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MID-TERM EVALUATION Internship Evaluation for INT 490, MGT 390, and MKT 290/490 Champlain College SPRING


Champlain College Intern: ____Ryan Terry______________________________________ Internship Supervisor: _____________Marie-Jose Legault_________________________

Criteria Score
Poorly informed, constantly needs to ask for instructions on most phases of job. Does not meet requirements. Disorganized. Makes many errors indicating lack of focus or concern. Blunt, discourteous, or antagonistic. Usually distant and aloof. Does not listen well. May be a disruptive influence. Puts forth little to no effort. Displays no self-starting characteristics. Often late or absent. Usually careless or sloppy about personal appearance.

Lacks knowledge on some phases of job. Cannot always find answers on their own. Does just well enough to get by. Rarely exceeds standards. Becomes easily irritated. Approachable once known by others, but limited conversation. Sometimes lacks tact; may be the source of friction. Puts forth some effort to achieve, but sometimes requires prodding. Sometimes late or absent from work. Generally acceptable appearance, but with weaknesses in one or two specific areas.

Moderately informed. Can answer most common questions, or knows where to find the answer. Rarely below expectations, occasionally exceeds standards. Tolerates stressful situations. Normally agreeable and pleasant. Listens well. Adequate conversationalist. Causes no problems. Puts forth enough effort to meet required goals. Solid, but sets no speed records. Usually dependable Satisfactory appearance, but occasionally needs reminders of appropriate dress or grooming.

Competent. Understands most phases of jobs; shows interest in learning new tasks and concepts. Quality of work is quite satisfactory. Often accomplish more than is required. Usually remains calm under pressure. Always polite and willing to help. Attentive listener. Accepts criticism. Is a positive factor in the workplace. Strives hard. Has high desire to achieve. Always puts in a solid days work. Works well independently Clean and neat. Follows appropriate dress code for the environment.

Outstanding. Has solid understanding of all phases of job; learns new tasks and concepts quickly. Always exceeds productivity standards by a wide margin. Work is accurate and thorough. Thrives under pressure. Gets along well with everyone. Very sociable and outgoing. Tactful and diplomatic. Respected by others. Sets high goals. Self-starter with high motivation. Consistently goes beyond whats required. Consistently presents a meticulous professional image. Always wellgroomed.






MID-TERM EVALUATION Internship Evaluation for INT 490, MGT 390, and MKT 290/490 Champlain College SPRING 2013 Supervisor Comments:
Based on the criteria in the Evaluation Grid, please summarize and explain your ratings for each category, providing specific examples wherever possible. Also, feel free to add any other feedback that you think might be helpful to the student for the remainder of their internship with you (Use as much space as necessary).

Job Knowledge: Because our agency is specialized in mountain sports and this is clearly Ryans passion, he is very knowledgeable and at ease in our environment. As our team is based in Whistler, he has not had a great deal of experience in working as part of the bigger team and I hope to find opportunities for him to do so in the next weeks. He understands the pieces of a marketing plan objectives, audience, strategies and has been helpful at developing tactical ideas to meet the objectives. Quality of Work: Excellent. From marketing research to recommendations on proposals to blog posts, Ryans work has been above and beyond expectations. He has provided some strategic thought into the following types of projects - The North Face Retail Marketing Plan Research - Arcterxy event proposal ideas and research. Ryans initial ideas were the foundation for our proposal to the client. - Salomon marketing research for store locations across North America. Looking for ideas, researching pricing and suggesting back the best tactics to me. Interpersonal Skills: Ryan is very confident and comfortable around people. He sat into two client meetings. He participated actively in one (with Jay Peak Resort) and was able to contribute his thoughts with ease. He is polite and seems genuinely happy to be in the office and to contribute. Initiatives:

MID-TERM EVALUATION Internship Evaluation for INT 490, MGT 390, and MKT 290/490 Champlain College SPRING 2013 Due to the smaller size of our team in Montreal, Ryans worked on his own largely which makes it more difficult to take the initiative. That said, he is always willing to help, to contribute and very conscientious about his work. There was one blog post I asked him to develop for us which he took home and worked on above and beyond the internship hours. That dedication and pride in his work is very valuable. Personal Presentation: Well groomed, well dressed, very professional. It makes it a pleasure to introduce him to clients and to collaborators.

Recommendations for further development:

Please provide any personal or career advice that you feel might be beneficial for this student in the future:

Marketing overall Having the ability to see the big picture will help. Understanding how a campaign starts and the impact of marketing on meeting business objectives. I will share with him the Jay Peak campaign as it evolves as he was involved in that project from the very outset. Agency roles Because we are a skeleton team in Montreal, it is hard to understand the roles of each team member in an agency. I will share a document that outlines the various agency job descriptions. Stick with your passion It is a rare thing to meet a student who is so clearly passionate about something in this case snowboarding. I would strongly urge and encourage Ryan to continue to work in this industry. Being aware of the trends, the industry financial reality as well as the business side of snowboarding will provide him with a more well-rounded understanding of a sport he clearly loves.

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