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Item Class Date Time Number of pupils Theme Topic Skill Integrated skill Previous knowledge Curriculum specification

Content 5 Setia 2/4/2013 (Tuesday) 12.35pm-1.35pm (60 minutes) 43 World of knowledge Glorious food Speaking Listening, reading, writing. Pupils already know to place order at a restaurant. 2.1.1 Pronounce the sounds clearly and accurately 2.4.1 Ask questions to gather information. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Speaks properly to place an order at a restaurant during dialogue practice. 2. Respond to the queries when placing orders during production and practice stage. 3. Tell about their favourites food. 1. Identifying characteristics. 2. Generating ideas. 3. Application. 1. Etiquettes table manners. 2. Love Malaysian foods.

Learning outcomes

CCTS Moral Value

Reflection: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Step/Stage Set induction (5 minutes)

Content / teaching aids AVA: Video show Mr. Bean at restaurant

Teaching & learning activity 1. Teacher asks pupils to watch the video. 2. Teacher asks questions: a. Whos in the video? b. Where is he? c. What is he doing? d. Does he do a right and proper etiquette in the restaurant? e. What supposedly we do when we are at a restaurant? (expected answer: place an order) f. What food do you always order at the restaurant? 1. Teacher shows three types of Malaysians most favourite food. (Keropok lekor, Nasi lemak, Teh tarik, Kuih lapis) 2. Teacher asks pupils to watch a video at a restaurant on how to order food. 3. Teacher gives example on how to order food, but change the food menus with the Malaysian favourite food as shown in the picture. Step1: Teacher asks pupils to be the waitress by reading the waitresss speech bubbles. Teacher replies to pupils as the customer. Step 2: Teacher asks pupils to be the customer by reading the customers speech bubbles. Teacher will acts as the waitress. 1. Teacher distributes waiters sheet and a dialogue to each pupil. 2. Teacher asks pupils to get into a group according the number given. 3. Teacher gives each group with a food menu. 4. Teacher asks them to discuss and complete the waiters sheet given according their food menu. (5 minutes) 5. After they finish the task, teacher asks each group to assign a waiter/waitress and the rest will be the customer. 6. Teacher asks pupils to do a role play which is the situation is at a restaurant 7. Teacher asks pupils to paste the task sheet in their exercise book. 1. Teacher distributes task sheets to pupils. 2. Teacher gives instructions on how to do the task. Pupils need to complete part A and part B. Part A: gap filling activity. Part B: Dialogue. Pupils have to fill up the missing part with their favourite food and suitable answers.

Rationale/ remarks Rationale: To draws pupils attention. Moral value: Table etiquettes when in a restaurant.

Presentation (15 minutes)

AVA: Video How to order in a restaurant Pictures of: Drinks: Teh tarik Starter: Keropok lekor Main : Nasi Lemak Dessert: Kuih lapis

Rationale: To get pupils response to teacher. Moral values: Love Malaysians traditional food.

Practice (20 minutes) Task 1

AVA: Food menus

Rationale: To get pupils work together and speaks to each other.

Production (15 minutes) Task 2

Task sheet

Rationale: To let pupils speaks while presenting their answers.

Closure (5 minutes)

Then they need to practice the dialogue with partner in the class. 3. Teacher asks pupils to paste the task sheet in their exercise book. 1. Teacher recaps the lesson with asks pupils opinion why do they need to speaks clearly during a food ordering. 2. Teacher advises them about the table etiquette in a restaurant and reminds them to eat healthy food.

Moral value:

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