MI Const Party Platform Proposal

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The U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan (hereinafter referred to as USTPM), an Affiliate of the Constitution Party,
gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the
Universe and of these United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection
of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States.

The USTPM is dedicated to the concept that this country is a Constitutionally Limited Republic, and not a
democracy. The powers of the government are to be bound by the chains of the Constitution.

The members of the USTPM pledge to work to return, the government of this great country, to the limits established
by the founding fathers of this great country.

We, the members of the USTPM, pledge to protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and
the Michigan State Constitution. Among these rights are the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the
Freedom of Association, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

This platform represents the position of the U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan and is presented in a format suited to
display on the Internet. There will be a bullet point with a link to a web page giving more detail of the item in the
platform. Other platform positions at the national level are presented at the website of our affiliate, the Constitution
Party, at http://www.constitutionparty.com

1. Abortion / Sanctity of Life -- Life begins at conception and ends at natural death.
2. Taxes -- Reduce all Federal, State and local taxes in Michigan.
3. Marriage, Families and Divorce -- Marriage is the union of one man and union.
4. Restitution not Incarceration -- Require restitution in place of incarceration.
5. Election Reform -- Reform elections by requiring the use of paper ballots.
6. Ballot Access -- Simplify the requirements for a party to get on the ballot.
7. Insurance Reform – Eliminate mandatory insurance on automobiles.
8. Part Time Legislature and Performance -- Re-establish a part-time legislature in Michigan and tie
Legislators’ pay to the percentage of votes in which they participate.
9. Restore the Republic: Review the alleged ratification of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
10. MI Government Investments must be transparent
11. Do not encumber the right of individuals to keep and bear arms: restore the constitutional Militia.
12. Environment: It is our responsibility to be prudent, productive, and efficient stewards of God's natural
13. Drinking Water Treatment: Eliminate fluoride and chlorine used to treat drinking water in Michigan.
14. Eliminate school Tax for Private/Home Schoolers: to reduce the burden on families who do not use the
public schools.
15. Alternative Medicine: Become the 14th state to pass laws guaranteeing access to alternative medicine.
16. Property Rights: Property rights must be upheld by all legitimate government.
17. Farming: We affirm the value of family farming.
18. State Rights: We object to the federalization of issues that belong in the purview of the individual states.
19. Immigration: We do not support any form of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, a codeword for
20. Usury Laws: Banks and Credit Card companies in Michigan must comply with Michigan’s usury and
consumer protection laws.
21.  Tort Reform:  Make any attorney involved in filing a frivolous law suit jointly liable for the cost of 
defending against the suit. 

Please note that this is not to be construed as a complete position description. Many issues not specifically detailed
here, may be found on the national Constitution Party Platform at http://www.constitutionparty.com.
USTPM Party Platform
Expanded Commentary
1. Abortion / Sanctity of Life

Life begins at conception and ends at natural death.

The pre-born child, whose life begins at fertilization, is a human being created in God’s image. The first
duty of the law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. It is, therefore, the duty of all civil
governments to secure and to safeguard the lives of all, including the pre-born. We oppose abortion and the
distribution and use of all abortifacients.

We affirm the God-given legal personhood of all unborn human beings, without exception. As to matters
of rape and incest, it is unconscionable to take the life of an innocent child for the crimes of his father.

Any USTPM Party candidate for the federal Senate or the House of Representatives, when elected, will
propose legislation stripping the Appellate Jurisdiction from the federal courts on the issue of abortion.

Finally, we also oppose all government “legalization” of euthanasia, infanticide and suicide. In accordance
with the provisions of the fifth amendment to the U. S. Constitution, we oppose any deliberate taking of
human life without full, legal due process.

2. Taxes

The USTPM and the Constitution Party opposes any taxes in excess of the minimum needed to fund the
legitimate functions of government.

There are fundamental problems with the current federal tax system which must be changed. Our system
imposes tax at a higher rate on salaries and wages, than the rate that applies on income from dividends and
capital gains. The effect of this is to keep the wage earners and professionals in this country from being
able to accumulate wealth, while the already wealthy pay little in the way of taxes. The current system also
pays young couples to have children out of wedlock with the Earned Income Tax Credit. These are only
two examples of the many problems with a tax system which is being used as a vehicle for social
engineering and political retribution. The entire system must be scrapped.

The USTPM and the Constitution Party propose the repeal of the sixteenth amendment to the U. S.
Constitution, and that the federal income tax be replaced by a revenue tariff.

The State of Michigan tax rate is rated about 27th in the country meaning our state is a high tax state. Since
many high paying manufacturing and professional jobs have left the state, and state government in
Michigan has increased in size at a double-digit rate for a number of years, so Michigan government should
shrink to allow reasonable tax cuts; not tax increases.

3. Marriage, Families and Divorce

The USTPM supports the assertion that marriage is the union of one man and one. We recognize that
parents have the fundamental right and responsibility to nurture, educate and discipline their children. We
oppose the assumption of these responsibilities by any government agency without the express delegation
of the parents or due process. We affirm the value of the father and mother in the home, and we oppose
efforts to legalize adoption of children by homosexual singles or co-habiting couples.

