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Date : 14.02.2009.

L6 - Work Measurement
The "Process Focussed", mfg. units viz. automobiles, motor, etc. where skilled labour cost form significant component of product cost, "Work Measurement" technique form major contribution in productivity. Although when plant is new, operation methods and

work content are perfect but as plant become old year wise products are changing, plant layout is changing, workers, are changing etc. and no attention is paid to This result longer operation time). method, sequence, efficiency, time etc. (due to improper method and Hence methods and times are studied to into low productivity

develop new method / modify to reduce time and work content. Thus productivity is improved (restored towards original).

Gilbreth developed "Method Study". Taylor developed "Time Study". Both studies are called "Work Study" leading to "Higher Productivity". Taylor quoted "The greatest manner. when each worker is

working is given definite task to perform in definite time in definite

Objectives of Work Study :

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) To develop new and better method of production. To establish standard time for job. To increase productivity and achieve best quality at minimum cost. To improve operational efficiency. To improve industrial relations.

Method Study
Method study is systematic procedure to eliminate, combine or reduce the work content of task, work simplification is usually done by worker / supervisor after brief training whereas methods is usually done by Industrial engineers). Primary objective is to reduce time taken to perform task. benefits are : Elimination of part/ component. Reduction in Energy consumption Reduction ion Capital cost. Other employer / professional trained staff (method

Reduction in other expenses.

Procedure :
Step-by-step procedure is given below : 1) Select : Select operation worth improving, bottle neck, costly, too much time & material, tools etc. 2) a) b) iii) iv) c) Record Motion :

(ii) Flow diagram etc.

Get all facts about present method Make (i) Flow chart Man - machine chart Right & Left hand chart Chart on actual case on job sometime motion picture is taken. Analyse : Challenge & analyse every detail Try to eliminate combine simplify change sequence



Develope :
Try out various suggestions, develop best way and make chart / diagram of New method. management. Repeat step 2 & 3 suggest to


Implement : Prepare procedure, diagram etc. and convince workers to use.

Motion Economy : a) Operation should be simple, easy and few motions.

b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

2 hands start opertn. & end motion at same time. 2 hands should be never idle (except during rest times) Motion of arms & hands in opposite direction Smooth continuous curve motion preferred Tools, material near handles. Gravity feed bin preferred Drop delivery / ejectors for product.

Illustration : Casting & Buffing Tasks

Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Operation Hold Grasp Release Transport Operate

Therblig 2 3 1 5 2

Remark Activity -

Work Measurement
While method study is standardising of work, work measurement is establishing work content of job. Hence after method study only work measurement should be taken-up. Definition : "Work measurement is defined as the application of techniques designed to establish the work content of a specified task by determining the time required for carrying out the task defined standard of performance by qualified worker.: Qualified Worker : "A qualified workers is one who is accepted as having the necessary physical attribute, possessing required intelligence, education and having acquired necessary skill and

knowledge to carry out the work in and to satisfactory standard of safety, quantity & quality." Work content in job may be expressed in minutes per unit (or hours / unit). effectiveness. It is called "standard time". It gives human Also useful for labour standard & for planning &

controlling operations.

Objectives :
i) ii) iii) iv) v) Improved Planning & control of operation. Efficiently manning plant. Good basis for labour performance Good basis for cost control Sound basis for incentive scheme Techniques of Measurement : 1) 2) 3) 4) Direct time Study (Stop watch) Work sampling Pre determined motion time system (PDMTS) Synthesised method Measurement Procedure : Break job into elements and record element. observation time for each

Illustration : A worker is doing a job of punching a hole in metal plate by operating press tool machine. the job. Various elements of job & their observed times are given below in table. compute standard time for

(in minutes) Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Element Grasp Plate Transport Plate Load Machine Operate Start Pull out plate Transport Release plate Obs. Time 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 01. 0.3 0.1 Remarks from stock On Press tool To stock finished

Total Observed time = 0.13 Minutes Use Rating factor @ 1.2 = 0.146 Minutes Add. relax allow @ 10% = 0.1606 Minutes Add cont. allow @ 10% = 0.1767 Minutes Thus Standard Time is = 0.1767 Minutes


