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Justice For All With The Stroke of A Pen

(A Fresh Global Economic System)

This book is an effort to convey ideas and respectful suggestions about how things might be done differently in the world to enhance the lives of all people. We live on an abundant Earth. Resources and the means to utilize those resources are within reach for the benefit of all. Our home is a single planet that we must share with equity if we wish to get along and to survive with an agreeable standard of living. The issues arise from the differences among Cultures on our planet. We must learn to provide for the needs of all without trampling upon the Rights of any. It is possible for tribesmen, who are herders, to co-exist with neighbors who choose to live in metropolitan areas. The key is Respect for the Rights and for the Needs of others while we seek the benefits of Natural and of Human Resources. The Rape of the Land must end. The Pollution of the Sea and of the Water Supply will kill us all if allowed to continue. The very air that we breathe is at risk unless we, as a population of the planet, take responsibility and manage the resource better. Finally, our Human Resources must be considered as part of the entire Living System that blends Earth and all life that is supported on the planet. We must care for each other and provide for the needs of all. Those needs include the basics such as food, clean water, clothing and shelter, but needs also include education, equal treatment under the law and the basic Human Rights as spelled out by the United Nations. (See Appendix A)

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The Key Is:

Things Can Be Changed With The Stroke Of A Pen.
It is not necessary for a Nation to wait generations for things to change. The Chinese used to bind the feet of women. The practice was part of the Culture and had been going on for hundreds of years. The new Government in China declared the practice illegal and put an immediate stop to the practice. Other practices that have been stopped in a relatively short time include cannibalism and head hunting on Pacific Islands and in the Amazon, shooting Native Americans for Sport, killing the American Bison, unlimited hunting of whales, unlimited fishing all over the planet, Strip mining without restoration of the land and the elimination of child labor in the United States. It is important for those in charge to understand that there is no longer any need to keep an uneducated and under paid lower class of workers to do the dirty jobs. Most of the dirty jobs have been eliminated or made clean and safe by the use of machines. It is better to raise all individuals to a middle or upper income class for the good of all society. As the poor become middle class, the rich will get even richer.

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Chapter One
The Truth About Money Divine Right of Kings, Sovereignty and Money
Historically Kings have ruled because they declared that their power to rule came directly from God. Kings were crowned in Churches by the highestranking clerics as a show of the Divine Power being bestowed upon the King from God in Heaven. The Divine Right gave the King the power over Life and Death of his subjects. The Divine Right gave the King Supreme Authority, on Earth, over all that was in the Kingdom including land, goods, products, services, armies, livestock and even people. The King was the final arbiter of any civil law. The King had authority to mint money and to establish the value of the denominations of currency and of coin. In days of old, Kings were limited in their coinage and minting of money by the amount of precious metals in their treasuries. Coins were minted of gold or of silver. If the Royal Mint ran out of metal, the minting of coins stopped. Marco Polo brought the idea of paper money to Europe when he returned from travels in China. Paper Money revolutionized the idea of currency. The economies of Europe desperately needed a convenient means of moving goods and services from those who had a surplus to those in need. Barter was clumsy and wasteful. Paper money put the means into the hands of merchants to move goods and services at will. However, abundant currency had its problems. A King might not accept another Kings currency in a neighboring kingdom. Nobles and minor royalty minted their own coin and currency for use in their own domains. Merchants had to be willing to accept the local currency if they wished to do business in the community. Currencies were not readily transferable or convertible in different jurisdictions unless they were made of precious metal. The problems of currency values and transferability have continued into modern times. Over the years, countries headed by Kings, Presidents, and Dictators have had to come to an understanding about the value of their
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different currencies. For a time, Gold was the Standard. All Nations agreed that a certain weight of gold would represent a given value of currency. For example, I can recall when gold was valued at $35.00 American Dollars per ounce. Individuals were not allowed to own gold in the United States of America. The only currency that could be used in the United States of America was American Currency. The practice of currency exchanges and speculation continues even today. Individuals buy one currency and speculate that the currency will increase in value against the value of a different currency from another country. During the President Johnson Administration, France was demanding Gold from the United States for U.S. Dollars. The demands were causing a serious drain on American Gold Reserves. I, Dr. Alexander Swift Eagle Justice, recommended to President Johnston that Gold was a commodity and that there should be a Dual Gold Standard. The Commercial Gold Standard would be allowed to fluctuate on a free market while the International Standard would remain fixed or move by international agreement. A few weeks later, America declared the Dual Standard and France had to request a bailout from America to save the French Economy. Later, America and the rest of the world abandoned the Gold Standard all together. The Currencies of the World are no longer backed by gold, by diamonds, by oil or by any other substance. The Currencies of the World are currently backed only by the Good Faith and Confidence in the currency of the Nation. The Stability and Strength of the American Economy has bolstered the value of the American Dollar and Currency in the eyes of the entire world. American Dollars are accepted in many countries as well as, or better than, the local currency.

Money Is An Idea
Money of today is an idea. Money is a convenient way of moving goods and services. Moneys value comes from a belief that we can really do something of value with the currency. The currency is not backed by gold, silver, diamonds, oil or by anything else. The money has value because the Federal Government of the United States of America, as the Sovereign, has declared that the American Currency is good for all financial transactions and for the payment of all debts whether foreign or domestic.
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The dollar bill is worth a few cents in paper and ink. A hundred dollar bill is worth the same few cents in paper and ink but we are willing to value and to exchange goods for it or accept it in payment of debts at one hundred times the value of the single dollar. Much of the currency used in America today is not even seen in physical form as it is being used. Money is now transferred from employers or the Federal Government directly into bank accounts. The money becomes a figure in a bank statement. The funds can then be used to electronically buy groceries; pay bills using debit cards or checks. We can also convert the figures into physical form for convenient use as cash. The modern day transfer of funds to conduct business is better than slide of hand or magic. We are moving the idea of value from one place to another to receive real services, products and goods.

The Fiction Of: A National Debt, Budget And Income From Taxes
The United Stated Government still maintains the fiction that it needs to collect taxes to have money to run the government and to pay for government programs such as national defense. The United States Government is the Sovereign. The United States Government creates the currency. It is better than the creation of gold. The Government may create as much money as it wishes or needs. It is a giant fiction that the Government needs to collect taxes, make a budget and then live within its means spending only what it has collected in taxes or run a deficit budget. The Truth is that the Government does create as much currency and electronic money as it needs to do business and to pay for programs. The amount that may be created by the Government is infinite and not limited by any Agency or Legislative body. When the United States was operating at the limit of its budget, it suddenly found one hundred billion dollars a year for five and more years to pay for a war in Iraq. When there are natural disasters that level towns in Tornado Alley, or Hurricanes that sink New Orleans, the Federal Government creates the funds to take care of the needs of the people and of the communities. That is as it should be. The funds are not taken from one pocket and put into another. Funds are not taken from one program and re-allocated to the more urgent need.

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There is no real National Debt. The idea of Debt serves the continuing fiction of limited financial resources in a National Treasury. The Federal Government may create as much currency as needed to pay any and all contracts, debts and for programs. There is no fixed Social Security Fund that will run out of money if fewer people work and contribute to the Fund. The Federal Government is the Sovereign and has the duty to create as much money as needed to fund the Social Security Programs. I recommend that the Federal Government increase Social Security payments and payments to Veteran recipients to four times current levels. The increased income will allow senior citizens and other recipients to live with dignity. They will be able to live on their own instead of with family members. They will be able to afford food, clothing, medicine and to fix up their aging homes. The local economies will benefit from the infusion of spending. Seniors could afford to pay for private medical insurance and hospital coverage. The Institutions that are concerned and fear Socialized Medicine will rest easier as they make huge profits from the Health Corporations that supply medical coverage and long term care. The amounts paid to the men and women serving in the military should be increased to provide a Living Wage for the families that sacrifice as much as those actively serving.

Abolish All Taxes

Federal Income Taxes and all State and all local Taxes should be abolished as obsolete in the modern economy. The Federal Government creates the currency. The Federal Government should retain 20-30% to run National, State and Community Programs. The Federal Government should provide funds for all State and City Programs. We are one Nation. Each State, City and Community has a right to share the benefits of this countrys wealth. Physical and Social Infra-structure such as roads, lighting, flood control, sewer systems, schools, police forces, fire fighters, teachers, social workers, judges, legislators etc. should be paid by the cities, States and the same Federal Agencies currently paying them. The only difference is that the money will come directly from the Federal Government instead of being collected as taxes, being sent to the State and or Federal Government and then being re-allocated to the States, Cities and Local Communities.

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All of the people employed to collect and audit taxes by the Federal Government, State Government, Cities and Local Communities will have to retrain to allocate the incoming Federal Funds instead of dealing with taxes. Americans could be free from taxation of any kind. Imagine the excitement of Americans if they could keep all of their earnings instead of seeing all of the usual deductions. Individuals will save more money. More money will be available for individuals to use to spend on necessities and on desired items. The American Economy will be stronger than ever.

Who Determines The Value Of Money?

The Sovereign has always determined the value of money. The Sovereign in America is the United States Federal Government. In the world today, each Nation has the Right to determine the value of its own currency for use within its own borders. Each Nation has the Right to declare that any Nation wishing to do business within it borders or as a trading partner must be willing to recognize and to accept the value of currency established by the Nation. This is the Right of every Sovereign Nation in Principle.

Banks and the Valuation of Currencies

The Sovereign Nations of the World must take back control over the value of Currency from the Banks and the International valuators of currencies. Banks are not Sovereigns. Banks are not elected or empowered by any population. The owners and operators of banks wield power because of the amount of currency that they control. Most of that currency belongs to depositors, governments, shareholders and other investors. Banks are not people and they have no Rights. Governments must take National Deposits from banks and control the amount of interest that a bank may charge. I recommend that interest be limited to ten percent on any loan or transaction, including late charges and penalties. Money Changers and Valuators have manipulated currencies to topple governments, to devalue currencies in prosperous economies in order to control a countrys resources and/or to create industrial strife. Such practices must be stopped by Governments.
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The Governments can curtail shabby bank practices by giving their people an alternative. Governments can become direct lenders to their people. Reasonable loans can be granted for housing and major purchases. Interest through the Government direct lender can be limited to ten percent. Banks will have to compete by offering lower rates or by offering better Service. The Government direct lender can offer credit card and debit card accounts at low interest rates. Banking practices, are among the most negative forces working against the advancement of the middle class and against the stability of the International economy.

Power to the People

The dictates of the Powerful and of the Strong over the weak have turned things into our current mess of currencies and currency trading around the world. The Developed Nations have dictated Monetary Policies for the World. The Developing Nations have been the victims of the system in the form of Colonial abuses combined with intentional subversion of local currencies to gain advantage and control over resources. The abuses must stop. It is my opinion that it is time for the Developing Nations to Declare their Economic Independence. Perhaps they may wish to consider using the American Declaration of Independence as a model to make their case before the world.

Declaration Of Political And Economic Independence

In 1776 the Congress of the Thirteen Colonies of America Created a Declaration of Independence. It set forth the reasons that the Thirteen Colonies felt the necessity for breaking away from the British Crown and for forming an independent country that has become the United States of America. The reasons were sound and reasonable and based on Economic and on Human Rights.

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It is an irony of history that the same Declaration of Independence, with all of its reasons for the necessity for declaring independence, should be so easily adapted to describe the reasons that the developing nations of the world should declare their Political and Economic Independence. No disrespect is intended by the writing and publishing of this document. The things written here are well documented and well known by all nations.

Adapted By
His Eminence The Metropolitan/Archbishop Sir Dr. Chief

Alexander Swift Eagle Justice

D.D., Ph.D., J.D. -Theologian, Academician, KC

Declaration Of Political And Economic Independence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for Nation(s) to dissolve the economic bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of Humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Nations are created with Political and/or Economic Equality for their People, that they are endowed by the Great Spirit with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness and Economic Independence. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Political and/or Economic System becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of each Nation to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Political and/or Economic Relationships, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Political Environment, Economic Stability, Safety and Happiness.

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Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Economic Systems and Relationships long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that Humankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Political and/or Economic Systems, and to provide new Guards for their future Political and/or Economic Security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the developing Nations; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Political Systems, Systems of Currency and Economics. The history of the present Economic Dominant Powers is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Political and/or Economic Tyranny over all Nations of the Earth. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. While we agree that the Developed Nations are lands of considerable freedom and offer many benefits to their citizens and are doing many good things in the world, some of those same Nations are the primary perpetrators and directors of International Negative Control and abuse among the developed nations against the Political and/or Economic Systems of developing Nations. While not guilty of each and every offense against all developing nations, these offenses have been perpetrated against individual nations at different times or on a selective basis to serve the Political and/or Economic agenda of Developed Nations. Developed Nations have: dominated and controlled the currency of other nations established the benchmarks by which all other currencies are valued. contrived to undermine currencies of countries toppled governments to ensure economic subservience supported tyrants for economic advantage pillaged the land of developing countries for resources without regard for the people or the environment extracted enormous profits by paying slave wages in developing countries
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manipulated currency trading to devalue currencies manipulated currency trading to cause inflation conspired with other nations to control trade and markets used their market and economic dominance to bully other nations into boycotts and isolation of other nations moved dirty industry into developing nations without regard to the ecological and human hazards created by the avoidance of the protective laws in their own countries supported wars for economic benefit engaged in war for economic benefit refused to share technology that will improve the Human Condition refused to share medical information and medicines by seeking protection behind patents that should never have been granted because they deprive sick people of needed assistance purchased land in developing countries to control the natural resources kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of Resident Legislatures. affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitutions, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving Assent to their acts of pretended Legislation: quartered large bodies of armed troops among us: o protected them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for crimes which they have committed on the Inhabitants of the Nations: cut off the Trade of some Nations with all parts of the world: imposed taxes, fees and tariffs on us without our Consent: supported governments that deprived us, in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: transported our citizens beyond Seas to be tried in foreign courts: abolished our freely selected forms of government to replace them with an arbitrary government suited to the taste and contemporary whim of the Developed Nations taken away our Constitutions, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altered fundamentally the Forms of our Government: suspended our own Legislatures, and declared themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. waged War against us.

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plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. transported large armies to complete the works of death, dissolution and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Heads of Civilized Nations. constrained our fellow Citizens, taken Captive, to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and have endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions Developing Nations have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms through the United Nations and to the Public Opinion of the World: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. Nations, whose characters are thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, are unfit to be the leaders of the Free World and of the International Political and/or Economic Community. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our International Brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their Governments to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of their own beginnings and struggle for Democracy. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common Humanity to disavow these usurpations, which will inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Partners in Ethical and Fair Trade but unworthy of our friendship when behaving as Political and/or Economic Tyrants. We, therefore, the Developing Nations of the World, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name and by Authority of the good People of these Nations, solemnly publish and declare, That these Nations are, and of Right ought to be Politically and/or Economically Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Debt and Allegiance to the Developed Nations and/or to the dictates of the Developed Nations for fixing the value of currencies, and that as Politically
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and/or Economically Free and Independent States, Developing Nations have full Power to fix the value of their own currency at a par with major currencies of the world for exchange and for the payment of all future debts both foreign and domestic, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

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Chapter Two
Single Earth Currency And International Living Wage
The time has come for the Nations of Earth to begin working together for the Common Good. A major step toward International Prosperity is for the Nations of the Earth to establish a single currency that may be used in any Nation as the only currency. The United States of America has grown to its present position of power and of wealth because there are fifty States using the same currency to move goods and services. Prosperity needs a functioning currency to do day-today business. The European Union has seen the importance of their single currency that benefits commerce among the members. No Nation should surrender its sovereign right to print/mint and set the value of its own currency. I propose that the Earth Currency, the Global, be backed by the remaining common unit within our Social Systems. The common unit is an hour of work done by a person. An hour of work by an unskilled laborer can be compared to an hour of work done by an unskilled laborer in any country in the world. An hour of work done by a skilled surgeon can be compared to an hour of work done by a skilled surgeon in any country in the world. There is no reason why a skilled doctor in the Russian Federation should receive $5,000.00 per year when a skilled American Doctor will make $500,000.00 per year. Both Doctors should earn $500,000.00 per year. The same is true for teachers, managers, and people from all professions and businesses. Nations should set an International Minimum Living Wage for all occupations within the Nation. The International Minimum Living Wage should be set on the high end so no one has to take a pay cut. Developing Nations may wish to set their wages comparable to Developed Nations such as Germany or the United States. The minimum wage for unskilled workers in the U.S.A. is going to be $11.00 $14.00 per hour. Central Governments will have to provide the additional funds needed for employers to pay the higher International Minimum Living Wages for a period of three to five years. The system should be self-sustaining after that.

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All currency printing and management will have to be controlled by each Sovereign Nation. Each Nation will have to agree to honor the Globals of other Nations. If the countries of the world wish to retain the look of their own currencies, the countries of the world should refer to their own currency in Global terms. The American Dollar would become the American Global. The Japanese Yen would become the Japanese Global.

The United Nations should be declared an International Sovereign. As an International Sovereign, the United Nations could print/mint its own Globals. The U.N. would never again be dependent on the Nations of the World for funds. The U.N. could use its Globals for all international programs of assistance and mercy. The U.N. could finance Peace Keeping Forces to trouble spots around the world.

Breath To Re-evaluate The Concept Of Value

The American Dollar is a Standard in the World as is the Euro, the Mark or the Yen. Nothing backs any of these currencies. America is a land rich in natural resources. The Russian Federation has more natural resources. America has a well-educated public and workforce. The Russian Federation has a bettereducated public and workforce. It is reasonable that the American Dollar and the Russian Ruble should be traded at equal value. An hour from the life of an American laborer or professional is of the same value as the hour of work from the life of a Russian laborer or professional.

What Could We Expect From A Global Living Wage?

Those who have been in the positions of Have have often sought to maintain a lower class of Have Nots who will remain at the bottom of society happy to receive the crumbs that are dropped from the tables of the self-appointed Masters. The efforts have not been subtle. Union movements have been met with violence from police and the military. Political parties for the poor have been slandered, maligned and pushed into secondary positions or abolished altogether. Whole groups of professionals have been fired rather than let the group gain too much power. The Air Traffic Controllers were such a group during the Regan Administration. Children are herded into over crowded schools and abused with substandard expectations, no books, watered down curriculum and bathrooms without proper plumbing or even toilet paper. Illegal Aliens are allowed to cross borders to keep the ranks of the exploitable swollen.

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If a Global Living Wage became law all around the world, we would see instant changes for the better all over the world.

People would immediately go out and buy things that they want and need o The demand for consumer goods will provide a need for expanded domestic manufacturing of consumer goods o parents will provide uniforms and books for their children to attend schools o families will provide better quality food for their families o individuals will be able to afford medical care and medicines o people will invest in a home or farm of their own o people will invest in their own business People will stop crossing neighboring borders illegally to get work because there will be many good paying jobs available in their own countries There will be less political unrest There will be less terrorism because the people who would become terrorists will not like to destroy what they and their families have with a sustainable prosperity The Rich in the Society will be the ones who will build more factories and facilities to provide for the increased demands

The Rich will get Richer.

Who Should Be Paid Wages

All individuals who contribute to the Society should receive wages or a salary based on the class of their work. Traditional Workers should be paid a living wage but non-traditional Contributors should also be paid.

Women or men who take care of a household and care for children should be paid an annual salary because they are making a very important contribution to Society. Mothers/Fathers are Nutritionists, care givers, educators and keepers of

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the Culture. Mothers/Fathers provide language and traditional values to their growing children. The payments to homemakers should not be considered welfare of Government Assistance. The payments should be considered Honorable earnings for the homemakers valuable contributions to Society.

Students from First Grade through University should be paid to go to school. Students who cause disruptions or who fail to do their assignments and homework should receive deductions for their omissions and poor behavior. The deductions should not ever exceed 100% of the hourly wage. Children are smart and they learn the value of money very quickly. It will not take long for disruptive students to notice that their inappropriate behavior is costing them money. It will be cheaper to pay students to attend school than it is to provide the many remedial programs needed today. It is also cheaper to pay students to attend school than it is to pay for the consequences of high drop out rates. Many individuals in prisons are there because they did not take advantage of educational opportunities. It costs us, in the United States, over fifty thousand dollars per year to take care of a single prisoner. It would be money better spent if we used that fifty thousand dollars to pay many students wages for attending school.

