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Year 2050, 8th of August The United Nations Genetic and Adaptions Section (UNGAS) Chief Science Officer

Professor Ivans log

Finally the go ahead has been given and we have started our research. With millions of dollars being poured in we will undoubtly be able to make large steps forward. This is a great personal achievement as I have spent the last decade championing this project and now I can complete my dream of finishing the human Genome.
Year 2051, 16th of January The United Nations Genetic and Adaptions Section (UNGAS) Deputy Chief Science Officer Dr Claires log

At last a breakthrough, with billions of more dollars going into the project we have finally made some head way. A child has live past five years and he is already smart than most of the researchers here, though that would not be hard. This success will surely cause the government to increase our funding.
Year 2056, 9th of July The United Nations Genetic and Adaptions Section (UNGAS) Researcher Dr Sparrows log

I just want my complaints to be on record. Firstly the Genetically Optimized Descendents (GODs) are truly remarkable but they have draw backs as well. They lack compassion and the only thing that drives them is base urges such as greed and lust. I was never really religious but I dont know This does not seem right. Year 2060, 8th of August
The United Nations Genetic and Adaptions Section (UNGAS) Deputy Chief Science Officer Dr Claires log

Everything has gone to plan, every governmental position has been taken up by GODs and there are no longer any wars, pathetic lesser humans are calling for a commission to look into missing people around the GODs residences they just cant accept progress. If part of a tree is rotting it must be removed, if the whole tree is falling apart....
But Mr Ericsonn how does reading us diary entries of scientists help us for our history exam called out a boy sitting in the front row of the classroom.

Dear Daniel knowing the whys and hows of history are integral to allow us to stop these tragedies answered Mr Ericsonn calmly Sir called out another student But how can we learn from things which even a child could see was wrong Francis replies Mr Ericsonn Many thing appear obvious in hindsight but thats why we need to study history it can appear insane without the need for hindsight. Now where was I, Ah these reports of missing people came a bigger and bigger problem. Soon almost everyone had lost either a family member or a friend and the area they went missing from kept spreading, still centred around the GOD compound. It wasnt until some of the newer GODs took an interest in the case. These newer GODs where better trained and had more human like emotions, to us they would be better, but the other GODs saw this as a weakness they must cure.

This would be a good time to explain the complicated power structure of the GODs. The original GODs, who felt only base emotions called themselves the Pantheon, The second tier rather was made up of the descendents of the Pantheon, they very rarely had any contact with humans for reasons other than their own enjoyment, making them even less human than their parents. The lowest tier was made up of the newest GODs, these although should of been at the privilege of superior genetic adaption technology, meddling by Pantheon GODs left them weakened and easily exploited. This internal conflict climaxed with the disappearance of two lesser GODs. Their names Chryseis and Briseis and they were taken by two Descendant GODs Achilles and Agamemnon. Chryseis however was not only a lesser god she was the genetic daughter of Chryses a powerful descendent GOD who was the base of the Pantheon GOD Apollos power structure. Because of this Agamemnon was forced to return Chryseis which he had taken for himself, he then took Briseis from Achilles to replace Chryseis. If Achilles loved Briseis why did he let Agamemnon take her Questioned Bethany.

Because hes evil, all the GODs where evil that is why they started the war Called
out Daniel.

Yea the entire class agreed. The GODs had achieved many great things while they were in power, world peace and universal education, further more it was this splinter group of GODs which started the first war Replied Mr Ericsonn.
Seeing that the GOD hierarchy had little control over their members many humans along with many new lesser GODs who were equally disgusted with actions of Achilles and Agamemnon left this paradise to seek a land of their own. They existed quite peacefully for a time. Trade flourished and more and more humans and GODs travelled to this new city named Troy. This encouraged other groups to leave the central city and spread out looking for more frontiers. These explorers brought back never before seen wild animals and exotic looking fruit, life just kept getting better.

Can we get to the fighting soon shouted out one of the other students. Its funny how humans wish to rush so quickly to war, the circle keeps turning smiled Mr Ericsonn.

Sir, you said humans, almost like you werent one? asked Samantha timidly. Mr
Ericsonns smile faded and he turned away from the class Dont worry Sammy, the least likely person to be a GOD here is Mr Ericsonn,

GODs dont age remember soothed Francis Yes class, Francis is right, GODs dont age Replied Mr Ericsonn, although his class
could not see his face, his eyes where down cast and his voice had more --- memory to it.

When the population of the main city fell so too did the sadistic GODs access to play things. Soon people started disappearing from the new cities. Blame was, rightly or wrongly, placed on the central city and forces where being raised to protect the cities. These town guards managed to capture several of the kidnappers, some of them where GODs but most of them where humans. The humans told horrible stories about the tastes of the Pantheon and some Descendant GODs and what they have been doing with the kidnapped people. The GODs had similar stories, they had fallen in love with these humans slaves and where looking to buy them from their owners. Horrified by the stories many of the cities sent their town guards to attack the central city. They were stopped by one of their allied GODs and named Paris....