Direct study :

In this study approach,

Industrial Engr. /

Method Engr. stand in front of actual operation done by worker and measure time by stop watch. No. of observation are taken

for operation under study as well as rest all operations in completing task. a) Avg. Time (AT) = At (for grasp) b) = = = = c) PFD = ST = = = = Total time of Operation No. of Observation 0.2 min. (Ref. Pg. 5) Performance Rating x AT (120%) x 0.2 1.2 x 0.2 0.44 min. 120% NT (1 + PFD ) 100 0.44 (1 + 120 ) 100 0.44 (2.2) 0.968 Minutes grasping plate is 0.968 minutes.

Normal Time (NT) =

Personal, Fatigue & Delay Allowance

Thus standard time for

Similarly ST for operate Load, Pull-out, release, transport etc. is worked out. Sum of all is total work content i.e. standard time for task of plate punching tool. 2) Work Sampling : In this method large nos. of observation are taken for particular operation / method. Proportion (p) is worked out as follows : p = No. of obstn. (working) Total No. of observation

Record No. of units produced ( ) and total time (T) for study. Avg. Time = AT = Study time x (p) No. of units produced

Estimate NT by per. rating & std. time by PFT to get standard time (ST). Illustration : A study was made on factory consisting of 130 machines for determining average lubrication time required. Data : Obsts. = 5,000 (Study time = 110 hrs.)

M/c. lubricated = 400 occasion PR Factor PFD Factor Solution : Avg. Lubri. time (AT) = = AT NT = = = Study Time x (P) No. of units (110 X 60) X (400) 5000 4.03 Min. / = = 90% 15%

(PR) (AT) = (0.9) (4.03) 3.655 Min/ = = NT (1+ PFD/100) 3.655 (1+15/110)= 4.2 Minutes

Std. Time (ST)


Predetermined Time Motion Study (PDTMS) : From the recording of motion picture of similar task elements, a motion time film is produced. Basic motions like grasp, store, transport, release, position etc. are given std. time and finally standard time for complete task is worked out. Management & workmen union study and conclude for agreement of standard Task time for various jobs of mfg. firm.

Illustration : 1) Method Time Measurement System has following 3 models.

MTM - 1 MTM - 2 MTM - 3 2) 3) 4) Work Std. Factory has PDTMS. Macro Standard Data has PDTMS. Synthesised Method : It uses a mixer of previous stop time watch data and PDTMS data for similar job and synthesis (compute) std. time. NOTE : MUDA The elements of task which are non-value added

are called "MUDA" or wastage. MUDA should be minimised. REFERENCE : 1) 2) Production Mgt. by Aswathapa & Bhatt. Productivity Engg. by David Sumanth.

dgm: 14.2.09



Date : 10.2.2009



"Value Analysis" is improving productivity by reducing cost of

product (existing) - using cheaper component / part or elimination. VA is the partial productivity by material input reduction. Value Engg. is redesigning part / component or sub-assembly of existing product to increase functional utility by consumer but with attempt to retain input costs. Thus cost to benefit ratio is improved which enhance the sales / profit. Thus VE is productivity increased by product design improvement. equation are as follows : VA Productivity = Fun. Value Input Cost VE Productivity = Fun. Value Input Cost (II) (I) VA & VE productivity improvement

Value Analysis :

In this method, parts/components of products

(Bom) are listed down in descending order of cost and compared with functio0nal value. Highest ratios are attempted / searched for cost reduction (thereby improving productivity (Eqn. (I) above). Annexure (I) analysis cost function of domestic LPG cylinder (14.5 Kg. Cooking Gas). It recommend VA on cylinder and knob which has highest Since this ratio forming 50 - 65% of RM in cost - function ratio. for organization.

product cost, if 4% is reduced, then it will generate about 2% of profit

Illustrations :
i) Pharma products started using plastic bottles in place of glass viz. "Glycodin Cough Syrup: of 50 ml / 100 ml (Alembic make Vadodara). Result of cheaper substitute material / search.



