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C O L U M N Grids & Datums

Republic of Uzbekistan
The contents of this column reflect the views of the au- was conducted from 1871-1895 with on boiled wood I’ll have to tell some
thor, who is responsible for the facts and accuracy of scale established at the baselines mea- day about Palmdale, CA.)
the data presented herein. The contents do not neces- sured at Miny Yuryukh, Tokacha, In order to make a topographic
sarily reflect the official views or policies of the Ameri- Samarkand, Chuamy, Nikolskiy, and survey at 1:4,000 scale of the City of
can Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Visokoye. These baselines were ori- Tashkent, a traverse net was estab-
and/or the University of New Orleans. ented primarily on Miny Yuryukh Da- lished in 1885 by Pomerantsev. The
tum and later on Tashkent Datum, re- revised coordinates of the Tashkent
This month’s topic features the
taining the astronomic azimuth from the Observatory SW pillar used for the
Republic of Uzbekistan, an ancient
country (1200 BC) that lies in the
NW to SE end point of the Miny city survey are: F o = 41 o 19' 30.42"
heart of Central Asia and is the cen-
Yuryukh baseline. That orientation was North, Lo = 38 58' 00.99" East of

geodetically transferred to the Tashkent Pulkovo, (or 69 o 17' 39.54 East of

ter of the territory formerly known as
Observatory Meridian Circle. Triangula- Greenwich). The vertical datum of
Cimmeria, Bactria, and Turkestan.
tions of 1896-1929 were scaled to Tashkent was determined by means
The oasis cities of Samarkand,
baselines measured by invar wires of barometric observations at the Me-
Tamerlane, and Tashkent served as
(J(derin base apparatus) at Kazalinsk, teorological Station of the Military
major cities on the Great Silk Road
Arys, Osh, and Kyzyl Rabat, and ori- Topographic Department located in the
that connected China with Europe.
ented on Tashkent Datum, Kazalinsk Da- residence of Colonel Zhemchuznikov.
Uzbekistan is one of the only two
tum, and Osh Datum. The transfer of this vertical datum
doubly landlocked countries in the
Miny Yuryukh 1871 Datum was point value to other horizontal datum
entire world (the other is Liechten-
established at the NW Base Point (M) origins with trigonometric leveling
stein). The Fergana Valley was con-
verted from its millennia-old agricul- where: F o = 41 o 17' 47.70" North, L o techniques produced geodetic prob-
tural tradition of varied crops to only = 38 o 57' 00.04 East of Pulkovo, lems of mind-boggling proportions!
cotton when the Aral Sea was di- (where the Pulkovo Observatory is The physical connection between
verted to irrigate the Soviet dream of 79 o 46' 19.56 East of Greenwich). the Tashkent Datum of 1875 and the
a cotton-exporting capital. Uzbeki- Scharnhorst executed the astronomic Indian Datum of 1916 in the Pamir
stan gained its independence from observations and referenced the da- region was made by an exploratory
the former Union of Soviet Socialist tum to the Bessel 1841 ellipsoid of triangulation party of the Interna-
Republics on 31 August 1991, and revolution where the semi-major axis tional Geodetic Union. The expedition
now celebrates its independence a = 6,377,397.155 meters and the recip- was led by Professor Finsterwalder in
holiday on September 1st. rocal of flattening (1/f) = 299.1528128. the early part of the 20th century.
In 1839, the Russian Imperial The defining azimuth was deter- The 3-parameter shift from Tashkent
Army moved into the area of mined at the point of origin to the SE to Indian is: dX = -223.632 meters,
Turkestan and completed its occupa- Base point (N) as: a o = 114 o 26' 34.6". dY = -281.310 meters, dZ = +304.059
tion in 1867. The city of Tashkent The Russian geodetic surveys were meters. (The fit of two points agree
was selected as the capital of the measured in units of sazhens. For to better than a meter.) The Tash-
newly formed Government General of instance, the 1874 Samarkand Base- kent Datum of 1875 origin (at the
Turkestan, which at the time com- line was 1,605 sazhens or 3,424 meters. Meridian Circle) is: Fo = 41 o 19'
prised the two provinces of Syr The early baselines were mea- 30.42" North, L o = 69 o 17' 39.54 East
Darya and of Semiryechinsk. Prov- sured with wooden rods, however no of Greenwich. The defining azimuth
inces added later were: Samarkand information is available on what at the point of origin to the North
1868, Bukhara ’69, Amu Darya ’73, kind of wood was used. In the Stone Pillar (probably the mire) of
Khokanda ’75, Khiva ’75, Fergana United States during the same time the Observatory is: ao = 00o 52' 08.25",
’76, Turkmenia ’84, and Transcaspia period, Magnolia wood was used for and the ellipsoid of reference is the
1888. Colonization and railroad leveling rods because it was believed Bessel 1841. The Indian Datum of
projects required topographic sur- to have the lowest coefficient of ex- 1916 origin at Kalianpur Hill Station
pansion (from variations in tempera-
veys, resulting in the 1867 formation is: F o = 24 o 07' 11.26" North, L o =
of the Military Topographic Depart- ture AND humidity) of all wood spe-
77 o 39' 17.57 East of Greenwich. The
ment of Turkestan. The Physical Ob- cies. Note that the Americans (Coast
defining azimuth at the point of ori-
& Geodetic Survey) still boiled their
servatory of Tashkent was officially gin to station Surantal is: ao = 190 o
founded by the Department in 1878. wood in paraffin just to make sure.
27' 05.10". The ellipsoid of refer-
The first classical triangulation (There’s an interesting geodetic story CONTINUED ON PAGE 1153

