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The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus


Candidates must NOT start writing their answers until told to do so Answer ALL questions This module has 30% coursework assessment All questions and parts of questions carry marks as indicated in brackets. Only silent, self contained calculators with a Single-Line Display or Dual-Line Display are permitted in this examination. Dictionaries are not allowed with one exception. Those whose first language is not English may use a standard translation dictionary to translate between that language and English provided that neither language is the subject of this examination. Subject specific translation dictionaries are not permitted. No electronic devices capable of storing and retrieving text, including electronic dictionaries, may be used. DO NOT turn examination paper over until instructed to do so


Formula sheet for hydraulics The Moody Chart Separate answer books are provided for Sections A and B. 2mm graph paper


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2 SECTION A - Hydraulics 2 1. (a)


Discuss the difference in the forces that drive duct flow versus open channel flow. [2 mark] What is the difference between rapidly varied flow and gradually varied flow. [2 mark]



An Irish engineer, Robert Manning, a French engineer, Antoine Chezy, and L.F. Moody contributed to the development of the theory of uniform open channel flow in one form or another. Put the names of those scientists in chronological order according to their contributions. [2 mark] Give the definition of specific energy in words. [2 mark]



Consider two-dimensional flow around a circular cylinder. Explain how the pressure changes around the surface of the object. [2 mark]


A commercial steel pipe with a diameter of 0.15 m connects two reservoirs as shown in Figure Q.2. Calculate the flow rate. The kinematic viscosity of water is 10-6 m2/s. [8 marks]

Figure Q.2


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3 3.


The cart shown in Figure Q.3 is supported by frictionless wheels and a linear spring. The spring constant k is 1500 N/m. If the water jet is deflected 50o by the cart, compute (a) (b) the force on the wheels caused by the jet; the spring deflection caused by the jet [6 marks]

Figure Q.3


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4 4.


The section of the channel shown in Figure Q.4 is horizontal and very wide. The sluice gate forces a hydraulic jump downstream of the gate. All losses may be neglected except the dissipation in the hydraulic jump. If the upstream velocity is 0.6 m/s and the upstream depth is 3 m,

(a) (b)

calculate y2 and y3; the percentage dissipation caused by the hydraulic jump

Figure Q.4


What is the depth of normal flow in a rectangular channel if the flow rate is 5 m3/s, the head loss is 15 m over 2000 m, the channel width is 2 m, and Mannings n is 0.016 [3 marks]


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5 SECTION B Geotechnics 2 6. (a)


In Figure Q.6(a), the normal loads applied to the faces of a soil cube are F1 = 60kg and F2 = 40kg and the shear loads are F3 = F4 = 20kg. The sides of the soil cubes are each 50mm. (Assume the gravity acceleration g = 10m/s2.)

F1 F4 F3 y x F3 F4 F1 Figure Q.6(a)
i) On graph paper, construct Mohrs circle of the total stress. [4] ii) Find the magnitudes of the principal total stresses and the direction of the major principal plane in the soil. [2] If the pore water pressure u = 50kN/m2, determine the effective normal stress corresponding to the maximum shear stress. [1]





A conventional consolidated undrained triaxial test is conducted on a soil sample. The cell pressure is 300kPa, the deviatoric stress at failure is 200kPa, and the pore water pressure at failure is 100kPa. i) Sketch the Mohrs circles of total and effective stress at the ultimate condition. Determine the ultimate friction angle () of the soil. [4] What is the undrained shear strength of the soil? [1] iii) If a drained test was to be performed on the same soil at a cell pressure of 600kPa, with a back pressure of 100kPa, calculate the corresponding deviatoric stress. [1]



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6 (c)


Figure Q.6(c) shows a potential circular slip surface for a 6m-high cut slope with a gradient of 1V:2H. The soil is uniform with a bulk unit weight of 20kN/m3.

R=10m Point of action for mass of slip 3.0m Area of slip in this plane = 50m3/m width

Length of slip in this plane = 20m2/m width

Figure Q.6(c)
i) If the undrained shear strength (Cu) of soil is 40kPa, calculate the factor of safety against rotational failure under undrained condition. [2] If the friction angle () of soil is 30, calculate the factor of safety against translational slip surface under drained condition? [2]



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7 7. (a) Figure Q.7(a) shows an embedded retaining wall. 10kPa Surcharge


Retained height = 3.0m

z Unit weight () of soil = 20kN/m3 (throughout)

Friction angle () of soil = 30 (throughout)

Figure Q.7(a)
i) Assuming the wall is smooth, calculate the Rankine active earth pressure coefficient (Ka) and passive earth pressure coefficient (Kp). [2] Assume that the soil is dry and the total depth of wall = H, sketch the distributions of horizontal stress on either side of the wall, and label all the important values. [2] Calculate the maximum moment in the wall. [3] iv) Determine the minimum embedment (to the nearest 0.5m) required for moment equilibrium. [4] If the groundwater table is at z = 3m (groundwater at either side of the wall) and the embedment obtained in 7(a)(iv) is used, sketch the distributions of total horizontal stress on either side of the wall, and label all the important values. Is the embedment obtained in 7(a)(iv) still sufficient in this situation? (Assume unit weight of water = 10kN/m3.) [2]





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8 (b)


A shallow square footing is to be constructed at 1.0m depth in a uniform soil with a bulk unit weight of 20kN/m3. The footing will carry a working load of 200kN. The required factor of safety against bearing failure is 3.0. The ultimate soil-bearing capacity (qu) for a square footing is given by the following equation: qu = 1.3cNc + DNq + 0.4BN where Nc, Nq and N can be obtained from the following table. () 0 10 20 30 40 i) Nc 5.70 9.61 17.69 37.16 95.66 Nq 1.00 2.69 7.44 22.46 81.27 N 0.00 0.56 3.64 19.13 115.31

If the undrained shear strength (Cu) of soil is 50kPa, determine the required size of footing under undrained condition? [2] If the friction angle () of soil is 30, perform necessary calculations to check whether the size of footing obtained in (b)(i) is acceptable under drained condition. [2]




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