Also, there is no such thing as a “no-fault” divorce if minor children are involved. Those seeking the
divorce should be required to prove fault, or no divorce will be granted. The courts must consider the
welfare of the children above all else.
According to the laws of nature and of nature’s God, children are given to parents for their posterity, to
bring them up and to teach them. So-called family rights advocates have transmogrified the law to the end
that children belong to the State first, who grants custody of children to their parents until such time as the
State’s pleasure is removed, at which time custodial rights are reverted to the State. This is contrary to
God’s law and natural morality.

The USTPM and the Constitution Party seeks the restoration of God-given parental rights to parents and

4. Restitution instead of Incarceration

The Courts should be required to impose restitution where possible for crimes against property perpetrated
by first-time offenders. There should be no incarceration except in cases of crimes committed against
persons. Incarceration should not be imposed in cases of procedural
violations except in cases of repeat offenders.

Every year, the Michigan Prison population rises and victims are doubly harmed by having to pay for
incarceration. The primary form of punishment for vandalism, and crimes against property, should be
restitution to the victims of the crime where possible. This will educate youthful offenders about the cost of
their actions. The requirement of restitution is already in Article I, Section 24 of the Constitution of the
State of Michigan and the Courts should be required to mandate the following items.

Restitution should be mandatory.

Restitution should be to the aggrieved party.

The state should not be allowed to step in and claim to be the aggrieved party.

The state should assist the victim in collecting or receiving restitution and not claim the restitution.

The perpetrator should not be allowed to profit from their crime. Any profit gained by the offense should
be granted to the victim.

5. Election Reform
The USTPM and the Constitution Party seeks the restoration of an electoral process which is beyond
manipulation by the apparatus of incumbent political parties.

The election process must be honest and not subject to manipulation.

In order to avoid election fraud, we urge the use of a voting system which can be overseen by, and
accountable to, voters resident in each precinct where the votes are cast. This method must provide a paper
trail so that an actual ballot is cast by each voter.

A recount of the votes cast only gives the total of the votes being counted, including the ones fraudulently
stuffed into the ballot boxes. In the 2004 Presidential Election, there were reports that 7,000 more votes
were cast in Madison Wisconsin, than there were registered voters in the city. When there is evidence of
vote fraud, we call for a citizens grand jury to be empanelled with the power to subpoena and question
under oath, with the penalties of perjury, individuals involved in the process. When vote fraud is found to
exist, the persons responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and if convicted, the
violators should be incarcerated and a new election should be called.

6. Ballot access: Simplify the requirements for a party to get on the ballot.
There should be established a 5,000 signatures maximum to remain on ballot for a minimum of four years.
Also, all third parties who field candidates should be included in all debates especially when they are
publicly funded.

Current requirements for a party to get on the ballot costs approximately $90,000 in time or money, which
is unreasonable.

7. Insurance Reform
Eliminate mandatory insurance on automobiles.

The increase of the cost of automobile insurance in the state of Michigan is fifth highest in the nation. We
need the cost of insurance to be lowered across the board to reduce the over-all cost of living to average and
low-income families. Insurance companies doing business in the state of Michigan must offer uninsured
motorist protection.

8. Part Time Legislature and Performance

Re-establish a part-time legislature in Michigan and tie Legislators’ pay to the percentage of votes in which
they participate.

While Michigan’s state legislatures are listed as a part time legislature, it’s members currently receive
almost $80.000 a year not including benefits and expense accounts. Our legislature is the second highest
paid in the country, only behind California, which is listed as a full time legislature. The Texas state
legislature meets only four months in each alternate year. We should cut our state legislators’ pay scale by
30% immediately. The Michigan State Officers Compensation Commission should be abolished right
away. Any further raises should be tied to the Consumer Price Index.

A related concern is “Are we being represented in Lansing?”

A Detroit News article reported that thirteen Michigan legislators missed well over 100 votes during the
2005-06 sessions. When our elected officials are not there to vote on issues, we the constituents are
deprived of our right to be represented. If they are not voting what are we paying them for ? Why do we
pay them $79,650 a year?. Rep Bill McConico D- Detroit missed voting 329 times out of 1000 times in the
2 year session. Should he be docked for missing opportunities to truly represent his constituency?

The USTPM will fix this.

9.  Restore the Republic:  Review the Ratification of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The 17th Amendment to t he U. S. Constitution, when “ratified”, was the amendment that transformed our
form of government from the Republic it was intended to be by the framers and founders, to the
“democracy” we have today. The states are no longer represented in Washington, D. C.: only the people

Any USTPM person elected to office in Lansing or in Washington D. C. will use his or her office to review
the archives regarding the alleged ratification of the 17th Amendment. The review of the archives should
determine if the language ratified was in fact the actual language of the Amendment passed by Michigan
Congress and that the amendment actually received the required votes for ratification. If the Amendment
was not properly ratified, our representative to the U. S. Congress must be required to take action to rescind
the 17th amendment, so that the election of our U.S. Senators will be returned to the Michigan State
Legislature, as was originally intended.

10. Michigan Government Investments must be transparent

Transition all investment funds of Michigan governments (state, county, city, village, township, etc.) to
public trusts, and allow full transparency of investments. Ensure that taxpayers are empowered to discover
how invested funds are being handled. Establish a means by which the taxpayers can force compliance
with disclosure requirements, and ensure profits from investment funds are used to reduce taxes in the state.