Farmers are the backbone of a Society. Farmers should be paid a minimum living salary each year. The income that they generate from the sale of crops should be their bonus. It is important that we foster and encourage farmers to continue their work and that we encourage others to enter farming as a lifestyle and as a business.

Inflation is often a problem when people suddenly have more income. Inflation may be controlled by government watchdog agencies and by making sure that all increased income is tied to wages. People will not be just given money. All will have to wait for their pay or pension check.

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Watchdog agencies will have to monitor prices being charged for all consumer goods, energy, big ticket items such as cars and homes, tuition, and medical care. The Government must use its power to roll back prices when abuses occur.

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Chapter Three
Encyclical To The Nations Of The Earth
First Published - August 3, 2003 Open Letter To:

Kings, Queens, Heads of State, Presidents, Leaders of the World Religious Leaders of the World All Citizens of the World who must take charge if the Leaders will not to protect Freedom, Prosperity and Justice which are Human Rights and Gifts from God.

Dear Esteemed Heads of State and to Esteemed Heads of Religious Groups: It is presumed that you make the best possible effort to lead well. However, I respectfully suggest that some things are not working, as they should, in this world. Here are some respectful observations and suggestions for your consideration. There are poor, hungry, sick, underpaid workers and exploited individuals in every country in the world. Some citizens bear the hatred and sting of prejudice and injustice in their own countries. Legal systems often do not provide Justice with an even hand for the wealthy and for the poor. Corruption and Crime go unchecked even though the criminals are well known in the society. Drug Dealing, Prostitution and Gambling feed funds into mainstream society to be laundered by Banks and Businesses. Governments often support one Religion while persecuting and harassing minority Religions. These difficulties are not limited to any particular part of the world or to any particular country. The problems are similar in all parts of the world, in every language and in every culture. There seems to be an underlying belief that if some people are kept down, there will be a cheap source of labor. Another belief seems to be that the have-nots are to blame for their own
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situation after being denied education, proper food, clean water, shelter and medical care. War, and especially Civil War is more expensive than Peace. The People and resources lost can never be replaced. The cost in treasure and damage to the land is wasted and could be better used to maintain Justice and Peace. Differences must be solved with due process and the orderly following of "Just" Laws. Leaders and rival Political Parties must put the Good of the People and Civil Order ahead of their personal ambition for leadership and/or power. No person lives more than a handful of years. Each must seek to leave the Planet and their People in a better condition. History will not be kind to tyrants. Those who rule by tyranny and terror will not be able to take treasure with them when they die. Power won through fear and assassination ends with death, or sooner, when people depose bad leaders. Evil may not hide in today's world of international media and instant imaging by satellites. All in Society are at risk if any in a Society are denied Justice and Equity. Viruses and germs do not care if a person is rich or poor. The wealthy in society often put the poor in charge of cleaning their homes, preparing their food and caring for their children. If the maid and cook are sick is the family safe? There are leper prostitutes in some countries today. Isnt it reasonable to assume that some of the clients will become infected and spread that infection to their wives and to their children? The AIDS Virus is decimating whole Societies. Thousands of children are without parents or grandparents to care for them or to pass on the Culture of the Country. Governments must step in and place orphaned children into Boarding Schools so they may be protected, educated, trained and made productive citizens instead of a generation lost to the streets of prostitution, crime and wretched conditions. Corrupt Politicians, Officials, Police, Judges and Business Persons take bribes from criminal syndicates only to find that it is never enough because soon the criminals are dictating policy, murdering judges, legislators and honest individuals.
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Government Officials take payoffs from International Corporations and then grant the Corporations the right to strip mine, to pollute and to siphon off the Natural Resources of the country using underpaid and exploited local workers. Slave wages allow companies to come into a country and to work the local residents long hours for very little compensation and no benefits. The companies have also left behind thousands of jobless individuals in their former countries. The overall result is financial instability and economic crisis in both countries.

International Minimum Wage

As the Leaders of your Countries, Cultures and Societies, you can make changes with the stroke of a pen. You do not have to wait years or decades for change. You are In Charge." It is your Privilege and Responsibility to Rule. Your decisions can change the Law and the Customs within your country overnight. One example is the wages paid to workers. You, as the Leaders, can make it Law that there is a Minimum Wage that must be paid to a laborer, skilled worker or professional. Workers may, of course, earn more at any level. The Minimum Wage is the lowest wage that may be paid to a worker in a particular category. Is it equitable that an unskilled beginning worker in America makes $5.25 per hour of his life at work while Americas neighbor to the south in Mexico may be legally paid $0.47 per hour for doing a high tech job? Is it equitable that a worker in China can be paid only about $1.00 per day for a ten-hour day? Is it equitable that a skilled Doctor in the Russian Federation should be paid $5,000.00 per year while Doctors in America make $200,000.00 for doing the same work? As Leaders, you can establish a Minimum Wage in your country with a stroke of a pen. An International Minimum Wage can be as high as the wages paid in America or in Germany. Benefits, such as Vacations, Health Care and a Safe Work Environment, are also necessary. People are still crawling through holes underground and dragging four thousand pound carts by hand for mining in some countries. Those individuals have no protection when they become ill from the dust in mines. They have wages so low that savings are impossible and there is no retirement fund. Please consider the advantages of ruling and governing with Equity and Justice at all levels of Society. Higher wages will be spent for all of the things
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people need and want. Domestic industries will be required to fill those needs and desires. The Rich will not be drained or become broke. The Rich will become richer. It is the top of the society who will build the new manufacturing facilities and reap the profits from meeting the new demand for goods and services in the domestic market. Every Nation has the Right to Print and Distribute Currency to meet the needs of its domestic economy. The Good Faith and Resources of the Country back the Currency. Governments should supply the additional funds to pay higher wages to Businesses for a transition period of three to five years. Only businesses that provide higher wages should receive assistance.

Education for All

Consider the advantages of educating your populations. The entire society is elevated as literacy improves and increases. Education should be Free at all levels because it is an investment in your country's future. Professional Education, Vocational Education, Education as an Engineer or in the Arts should be provided to individuals based on Merit and Natural Talent. Children without uniforms or from poor families should not be barred from schools. The Government should supply uniforms and books to schoolchildren as readily as it supplies uniforms and guns for the army.

Priorities - Use of Armies

No country should have an army with new boots while their children have no shoes. No country should have an army with automatic weapons and bullets while the children have no books, paper or pens with which to work. No country should have an army that is well fed and transported with trucks and tanks while the general population must carry crushing burdens to market on their backs or walk miles for clean water. No Army should have land mines to plant while there is wheat to be planted so people will not have to go without loaves of bread. Defense is important but inequity and injustice will eventually cause the army to have to fight its own people. The Armies in each country drain resources. Armies are necessary but they should be put to work building and rebuilding infrastructure of the country. The Armies are already being fed, clothed, housed and paid. They are an organized force that can be used to build roads, dig wells, build schools, build public buildings, put in proper sewers and sanitation systems, provide power
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grids, construct airports etc. Such use of Armies allows individual soldiers to learn real job skills that may be used in the civilian sector. The Armies will not be competing with the civilian sector if they are used to build and to rebuild infrastructure. Armies in a country that has been torn by Civil War should not trade guns for dollars and the promise of jobs. The armies should be continued but the guns should be replaced with tools for construction and for reconstruction of the country. Most of the soldiers have been in service for many years. Their homes have been destroyed and their families are dead or scattered. Turning such men out without direction or with limited resources, but no job, will lead to dissatisfaction, idleness and anarchy. It is better to keep the men in their units but to give those units constructive projects and jobs for which they receive just compensation. The men can settle in the communities with income to feed the local economy. Their work on construction projects will enhance the quality of life and the stability of the Community. Those men who wish to return to their own communities should be allowed to return. They can get jobs with local units in their own communities. The former military units can be transformed into local police, construction companies, sanitation work units, agricultural cooperatives, trucking companies, harvesting brigades, live stock companies, and into similar productive organization units that are needed in the society. Unit Commanders are respected and the men are accustomed to following their orders. The military units can gradually transform into civilian companies doing civilian projects. The commanders can transform into managers and supervisors.

Waste to Riches
Human waste disposal is a serious problem. Human populations generate millions of metric tons of solid and liquid waste from their bodies each day. That waste should be captured, harnessed and put to work generating methane gas as a serious source of energy. The methane gas can be used as fuel for cooking and heating. The methane gas can be used to generate electricity. An important by-product of the conversion process is a rich and safe fertilizer for gardens and farms. Local Municipalities should put their human and animal waste up for bid from existing energy companies.

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All captured waste will be waste that does not go into the ground water supply or into the rivers, bays or oceans. The water in oceans near large cities is brown because of the sewage being dumped into the water. Coral reefs, fish and eco-systems are threatened and destroyed by the waste. The waters can recover if we change our habits. Methane is a clean fuel that can be provided by taking a waste product and using it as a resource. Populations that live near the Ocean should use modern Desalination Plants to produce clean water for growing needs. Large Metropolitan Areas, such as those in California, can have as much water as needed for industry and for use by people.

Governments, where dowries are customary, should establish a maximum dowry to prevent female infanticide because poor families are not able to pay the customary dowry for their girls to marry. The government should pay the dowry for every girl who marries because wives and mothers are the backbone of the family that in turn stabilizes the Culture and Society of a Country. Government paid dowries will prevent families from putting themselves in financial ruin to save face. Government paid dowries will help to eliminate discrimination and "Class" distinctions that have no place in a modern society.

Tyrants Are Exposed

An unjust Society will not continue indefinitely. Modern History has shown that Tyrants can no longer abuse their populations in secret. The World will isolate and eventually move to correct abuses. Evil and Corrupt leaders can lie, cheat and steal for a time but eventually they will be removed by their own people or with the help of other Nations. The People will not be denied. Individuals with nothing to lose are most likely to cause revolution. Societies that keep their people at the subsistence level with minimal education and opportunities are most easily destabilized from political upheaval.

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Stop Religious Wars

As Leader of your country, you have the power to stop Religious fighting as "Destructive to the Civil State." Riots and murder among rival Religious Groups have contributed to widespread destruction of lives and property in Lebanon, Ireland, Palestine/Israel, Eastern Europe, African Nations, and in many other parts of the World.

False Prophets and Idolaters

Religious/Political Leaders who sow the seeds of hatred and intolerance against other Religions and Nations will soon be exposed as Evil Doers who violate God's Basic Command against idol worship by allowing their own images to be paraded as idols for worship. Leaders who encourage their children and young people to sin by murdering others will be judged for their evil twisting of their religious leadership into offices of death and destruction. Leaders who create false "Holy Wars" and encourage children to die as Martyrs, will be shown as cowards as they refuse to Martyr themselves for the false cause. Individuals, who "Martyr" themselves as suicide bombers, help the opposition and weaken their own movements. The individuals who are willing to kill themselves for their beliefs are the most dedicated and religious of their movement. o They should become the next leaders of their Religious Group. Instead they die and leave less fervent individuals in charge. o Those in charge who encouraged the sacrifice of the Faithful have succeeded in eliminating their opposition within the Faith. o The overall result is that all of the most fervent and dedicated die and only the lukewarm are left o Moderates will prevail "The Meek will inherit the Earth" o The most dedicated voices will be silenced and the cowards will speak for the movement

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The suicide bombers create "Martyrs" for the other side. All of the innocents who have been killed by the suicide bomber are Martyrs because they were innocents. Suicide bombers are not remembered. They are forgotten and ignored by history as "nuts" and as "fanatics" o Those who were Martyred by the suicide bombers are remembered and have Memorials built to their Memories for all to see. The Martyrs of the Age, who have been killed by the foolish and misguided, become Inspirations for all People who love Freedom and Democracy to fight against ignorance and tyrants who seek to advance themselves by using the gullible as puppets and as disposable cannon fodder.

Religions Are Good For Governments

Governments benefit from Religious Practices. Religions of the world all teach that is better to do good than to do evil. Most Religions teach respect for authority, kindness, good citizenship, tolerance, support of the poor, compassion for the needy, and fellowship. Most Religions are formed into congregations or assemblies that are well organized. The Religious Organizations are an excellent way for governments to provide education and social programs for their populations. Religious Groups can communicate to the entire population very quickly. Most Religions teach that is necessary to be patient and to suffer in this life to have a better after-life. Such selfsacrifice usually serves governments well as things get tough.

End Slavery Now

All governments must speak out against the evils of Slavery of all kinds. Those countries that engage in slavery or who allow slavers to operate in their countries must be boycotted and isolated from the World Community. Countries who allow the enslavement of women and/or of children for the sex trades must be reminded that such behavior is a Crime Against Humanity. Women are the Keepers of Culture and Civilization within every society. Children must be cherished and protected because they are the future of every country.

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Individuals who will use women or children for their own profit or base lust must be punished by the society and by the World. The women and the children have more value as productive citizens and as contributors to the Culture then they will as slaves for the profit of criminals and degenerates. Additional examples are not necessary. Everyone with any intelligence knows the problems. Please use the Power within your hands to make changes immediately. History will remember you as a Hero. Sincerely yours, His Eminence The Metropolitan/Archbishop Sir Dr. Chief

Alexander Swift Eagle Justice

D.D., Ph.D., J.D. -Theologian, Academician, KC
Metropolitan/Archbishop and Member of the Imperial Holy Orthodox Synod of the Holy Orthodox Church of All Russia and Appointed Chief Patriarch for United States of America - California, Mexico and for ALL Latin American Countries. Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Native Americans and President of the College of Bishops of the Mexican National Catholic Church Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Archdiocese and Chief Patriarch of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Church Bishop of The National Pentecostal Overcoming Churches of the World Inc. View Certificate

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Chapter Four
Creative Use Of Military Forces
Each reasonable citizen has to agree that Military Forces are necessary for the National Defense of a Nation. All troops must be trained to do their job whether combat or support. The Military Forces must be properly equipped with uniforms, ordinance, transportation and leadership. Each Unit must be housed and fed. Each person serving must have health examinations, and proper medical treatment as needed. Large tracks of land must be provided for training and for bases of operation. The Nation bears the cost for all those who serve in the Military. I recommend that we expect the maximum return for the investment and care for those in the Military. Armies spend relatively little time fighting in time of Peace. Lets use the Military in their down time to do useful things such as building and rebuilding infrastructure. Soldiers could be put to work building schools, libraries, public buildings, sewer systems, roads, flood control channels, water purification plants, digging wells and installing alternative energy systems for Cities and States. Soldiers could help in Natural Disasters and fighting fires. The State Guard Units should be absorbed into the National Military. The bonus is that doing useful work while in the Military provides the Nation with workers who are trained to do real jobs when they leave the Military. I once spoke with a young man who was out of the Military on a Psychiatric Leave. He had entered the Army at nineteen. He was a natural with a rifle so the army trained him to be a sniper. The young man was dropped behind enemy lines in Vietnam. His job was to view the Vietcong and to identify the officers as targets. He would hide in the jungle and observe the men with their families and friends. Once he identified the officer of the group, the young sniper would shoot the officer. He had killed 21 Vietcong in that manner before he cracked. The young man was just an ordinary American kid who had grown up loving his Country, family and God. He was an Eagle Scout. He had Traditional American Family Values that could not square in his mind with the murder of 21 human beings, even if they were Vietcong. I counseled the young man about his doing his duty in very difficult circumstances. I reminded him that he was saving American lives each time he killed an officer of the enemy. We talked for several hours and I cannot tell you exactly what I said to him. But, I knew, when he left me, that he was healed. I believe that God put the words in my mouth. I should mention that I was working at a second job in a busy plumbing store on a
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Saturday. No person approached us in over two hours. No supervisor inquired about why I was spending so much time with the young man who was not buying anything. No other employee complained that I was shifting my work to them. As the young man left, I knew my time at the second job was done and I gave the office my two weeks notice. The point is that the young man had been released from the Military as a trained sniper. He was not given any other real life skill while serving. There are not too many jobs in the civilian sector that call for snipers. It seems to me that the Nation deserves to get the best possible value for its military dollar. Each serving individual should be guaranteed training in a trade or skill that is marketable in the civilian sector as well as the best possible training and equipment with which to fight. Military persons who are trained as military police should be used to bolster local law enforcement units. Military persons who are trained as fire fighters should be used to bolster local fire fighting units. It is my belief that it is the Duty of each citizen of a Nation to serve the Nation. That Service may be in the form of some social service such as teaching, social worker, police person, fire fighter or military service. National Service should be for both men and for women beginning at eighteen years of age or after graduation from high school if the student is not going on to college. National Service may be deferred until completion of a Bachelors Degree or after completion of a Masters Degree or after completion of a Doctoral Degree if no more than a year is allowed as down time between Degrees. It is my belief that no person should be allowed to hold public office if they have not rendered Service to the Nation for a period of at least four years. Despite the obvious need for the Military to protect the Nation, other societal needs must be considered and provided for the good of the Nation. The Sovereign may generate as much currency as is needed to take care of doing business and to provide for needed domestic programs. No army should be transported in trucks if the people have to take their produce to market on their backs or in wagons. No child should be without shoes and a school uniform if the army has boots and uniforms. No classroom should be without chalk if the army has bullets. There is no need to choose one over the other. The Sovereign can create enough currency to pay for all needs.

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Chapter Five
Safe, Free and Wholesome Education to the highest level, that is possible for each person, is highly desirable and should be a Human Right in every Nation on Earth. Education should be financed by the National Government. There should be a National Curriculum that is available and required of all students. Education should be free and universal within all societies and considered to be life-long. Formal Academic Education should begin at age four and continue until age eighteen. At eighteen, an individual should move into Academic University Education or Occupational Training. Occupational Training may include such things as retail, business, fishing, agricultural, computer, service industries, fashion or similar useful occupations.

American Education
Education in the United States of American is currently a local issue under the supervision of States, cities and local school boards. That should change because the present system has led to wide disparities in the quality of facilities, resources and education provided to Americans. Americans should not be victims of their domicile. Each American should have equal access to resources and to a standard curriculum. The Standard curriculum should be the basis of each schools curriculum. Elective subjects, such as religious education may be added in private schools. The Standard Integrated Curriculum should be taught at all levels using age appropriate materials and lessons. The Standard Integrated Curriculum should include, in English only, as the National Language:

Reading Writing English Grammar Continuous Vocabulary Building Speech Literature History o local
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State o American o World Patriotism Law of the Community, State and Nation Mathematics from basic Arithmetic through Calculus Astronomy and Space Science General Science Laboratory Sciences o Biology o Geology o Chemistry o Physics Marine Biology Ecology Animal Husbandry and Farming Techniques for both rural and city students Forestry and landscaping Physical Education Art Music Fashion Nutrition and Cooking Child Care and Parenting Drivers Education Etiquette Health Foreign Languages must be postponed until university level to give English the best possible foundation.

No Bi-lingual Education
Bi-lingual education has its supporters and its detractors but, as an educator who has seen bi-lingual education up close and personal, I can tell you that we need to teach all students English. Children who come to school at five years of age know a few thousand words. English can be presented and absorbed very quickly in a school setting by children who have English as their second language. Older students who enter the school systems may use their native language skills to assist them in learning English. They already know the principles of reading and writing. They just need to learn the new labels.
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All American Students are learning American English as a second language even if they come from English only homes. Children need to have continuous and expanding exposure to new and needed vocabulary. I was teaching a fourth grade class of all English speaking students. I assigned vocabulary each week directly from the story in the assigned, grade level, reader. The number of words varied from twenty to over one hundred. The Curriculum limited the vocabulary to about ten new words. I knew from many years of experience that the students needed to have their attention drawn to many more words because of their limited life experience. Keep in mind that fourth graders have only been on the planet for nine years. The first five years were spent at home with limited exposure to vocabulary presentation. On one occasion I assigned the word candlestick as a vocabulary word. Most of my students did not have any idea what a candlestick was. They did not use candlesticks at home. They had not seen candlesticks in movies nor had the word been presented during story time at home or in school. My school Principal questioned me about why I gave so many vocabulary words each week and told me that parents had complained. I pointed out that all of the vocabulary words came from the current story in the approved Reader. I also pointed out that students needed to understand the meaning of each word, in the story context, in order to appreciate and understand the story. He was left without a leg on which to stand. Later that year, during a parent conference, I was making a case for my vocabulary expectations to a parent and I used the candlestick example. The father confessed that he had to look it up when his child asked him about the meaning of candlestick. The wife explained the word to both the child and to her husband. Neither the child nor the father had ever seen the word before. The American Culture is dynamic. Changes occur every day. New words come into being and old words slide into disuse. Literacy demands that we have knowledge of the new words and that we keep an understanding of recently less used words. I was speaking to a group of teachers in a faculty break room. I used the term Victrola to describe a record player. None of the teachers under the age of thirty knew what the word meant. We explained that Victrola was a general name given to record players like Kleenex is used to describe tissue no matter what the actual brand name. The examples of changing vocabulary are too numerous to cite. Consider the vocabulary associated with computers or with the Internet. American English is actually composed of at least four languages.

