unable to do the job of bringing files to the boss, but no subc th be fi

les are actually lost. Sample Amnesia 1 As you continue to relax, every breath you take is soothing you, and I want you now to become aware of your breathing. And I wonder how much attention you have paid to all the different thoughts going through your mind. And then you can bec ome aware of how difficult it is to remember what I was saying exactly 10 minute s ago. And you can try to remember what I was saying five minutes ago, or what y ou were thinking 14 minutes ago. But doesn t it seem like too much work to try to remember all of that? In fact, it seems that it takes more effort than it is wor th, so I want you now to relax, relax, relax, and understand that it is not nece ssary to remember what I say when it is too much work to do. You can choose to f orget to remember what I said or remember to forget what I said. The choice is y ours. Okay, what have I done? I have taken all the information I have suggested to the patient and scrambled it up within her head. Think of this as a process similar to scrambling eggs; the ingredients do not disappear, but they are scrambled ab out. This process makes it difficult for the conscious mind to hang on. We are making it difficult for the client s analytical mind to say, I know you said I can fly in that plane, but I do not believe it. I do not think I really can. I think you a re just saying that. Again, by having the client consciously forget as much as possible, we are not e rasing the information from the client s mind. As with all events, sounds, and ima ges that they experience, this information will be recorded indelibly on the cli ent s subconscious mind, and we are simply disrupting their access to the informat ion. You will not erase the person s hard drive by performing amnesia. Even if you t ried to permanently erase the information, it would still be there. If you find that you have a patient who seems to go deeply into a hypnotic state , you might experiment with skipping amnesia. Like the deepening stage, this is not a necessary component for all clients. Some will go so deeply that you can e liminate this step. At the end of the first session, always ask your client for feedback. If the client reports that he drifted away as soon as you began speaki ng, feel free to eliminate amnesia in subsequent sessions. If there is any question, however, use amnesia. This section of the session is a bout one minute long, but it has lasting effects. Sample Amnesia 2 As you continue to relax, breathe regularly, in and out, in through your nose, o ut through your mouth, like playing a musical wind instrument, relaxing, relaxin g. In your mind's eye, auditory memories of suggestions float by in panoramic st yle. Can you remember the order in which the suggestions were given? Can you cla ssify the suggestions by their level of importance? Can you remember the exact n umber of suggestions given? Does it seem like too much effort to try to remember ? Relax, relax. Allow serenity to waft you along and sink into soft, white, fluf fy clouds, floating lazily in the warmth of the sunlight. You really don't have to try to remember when it s too difficult to do so.

Sample Amnesia 3 As you are standing there looking into the water, you begin to think of all the

different things I have said, but there are too many for you to try and remember . So, I want you to take them and put them in your picnic basket. After you have placed them in your basket, put the basket in the water and just let it float a way. You don t have to remember everything I have said. Your thoughts are safe in your basket. Your mind is now clear. Again, notice the peaceful feeling that you have. Helpful Tip Immediately after doing trance termination, which you will learn in the next cha pter, ask your client if they have any exciting plans for the weekend. This will cause the client to think about something other than the hypnotherapy session. If you can distract them in this way for just a few minutes, their short-term me mory of the session will deteriorate over that time and they will have more diff iculty remembering the session later. Perhaps you have woken up in the morning w ith the memory of a dream. You know that if you don t write it down immediately, i t may be lost forever. It doesn t go away, it just becomes difficult for your cons cious mind to retrieve it from your subconscious mind. This distraction method w orks the same way. If they do not recount the events of the session immediately after it is over, they may lose conscious access to it forever. Suggested Practice Write a subtle amnesia. It should be no longer than one minute. Amnesia does not need to be longer than one minute in order to be effective. It is short and to the point. Write and record the amnesia, leaving a 30-60-second period of silenc e at the end of it. Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 6 - Amnesia (See back of book for correct answers) Question 1 How long should the amnesia portion of the hypnotherapy session be in order to be effective? Question 2 When might amnesia not be necessary? Question 3 Why do you not want to be straightforward when using amnesia?