The investment funds of all Michigan governments (state, county, city, village, township, etc.) should be in
public trusts which allow citizens and taxpayers of the various governments to know what assets are held
by the governments and how the assets are being invested and used. The public trusts must be required to
make periodic public reports of holdings of the trusts and the identity of the trustees and any brokers
handling the funds. This action is needed to insure that taxpayer provided funds are being properly used
and are not being diverted to enrich directly, or indirectly, the elected and appointed officials of the various
governmental units.

11. Do not encumber the right of individuals to keep and bear arms: restore the constitutional Militia.

Since the second amendment to the U. S. Constitution, and Article I. Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution
both establish that individuals have the right to keep and bear arms for the security of the State and for their
own persons, persons having no prior record of crimes against persons or property, involving the use of a
firearm, should be permitted to bear or carry arms unencumbered, in any fashion chosen. All laws that
support the prosecution of persons using firearms in the commission of crimes against persons or property
should be strongly enforced.

Consistent with the original intent of the Founders and Framers of this nation, we affirm that a
constitutional Militia must be re-established and returned to the States. The current Michigan National
Guard has been gradually transformed and “federalized” into a standing army reserve. Control must be
returned to the State of Michigan.

12. Environment

We, not the United Nations, or the U. S. Federal Government, must be good stewards of our God granted
natural resources.

It is our responsibility to be prudent, productive, and efficient stewards of God's natural resources. In that
role, we are commanded to be fruitful and multiply, and to replenish the earth and develop it (e.g., to turn
deserts into farms and wastelands into groves). This requires a proper and continuing dynamic balance
between development and conservation, between use and preservation.

We oppose the importation of trash into our state from Canada or other states.

We oppose any diversion of water from the great lakes. The only states or provinces which have a
legitimate claim to the water in the great lakes are the states and provinces which surround the lakes.

In keeping with this requirement, we wholeheartedly support realistic efforts to preserve the environment
and reduce air, water, and land pollution. We reject, however, the argument that this objective ought to be
pursued by costly governmental interference, accompanied by multitudes of regulations and the heavy hand
of arrogant bureaucrats spurred on by irresponsible pressure groups.

The Great lakes system is one of our greatest and most valuable natural possessions of our state,
constituting a large percentage of the world's fresh water. It should not be diverted for mere monetary gain.
We also should be against the diversion or sale of Great Lakes or Michigan ground water for bottled
drinking water. The Great Lakes water levels have been going down for years.

We are against any attempt to tax the use of water from the wells of individual home owners or farmers.

The USTPM also rejects all efforts to “globalize” or “Internationalize”, or otherwise “harmonize” our laws
with non-U. S. laws.
13. Drinking Water Treatment: Eliminate fluoride and chlorine used to treat drinking water in Michigan.

Ninety-eight percent (98%) of Europe have stopped using chlorinated or fluoridated water. Other
purification methodologies are available, notably ozone-charged water. Recent medical and safety opinion
supports the fact that the use of chlorine is a public health and safety hazard: in fact it is classified by the
U.S. Department of Transportation as a hazardous substance. Dental health in Europe is on a par with the
United States, without the use of chlorine and fluoride.

14. Eliminate school Tax for Private/Home Schoolers

The USTPM and the Constitution Party believes that all teaching is related to the basic assumptions about
God and Man. Education as a whole therefore cannot be separated from religious faith. The law of our
Creator assigns the authority and responsibility of educating children to their parents.

We support the unimpeded right of parents to provide for the education of their children in the manner they
deem best, including home, private or religious. We oppose all legislation from any level of government
that would interfere with or restrict that liberty. We support equitable tax relief for families whose children
do not attend public schools.

So that parents need not defy the law by refusing to send their children to schools of which they
disapprove, compulsory attendance should be repealed.

All federal laws (such as the No Child Left Behind Act) which require action and expenditure by the states,
should be repealed. These acts are tacitly unfunded mandates since the government provides no funding
for the required actions. The Attorney General of the state should file suit to require full funding of this act
or have it declared to be in violation of tenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

15. Alternative Medicine and Health

Create laws that protect people’s access to alternative medicine and food supplements. Thirteen states
have passed laws protecting patient and doctor choices regarding alternative health care options, allowing
doctors and patients to choose an appropriate course of treatment without state, insurance industry or
medical professional interference.

Simply removing toxic chemicals from our food and water would be a substantial improvement. This
would prevent the average person’s body from becoming totally toxic.

Currently, the majority of M.D.’s completely ignore the human immune system, even prescribing drugs
that suppress it. Many scientists believe that the reason we get sick is because our immune system gets
weak, not because we got some germs. There are many supplements that increase the power of the human
immune system and this could prevent sickness. A “dark field analysis” of the blood can indicate the status
of our immune system. Sometimes hidden infections in the body, causing no pain, will permanently
weaken the immune system while the person won’t even know.

16. Property Rights

The right to own and acquire property has historically been understood to be an implicit part of the
constitutionally guaranteed right to pursue happiness. It was clarified in the Fifth Amendment to the U. S.
Constitution. As property rights are to be upheld by any legitimate government, it will be vigorously
pursued in all of the legislation put forth by any USTPM or Constitution Party member elected to office.
Any and all laws, policies or judicial decisions to the contrary will be repealed, rescinded or reversed. Any
judge pandering to municipal or monied interests, working contrary to these rights, will be removed and /or
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We oppose the use of asset forfeiture laws against any person
who has not been convicted of a crime. Forfeitures of assets must follow the full due process of law.