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Formal or Standard English is used when writing formal letters of in contracts Industry or Trade English has unique vocabulary often referred to as, Words of Art Colloquial English that we use each day in our informal conversation Slang and Regional English which may expand to other regions, within a subculture or across the entire United States American English is a vast language that takes a lifetime of learning to fully appreciate and to master. American and immigrant students will have their hands full if given rich literature, grammar, speech and writing experiences throughout their formal educations. American English is a challenging language with its own heritage of borrowed words and words that change meaning with the context. It is clear that we have a need in America to better educate our children. During a recent Republican Convention, the Tonight Show gave a couple of teenage girls a camera crew and microphones. The girls were placed on the floor of the Convention Center and interviewed about their observations during the Tonight show. The girls were asked to describe the Republican Platform. They began to discuss the wood of the railings and the blue carpet. Everyone laughed. The girls had no idea that they were funny. The Tonight Show Host was, of course, asking about the Republican Principles and Goals for the Republican Party.

Financing American Education

The Federal Government should pay for all Education. States and Local Communities should continue to administer the funds, hire, promote or fire teachers and Principals. The Federal Government should pay the same ADA (average daily attendance) amount for each student in every State. The Federal government should not provide extra funds for Special Education, Gifted Programs or Reading Programs. Schools lie and cheat to make their students look bad so they may receive the extra funding. Benchmarks are often set so high that the entire school fails. The results are reported to the State and to the Federal Government to secure special funds. I was in a District when benchmarks were set. Students could miss only a single math question if they wished to pass. The students failed if they missed two math questions. Reading scores were rigged too. The School District qualified for hundreds of thousands of dollars in Federal Aid to assist the failing students.
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There should not be a bounty or benefit to identifying retarded students. Some School Districts identify Special Ed Students as any student working at two years below grade level. The students are herded into Special Ed Classes and treated as if they are retarded. Many late bloomers, bi-lingual students and boys who are just lazy end up being moved through Special Ed Classes without any re-evaluation or serious academic challenge.

Free Lunch Programs

All students should receive a free, hot and nutritious lunch that is paid for by the Federal Government. All American students deserve to benefit from the abundance of American Farmers. The National Free Lunch Program should provide meals that are prepared on site. Special attention should be paid to regional tastes and preferences so little or no food is wasted.

Use Schools For Education Not As Cash Machines

Some School Districts are guilty of many abuses of children on a daily basis but among the most egregious is the practice of building new small schools and then cramming them to three or even four times their planned capacity as soon as the buildings are finished. The largest Unified School District, on the West Coast, built a school for four hundred elementary school children. The District planned the school poorly even for the original four hundred students because the school was outfitted with a single bathroom. The school was then filled with eleven hundred students. Can you imagine the conditions? Bathroom facilities were constantly out of soap and toilet paper. Children were in very crowded classrooms You may ask, Why would educators and Administrators who care ab out children do such a thing? The reason is money. The small school was being used as a cash factory. It was built for four hundred. The District was collecting ADA or Average Daily Attendance money for eleven hundred students but only supporting a four hundred person physical plant. Another example from the same school District: The District received bond money to improve and to repair schools. The District hired illegal aliens to go to the various schools and to make the repairs and improvements. I saw a man, with his whole family in a camper, on an LA school campus. He was
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there to fix the plumbing. He was totally unqualified. He used sections of pipe and fittings in very bazaar ways to repair plumbing. Many of the systems he touched broke down even though they had been working. All of the work had to be redone by qualified American plumbers. The money for the repairs and improvements soon disappeared with much of the scheduled work undone. Individuals should have gone to jail but none did. A final example from the same District: The District purchased a site for a new high school. The High School was to be a showpiece for the District. However, the site was contaminated with toxic waste. The District knew about the waste but swept the reports under the carpet. Local News Media visited the site and collected trash bags of Methane gas on the athletic field. The gas was exploded as a demonstration of potential danger. The District refused to back down and continued building. I challenged the Superintendent to move the Administrative Offices to the site if the site was as safe as the District claimed in the face of evidence to the contrary. You can bet that some contractors got very rich on that project. The State of California changed its laws to protect ecological criminals. The law now specifies that the new owner must clean up the toxic waste even if the company that disposed of the waste illegally is known and could be held accountable. The Taxpayer gets the shaft and the children are at risk if good people dont scream with outrage to the media.

Youth And The Law

The children of each nation will inherit the adult responsibilities for the Culture and for the Society. It seems obvious that each child should be educated to know the guidelines or laws of their Nation. There are local ordinances. There are Territory or State laws. There are National or Federal Laws, Rules and Regulations that carry the force of Law. All Societies should have a portion of the Education Curriculum that is dedicated to teaching Law to the children who grow through their youth to adulthood. I will use American examples because I am most familiar with American Law and how American Youth are often left to their own to learn about the Law.

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Some Education about Right and Wrong takes place in the family and in Churches. Children are taught that it is wrong to kill and that it is wrong to steal. Parents encourage proper social behavior such as sharing and taking turns. Churches teach about their particular concepts of Right and Wrong tying the latter to sin and punishment by God. Unfortunately those limited lessons often neglect basic information about law that may directly impact a young person. An American youth may act as a child and do something that is childish. He may get mad at a neighbor and throw eggs at the neighbors house and car. The child does not realize that he has committed a Felony that is punishable by a year or more in jail. The child does not realize that he has committed a Tort and that the injured party may sue him and his parents for actual damages and perhaps for punitive damages that can amount to thousands of dollars. Dried Egg will ruin an auto paint surface. A factory paint job can cost over ten thousand dollars. Eggs on house paint can require the entire house to be repainted. The childish temper and prank is now very serious. Children often call each other names and bully meek children. Girls can be particularly vicious. I recall an incident when a lovely twelve-year-old girl was out of school because she had Mono. She was gone for six weeks. Upon her return, she was greeted with stories of her having been out of school because she was pregnant and that she had an abortion. Girls called her whore, bitch, prostitute and murderer for killing an unborn child. All of the stories were vicious lies. The liars did not realize that their remarks and name-calling had crossed the line from just catty and mean to Slander per se. The young lady had a cause of action against each girl and against each person who repeated the defamation as Slander (oral) or as Libel (written). I called each of the girls in and explained the law to them. I contacted all of the parents and advised them to contact their attorneys to confirm what I had told them and their children regarding defamation of character. All of the girls and boys came to school with written apologies to the girl. They coaxed and buttered her up to avoid lawsuits. The girl was so happy to have people treating her nicely she forgave them all. Children often feel that their parents belongings are the belongings of the children too. Theft of the family car, by teenagers, is a chronic problem. Teenagers think they can swipe the car keys and go for joy rides to the local

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mall or store with friends. They do not consider taking the family car without permission to be theft. The problem is that parents and registered owners of the cars are responsible for any damages done by the driver. Teenagers do not realize that liability can be enormous if a person is injured by the teenagers illegal driving. Property damage and personal injury are often excluded from insurance policies if an unlicensed driver is responsible for an accident. Damages can quickly rise above a million dollars. Teenagers do not understand that their parents could lose their homes, cars, sports vehicles and future earnings if they are subject to a judgment. Judgments against minors become effective as soon as the minor is of legal age and persist for years and may even be renewed. A girl with a million dollar judgment against her is not likely to find a marriage partner very easily. A young man with a million dollar judgment against him is not likely to find a woman to marry him. Young girls and young boys often wish to hang out with the Cool group. The Cool groups are aware of their power over the young and impressionable. Young admirers are often used to do grunt work for the group. The kids are often used as lookouts for the mischief and crime of the group. The kids are just happy to be included. Children need to know that You are judged by the company that you keep is more than just a saying. Lookouts are equally guilty of robbery if a store is held up. Companions who stayed in the car have been judged to be accomplices of others who made drug deals, held up banks or did other crimes. I knew a woman who was a respectable mother of two children. She worked at a regular job and paid her bills. She had a weakness for t he Bad Boys. She liked to hang out with motorcycle types. She liked their look including tattoos. She was with her boyfriend on his motorcycle. He stopped, at a convenience store, to get a pack of cigarettes. When he came out, he was calm and showed no intent to hurry away. What the woman did not know was that her boyfriend had held up the convenience store and murdered the clerk. She was deemed to be a lookout and an accomplice. She received fifteen years in jail. She lost custody of her children. Her life was ruined because she did not realize that she would be judged by the company that she kept. Young boys and even girls sometimes take offense at what someone has said or done. It is not unusual for contenders to agree to meet and to settle their
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differences with a fight. They are agreeing to break the law by mutual combat or assault and battery. Each might be charged with a crime. Each could be required to pay damages if the other party has hospital expenses. Worse case scenario would be if one of the combatants dies due to injuries suffered from the fight. The survivor could be criminally charged with some degree of murder. The survivor could also be held civilly libel and required to pay millions of dollars to the heirs of the dead victim. There have been cases where a small fight resulted in very serious injury. The injured in one case had an eggshell skull that could easily break. The other party knew nothing of his victims condition. The courts have consistently ruled that lack of knowledge of pre-existing conditions was not an excuse for the resultant injury. The Social Systems within all Nations continue to grow ever more complex. The rules and laws keep everything together. It is reasonable that we must teach all of our citizens the laws, rules and regulations by which they are expected to live.

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Chapter Six
Crime and Political Corruption
The key to getting rid of crime is to educate all individuals within a society about the laws of the Nation, State, City, Society and then to demonstrate to them that doing honest work is more profitable than crime. Most Criminals are lazy. They are looking for an easy way to make a living or a fast way to make a buck. They believe that they are slick. They are sure that they are smarter than everyone else so they will get away with their crime. Criminals will spend days, weeks and even months preparing to commit crimes. They forget that all of that time is an investment of their energy and lives. When they commit the crime the take is often only a few dollars. On a dollar per hour basis most criminals do not even make minimum wage. Many crimes can be tied directly to membership in a gang. Gangs begin with youth gangs and continue through generations in some cultures. Gangs thrive on fear and on intimidation. Hooligans stake out their territory using graffiti that they scrawl on buildings and on walls. If unchallenged, the gang will defend the territory to the death. Some gang members have murdered individuals who clean off graffiti or try to stop the vandalism. Once established in a territory, the gang swells its ranks by pressuring young people to join or suffer the consequences of walking the streets without protection. Youngsters are threatened, strong armed for money, bullied and beaten on a daily basis. Many are unable to resist the pressure. Some gladly join the gang because it gives them a feeling of belonging and of power. Weak kids now command respect out of fear and out of intimidation. The general population should understand how gangs work. To join a gang, you must prove your valor and worth by being jumped in. That means that you allow all of the members of the gang to beat, punch and kick you for as long as they wish to show that you can take it. Next you must prove yourself by committing a violent crime such as a drive-by shooting, armed robbery, rape, arson, auto hijacking or even murder.

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It is a fact that each and every member of a gang is a violent felon. Knowing this should be enough to have every known gang member rounded up and put in prison. Unfortunately, the rules of evidence and proof allow most charged gang members to go free after stunningly short prison terms even when they are caught. Many of the gangs continue their activities while in jail and while in prison. Lax laws and a lack of adequate supervision allow jailed felons access to telephones, to the Internet and to communications with family, friends and criminal associates who are outside of jail. The result is gangs that commit murders and crimes at the direction of felons in jail. The solution is to execute violent felons after their first offense. They should be tried properly the first time and there should be no appeal. Admitted, violent felons should be executed without the expense of a protracted trial. The execution of violent felons would make police work much safer. Youth would be discouraged from joining gangs if they knew, with certainty, that gang leaders had been executed. There would be less crime because there would be no repeat offenders. There would be fewer first time offenders too. Vigorous enforcement of existing laws is important. When a gang member commits a crime, he or she is doing so as part of a "Criminal Conspiracy". We have laws against Criminal Conspiracy and against Organized Crime. We can use the existing laws to round up all known members of the same gang when a single gang member commits a crime. A drive-by shooting or other violent felony, done, as part of an initiation is an example of a crime for which all gang members are equally guilty. National and International gangs that traffic in drugs, women and children for the sex trade, slavery and money laundering are certainly guilty of Criminal Conspiracies. All Criminal Conspirators should be tried on the same charges without any being allowed to plea bargain. All charges should be listed and prosecuted not just the most egregious felony being prosecuted and the lesser felonies included. It is important to charge felonies so serious offenders may be put away for life when they are first apprehended. Syndicated criminal families have learned that they can make more money honestly than they did with their criminal activity. Crime families are now in the third and fourth generation. They do not have to get their hands dirty with drugs, prostitution, protection rackets or bootlegging. They can now own car dealerships, insurance companies, legal casinos, legal racetracks with
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on and off-track betting. The crime families have gone legitimate. That is not to say that they do not engage in crime, but money is being made legally as well as from illegal sources. Crime families still take a percentage for drug traffic, they still keep an eye on prostitution and even control it in some cities. Criminals now control the governments of some countries. Laws are in place that allow for legal prostitution and for legal cultivation of cocaine, opium and marijuana. In some countries, criminals control legislatures and police. Come to find out, criminals want clean, safe neighborhoods for their children. Criminals are working to become white collar. Pension funds and Government contracts for waste disposal are very profitable. Having your family members in Legislatures can be useful too. Cities have large budgets and control local building permits and development. Families with questionable histories sometimes control transportation contracts, construction of roads and development of resources. Some criminal families make sure that they have family members in churches too. Churches have become big business and thus are not immune from attracting criminals.

Solutions for Political Corruption

Elected and appointed officials all over the world are tempted by those who wish to move their own agendas forward for gain. Some of the officials give in to temptation and accept bribes in the form of cash, goods, services, sexual favors, property or posh jobs after they leave office. Does anyone really believe that a speech by a former President should command an honorarium of one million dollars? It is insulting to the public and a denigration of the Office of President of the United States of America. I recommend that all legislators and leaders of countries change the laws to allow for bonuses to be paid if the officials make contracts or trade agreements that will benefit the country. The officials could receive their salaries and bonuses instead of their salaries and bribes. Bonuses are legal and proper while bribes are illegal. Many of the reasons for corruption would disappear if the Federal Government or Sovereign would create enough currency to pay for all of the needed services in all communities. There would be enough business, work and production to go around and the need for Pork would disappear. Legislators should be paid salaries comparable to salaries paid to heads of Fortune 500 companies.
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Corruption would be reduced if all elected officials served a single six-year term. Once the six-year term was served, the official would not be eligible for elected public service in any capacity. Career politicians tend to develop a feeling of entitlement to perks of their office. Lobbyists seem to be able to secure long-term relationships with career politicians. Single terms would mean that the elected official could spend all of the time in office doing the job. No time would have to be spent raising funds for a re-election campaign. Most Nations have sufficient talented people to fill the needed offices without having to have anyone repeat a term of Service. Corruption due to criminal activity could be stopped if each country would execute violent felons, child-molesters, those who engage in slavery, terrorism, piracy, drug dealers and white collar criminals who cheat people out of their life savings. It is my opinion that those who maim, torture or hurt others to the point just short of death should be treated as if the victim had died. It is unfortunate that some individuals are defective to the point where they are a danger and menace to others. Societies have a Right and a Duty to eliminate the threat from such individuals. Society has no obligation to house violent felons in prisons or in mental institutions. All accused deserve fair trials. Those who are known to be guilty, because cameras have captured them in the act or because they admit their guilt, and evidence supports the confession, should be executed without the further expense of a trial. Non-violent criminals should be required to perform community service that involves physical labor. Non-violent criminals could be used to assist with clearing debris from highways, fighting forest fires, building houses for the homeless. No non-violent criminal should be allowed to sit in a jail cell to idle the time away. Each criminal should be required to do useful work. The criminals wages should be set at the usual wages paid for similar work. A deduction should be made to reimburse the State for all of the costs of incarceration and care of the criminal. Excess funds should be applied to making restitution to the criminals victims and the balance sent to the criminals family.

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Chapter Seven
Public Health
The Healthy Nation is a benefit to all of Society. The Sovereign should provide all that is needed for the human population to be healthy and to maintain the highest standards for preventative medicine and for health care. Children will not learn all that they can if they are sickly. Workers will not produce all that they can unless they are healthy, happy and well adjusted. Good Health begins with good nutrition, exercise and cleanliness. It is reasonable that every person in a Society is entitled to the means to secure a clean and healthy environment within their own neighborhood. Here I would like to deal only with Medical Care. The Sovereign should provide full medical care for each individual in a Society. Talented individuals should be encouraged to go to school, major in sciences and then to go on to Medical School on full scholarships. The old system of working interns for twenty-four hour shifts must stop because it makes no sense to have a tired doctor caring for anyone. A Medical Profession must be available to all who are talented enough to succeed. Unlimited access will lead to an abundance of doctors and medical professionals. As the Profession fills with qualified doctors, some will choose to specialize, go into research or to provide different types of practice that will appeal to segments of the society. I doubt that we will ever get to a point where we no longer need doctors. It seems obvious to say that the Society benefits if everyone is healthy. Lets look at the alternative where some in the society are allowed to slip through the cracks and are abandoned to the streets because they do not have medical insurance. We end up with sick people on the streets. Those sick people, on the streets, are not isolated. They brush elbows with commuters on buses, in restaurants, as workers at the bottom of the income jobs. Some are serving the food we eat. Some are caring for your children in day care. Some are sneezing in the elevators in which we ride. Some are addicts on the street that sell their bodies to family men who then go home to wives and to children. The Sex Trade in some cities has prostitutes who have leprosy. Some of the prostitutes have other sexually transmitted diseases. The Sex Trade puts healthy people at risk too. Partners of the prostitutes go home to their wives
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and to their children. The children go to schools and mingle with other children. The children take their own, and acquired germs, home to their families. No Society can afford to ignore the Health needs of any of its population. We are all linked together. The Earth is now a single village because of air travel and trade. A disease that occurs in one country can migrate within hours to another country. We have been witness to the spread of AIDs. We have been scared a number of times that a global pandemic was about to spread. Borders have been closed and transportation frozen in a panic. As the People of Earth we must begin to consider the reality that borders are artificial and that we are all brothers and sisters of the same human family living in the same human home called Earth. We must not allow any part of our family to die if we have the means to prevent their suffering and death.

Population Control
Our Earth is a limited resource. Unbridled population growth threatens to swamp us all with needs that we will be unable to support. Even if the countries of the Earth unite and share resources, medicines and technology, those efforts will lead to Peace and increased breeding with the resulting population explosions. Birth Control is the obvious solution. All adolescents and adults must be educated and provided the means to control reproduction. There is no moral objection to birth control. Some religious groups have been traditional opponents of birth control by means of condoms, pills or other physical devices that prevent pregnancy. The objections hinge upon the question of when life begins. Catholics, Christians and others who believe in the Bible, as the word of God, have their answer: 1) Question: When Does Life Begin?

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Gen 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." The Soul enters the body with the first Breath. "Life" Begins with the first Breath after birth. The language of the Bible is clear. The arguments against birth control because it prevents conception are mute. There is no life lost by the prevention of conception. According to the Bible, God does not invest a soul in a body until that body has breathed its first breath and become a Living Soul.