But I heard that Paris started the war when he stole Helena form Agamemnon
interrupted Daniel

Yea, and Paris is nothing but a love sick moron Continued another student,
Michael And wasnt it Hector, his brother who tried to stop the war pointed out Francis Everyone knows about Hector actions but not about m-Pariss achievements, it

doesnt matter, Helena had been an informant for these new states and Paris just.....rescued her Replied Mr Ericsonn stuttering, I couldnt see it then but its
obvious, he was trying not to remember the war he started. Anyway as I was saying.... Hector organised peace talks with the Pantheon GODs. At this point Helena, although she was a lesser GOD had married Agamemnon who treasured her more than anything else in the world. However a life of a treasure was a cage, a gilded cage, but a cage none the less. Like most of the Lesser GODs Helena despised the Pantheon GODs for enslaving both them and humans. Knowing she could never win against these omnipotent beings she started to undermine them subtlety. Using Agamemnons love and her own intelligence Helena managed to release many slaves, and using the underground movements she had set up to move them away, to Troy.

So Helena was a good GOD asked Bethany Well she betrayed the trust of the evil and vile, but is fighting fire with fire a good choice replied Mr Ericsonn
Everyone gets burned came a voice in the corridor. 8 armed men barged into the class room aiming guns at the students. Mr Ericsonn the lead man said with a sneer you have to come with us When Hector and his brother Paris travelled the central city they were accompanied with a large force of GOD followers. The city had changed. Darkness was everywhere even though it was almost noon. Almost no one was out on the streets, only the occasional disturbance behind a window or curtain betrayed there were still people there. Despite this the brothers continued to the citadel which the Pantheon GODs had built to house themselves.

Hey Bethany, us girls are going out for a night on the town called Samantha to her

I think Ill stay in for the night, Ive still got some reading to do replied Bethany. No one has seen Mr Ericsonn for weeks now, and no one has replaced him as our history teacher, so that means we dont need to care about history anymore
pointed out Samantha

And the wheel keeps turning quoted Bethany. Samantha shrugged and walked
out, leaving Bethany in the dark, reading Mr Ericsonns book. Hector demanded that the GODs stop encroaching on Trojan territory and keep their depraved practises to themselves. Agamemnon also put forward his view, that the humans where only cattle to them and GODs should be able to decide what to do with them as they want. The members of the Pantheon withdrew to debate the topic amongst themselves. Throughout all this time both Paris and Helena had disappeared, only appearing are meal times and always together. Hector and Priam, their father, advised him against the relationship but Paris did not listen. The Pantheon GODs decided that as the votes were deadlocked a show of arms would decide the winner. Hector was elected as the Trojan champion and Agamemnon elected Achilles, however Achilles had still not forgiven Agamemnon for stealing Bresies from him and declined. This meant that Agamemnon had to fight Hector himself, in which he was quickly defeated. Hector however chose to spare Agamemnons life in return for his promise to leave the Trojan states alone. Grudgingly Agamemnon accepted and stormed off to his rooms and shouted for Helena. Helena however had run off Paris and they both fled to Troy itself. Hey Bethany asked Daniel It might not be a good idea to keep reading that book Why not answered Bethany Its just history Look were friends right Daniel replied, Bethany nodded, Im just saying there are no longer any copies of those books anywhere, bookstores libraries, I left mine on top of my books but when I came out of the toilet it was gone Youre just being paranoid smiled Bethany

Hey I just dont want this history to fade from the world, just like Mr Ericsonn with that Daniel looked over his shoulder and ran off. Its funny how small something looks at the time but how important it is in hindsight. Agamemnon was in a rage because of Helenas choice to leave him and blamed Paris for everything. For vengeance Agamemnon lead his forces against Troy despite the commands of the Pantheon and burned everything in his path. That is until he reached Hector and his Trojan army. The Trojans might of been out numbered but when the dust cleared it was clear that Hector was once again triumphant. Unlike Agamemnon, Hector lead his forces from his elite guard of GODs charging straight into Agamemnons lines, aiming for Agamemnon himself. Knowing he could not defeat the Trojans alone he fled and begged to the Pantheon GODs for aid. Hera, Athena, Poseidon and Hephaestus all join his side, each have the power and determination to kill thousands of humans. Many Pantheon GODs however saw Agamemnon as nothing more than an immature oath breaker and Ares, Apollo and Artemis all join the Trojan army. Hey Samantha have you seen Daniel around lately I have to talk to him about something Asked Bethany Didnt he transfer last week Replied Samantha But I talked to him two days ago.... Questioned Bethany Nope Im sure I heard it mentioned in assembly, maybe all that reading is getting to your head said Samantha turning to walk away Yea, maybe Bethany said to herself. Even with the Pantheon GODs aid no clear victor could be seen.

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