Chapter 7: Trance Termination Now that the induction, deepening, script and amnesia have been completed, it is time to bring the client out of hypnosis. Trance termination describes the process of bringing a client back to Beta. Duri ng trance termination, you want to allow the person to slowly transition from Al pha, Delta, or Theta to Beta (normal waking consciousness). As you know, being awakened abruptly is not enjoyable. It works, but it is not t hat much fun. Waking up is a more pleasant experience when you have completed a dream and sleep cycle and you awaken easily. The process of ending a hypnosis session is similar. Trance termination is like waking up gently and coming back to the world. Remember that unlike you, the cli ent is in a state of total relaxation prior to trance termination. Put yourself in your client s shoes, and ease her into normal waking consciousness. Based on my experience, your client will want to stay in your chair all day. You have brought the client to that place of total peace and relaxation, and she do

es not want to leave it. You will want to be gentle but firm. Your voice should transition from a smooth, monotonous tone to a more lively tone. The following is an example of a trance termination. Now, in just a few moments, you are going to come back up at the count of three. When I bring you back up, you are going to feel comfortable. You are going to f eel relaxed. You are going to feel as though you have had a peaceful nap and eve n after you are out of hypnosis, understand that your subconscious mind will act on every word on this recording, and each time you listen to this recording, th ese suggestions will become stronger and stronger in your mind. Each and every t ime you listen to this recording, these suggestions will become more and more a part of you, and you will become more and more the person of your choosing a rel axed, calm, confident, peaceful person who is able to lose weight easily and eff ortlessly. All right now. One: beginning to come up, feeling very good, filled with energy, rested, feelin g as though you have had a peaceful nap. (Pause) Two: coming up even more, beginning to move now, beginning to stir and you are t otally at ease. And, at the count of the next number, you will be completely awake (this prepare s the client one last time for beta, full waking consciousness). Three: eyes wide open, relaxed, refreshed and feeling wonderful. Note that there should be a considerable build in the volume of your voice betwe en one and three. Gradually begin to speak louder. By the time you get to the co unt of three, you should be speaking slightly louder than your normal conversati onal volume. Notice that in addition to bringing the client back up, trance termination also recaps the session, reinforces the script, and programs the client for future su ccess. Notice that I told the client ahead of time that I would count from one to three , at which point she would be awake. I preempted the count not only to give her time to prepare, but also to reinforce that her mind would absorb the script tha t I read to her earlier, that the process is going to work, and that it will bec ome stronger and stronger for her each time. I did not just say, ee. You are going to come up at the count of three. One, two, thr

I was very soothing, gentle, and affirmation-filled. When I finally brought her up, it was made more powerful by a transition in my voice, as I eventually spoke slightly louder than a normal conversational tone. After the trance termination, you want to allow the client to relax for a reason able amount of time. After you bring her back up, she probably will not jump up and walk right out the door. Most people want to relax and get up slowly. In fac t, many times after I bring people back up, they remain in the position they wer e in while under hypnosis. When this happens, rest assured that everything is fi ne. Let that person relax for a minute. If the client still is not moving, you s hould suggest to her that she will begin moving. If the client still does not respond verbally or by moving, they are probably as leep. Simply repeat the counting part of the trance termination. This time, begi

One at the same volume you were at when you said three , and build your volume from there. Continue repeating the One, two, three portion louder and louder until the client awakens. If you are having the client listen to you through headphones, simply increase the volume and repeat the One, Two, Three portion louder and loude r until she awakens. After the client is awake, it is advisable to give her ample time to adjust to b eing fully alert and awake. Adjustment may be assisted through the introduction of a conversation in a normal speaking tone, increased volume of any background music, the turning up of any lighting, the opening of any curtains, etc. Hasten the adjustment smoothly and gradually, but don't take an exorbitant amount of ti me. Ignore this next part in italics when doing your suggested practice, but keep it in mind when you make recordings in the future. On my hypnosis CDs, which I sell at, I instruct the listener to play the CD at night while she is in bed. I tell the listener that she will fall asleep at the conclusion of the CD. I suggest that when you make a recordin g for yourself or a client, you make it with the intention of it being played at bedtime. With this in mind, you should stop taping prior to the trance terminat ion. When working in your office, you need the client to come up at the count of three. However, you do not want that on the recording since you do not want the m to awaken when they want to fall asleep at night listening to the recording. T o accomplish this dual goal of getting her awake in your office and putting her to sleep at night, you should say (on the recording) something such as the follo wing: And now just allow yourself to drift into a peaceful sleep. When you awaken in th e morning, you will be well rested and full of natural energy. You will be ready for a wonderful day. That will be the only thing on the recording after amnesia. At that point, stop recording and do a trance termination, which will not be on the recording.