Engg. & FMCG products replace steel / brass gears by plastic gears viz. Mixer, xerox machine, circuit breaker etc. substitute material). (cheaper

iii) iv)

Automobile parts using cheaper alloys. Pharma products supplied without paper carton box (part elimination)

Purchase dept. of Mfg. firm continuously negotiate cost reduction with supplier / vendors for "Fair Price". Sometimes also involves It with design engineer. Sometime VA is referred as "Cost Analysis". maintains Data Bank of Vendors and continuously upgrade Import Data Statistics (Govt. Publication) etc.

search for substitute material is done in Exhibitions, Trade Fairs,

Value Engg. : Indian economy becoming "Free Economy" from 1992

due to signing of GATT, cost reduction & quality improvement has acquired paramount importance in mfg. & service sectors. functional improvement of input. Thus

product and if possible for decreasing

Product - productivity improves leading to improved sales /

profit. VE is done at product maturity stage of PLC curve or a new product launching stage. VE was developed during W W II by Miles. Also US Navy contributed in cost reduction.

A product is an article in commerce for exchange of functional

utility for some value.

Types of Functional Values :

Type No. 1. Function Type a) Use Function b) Aesthetic Function Product Trekker Shoes Remark Use - Protect feet Aesthetic - Please user



a) * Primary Function b) Secondary Function


Prime -Hold high press. gas supply to gas stove. Higher Function facilitate viewing Lower Function light bulb provide cells

Cylinder Second - Facilitate smooth Torch


a) Higher Order Function b) Lower Order Function

Sometimes unwanted functions are required viz. Overhead uses incadecent lamp (say 100 W) and produces heat Cooling function is unnecessary


which calls for small cooling fan. secondary function.

For VE, Anglo American council of productivity suggest 10 questions as per Annexure I. Annexure II describes Case II of Value Engg. done on Ball Pen. It list down parts and their function. Then function of part are analysed for modification / elimination. Case recommends followings : i) ii) combine Head & Cylinder (Integrate) Eliminate rings (Aesthetics)

Savings and expenses are as follows :

Sr. No. 1. 2. Item Rings (2) Cylinder Cap Discovery Eliminate + Integrate Savings Yes Yes New Exps. -Yes -Amortise new die Remark


cost on quantity. In this case Value Engineering is done on existing product design by modifying, but without sacrificing functional value, quality, reliability. Value Engg. team consists of Design Engineer, R & D Engineer,

Marketing Engineer & Purchase Manager. Annexure IV describe a case for VE done on Electronic Equipment.

Engineer's cost involved was 80 man hrs. @ $ 2 and $ 10,000 design Engg. drawings, documents etc. The discovery was eliminating 2 holes and replacement of Diecast by plastic , giving a total $ 2.5 Unit Savings. Productivity improvement. This gave about 13%

Illustration :
i) Intel enhanced performance function of new cheap launching but at cheaper rate than earlier version. Productivity = Higher Performance Lower Cost Due to product based higher productivity, Sales / Profit is considerably enhanced. ii) Maruti Udyog Ltd., Gurgaon did Value Engg. for new small end car keeping in mind other small cars like Fiat, Ambassador, Dolphine etc. fuel efficiency, Co. engineered high performance car like high 3 cylinder engines, Japanese parts &

Engineering, very competitive prices, excellent services all over country etc. Such a excellent Value Engg. of new car (Maruti 800) made successful launch leading to rapid introduction and


growth of product which resulted into established brand giving loyal customers for many years to come. While doing a Value Engg. of a new product, following aspects are specially kept as objective. a) i) ii)

Product Simplification :
Minimize Models Reduction in range of Material and components/ parts and reducing in complexity of methods & process.


Product Standardization :
Product standardization is a systematic effort on the part of design engineer, Industrial Engineer and Marketing Manager to create a product- mix to minimize manufacturing, distribution, selling and maintenance cost.


Research & Development :

Since productivity is continuous and competition process for survival and growth of organization , time span allotment should be committed by organization. and fund

References :
i) ii) iii) iv) Operation Management Operation Management Productivity Engg. Productivity Technique (PP 20.3) by Chary. (PP 119-21) by Gaither. (PP 433-39) by David Sumanth. (PP 91-105) by Dr.Salunke



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