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The Picnh

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis

10. The Pinch 1

Pinch Pinch Principle Pinch Design Method Multiple Pinches Quasi-Pinch No Pinch (threshold problems)

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis

10. The Pinch 2

Pinch: a value of the enthalpy flow in the T vs. H diagram for which the temperature difference between the composite curves is minimum. Pinch is not a temperature, but two: one for the cold and one for the hot composite curve.

Implies restrictions/difficulties for heat transfer (relative to the rest of the problem) due to reduced driving force:
'The closer the two curves the more difficult will be to transmit heat'
Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis 10. The Pinch 3

The fundamental significance of the pinch is the establishment of a division separation, distribution in the set of streams that forms the problem:
Some hot/cold streams or parts of streams will be above the pinch:
Hot with presence above the hot pinch temperature Cold with presence above the cold pinch temperature

Some hot/cold streams or parts of streams will be bellow the pinch

Hot with presence bellow the hot pinch temperature Cold with presence bellow the cold pinch temperature

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis

10. The Pinch 4

Pinch Principle
One pinch splits the problem in two semi-problems:
Hot semi-problem, above the pinch
Receives a high-grade enthalpy flow from battery limits (hot utility) No enthalpy flow leaves this semi-problem

Cold semi-problem, bellow the pinch

No enthalpy flow arrives to this semi-problem from battery limits Send a low-grade enthalpy flow towards battery limits (cold utility)

Cold semi-problem acts as a source of enthalpy Hot semi-problem acts as a sink for enthalpy

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis

10. The Pinch 5

Pinch Principle
If heat is transferred across the pinch more utility will be needed to meet the semi-problem enthalpy balance:

As a consequence: If no heat is transferred across the pinch heating and cooling will be the minimum
Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis 10. The Pinch 6

Pinch Principle
Heat can be transferred across the pinch
Matching a hot stream above with a cold stream bellow the pinch (heat can't be trasferred from bellow to above) Using hot utility bellow the pinch Using cold utility above the pinch

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis

10. The Pinch 7

Pinch Design Method

To design a minimum energy requirement (MER) network
Avoid any heat transfer across the pinch:
Design each semi-problem on their side as if the other did not exist

Go from hardest to easiest:

Start designing at the pinch (less driving force, minimum temperature difference)... ...when matching odds are more numerous and proceed from inside outwards (widening driving force)... the possibilities are reduced and this for each side.

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis

10. The Pinch 8

Multiple pinches
Several pinches (process, utility...) can occur

3 pinches, 4 'semi-problems' A ,B ,C and D Limit matches to streams in the same region: don't use HPS in B, but MPS
Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis 10. The Pinch 9

It is very difficult that all multiple pinches present exactly Tmin Those very near to Tmin are called quasi-pinches Best seen in the GCC diagram

A small flow across the quasi-pich is allowed (designing a MER network) As small as closer to Tmin

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis

10. The Pinch 10

No Pinch
Threshold problems:
Minimum temperature difference at one end A unique kind of utility (only-heating or only-cooling) Tmin is often large

Only one semi-problem

No-utility end first... ...then place utility...
(for start-up, control...)

...and finally the rest (middle)

Heat Integration UVa | Synthesis 10. The Pinch 11

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