Mother Courage and The Cherry Orchard

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Mother Courage Correct society ills-naturalist Rejection of rationalism Two Avant-garde poles Artaux-believed that theatre could make

us better people and separate us from the ego we wear (art can break through them) Theatre of cruelty- Reach true humanity and to break the audience (spiritual) Brecht reject rationalism was objecting on class and social grounds. Trying to break conventions. Use theatre to show possible change (political theatre) super theatrical to highlight politics. Marxism- gap between rich and poor Epic theatre Courage had irony gaining courage was always inconsistent Set in the 1600s the 30 year war Good plot suspense (happening next) Epic theatre-one central character happens over a period of time, episodic structure. Mother courage is episodic and inconsistent Alienation effect- the experience with art, see something new again and it appears to be fresh. Re seeing something. Prologue tells you whats going to happen, seeing something differently Staging- all lighting was visible nothing was hidden. Remind you that you are in a theatre Theatrical character-gestic acting Gestic movement- pushes you out of the action, comment on the action Meanings of the play- big profits are never made by little people. LINK FOR SUMMARY (shortest one I could find)

The Cherry Orchard The play didnt have a plot Look more into details Darwin-natural selection Nature vs. Nurture Meant to be real Believed that are could change society for the better He was a naturalist Wrote the play so that people would change the way they live their lives He was a serf-slave-peasant Russian Revolution Nasty revolution Change was in the air Social change Modernizing Isolated itself This play was a comedy because no way was taking anything serious in life Make a character like himself (serfs-take over families) Shows society problems Inability to go through change Tragic-left behind firs American Method was used Stanislavski- emotional memory Method of physical action-actually doing real action in the moment really doing it. Summary The play concerns an aristocratic Russian woman and her family as they return to the family's estate (which includes a large and well-known cherry orchard) just before it is auctioned to pay the mortgage. While presented with options to save the estate, the family essentially does nothing and the play ends with the estate being sold to the son of a former serf, and the family leaving to the sound of the cherry orchard being cut down It was first produced in 1904

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