C L I F F O R D J . M U G N I E R


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C O L U M N Grids & Datums

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1151 Tashkent 1895 is: dX = -146.633 Krassovsky 1940 ellipsoid is used
ence is the Everest 1830, where a = meters, dY = +472.553 meters, dZ = everywhere in the former USSR
6,377,276.345 meters, and 1/f = +508.352 meters. (The fit of seven where a = 6,378,245.0 meters, and 1/
300.8017. points agrees to 4.19 meters in each f = 298.3. The scale factor at origin
The Kazalinsk Datum of 1891 ori- geocentric component.) is 1.0 rather than the 0.9996 scale
gin at the finial Cross on the Town In order to better model the shift factor used for UTM. The single uni-
Church is: F o = 45 o 45' 46.450" and reduce the fit errors, I decided to fying datum used in all of the former
North, L o = 62 o 06' 01.66 East of try a Bursa-Wolfe 7-parameter shift. USSR is the “Coordinate System
Greenwich). The defining azimuth at The results yielded an average fit er- 1942,” a consistent marvel that is the
the point of origin to station Sulutan ror in Latitude of 0.48 meters, the er- largest classical datum in the world!
is: a o = 20 o 34' 07.34". The ellipsoid ror in Longitude was 1.09 meters, This datum is often improperly re-
of reference again is Bessel 1841. The and the error in Height was 0.09 ferred to after its origin, Pulkovo Ob-
3-parameter shift from Kazalinsk meters. The parameters that give servatory, where: F o = 59 o 46' 18.55"
1891 to Tashkent 1895 is: dX = +530 this fit are: dX = +26.82 meters, dY = North, Lo = 30o 19' 42.09" East of Green-
meters, dY = -160 meters, dZ = -104 -183.11 meters, dZ = -186.25 meters, wich. The defining azimuth at the
meters. (The fit of four points agrees scale =39.25 x 10 6 , R z = -07.79", R y = point of origin to Signal A is: ao = 317o
to about 20 meters in each geocentric +2.48", R x = +21.49". As a computa- 02' 50.62". The latest 3-parameter shift
component.) tional “check point,” Point II, North- values published by the National Imag-
The Osh Datum of 1901 origin is west Base on the Tashkent Datum of ery and Mapping Agency for the vi-
defined at Point II, Northwest Base 1875 has the geodetic coordinates: f = cinity listed as Kazakhstan is from
as: F o = 40 o 37' 16.670" North, L o = 40o 36' 55.740" N, l = 72o 56' 22.880" E. System 42 to WGS84, such that: dX =
72 o 56' 11.175" East of Greenwich). Uzbekistan has only one Grid sys- +15 meters, dY = -130 meters, dZ = -
The defining azimuth at the point of tem, and that is based on the Russia 84. The stated accuracy is 25 meters
origin to Point I, Southeast Base is: Belts, a series of Gauss-Kruger Trans- in each component, which is the
a o = 152 o 54' 01.86".
The ellipsoid of verse Mercator projections that use maximum error useable for 1:50,000
reference again is Bessel 1841. The 3- the exact same rules and parameters mapping, and that was based on only
parameter shift from Osh 1901 to as UTM with two exceptions. The two points. ............


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