Healing Relationships

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Healing Relationships

with Zero Point By

Grant Thomas Connolly

Grant Connolly, CHt

Counselor & Healer Toronto Healing Arts Centre Toronto, ON Canada 416-915-3381 grant.connolly@sympatico.ca website: www3.sympatico.ca/grant.connolly

Copyright 2004 Grant Thomas Connolly

I wish to acknowledge the genius of Larry Nims and his creation of BSFF (Be Set Free Fast). My work simply takes his basic idea and approaches it from a different angle. I also wish to acknowledge Judy Davidson and the many incredible discussions we had, and the time we spent refining the process by using it on ourselves. Many of the things you will read in the following pages grew out of those discussions. In many ways she is the co-creator of the process.

Introduction to Zero Point for Relationships

Zero Point is a simple, easy to learn process that permanently clears away past trauma, upset, anger, disappointment, and other negative emotions. This manual outlines a simple and surprisingly effective way to heal our past and the slings and arrows we received from parents, children, ex-husbands, ex-wives and other significant individuals in our lives.

This is eBook outlines an application of the basic Zero Point proceedure and is specifically focused on those individuals who are stuck in feelings of anger, guilt, remorse etc, because of the relationships they are or were involved in. If youve experienced divorce or separation of any kind and still carry deep feelings of anger or unforgiveness, then Zero Point (ZPt) for Relationships can help. The process safely guides you to release those feelings by quickly and painlessly healing all aspects of the very relationships where these feelings were first created. In fact, using the process makes you feel centered and peaceful. And, most important, you are always in control of the process

Overview of the Process Every one of us has memories of the pain and upset caused by one or more of our relationships. The pain felt is real and it is widely believed that it takes years to clear out the garbage. Not so! The process you are about to experience can eliminate the pain and upset of those memories within a matter of minutes. This is not just temporary relief, but a complete cleansing of the anger, resentment, fear, upset and unforgiveness that characterizes what we carry around from many of our past relationships. You begin by choosing a cue word and then read some simple instructions to your subconscious mind. Thats all there is to do. I told you it was simple. These instructions marshal the incredible power of your subconscious mind when activated by your cue word, and release or clear old unhealthy patterns of thinking in the various areas where you direct your intention. You are completely in charge of the process. The end result is that you become peaceful about the relationship you were working on. Most people who have used Zero Point report that what previously got them upset just wasnt all that important any more. They were no longer bothered by the deep anger, resentment or whatever it was that had previously caused them pain or upset. Clearing a relationship with someone you love, such as a deceased parent, can bring perspective and loving acceptance while releasing any residual anger, guilt or upset. Likewise, clearing a relationship with someone you hate can bring peace, perspective and acceptance as well. While you may never choose to be around that person in the future, he or she will cease to be important in your life and in your thoughts. The Zero Point Installation Program Below you will find a list of common cue words. Please feel free to select a word or phrase from this list or choose one of your own. Try to avoid words with strong emotional attachmen such as words like money or sex. These have definite emotional content attached to them and would lessen the effectiveness of the process. Here are some popular choices: Shazam Freedom - Just do it Peace - Make it so - Im free - Ah Choo Now, having chosen a cue word or phrase, read the instructions below, aloud if possible I hereby set a powerful intention within you my subconscious mind to effect the best of all possible outcomes by this clearing, and that each time I notice a pattern or patterns I wish to eliminate, as I say or think my cue word, you will eliminate all such patterns and components of patterns completely and safely. 3

The Clearing Process Decide on the relationship you wish to heal. Write down the name of the person you are working with. Make certain your subconscious knows exactly what you are clearing. On a scale of 0-10, how intense are the feelings associated with this relationship right now? As we go through the following instructions to your subconscious, say each instruction aloud or in your mind and then just concentrate on your cue word(s), repeating it softly over and over to yourself just like you are saying a mantra. Remember to stay tuned in to your body for signs of release. 1. I set my intent to clear my relationship with (whoever you name). 2. I now clear all of the agreements I made with myself concerning my relationship with (whoever you name). <repeat cue word until peaceful> 3. I now clear all of the unknown factors that remain unresolved in my relationship with (whoever you name). <repeat cue word until peaceful> 4. I now clear any agreement made between (whoever you name) and myself or anyone else concerning my relationship with (whoever you name). <repeat cue word until peaceful> 5. I now clear any meanings I've assigned to any thoughts, feelings, words, actions or imaginings that concern my relationship with (whoever you name). <repeat cue word until peaceful> 6. I now clear any similar relationships and/or any relationships connected to the relationship with (whoever you name) in any way. <repeat cue word until peaceful> 7. I now clear my relationship with (whoever you name) in its entirety. <repeat cue word until peaceful> 8. I now clear any anger, judgment, criticism, shame, blame, resentment or unforgiveness that exists between myself and (whoever you name) 9. I now clear any anger, judgment, criticism, blame, shame or unforgiveness that I may feel toward myself because of my relationship with (whoever you name). <repeat cue word until peaceful> Check-in: If, after completing the above, you don't feel completely peaceful toward the person you are working on, go through each step of the process again, paying

