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Grids & Datums C O L U M N


The contents of this column reflect the views of the author, who is was at the Astronomical Observatory of The new “standard” topographic
responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. Quito, where: Fo = 00° 12’ 47.313” mapping format adopted by the Ecua-
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies South, Lo = 78° 30’ 10.331” West of dorian IGM after that 1947 meeting was
of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Greenwich, and ho = 2,908 meters. The at a scale of 1:50,000 with 40-meter
and/or the University of New Orleans. International ellipsoid (also called the contours. That new series was still cast
Sir Isaac Newton said that the Earth Hayford 1909 and the Madrid 1924), on the graticule, but it was based on a
is flattened at the poles (oblate ellip- was used where: a = 6,378,388 meters, sheet interval of 10 minutes of latitude
soid). But Monsieur Jacques Cassini /f = 297. The defining azimuth from and 15 minutes of longitude. The IAGS
said that the Earth is prolonged at the the Datum origin has been lost, but that assisted IGM in establishing its classi-
poles (prolate ellipsoid). To help settle old observatory is still there in a down- cal triangulation net, and, by 1951, Ec-
the argument, the French mission to town park. The Ecuadorian Army uador was the first country in South
Quito, which started in 1735, was in- started their 1:20,000 map series (20- America to have a completely modern
tended to determine the length of a de- meter contour interval) with the ellip- geodetic network. A new datum for all
gree of latitude. The survey was under soidal Flamsteed projection, and the of South America was envisaged at the
the direction of Charles-Marie de la sheets were cast on the graticule with- time. The Provisional South American
Condamine with Louis Godin and out a grid overprint. (The Flamsteed is Datum of 1956 was established with an
Pierre Bouguer of France. The Spanish a sinusoidal projection tangent at the origin at La Canoa, Venezuela as a joint
representatives included Captain Jorge equator.) The sheet line intervals were venture among the Republic of Venezu-
Juan y Santacilla, Captain Antonio de at integer minutes of longitude (east ela, IAGS, and other countries. (I once
Ulloa (later Governor of Louisiana), and west) from the meridian of the interviewed the Venezuelan “Father”
and Don Pedro Vicente Maldonado y Quito Observatory and at integer min- of PSAD 56, Dr. Romero in Caracas. One
Sotomayor, a local gentleman of utes of latitude (north and south) from day I will write a piece on that fasci-
Riobamba, Ecuador. The French mis- the equator. The initial mapping on the nating talk.) The chains along the
sion took ten years to triangulate the Ecuador Datum of 1928 started south of Andes Mountains were recomputed on
200-kilometer meridional arc from Quito in Riobamba, Maldonado’s home the PSAD 56 where the origin at La
Tarqui (near Cuenca) to Cotchasqui and town. Canoa (1951) is: Fo = 08° 34’ 17.170”
the French expedition proved, to their In January of 1930, SGM changed North, Lo = 63° 51’ 34.880” West of
chagrin, that the Englishman’s theory the scale of their series to 1:25,000 and Greenwich, and ho = 178.870 meters.
was correct! The survey is known as the contour interval to 20 meters. This The azimuth to station Pozo Hondo
the French Mission Datum which series continued until 1947 when a (1951) is: ao = 40° 22’45.96”. The old
found that: a = 6,397,300 meters and 1/f number of momentous changes oc- Datums initially included in the IAGS
= 216.8. Another result of the observa- curred in the history of the surveying re-computations were: Old Trinidad
tions was the “toise of Peru,” a stan- and mapping activities of all Latin 1910, Loma Quintana 1911 (Venezuela),
dard of linear measurement subse- America. According to Ing. Vincente E. Bogotá 1941 (Colombia), and Quito
quently used in France. Simón Bolívar Avila, the Ecuadorian SGM substituted 1928. The International ellipsoid is the
later liberated South America from the their name to Instituto Geográfico reference surface used for the PSAD 56.
Spanish Crown, and Ecuador was estab- Militar (IGM), “Military Geographic In- The Ecuadorian IGM continued its
lished as a Republic in 1830. No further stitute,” about the same time they at- mapping on the International ellipsoid,
geodetic surveys were undertaken for tended the Pan American Institute of it recast existing sheets to the PSAD
almost 200 years after the French Mis- Geography and History (PAIGH) meet- 56, and it has incorporated the UTM
sion Datum was completed, and it was ing in Mexico City. At that special Grid since then for all military map-
never later used for mapping. meeting, Floyd Hough of the U.S. Army ping. The South American Datum of
On 30 June 1927, the Technical Map Service (AMS), presented a pro- 1969 has never been used for mapping
Commission for the “Survey of the Na- posal to change the military mapping in Ecuador.
tional Topographic Map” was created systems of the western world to the Most mapping of Ecuador has been
in Ecuador to coordinate the various Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) flown and compiled by IGM because of
existing systems of geographic and Grid. Furthermore, in 1947, the Inter la Ley de la Cartografia Nacional de
plane rectangular coordinates being American Geodetic Survey (IAGS) was 1978, “the 1978 Law of National Map-
employed for official engineering ap- established by AMS, and was head- ping.” Essentially, this formed a near-
plications. There seems to be no surviv- quartered at Corozal, Canal Zone. In the perfect monopoly for the benefit of the
ing record of those earlier systems. On 1950’s, several of my classmates at Army so that most original mapping
11 April 1928, the Servicio Geográfico Balboa High had parents that worked must be done by IGM. This law has re-
Militar (SGM), “Military Geographic for IAGS. Hough later reiterated that sulted in allowing the establishment of
Service,” was tasked with the actual proposal in 1952 at the Ciudad Trujillo a large well-equipped national agency
job of implementing that survey. The PAIGH meeting, and IAGS published it that is intended to meet the needs of
origin of the Ecuador Datum of 1928 in 1956. CONTINUED ON PAGE 550

