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Progress Report 1: 1.

Background This research report is based on evaluating the Macquarie University library and whether it meets the needs and requirements of students. Management found a general dissatisfaction with the old library, hence the creation of the new library. The same business problem still exists with the new library, so this research is being conducted in order to solve the issue.

2. Research Question There has been a general dis-satisfaction with the new library. What do students do in the library? Normal routine when visiting the library? How do student feel about studying in regards to using an open area or closed booth? Do students use laptops at university, hence the requirement for power points in the library? Is there sufficient space when it comes to completing group work in the library? Does the open floor plan create too much background noise when trying to complete individual study? Would students use the old library if it were still available?

3. Method Qualitative research techniques offer the opportunity to conduct focus group interviews, in-depth interviews and projective techniques in order to achieve our research objectives. Considering our business problem with the new library, conducting a focus group with the target market (Macquarie University students) was the most appropriate form of exploratory research at this initial stage due to their free flowing and un-structured nature. This process was helpful in reassuring our predetermined ideas behind the issue as students revealed information and insights that were unlikely to emerge from a one on one interview where concepts such as the snowballing effect are absent.

Progress Report 1: Focus Group 1 2 3 4 5 No. of Students 6 6 6 6 6

4. Results Majority of students were dissatisfied with the layout of the library and the lack of furniture in group and self-study areas. A student claimed open spaces are great, at the expense of limited capacity for desks. Many students stated the noise levels are distracting, making it difficult to study efficiently. Students agreed there arent enough computers and it is impossible to get a computer during exams. Students who preferred bringing their laptop are frustrated by the limited power points. There were suggestions of keeping the old library open alongside the new library to facilitate a greater number of students.

5. Conclusions Clearly there is an issue with the new libraries layout and its facilities according to the aforementioned results. The information attained from this exploratory research will contribute to the quantitative research because we have discovered students judgements on the new library in ways that can now be examined quantitatively. In other words, an opportunity exists to adopt methods such as surveys and questionnaires to help interpret our qualitative findings as we progress to more detailed descriptive research.

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