Reality Revealed

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REALITY REVEALED The Theory of Multidimensional Reality Douglas Vogt

and Gary Sultan


Bellevue, Washington

Copyright c 1977 by Douglas Vogt and Gary Sultan VECTOR ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 40135 Bellevue, WA 98015

No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electrical process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use-other than fair use -without the written permission of the publisher.
First printing, May, 1978 Manufactured in the United States of America

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Vogt, Douglas. Reality revealed. Bibliography: Includes bibliographies and index.

1. Psychical research.I. Sultan, Gary, joint author. II. Title. Q175 .V638 1978 001.9 77-88915 r94

ISBN 0-930808-01-0

To Nikola Tesla for being the most creative scientist of his time; and to my wife, Susan Vogt, for having the patience to put up with my dictation and typing the manuscript.

We would like to take a few lines here to properly recognize a number of people who gave of themselves to help us in our research.
L. S. Bartell, PhD. - Department of Chemistry, University
of Michigan. Joseph Cain, PhD. - U. S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado. Albert Crewe, PhD. - Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago. Thelma Moss, PhD. - University of California, Los Angeles. George W. Stroke, PhD. & Maurice Halioua, PhD. - Department

of Electrical Sciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook.

INTRODUCTION vii Chapter 1 THE VIDEO TAPE ANALOGY How information becomes matter 1

Chapter 2

NIKOLA TESLA 21 His theoretical discoveries and inventions MAGNETISM AND GRAVITY 29 Electron formation; definition of the eight dimensions; magnetic fluctuations and polar reversals LIGHT Electromagnetic properties of light 89

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

THE ATOM 105 Particles or waves; subatomic particles ASTRONOMY 137 Quasars; black holes; novas and the cause of the Ice Age KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY 189 Causes of the aura; the phantom leaf effect PSYCHIC PHENOMENA 205 What psychic energy is; the attraction of time warps; the Uri Geller effects; the source of our existence

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

CRYSTALS 259 The octahedron; crystal formation; snow crystals; the Star of David PYRAMIDS 285 Pyramid energy; the Time Phase Shift MYTHOLOGIES OF THE WORLD 327 Ancient legends of a cataclysm from all over the world MANS DESTINY Scientific determination of the polar reversal; the solar expansion; decay of the Earths magnetic field; Old and New Testament prophecies 455 LIST OF THEORMS 459 INDEX 461

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12


INTRODUCTION There was once an angry, disillusioned, young man. Although he is a fictional character, the words he utters are among the most famous and recognizable in the English language. To be or not to be, that is the question, is a phrase which most English-speaking people have heard although relatively few people know to what Hamlet refers. Shakespeare wrote these immortal words over three centuries ago. Our interpretation of these famous words differs in meaning from that intended by the Bard. However, we contend that the statement, To be or not to be, is the question! It is the ultimate: question. We know not from whence we come, we know not our purpose or even if there is a purpose to our existence, and we know not where we are to go. Man has dealt with the questions of existence and being throughout his history. What is existence? What is being? What is reality? These three questions have been asked by wise men through the ages. Many philosophical discussions have taken place on the subject. Unfortunately, the men that pondered these questions were limited by their knowledge. The experiences one has throughout a lifetime are the limiting factors which allow a person to abstract, conceptualize, or analogize in this reality. They are a few of the tools which allow man to crawl through his dark cave and make sense out of the flashes of light, of dim shadows and faint sounds which strike him constantly but are rarely perceived. Like the blind man that has just been given back his sight, we have light hitting our eyes; but the brain doesnt know what to do with the impulses coming from the eye. The eye is receiving light impulses, but the brain has to learn how to see. The light impulses have to be organized by the brain into logical patterns before we can really (see. Our original intent was to explain a different way of looking at existence and then to use our model to help explain many different phenomena in science. But a funny thing happened as we were developing our theory of existence. We realized that it could also