17. Farming
The USTPM recognizes the importance of agriculture to our state and to the independence of our Republic.
We believe that it is beneficial to the independence of our country, the health of our people and to the
environment to have many small, independent, family owned farms. In order to promote such agriculture,
we seek to lift the unfair regulations that prevent small farmers from being able to market their food and
fiber directly to public, instead of being forced to market their goods through the multi-national
corporations. We also oppose all subsidies.

18. State’s Rights

We believe that the State of Michigan retains jurisdiction in all areas of civil government that are not
specifically granted to the Federal Government.

We believe that the State of Michigan retains jurisdiction in all areas of civil government that are not
specifically granted to the Federal Government. As stated in the 9th and 10th Amendments to the United
States Constitution, the jurisdiction and powers that are not given to the Federal Government are retained
by the states and the people, respectively. The 10th Amendment, which says “The powers not delegated to
the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States
respectively, or to the people.” This specifically prohibits the Federal Government from taking any
authority which the Constitution itself does not grant.

We recognize the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land as specified in Article VI,
paragraph 2 which says “This Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in
pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States,
shall be the supreme law of the land.” The Federal Government through legislation, judicial decisions or
executive orders, may not take additional and/or unconstitutional authority unto itself. Any actions
contrary to the Constitution, in its original intent, are illegal and non-binding.

We believe that the doctrine of interposition mandates that all branches of the State Government have a
specific responsibility to hold any acts of the Federal Government, which are beyond the scope of its
jurisdiction as specified by the United States Constitution, as illegal, invalid and unenforceable. Any and
all failures of the State to reject unconstitutional expansion of Federal authority are tantamount to granting
the Federal Government that authority. However without an amendment to the Constitution such Federal
expansion is illegal.

19. Immigration

We do not support amnesty of any kind which opens the borders and makes a mockery of legal immigrants.

We bear out the integrity of the international borders of the United States and the Constitutional authority
and duty of the federal government to guard and to protect those borders, together with the guideline of the
numbers and of the qualifications of immigrants into the country. We maintain the right to erect and
maintain fences.

These immigrants, including illegal aliens, have been made eligible for various kinds of public assistance,
including housing, education, Social Security, and legal services. This drain on the Treasury is having a
severe and adverse impact on our economy, increasing the cost of our state government and adding to the
tax burden, and stressing the fabric of society. The availability of all subsidies and assistance to illegal
immigrants should be discontinued.

We favor a moratorium on immigration to the United States, except in extreme hardship cases or in other
individual special circumstances. This moratorium should continue until our borders are appropriately
protected and the flow of illegal aliens is controlled.

The USTPM and Constitution Party demand that the federal government restore immigration policies based
on the practice that potential immigrants will be disqualified from admission to the U.S. if, on the grounds
of health, criminality, morals, or financial dependence, they would impose an improper burden on the
United States, any state, or any citizen of the United States. We oppose any provisions that would allow
welfare subsidies and other taxpayer-supported benefits for illegal aliens.

We support maintaining the integrity of the family. Minor children of illegal immigrants should be left in
the custody of the child's parents, when the parents are deported for violating the immigration laws of the

We do not support any form of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, a codeword for Amnesty.
20. Usury Laws

Banks and Credit Card companies in Michigan must comply with Michigan’s usury and consumer
protection laws. Banks and credit card companies are locating credit card and loan operations in states,
such as South Dakota, which allow exorbitant interest rates as high as a 30% annual rate, as well as abusive
penalty provisions. The full faith and credit provisions of the U.S. Constitution then require the other states
to honor these contracts. This action is an abuse of the commerce provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

The state currently imposes sales tax on items sold through the mail or over the internet on companies who
have an office, store or other physical location in Michigan. This same legal concept must be applied to
make any bank, credit card company, or other providers of credit, who have a physical presence in this
state, to comply with the usury and consumer protection laws of this state.

21. Tort Reform

Make any attorney involved in filing a frivolous law suit jointly liable for the cost of defending against the

Currently there is an abundance of frivolous lawsuits filed by individuals, and unscrupulous attorneys, in an
effort to extort money from business and individuals who are perceived to have deep pockets. Attorneys
who represent clients in these lawsuits are typically compensated on a contingency basis, where the
attorney receives a cut of the take from the lawsuit. These attorneys are not subject to prosecution because
they are acting as agents of the court system. The people who bring these suits are usually individuals who
have no assets, and any judgment issued against them, for the cost of defending against these suits is not
collectible. The result of these suits, is that businesses frequently pay to settle the suit, because the
settlement is cheaper than the cost of fighting.

State legislation must be enacted that makes any attorney, who is involved in bringing a frivolous lawsuit,
jointly liable with the individual who brings the suit. The attorney, and the attorney’s law firm, must be
made liable for the expenses they force others to incur.

