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Microsoft Office

Word 2010
Improve your Productivity
Business User Learning Guide

Version 1.0 Author : Sumudu Sekarage

Introduction to Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 applications are packaged to different suits and shipped to you for better usage and to improve the productivity of each user. Especially in Microsoft Office 2010 stack of applications, there are some new additions like Microsoft Office SharePoint work space, Microsoft Office, Office Communicator. Etc. that provides you simple but effective solutions for your communication and collaboration needs. With this edition of the learning guide, we focus on how Microsoft Office Word 2010 will help you in providing tools to do your activities daily on creating documents, drafting memos and many more. If you follow the simple but interactive steps given in each sub category, i guarantee that you never find uneasy following this learning guide.

2010 Infoinvent Technologies 29th August 2010 |

1 Interface changes in Microsoft Office Word 2010 ............................................................................ 3 1.1 2 The New Ribbon or the Ribbon environment............................................................................ 3

Powerful new Features .................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 Live preview Feature ................................................................................................................ 4 Mini tool bar ............................................................................................................................ 4 Quick Access tool bar ............................................................................................................... 4 Adding commands to Quick access tool bar ...................................................................... 5 Removing Commands from quick access tool bar ............................................................. 5

2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.5 3

Hiding and Unhanding the Ribbon ............................................................................................ 5 Zoom in and Zoom out Commands ........................................................................................... 6

Working with Text Styles.................................................................................................................. 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 Applying Styles ......................................................................................................................... 6 Modifying Styles....................................................................................................................... 7 Numbering headings ................................................................................................................ 7

Inserting a Table of Content ............................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Updating Table of Content ....................................................................................................... 8

Note 9 4.2 5 6 Blank Page and Page Break....................................................................................................... 9

Creating a Cover page ...................................................................................................................... 9 Inserting a Cover page ................................................................................................................... 10 Note 10 6.1 6.2 Removing Cover pages and reinserting new Cover pages ....................................................... 10 Create your Own Cover Page .................................................................................................. 11

Working with Headers and Footers ................................................................................................ 11 7.1 7.2 Inserting a Header .................................................................................................................. 11 Inserting a Footer ................................................................................................................... 11

8 9

Back Stage View............................................................................................................................. 12 Saving a Document ........................................................................................................................ 13

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1 Interface changes in Microsoft Office Word 2010

Note Please make a note that the interface changes that we discuss here are common to all the Microsoft Office 2010 applications in the stack, except some specific features that will be explain in each application, if available.

1.1 The New Ribbon or the Ribbon environment

On releasing Microsoft Office 2007 applications, the Ribbon or the Ribbon environment was first introduced and the same was continued to be followed in to Microsoft Office 2010 applications. The top most area of the application, between the title bar and the body of the application is called as the Ribbon or the Ribbon environment. (See figure 1).

Figure 1 : The Ribbon and its Components

There are three specific features that you need to know in the Ribbon to make a proper enter to Office 2010 and to work smoothly. They are namely; (See Figure 2) Tabs - The first set of name that you can find in the top of the ribbon (ex: Home, Insert.) Groups Are logically separated rectangles with many commands built in to them. Each rectangle has a unique name given at the bottom of the rectangle. Commands Are the features that you can see inside each group that allow you to apply of each areas of work. Tabs

Figure 2: Tabs, Groups and Commands


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2 Powerful new Features

2.1 Live preview Feature
Microsoft Office 2010 in provide you a powerful feature called live preview in each location that you have a list of things that you can select from. Note: Lists are not called as lists in Microsoft Office 2010 applications, but they are called as the Galleries. Galleries are logical locations that you can find list of choices to select from. When you highlight a specific content to edit and you have a gallery where you have a list of choices to select from (ex: increasing the font size), you dont have to necessary click and apply and undo if you dont know the correct choice needed, but you can just hover your mouse pointer on top of each choice to see the preview of the choice that you selected when applied. If you like the choice, then

2.2 Mini tool bar

Categorizes the most frequently used text editing features, so that you can quickly access them then finding them in the ribbon. To find the mini tool bar, highlight the text that you want to edit and then point your mouse pointer to the highlighted content. (See Figure 3) Note: All the galleries in the mini tool bar have the live preview feature built in to them. This was not available in office 2007 when it was released.