logically explain all phenomena in all fields of science, parapsychology and archeology. It also made sense out of the ancient mythologies and the Bible. Science has made little headway in understanding the most basic phenomena in our reality, phenomena like electromagnetism, magnetism, gravity, and light. Unless you understand what these things are, you will not understand what existence is. The theories scientists use presently are only workable over a narrow range. Many scientists have found that their discipline breaks down at the limits. Then another scientist comes along to try to increase the area that that discipline can explain. However, no one has been able to explain the total picture or even to define the most basic definitions of their discipline. We will be so bold as to say that we are going to do this. As you read this book, you will come to understand that our approach to reality is far different from anything written elsewhere or taught in any institute of higher learning. It had to be different because we reasoned that if science had not been able to explain these basic phenomena by now, using their way of looking at existence, then we must conclude that their philosophy is wrong. The essence of the problem we face is going from the finite to the infinite. In order for our finite minds to approach the infinite, we have to use all of our resources. We have been taught to deal with existence in a quantitative measuring way. We have been taught that infinity cannot be understood by the finite mind. We have been taught that some concepts are beyond the minds of men. We are going to show that this is not true, that the complexity of the universe comes only from an inaccurate picture of reality. The picture of reality is wrong. To understand infinity is to understand only what the basic systems are. You cant understand the basic systems unless you have a definite understanding of the underlying philosophies that make up the system. Man has been taught to see reality in only one frame of reference. Academia tells us that our reality can only be defined if we can accurately measure and quantify what we have observed. Then we must demonstrate that this quantification can be duplicated repeatedly by anyone, anywhere, at any time. We believe that too heavy a burden has been placed on quantifying a reality. We believe we have been able to describe qualitatively what infinity is. And then we were able to understand why man must evolve to a very specific idea. Once you realize, for

yourself, the ramifications of our ideas, you will see life totally differently. You will begin to realize why man exists. Sometimes it is hard for us to condense many of our ideas into language that can be readily understood by everyone. It is hard to condense the subtleties of what we have gathered from over thirty years of studying electronics and the working of tens of thousands of mathematical solutions. You cant put those thought processes on paper. They can only be experienced. You have to evolve to truth and knowledge. It is difficult to explain them and to convey their full meaning. The average person may ask Why read a science book? Our answer is that this is not just a science book. It is a book written like none other you have read and it presents philosophies you have never read or heard of before. How many times have you spent money on books on subjects like psychic phenomena, Kirlian photography, pyramid energy, physics, or astronomy hunting for answers about a particular phenomenon? After you read the book, you found out they didnt know what it was either. They just knew what its effects were and they were able to quantify their observations, but they still didnt know much more than you did about the subject. Our book will not treat you like that. We will briefly describe the phenomenon and then tell you exactly what causes it. Nothing will be left to your imagination. Once you understand this theory of existence, you will easily be able to relate it to facts you have picked up in your life. Many times in the book we appear to be a little hard on the science community, but this is because we are attempting to use a form of shock treatment on them to force them to look at reality differently. We feel that if they do this, they will be able to make tremendous advances in science.

The first chapter describes the basis of our theory. Some of the material at the end of Chapter 1 is a little technical, but most people should be able to understand it. In Chapters 3 through 6 we apply our theory, which we call the Theory of Multidimensional Reality, to the major fields of physics. Some of these chapters are technical in nature, but anyone with a high school education should be able to understand most of the material. The reason we have to relate our theory with these fields of physics is to prove to you that our theory has a scientific basis. We want to show to you

