Alex Fairway Hated Funerals. With A Fiery Passion. Normally A Cheerful Person, All The

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PROLOGUE Alex Fairway hated funerals. With a fiery passion.

Normally a cheerful person, all the crying and the depressing atmosphere was too much for him. Now he had to go to four, in a row. All of them were his friends. The Prospects ambush had left its mark, and it wasnt good. He had been in Florence, Buenos Aires, and Lagos in five days. Alex looked like he could pass out any second when he finally pulled up to St. Marys Church in San Diego. This was going to be the hardest, the most painful of all. But he had to stay cool, for himself and for Sabrina. As he walked in, Alex noticed the chapel was almost full. There was no sign of Sabrina yet, so he pushed back his shaggy hair and chose a seat next to an elderly couple. The long benches were cold and hard, and the eerie quiet made the room feel like a prison. He wondered what was taking so long. After a good twenty minutes, a priest walked out. He was short, plump, and balding, but he spoke with a powerful voice. Welcome to the service of the late Blaine Spencer. Although I didnt know Blaine very well, I do know he was devoted to his daughter, his family, his friends, and his church. I know I speak for all of us when I say the car accident that took his life, claimed a strong, caring man. Alex couldnt take it anymore. He rushed out of the chapel, found a bench outside and sat down. He didnt know how long he sat there. Minutes, hours, it could have been days for all he knew. Finally the church began to empty. From the back of the crowd came a girl. She was in her teens, with short blonde hair, which she had up in a ponytail. Tears were running down her face as she sat down next to Alex. They sat in silence for a while, then just as Alex was about to speak, his phone started vibrating. He didnt need to look to tell who it was. II have to He couldnt finish his sentence. Its fine, said the girl, Sabrina, quietly. Thanks for coming. Its the least I could do. He was a great man, and a good friend. The service was nice. Her sadness quickly turned to anger. But they were lying! A car accident? Its a disgrace. He deserves the truth. His family deserves the truth. Alex sighed. He was my mentor. He was my father. There was a long pause. What are they doing with his necklace? asked Sabrina. I dont know, he lied. Alex, youre a terrible liar. II cant tell you. Sorry Sabrina paused for a minute. Will we be ok? Definitely. Once the year is done, we can take our money, and were free. But what if they- I know, I know. But trust me, Im doing everything I can. We will live through this. His phone was ringing this time. I have to go. Time to finish the team. Promise me youll be careful? He sighed. I promise. And without so much as a second glance he stood up, walked into the parking lot, and drove away, leaving Sabrina Spencer alone to grieve. The date was January 28, 2012.

Chapter 1 Hey there. Brad jumped. He spun around to come face-to-face with his best friend Matt.

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