Hi 07 Cost Estimation

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Cost estimation

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 1

Heat exchanger network cost structure Assessing HEN cost Minimum number of units Minimum exchange area Special Heat Exchangers Calculating total costs Optimizing minimum temperature difference Summarizing Pinch Analysis

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 2

Heat exchanger network cost structure

Process (mainly fixed costs):
prime matters personnel expenses fixed assets (mainly equipment investment)

operating costs (mainly energy)
utility flows utility type and level pumping costs across HX

fixed assets
number of HX (units) Heat exchange area HX nature: materials/pressure

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 3

Assessing HEN cost

In order to choose among alternatives (design/retrofit of a new HEN) General approach:
avoid detailed design seek minimums

Energy operating costs

minimum heating and cooling T level / type of utility

Fixed assets
Minimum number of HX Minimum heat exchange area Materials/pressure: as enhanced area

Minimum temperature difference: critical parameter Results: surprisingly accurate in practice

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis 07. Cost estimation 4

Minimum number of units

Build balanced composite curves for:
a concrete Tmin specific utilities / utility streams

Locate the pinch (hot Tpinch / cold Tpinch) Count stream number (including utilities) above (NA) and below (NB) the pinch From Graph theory: Nmin= [NA-1] + [NB-1] [insight: each contact solve the needs of one -smallest onestream, and the last contact of the two (balanced)]
Heat Integration UVa | Analysis 07. Cost estimation 5

Minimum exchange area

Bath algorithm (from a Heat Integration symposium at Bath, UK)

Build balanced composite curves (including utility streams) Divide the diagram into enthalpy intervals at slope changes of either curve

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 6

Minimum exchange area

Take each interval for a conceptual counter-current heat exchanger whose area:
Ak = H Uk T ln k

And, for the network as a whole:



1 Ak = U


abs H T ln k

Normally Uk is not the same for every stream, an then:



1 T ln k


abs qi hi

07. Cost estimation 7

Where qi is the duty contribution of stream i to the interval

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

Minimum exchange area

Accuracy: normally better than 10% for counter-current HX provided that the maximum difference between heat transfer coefficients is less than an order of magnitude (otherwise: linear optimization) Real area < minimum area (complex networks, small HX)

Countercurrent heat exchangers can lend a good cost estimation, but for 1:2 HENS


1 T ln k F Tk


abs qi hi

[Linnhoff, Ahmad 'Cost optimum heat exchangers networks: I. Minimum energy and
capital using simple models for capital cost' Computers Chem. Eng. 14; 729, 1990]

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 8

Special Heat Exchangers

If all heat exchangers follow the same law of cost
Cost = a b A c ,, Cost HEN = N min

[ ]
A HEN ab N min

Some heat exchangers can be different:

Building material (Corrrosive streams, legislation) Type / heat exchange technology Pressure difference between streams

To take this into account HEN area is increased using a correction factor for the special heat exchanger


1 T ln k


abs qi i hi

07. Cost estimation 9

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

Special Heat Exchangers

Correction factor calculation:
Choose the most abundant type of HX as the reference HX Cost REF = a REF b REF A REF Special HX cost law is modified in order to
a SPC = a REF ,, Cost SPC = a REF b SPC A
cSPC c

Correction factor is calculated as:


[ ] [ ]

A HEN N min

c spc cREF


of course REF = 1

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 10

Calculating total costs


Composite curves Pinch Minimum Heating&Cooling Cost Laws Annual Utility cost Total annual cost
Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

Nmin , AHEN Cost Laws Fixed assets Annualization Annual Equipment cost

07. Cost estimation 11

Optimizing minimum temperature difference

Minimum temperature difference is a critical parameter
Not strictly a physical temperature difference in a concrete HX More an abstract indicator of the tightness of the network Fix a compromise between energy and investment costs

Cost studies should be based on the optimization of Tmin :

T min 9 10 11 ------C qH 1425 1630 1850 ------kW qC 2600 2805 3025 ------kW CostENR 203458 206857 225698 ------/a NMIN 9 9 8 ------units A HEN 3512 3629 3870 ------m2 CostINV 72890 64350 52689 ------/a CostTOT 276348 271207 278387 ------/a

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 12

Optimizing minimum temperature difference

Variation patterns of design/costing variables:

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 13

Optimizing minimum temperature difference

Combining energy and investment costs:

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis

07. Cost estimation 14

Summarizing Pinch Analysis

We can:
Estimate operating (energy) cost
Calculate utility requirements Calculate utility level/type

Estimate fixed assets (investment)

Calculate minimum number of heat exchangers Calculate minimum HEN area (including normal+special HX)

Estimate total costs

Annualizing and combining energy and investment costs

This allows us to:

Select alternatives on economic criteria Get reliable estimates of the final costs Determine values of critical design variables

... Without detailed design

Heat Integration UVa | Analysis 07. Cost estimation 15

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