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Chapter Eight
Clean Water
Prevention of disease can be greatly assisted by the providing of clean water to all of the people of the Earth. We have the means to purify the filthiest of water. We have the means to dig wells for fresh water. We have the means to desalinate water from saltwater lakes and from the Oceans. It is even possible for us to get water from the air and if needed from rocks. People can survive for weeks without food but they can only survive for a few days without water. Dirty and parasite infested water is the source of many diseases and ailments around the world. It is a given that those who have the technology to provide clean water also have an obligation to provide that technology to those in need so they may benefit from clean water. Those who pollute water resources must be ferreted out and made to stop their pollution. Technology exists that can assist to observe polluters doing their crimes. Technology also exists that can pick up, identify and match pollution with sources as accurately as fingerprints. Great oceans cover Earth and it is easy to think of those oceans as an unlimited resource. Cities around the world have been dumping garbage and sewage into the oceans for decades. It is becoming clear that the Oceans are being damaged by the dumping. I propose that the garbage and sewage that has been going into the Oceans is a valuable resource that every city should be using to generate methane gas. Think of the millions of tons of solid waste alone that comes from a single city. Los Angeles has over thirteen million people. The sewage is aerated but no serious treatment is given to the solid waste before it is piped to the ocean. The result is brown seawater off the coast of Los Angeles and beaches that warn against body contact with the water for many days during the year. Catalina Island is twenty-two miles off the coast of Los Angeles. I recall that when I was a boy, visibility was eighty-five feet through the water at Catalina. Most recently that visibility has been reduced to about twenty feet. We need to stop dumping sewage into the Ocean. I recommend that the Oil and Gas Companies be sold rights to the human sewage so they may use their current pipelines and tanks to process the human waste into methane gas. The companies could sell the gas and they could sell the
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rich fertilizer that remains at the end of the process. It will be a win/win situation. Flushing is easier than drilling for natural gas. Off shore oil drilling might not be needed if the oil companies used the human waste produced by our cities to create methane gas. Cleaner water off the coast will lead to less contamination in the fish supply. Cleaner water off the coast will lead to a return of marine life that has left the area because of pollution. Cleaner water off the coast will lead to an increase in tourism and recreational use of the Ocean and of the Ocean environment. Part of the Earths water is fresh water. The fresh water is in our lakes and streams. Some of the fresh water is in ice packs, glaciers and at the poles. We know that it is important to stop pollution of our fresh water supplies with farm chemicals, industrial waste and with human waste. I propose that we go a step further by producing additional fresh water by using existing technology. There are many populations and locations in need of fresh water. We should provide it. One of the ways that we can provide fresh water to those in need is to pipe water from where it is in flood or surplus to places where water is scarce. The United States has regular annual floods in the Eastern and Midwestern parts of the country. The Western States of the United States are converted deserts. The many existing pipeline rights-of-way could be used to include pipes for water. When rivers crest in the East, the pipes could be used to take the water West. The Northwest could pipe water south as needed too.

Global Warming and Water Conservation

Americans and others are considering water rationing and extreme conservation methods to keep the existing water supplies available for continued use. There is a fallacy in their thinking. The Water Cycle preserves all water in the environment. If people water their lawns or wash their cars, the water evaporates and goes into the atmosphere to become clouds that eventually thicken and produce rain. The rain joins the streams, lakes and the ocean to be recycled back for future use. No water is ever wasted. The water being used to water lawns in Los Angeles and on the Palm
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Springs golf courses is not being wasted. In fact, the water being used in the previous deserts of California is helping to cool and to temper the climate. The Cities in the Los Angeles Area plant thousands of trees and individual homes are surrounded with lawns. Even the sides of the Freeways are landscaped with ground covers and trees. The result is that the millions of cars and people are provided oxygen and cool breezes in an otherwise hostile environment. It is time that we, as a people of the planet Earth, take charge of our environment. We need to terra form Earth. That is, we need to make Earth a suitable habitat for people wherever possible. We can change climates and provide new water resources. It is possible to pipe water from the oceans to areas that previously supported inland seas and salt water lakes. The new inland seas and lakes will provide recreation, food resources and evaporation sources to create more atmospheric water for clouds and rain. The increased clouds and rain will have a leveling effect on weather extremes. The increased rain will provide restoration of underground aquifers. Agriculture, industry and cities will benefit as we provide additional water resources. We mine minerals. We do not depend on natural crops. It is time that we create an aqua-culture to grow our water resources and to manage our weather.

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Chapter Nine
American Social Security
Social Security Benefits should be improved immediately:

Monthly Payments should be raised to four times the current benefit payment Medical Insurance should be provided with full coverage and prescriptions provided Vision and Dental Benefits should be included Long Term Care should be added to Benefits.

The Arguments and Justifications for the Suggestions:

Social Security should not be just an insurance program for the Senior Citizens and others. o It is time to revise the system and make it a "Cost of Doing Business" for America All American Workers contribute directly to the Social Security Fund. All American Workers contribute to the Strength of the American Economy. Without the Workers of America at all levels, America would not exist. The Workers of America and all others who make contributions are the Assets of the Nation. The People are the Intellectual, Creative Force and Muscle in the Body Politic. When America must go to war, we as a Nation pay the price. When America must rebuild after a Natural Disaster or Attack from Terrorists, we as a Nation pay the price. When we determine that it is our best interest to give Iraq 500 billion dollars to rebuild after they have been our enemy, we as a Nation pay the price. When we determine it is our best interest to give the World Bank funds, or to contribute to United Nations Efforts, we as a Nation pay the price.

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When we decide that we must increase the Budget for Defense, we as a nation pay the price. It is time for the Nation to realize that our Senior Citizens are not disposable. American Senior Citizens are a reservoir of talent, wisdom and experience that should be preserved, in dignity, for as long as they live. Seniors have paid their dues Seniors have contributed during their Career Years. Seniors still have much to contribute after formal retirement. Seniors are very active politically. Seniors may act as advisors, mentors and even the Conscience of the Nation The cost of providing benefits at four times the current levels, plus medical, dental, vision and prescriptions to seniors may be more than the current insurance system can bear but it not more than the Nation should bear as the Just and Equitable treatment of our Senior Citizens. When the Military needs a raise, we provide it. When the Military need better weapons, we provide them. When the farmers need supports, we provide them. When the American Manufacturers need help or rebuilding, we provide it. When the Environment needs protection, we do what is necessary regardless of cost. Are our Senior Citizens less worthy of their expense and cost of improved Social Security than the animal and insect endangered species in America? Current levels of Social Security Benefits are shamefully low. Most Social Security recipients are living at below the poverty level. A Social Security recipient's life savings can be wiped out by a catastrophic illness or even a nominal stay in a hospital. The reality of modern living with high prices for everything from toilet paper to gas for a car have outstripped the capacity of budgets and thrift by the elderly.

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The cost of auto insurance, utilities, heating fuel and insurance on a home is often more than the current social security payment. I respectfully recommend that Social Security Benefits become one of the things that we pay first just as we paid the cost of rebuilding the damaged sections of New York after 911. If any think that we are not able to afford the amounts required for increased Social Security Benefits let them ask themselves: How can we justify sending foreign aid to any country instead of using that money for American Senior Citizens? How can we justify sending money to other countries that have not even been friends of America on a consistent basis instead of using the money for American Senior Citizens? How can we justify sending money to Iraq, where Americans are fighting and dying for Liberty, while their parents and grandparents are at home, in America, living below the poverty level? How can we not pay the necessary cost to allow American Senior Citizens to live independent lives without becoming a burden on their children or on their State?

Public Opinion knows that changes must be made in the Social Security System. Your Leadership and Strength of Character can make the changes happen with a minimum of debate and political machinations. Put yourself in the place of most Senior Citizens in America today. Think what it would be like to live on the income that they receive from Social Security. Consider the Stress that each must endure from not being able to pay their own bills for medical treatment for themselves or for their spouses. Consider the tears that are shed because seniors must go to bed hungry. Please make these changes happen now.

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Chapter Ten
Veterans and Elderly on Pensions
Similar Reasoning and Arguments to American Social Security All Citizens appreciate the burdens that you, as Legislators, must bear each day as you work to keep the Nation and all Citizens safe from harm. Please consider these respectful suggestions as you ponder the future of the Nation. Veteran Benefits/Pensions for the Disabled and for the Elderly should be improved immediately.

Monthly Payments should be raised to the level that provides an income for a dignified lifestyle Medical Insurance should be provided with full coverage and prescriptions provided Vision and Dental Benefits should be included Long Term Care should be added to Benefits.

The Arguments and Justifications for the Suggestions:

Veteran Benefits/Pensions should be more than a token payment for Service to the Nation. o It is time to revise the system and make it a "Cost of Doing Business" for the Nation Veterans and the Disabled have contributed directly to the Health and to the Wealth of the Nation. Veterans and the Disabled have contributed to the Strength of the National Security and to the Economy. Without the Veterans and the Disabled of the Nation at all levels, the Nation would not exist. The Veterans and the Disabled of the Nation have made contributions with their lives and they are still valuable Assets of the Nation.

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The Veterans and the Disabled are an Intellectual, Creative Force and Wisdom in the Body Politic. When the Nation must go to war, we as a Nation pay the price. When the Nation must rebuild after a Natural Disaster or Attack from Terrorists, we as a Nation pay the price. When we determine that it is the best interest of the Nation to give another country money and/or materials to rebuild after they have been our enemy, we as a Nation pay the price. When we determine it is in our best interest to give the World Bank funds, or to contribute to United Nations Efforts, we as a Nation pay the price. When we decide that we must increase the Budget for Defense, we as a nation pay the price.

All of the Prices for Necessary Expenses are the Cost of Doing Business as a Nation. The Payments are not debatable they are necessary. If a Nation wishes to exist it must provide for its defense, maintenance, infrastructure, cost of Government etc. The Veteran/Pensions for the Disabled are another Cost Of Doing Business. The National Treasure and Resources of the Nation are the Birthright of the Nations People. Past development and future growth and development depend on the People. When Individuals in the Population age or become disabled, it is the responsibility of the rest of the Population to provide for the needs of the Veterans and for the Disabled. We each, in our turn, will need similar assistance.

It is time for the Nation to realize that the Veterans and the Disabled are not disposable. Veterans and the Disabled are a reservoir of talent, wisdom and experience that should be preserved, in dignity, for as long as they live. Veterans and the Disabled have paid their dues Veterans and the Disabled have contributed during their Career Years. Veterans and the Disabled still have much to contribute after formal retirement.

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Veterans and the Disabled are very active politically. Veterans and the Disabled may act as advisors, mentors and even the Conscience of the Nation The cost of providing benefits at level that provide for a dignified lifestyle, plus medical, dental, vision and prescriptions to Veterans and the Disabled may be more than the current insurance systems can bear but it not more than the Nation should bear as the Just and Equitable treatment of the Veterans and the Disabled. When the Military needs a raise, we provide it. When the Military need better weapons, we provide them. When the farmers need supports, we provide them. When the Manufacturers need help or rebuilding, we provide it. When the Environment needs protection, we do what is necessary regardless of cost. Are the Veterans and the Disabled less worthy of their expense and the cost of improved Veteran than the animal and insect endangered species in Nation? Current levels of Senior Citizen and the Disabled Benefits are shamefully low. Most Veteran recipients and Pensioners are living at below the poverty level. A catastrophic illness or even a nominal stay in a hospital can wipe out a Veteran or the Disabled recipients life savings. The reality of modern living with high prices for everything from toilet paper to gas for a car has outstripped the capacity of budgets and thrift by the elderly. The cost of auto insurance, utilities, heating fuel and insurance on a home is often more than the current Senior Citizen or the Pension of the Disabled. In Developing Nations there are often no benefits at all. I respectfully recommend that Veterans and the Disabled Benefits become one of the things that we, as a Nation, pay first.

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If any think that we are not able to afford the amounts required for increased Veterans and the Disabled Benefits let them ask themselves: How can we justify sending foreign aid to any country instead of using that money for Veterans and the Disabled? How can we justify sending money to other countries that have not even been friends of the Nation on a consistent basis instead of using the money for our own Nations Veterans and the Disabled? How can we justify sending money to the United Nations or to the World Bank, while our parents and grandparents are at home, living below the poverty level? How can we justify paying for an army and weapons while the Veterans and the Disabled go hungry? How can we justify the expense of War, which is the leading cause of Disability, and then not take care of those who have put their lives on the line for the Nation? How can we not pay the necessary cost to allow Veterans and the Disabled to live independent lives without becoming a burden on their children or on their State?

Public Opinion knows that changes must be made in the Veteran and to the Pension Systems. Your Leadership and Strength of Character can make the changes happen with a minimum of debate and political machinations. Put yourself in the place of most Veterans and the Disabled in Nation today. Think what it would be like to live on the income that they receive from Veteran and/or from Pension Benefits. Consider the Stress that each must endure from not being able to pay their own bills for medical treatment for themselves or for their spouses. Consider the tears that are shed because Seniors and the Disabled must go to bed hungry. Most Veterans and Disable Persons are Too Proud to express their true disappointment, anger and outrage against being put into such desperate financial crisis by inadequate Veteran/Disability Pensions. You, as a Leader,
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have eyes and you can see for yourself the conditions. You, as a Leader have the Intelligence and the Power of your Office to make immediate changes. All Nations have the Sovereign Right to generate currency to meet the needs of the internal economy. The Currency System is just a reflection of the Nations wealth in Natural and in Human Resources. The Wealth of a Nation is not determined by International Currency rates or by the National Currencys relation to the Dollar, Yen, Mark or to the currency of any other Nation. The idea that a Nation, can not afford to pay for necessary expenses associated with the Cost of Doing Business is a myth. A Portion of the Currency of the Nation should go directly to the Veterans and to the Disabled. The Veterans and the Disabled should be excused from Taxes once they reach retirement age or when they are unable to work due to a genuine disability. Please make these changes happen now.

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Chapter Eleven
Help For The People
An individual requested my participation in an NGO (Non-Government Organization) to assist his People. These Respectful Suggestions may be of use to others and are offered here for consideration. First Published - October 29, 2005 Dear Friends: I do not have any wish to have my name associated with an organization unless I am active in the Organization. My name will not carry any weight with others or help your Organization attract donations or participation. You will be better off if you use your own name and grow your reputation and Organization as an exclusively Native Service. I have a few Respectful Suggestions with regard to each of your proposed activities. First, you should work for and receive your University Degrees including BA, MA and Doctoral Degrees if you wish to be taken seriously by the International Community. It would help if you have a Religious Title such as Rev. or Imam. Consider earning your Degree(s) from International Theological University.

The Organization will be a non-political social welfare and mass people service oriented organization. o You must include the political organizations within your country if you intend to make lasting changes in the Society. Large aid programs are not able to continue without permits, licenses, protection from police and military if needed. Politicians can be used to do more if they can take advantage of photo opportunities

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of good being done to help others. The politicians do no have pure motives but more will get done with their help than without it.

We propose to provide baby foods and treatment at no cost to indigent children including rural poor, helpless, destitute day labor, landless and garments workers. o You must form a Non-Profit Organization under the laws of your country that can solicit donations and the assistance of Medical Professionals o I recommend that you provide job training and the development of skills that will allow the people to: learn job skills above laborer sew, weave or otherwise make their own clothing learn farming skills for the area organize and petition the government for land reform Petition the Government to provide group homes and education for indigent children as an investment in the future. Street Children survive by learning to steal, sell drugs, and by prostitution. Street Children often grow with diseases that can be easily spread to the general population as they are used as prostitutes, maids, cooks, servants and workers in kitchens. It is better to preserve, educate and care for children so they may become productive citizens of Society.

The Chinese have a saying, "If you feed a hungry man, you satisfy his hunger for a day. If you teach a hungry man to fish, he will never be hungry again. You do not serve your people by allowing them to grow up dependent on others. Provide a safe place to grow, be educated and to receive job training. The system will become self-sustaining as the residents begin to produce goods and services that can earn income. We propose to Create public awareness about AIDS & implementation the related program.

AIDs Education should be continuous and presented to all ages through home churches

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o o o o o o o

Mosques Schools. Public Service Announcements and Television Specials should continue Education of the Military Education of the Rural Population Distribution of Condoms Rehabilitation of Addicts Rehabilitation of Prostitutes Humane treatment of those already infected by the virus

We intend to take action against the Arsenic mitigation program. o Companies responsible for the poison in the environment must be held accountable through the Government and by the World Court if necessary. Toxins must be removed at the company's expense. People must be relocated, if necessary. We intend to become active in water and sanitation program and the implementation. o Water Purification Technology is available from the Russians and from the Americans. The Government of your country should make requests for licensing of the Technology for domestic manufacture. o Water Purification should be provided while the causes of water pollution are identified and eradicated. o All human and animal waste must be kept out of the water table o All human and animal waste should be valued as a source of Methane Gas and a rich fertilizer once the bacteria have turned the human waste into Methane Gas. We intend to send poor, helpless school disinterested children to school and to extend co-operation for supply of lesson materials with a view to removing illiteracy free Country -formation and rural post and law and discipline protector village police. o Convince the Government that it is in the best interest of the entire country to have a well educated and Police protected population. Provide Free Education, Education Materials and Resources to the entire population from pre-school through University
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Provide technical and job training to the population based on aptitude and talent The Government should pay for all education and training. The Government is Sovereign and has the Right to provide Currency for the Domestic Economy. The Government can recruit teachers from within the population Teachers should receive high pay to encourage the brightest and the best to become teachers. The Government should use Distance Education Methods to provide education to the entire population. Adults can become literate as they train and assist their children in the privacy of their own homes or in rural community schools. The Government should provide local police to protect local populations

We intend to prevent women and child trafficking. o The Government can put a stop to this over night by announcing that all pimps and traffickers in children and women for the sex trades will be DIE BY PUBLIC EXECUTION! Women and Children who have been used must be given special consideration, counseling and returned to their homes to lead normal lives parents who sell their children into the sex trade must be punished too by Community Service which allows them to continue to care for their families and for themselves while helping the Community Building public sanitation facilities Building roads Building schools Training others in farming or trades We intend to Preserve Women's Rights and Development? o Provide Parity in Public Office for Women to Guarantee them an equal voice in the making of Laws and in Building the Society. Take every office and provide a Man and a Woman with a single vote for the Office.

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No politicians are replaced but they must now convince the woman to vote with them or they will not have a voice. Perhaps a few women will sway their male legislative partners.

We intend to establish constitutional rights of women. o Women are half of the Population It is clear that Allah/God Values Women All men come trough the bodies of Women A society that does not respect and value Women is doomed to poverty, revolution and a stupid existence Women are the Keepers of the Culture Women are the first teachers Women teach language Women teach values Women provide Love and Care We intend to Create education opportunity for poor women community. o Education should be provided as a Right to All Education of All does not diminish anyone Education raises the entire Society Education provides a workforce to improve the Society An Educated workforce produces more and higher quality goods and services An Educated workforce makes the most of the country's resources If more than 15 girl children are out of primary school facilities. We will arrange to bring them to the school. o The Schools should be brought to the Children and to the Local Communities. Education should be accessible in each community so the children can be close to home for security and for protection Local Education can be provided using distance education methods Local Education will be used by the entire community Local Education is more relevant to the People Local Education can be tailored to the Needs of the People

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Local Education can be academic and it may also be technical, agricultural, home economics based and health related

The Government can invite Universities from all over the World to come to your country to set up a Branch Campus. The Government can provide tax incentives, logistics support and security. The Governments can make one of the conditions that the Universities will provide a certain number of Scholarships to local, qualified students.

The Government can attract: o Academic Universities o Teacher Colleges o Medical Schools o Dental Schools o Vision and Eye Care Schools o Schools of Agriculture o Colleges of Veterinary Medicine o Engineering Colleges o Technical Schools Computer Welding Cooking Hotel Management Tourism Aviation and Flight Schools Mechanics Schools and many others It will help to develop awareness among the people about the diversity of education facilities between the girl and the boy. o Boys and Girls may be effectively educated in separate facilities through high school o University, trade and technical Education should be based on talent and demonstrated ability Talented Girls should be encouraged to be all that they can be or achieve A Society would be stupid to discard half of its talented and educated people because of gender.

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Girls have become Mathematicians, Engineers, Teachers, Managers, Soldiers and members of every occupation in Developed Countries. Why should a society settle for a mediocre man in a job that can be done by an excellent woman? The best person for the job should do the job. If a man is not willing to compete on an equal basis with a woman there is something wrong with the man. Strong Men are not threatened by Strong Women. A Society is at its best when it is filled with Strong Men and with Strong Women. The Result is motivated and Strong Children.

