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Chapter 3 Example Two: Traveling Wave in a Duct

The second example (see Figure 1.1.b) is a simple model of a 1D traveling wave in a rigid walled duct. This problem introduces the concept of impedance by the addition of absorption to the downstream end of the duct studied in the rst example. The wave is fully absorbed (no reections), resulting in a traveling wave. Either the previous example (stand.gid) can be loaded up or a completely new model can be made. To make changes to example one, load up stand.gid and save as trav.gid. To start a new model open up a new project and save it in your working folder as trav.gid. Follow the same steps as outlined in the rst example up to and including the step where the velocity boundary conditions are dened. Enter the boundary condition environment, either after making changes to example one or starting a new model (after the assignment of unit velocity to mimic the piston but before selecting nish). An absorption boundary condition needs to be added to the downstream end of the duct. To do this click on Impedance. Set the real normal impedance to 415.03 (the product of the speed of sound in air and the density of air, 343 and 1.21 respectively) and leave the imaginary normal impedance as 0. Click assign and then using the mouse, select the surface at z=10, the far end of the duct (see Figure 3.1). Select nish to complete the assignment of boundary conditions.


3. Example Two: Traveling Wave in a Duct

Figure 3.1: Adding an impedance to the duct.


Select (Data > Problem data). Give the project a title of <trav>. Set the problem data parameters to be exactly the same as for example one. In addition, set the Output Points panel to the values shown in Figure 3.2, and select close. This will set evenly spaced output points along the centreline of the duct.

Figure 3.2: Problem data output points panel.


3. Example Two: Traveling Wave in a Duct The next step is to mesh the duct. Select (Mesh > Generate). A dialog box will appear asking you to Enter the size of elements to be generated. Type in <0.5>. A dialog box will appear which states that 328 triangular elements have been created. Press OK and the mesh will appear, as shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3: Duct mesh.


Generate a solution and review the results in exactly the same manner as for example one. The pressure amplitude pattern obtained should dier considerably from that of the standing wave (Figure 3.1). This time, the amplitude should approximately constant along the duct length .

Figure 3.4: Pressure amplitude over boundary of duct.

Figure 3.1 may not appear to be constant, however try changing the scale range to match that of Figure 2.13. Use the Set minimum value and Set maximum value icons at the left of the screen.


3. Example Two: Traveling Wave in a Duct During the generation of the solution, a le entitled output.fdat2 would have been written to your working folder. This can be opened and read using your preferred text editor. This le gives values associated with the output points, details of which are given in B. The analytical pressure at any point in the duct of a traveling plane wave is given by the equation: p(x) = ceikx (3.1)

where x is the distance from the point of excitation along the duct. Using your preferred graphing package try comparing the absolute value of the traveling wave pressure with the analytical solution. You should obtain a graph which looks similar to Figure 3.5.
500 400

Absolute Sound pressure (Pa)

300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 2 4 6 8 BEM Theory 10

Distance along duct (m)

Figure 3.5: Sound pressure along the centre of duct side.


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