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Among Phosphorus, Sulphur, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Molybdenum , Zinc & Boron , bring out those which are macronutrients? (A)Phosphorus, Sulphur, Potassium, Calcium, (B)Phosphorus, Sulphur, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, (C)Phosphorus, Sulphur, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese, Copper,

2.To prevent growth defects due to malnutrition in the children of age till 14 years, which of the following is most important ? (A)Vitamins (B)Fat (C)Proteins

3.Which among the following is not found in DNA? (A)Thymene (B)Uracil (C)Cytosine

4.Among typhoid, hysteria, measles & influenza which is / are notcontagious disease(s)? (A)Hysteria only (B)Hysteria & Measles (C)Hysteria, Typhoid & Measles

5.Prophase, metaphase, anaphase & telophase are the stages of which of the following process? (A)Mitosis / Meiosis (B)Asexual reproduction (C)Cell metabolism

6.Digestion is not a function of which of the following ? (A)biotin (B)pepsin (C)renin

7.Which of the following is a reason behind color blindness? (A)deficiency of Vitamin A (B)genetic disorder

(C)protein malnutrition

8.Petrology is a branch of science which is related to the study of which of the following ? (A)Oil & Gas (B)Rocks & Minerals (C)Fossils

9.The edible part of 'cabbage' is which of the following? (A)Inflorescence (B)Bud (C)Fruit

10.Which of the following is a micronutrient that helps in nitrogen metabolism of plants? (A)Zinc (B)Copper (C)Molybdenum

11.Among Ferns, Mosses, Algae & Fungi , cholorophyll is found in ? (A)Algae & Ferns (B)Algae & Mosses (C)Algae, Ferns & Mosses

12.Actinomycetes are good source of which of the following ? (A)Vitamins (B)Antihistamines (C)Antibiotics

13.1 gm of which of the following will produce maximum ATPs? (A)Protein (B)Carbohydrate (C)Fat

14.The birth of the first child will be a fatal situation in which of the following conditions? (A)Male Rh+ & Female Rh-

(B)Male Rh- & Female Rh+ (C)Male Rh- & Female Rh-

15.Which among the following sentences is correct ? (A)in plants photosynthesis & respiration occur at the same rate (B)photosynthesis proceeds at a higher rate than respiration (C)respiration proceeds at a higher rate than photosynthesis

16.The enzyme Nitrite reductase has which of the elements as its constituent ? (A)Molybdenum (B)Copper (C)Iron

17."Karnal bunt" is a disease found in which if the following cereals? (A)Rice (B)Wheat (C)Maize

18.Which of the following disease is found in ground nut? (A)Downy mildew (B)Bunt (C)Ikki

19.Among Sodium, Potassium , Magnesium and Iodine which is / are required for transmission of nerve impulses? (A)Sodium , Potassium & Magnesium (B)Sodium & Magnesium only (C)Sodium only

20.Which among the following is called antisterility vitamin ? (A)Vitamin D (B)Vitamin A (C)Vitamin E

Answer :1-(b) 2-(c) 3- (b) 4- (a) 5- (a) 6- (a) 7- (b) 8- (b) 9- (b) 10-(C) 11-(c) 12- (C) 13- (c ) 14- (a) 15- (b) 16- (A) 17- (b) 18- (c ) 19- (b) 20- (c )

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