that the Theory of Multidimensional Reality is not just some dreamed up fairytale-there is a definite scientific basis for the theory. Chapters 7 through 10 are dedicated to explaining the phenomena in the non-traditional fields of science. Chapters 11 and 12 relate our theory with the phenomena mentioned in ancient mythologies and to the prophecies and purpose of the Bible. You will notice through all the chapters that we are able to explain more than 100 different phenomena using one theory of existence. Using our theory of existence, it becomes simple to explain previously impossible-to-understand phenomena of nature. In order to fully understand and appreciate the concepts we are putting forth, the reader must free his mind of all the prejudices and pre-notions he has accumulated over the years. This isnt easy to do. We have been taught in school to put facts into certain and specific sequences. Every fact or concept was taught as if it existed in its own address, autonomous to itself. The assumption we make is that everything is related. The truth is all around us. The truth can be found in nature; it can be found in the total man and in his technologies. The complete underlying principles of existence can be found in everything. However, we will show that the only way to understand these principles is to destroy the categorical mind and develop a creative mind. It is time for the few creative thinkers to overturn the Golden Calf. False idols have to be replaced by clear, free thinking. The infinity of the universe will be explained qualitatively in this book. The finite mind is a function of the infinite universe, and infinity can be understood if underlying principles are defined accurately. If you doubt us, read on.

The Tape Analogy

Our Educational System

The number one stumbling block for mankind is that for too long we have been told how we should think, what we should think, or even if we should think at all. In the motion picture, Planet of the Apes, we see man return to a future earth. The apes have evolved and man has devolved. If the viewers of that movie thought that that was the theme of the movie, they missed the most important point. The film was showing how ignorance is institutionalized in politics, in religion, and in higher learning. The elders of the apes knew there was something past the forbidden zone. They knew th at there was a more advanced life form on the planet in the past. To keep control of the masses, certain thought processes had to be repressed. Mankinds institutions have been just as kind to us as apekinds institutions were to them. Only certain kinds o f thinking or nonthinking are rewarded in our world. There is no financial reward in thinking creatively. There are financial rewards for thinking properly. Properly is the way you have been taught to accept 1

reality in your learning years. There is, also, social acceptance in doing what is expected of you. Nobody questions what they have learned. They accept it because to do so is the route to getting the sheepskin. In fact, as we will point out, the great masters of western scientific thought didnt question each others works until it was found that their predecessors work didnt hold the total answer. The problem with these great thinkers was that they tried to patch together a theory of reality which was based on an awkward and inadequate view of reality. There has been no major rethinking of existence and reality since mankinds recorded history. There is another way we can look at our educational system that will best illustrate what we are about to describe. Lets look at our society as if we are all on the rim of a large spoked wheel, with each spoke representing a different facet of reality. Newton and Einstein were on the edge of the wheel observing what they thought was existence from a relativistic point of view. They were not dealing with absolutes. Velocity is the greatest on that rim and there happens to be the most action and friction at that point. This is the place at which most people accept reality. However, this is an illusion. We perceive our lives on the rim of the wheel. But existence, which is truth, actually takes place at the wheels hub. The idea being, to get to the truth of existence, you must be able to define the most fundamental questions. These questions deal with the absolutes of existence. You must be able to shed the prejudices of your learned perceptions of reality. You cant live your life on the rim of the wheel and perceive what happens at the hub. You must follow the spokes of the wheel to the hub to perceive existence as it really is; where truth exists. At the hub you can see that all phenomena in the universe are related to one idea, and that all fields of human endeavor are related to each other. It is here that absolutes do exist. When you deal with absolutes, the quantity of the material neednt take pages of dissertation, nor can quantification prove a truth. It wasnt too long ago that the earth was considered to be flat and the center of the universe. This was in the face of facts which showed otherwise. Many free thinkers were beaten, tortured, and murdered in the name of religion, because they expounded their views in public. The idea that the earth was the center of the universe died as hard as did the proponents of ideas to the contrary. Today most people think that we have left the dark ages. They