C L I F F O R D J . M U G N I E R


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C O L U M NG rids & Datums

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 549 remediation design for the sanitary fer to use the Molodensky model to the
sewer system of Guayaquil. As an Envi- Bursa-Wolf model in cases like this
both the military and local government,
ronmental Protection Agency “Center when the local area is a great distance
while helping to support other activi-
of Excellence,” UNO is a source in the from the datum origin. Note that the
ties of the military. This sort of map-
U.S. for foreign governments seeking net computational results (of shift
ping arrangement is the rule, rather
technical help with urban waste man- transformations) are identical, but the
than the exception for much of Latin
agement technology. UNO went into a shift parameters in this case are less
America. Military security for mapping
partnership with a local university in correlated and thus they appear more
is also a major concern for an army that
the city, the Escuela Superior meaningful with the Molodensky
has spilled blood during this decade.
Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). The model.
Back in the early 1980’s, the City of analysis and design needed a GIS to A new Grid was devised for the City
Guayaquil contracted with IGM for a maximize efficiency and minimize of Guayaquil based on the Normal
cadastral mapping project. The compi- costs, so UNO and ESPOL performed a Mercator projection, WGS 84 Datum.
lation scale was 1:1,000, and 1982 differential GPS survey of the City of The origin is at the Rotonda of Simón
photo control was by aerotriangulation Guayaquil. We occupied a number of Bolívar in downtown Guayaquil. The
from traverse densification of classical existing IGM triangulation stations as scale factor at origin, mo = 0.999272829,
Second Order (IGM/IAGS) triangula- well as new photo-identifiable points the central meridian (C.M.) lo = 79° 52’
tion. Like most countries in South based on recent IGM aerial photogra- 45.16” West of Greenwich, the False
America, the Ecuadorian cartographers phy. Co-located fiducial points were Easting at C.M. = 500 kilometers, and
have agreed with the advice of AMS observed according to DMA/NIMA the False Northing = 2,242,320.510
and have shunned the use of the UTM specifications, and NIMA performed meters at f = 02° 11’ 33.09” South. The
Grid for civilian cadastral mapping. the subsequent fiducial point adjust- ellipsoid of reference is the WGS84
The initial Grid established by IGM ment to the precise ephemeris. where a = 6,378,137 meters, 1/f =
was based on a Gauss-Krüger Trans- The UNO/IGM solution from PSAD 298.257223563. Because most of our
verse Mercator projection. The scale 56 to WGS 84 for a 7–Parameter UNO graduate students on the project
factor at origin, mo = 1.0, the central Molodensky model (using the PSAD 56 were visiting professors from the
meridian of the belt (C.M.), lo = 79° 53’ origin at La Canoa with Northern lati- ESPOL University in Guayaquil, the
05.8232” West of Greenwich, the False tude), yielded: DX = –263.91 m, DY name was dubbed the “ESPOL La
Easting at C.M. = 624 kilometers, and = –25.05 m, DZ = –285.81 m, scale Rotonda Grid.” The city has recently
the False Northing = 10,000,051.000 = –3.61x10-6, Rz = –36.88”, Ry = –3.42”, contracted with IGM for a new cadas-
meters. However, the population of Rx = +3.54”. A computational test point tral mapping system and GIS. They are
Guayaquil doubled in the next 10 for instance, is station “Panoramico” continuing with the new Datum and
years, and the city experienced sub- where the PSAD 56 coordinates are: Grid. IGM is currently participating in
stantial environmental difficulties be- f = 02° 11’ 43.9093” South, l = 79° 52’ the SIRGAS project to establish a
cause of that explosion of people. 45.4601” West, and h = 68.614 m. The single, unified datum for all of South
In the early 1990’s, the Republic of “Panoramico” WGS 84 coordinates are: America using GPS techniques with
Ecuador contracted with the University f = 02° 11’ 55.8406” South, l = 79° 52’ technical assistance from NIMA.
of New Orleans (UNO) for an environ- 53.4010” West, and h = 68.530 m. I pre- ............
mental assessment and subsequent


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