Mini tool bar

Figure 3: Mini tool bar

2.3 Quick Access tool bar

If you check the mini tool bar, you may find that there are no commands built in to it to handle other features like charts or tables or pictures .etc. But users always like to use those features also with less time. So Microsoft Office applications provide you another tool bar built in to the left hand side corner of the title bar by default, called as Quick access tool bar. The name itself suggest that, the Quick access tool bar, allow you to access it faster for its available always. You can add your Favourite commands to the Quick access tool bar always and use them when needed. By default quick access tool bar show three commands. (Save, undo and Repeat commands)

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2.3.1 Adding commands to Quick access tool bar Step1: Take your mouse pointer to any command that you like on the ribbon and right click on the command. Step2: From the drop down menu, select and click Add to Quick access tool bar 2.3.2 Removing Commands from quick access tool bar Step1: Take your mouse pointer to the command that you want to remove from the ribbon, and right click on the command. Step2: From the drop down menu, select and click Remove from quick access tool bar

2.4 Hiding and Unhanding the Ribbon

If you feel that you have too many commands in front of you or you need more space to work within the body of the application, that you work on office 2010 stack, you can always hide the ribbon and work. There are two methods known to hide or unhide the ribbon of Microsoft Office 2010. Mothod1: Step1: Click on a tab and select it and then double click on the same tab to hide it. You have to follow the same step to unhide the ribbon. Method 2: Step1: On to your right hand side of the ribbon, there is a small arrow indicated (next to office help). By clicking the arrow you can hide and unhide the ribbon. (See Figure 4)

Hide unhide Arrow

Figure 4: Hide unhide Arrow

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2.5 Zoom in and Zoom out Commands

When you want to see the full view of the content or a preview of a selected location by enlarging it, of the application that you are working on, you can use the zoom out and zoom in command. In Microsoft Office 2010, there is a special tool that is developed for this task. If you go to the right hand side bottom corner of each application, you see a small plus mark and a Minus mark separated by a small line. This small tool is called as the zoom slider and is available in each office application that you have in the Microsoft Office 2010 stack. (See Figure 5)

Figure 5: Zoom Slider

Note: There is a short cut for the Zoom out and Zoom in command. Press and hold your CTRL (Control button) from your key board and then move your scroll wheel of the mouse forward and backward to zoom in and zoom out.

3 Working with Text Styles

When we want to differentiate headings from the rest of the text and content, we used to follow many methods like applying text effects like Bold .etc. But, when you work with Microsoft Office Word 2010, you can always use the style gallery that is built in to the ribbon for you. We use styles for many reasons, including fast application and other benefits that we get on top of applying styles. When you specially use styles for headings, you have a mechanism on applying them to different levels.

3.1 Applying Styles

Step1: Go to Home tab Styles group and you find the gallery of styles there. Step2: please following the steps bellow for applying styles to headings Heading1 all the main headings Heading2 for all the sub headings Heading3 for all the sub headings under a sub heading. cont.

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3.2 Modifying Styles

In case if you need to change the style that you applied to your headings or to any of your text areas, you dont have to manually do that one after another, but you can just modify the style from the style gallery and replicate the change through the document without spending time. To modify the styles please following steps given bellow. Step1: Take your mouse pointer to the style that you want to modify on the following location. Go to Home tab Styles group and you find the gallery of styles there. And then, right click on the style. Step2: From the small drop down gallery, select and click Modify and you get the Modify style dialog box appear on your screen. Step3: Change the style to what you need from the commands that are given in the dialog box. Click ok once you are done with the changes. All the changes that you did will be replicated throughout the full document in to each place that you have applied the style that modified.

3.3 Numbering headings

When we create big documents with many headings that are indicated, we always give numbers to headings that we include to better refer to the headings. When we work with the above said styles, applying heading numbers is a simple task. Step1: Highlight a heading just to make sure that we are applying the numbers to headings. Step2: Go to Home tab and go to paragraph group click on multilevel list command And you get a drop down gallery open with different multilevel list options given. Step3: Select and click the following given list from the gallery to apply the heading numbers.

Figure 6: Multilevel Lists

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4 Inserting a Table of Content

When you have applied styles to your headings properly, you can create a table of content for your document with no time. Tip Before you create a table of content, please make sure that you insert a blank page to the location of your document to include the table of content. Step1: Go to References tab Table of Content group and Click on Table of Content command And you will get a drop down gallery of different table of content options. Step2: Select either Automatic table 1 or Automatic table2 options to insert a table of content for your document. We select the above two options because they use the styles that we used for our headings as the reference for the each heading. Note Each heading that are given in the table of contents are linked to the respective location of the document page which holds the heading. You have to press and hold CTRL (Control button) from the key board and click the heading with the mouse pointer to move to the heading.

4.1 Updating Table of Content

When you do some changes to the document after you insert a table of content you can always, you can always do the changes and once update the table of content to replicate all the changes that you did to the document. Step1:Click on the table of content and you find a small tool that will appear on the top of the table of content. Click on the Update table command on the tool bar.

Figure 7: Update Table of Content

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Step2:you get the update table of Contents dialog box with two options. Select Update entire table from the two options as given bellow and click ok to update your table of content.

Figure 8: Update Entire Table

Note When you go to the bottom of the table of content template gallery, you will find the following command (link) which shows more tables of content options from Microsoft if there are any new templates available.