Figure 1.1 The spoked wheel of existence think that this is a new age of enlightenment-with all our technological advances, this must be progress. However, we contend that without the generals great appetites for bigger and better war toys and inte rnational hostilities, we would still be hearing folk stories in front of the campfire. It has been over three generations since Einstein published his Theory of Relativity and Maxwell introduced his Theory of Electromagnetism and his Field concept. Over this period of time, these men have been considered among the few who have been the cornerstones of thinking in physics and science of today. Few people in or out of science have dared to question the merits of these mens works. Our institutions have taught us not to question the great thinkers of our civilization, be it the fields of physics, 3

astronomy, medicine, economics, psychology, philosophy, religion, etc. This has been programmed into us from our earliest stages of learning. It starts when an adult, usually a parent, says to a child, Dont say that word, its naughty, or Dont talk to that person-Dont ask questions, just do what I say -Dont waste your time daydreaming, do something constructive. By the time the child starts his formal education, he is well on his way to regimented thinking with very little creativity. In grade school, the student is subjected to a barrage of highly structured series of courses which produce regimented thinking. In essence, everyone is fit into the same cubbyhole, regardless of the individual students thought patterns. Everyone is forced to run the same maze, regardless of the individuals sense of reality. Compound this with four to-five hours a day of the electronic medias highly-structured, Madison Avenue, brainwashing techniques and you have a body that is not only afraid to think creatively but which cannot think of anything for more than twenty seconds at a time, without creating excessive tension in the person. In a scientific study, it has been found that the average student can concentrate on a single topic for no more than twenty seconds without losing interest. No study that we have encountered has ever correlated the poor attention span with televisions approach to keeping people tunedin. We have found that the most successful shows are designed to have scene-changes every twenty seconds or a change of theme for that duration. Successful news broadcasts dont go into depth. To be successful, they give cosmetic vignettes that last no more than an average of a half a minute. By the time the student reaches college his value structure is highly distorted. He worships people of position rather than ideas. Because he has learned that to succeed you have to deal with people of position, his ideas have to interface with the people that will allow him to succeed. The same attitude is present when he goes into graduate studies. Any thesis he develops must not be too radically different from the philosophies of the professors on the committee examining his thesis. An example of this is currently in the news. The predominant thought a year ago was that sophisticated electronic equipment was the route to predicting earthquakes. The idea of using animals to predict major earthquakes would have gotten a prospective seismologist his walking papers and a lot of laughs then. The idea of using farm animals or a cockroach 4

to sense earth movements would never have been considered had it not been for a major earthquake in China. Who would think that an animal or insect could be utilized as a sophisticated piece of sensing equipment? Comments on the Field of Science We feel that science is leading us down a dead-end path. However, many people will say that science has done much-it has created much. Quality of life for a few has been greatly improved by these technologies. The underlying philosophy of science is useable in a narrow frame of reference. Academia has not been able to answer the most fundamental questions of our existence: What are light, gravity, magnetism, electricity, and why does man exist? If Einstein and his predecessors were correct in their theories and in their approach to reality, then why could he not relate some of his ideas to other fields of physics and to other phenomena in life? It is not a question of Newton or Einstein being partially right, its a question of these men being totally wrong. It is only because reality is multifaceted and can be approached from so many different positions that these men were able to prove their concepts within a very limited framework. Our fundamental understanding of the universe and existence isnt even in the conceived state. The principles which science uses are makeshift at best. They work for a narrow range of parameters and then rapidly fail. The Bohr model of the atom does not come close to explaining what the physicists were seeing when they looked at the atom for the first time under an electron microscope that can magnify 260 million times. Yet, chemists still use the Bohr model of the atom, which is incorrect, because it fits their needs; and they can work with it. It works well in describing many of the behavioral characteristics of elements and compounds. The point we are trying to make is that there is little, if any, understanding of many of the basic principles. Nonetheless, our technology isnt too bad. It isnt necessary to understand something fully in order to make it work. Many discoveries were just that-accidental discoveries. People fell into the answer. A noted example is Charles Goodyears wife pushing the soft rubber and sulfur compound on the stoves high 5