more attention to those steps where you feel any kind of resistance. Because relationships are the single most important aspect of most of our lives, I wish to relate two stories on how clearing specific relationship can impact people's lives in a very positive way. The first story is about myself. A very close relative and I have always clashed. We are family and I loved her, but put us in the same room together and within 5 minutes we would be at each others throats. She can push my buttons faster and deeper than anyone I know. After working with Zero Point with others on similar issues, I decided to take my own advice and clear the pattern of my relationship with her. I carefully went step by step through the process, clearing all the Self-agreements, Unfinished business, Unknown Factors, Roots etc around the pattern of my relationship with her until I felt peaceful when I thought of her. Just to make certain I hadn't missed anything, I went through each step of the process a second time. It took me about 20 minutes in total. The next day my relative called. We spoke on the phone for more than an hour and not once was I triggered. She seemed like a completely different person. Calm, rational and what's most amazing she even seemed to have a sense of humour. It was incredible. Only later did I realize that she hadn't changed. I had. And, for the very first time in my life I started to believe that I might actually begin to enjoy being with her. Wow. We've spoken on the phone many times since and I have yet to be triggered or upset by her in the slightest way. The second story I wish to relate is about a Doctor friend of mine that I exchange services with. During one of these exchanges he related that his girlfriend was having a great deal of difficulty with her 14 year old daughter. The daughter, a follower of Marylin Manson, was constantly angry and was becoming physically abusive towards the mother. The mother was literally exhausted with the effort of trying to help this child, hold down a regular job and see to the needs of her other children. My friend the Doctor was feeling a strong need to help the mother but didn't know how to do it. He was feeling angry and resentful toward the daughter for causing so much difficulty. He was also feeling increasing strain in his relationship with the mother. Not a good situation at all... Remembering my own experience with my relative, I guided him through the clearing process twice. First clearing "my relationship with (the daughter)" and then clearing "my relationship with (the mother)". Before I begin the process I always get a SUD (Subjective Unit of Discomfort) from the client on the pattern being cleared. In this instance the Doctor's SUD was a 10. He was very upset. After clearing both patterns his SUD dropped to 0 and spontaneously he began to 5

speak insightfully and dispassionately about the entire situation. We were both pleased with the result. That was Friday afternoon. On the following Wednesday I did my usual follow up. My friend related how his girlfriend's daughter was "a changed person", and that her angry attitude had "just vanished". I smiled to myself remembering what I had perceived to be a huge change in my sister. I also remember wondering what kind of changes would result if we used the process on the entire family... To me, these two stories illustrate the most powerful aspect of this process. Using Zero Point to heal your past by healing your relationships can add immeasurably to your peace of mind and the well being of everyone you come into contact with. All you need do is clear the pattern of: My relationship with (__________). Please note that a full description of the Zero Point Process together with indepth explanations and real world examples is available for download as an eBook at http://www3.sympatico.ca/grant.connolly. The cost is only $19.95USD. Here is what several people have written about their experience with Zero Point:
On the subject of weight control: One of the things I noticed atfter doing the work. Within a few days I noticed that I had stopped thinking about what I was going to fix for dinner/lunch/breakfast. It had been a constant thought pattern before doing the ZPT. I also noticed that I was able to know when I had enough food. Before, I would keep going untill I was really, really full. I will let you know if it holds and if I notice anything else. If nothing else works, the program was worth the money just for the eating part. -------I have continued to use Zero Point for myself and am extremely pleased with the results. The thought of what pattern to clear comes to me so clearly. Each time I have been surprised and each time I have physically felt the "rightness" of the pattern. I experience the clearing "at every level of my being."

-------After reading Grant Connolly's posting on the BSFF List about developing his Zero Point version of Larry Nim's BSFF. i ordered his manual. Although the manual is written for "self-helpers" like me, professional therapists can certainly use it. The manual is only about 20 pages long which figures out about $2 a page. Sometimes precious gifts do come in small packages. This proved to be one of them. The day it arrived in the mail, I used it for myself. That night the dream that came to me made it clear that my current pattern that needed clearing was "disappointment." The way things evolved the next day provided an opportunity (or need) to share it with a family member who had pretty much cut herself off from the family. So much happened so quickly that the only way I can describe it is to say - it was a MIRACLE!! Thanks, Grant, for relating (both on this List and in your manual) your own personal experience using Zero Point to clear a specific relationship pattern with a close relative. You "walked your talk" - put in to practice what you "preach," so to speak. Deep and heartfelt appreciation to you, Grant, for Zero Point.

The full process, as outlined in the Zero Point eBook, can help you completely transform your life just as it has done for many others . Take charge of your life and order the eBook today. Simply go to http://www3.sympatico.ca/grant.connolly and scroll to the bottom of the page where you can order the manual.

Although this book outlines the steps you can take to give yourself the gift of peace in your personal relationships, sometimes it helps to have a caring, concerned and experienced person empower you to work your way through the process. If so, please call me at 416-915-3381. There is no charge for the initial consultation. Or you if you prefer, please email me at grant.connolly@sympatico.ca

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