Malaysian Writers New Year Day

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Malaysian writers

A New Years Day Lunch in Kia Peng

Summary The story is about Cik Bainun, a rich widow. She lives in her late husbands house at Jalan Kia Peng. Her husband died 18 months ago. Cik Bainun lives with her niece , Latifah and the houseboy, Fuad. Cik Bainun have three children. They are Mahani, Meriam and raja Kamarul. Dato Mahani is a successful carrier woman and Kam is envy of her. DatoMahani, the director of Hospital University was married with Mahmud, who then married with another woman and use the excuse of avoiding him committing zina. Meriam, the second daughter is a homely type woman is married with Shahir. Shahir is a MARA lecturer. The youngest child, Kamarul or Kam is married to Mazlinda (Chew Mei Mei) a mualaf. Kamarul is an arcitect. Cik Bainun went to Mecca to get gallons of holy water after her husband passed away. She sprinkled the water over her late husbands grave twice a week. The three siblings had a conversation when Kam told his plan to knock down their late fathers house and build a condominium. Dato Mahani does not agree with the plan. Then, they had a badminton match, which is another New Years Day ritual. Cik Bainun thought that Kam and Mahani had already settled down with their argument after the match. Kam met Shahir and threat him to tell about her mistress and the abortion they had done. Kam wanted to build the condominium and did not want to have another New Years day lunch in Kia Peng again.


SOCIAL (religious perspective) 1. Cik Bainuns family was a Malay Muslim Family and they adhered to their religion. Allah, dont look at me like that the silver thats under my bed. Its got to be used some time. If we dont use it for the New Years Day lunch, well never use it. Its written in the Koran that its very bad to have Silver and gold which you never use haram you know? (page 49) O ye who believe! There are indeed many among the priests and anchorites, who in Falsehood devour the substance of men and hinder (them) from the way of Allah. And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah. announce unto them a most grievous penalty- (At-Taubah 9:34)

2. Social problems (Unfaithfulness towards husband/wife) she (Mahani) like to relive her little encounter with Din:if only because it blotted out the awfulness of the present. (page 56) Kam keeping mistresses (Kam withJamilah Jamboo/ Azizah Solid) Shahrir (the English lecturer)

3. Social status Zul, born with the royal blood held highly to his social status, the royalty. It was important for him that his children, marry the person that suits their status daughter has learnt how to cook and mix with the lower orders: it was no surprise to me that she married Shahrir- who else would have her? This implies that Zul was not happy with her daughter debasing herself. That could be the reason as to why Meriam was totally ignored by the family.

Culture 1. Cik Bainun preserved their culture. for nearly forty years now, Raja Zulkarnains family and friends had gathered at the residence off the tree lined Jln Kia Peng, in order to herald in the New Year with a large lunch-party.(PAGE 51) tradition, adat and custom were the very oxygen of their lives and the grown-up children.(PAGE 52) when her eldest daughter Mahani had suggested that the new years day lunch be cancelled she began so scathing in her reply that the matter had never been raised again.(PAGE 53)

2. Kam was drunk and it was totally against Malay culture, and against the religion. she remembered the time a troop of long-eared Sarawakian politicians had decended on the house carrying jars of fermented rice wine. They had passed the jars around for everyone to try and Kam had drunk so much that he had been violently sick all over Latifahs toilet.(PAGE 54) Abu Musa reported, he said: "The Prophet has sent into the land of Yemen, together with Muadz bin Jabal. I asked him," O Messenger of Allah! In the state(Places we work) there are two kinds of drinks called "mizr" made from wheatand "biti" made from honey. How is that? "Answer the Prophet," Every intoxicant prohibited.(Abu Musa r.a.) 3. 3. Kam was married to a Chinese girl; a devoted eater of pork. It broke his mothers heart because she was a Chinese girl, while the mother was very devoted to their Malay and royal culture. Most important thing of all, she was a kaffir, as Cik Bainun mumbled in her dreams. he had married Chew Mei Mei, a Chinese girl, breaking his mother heart in the process(PAGAE 57) 4. Visiting the grave and sprinkling the precious water are Malays culture. (religious perspective) she made twice weekly visits to her husbands grave at the Royal Burial Grounds in Klang, sprinkling the precious water over the grave..

5. 5. Greetings and hand shaking (Malay culture) Sabrina rushed ahead and salaamed each of her aunts and uncles. (page 61) 6. Favoring the last child of the family/the only boy. Kam was spoiled by his mother because he was the youngest and only boy in the family finally, there was the apple of Cik Bainuns eye, her Kam Like all only sons, he was horribly spoiled.(PAGE 57)

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