burner. If she hadnt gotten angry that evening and pushed the rubber compound on the burner, vulcanization would have been postponed. An interesting note about discoveries is that many are made simultaneously by two or more people at the same time in different places. This is a very interesting phenomenon, because it seems to show an evolutionary system at work. Comments on Mathematics Anoted example of accidental discoveries is the discovery of calculus by Leibnitz and Newton at about the same time. Their notations were different, but the idea was the same, Newtons notation for the differential was y, while Leibnitzs notation was dy/dx. The dy/dx notation is mathematically more descriptive, but both systems do the job. Another interesting note about the discovery of calculus is that Newton didnt think too highly of his discovery. He had to be forced by his friends to publish his ideas. Newton really didnt fully understand the power of his discovery. While the power of math is an invaluable tool to explain abstract ideas, it can be misused. In fact, it has been misused by many who know the powers of mathematical description. However, the real power of math isnt in its descriptive use, its in the ability of a person to use it to evolve to abstract concepts. This is where maths real forte lies. When one works with numbers long enough, he can make anything fit his conceptual view of a problem. This is where the vulnerability of the tool is most pronounced. In other words, the final formula is really the least important to the math process. The thought process is the most important. If the logic is wrong, the math wont show it. In fact, math can prove faulty logic correct. Many people accept ideas that have mathematical bases. On the other hand, many concepts that are difficult to quantify are discounted. Math is only one tool of many which should be used to discover reality. Other tools are abstraction, conceptualization, analogization, intuition, and just plain guessing. As a matter of fact, guessing a solution to a problem is part of the approach to solving higher mathematical problems. When math is used as the 6

end instead of the means to an end, its validity should be highly suspect. Amathematical proof is supposed to be the ultimate proof, scientists say. Our senses are considered fallible and shouldnt be relied on in a scientific proof of a theoretical point of view. Emotion is the enemy of objective analysis and is considered to be an enemy of logic. It seems only right that our senses and emotions should be discounted in proving a theory or evaluating a phenomenon. This should be the attitude of a person seeking a logical answer to a logical question. The big trouble with the logical approach to a problem is that there are so many questions in this reality which defy logic. Logic can only be used where underlying principles are firmly understood. Unfortunately, many of the phenomena of our universe, or reality, arent understood. This is because much of the thought process that we employ blows up at the extremes of our reality. No theory has ever attempted to explain the phenomena of physics and the phenomena of the non-traditional fields of science and religion under one theory of existence. Einstein tried explaining all the phenomena of physics using his Unified Field theory but failed. To quote him:
The question of the particular field law is secondary in the preceding general considerations. At t he present time, the main question is whether a field theory of the kind here contemplated can lead to the goal at all. By this is meant a theory which describes exhaustively physical reality, including four-dimentional space, by a field. The present-day generation of physicists is inclined to answer this question in the negative. In conformity with the present form of the quantum theory, it believes that the state of a system cannot be specified directly, but only in an indirect way by a statement of the statistics of the results of measurement attainable on the system. The conviction prevails that the experimentally assured duality of nature (corpuscular and wave structure) can be realized only by such a weakening of the concept of reality. I think that such a far-reaching theoretical renunciation is not for the present justified by our actual knowledge, and that one should not desist from pursuing to the end the path of the relativistic field theory (1-pl57) 1Einstein, A. Reality New York: Crown Publishers, 1961.