Once the client is sufficiently awakened, be sure to reinforce the notion that a ll went well and there is every expectation of continued progress and success. B e sure that she understands she must continue treatment with the recording you h ave given her by listening to it for 21 consecutive nights as she goes to sleep. Helpful tip To make future sessions easy, you can say, right before the trance termination, F rom now on, every time you hear me count from one to three, you will become full y awake at the count of three. Suggested Practice Practice transitioning from the low volume and monotonous tone ng a hypnosis session to a higher volume by reading the trance previously. This transition portion of the trance termination , One: beginning to come up, and end with, Three: eyes wide you will use duri termination given should start with open.

Record a trance termination. Review the full sample given in this chapter. Remem

ber, a trance termination is not just saying, One, two, three. There is a part dur ing which you prepare the client to come back up. During that preparatory portio n of the trance termination, you are also reinforcing the messages that you have given her in the script. Remember that there should be 30-60 seconds of silence between amnesia and trance termination. Test Your Knowledge on Chapter 7 - Trance Termination (See back of book for correct answers) Question 1 It can be shocking to come out of a hypnosis session suddenly. How do we avoid this situation and still return the client to full waking consciousnes s? Question 2 Aside from simply returning a client to full waking consciousness, a termination script can accomplish several other things. Name one.

Chapter 8: Tying It All Together

So, there you have it. Hypnotherapy is an easy process when you use a step-by-st ep process. Remember, the correct order of hypnotherapy sessions is a two-hour f irst-time session and one-hour follow-ups. Most situations will require 3-6 sess ions total. Sessions should be one week apart. Weight loss requires six initial sessions, with follow-ups monthly until the client reaches his ideal weight. During the first session, spend two hours with the client. The first hour consists of: 1. Having the client fill out forms. I have included samples of those forms in t his book. I let them fill out the forms while in the client chair in my office. If you have a waiting room, they can fill out the forms there. 2. The pretalk. Sometimes you will have a very talkative client. In those cases, you will perhaps want to give them bits and pieces of your pretalk as part of t he ongoing conversation. Other times, your client will be not as talkative. In t hose cases, you can deliver your pretalk and pause for occasional nods of unders tanding from your client. You will soon develop a unique style for delivering yo ur pretalk in either situation. This comes with practice. 3. Answering any questions the client may have about hypnotherapy.

The second hour and all follow-up sessions will consist of: 1. Asking the client if he needs to use the restroom. 2. Controlling the environment. 3. Getting the client in a safe, comfortable position. 4. Reading the induction. Remember that for this point onward, you can simply re ad everything. I do. Be sure to leave, just like on your practice tape you made while working through this book, 30-60 seconds of silence between each part of t he hypnotherapy session. The hypnotherapy session begins with the induction and ends with the trance termination. 5. Reading the deepening (Remember, it is possibly optional after the initial se ssion). 6. Reading the script. 7. Reading the amnesia (Also possibly optional in subsequent sessions). 8. Reading the trance termination. Remember that if you are making a recording, stop recording before you bring them back up. Clients will be using your recordi ng at night and would generally prefer to just go to sleep at that time and slee p through the night. Keep in mind that sometimes the first session will be shorter than two hours. Th is is especially common with clients who say very little. If it seems like this is the case, explain to the client that you have set aside two hours to work wit h them and they can use the first hour to ask any questions. Explain that that t ime is theirs and if they do not want to use up the entire first hour, that is f ine. You do not give refunds or credit for unused time. This part is not necessary to explain to the client. I just want you to be aware of it.

Your next step - Certification You may have read this book as part of a certification class, college class, or just for your own knowledge. Whatever the case, I applaud you for having an inte rest in the power of the mind and wanting to help others. If you read this book as part of a certification class, you may want to go onto the advanced certification program now. The only prerequisite is completion of t he basic class. This class is taught both online and in person. You can register online for either at assesII.htm If you read this book for a college class or for your own knowledge, perhaps you will not want to go through the actual certification class. You already have th e textbook that I use, and you already have a good understanding of the material . Now you can make it official by going through the class and becoming certified , either online or in person. Register for either online at: http://www.stevegjo Classes are offered throughout the world depending on my yearly travel schedule. Even if you train online, you will be in contact with me as your personal train er throughout the course.