We intend to provide proper protection facilities to minimize the morality rate of children under five years. o This is a good purpose but the entire Society needs to accept this responsibility. We intend to chalk out and implement program in building up a drug and a smoking free society. o This is a good purpose but the entire Society needs to accept this responsibility at all levels of education, advertising and government policies toward imports, farm supports and medical treatments Many Drug Problems can be solved overnight if the Government announces that All Drug Dealers will be Executed in Public. There is no profit to Drug Dealers if they are Dead. We intend to extend co-operation for the help of the people damaged in natural calamity or accident and to provide rehabilitation. o This is a good purpose that must become the responsibility of the entire Society to help each other in time of need. We intend to promote income generation and economic development by increasing awareness, stiltedness, employment of opportunities, cottage industries, farms by organizing the poor people. o The Government should institute a minimum wage for all occupations. o Slave wages do not benefit anyone

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o o o o

Foreign employers must be made to pay the same wages and benefits that they would pay in the countries of origin. Education and Economic Development go hand in hand People should be trained to do work that pays decent wages Co-ops for workers are useful for setting prices, work conditions and maintaining market shares

We intend to would arrange computer courses among the student of age group from 6 to 12 years and educated divorced women. o The entire population needs to be computer literate Children can begin using computers as early as pre-school Typing can be taught as soon as children can learn to move their fingers independently. - I have taught children as young a six to type correctly Typing should be followed with word processing Internet use for research, education and for fun should be taught in conjunction with word processing to cultivate lifelong learners Classes can be held on-line from elementary school through University We intend to support social and cultural development for women participation in election and impressed women to engage election, networking, supporting and secretly development of election program. o The full suffrage (ability to vote) for Women should be a public and open campaign o Women can gain the right to vote by convincing all of the men in their own families that it in the interest of the entire society to use the knowledge, interest and talent of all its people o Parity in all Political Offices is an important Goal We intend to provide Tree plantation and conservation of natural assets. o The entire population should be encouraged to plant and to preserve trees of all kinds. o The Government can supply trees for Rapid growth and fuel fruit shade wind breaks
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soil conservation pulp mills timber other wood products

We hope to improve the consciousness of women community that women can participate in making family decisions. o Men must be educated in their Mosques and Churches that Women are the Beloved of Allah/God o The Holy Qu ran does not allow women to be mistreated - men are encouraged to use restraint and to value women o Women already participate in decisions in most families but their participation should be acknowledged publicly as a noble contribution that should be appreciated in Society o Men should be given the VALUE in their thinking that Women are not just Brood Mares for having as many children as possible to prove a male's manhood. It is the Superior Man who has two children who are treasured and for which he provides in abundance. It is the Fool who has fifteen children with empty heads and empty bellies We will take appropriate measures for rescuing of children from prostitution, trafficking and sexual abuse and their rehabilitation. o The Government should assume this responsibility for the benefit of the entire society Children are the future for any Society Street Children will become the scum of society if they survive They will become criminals They will become prostitutes They will become drug dealers The Government can change the bleak future of Street Children by taking them off the street. The Government should provide safe homes and education to preserve the Country's Future.

In addition to your proposals:

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The Government should begin an immediate public works program to create flood control canals to safely direct floodwaters.

soil from canals can elevate the land above sea level the canals can direct flood waters and keep sea water off farm land flood control will preserve lives and avoid devastation preventing devastation is more economical than repairing and restoring the land after floods control of floods will save many lives the public works program will employ many people

I hope that these Respectful Suggestions are of use.

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Chapter Twelve
Real Charity
Letter to a Native Christian Brother regarding Charity for an African Brother Dear Brother, We get thousands of requests for funds and for help to receive a "Free" Education. My response is always the same. You do not have to pay tuition to learn using the University's Resources. You do not have to attend Seminary to do good in your Community. You do not need money to preach the Gospels. I will shake an open hand and provide free advice on how a person may use their talent to support himself or herself. It occurs to me that if someone has e-mail capacity they should be able to make a living teaching others to use a computer. If they speak English well enough to request financial aid, they can tutor others for a fee. If they use a word processor to write an article they can teach in a private or public school. Those without money still have abundant resources. Individuals can work to support themselves. They can create jobs where no jobs exist. They can organize their Communities to do the things that need to be done for the benefit of all. Many African Communities need wells for clean water. Many need sanitation systems. Some need systems for irrigation. The Government can provide infrastructure but it can also be provided by the Community to meet the needs of all. Communities without currency that is provided by the Government must adapt to meet their own needs without the National Currency. Communities can provide for sanitary waste disposal instead of casting their garbage into the streets. Communities can make traditional clothing instead of waiting on shipments of clothing from America that is bartered for food and other necessary items. Traditional foods can come from the efforts of the Community instead of depending on canned foods and Western soft drinks.

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The young can be educated and instructed in the ways of the Culture by the elders in a Community instead of depending on Television to entertain and educate the children. Individuals must accept responsibility for their own condition where they have the means to improve their conditions. It is not Charity to enable an attitude of entitlement. If someone needs ten dollars, I would prefer to send them a shovel, a hammer or a fishing pole. America provides Food for Peace. We send millions of metric tons of food, seed, trees, livestock and grain to countries each year. Much of it gets sent to the military of the receiving country. Something has to change if we expect to affect "Real Change" to improve the Human Condition. Individual and Community Responsibility for the conditions in the Community is a good place to begin. Communities can share responsibilities for childcare and education. Freed parents can work in gardens and on farms to grow food and to raise livestock. Some can work on infrastructure. Where funds are limited, natural resources can be used. "No electricity" can be solved by turning human and animal waste into methane gas that can be used for cooking, heating, cooling, refrigeration, electricity etc. The by-product of the process is a rich fertilizer that may be used on gardens and on farms. People can plant trees for fuel, shelter, windbreaks and for fruit. People can enrich soil with compost and proper management techniques. The means exist to solve most of the problems faced in the world today. Where there is disease from insects such as flies and mosquitoes, people can swat flies and mosquitoes on a quota system each day until the insects are all gone. Chairman Mao told the Chinese that it was their Civic Duty to kill flies. Each person in China was expected to kill ten flies each day and to turn the bodies over to the block captain for confirmation. The housefly was irradiated in China. Ponds and standing water can be drained or fish and ducks can be used to control mosquito larva from becoming adults. People can eat the fish and ducks. People can eat the eggs. China has been very successful in using efficient pond ecosystems. You get the idea. The next time Daniel writes to you, send him to me.
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I realize that there are many in the world that need help. I am proposing that we make that help the kind of help that will build and sustain Communities instead of turning them into dependents that will always need help.

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Chapter Thirteen
Letter To A New Friend In Iran Alternatives To War
Dear _______________ (Name Deleted for Privacy): May the Blessings of Allah, and of Mohammed His Prophet, be upon you and upon all of your endeavors. I am Dr. Justice, Chancellor of International Theological University. Dr. Stanley referred your letter to me for direct response. Under better International Circumstances a close relationship between our Universities would be a Blessing and most desirable. However, the United States has prohibitions in place against doing business with Iran that we are not able to ignore. We are stretching the law if we award a Degree to someone in Iran. It is our hope that this will change in the near future. Under the best of circumstances we do not partner with other Universities because it is difficult to make sure that University Policies are aligned and workable between Cultures. We usually allow students to transfer and to receive credit for their Degrees if they wish to enter Graduate Programs. Today, the best that we can do is to allow individual students in Iran to receive Degrees from International Theological University just as any other International Students. ITU awards Degrees in Religion and in Religion related areas of study such as Business Ethics. Two areas of Honors may be added to each Degree to reflect special skills or experience. ITU's Degrees are "American Degrees" and carry a certain amount of "Status" in the American and in the International Market. I wish you and your Brothers well as you develop your University Programs. I encourage you to provide an Internationally acceptable Curriculum. You can offer the usual University subjects and majors as any reliable University.
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Marshall Arts provide excellent training and discipline. Many students will appreciate learning Marshall Arts in addition to receiving a Marketable Education that provides a core of requirements for their major, general education classes to provide a rounded education, and related electives to complete their Programs. I am sure that the day will come when the Political Leaders of our Countries awaken to the Reality that War and Animosity are a Stupid Waste of Energy and Resources that could be better used to Build Domestic Infrastructure and Peaceful Trade. The People of the World all want Peace. All wish to raise their children in Peace and Security. It is wrong to argue and even to go to war over such issues as How We Pray. Our Great Nations both Believe in the One True God. We have the same Cultural Father in Abraham. How we Pray should not be an issue. It is more important that we Pray. Minions of Satan stir hatred and distrust. They encourage and build a power base on suspicion and on fear. The Voices of Reason and the voices of Allah must be raised in defiance of the hate mongers. The Sponsors of Peace must Stand Up and point to the Common Ground That We Share. We are all the Beloved Children of Allah. We all have the same Human Needs. We all wish the Best for Our Children. We should sow grain instead of hate. We should make progress not war. We must provide pens and chalk for our children instead of bullets. Let us provide Books instead of guns. Knowledge is Power in this world and Knowledge serves Allah better than killing. This Earth is large enough for all of us to have room to live. The Planet has been filled with natural resources sufficient to Bless all of Humanity. Allah has given us the means to educate our Communities to solve many problems of nutrition and disease. All of the gifts are squandered and wasted in war. Eventually there must be Peace. Is it reasonable or rational to put off that Inevitable Peace by developing hatred and by waging war today with our resources and treasure. Why not decide not to have war today. Tomorrow we can decide again not to have war for another day. We can initiate Peace Today and renew the Peace on each succeeding day.

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Countries do not have to deal with those who treat them badly or with those who anger them and try to promote war for their own agenda. Countries can function toward their own goals to preserve and to protect their own People. All of the energy that goes into maintaining a large standing army can be immediately refocused by putting that large army to work on maintaining, refitting and developing the country's infrastructure. Buildings can be reinforced against earthquakes. Domestic water supplies and energy resources can be allocated and distributed to all parts of the country. Roads can be improved and markets facilitated to provide goods and services to the entire country. Remote areas can be included in telecommunication to unite and develop the country. The Army is being housed, clothed and paid. They are a disciplined and organized group that can be put to work doing needed work in the country. Members of the Army will learn valuable real life skills and trades by working on the Infrastructure of the Nation. Shooting and killing are not relevant skills for family life in the civil society. Brick laying, sanitation systems, water purification, electrical systems, construction, auto repair and maintenance, logistics, food distribution etc are marketable and useful skills that may be acquired during military service. It should be the duty of all citizens to make the most of education opportunities according to their personal desires, ability and talent. The Nation will thrive if everyone is educated. Education should be well rounded and not just an instrument of Hate Mongering. Schools that teach that war is good or that war is necessary to do good must be eradicated because they are spreading poison that will be difficult to undo. Societies that teach hate and revolution doom themselves to constant upheaval because each generation wishes to overthrow the previous generation for holding them down. Peace can serve those who are in power better than war or the sale of arms. There is more profit in consumer goods than in the engines of destruction. Food is as consumable as bullets and explosives. Everyone needs food and water each day. The sale of useful renewables is a formula for profit. Construction contracts are more profitable than contracts for destruction by means of war. Internal stability that provides each citizen with a home, job,

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comforts and security provides a political power base that will be more loyal than one based on hatred, fear and war mongering. Peace is Good and War is Bad. The choice should be clear. It is my wish that we live to see True Peace among the Nations of the World. Let us be friends and perhaps the friendship will spread. Feel free to share this letter with family, friends and with those in power if they will listen.

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Chapter Fourteen
Peace In The Middle East Respectfully Submitted Solution Palestinian/Israeli Dispute Acknowledge:
Both sides are right Both sides are wrong Both sides have History on their side Both sides have International Law to support portions of their positions Both sides have been victims of Terrorism Both sides have acted as Terrorists Both sides have had incidents where some of their People were guilty of War Crimes and of practicing Genocide. Neither side can ever completely forgive the other Each contact between Palestinians and Israelis is a potential Flash Point while the Israelis act as an occupying army Neither side will ever get along with the other - The present situation is Hopeless!

The Palestinians should move out of the current State of Israel and out of the Camps.
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The Palestinians should name one of their New Cities the "Capital Jerusalem" or some form of Jerusalem. (New Jerusalem, True Jerusalem, Historic Jerusalem, etc.)

The International Community, Arab States and Israelis should pay each Palestinian man, woman and child, relocation assistance in the amount of $100,000.00. Palestinian owners of property and businesses shall be compensated fair market value for the property that they own plus an additional amount to relocate. Palestinians shall be allowed to take their Homes and furniture with them if they elect to physically move the houses and furniture. Palestinians shall be allowed to relocate the graves of their family members. Palestinians shall be allowed to relocate their trees and plants. All Muslim Religious shrines, Mosques, and artifacts shall be moved to the Muslim Country which accepted the largest number of Palestinians as immigrants or to the Palestinian Homeland. The Palestinians are to be given a Homeland that shall never be invaded or occupied by Israel or Israelis. Both sides must declare that a State of Peace will exist between Palestine and Israel for at least seven years and that the Peace may be renewed each seven years until it becomes permanent.

Rational or Reasoning:
Maintaining the Peace and guarding against terrorism costs Israel more than the Israeli portion of the cost to relocate Palestinians Palestinians, if given the opportunity and adequate compensation, would like to relocate out of Israel and out of the Camps to have secure

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and safe homes in which to raise their children and to grow old without the threat of war. The International Community and Arab Nations are currently spending, in one year, many times more than the amount that the Palestinians would receive in relocation assistance. The Arab States contribute a billion dollars each year. The United States of America spends vast amounts of money to mobilize fleets and warplanes to maintain the Peace in the area. The conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians has the potential to expand into a broader war. The Israelis wish to have a Jewish State. It is likely that the day will come when an Orthodox Jewish leader will demand the destruction of Muslim and Christian shrines in Israel. The Religious Relics should be removed at international expense before it is too late. The Palestinians contribute to the maintenance of the Israeli economy. Without Palestinians, Israelis will have to have their own people do the jobs and services formerly done by Palestinians. Palestinians can use their talents and services in their own Homeland to take care of the needs and to provide services to Palestinians. Palestinians, in Israel, currently provide a Muslim Shield against attack on Israel. Since the Israelis do not wish to be kinder and fairer to the Palestinians, nor appreciate that the Palestinians are providing a degree of protection, the Palestinians should leave and leave Israel to protect and defend itself. Israelis would rather risk having to defend themselves without the Palestinian Shield rather than to treat the Palestinians as equals in Israel. Israelis claim that they do not need the Palestinians for protection or to do jobs in the Israeli Economy.

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History will not allow these two Peoples to remain in close proximity to each other. It would be best, for all concerned, if they were separated. The Palestinians must be given a Homeland of their own. Israelis wish to have a Jewish State that is free of Christians and of Muslims. Religious shrines and practices are an affront to Jewish Law and Practice. The Shrines will be destroyed, purified and rededicated to God by Jewish High Priests. Christian and Muslim Practices will be stopped in a Jewish State. Muslim and Christian shrines, relics, Churches and Mosques should be moved out of Israel for the protection of the objects and to maintain Peace with the Muslim and Christian World The Dome of the Rock and the Blessed Stone itself should be moved by Muslim Holy Men and sanctified workers. The International Community could bear the expense. Jews wish to rebuild the Temple. The Peaceful and orderly removal of the Dome of the Rock and the Peaceful relocation of Palestinians should allow the construction of the Temple to go forward without a war.

Importance of Land:
As a Native American, I know the importance of Land and the connection to the Land that a People can feel. I have resolved the issue in my own thinking by realizing that certain land was given to my People and to me by God. My People and I have been forced to relocate by the United States Government. Our new land was also given to us by God because God gave Humankind the entire Planet Earth. All land is sacred. Each location on Earth is God given. Our new Land is the same in the Eye of God. Our new Land is Blessed by the Creator and will bless us because we are special to God.
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Alternatives: Things will continue as they are today or get worse as casualties mount. Palestinians will feel that they have nothing to lose so the violence will increase Israelis will grow increasingly impatient and escalate the violence and genocide against the Palestinians The International Community will take sides in the no-win conflict and sanction each other into a shooting war Both sides will continue to teach their children "Hatred" instead of "Brotherhood" and so poison future generations. o The Death Of Each Person Is The Death Of An Entire Line Of Descendants That Will Never Make A Contribution To The Human Condition With Their Creativity, Ideas And Discoveries. An Individual Is More Than His/Her Own Life; Each Is A Seed For The Planet's Future.

Palestinians and/or Israelis must decide whether the individuals in their Societies will be "Seeds of Hope and Peace" or "Seeds of Destruction." Weapons of mass destruction will be used by the Palestinians and/or Israelis that will turn the entire area into a wasteland for the next ten thousand years. Palestinian and Israeli refugees from the area will request immigration to other countries of the world but no nation will wish to take them because they will bring their conflict with them.

These ideas are submitted because I felt moved, as a Theologian, to speak on behalf of Peace and to offer alternatives to this very difficult situation. It is my Hope that the ideas will be useful to the Palestinians and to the Israelis.

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Civil War Among The People of Palestine

The general population of Palestine will have to rise, as a People, and throw out violent and subversive elements within their society. The People may choose which elements shall stay and speak for them and which elements will be caste out. Wrong choices will be recognizable quickly because bad elements will do things that are destructive to Peace in the Region. It is up to the People of Palestine to throw the rascals out. Politicians and religious leaders who are power hungry at the expense of Peace must be identified and thrown out of office. Those who will usurp power at the point of a gun or with terrorist threats against their own people do not deserve to rule. However, it is the job of the Palestinians to remove them by force if necessary.

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Chapter Fifteen
To Those Who Make War Everyone agrees that War is a destructive activity. War Kills People
War does more than kill the immediate victims. War destroys all of the children that would have been born to the young soldier. Entire lines of descendants are wiped out. Think of the millions of human beings that are lost with the destruction of a single line of humans. Think of the teachers, scientists, inventors, philosophers, businesspersons and explorers that will never be born. Think of the billions of people who will not be born because of the millions people killed in World Wars. War is not a reasonable way to control population. It is likely that Peace would have provided the people and solutions for many of the world s problems.


Kills Animals Kills Crops and Vegetation Ruins Soil Poisons Water Depletes Treasure Destroys Human Resources Disrupts the Economy Disrupts farming Interrupts food supplies Disrupts Markets Causes inflation Disrupts the flow of goods and services Destroys infrastructure Interrupts education Disrupts family life

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Channels raw materials and resources into weapons of destruction instead of into production of consumer goods Hardens Children and robs them of their childhood Makes kind and peaceful individuals killers Creates Orphans May cause orphaned children to become a lost generation without Cultural Roots May turn orphans into an uneducated mob who will do anything to survive


Allows People to Live with Joy Allows Animals to multiply to provide profits and benefits Allows Crops and Vegetation to provide food, clothing and shelter for people and for animals Conserves Soil for future generations Allows Water to remain clean and fresh to satisfy thirst and supply power Increases Treasure through increased prosperity Allows Human Resources to flourish Improves the economy by providing stability and security for investment Children are allowed to grow up without unreasonable fears with only childhood issues confronting them. Preserves the Culture for Future Generations

Reasonable Conclusion
If the War will ever end and Peace will prevail, isnt it logical to make Peace now to avoid all of the negative results of War. Legislatures argue that the country is not able to afford Social Programs such as Increased Pensions for the elderly such as Americas Social Security payments or Medical Programs that pay for prescriptions. However, let the politicians decide that we must go to war and we suddenly are funding Billions of Dollars each month to make war.

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The Treasure that is being spent to buy weapons could be better spent to build infrastructure such as schools, sanitation systems, utilities, communications and industry to take care of domestic needs and to supply exports. A few people get rich making weapons that must continually be re-supplied. Those same individuals could get just as rich making consumer goods that improve the lives of people.