Unlike Einstein, we do think that a complete break with the present concept of reality is necessary. Scientists have spent long enough using the old concept of reality to try to explain phenomena; the proof of the pudding is that they havent come up with any answers, just more questions. Our universe has underlying principles from which it operates. Everything in the universe has to adhere to the same principles. Everything in the universe is a reflection of everything else. Only the way these reflections hit our senses determines the individuality of entities. Since man is a function of the universe, his structure must also conform to the underlying principles of the universe. Our physical and mental structures are microsystems of the universe. This is much like modern day integrated circuits operating on the same principles as the older tube circuits. The integrated circuit is a refinement of the old tube circuits just as man is a refinement of his universe. Man is smaller than his universe, but the underlying principles are still the same. Even the microscopic structures that make up man or the integrated circuit structures are a reflection of what they make up; they, in turn, reflect everything else in the universe. This, in effect, links us with every other thing in the universe. Since our minds and our senses are functions of the universe, they reflect the universe. The universe is also a reflection of our mind and sense organs and everything is reflected with everything else. If all this sounds redundant, its meant to be. If this sounds too far out, just think of how we came into being. We began as one cell and a sperm. The resulting zygote contained 46 chromosomes. The DNA molecule had all the information on how every cell was to be formed and where it was to be in relation to everything else and how the cell was to function and when. Is the information that makes us up stored only in 46 chromosomes? Is this where the information that makes us up ends? Where is the information stored about how the amino acids that make up the DNA are to be made? What about the atoms that make up the amino acids or the parts of the atom? Behind the underlying principles that determine everything is a creative force. The effect of this creative force can be seen everywhere.

The Tape Analogy If you accept the idea that man is a reflection of the universe then his inventions are also reflections of his universe. Let us then take the example of a video tape recorder. Atelevision camera converts the light images from three and four-dimensional objects to electrical impulses. The electrical impulses can then be stored on magnetic tape. You will notice that the form and dimension in which the picture is stored is different from the electrical impulses that came from the camera, even though the electrical impulses also represent the same picture of the object. Lets take the example a little farther. You have a magnetic tape that contains the information for a color picture with sound. It is stored in a form where time stands still. When the tape is played for broadcast, the information on the tape is again converted to electrical impulses. The impulses are put into a transmitter where they again change form to become electromagnetic waves transmitted from the antenna. The picture information is now traveling in a two-dimensional form. There is not only the information for the picture but also other frequencies as well. There is a center beat frequency, a carrier wave frequency (on which the picture frequencies are superimposed), a separate frequency for the sound, and finally a frequency that determines the sweep of your picture tube. The final image you see is a completely synchronized, two-dimensional reality. All the analogies for our own existence are combined in this one invention. It seems ironic that an invention that holds the most analogies to our own existence should be the tool used to mesmerize us with fairytales. Our tape theory (the Theory of Multidimensional Reality) is a simple idea. We theorize that everything in the universe is made up of information and is stored in the first dimension. The information is stored in a computer-like structure, which we call the diehold. The information from the diehold is then transmitted into the second dimension. The form in which the information is transmitted could be in the form of pulse modulation (to be explained later). This is obviously an oversimplification of the tape analogy. There is every indication that here may be very relative to what you mean by here.

Here in one form may not mean there in the same form. If one examines a piece of video tape closely with a magnifying glass, or a conventional microscope, he would see only a brownish red compound. The compound is called iron oxide. No matter how highly you magnify the tape, you could never see the objects represented by the domains on the magnetic material. If you could identify the objects represented by the domains, the distances between the domains which make up the object would be microcosmic compared to the distal relationships in this reality. The frequencies of the colors which represent the object would be at a much lower frequency on the tape and in a totally different relationship to each other compared to their representation in this time reality. There would be no time perspective for the objects represented as domains on the tape. They would be frozen in their space. Frozen until passed over by a magnetic tape transducer (head device). This transducer converts magnetic fields of a monolithic structure, iron oxide, into electrical fields. These electrical fields are returned to two-dimensional information representing a totally different time-space reality from what was physically represented by the domains. If the tape speed is increased, time would seem to be shorter between two events. If the tape speed is reduced, time would seem longer between two events. Neglecting synchronization considerations, if the tape is speeded up, the information reproduced at the receiver would appear physically shorter. Thats because the receivers picture-scan is in real time. The transmitted information is in a shorter time; therefore, there is a shorter object. This is reminescent of Einsteinian Relativity. The opposite is also true: slowing down the tape speed makes the object longer. Of course, corrections would have to be made in the synchronization or the image would appear totally unrecognizable. If an object is taped with an increased tape speed, the object would be represented by more domains on the tape. This represents more information, therefore, more mass. This is the same as increasing the velocity of the object. And so it seems that our representative object not only gets shorter when its velocity increases, but its mass also increases. The Lorentz Transforms seem to spell out the same facts. In this analogy of existence, matter is converted to energy and energy to matter. This is all relative to whether the tape is going 10