Please note that this is not to be construed as a complete position description. Many issues not specifically detailed
here, may be found on the national Constitution Party Platform at http://www.constitutionparty.com.
Of the
U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan

The U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan (hereinafter referred to as USTPM) , an Affiliate of the Constitution Party, gratefully
acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these
United States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to
restore and preserve these United States.

The USTPM is dedicated to the concept that this country is a Constitutionally Limited Republic, and not a democracy. The
powers of the government are to be bound by the chains of the Constitution.

The members of the USTPM pledge to work to return, the government of this great country, to the limits established by the
founding fathers of this great country.

We, the members of the USTPM, pledge to protect the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Michigan
State Constitution. Among these rights are the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the Freedom of Association,
Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

This platform represents the position of the U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan and is presented in a format suited to display on the
Internet. There will be a bullet point with a link to a web page giving more detail of the item in the platform. Other platform
positions at the national level are presented at the website of our affiliate, the Constitution Party, at

1. Abortion / Sanctity of Life -- Life begins at conception and ends at natural death.
2. Taxes -- Reduce all Federal, State and local taxes in Michigan.
3. Marriage, Families and Divorce -- Marriage is the union of one man and union.
4. Restitution not Incarceration -- Require restitution in place of incarceration.
5. Election Reform -- Reform elections by requiring the use of paper ballots.
6. Ballot Access -- Simplify the requirements for a party to get on the ballot.
7. Insurance Reform -- Eliminate mandatory insurance on automobiles.
8. Part Time Legislature and Performance -- Re-establish a part-time legislature in Michigan and tie
Legislators’ pay to the percentage of votes in which they participate.
9. Restore the Republic: Review the alleged ratification of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
10. MI Government Investments must be transparent.
11. Do not encumber the right of individuals to keep and bear arms: restore the constitutional Militia.
12. Environment: It is our responsibility to be prudent, productive, and efficient stewards of God's
natural resources.
13. Drinking Water Treatment: Eliminate fluoride and chlorine used to treat drinking water in Michigan.
14. Eliminate school Tax for Private/Home Schoolers: to reduce the burden on families who do not use
the public schools.
15. Alternative Medicine: Become the 14th state to pass laws guaranteeing access to alternative medicine.
16. Property Rights: Property rights must be upheld by all legitimate government.
17. Farming: We affirm the value of family farming.
18. States’ Rights: We object to the federalization of issues that belong in the purview of the individual
19. Immigration: We do not support any form of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, a codeword for
20. Usury Laws: Banks and Credit Card companies in Michigan must comply with Michigan’s usury and
consumer protection laws.
21. Tort Reform: Make any attorney involved in filing a frivolous law suit jointly liable for the cost of
defending against the suit.

Please note that this is not to be construed as a complete position description. Many issues not specifically detailed
here, may be found on the national Constitution Party Platform at http://www.constitutionparty.com.
USTPM Party Platform
Expanded Commentary
1. Abortion / Sanctity of Life

Life begins at conception and ends at natural death.

The pre-born child, whose life begins at fertilization, is a human being created in God’s image. The first
duty of the law is to prevent the shedding of innocent blood. It is, therefore, the duty of all civil
governments to secure and to safeguard the lives of all, including the pre-born. We oppose abortion and the
distribution and use of all abortifacients.

We affirm the God-given legal personhood of all unborn human beings, without exception. As to matters of
rape and incest, it is unconscionable to take the life of an innocent child for the crimes of his father.

Any USTPM Party candidate for the federal Senate or the House of Representatives, when elected, will
propose legislation stripping the Appellate Jurisdiction from the federal courts on the issue of abortion.

Finally, we also oppose all government “legalization” of euthanasia, infanticide and suicide. In accordance
with the provisions of the fifth amendment to the U. S. Constitution, we oppose any deliberate taking of
human life without full, legal due process.

2. Taxes

The USTPM and the Constitution Party opposes any taxes in excess of the minimum needed to fund the
legitimate functions of government.

There are fundamental problems with the current federal tax system which must be changed. Our system
imposes tax at a higher rate on salaries and wages, than the rate that applies on income from dividends and
capital gains. The effect of this is to keep the wage earners and professionals in this country from being able
to accumulate wealth, while the already wealthy pay little in the way of taxes. The current system also pays
young couples to have children out of wedlock with the Earned Income Tax Credit. These are only two
examples of the many problems with a tax system which is being used as a vehicle for social engineering
and political retribution. The entire system must be scrapped.

The USTPM and the Constitution Party propose the repeal of the sixteenth amendment to the U. S.
Constitution, and that the federal income tax be replaced by a revenue tariff.

The State of Michigan tax rate is rated about 27th in the country meaning our state is a high tax state. Since
many high paying manufacturing and professional jobs have left the state, and state government in Michigan
has increased in size at a double-digit rate for a number of years, so Michigan government should shrink to
allow reasonable tax cuts; not tax increases.

3. Marriage, Families and Divorce

The USTPM supports the assertion that marriage is the union of one man and one. We recognize that parents
have the fundamental right and responsibility to nurture, educate and discipline their children. We oppose
the assumption of these responsibilities by any government agency without the express delegation of the
parents or due process. We affirm the value of the father and mother in the home, and we oppose efforts to
legalize adoption of children by homosexual singles or co-habiting couples.
Also, there is no such thing as a “no-fault” divorce if minor children are involved. Those seeking the
divorce should be required to prove fault, or no divorce will be granted. The courts must consider the
welfare of the children above all else.