Differences Can Be Arbitrated

I propose International Contests that provide prizes for Solutions to the differences among Nations. The Prizes could be five million Dollars to be paid by the involved Nations if they accept the Solution. Five Million Dollars is a small amount compared to even a single day of Battle in a War. The International Community must put down groups that propose Genocide, because of their hatred of their neighbors. Genocide is not a Solution it is an International Crime. The International Community must put down groups that propose war, because of Religion. Freedom to Worship God in your own way is a Fundamental Right that may not be taken away by others. Groups that make trouble and attempt to create war among Nations must be rounded up and tried as International Criminals. Leaders of Nations who allow their soldiers to rape, murder and pillage must be held accountable for the actions of their soldiers. Soldiers are often young and trained to kill without feeling or regard for the Laws of Humanity. Those who have trained the soldiers are equally responsible for wartime atrocities. Direct Commanders and the Heads of State must be held accountable. Nations must provide incentives for Peace in the World. Warlords and petty dictators need to be enticed to give up their limited control, that is often maintained through fear and intimidation, to the Central Government for economic and political benefits to their people. The warlords and petty dictators can remain in charge of the increased commerce and trade as compensation. The monetary benefit will be much greater. All who do evil and make war must be persuaded that it is more profitable to foster Peace. Those who encourage the young to strap bombs to their bodies
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and then to commit suicide must be persuaded that encouraging suicide by dedicated followers weakens the movement because only the cowards and less dedicated will remain alive to carry the fight forward. Those who are considering becoming suicide bombers should expect their religious and political leaders to become suicide bombers first and to lead by example. Perhaps if the leaders will not blow themselves up, the cause is not a desperate as advertised.

Religious Wars
The idea of a Religious War is an oxymoron. God or Allah is the Supreme Being. God or Allah does not need human beings to enforce His Will. God or Allah can punish evildoers or reduce the mighty at any time. Making war against others to make them pray in a particular manner is foolish. It is more important that we pray than how we pray. Human beings keep attempting to legislate morality. Some consider it immodest for a woman to show some parts of her body. Others are concerned about the playing of music. Some wish to keep people from expressing their opinions if those opinions disagree with widely accepted Theology. We need to realize and to accept that the Truth of God or Allah will not be threatened or prevailed against by any human effort, lies or practice. Men are not so weak that they will go mad with desire and lust if they see the uncovered head of a woman on the street. Men and boys are not so much the victim of their hormones that they will begin to rape and to pillage if they see a woman in a swimsuit on the beach. Men and boys have mothers and sisters that they have seen in their homes. Good mothers have taught their boys and men respect for others. Men in the western world will not go sexually wild if they see women dancing or even nude in magazines, advertisements or on stage. Human beings may have base desires but those desires may be controlled. Those who lose control and attack others may be dealt with harshly by civil laws. Wars between Catholics and Protestants or among different groups of Protestants are silly because the wars are about the correct manner of offering prayers. Those who make war by using religion as an excuse usually have a hidden agenda.

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Perhaps all nations should consider having the leaders and legislators of the Nations be the first on the battlefield if a war is deemed necessary. After the leaders are all dead, the remaining people can elect new leaders to settle the differences in a peaceful manner.

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Chapter Sixteen
Letter to a Christian Pastor in an Islamic Country
Dear Pastor, I greet you and your Congregation with Love and Blessings. Please understand that I am very happy to have Churches seek affiliation with our Church. Please know that we are Keepers of Creation but that we have the deepest Respect for our Brothers and Sisters in the Islamic Faith. There should be no conflict with Christians and Followers of Islam because we share Common Roots with our Father Abraham and with our Brothers Jesus and Mohammed the Prophet. Being a Christian does not negate or erase the Message of the Prophet. A Good and Faithful Servant of Allah will not do anything that offends God in the Christian Belief. A Good and Faithful Christian Servant of God will not do anything that offends Allah in the Islamic Tradition. Therefore, it is important for me to know if you have a similar understanding or if you believe that Christians and Moslems are different. I would not wish for you to try to move our Brothers and Sisters who are True Believers, just as you are, away from Islam with the misguided idea that they need Saving or that they must become Christians to be favored by God. It is my hope that your Mission will be to bring Hope to those who have no Faith in anything. It would be my Hope that you will style your Church as a Mosque with a call to worship five times each day and a message of inclusion of the Teachings of the Qu 'ran and the Bible as the Words of Allah and God Who are one in the Same because there is only One True God and Mohammed is His Prophet.

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The Members of your Church should study both the Bible and Qu 'Ran with an eye to understanding the similarities and Truth in Both. Being a Keeper of Creation is neither Christian, Moslem any more than Children of the Great Spirit (God) (Allah) are different from one another if you look at their Spirits. We would prefer a new identification that would not carry with it all of the Blood and Pain of the Past History of Holy Wars and Crusades. We should start Fresh and Call ourselves Keepers of Creation which is not offensive to either Christian or Moslem. As Keepers of Creation, we serve Allah or God or the Great Spirit Who is One and the Same no matter which name we use. Jesus is our Brother because we have the same Father. Mohammed, Blessed be His Name, is our Brother because we have the same Father. You are in a Country that has a large Islamic population. You should try to be a part of the larger Community and stress the similarity of Faiths instead of Preaching that the Message of Jesus is different from that of the Prophet. The Cores of the Messages are the Same. Truth is Truth. The Whole Law of Christian Theology is: "Love God and Love one another" "Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them." 2. Christianity. Bible, Matthew 7.12 "Not one of you is a believer until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." 3. Islam. Forty Hadith of an-Nawawi 13 I Recommend to you: WORLD SCRIPTURE A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts You will see that the Great Religions of the World Carry the same Message.

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Please let me know your thoughts. We will be happy to be in Fellowship with your Church or you may wish to make your Church a Keepers of Creation Church if you agree with our views.

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Chapter Seventeen
Exit Strategy for Iraq
Original Fax April 25, 2006 Mission Accomplished In Iraq Those of us who voted to deploy forces into Iraq made our decision with the information available at the time. Twenty-twenty hindsight now shows us that many of our facts were actually in question. There is no shame or loss of Honor if we change our positions based on the latest information and knowledge from direct experience in Iraq. It is time for American and Allied Forces, deployed in Iraq, to Return Home. The American and Allied Mission in Iraq has not been a Debacle or a Disaster. The American and Allied Mission in Iraq has been a Complete Success! Mission Accomplished! America has declared a War On Terrorism. That War will go on until all threats are eliminated. That process may take years. Actions in Iraq, by American and Allied Troops, will not end the War On Terrorism. America and Allied Forces are not at War in Iraq even though Iraq is becoming a Civil War Zone. The Action in Iraq is not a War. The Action in Iraq is a Mission of Aid that continues at the request of the Provisional Government in Iraq. It is not possible for America and the Allied Forces to win or to lose a Non-War. American and Allied Forces have never been at War with the People of Iraq. American and the Allied Forces went into Iraq to do specific jobs. They have done those jobs with Personal Sacrifice and Honor. The American and Allied Forces have shed their Precious Blood for the People of Iraq.

Goals and Accomplishments:

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Remove Saddam Hussein from power. o Saddam Hussein has been removed Dismantle and Destroy the Personal Power Structure of Terror that supported Saddam Husseins Control over the People of Iraq. o The Leaders and Henchmen of Saddam Hussein have been arrested and their Goons have been killed or dispersed. Make the World safe from Weapons of Mass Destruction believed to be in Iraq. o The World has been made safe by the prevention and interrupted development of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Iraq. International Inspectors have confirmed no Weapons of Mass Destruction exist in Iraq so the World may rest easy. Remove the and Destroy Training Camps for Terrorists o Training Camps for Terrorists have been Destroyed and Removed Provide a Democratic Form of Government so the People of Iraq may chart their own Future o An Elected Government is in place in Iraq Train and Equip Iraqs Domestic Forces to Establish and to Maintain Stability and Security. o Sufficient Iraqi Forces have been Trained and Equipped to Establish and to Maintain Security. o The Iraqi Government will have to determine if more of their own people need to be added to Security Forces. o It would be foolish for America to arm hundreds of thousands of Iraqis only to have them join Iran in a war against the United States at a later date.

American and Allied Forces did not destroy Iraq. Targets were selected and destroyed with precision and with as limited a loss of innocent people as possible. The Iraqi People have been assisted by American and Allied Forces to re-build infrastructure and to supply the necessities of modern life to the entire population. No Nation or Group of Nations can hope to solve all of the Problems of Another Nation. No Nation or Group of Nations can hope to heal all of the divisions that fester in Religious and Ethnic hatred. American and Allied Presence in Iraq have begun to fuel strife among the various factions within Iraq. It is time for American and Allied Forces to Return to their Homes.

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Our Efforts in Iraq were given as an Emergency Mission of Assistance to a Tortured and Abused People who Looked to the Free World for Assistance. There must come a time when each Fledgling Government Stands On Its Own and Determines Its Own Fate. There comes a time when each Fledgling Government must Face Its Problems and Decide for Itself the Best Solutions. The People of Iraq have Elected Individuals to Make Decisions and to Chart Their Future. It is Time for American and Allied Forces to Return Home and to Let the Trained Iraqi Forces do Their Work at the Direction of Their Own Government. American and Allied Forces cannot choose sides in the Religious and Sectarian Disputes. Those Disputes are Purely Domestic and Internal by their Nature. With Democracy comes the Burden and Responsibility to Make Choices. The People of Iraq may Decide to Elect a New Government or to Reshape the Provisional Government. The World will survive their Free Choice. The People of Iraq may choose to establish relations with their neighbors in ways that concern the Free Nations of the West but, again, it is their Free Choice. The People of Iraq will have to Live or Die with their own Decisions. America fought a War of Independence with the Help of France. However, after the Revolutionary War, France allowed America to make its own Choices and to Chart its own Destiny. America formed its own Government under a Constitution but America re-considered its first efforts and re-shaped itself under a New and a Better Constitution. That Blessed Document has been Amended as the People of America Felt the Need to Change and to Adapt. It is Reasonable to Believe that the People of Iraq will go through a similar process of Growth and that they will Adapt Their Democracy to meet the Needs of Their Own People. The Iraqi People may wish to Model Their Government after the American Model of Federal Government and States. The Nation of Iraq could have States that include the dominant Ethnic or Religious Populations within a Region. Local Police Forces would be of the same Religious and Ethnic
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Nature as those that they Police. The Federal Government of Iraq would control National Issues such as the development of Natural Resources, Currency, National Defense etc. The Formation of States within Iraq is the Sole Responsibility of the Iraqi Government. The Elected Representatives of the Iraqi People are the only ones who can make such important decisions about territory within Iraq. American and Allied Forces could begin an Immediate Process that Will Return All Forces Home. The Return Home will be made over a Short Period of Time that will Not Put Any of Our Forces at Risk. Air Power and Full Military Support will Protect Returning Forces. Equipment and Military Infrastructure will be left to assist the Iraqi Domestic Forces as deemed appropriate. Some installations will be dismantled or destroyed. Civilian American and Allied Contract workers will be Advised to Leave Iraq Prior to the Departure of Military Units. Any Attempt by Insurgents to Attack Departing Contract Workers or Military Units will be met with Immediate and Deadly Force from Air Units and remotely controlled attack drones. We Americans are All Proud of Our American and Allied Forces. God Bless America and All of the Brave Forces Who Have Served to Free the People of Iraq. You may contact me directly if you have any questions. His Eminence Archbishop

Alexander Swift Eagle Justice,

D.D., Ph.D., J.D.-Theologian, Academician Orthodox Native American Catholic Archdiocese Offices 2384 E. Orange Grove Blvd. Pasadena, California 91104-4913 Phones: 1-866-795-5062 or 1-866-794-8133 Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 AM 2:00 PM, Pacific, USA Time

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Chapter Eighteen
Immigration Reform
The solution to the influx of immigrants into America: Increase the minimum wages in the native countries to the same level as in America o The legal minimum wage in Mexico is $ 0.47 per hour. Mexico should increase its minimum wage to match minimum wages in America. The result would be that Mexicans would stay at home instead of leaving their families and friends to work in America. America has no authority over the wages in Mexico but we can request that the Mexican Government increase the minimum wages in Mexico. America could provide Trade incentives for Mexico if it will increase Domestic Wages

o o

Charge the Native countries for the costs associated with their nationals who have entered America illegally o o o o o o Health Care Services Education Transportation for returning aliens Damage done to frontier barriers Cost of holding facilities Cost of Border Patrols

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Provide Fines and Jail Time for Employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens Seize assets purchased with funds earned by illegal aliens No Amnesty Programs because the Programs encourage individuals to circumvent the law and play waiting games for Amnesty Programs. Equal Enforcement against all illegal aliens Canadians, Chinese, Asians and Europeans as well as Mexicans and Central and South Americans. Employers will have to work harder to recruit American employees. Employers may have to raise wages and to provide benefits to attract American workers. o o o o o American workers will do the jobs being done by illegal aliens but they must be aware that the jobs are available. Americans with high school diplomas and some with college degrees are staying unemployed Americas Economy will not be devastated if illegal a liens leave. America does not need individuals who begin their lives in America by breaking the laws in America. Illegal Aliens may take their families with them if they have to leave America. o No one forced the illegal alien to put down roots in America. If American members of a family elect to stay in America that is their choice.

Farmers and Employers should plan their business and crops based on available labor and not depend on cheap labor from illegal aliens.

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There are sufficient laws allowing individuals in other countries to apply for legal entry into America.

The Children of illegal aliens should not be granted American Citizenship. o Aliens who are here legally preserve the citizenship of their children the children remain citizens of their parents native country.

America should stop all immigration, for any reason, until Americans have their needs met as American Workers, as Seniors, as Students, as Patients needing Health Care and as Veterans.

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Chapter Nineteen
Space Settlement and Industrialization Cities In Space
I have long been an advocate for the move of Humanity into Space. I propose that the United Nations take the responsibility for the building of twelve Cities in Space. An optimal number of 12,000 inhabitants has been determined by our initial studies and projections. The total population of all twelve cities would be 144,000. Numbers will swell and fall as Settlers, Miners, Tourists and Business Visitors move in and out during routine business. Each city will be set in a geo-synchronous orbit in or near gravity neutral points between the Earth and Earths Moon. The population of each city will be a diverse group of men, women and children. Each person will be selected based on their ability to provide a variety of services to meet the needs of the population. Most individuals will have to be capable of more than a single job. Each person will have to contribute some time to maintenance and service of the City. Each City will serve multiple purposes to provide for the advancement of Humanitys move into Space. The Cities will be ports of call. The Cities will be Space Stations providing: Communications Research facilities Development of Space Technologies Base Stations for fuel and repair of Space Craft Trading Posts for Space Settlers Banking Centers for Earth, Mars and for Earths Moon Recreation and Vacation facilities for tourists Self-sustaining Ecosystem Self-sufficient Community with Farm Crops, Dairy, Poultry, Fish
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Local Clothing and Fashion Industry Agricultural Station Clean Manufacturing o Computer chips o Gem quality crystals o Crystals for communications o Crystals for lasers o Pharmaceuticals o Mirrors for telescopes o Items for the local economy Support for Mining and Heavy Industry Staging Areas for Deep Space Exploration and Settlement Ship Yards for Space Craft Zero Gravity Areas for Research and for Recreation The Cities in Space should precede the development of the Earths Moon. The Moon has a gravity well. It will take more energy to land supplies on the Moon and to lift them off because of that well. Construction in Space should be easier. The Cities in Space can facilitate the construction projects on the Moon more easily than construction will proceed from Earth alone.

Development of Earths Moon

After the Twelve Cities are completed, the United Nations should undertake the Development of the Earth's Moon. Plans should begin now. The Moon should begin as an independent country with its own Constitution, Representative Government and Laws. The Moon may begin as a protectorate of the United Nations but it should be an independent Nation and an equal member of the United Nations from the beginning.

Terra-Forming Mars
It is my belief that we should not begin to terra-form Mars until we have thoroughly explored the planet. There may be unique environments that support life on Mars or Chemical reactions that are only possible in the Native Martian soil. We should know if the terra-forming process will destroy something of greater value before we proceed.

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If our experience shows that we will gain more by terra-forming Mars, we should proceed to make the planet as habitable as possible for an expanding human population. It is my belief that Mars should be an Independent and equal Nation Member of the United Nations. Individuals and Committees should begin writing plans for Planetary Settlement and Infrastructure. We do not wish to see the Moon, Mars and other Space Settlements become Wild West Frontier Towns.

Mining of the Asteroid Belt

It is not practical for Cities in Space to be built with materials brought from the surface of Earth. The Gravity well of the Earth is too great for the convenient movement of large masses of material from the surface for Space Construction. Initial construction could be greatly facilitated if the Space Shuttle Fuel tanks were gathered in Space instead of being allowed to fall back to Earth. The tanks are large enough to serve as construction shacks and temporary housing for construction workers. However, most of the materials used for the building of Cities in Space will have to come from the Asteroid Belt. Asteroids containing metals will provide all of the metals needed for Steel and for alloys. Asteroids that are made primarily of Carbon materials and dirt will be used to generate oxygen, water and minerals for the building of soil for Space Farms. Systems for the smelting of metals in Space will have to be developed. It is likely that small asteroids will be captured and moved to construction sites. Once on location the asteroids will be held by magnetic field coils and melted with solar energy. Zero Gravity Space Foundries will shape and work the metals into useful and needed shapes. Control and Protection Systems against Asteroids that pose a threat to Earth and/or to Human Settlements off Planet It will be necessary for each City in Space, Lunar Settlement and Martian Settlement to maintain Control and Protection Systems against Asteroids that pose a threat to Earth and/or to Human Settlements.
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Space is full of debris. Some of the meteors are small as dust while others are big enough to be classified as Asteroids or even moons. Human beings, Spacecraft and Human Settlements must be built with an awareness of the threat. Human protection must begin with the individual Space Suit. The Space Suits should be made with several layers of Kevlar to prevent damage by micro meteors. Kevlar is also available in different forms, textures and thickness that are suitable for construction of structures for shelter from small meteors. No structure will survive impact from large meteors. Early warning systems for large meteors must be developed. Inhabitants will have to evacuate or move the settlements. Settlements should be kept mobile for routine station keeping or if meteor showers are detected. Space Settlers will have to provide their own protective measures against destruction by meteors. Missile Defense Systems may be used to intercept or to deflect incoming meteors. Booster Rockets may be attached to meteors to allow for their capture and use. Development of beyond light speed Acceleration engines and systems for Inter - System Space Travel It is my belief that close association with the Space Environment will lead to a better understanding of the dynamics of the Universe including travel at greater than light speeds. I realize that there are still a few die-hard scientists who believe that the speed of light is a finite point and that nothing may exceed that speed. To those scientists I offer the same reasoning that I used when I was nine years old to prove that the speed of light was not fixed despite what Einstein had postulated. Einsteins formula E=mc2 works in a limited manner to describe the Universe. E is Energy, m is mass and c2 is the speed of light squared. Even at nine years of age I knew that you could not square and infinite. If the Speed of Light is as fast as you can go, it represents and infinite. Since we use the formula and square the speed of light, it must follow that the speed of light is not infinite.
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I was proved right when astronomers discovered red shift stars. If natural objects can travel faster than the speed of light, man made ships should be able to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. We just have to understand the dynamics.

Fluid Dynamics Key to Space Travel

It is my belief that the Key to Space Travel is an understanding that most of Space is filled with moving Plasma. Plasma should follow the Laws of Fluid Dynamics. We should begin, at once, to: Use Laws of Fluid Dynamics to improve Space Travel Mapping of the Inter-Stellar Plasma flows to conserve fuel and to accelerate Space Craft Plasma Currents Plasma Steams Plasma Eddies Plasma Rapids o Plasma Rapids should occur between gravity wells that are close enough to narrow the stream of Plasma flowing between the wells. The Laws of Fluid Dynamics indicate that the same amount of Plasma will flow through the narrower passage. The Plasma must flow at a faster rate. Spacecraft could increase their speed by Shooting the Plasma Rapids.

Mapping of the Galaxy for purposes of Navigation and Travel

Enormous efforts must be put into the development of accurate Space Charts for Navigation and for Exploration. We must expand current efforts by:
o o o o o

plotting locations of pulsars as beacons plotting of Stars for Octagonal Navigation Location plotting the locations of Planets, for settlement, terra forming and industrial uses plotting the locations of black holes for gravity assisted acceleration of space craft plotting the locations of dark matter

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o o o o o

plotting the locations and sources of anti-matter plotting the sources of radiation bursts and cycles plotting the locations of stellar nurseries plotting the locations of potential super novas plotting and monitoring of Space Storms and Energy Phenomena

Radiation Shielding and Thermal Protection

Use of Space Shuttle Tile Material Shielding as a radiation shield and the development of effective radiation shields for Space Habitats, Space Craft and Space Suits Use of layers of bullet proof materials and fabrics as micro meteor shields in suits, ships and habitats

Search for Extra Terrestrial Life

Continuing Communications Program to detect and communicate with non-Earth life forms and populations, if any.