Additionally, whether or not you complete the advanced course, you can register for any of three specialty classes online at: dhypnosiscertificationclasses.htm The only prerequisite in the basic certification class. Specialties include weight loss, smoking cessation, and pain management. These c ourses are outstanding for anyone interested in seeing clients who need assistan ce in these areas. You will be taught complete protocols for each specialty. Thi s includes how to set up multiple-week sessions and what to do each week. These protocols are the result of my 20-plus years of trial and error. I would like to save you some potential problems and have you making money as a successful hypn otherapist. I have a 98.12% success rate with smokers (tracked out to six months ), a 90.34% success rate with weight loss (tracked out to one year), and a 91.45 % success rate with pain management (tracked out to six months). I generally do not conduct studies on former patients beyond six months since I do not want to remind them of their former habit ongoing. Helpful Tip As you begin your career as a hypnotherapist, keep in mind that the best adverti sing is word of mouth. When people trust you, they are more likely to tell a fri end about your services. Always be honest and do your job to the best of your ab ility. If you do these two simple things, your business will skyrocket and you w ill not need to do much, if any, advertising. Suggested Practice Now that you have made your complete recording and answered the questions at the end of each chapter, how about practicing a complete hypnotherapy session on a friend? I suggest that you choose someone who knows and trusts you. Tell them th at you are just learning and that you cannot guarantee any results. In fact, you should always make sure that your clients, friends or otherwise, understand tha t you cannot guarantee any results. You will simply perform hypnotherapy in the way that you have been trained. Results, if they are going to come, are always u p to the client. Remember this and you will be able to detach yourself from pote ntial feeling of failure when the client does not get the desired results. After you have done a session or two with this friend, choose another friend. Th en another. It is important that you begin now while the knowledge is fresh in y our mind. After about a week of this, start charging people for your services. Y ou can start by charging $100 for the first two-hour session and $50 for the one -hour follow-up sessions if you want to. I suggest that you very quickly raise y our prices, within a month, to $250 and $150. That is what I charge at the time of the writing of this book. Always adjust upward for inflation over time. For m ore tips on marketing yourself as a hypnotherapist and making a good living at i t, you may want to get my book: Business guide for Hypnotherapists (Office set-u p, websites, forms, advertising online, search engine optimization, creating and selling hypnotherapy CDs and mp3s). It is available at http://www.stevegjones.c om/books.htm. Best of luck to you! Sincerely,

Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. Clinical Hypnotherapist Final Exam

(See back of book for correct answers) There is no minimum word requirement for each answer: 1. List and describe the four levels of consciousness. 2. What is the most important part of the pretalk? 3. After finishing this course, you may want to write several inductions with ac companying deepenings. Why? 4. Let s suppose, for this question, that you are trained as a hypnotherapist. You are not a physician, psychologist, etc. What should you do if hypnotherapy is n ot working for a client? 5. Write three sentences which, when used in an induction, would help involve th e senses. Address one sense per sentence. 6. Which parts of a hypnosis session can you omit after the first session? Why? 7. Which part of a hypnotherapy session, if omitted, would make your session not actually a hypnotherapy session, but rather a hypnosis session? 8. When we use amnesia, does this cause the client to forget everything we did i n the hypnosis session? 9. True or false: Scripts need to be 2 pages long or more in order to be effecti ve. 10. True or false: When you need a script, just get a book of scripts and use on e in a session with a client, without reading it beforehand. Glossary Alpha: The lightest stage of hypnosis. Alpha is just below Beta (normal awakenin g consciousness). Amnesia: Brief yet powerful suggestions given to cause the client to consciously forget the hypnosis experience. Beta: Normal waking consciousness. Client: The subject of the hypnotherapy session. May also be called the patient.