According to the laws of nature and of nature’s God, children are given to parents for their posterity, to bring
them up and to teach them. So-called family rights advocates have transmogrified the law to the end that
children belong to the State first, who grants custody of children to their parents until such time as the
State’s pleasure is removed, at which time custodial rights are reverted to the State. This is contrary to
God’s law and natural morality.

The USTPM and the Constitution Party seeks the restoration of God-given parental rights to parents and

4. Restitution instead of Incarceration

The Courts should be required to impose restitution where possible for crimes against property perpetrated
by first-time offenders. There should be no incarceration except in cases of crimes committed against
persons. Incarceration should not be imposed in cases of procedural
violations except in cases of repeat offenders.

Every year, the Michigan Prison population rises and victims are doubly harmed by having to pay for
incarceration. The primary form of punishment for vandalism, and crimes against property, should be
restitution to the victims of the crime where possible. This will educate youthful offenders about the cost of
their actions. The requirement of restitution is already in Article I, Section 24 of the Constitution of the State
of Michigan and the Courts should be required to mandate the following items.

Restitution should be mandatory.

Restitution should be to the aggrieved party.

The state should not be allowed to step in and claim to be the aggrieved party.

The state should assist the victim in collecting or receiving restitution and not claim the restitution.

The perpetrator should not be allowed to profit from their crime. Any profit gained by the offense should be
granted to the victim.

5. Election Reform

The USTPM and the Constitution Party seeks the restoration of an electoral process which is beyond
manipulation by the apparatus of incumbent political parties.

The election process must be honest and not subject to manipulation.

In order to avoid election fraud, we urge the use of a voting system which can be overseen by, and
accountable to, voters resident in each precinct where the votes are cast. This method must provide a paper
trail so that an actual ballot is cast by each voter.

A recount of the votes cast only gives the total of the votes being counted, including the ones fraudulently
stuffed into the ballot boxes. In the 2004 Presidential Election, there were reports that 7,000 more votes were
cast in Madison Wisconsin, than there were registered voters in the city. When there is evidence of vote
fraud, we call for a citizens grand jury to be empanelled with the power to subpoena and question under
oath, with the penalties of perjury, individuals involved in the process. When vote fraud is found to exist, the
persons responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and if convicted, the violators should
be incarcerated and a new election should be called.

6. Ballot access: Simplify the requirements for a party to get on the ballot.

There should be established a 5,000 signatures maximum to remain on ballot for a minimum of four years.
Also, all third parties who field candidates should be included in all debates especially when they are
publicly funded.

Current requirements for a party to get on the ballot costs approximately $90,000 in time or money, which is

7. Insurance Reform

Eliminate mandatory insurance on automobiles.

The increase of the cost of automobile insurance in the state of Michigan is fifth highest in the nation. We
need the cost of insurance to be lowered across the board to reduce the over-all cost of living to average and
low-income families. Insurance companies doing business in the state of Michigan must offer uninsured
motorist protection.

8. Part Time Legislature and Performance

Re-establish a part-time legislature in Michigan and tie Legislators’ pay to the percentage of votes in which
they participate.

While Michigan’s state legislatures are listed as a part time legislature, it’s members currently receive almost
$80.000 a year not including benefits and expense accounts. Our legislature is the second highest paid in the
country, only behind California, which is listed as a full time legislature. The Texas state legislature meets
only four months in each alternate year. We should cut our state legislators’ pay scale by 30% immediately.
The Michigan State Officers Compensation Commission should be abolished right away. Any further raises
should be tied to the Consumer Price Index.

A related concern is “Are we being represented in Lansing?”

A Detroit News article reported that thirteen Michigan legislators missed well over 100 votes during the
2005-06 sessions. When our elected officials are not there to vote on issues, we the constituents are deprived
of our right to be represented. If they are not voting what are we paying them for ? Why do we pay them
$79,650 a year?. Rep Bill McConico D- Detroit missed voting 329 times out of 1000 times in the 2 year
session. Should he be docked for missing opportunities to truly represent his constituency?

The USTPM will fix this.

9. Restore the Republic:  Review the Ratification of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The 17th Amendment to t he U. S. Constitution, when “ratified”, was the amendment that transformed our
form of government from the Republic it was intended to be by the framers and founders, to the
“democracy” we have today. The states are no longer represented in Washington, D. C.: only the people are.

Any USTPM person elected to office in Lansing or in Washington D. C. will use his or her office to review
the archives regarding the alleged ratification of the 17th Amendment. The review of the archives should
determine if the language ratified was in fact the actual language of the Amendment passed by Michigan
Congress and that the amendment actually received the required votes for ratification. If the Amendment
was not properly ratified, our representative to the U. S. Congress must be required to take action to rescind
the 17th amendment, so that the election of our U.S. Senators will be returned to the Michigan State
Legislature, as was originally intended.

10. Michigan Government Investments must be transparent

Transition all investment funds of Michigan governments (state, county, city, village, township, etc.) to
public trusts, and allow full transparency of investments. Ensure that taxpayers are empowered to discover
how invested funds are being handled. Establish a means by which the taxpayers can force compliance with
disclosure requirements, and ensure profits from investment funds are used to reduce taxes in the state.