Seeding of Humanity throughout the Galaxy

Deep Space Settlement Missions Genetic Arks to carry People and Animals Mining Colonies Terra Forming Expeditions Exploration Scientific Fact Finding Space Craft Development in Space

Respectful Suggestion to NASA

Respectful Suggestion to NASA February 1, 2003: Use the Russian Re-entry Sphere as the Cockpit for the Space Shuttle. The outward appearance and shielding will be the same. In the event of a disaster on re-entry, the exterior shielding and entire shuttle will break up. The Russian Sphere will survive the break up and take over as the re-entry vehicle. The Russian Sphere is designed to enter the atmosphere at high speeds and then to hard land on the surface. The engineering could meld these technologies for the benefit and

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safety of future astronauts and cosmonauts. - Cosmonaut - Dr. Alexander Swift Eagle Justice

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Chapter Twenty
The Truth About Gender Not Just Male And Female
As Native Americans, we believe that the Great Spirit has created at least ten genders. Gender is recognized as both a physical and a psychological condition. These are the currently recognized genders: 01) Male 02) Female 03) Male-Homosexual (Dominant-Male) 04) Female-Homosexual (Dominant-Male) 05) Male-Homosexual (Dominant-Female) 06) Female-Homosexual (Dominant-Female) 07) Hermaphrodites (Male & Female sexual organs present) 08) Multi sexual (Varied Sexual Preference) 09) Neuters (no sexual organs present) 10) Non-sexual (those who are abstinent) To Natives, all genders are creations of the Great Spirit. All genders have a place in the Great Spirit's Plan. If your Spiritual Belief includes a Supreme Being Who is Perfect, you must agree that all of the Supreme Beings Creations are Perfect and Intended. God does not make mistakes. There is a great deal of evidence that individuals are wired from birth as male or female or placed somewhere on a continuum between male and female in most instances. It is natural to presume that each individual will have sexual preferences that coincide with their birth wiring. It is natural to presume that since God does not make mistakes and since God created all genders and wired their preferences, sexual preferences are natural and part of Gods Plan. The idea that human sexuality is a sin must die a logical death.

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Churches and other institutions have a vested interest in working to maintain the notion that male and female are the only genders but evidence is to the contrary. Substantial numbers of children are born each year with ambiguous genitalia. It is not clear if the child is male of female. Genetic testing sometimes clears up the physical gender as being male or female. However, the genetic test results do not always coincide with the mental wiring of the individual. Some apparent boys grow up acting and feeling like girls. Some apparent girls grow up acting and feeling like boys. Parent efforts to push one gender over another confuse and hamper the normal development of children with ambiguous gender. Ambiguous gender may be mental as well as or instead of physical. It is clear that Gender is a physical state and that it is also a mental state of being. Society has not been tooled to deal with anything but male and female. Society must change to better meet the needs of individuals. It is reasonable to assume that each gender has something to contribute to Humanity and to the Human Experience.

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Chapter Twenty-One
Usury, Predatory Lending Practices, Draconian Banking Practices and Interest Rates
Contemporary Banking practices in the United States have taken a turn toward Predation, Usury and Draconian Contracts. Many individuals have accepted bank credit cards at low interest rates only to find that the bank changes the interest rate once the individual has reached a high credit limit. Individuals who could have afforded to make credit card payments at ten percent suddenly find that they are receiving notice that the bank has raised their interest rate to 24.99 % or even to 33% without notice or with notice that came in the fine print of a large package of documents from the bank. Such practices are unfair to the average consumer. It is time for the People of the United States to take back their power over banking institutions. Leaders of the country such as the President, Congress, including the House of Representatives and the Senate, together with State Governors and Legislatures must enact immediate legislation that limits interest rates on consumer dept to not more than ten percent. All contracts that provide for penalties and interest that exceed ten percent should be rolled back to the ten percent mark. Ten percent is a reasonable profit for the banks and lenders to make. Greed and political corruption have allowed the banks to get to their present position of abuse. The middle class is being squeezed for every last available dime. Usurious interest keeps people from digging their way free from debt. Current laws have been tailored by bankers and passed by lawmakers who are paying back favors. The People depend on the lawmakers for protection from abuse by banks and other lending institutions. No committees are needed. You as the leaders of America know the facts. You can change the situation with the stroke of a pen. Please change the laws now and limit

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Interest on Consumer Debt to not more than ten percent including any penalties for late payments or over drawn accounts. Individuals are not allowed to charge over ten percent interest because it is considered usury. The banks and other corporate lenders should be held to the same limits as individuals. Credit Unions, Banks and Other lending institutions are adding terms to contracts that go against custom and use in the lending industry. Phrases that state that the no portion of the finance charges will be refunded are added and then the finance charges are listed as the entire amount of the interest due if the contract goes full term. That means that if a consumer pays off the loan sooner than the stated term, the consumer will have to pay all of the interest that would have been due if the contract had gone to term. Lending officers try to explain away the section and tell consumers that they will only pay interest for the time that they use the money. The contract states that there is no pre-payment penalty but the collection of the entire finance charge is not considered a pre-payment penalty. The amount of actual interest being charged is enormous. Many people including the elderly are being cheated. Consumers are losing their equity and their homes. Life savings are being wiped out by predatory lending practices. Congress must act to protect the middle class and to provide a means of home ownership for individuals who have been working multiple jobs and saving for their first homes. Congress must protect the senior citizens so they may remain in their homes without threats from banks and other lending vultures that make it their business to dupe and to cheat the vulnerable senior citizens out of their homes.

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Appendix A
Human Rights
I would like to remind you of the wonderful work that has been done by the United Nations Committees to outline solutions to many of the inequities and injustices around the world. United Nations This site contains the most comprehensive collection of translations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948. Over 285 different language versions are available in HTML, PDF and graphical forms. Universal Declaration of Human Rights Preamble Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations, the
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promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, Now, therefore, The General Assembly, Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. Article I All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 2 Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Article 4 No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

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Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Article 7 All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Article 8 Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Article 10 Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. Article 11 1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a


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heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed. Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Article 13 1. 2. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14 1. 2. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15 1. 2. Everyone has the right to a nationality. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Article 16 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

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2. 3.

Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17 1. 2. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 20 1. 2. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21 1. 2. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.

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The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22 Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to Veteran and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality. Article 23 1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

2. 3.


Article 24 Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25 1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing,

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housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. 2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26 1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.



Article 27 1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.


Article 28 Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

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Article 29 1. 2. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.


Article 30 Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

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Appendix B
UNITED NATIONS The 1994 Draft Declaration of Principles on Human Rights And The Environment
On 16 May 1994, an international group of experts on human rights and environmental protection convened at the United Nations in Geneva and drafted the first-ever declaration of principles on human rights and the environment. The Geneva group assembled at the invitation of the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund--in cooperation with the Association mondiale pour l'cole instrument de paix and the Socit suisse pour la protection de l'environnement- -on behalf of Madame Fatma Zohra Ksentini, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment for the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. As U.N. Special Rapporteur, Mme Ksentini has since 1989 presided over a study of the connections between human rights and the environment. Mme Ksentini's final report to the SubCommission is due in August 1994. The final report will include the Draft Declaration produced at the Geneva Meeting of Experts. The Draft Declaration is the first international instrument that comprehensively addresses the linkage between human rights and the environment. It demonstrates that accepted environmental and human rights principles embody the right of everyone to a secure, healthy and ecologically sound environment. The Draft Declaration describes the environmental dimension of established human rights, such as the rights to life, health and culture. It also

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describes the procedural rights, such as the right to participation, necessary for realization of the substantive rights. The Draft Declaration also describes duties that correspond to the rights--duties that apply to individuals, governments, international organizations and transnational corporations.

DRAFT DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Preamble Guided by the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action of the World Conference of Human Rights, and other relevant international human rights instruments, Guided also by the Stockholm Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, the World Charter for Nature, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Agenda 21: Programme of Action for Sustainable Development, and other relevant instruments of international environmental law, Guided also by the Declaration on the Right to Development, which recognizes that the right to development is an essential human right and that the human person is the central subject of development, Guided further by fundamental principles of international humanitarian law, Reaffirming the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights, Recognizing that sustainable development links the right to development and the right to a secure, healthy and ecologically sound environment, Recalling the right of peoples to self-determination by virtue of which they have the right freely to determine their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, Deeply concerned by the severe human rights consequences of environmental harm caused by poverty, structural adjustment and debt programmes and by international trade and intellectual property regimes, Convinced that the potential irreversibility of environmental harm gives rise to special responsibility to prevent such harm, Concerned that human rights violations lead to environmental degradation and that environmental degradation leads to human rights violations, THE FOLLOWING PRINCIPLES ARE DECLARED:
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Part I 1. Human rights, an ecologically sound environment, sustainable development and peace are interdependent and indivisible. 2. All persons have the right to a secure, healthy and ecologically sound environment. This right and other human rights, including civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, are universal, interdependent and indivisible. 3. All persons shall be free from any form of discrimination in regard to actions and decisions that affect the environment. 4. All persons have the right to an environment adequate to meet equitably the needs of present generations and that does not impair the rights of future generations to meet equitably their needs. Part II 5. All persons have the right to freedom from pollution, environmental degradation and activities that adversely affect the environment, threaten life, health, livelihood, well-being or sustainable development within, across or outside national boundaries. 6. All persons have the right to protection and preservation of the air, soil, water, sea-ice, flora and fauna, and the essential processes and areas necessary to maintain biological diversity and ecosystems. 7. All persons have the right to the highest attainable standard of health free from environmental 8. All persons have the right to safe and healthy food and water adequate to their well-being. 9. All persons have the right to a safe and healthy working environment. 10. All persons have the right to adequate housing, land tenure and living conditions in a secure, healthy and ecologically sound environment.

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11 . All persons have the right not to be evicted from their homes or land for the purpose of, or as a consequence of, decisions or actions affecting the environment, except in emergencies or due to a compelling purpose benefiting society as a whole and not attainable by other means. All persons have the right to participate effectively in decisions and to negotiate concerning their eviction and the right, if evicted, to timely and adequate restitution, compensation and/or appropriate and sufficient accommodation or land. 12. All persons have the right to timely assistance in the event of natural or technological or other human-caused catastrophes. 13. Everyone has the right to benefit equitably from the conservation and sustainable use of nature and natural resources for cultural, ecological, educational, health, livelihood, recreational, spiritual or other purposes. This Includes ecologically sound access to nature. Everyone has the right to preservation of unique sites, consistent with the fundamental rights of persons or groups living in the area. 14. Indigenous peoples have the right to control their lands, territories and natural resources and to maintain their traditional way of life. This includes the right to security in the enjoyment of their means of subsistence. Indigenous peoples have the right to protection against any action or course of conduct that may result in the destruction or degradation of their territories, including land, air, water, sea-ice, wildlife or other resources. Part III 15. All persons have the right to information concerning the environment. This includes information, howsoever compiled, on actions and courses of conduct that may affect the environment and information necessary to enable effective public participation in environmental decision-making. The information shall be timely, clear, understandable and available without undue financial burden to the applicant. 16. All persons have the right to hold and express opinions and to disseminate ideas and information regarding the environment. 17. All persons have the right to environmental and human rights education.

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18. All persons have the right to active, free, and meaningful participation in planning and decision-making activities and processes that may have an impact on the environment and development. This includes the right to a prior assessment of the environmental, developmental and human rights consequences of proposed actions. 19. All persons have the right to associate freely and peacefully with others for purposes of protecting the environment or the rights of persons affected by environmental harm. 20. All persons have the right to effective remedies and redress in administrative or judicial proceedings for environmental harm or the threat of such harm. Part IV 21. All persons, individually and in association with others, have a duty to protect and preserve the environment. 22. All States shall respect and ensure the right to a secure, healthy and ecologically sound environment. Accordingly, they shall adopt the administrative, legislative and other measures necessary to effectively implement the rights in this Declaration. These measures shall aim at the prevention of environmental harm, at the provision of adequate remedies, and at the sustainable use of natural resources and shall include, inter alia,

collection and dissemination of information concerning the environment prior assessment and control, licensing, regulation or prohibition of activities and substances potentially harmful to the environment; public participation in environmental decision-making; effective administrative and judicial remedies and redress for environmental harm and the threat of such harm; monitoring, management and equitable sharing of natural resources; measures to reduce wasteful processes of production and patterns of consumption; measures aimed at ensuring that transnational corporations, wherever they operate, carry out their duties of environmental protection, sustainable development and respect for human rights; and

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measures aimed at ensuring that the international organizations and agencies to which they belong observe the rights and duties in this Declaration.

23. States and all other parties shall avoid using the environment as a means of war or inflicting significant, long-term or widespread harm on the environment, and shall respect international law providing protection for the environment in times of armed conflict and cooperate in its further development. 24. All international organizations and agencies shall observe the rights and duties in this Declaration. Part V 25. In implementing the rights and duties in this Declaration, special attention shall be given to vulnerable persons and groups. 26. The rights in this Declaration may be subject only to restrictions provided by law and which are necessary to protect public order, health and the fundamental rights and freedoms of others. 27. All persons are entitled to a social and international order in which the rights in this Declaration can be fully realized.

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Appendix C
About Chief Swift Eagle

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Appendix D
Respectful Suggestions To The Leaders of Palestine
Birzeit University - Contact Information Mailing Address, Telephone and Fax: Birzeit University PO Box 14, Birzeit West Bank, Palestine Telephone: +970-2-298-2000, Fax: +970-2-281-0656 (from Arab countries) Telephone: +972-2-298-2000, Fax: +972-2-281-0656 (from other countries) Liaison Office Birzeit University Liaison Office PO Box 950666 Amman, Jordan Phone: +962-6-552-7181 Fax: +962-6-552-7202 Contact Person: Miss Nuha Talamas The office is located near the Fifth circle in Jabal Amman. E-Mail Addresses Public Relations: Registration Office: Int'l Students: BZU website issues: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Palestine and to Palestinians around the world warm greetings,

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My name is Dr. Alexander Swift Eagle Justice. I am Chancellor of International Theological University and an advocate for reasonable solutions for Peace and for Sustainable Prosperity. I offer these Respectful Suggestions to bring Peace and Prosperity to the People of Palestine. The new Government of Palestine Is the Sovereign Government and as Sovereign the Government has certain Powers and Obligations. The Government of Palestine, as Sovereign should immediately: establish a currency for the country and peg its value at a par with the Mark, Euro, Yen, Dollar or some other international currency. o The Palestinian Currency is the only currency to be used in Palestine for commerce and for the payment of all debts both foreign and/or domestic. o The Palestinian Currency is the only currency that may be used to pay wages or to pay for goods and for services whether to local merchants or to foreign merchants doing business in Palestine. o All wages in Palestine will be set by the Government Minimum Wage paid to unskilled workers should be comparable to the minimum wage in the USA which is about $7.00 per hour. Minimum Wages for skilled and professional workers must be higher and comparable to the Industrialized countries of the world. The Government will subsidize businesses until sufficient currency is in circulation to do routine business. All Government workers, teachers, military and police will be paid by the Government. o Foreign companies wishing to do business in Palestine and with Palestine must agree to accept Palestinian Currency for all transactions, purchases and payments. o Palestine should declare that all foreign debt will be paid off with Palestinian Currency.

Here is a selection from my Book "Justice For All With The Stroke of A Pen
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Chapter Two
Single Earth Currency And International Living Wage
The time has come for the Nations of Earth to begin working together for the Common Good. A major step toward International Prosperity is for the Nations of the Earth to establish a single currency that may be used in any Nation as the only currency. The United States of America has grown to its present position of power and of wealth because there are fifty States using the same currency to move goods and services. Prosperity needs a functioning currency to do day-today business. The European Union has seen the importance of their single currency that benefits commerce among the members. No Nation should surrender its sovereign right to print/mint and set the value of its own currency. I propose that the Earth Currency, the Global, be backed by the remaining common unit within our Social Systems. The common unit is an hour of work done by a person. An hour of work by an unskilled laborer can be compared to an hour of work done by an unskilled laborer in any country in the world. An hour of work done by a skilled surgeon can be compared to an hour of work done by a skilled surgeon in any country in the world. There is no reason why a skilled doctor in the Russian Federation should receive $5,000.00 per year when a skilled American Doctor will make $500,000.00 per year. Both Doctors should earn $500,000.00 per year. The same is true for teachers, managers, and people from all professions and businesses. Nations should set an International Minimum Living Wage for all occupations within the Nation. The International Minimum Living Wage should be set on the high end so no one has to take a pay cut. Developing Nations may wish to set their wages comparable to Developed Nations such as Germany or the United States. The minimum wage for unskilled workers in the U.S.A. is going to be $11.00 $14.00 per hour. Central Governments will have to provide the additional funds needed for employers to pay the higher International Minimum Living Wages for a period of three to five years. The system should be self-sustaining after that.

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All currency printing and management will have to be controlled by each Sovereign Nation. Each Nation will have to agree to honor the Globals of other Nations. If the countries of the world wish to retain the look of their own currencies, the countries of the world should refer to their own currency in Global terms. The American Dollar would become the American Global. The Japanese Yen would become the Japanese Global.

The United Nations should be declared an International Sovereign. As an International Sovereign, the United Nations could print/mint its own Globals. The U.N. would never again be dependent on the Nations of the World for funds. The U.N. could use its Globals for all international programs of assistance and mercy. The U.N. could finance Peace Keeping Forces to trouble spots around the world.

Breath To Re-evaluate The Concept Of Value

The American Dollar is a Standard in the World as is the Euro, the Mark or the Yen. Nothing backs any of these currencies. America is a land rich in natural resources. The Russian Federation has more natural resources. America has a well-educated public and workforce. The Russian Federation has a bettereducated public and workforce. It is reasonable that the American Dollar and the Russian Ruble should be traded at equal value. An hour from the life of an American laborer or professional is of the same value as the hour of work from the life of a Russian laborer or professional.

What Could We Expect From A Global Living Wage?

Those who have been in the positions of Have have often sought to maintain a lower class of Have Nots who will remain at the bottom of society happy to receive the crumbs that are dropped from the tables of the self-appointed Masters. The efforts have not been subtle. Union movements have been met with violence from police and the military. Political parties for the poor have been slandered, maligned and pushed into secondary positions or abolished altogether. Whole groups of professionals have been fired rather than let the group gain too much power. The Air Traffic Controllers were such a group during the Regan Administration. Children are herded into over crowded schools and abused with substandard expectations, no books, watered down curriculum and bathrooms without proper plumbing or even toilet paper. Illegal Aliens are allowed to cross borders to keep the ranks of the exploitable swollen.

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If a Global Living Wage became law all around the world, we would see instant changes for the better all over the world.

People would immediately go out and buy things that they want and need o The demand for consumer goods will provide a need for expanded domestic manufacturing of consumer goods o parents will provide uniforms and books for their children to attend schools o families will provide better quality food for their families o individuals will be able to afford medical care and medicines o people will invest in a home or farm of their own o people will invest in their own business People will stop crossing neighboring borders illegally to get work because there will be many good paying jobs available in their own countries There will be less political unrest There will be less terrorism because the people who would become terrorists will not like to destroy what they and their families have with a sustainable prosperity The Rich in the Society will be the ones who will build more factories and facilities to provide for the increased demands

The Rich will get Richer.

Who Should Be Paid Wages

All individuals who contribute to the Society should receive wages or a salary based on the class of their work. Traditional Workers should be paid a living wage but non-traditional Contributors should also be paid.

Women or men who take care of a household and care for children should be paid an annual salary because they are making a very important contribution to Society. Mothers/Fathers are Nutritionists, care givers, educators and keepers of the Culture. Mothers/Fathers provide language and traditional values to their growing children. The payments to homemakers should not be considered welfare of Government Assistance. The payments should be considered Honorable earnings for the homemakers valuable contributions to Society.