Deepening: Suggestions given after an induction meant to deepen the state of hyp nosis. Delta: The deepest state of hypnosis. It is not necessary for a client to achiev e this state in order to have the full benefit of hypnotherapy Diagnosis: The patient s main problem (weight, motivation, smoking, etc.). Be carefu l not to share this label with the client. You need to know what you are dealing with, but if the client hears this label, he may identify with it. When talking with the client, it is better to say, You are a person who used to smoke. Avoid s aying, You are a smoker. Keep in mind that hypnotherapists are not qualified to di agnose. That is the job of a licensed therapist or MD. Induction: The first part of a hypnosis session, which is intended to ease the c lient into a trance. Phobia: A fear.

Pretalk: A talk given to the client one time. It is given during the first hour of the first session. The purpose of it is to educate the client about hypnother apy. Script: In this course, the script is the main part of a hypnosis session, durin g which the primary therapeutic message is delivered. Theta: The state of hypnosis just above Delta. It is not necessary for a client to achieve this state in order to have the full benefit of hypnotherapy Trance Termination: Ending the hypnosis session either by returning the client t o full waking consciousness (Beta), or by suggesting that the client go to sleep (Delta or Theta). Answers Chapter 1- Introduction Question 1 answer: Some possible answers are: driving a car, reading a book and watching TV. Question 2 answer: 21 days (or nights). Question 3 answer: Yours. Chapter 2 - The Pretalk Question 1 answer: Lectures about hypnotherapy in front of groups such as classrooms, Rotary Clubs, Toastmasters Clubs, etc. This can be an outstanding way for you to get new clie nts while spreading the word about the power of hypnotherapy. Question 3 answer: Possible answers include: They could get the impression that he cannot be hypnotized. They could cancel all future visits with you and never seek hypnosis as a healin g modality again. They could damage the profession by telling people that hypnosis doesn t work. They could damage your career by telling people that you don t know how to hypnoti ze people! Question 4 answer: Reassure the client that everything is fine. (Reassure yourself mentally too). T hen go immediately to Trance Termination (covered in Chapter 7). Your client may wake up sweaty, out of breath, or crying, but relax. The calmer you are, the calm er your client will be. After an abreaction, explain to the client that this is normal and happens somet imes. Then refer them to a psychologist or psychiatrist and explain to the clien t that you do not feel comfortable treating them further. Do this in a polite, c aring, professional way. The fact is that you are not equipped to deal with the problems that have caused this abreaction. This person needs more advanced thera py.

Chapter 3 - Inductions Question 1 answer: Possible answer: As you walk along the beach, you can feel the warm, soft, powdery sand under you r feet. Question 2 answer: Possible answer: You can smell the fresh, salty, ocean breeze. Question 3 answer: Possible answer: You can see the birds off in the distance above the blue ocean water. Question 4 answer: Possible answer: You can hear the waves as they gently roll onto the shore. Question 5 answer: Because the subconscious mind takes words literally. Therefore, you must make su re that what the client hears is the correct pronunciation of each word so that they do mistake one word for another. Chapter 4: Deepenings Question 1 answer: Relaxation. Question 2 answer: Chest for breathing. Head, neck and hands for pulse. Question 3 answer: One set is enough. Question 4 answer: No. Keep it in just to be sure of their depth of trance. Chapter 5 Scripts

Question 1 answer: I recommend the following books for more information and samples of scripts: Havens, Ronald A., and Catherine R. Walters. 1989. Hypnotherapy Scripts: A Neo-E ricksonian Approach to Persuasive Healing. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group. Hammond, D. Corydon. Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. 1990. New Y ork: W. W. Norton and Company. (A Norton Professional Book from the American Soc iety of Clinical Hypnosis.) Jones, S.G., Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I, 2007 Jones, S.G., Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II, 2007 The last two are written by me and can be found on my website at http://www.stev