The investment funds of all Michigan governments (state, county, city, village, township, etc.) should be in
public trusts which allow citizens and taxpayers of the various governments to know what assets are held by
the governments and how the assets are being invested and used. The public trusts must be required to make
periodic public reports of holdings of the trusts and the identity of the trustees and any brokers handling the
funds. This action is needed to insure that taxpayer provided funds are being properly used and are not
being diverted to enrich directly, or indirectly, the elected and appointed officials of the various
governmental units.

11. Do not encumber the right of individuals to keep and bear arms: restore the constitutional Militia.

Since the second amendment to the U. S. Constitution, and Article I. Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution
both establish that individuals have the right to keep and bear arms for the security of the State and for their
own persons, persons having no prior record of crimes against persons or property, involving the use of a
firearm, should be permitted to bear or carry arms unencumbered, in any fashion chosen. All laws that
support the prosecution of persons using firearms in the commission of crimes against persons or property
should be strongly enforced.

Consistent with the original intent of the Founders and Framers of this nation, we affirm that a constitutional
Militia must be re-established and returned to the States. The current Michigan National Guard has been
gradually transformed and “federalized” into a standing army reserve. Control must be returned to the State
of Michigan.

12. Environment

We, not the United Nations, or the U. S. Federal Government, must be good stewards of our God granted
natural resources.

It is our responsibility to be prudent, productive, and efficient stewards of God's natural resources. In that
role, we are commanded to be fruitful and multiply, and to replenish the earth and develop it (e.g., to turn
deserts into farms and wastelands into groves). This requires a proper and continuing dynamic balance
between development and conservation, between use and preservation.

We oppose the importation of trash into our state from Canada or other states.

We oppose any diversion of water from the great lakes. The only states or provinces which have a legitimate
claim to the water in the great lakes are the states and provinces which surround the lakes.

In keeping with this requirement, we wholeheartedly support realistic efforts to preserve the environment
and reduce air, water, and land pollution. We reject, however, the argument that this objective ought to be
pursued by costly governmental interference, accompanied by multitudes of regulations and the heavy hand
of arrogant bureaucrats spurred on by irresponsible pressure groups.

The Great lakes system is one of our greatest and most valuable natural possessions of our state, constituting
a large percentage of the world's fresh water. It should not be diverted for mere monetary gain. We also
should be against the diversion or sale of Great Lakes or Michigan ground water for bottled drinking water.
The Great Lakes water levels have been going down for years.

We are against any attempt to tax the use of water from the wells of individual home owners or farmers.

The USTPM also rejects all efforts to “globalize” or “Internationalize”, or otherwise “harmonize” our laws
with non-U. S. laws.

13. Drinking Water Treatment: Eliminate fluoride and chlorine used to treat drinking water in Michigan.

Ninety-eight percent (98%) of Europe have stopped using chlorinated or fluoridated water. Other
purification methodologies are available, notably ozone-charged water. Recent medical and safety opinion
supports the fact that the use of chlorine is a public health and safety hazard: in fact it is classified by the
U.S. Department of Transportation as a hazardous substance. Dental health in Europe is on a par with the
United States, without the use of chlorine and fluoride.

14. Eliminate school Tax for Private/Home Schoolers

The USTPM and the Constitution Party believes that all teaching is related to the basic assumptions about
God and Man. Education as a whole therefore cannot be separated from religious faith. The law of our
Creator assigns the authority and responsibility of educating children to their parents.

We support the unimpeded right of parents to provide for the education of their children in the manner they
deem best, including home, private or religious. We oppose all legislation from any level of government
that would interfere with or restrict that liberty. We support equitable tax relief for families whose children
do not attend public schools.

So that parents need not defy the law by refusing to send their children to schools of which they disapprove,
compulsory attendance should be repealed.

All federal laws (such as the No Child Left Behind Act) which require action and expenditure by the states,
should be repealed. These acts are tacitly unfunded mandates since the government provides no funding for
the required actions. The Attorney General of the state should file suit to require full funding of this act or
have it declared to be in violation of tenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

15. Alternative Medicine and Health

Create laws that protect people’s access to alternative medicine and food supplements. Thirteen states have
passed laws protecting patient and doctor choices regarding alternative health care options, allowing doctors
and patients to choose an appropriate course of treatment without state, insurance industry or medical
professional interference.

Simply removing toxic chemicals from our food and water would be a substantial improvement. This would
prevent the average person’s body from becoming totally toxic.

Currently, the majority of M.D.’s completely ignore the human immune system, even prescribing drugs that
suppress it. Many scientists believe that the reason we get sick is because our immune system gets weak,
not because we got some germs. There are many supplements that increase the power of the human immune
system and this could prevent sickness. A “dark field analysis” of the blood can indicate the status of our
immune system. Sometimes hidden infections in the body, causing no pain, will permanently weaken the
immune system while the person won’t even know.

16. Property Rights

The right to own and acquire property has historically been understood to be an implicit part of the
constitutionally guaranteed right to pursue happiness. It was clarified in the Fifth Amendment to the U. S.
Constitution. As property rights are to be upheld by any legitimate government, it will be vigorously
pursued in all of the legislation put forth by any USTPM or Constitution Party member elected to office.
Any and all laws, policies or judicial decisions to the contrary will be repealed, rescinded or reversed. Any
judge pandering to municipal or monied interests, working contrary to these rights, will be removed and /or
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We oppose the use of asset forfeiture laws against any person
who has not been convicted of a crime. Forfeitures of assets must follow the full due process of law.