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Students from First Grade through University should be paid to go to school. Students who cause disruptions or who fail to do their assignments and homework should receive deductions for their omissions and poor behavior. The deductions should not ever exceed 100% of the hourly wage. Children are smart and they learn the value of money very quickly. It will not take long for disruptive students to notice that their inappropriate behavior is costing them money. It will be cheaper to pay students to attend school than it is to provide the many remedial programs needed today. It is also cheaper to pay students to attend school than it is to pay for the consequences of high drop out rates. Many individuals in prisons are there because they did not take advantage of educational opportunities. It costs us, in the United States, over fifty thousand dollars per year to take care of a single prisoner. It would be money better spent if we used that fifty thousand dollars to pay many students wages for attending school.

Farmers are the backbone of a Society. Farmers should be paid a minimum living salary each year. The income that they generate from the sale of crops should be their bonus. It is important that we foster and encourage farmers to continue their work and that we encourage others to enter farming as a lifestyle and as a business.

Inflation is often a problem when people suddenly have more income. Inflation may be controlled by government watchdog agencies and by making sure that all increased income is tied to wages. People will not be just given money. All will have to wait for their pay or pension check. Watchdog agencies will have to monitor prices being charged for all consumer goods, energy, big ticket items such as cars and homes, tuition, and medical care. The Government must use its power to roll back prices when abuses occur.

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Chapter Three
Encyclical To The Nations Of The Earth
First Published - August 3, 2003 Open Letter To:

Kings, Queens, Heads of State, Presidents, Leaders of the World Religious Leaders of the World All Citizens of the World who must take charge if the Leaders will not to protect Freedom, Prosperity and Justice which are Human Rights and Gifts from God.

Dear Esteemed Heads of State and to Esteemed Heads of Religious Groups: It is presumed that you make the best possible effort to lead well. However, I respectfully suggest that some things are not working, as they should, in this world. Here are some respectful observations and suggestions for your consideration. There are poor, hungry, sick, underpaid workers and exploited individuals in every country in the world. Some citizens bear the hatred and sting of prejudice and injustice in their own countries. Legal systems often do not provide Justice with an even hand for the wealthy and for the poor. Corruption and Crime go unchecked even though the criminals are well known in the society. Drug Dealing, Prostitution and Gambling feed funds into mainstream society to be laundered by Banks and Businesses. Governments often support one Religion while persecuting and harassing minority Religions. These difficulties are not limited to any particular part of the world or to any particular country. The problems are similar in all parts of the world, in every language and in every culture. There seems to be an underlying belief that if some people are kept down, there will be a cheap source of labor. Another belief seems to be that the have-nots are to blame for their own
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situation after being denied education, proper food, clean water, shelter and medical care. War, and especially Civil War is more expensive than Peace. The People and resources lost can never be replaced. The cost in treasure and damage to the land is wasted and could be better used to maintain Justice and Peace. Differences must be solved with due process and the orderly following of "Just" Laws. Leaders and rival Political Parties must put the Good of the People and Civil Order ahead of their personal ambition for leadership and/or power. No person lives more than a handful of years. Each must seek to leave the Planet and their People in a better condition. History will not be kind to tyrants. Those who rule by tyranny and terror will not be able to take treasure with them when they die. Power won through fear and assassination ends with death, or sooner, when people depose bad leaders. Evil may not hide in today's world of international media and instant imaging by satellites. All in Society are at risk if any in a Society are denied Justice and Equity. Viruses and germs do not care if a person is rich or poor. The wealthy in society often put the poor in charge of cleaning their homes, preparing their food and caring for their children. If the maid and cook are sick is the family safe? There are leper prostitutes in some countries today. Isnt it reasonable to assume that some of the clients will become infected and spread that infection to their wives and to their children? The AIDS Virus is decimating whole Societies. Thousands of children are without parents or grandparents to care for them or to pass on the Culture of the Country. Governments must step in and place orphaned children into Boarding Schools so they may be protected, educated, trained and made productive citizens instead of a generation lost to the streets of prostitution, crime and wretched conditions. Corrupt Politicians, Officials, Police, Judges and Business Persons take bribes from criminal syndicates only to find that it is never enough because soon the criminals are dictating policy, murdering judges, legislators and honest individuals.
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Government Officials take payoffs from International Corporations and then grant the Corporations the right to strip mine, to pollute and to siphon off the Natural Resources of the country using underpaid and exploited local workers. Slave wages allow companies to come into a country and to work the local residents long hours for very little compensation and no benefits. The companies have also left behind thousands of jobless individuals in their former countries. The overall result is financial instability and economic crisis in both countries.

International Minimum Wage

As the Leaders of your Countries, Cultures and Societies, you can make changes with the stroke of a pen. You do not have to wait years or decades for change. You are In Charge." It is your Privilege and Responsibility to Rule. Your decisions can change the Law and the Customs within your country overnight. One example is the wages paid to workers. You, as the Leaders, can make it Law that there is a Minimum Wage that must be paid to a laborer, skilled worker or professional. Workers may, of course, earn more at any level. The Minimum Wage is the lowest wage that may be paid to a worker in a particular category. Is it equitable that an unskilled beginning worker in America makes $5.25 per hour of his life at work while Americas neighbor to the south in Mexico may be legally paid $0.47 per hour for doing a high tech job? Is it equitable that a worker in China can be paid only about $1.00 per day for a ten-hour day? Is it equitable that a skilled Doctor in the Russian Federation should be paid $5,000.00 per year while Doctors in America make $200,000.00 for doing the same work? As Leaders, you can establish a Minimum Wage in your country with a stroke of a pen. An International Minimum Wage can be as high as the wages paid in America or in Germany. Benefits, such as Vacations, Health Care and a Safe Work Environment, are also necessary. People are still crawling through holes underground and dragging four thousand pound carts by hand for mining in some countries. Those individuals have no protection when they become ill from the dust in mines. They have wages so low that savings are impossible and there is no retirement fund. Please consider the advantages of ruling and governing with Equity and Justice at all levels of Society. Higher wages will be spent for all of the things
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people need and want. Domestic industries will be required to fill those needs and desires. The Rich will not be drained or become broke. The Rich will become richer. It is the top of the society who will build the new manufacturing facilities and reap the profits from meeting the new demand for goods and services in the domestic market. Every Nation has the Right to Print and Distribute Currency to meet the needs of its domestic economy. The Good Faith and Resources of the Country back the Currency. Governments should supply the additional funds to pay higher wages to Businesses for a transition period of three to five years. Only businesses that provide higher wages should receive assistance.

Education for All

Consider the advantages of educating your populations. The entire society is elevated as literacy improves and increases. Education should be Free at all levels because it is an investment in your country's future. Professional Education, Vocational Education, Education as an Engineer or in the Arts should be provided to individuals based on Merit and Natural Talent. Children without uniforms or from poor families should not be barred from schools. The Government should supply uniforms and books to schoolchildren as readily as it supplies uniforms and guns for the army.

Priorities - Use of Armies

No country should have an army with new boots while their children have no shoes. No country should have an army with automatic weapons and bullets while the children have no books, paper or pens with which to work. No country should have an army that is well fed and transported with trucks and tanks while the general population must carry crushing burdens to market on their backs or walk miles for clean water. No Army should have land mines to plant while there is wheat to be planted so people will not have to go without loaves of bread. Defense is important but inequity and injustice will eventually cause the army to have to fight its own people. The Armies in each country drain resources. Armies are necessary but they should be put to work building and rebuilding infrastructure of the country. The Armies are already being fed, clothed, housed and paid. They are an organized force that can be used to build roads, dig wells, build schools, build public buildings, put in proper sewers and sanitation systems, provide power
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grids, construct airports etc. Such use of Armies allows individual soldiers to learn real job skills that may be used in the civilian sector. The Armies will not be competing with the civilian sector if they are used to build and to rebuild infrastructure. Armies in a country that has been torn by Civil War should not trade guns for dollars and the promise of jobs. The armies should be continued but the guns should be replaced with tools for construction and for reconstruction of the country. Most of the soldiers have been in service for many years. Their homes have been destroyed and their families are dead or scattered. Turning such men out without direction or with limited resources, but no job, will lead to dissatisfaction, idleness and anarchy. It is better to keep the men in their units but to give those units constructive projects and jobs for which they receive just compensation. The men can settle in the communities with income to feed the local economy. Their work on construction projects will enhance the quality of life and the stability of the Community. Those men who wish to return to their own communities should be allowed to return. They can get jobs with local units in their own communities. The former military units can be transformed into local police, construction companies, sanitation work units, agricultural cooperatives, trucking companies, harvesting brigades, live stock companies, and into similar productive organization units that are needed in the society. Unit Commanders are respected and the men are accustomed to following their orders. The military units can gradually transform into civilian companies doing civilian projects. The commanders can transform into managers and supervisors.

Waste to Riches
Human waste disposal is a serious problem. Human populations generate millions of metric tons of solid and liquid waste from their bodies each day. That waste should be captured, harnessed and put to work generating methane gas as a serious source of energy. The methane gas can be used as fuel for cooking and heating. The methane gas can be used to generate electricity. An important by-product of the conversion process is a rich and safe fertilizer for gardens and farms. Local Municipalities should put their human and animal waste up for bid from existing energy companies.

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All captured waste will be waste that does not go into the ground water supply or into the rivers, bays or oceans. The water in oceans near large cities is brown because of the sewage being dumped into the water. Coral reefs, fish and eco-systems are threatened and destroyed by the waste. The waters can recover if we change our habits. Methane is a clean fuel that can be provided by taking a waste product and using it as a resource. Populations that live near the Ocean should use modern Desalination Plants to produce clean water for growing needs. Large Metropolitan Areas, such as those in California, can have as much water as needed for industry and for use by people.

Governments, where dowries are customary, should establish a maximum dowry to prevent female infanticide because poor families are not able to pay the customary dowry for their girls to marry. The government should pay the dowry for every girl who marries because wives and mothers are the backbone of the family that in turn stabilizes the Culture and Society of a Country. Government paid dowries will prevent families from putting themselves in financial ruin to save face. Government paid dowries will help to eliminate discrimination and "Class" distinctions that have no place in a modern society.

Tyrants Are Exposed

An unjust Society will not continue indefinitely. Modern History has shown that Tyrants can no longer abuse their populations in secret. The World will isolate and eventually move to correct abuses. Evil and Corrupt leaders can lie, cheat and steal for a time but eventually they will be removed by their own people or with the help of other Nations. The People will not be denied. Individuals with nothing to lose are most likely to cause revolution. Societies that keep their people at the subsistence level with minimal education and opportunities are most easily destabilized from political upheaval.

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Stop Religious Wars

As Leader of your country, you have the power to stop Religious fighting as "Destructive to the Civil State." Riots and murder among rival Religious Groups have contributed to widespread destruction of lives and property in Lebanon, Ireland, Palestine/Israel, Eastern Europe, African Nations, and in many other parts of the World.

False Prophets and Idolaters

Religious/Political Leaders who sow the seeds of hatred and intolerance against other Religions and Nations will soon be exposed as Evil Doers who violate God's Basic Command against idol worship by allowing their own images to be paraded as idols for worship. Leaders who encourage their children and young people to sin by murdering others will be judged for their evil twisting of their religious leadership into offices of death and destruction. Leaders who create false "Holy Wars" and encourage children to die as Martyrs, will be shown as cowards as they refuse to Martyr themselves for the false cause. Individuals, who "Martyr" themselves as suicide bombers, help the opposition and weaken their own movements. The individuals who are willing to kill themselves for their beliefs are the most dedicated and religious of their movement. o They should become the next leaders of their Religious Group. Instead they die and leave less fervent individuals in charge. o Those in charge who encouraged the sacrifice of the Faithful have succeeded in eliminating their opposition within the Faith. o The overall result is that all of the most fervent and dedicated die and only the lukewarm are left o Moderates will prevail "The Meek will inherit the Earth" o The most dedicated voices will be silenced and the cowards will speak for the movement

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The suicide bombers create "Martyrs" for the other side. All of the innocents who have been killed by the suicide bomber are Martyrs because they were innocents. Suicide bombers are not remembered. They are forgotten and ignored by history as "nuts" and as "fanatics" o Those who were Martyred by the suicide bombers are remembered and have Memorials built to their Memories for all to see. The Martyrs of the Age, who have been killed by the foolish and misguided, become Inspirations for all People who love Freedom and Democracy to fight against ignorance and tyrants who seek to advance themselves by using the gullible as puppets and as disposable cannon fodder.

Religions Are Good For Governments

Governments benefit from Religious Practices. Religions of the world all teach that is better to do good than to do evil. Most Religions teach respect for authority, kindness, good citizenship, tolerance, support of the poor, compassion for the needy, and fellowship. Most Religions are formed into congregations or assemblies that are well organized. The Religious Organizations are an excellent way for governments to provide education and social programs for their populations. Religious Groups can communicate to the entire population very quickly. Most Religions teach that is necessary to be patient and to suffer in this life to have a better after-life. Such selfsacrifice usually serves governments well as things get tough.

End Slavery Now

All governments must speak out against the evils of Slavery of all kinds. Those countries that engage in slavery or who allow slavers to operate in their countries must be boycotted and isolated from the World Community. Countries who allow the enslavement of women and/or of children for the sex trades must be reminded that such behavior is a Crime Against Humanity. Women are the Keepers of Culture and Civilization within every society. Children must be cherished and protected because they are the future of every country.

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Individuals who will use women or children for their own profit or base lust must be punished by the society and by the World. The women and the children have more value as productive citizens and as contributors to the Culture then they will as slaves for the profit of criminals and degenerates. Additional examples are not necessary. Everyone with any intelligence knows the problems. Please use the Power within your hands to make changes immediately. History will remember you as a Hero. Sincerely yours, His Eminence The Metropolitan/Archbishop Sir Dr. Chief

Alexander Swift Eagle Justice

D.D., Ph.D., J.D. -Theologian, Academician, KC
Metropolitan/Archbishop and Member of the Imperial Holy Orthodox Synod of the Holy Orthodox Church of All Russia and Appointed Chief Patriarch for United States of America - California, Mexico and for ALL Latin American Countries. Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Native Americans and President of the College of Bishops of the Mexican National Catholic Church Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Archdiocese and Chief Patriarch of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Church Bishop of The National Pentecostal Overcoming Churches of the World Inc. View Certificate

Palestinians All For One And One for All

Finally, all Palestinians should drop all labels and identifying group names and each must become a Palestinian. Rivalries and power plays for position must be put aside for peaceful processes and for the rule of Palestinian Law. The Palestinian Government should: o confiscate all weapons except those in the possession of Police, while on duty, and Military, while on duty. o discontinue public demonstrations of all kinds because the Public Peace is disturbed and people get carried away firing weapons or shooting each other.

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o open free schools for boys and for girls of all ages from elementary through University. o All uniforms, supplies and materials to be supplied by the Government o Each student to receive a computer with text materials on disks o Each student to have internet access o Doctors, Nurses, Police, Firefighters, Soldiers and Teachers should be among the Honored Professionals and paid high wages for their services. o All workers are to be paid without fail by the Government for the work that they do. o Wages should be put into workers bank accounts by direct deposit. o Women, without husbands, are to be paid if they work or if they have small children for which they provide care. o Elderly should be paid pensions that allow them to live with dignity in their own homes. o Housing, water, power, education and security are the Rights of each citizen and should be guaranteed by the Government. o The different factions of Islam must understand that how they pray is not as important as that they pray and all are praying to Allah who knows their hearts. o The Government must protect each individuals Right to worship Allah without fear or intimidation by others. o The Rights of All should be provided equal protection under the Law. I hope that these respectful suggestions are helpful.

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It is my belief that the People of Palestine are ready to be reasonable with each other but that it will take a strong central Government to provide stability in the Region. Other Nations should be asked to leave the discussions to the Palestinians themselves and to offer only suggestions from a distance such as from their own countries. Palestinians are not children. Palestinians have the wisdom of their Rich Culture and Divine Heritage to Guide Them. Please contact me if you believe that I may be of Service in your quest for Peace. The Power is in the Hands of the Palestinian Government. The Government can change things with the stroke of a pen. It is not necessary to depend on outside sources for funding or for permission to do what is necessary for the People of Palestine. It just requires Leadership from those who have been given the Privilege to Serve. Cordially, His Eminence The Patriarch Sir Dr. Chief Alexander Swift Eagle Justice, D.D., Ph.D., Juris Doctor Theologian, Academician, K.C.

Metropolitan/Archbishop and Member of the Imperial Holy Orthodox Synod of the Holy Orthodox Church of All Russia, Title Granted Grand Duke of the Holy Russian Empire and Appointed Chief Patriarch for Mexico and for ALL Latin American Countries. Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Native Americans and President of the College of Bishops of the Mexican National Catholic Church Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Archdiocese and Chief Patriarch of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Holy Keepers of Creation Church Bishop of The National Pentecostal Overcoming Churches of the World Inc.

(About the Chief )

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Full Contact Information: Dr. Alexander Swift Eagle Justice 2384 E. Orange Grove Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91104-4913 Phone: 1-866-794-8133 or 1-866-795-5062 E-Mail: Office Hours: Tuesday Thursday, 12:00 Noon 4:00 PM, Pacific Time Find out what time it is in California, USA

Speaker Information Lecture Fee: $200,000.00 plus travel, transportation and hotel accommodations for two. Professional Career Counseling provided free through International Theological University Administrative Offices 2384 E. Orange Grove Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91104-4913, USA Office Hours: Toll Free in USA or Canada Phone Numbers: 1-866-794-8133 Or 1-866-795-5062
Tuesday - Thursday, 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM, USA - Pacific Time

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End Cover Justice For All With The Stroke Of A Pen


His Eminence, Archbishop, Sir, Dr., Chief

Alexander Swift Eagle Justice,

D.D., Ph.D., Juris Doctor Theologian, Academician, Keeper of Creation

Academic Honors
Doctor of Divinity
World Religions

Doctor of Philosophy
International Business Ethics, Peace Studies, Diplomacy and World Religions

Juris Doctor Theologian

Ecclesiastic Law and Ethics

Doctor of Philosophy
International Economics and Business Administration

Doctor of Philosophy

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See Full Honors and Credentials

His Eminence The Metropolitan/Archbishop, Sir Dr. Chief

Alexander Swift Eagle Justice

D.D., Ph.D., Juris Doctor Theologian, Academician, K.C.

Also Known As:

Dr. Chief Swift Eagle

Ecclesiastic Credentials
Metropolitan/Archbishop and Member of the Imperial Holy Orthodox Synod of the Holy Orthodox Church of All Russia and Appointed Chief Patriarch for Mexico and for ALL Latin American Countries. Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Native Americans and President of the College of Bishops of the Mexican National Catholic Church Metropolitan/Archbishop of the Holy Orthodox Native American Catholic Archdiocese and Chief Patriarch of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Holy Keepers of Creation Church Bishop of The National Pentecostal Overcoming Churches of the World Inc. Page 140 of 144

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I dedicate this book to my beloved wife, Dr. Mary Brave Eagle Justice, Ph.D., K.C
Mary has been a loving and supportive wife for forty-two years. I anticipate spending all eternity with my darling wife.

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Table of Contents
Introduction Chapter One The Truth About Money Chapter Two Single Earth Currency And International Living Wage Chapter Three Encyclical To The Nations Of The Earth Chapter Four Creative Use Of Military Forces Chapter Five Education Chapter Six Crime and Political Corruption Chapter Seven Public Health Chapter Eight Clean Water Chapter Nine American Social Security Chapter Ten Veterans and Elderly on Pensions Chapter Eleven Help For The People Chapter Twelve Real Charity Chapter Thirteen Alternatives To War
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Chapter Fourteen Peace In The Middle East Chapter Fifteen To Those Who Make War Chapter Sixteen Letter to a Christian Pastor in an Islamic Country Chapter Seventeen Exit Strategy for Iraq Chapter Eighteen Immigration Reform Chapter Nineteen Space Settlement and Industrialization Chapter Twenty The Truth About Gender Not Just Male and Female Chapter Twenty-One Usury, Predatory Lending Practices, Draconian Banking Practices and Interest Rates Appendix A United Nations Human Rights Appendix B United Nations Environment Appendix C About Dr. Alexander Swift Eagle Justice Appendix D Respectful Suggestions To The Leaders of Palestine

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