Question 2 answer: The script. Question 3 answer: No. Chapter 6 Amnesia

Question 1 answer: Up to one minute long when read slowly aloud. Question 2 answer: When a client doesn t need it because they are clearly going into a very deep stat e. Question 3 answer: The patient may detect that you are attempting to get them to forget something. This may cause the client to become unnecessarily alarmed. Chapter 7 - Trance Termination Question 1 answer: By bringing them back slowly to the count of three and gradually raising your vo ice volume. Question 2 answer: Possible answers: a. Recap the session. b. Reinforce the session. c. Program the client for future success. Chapter 8 - Final Exam Question 1 answer: Beta: Normal waking consciousness. Alpha: The lightest stage of hypnosis. Alpha is just below Beta (normal awakenin g consciousness). Theta: The state of consciousness just above Delta. Delta: The deepest state of consciousness. Question 2 answer: Telling the client that they may be aware of everything you say during the sessi on, but they are still in hypnosis. Question 3 answer: There are two possible answers: a. So that you have a variety of inductions and deepenings to offer clients in c ase a particular client does not like certain inductions and deepenings. For exa mple, some people are scared of the ocean, so a beach induction would be inappro priate for them. b. So that you will have a variety of inductions and deepenings for clients who come to several sessions. Question 4 answer: Refer the client to another heath care provider. Question 5 answer: Possible answer:

And as you walk in the woods, you hear the relaxing sound of leaves crunching ge ntly beneath your feet. You smell that fresh, relaxing pine scent. You see the b eautiful blue sky through the treetops. Question 6 answer: Possible answers: The deepening and/or amnesia, because they may be unnecessary for that client to achieve relaxation and amnesia. Some clients relax and/or forget without the us e of one or both of these. Question 7 answer: The script. Question 8 answer: Sometimes. But generally, it simply makes it more difficult for the client to co mpletely recall the hypnotherapy session. Question 9 answer: False. Question 10 answer: False. Appendix I have over two decades of experience in hypnosis. I have a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida, an M.Ed. from Armstrong Atlantic State Un iversity, and I am working on a doctorate degree at Georgia Southern University. I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a member of both the American Board o f Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists, president of the American A lliance of Hypnotists, and director of the Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy . I am also on the board of directors of the American Lung Association in Los An geles. I currently live in Savannah, Georgia, but I see clients and teach classe s worldwide. My client base consists largely of people who need to lose weight or gain confid ence. Other clients include sales teams interested in boosting motivation and in creasing income, singles searching for love, insomniacs desiring proper sleep, a nd smokers wanting to change their habits, to name just a few topics. It is my hope that this book will create a cadre of hypnotherapists who feel a s trong commitment toward practicing with integrity, thus altering negative percep tions about hypnotherapy, while allowing people to make positive changes. To thi s end, I am providing you with the tools to change people s habits and perceptions , and to help them overcome fears. I know that you can help your patients find l ove, make a fortune, and reach their optimum level of physical fitness through h ypnotherapy. For more information about me and about hypnotherapy, I invite you to visit my w ebsite, There, you will find a collection of hypnotherapy C Ds, mp3s, and audio books. Among the recorded sessions, you will find over 120 t itles including Weight Loss, Unlimited Motivation, and Unlimited Confidence. You also will find a link to my e-mail address, I am avai lable to answer your questions or address your concerns, and I wish you all the luck and prosperity the world has to offer. Forms In this chapter, you will find the forms I use in my practice. Let them serve as

a guide for you to create your own forms. Feel free to simply copy mine and rep lace my information with yours. INTAKE FORM NAME:_______________________________ Date: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Work Phone: ________________________ E-mail address: ___________________________________________ Would you like to receive e-mail information from Steve G. Jones? ______________ Date of Birth: _________________________ Occupation: __________________________ How did you hear about Steve G. Jones? _________________________________________ ___________ Reason for this session: _______________________________________________________ ______ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Other areas of interest: Please circle any which apply: Weight Loss Stop Smoking Fear of Flying Concentration Enhancement Self Esteem Past Life Regression Forgiveness Phobias Relationships Shyness Shame Anger Relaxation Motivation Depression Insecurity Sports Performance Finding Lost Objects Childbirth Insomnia Eating Disorders Substance Abuse Healing Public Speaking Auditions Confidence Hang-Ups Dental Procedures Hair Pulling Grief Test Anxiety

Areas you may wish to improve (not listed above): ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________________________________________________ Name of primary care physician: ___________________________________ Address of primary care physician: _________________________________ Phone number of primary care physician: ____________________________ Please list any medication you are currently taking:____________________________ ___________________________ Please note any treatment you are currently receiving from ANY health care provi der: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to Georgia Business and Professional Code, I, Steve G. Jones, make the following disclosures: I am a professional who provides services that are altern ative and complementary to the healing arts services licensed by the state. Each client will be interviewed and if it is determined that the services I provide can be of benefit, I will provide services in accordance with the education, tra ining, and experience I have. I offer the following services: 1. Hypnosis- This is a re-programming of the thought processes. It is accomplish ed by providing the atmosphere for the client to move into subconscious awarenes s states such as alpha, theta, and delta. The theory is that in these states the mind is more suggestible so that suggestions are more likely to be accepted by the mind. 2. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) This is a Pavlovian behavioral model based on the idea of creating new, more helpful associations for the client. It is no n-hypnotic. The theory is that if one can form new associations to existing beha vior, that behavior can be modified in a positive way.