Figure 9: More table of content Templates

4.2 Blank Page and Page Break

Blank Pages Normally we use blank page command when we need to insert a blank page to any location of a document. When you insert a blank page, you get a page that is a continuous page from the previous page to the following page. Go to Insert tab Go to pages group Click on Blank Page Command Page Break We include page breaks when we need to break some content from a page and to take the content to a new page. When you use page brakes to our content, any change that we do to the main document will not affect the location of the content that you include the page break.

5 Creating a Cover page

Microsoft office 2010 provide you a wide range of predefined cover pages for your convenience, which allow you to overcome the issues like, to create the Cover page in a new document, handing page numbers properly, or handling Headers and footers properly.

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Note Cover pages given in the gallery differ from the content that each carries and also note that where ever you are on the document, when you insert a cover page, it automatically insert a new page and include the cover page on it.

6 Inserting a Cover page

To insert a cover page; Step1: Go to insert tab and go to Pages group Click on Cover page Command You will get a drop down gallery or cover pages, which include 15, cover pages by default. Note When you go to the bottom of the cover page gallery, you will find the following command (link) which shows more cover page options from Microsoft if there are any new templates available.

Figure 10: More Cover Page Templates

Step2: You can select a cover page that you like and click on it to insert the same to your document. Step3: You can type and feed the data to the cover page that you inserted and in the mean time you can edit the cover page to whatever you like by inserting logos or pictures. Etc.

6.1 Removing Cover pages and reinserting new Cover pages

Once you insert a cover page and do some modifications, if you dont like the Cover page, you can always remover the cover page and reinsert a new cover page. Step1: Go to insert tab and go to Pages group Click on Cover page Command From the bottom of the drop down gallery that you get, select and click Remove current cover page, to remover the inserted cover page. When you want to insert a new cover page, you can go to the above location again and insert the same.

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Note: Cover pages will always carry forward the content that you type in one cove page to a new one when you insert a new cover page, so you dont have to retype them again.

6.2 Create your Own Cover Page

You can always create your own cover page and save it to the cover page gallery for future usage. For that, Step1: take a blank word document and create a cover page of your own by typing your content and select them all by typing CTRL + A, and then Step2: Go to insert tab and go to Pages group Click on Cover page Command At the bottom of the drop down cover page gallery, select and click Save current selection to the cover page gallery, and you will get the Create new Building Block Dialog box Step3: Type a name for your cover page and click ok once you are done typing.

7 Working with Headers and Footers

7.1 Inserting a Header
We can include headers to our word documents with our own content typed in to it or by selecting a template from the Header gallery. Step1: Go to Insert tab go to Headers and footers Group click on Header You get a gallery of headers to work with. Step2: Select and click a template from the gallery to insert a header to your document.

7.2 Inserting a Footer

Also we can insert footers to our document to indicate the company logs and even the page numbers automatically by selecting a footer template from the footer gallery. Step1: Go to Insert tab go to Headers and footers Group click on Footer You get a gallery of Footers to work with.

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Step2: Select and click a template from the gallery to insert footer to your document. Note 1. Before you insert headers and footer to your document, please leave the cover page and click on any other page of your document and insert headers and footers. 2. When you go to the bottom of the Header or Footer gallery, you will find a like called more headers or Footers from Microsoft which shows more Headers or Footers options if there are any new templates available.

8 Back Stage View

Microsoft Office 2010 stack of application introduces a new view called back stage view by clicking the file button that is given on to your left hand side top cover of your ribbon. This view categorizes all the commands that you need to Print, Save, and Open new templates, share documents and many more. (See Figure 11) File button to back stage view
Figure 11: Back Stage Button

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9 Saving a Document
Microsoft Office 2010 by default provides you with three simple options to save the content that you create in all applications. 1. Word Document (with .docx file extension) This option will save your document in the new Microsoft Office 2010 format. This format is a XML (Extensible Markup Language) bases file format which provides you many benefits when you save the document with it. a. It will create a document that is Platform independent, which means that you can send the document at you create in this format to any platform users and they can open the document. b. It will create a document that is High in security features c. It will create a document that is highly reduces in the capacity of the document. Note Necessarily, all the Microsoft Office 2003 users cant open the above file format because those computers lack an application called Compatibility pack for Office 2007 that you can always download free of charge from Microsoft Corporate web site. ( To Save the Content in the above format: Go to Back stage view Click save as and the save as dialog box with open Select the location that you want to save type a File name for the document and select the Save as type to Word Document and click ok to save the Document 2. Word 97-2003 Document (with .doc file extension) This option will save you document in the Old version of file format which all the office 2003 users can open. To Save the Content in the above format: Go to Back stage view Click save as and the save as dialog box with open Select the location that you want to save type a File name for the document and select the Save as type to Word 97-2003 Document and click ok to save the Document 3. PDF - Will allow your publish your document as a PDF document format directly from the Office applications, to create un-editable documents. To publish the Content in the above format: Go to Back stage view Click save as and the save as dialog box with open Select the location that you want to save type a File name for the document and select the Save as type to PDF and click ok to publish the Document

2010 Infoinvent Technologies 29th August 2010 |

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