through the head device to receive an image or transmit an image. The information-domains passed over by the tape transducer (head device) determines reality, or existence, and velocity determines time-space relationships. Objects representing large domain areas on the tape could distort the time-space relationships of other objects represented by domains near the large object. This can be represented by beams of light from a star passing by a large mass such as our sun and being displaced in time and space. One might ask, What does this analogy have to do with our existence? An object on a tape doesnt have self determination, cant think; the object cant live. It is only an electromagnetic representation of an object, whether the tap e is moving or is stopped. Well, for one thing, the tape theory of existence shows the universal reflectiveness of existence of which we spoke earlier. Everything in this universe is relative to everything else. Even ideas are relative to each other. For another thing, we never said that our model was an exact replication of the real system. Our model at best is an understandable reflection of the real system. Truth is all around us. Truth is in our reflective universe, in our reflective environment, in reflective man and in all his reflective inventions. It remains for us to cut through dogmatic thought processes to see the underlying similarities in all things of this reality. How The Information Would Be Transmitted To help you understand how the information in the diehold could be converted to various frequencies, we will present our hypothesis on how it could be done. This is not to say that it is done this way, but the example is presented in order for you to better understand how the principles of the system work. The information in the diehold could be converted by the head device to a pulse-modulated signal. The trick would be to heterodyne a low frequency, high voltage carrier wave and other controlling frequencies (see Chapter 3) with the much higher frequencies that make up the information on the tape. If the two frequencies are less than 90 degrees out of phase with each other, there will be a beat frequency. This beat frequency will be stronger than the 11

original frequencies. The new frequency created should be the sum and difference of the original frequencies used. The amplitude of the new frequency should be the sum of the two original frequencies. One might ask, How do we know that matter has frequencies and is made up of frequencies? The idea is easy to prove using two separate processes. One is called light spectrum analysis (explained in Chapter 4); this method of analysis has been used for over 100 years by scientists to determine the individual elements in a compound. It is known that each element in the universe has its own distinct spectral lines which identify it. Spectral lines are different light wave lengths that the element produces when it is raised to a high potential. This light is a function of what makes up the element. A prism demodulates the light into its individual wavelengths. The process is called dispersion. What is seen is a highly sophisticated form of pulse modulation; not only are these pulses amplitude-modulated, but they are frequency-modulated. For instance, the individual pulses are different colors and intensities. This would constitute the amplitude modulation part of the pulse modulation. The spaces between the pulses make up the frequency or phase modulated part of the pulse modulation. There may be other information superimposed on each individual pulse. One of the important principles to be understood in this section is that in the information state, the magnetic fields predominate. In the matter state, the electrostatic fields (energy) predominate. There is a sinusoidal relationship between the matter-energy phase and also the magnetic-electrostatic phase which is found in electromagnetic waves. The second process is called Kirlian photography (see Chapter 7). The Kirlian photography method uses a high frequency AC signal to produce an unusual aura around the object. Living objects photograph differently from non -living objects. This is not the only observation taken from Kirlian photography that proves our point. The AC signal necessary to produce a similar picture varies between the different living organisms. Also no two organisms produce the exact same auras. Another phenomenon produced is called the phantom leaf effect. This effect clearly shows that the information for the object exists in another dimension. This one phenomenon proves our entire theory without the neces12

sity of other proofs or analogies, but we will include most of the others to show how our theory is related to them.

