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Food and nutrition

Lesson objectives
1. Recognize the four main food groups 2. Identify the main nutritional content in different foods 3. Know which food groups contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats

Which food group?

The four main food groups

Fruit and vegetables

Bread, cereal, pasta and potatoes

Meat and fish

Milk and dairy products

Fruit and vegetables

What main nutrients?
Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) Fibre

Why are they important?

Carbohydrates: Fibre:

Whats the down side?

Bread, cereal, potatoes, rice and pasta

What main nutrients?
Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) Fibre (a type of starch in plant tissue)

Why are they important?

Carbohydrates: Fibre:

Whats the down side?

Meat and fish

What main nutrients?
Protein Fats

Why are they important?



Whats the down side?

Milk and dairy foods

What main nutrients?
Protein Fats

Why are they important?



Whats the down side?

Nutrient groups




Nutrient groups




Lesson summary
1. What are the four main food groups? 2. What are the main nutrients present in: Carrots? Cheese? Chips? Sausages? Baked beans?

3. Name 3 foods that contain both carbohydrates and protein. 4. Name 3 foods that contain fat.

Teachers Notes
This presentation has been prepared as an example PowerPoint on the topic of Food and Nutrition using images and information from ProQuest Learning: Library. It is part of the Teachers Training Pack for the site. You may adapt it for your own purpose.

Curriculum links:
QCA KS3 Science scheme of work, Unit 8A: Food and Digestion Section 2b: Whats in food and why is it important? NC Science: Life processes and living things 2a Nutrition: Pupils should be taught about the need for a balanced diet containing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, fibre and water, and about foods that are sources of these. Print out the slides so that pupils can make notes on them while you are working on the board. Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ask pupils to try to identify the four main food groups from looking at the food pictures on slide 2. Go through the food groups using slide 3. Using slides 4-7, identify the main nutrients present in each food group, their importance and any negative points (eg. fats stored in body can lead to obesity/heart disease etc. Using print outs of slide 8, students should sort the food pictures and place on the Venn diagram to illustrate which foods contain which nutrients (may need to explain how Venn diagrams work). Using slide 9, go through their answers. The lesson summary on slide 10 can be done as a class or students can have print-outs of the slide and work individually or in pairs to answer the questions. Extension: students could be asked to investigate which of the foods they have looked at contain different vitamins and minerals.

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