17. Farming

The USTPM recognizes the importance of agriculture to our state and to the independence of our Republic.
We believe that it is beneficial to the independence of our country, the health of our people and to the
environment to have many small, independent, family owned farms. In order to promote such agriculture,
we seek to lift the unfair regulations that prevent small farmers from being able to market their food and
fiber directly to public, instead of being forced to market their goods through the multi-national
corporations. We also oppose all subsidies.

18. State’s Rights

We believe that the State of Michigan retains jurisdiction in all areas of civil government that are not
specifically granted to the Federal Government.

We believe that the State of Michigan retains jurisdiction in all areas of civil government that are not
specifically granted to the Federal Government. As stated in the 9th and 10th Amendments to the United
States Constitution, the jurisdiction and powers that are not given to the Federal Government are retained by
the states and the people, respectively. The 10th Amendment, which says “The powers not delegated to the
United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people.” This specifically prohibits the Federal Government from taking any authority which the
Constitution itself does not grant.

We recognize the United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land as specified in Article VI,
paragraph 2 which says “This Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in
pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States,
shall be the supreme law of the land.” The Federal Government through legislation, judicial decisions or
executive orders, may not take additional and/or unconstitutional authority unto itself. Any actions contrary
to the Constitution, in its original intent, are illegal and non-binding.

We believe that the doctrine of interposition mandates that all branches of the State Government have a
specific responsibility to hold any acts of the Federal Government, which are beyond the scope of its
jurisdiction as specified by the United States Constitution, as illegal, invalid and unenforceable. Any and all
failures of the State to reject unconstitutional expansion of Federal authority are tantamount to granting the
Federal Government that authority. However without an amendment to the Constitution such Federal
expansion is illegal.

19. Immigration

We do not support amnesty of any kind which opens the borders and makes a mockery of legal immigrants.
We bear out the integrity of the international borders of the United States and the Constitutional authority
and duty of the federal government to guard and to protect those borders, together with the guideline of the
numbers and of the qualifications of immigrants into the country. We maintain the right to erect and maintain

These immigrants, including illegal aliens, have been made eligible for various kinds of public assistance,
including housing, education, Social Security, and legal services. This drain on the Treasury is having a
severe and adverse impact on our economy, increasing the cost of our state government and adding to the tax
burden, and stressing the fabric of society. The availability of all subsidies and assistance to illegal
immigrants should be discontinued.

We favor a moratorium on immigration to the United States, except in extreme hardship cases or in other
individual special circumstances. This moratorium should continue until our borders are appropriately
protected and the flow of illegal aliens is controlled.

The USTPM and Constitution Party demand that the federal government restore immigration policies based
on the practice that potential immigrants will be disqualified from admission to the U.S. if, on the grounds of
health, criminality, morals, or financial dependence, they would impose an improper burden on the United
States, any state, or any citizen of the United States. We oppose any provisions that would allow welfare
subsidies and other taxpayer-supported benefits for illegal aliens.

We support maintaining the integrity of the family. Minor children of illegal immigrants should be left in the
custody of the child's parents, when the parents are deported for violating the immigration laws of the U.S.

We do not support any form of “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, a codeword for Amnesty.

20. Usury Laws

Banks and Credit Card companies in Michigan must comply with Michigan’s usury and consumer protection
laws. Banks and credit card companies are locating credit card and loan operations in states, such as South
Dakota, which allow exorbitant interest rates as high as a 30% annual rate, as well as abusive penalty
provisions. The full faith and credit provisions of the U.S. Constitution then require the other states to honor
these contracts. This action is an abuse of the commerce provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

The state currently imposes sales tax on items sold through the mail or over the internet on companies who
have an office, store or other physical location in Michigan. This same legal concept must be applied to
make any bank, credit card company, or other providers of credit, who have a physical presence in this state,
to comply with the usury and consumer protection laws of this state.

21. Tort Reform

Make any attorney involved in filing a frivolous law suit jointly liable for the cost of defending against the

Currently there is an abundance of frivolous lawsuits filed by individuals, and unscrupulous attorneys, in an
effort to extort money from business and individuals who are perceived to have deep pockets. Attorneys who
represent clients in these lawsuits are typically compensated on a contingency basis, where the attorney
receives a cut of the take from the lawsuit. These attorneys are not subject to prosecution because they are
acting as agents of the court system. The people who bring these suits are usually individuals who have no
assets, and any judgment issued against them, for the cost of defending against these suits is not collectible.
The result of these suits, is that businesses frequently pay to settle the suit, because the settlement is cheaper
than the cost of fighting.

State legislation must be enacted that makes any attorney, who is involved in bringing a frivolous lawsuit,
jointly liable with the individual who brings the suit. The attorney, and the attorney’s law firm, must be made
liable for the expenses they force others to incur.

Please note that this is not to be construed as a complete position description. Many issues not specifically detailed
here, may be found on the national Constitution Party Platform at http://www.constitutionparty.com.

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