These services are not licensed by the state. The services do not include the pr actice of medicine or psychology or any other healing art, since I am not a lice nsed physician. It is your responsibility to inform your physician that you are seeing Steve G. Jones for hypnotherapy. It is assumed by you signing this release that you have either notified your physician that you are seeing a hypnotherapist for treatmen t or that you have elected not to inform your physician at this time. I have the following education, training, experience and other qualifications re garding the services provided: Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Florida, 1994 Masters of Education, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2007 Over 20 years of hypnosis experience Member of the American Board of Hypnotherapy Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists Director of the American Alliance of Hypnotists If you have any concerns or complaints about the services provided, please speak to me. If I cannot resolve your concerns, you may contact the American Alliance of Hypnotists, 107 Picket Row, Savannah, GA, 31410. 912.897.9799 I, (please print your name)___________________________, hereby acknowledge that I have been provided with the above information, have read such, and have receiv

ed a copy of this disclosure. _____________________________________________________________ client signature date

NAME:____________________________________ NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES: HOW INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED AND HOW YOU CAN GET ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. My signature below indicates that I have been provided with a copy of this Notic e of Privacy Practices. Signature of client: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ Understanding Your Health Record/Information Each time you visit a hospital, physician, or other healthcare provider, a recor d of your visit is made. Typically, this record contains your symptoms, examinat ion and test results, diagnoses, treatment, and a plan for future care or treatm ent. This information, often referred to as your health or medical record, serve s as a: . Basis for planning your care and treatment; . Means of communication among the many health professionals who contribute to y our care; . Legal document describing the cart: you received; . Means by which you or a third party payer can verify that services billed were actually provided; . Tool in educating heath professionals; . Source of data for medical research; . Source of information for public health officials charged with improving the h ealth of the nation; . Source of data for facility planning and tool with which we can assess and wor k to improve the care we render and the outcomes we achieve. This Notice describes how health information about you as a patient of this prac tice may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to your health inform ation. We reserve the right to change this Notice in the future. Your Health Information Rights: Although your health record is the physical property of the healthcare practitio ner or facility that compiled it, the information belongs to you. You have the r ight to: . Request a restriction on certain uses and disclosures of your information as p rovided by 45 CFR 164.522 . Obtain a paper copy of this Notice . Inspect and obtain a copy your health record as provided for in 45 CFR 164.524 . You must submit your request in writing. and we are entitled to charge a copying fee for this service. . Ask us to amend your health record as provided in 45 CFR 164.528. Your signatu re and explanation are required. . Obtain an accounting of disclosures of your health information as provided in 45 CFR 164.528 . Revoke your authorization to use or disclose health information except to the

extent that action has already been taken. If you have questions or would like additional information, you may contact the Director of Health Information Management. If you believe your privacy rights ha ve been violated, please discuss it with me. You can file a complaint with the D irector of Health Information Management or with the Secretary of Health and Hum an Services. There will be no penalty for filing a complaint. Our Commitment We are committed to maintain the privacy of your health infom1ation, as required by law. We will not use or disclose your health information without you_ author ization, except as described in this notice. Examples of Disclosures for Treatment, Payment and Health Operations We will use your health information for treatment within our practice. With your consent, we will also provide your outside physician or a subsequent healthcare provider with copies of various reports that should assist him/her in treating you as well. We will use your health information for payment. For example. to obtain insuranc e benefits for you, forms may include information that identifies you, as well a s your diagnosis, procedures and supplies used. We may use your health information in an effort to continually improve the quali ty and effectiveness of the healthcare and services we provide. Outside Medical Services: We may disclose your health information to other provi ders so that they can perform the job we've asked them to do, and so that they c an bill you or your third party payer for services rendered. So that your health information is protected, however, we require these providers to appropriately safeguard your information. Notification: We may use or disclose information to notify or assist in notifyin g a family member, personal representative, or another person responsible for yo u, care, your location, and general condition. Communication with Family: Health professionals, using their best judgment, may disclose to a family member, other relative, close personal friend or any other person you identify, health information relevant to that person's involvement in your care or payment related to your care. Other: We may disclose health information to funeral directors, organ procuremen t organizations, correctional institutions, public health authorities, workers c ompensation programs, law enforcement, and/or the Food and Drug Administration c onsistent with applicable law to carry out their duties. Legal Proceedings: Your health record may be subpoenaed through the legal system . Public Health and Safety: We may provide medical information about you if requir ed by law, or to prevent serious threat to public health and safety. Research: We may disclose information to researchers when their research has bee n approved by an Institutional Review Board that has reviewed the research propo sal and established protocols to ensure the privacy of your health information. Federal law makes provision for your health information to be released to an app ropriate health oversight agency, public health authority or attorney, provided that a workforce member or business associate believes in good faith that we hav

e engaged in unlawful conduct or have otherwise violated professional or clinica 1 standards and are potentially endangering one or more patients, workers or the public. CANCELLATION/ RESCHEDULE POLICY NAME:____________________________________ A 24-hour notice is required for all cancellations or rescheduled appointments. If our office is not notified of a change prior to 24 hours before your appointm ent, you will be charged the full price of your session. If you reschedule the same appointment more than once, you will be charged doubl e for that session. These fees will be charged to your credit card if we have one on file, otherwise they will be billed to your mailing address and due upon receipt. By signing below, you acknowledge an understanding of the above policies and agr ee to be subject to them. Signature date RECORD SHEET NAME:____________________________________ SESSION DATE INDUCTION DEEPENING SCRIPT COMMENTS NUMBER



References Bierman, S. (1995). Medical hypnosis. Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health, 11(1), 65. Blakeslee, S. (2005). 3, 2, 1:This Is Your Brain Under Hypnosis. New York Times, 155(53406), F1-F4. Bloom, A. (2007). A trance to behave better. Times Educational Supplement. Bolocofsky, David N.; Spinler, Dwayne; Coulthard-Morris, Linda (1985). Effective ness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management. Journal of Clini cal Psychology, 41 (1), 35-41. Choi, C. (2004). Gut Feeling. Scientific American, 290(1), 30-30. Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986). Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Jou rnal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492. Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (2004). Southern Medical Journal Diamond, S., Davis, O., Schaechter, J., & Howe, R. (2006). Hypnosis for rehabili

tation after stroke: six case studies. Contemporary Hypnosis, 23(4), 173-180. Holt, J., Warren, L., & Wallace, R. (2006). What behavioral interventions are sa fe and effective for treating obesity?. Journal of Family Practice, 55(6), 536-5 38. Kirsch, Irving (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64 (3), 517-519. Rouse, D. (2007). creating a healthier life. Better Nutrition, 69(4), 46-47. Weil, A. (2007). ask Dr. Weil. Prevention, 59(1), 88-89.

Resources Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., Clinical Hypnotherapist (The official website of Steve G. Jones) American Alliance of Hypnotists (Membership is free in this worldwide online directory) Classes on Hypnotherapy (Become a certified clinical hypnotherapist online in Hypnotherapy pre-recorded sessions (Over 250 specific topics such as weight loss on CD and mp3) Hypnotherapy Scripts (Mostly written by MD s and Ph.D. s) Hammond, D. Corydon. Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. 1990. New Y ork: W. W. Norton and Company. (A Norton Professional Book from the American Soc iety of Clinical Hypnosis.) Books by Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. Available at and select bookstores worldwide. -Basic Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Advanced Hypnotherapy for Professionals -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume I -Hypnotherapy Inductions and Deepenings Volume II -Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume I eight weeks)

-Hypnotherapy Scripts Volume II -Hypnotic Techniques for Dating Success -Business guide for Hypnotherapists (Office set-up, websites, forms, advertising online, search engine optimization, creating and selling hypnotherapy CD s and mp 3 s) -Hypnotic Sales Mastery Techniques -Hypnosis for Laymen -Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy -Hypnotherapy Case Studies

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