The tape theory analogy can explain the immense amounts of energy found in the universe. The theory can explain the huge amounts of energy produced, allegedly by the fission and fusion process, by the smallest of particles of matter. If one thinks in terms of information rushing in to stabilize an atom, the immense amount of energy released from very small atoms can be understood. When atoms become so unstable that our infinite computer (the diehold) cannot get all the information which makes up the atom, to the atom, the information will demodulate and leave this dimension. A time warp developes and a tear is created in our universe. Information has to fill that tear. In effect, when we see a thermonuclear explosion, we are not really seeing atoms producing lots of energy, but rather we are seeing information rushing in to fill a tear in an unstable part of the universe. Quasars, which give off huge amounts of energy, can be analogized to transient or bias voltages produced on the tape head of a recording device. The bias voltages on the head device far exceed the voltages produced by the domains of the tape passing over the head. If any of these voltages should leak through to the tape, more energy would seem to appear available from the tape system than exists on the entire tape. There is a high voltage phenomenon that tends to prove our theory of information leaving this dimension. This phenomenon deals with delayed radio signals. A radio transmitter sends out a signal. A delayed signal is heard from a few seconds later to ten, fifteen, or more minutes later. The signal is usually pretty weak. Even a few seconds delay represents hundreds of thousands of miles. Reflection, which happens in the ionosphere, is highly remote. This is especially true when you are dealing with a fiveminute-long delay or more. In this case, you are dealing with tens of millions of miles of space. This phenomenon is being studied at Stanford University. The phenomenon was first recognized in 1927 by a couple of Norwegian scientists. (2-p54) 13

It is quite possible that the very high voltages produced on a resonant type antenna produces a time warp. These high voltages can bleed energy from the transmitted signal to other areas of the diehold. This can only be described by using the tape theory. For example, when a strong signal exists on a tape recording, the s ignal bleeds through the various layers of tape and produces a cross talk effect. Time and space for that signal are changed. The transmitter which produces this effect neednt be high power. High standing waves on the antenna system can raise the potential of the signal tens of thousands of volts, even millions of volts. It is interesting to note that when the two scientists adjusted the antenna to make it more efficient, the phenomenon disappeared. The standing waves had been reduced and with them the very high potentials. The second phenomenon of which we will speak deals with the tornado effect. In this effect, straw has been observed driven through windows, two by fours, doors, and other solid matter. The straw is inbedded in the glass, and the gla ss isnt broken. The straw is also intact. The story the experts tell us is that the straw is accelerated to a high velocity and produces such high forces that it can penetrate objects. The idea seems okay except you might still wonder why the glass didnt crack or break. Now a 2 x 4 pine scantling is very much larger than a piece of straw, but then again, so is a 5/8 inch steel I-beam very much more resistant than glass. Such was the case after the great tornado of May 27, 1896. Willis L. Moore, then chief of the Weather Bureau, reported seeing just such an event on the Eads Bridge in St. Louis, Missouri. The scantling protruded several feet through the hole. Can we still accept the experts theory of high velocity impact? We think not. Have you ever noticed a steel plate, or even a 2 x 4 that has been penetrated by a high velocity bullet? The plate or board has deep indentations at point of entry and shattered, disfigured remnants at point of exit. The Engineering News-Record of June 11, 1925, reported some unusual projectile effects of debris carried by the Tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925. They described a 1 x 5 plank being driven through a 2 x 6 pine plank. The leading end of the 1 x 5 had a beveled knot which was not battered by the penetration. Also, the 1 x 5 had a tongue along one edge which plowed a clean furrow through the 2 x 6. An14

other interesting phenomenon was pointed out in the same report: the projectiles seemed to behave like compass needles, all pointing due north. The first question to ask is, What is a tornado? Nobody really knows except that it has high -velocity cyclotronic winds. Also, the tornado produces electromagnetic waves which can be seen on a television receiver. Tornadoes turn in different directions depending on the hemisphere in which they occur, Northern or Southern. The earths magnetic field probably plays a part in this. We are going to advance a theory on the nature of tornadoes and hurricanes. We feel free to do so because the meteorologists havent come up with anything concrete in the last half century. We hypothesize that the tornado is a nuclear particle accelerator in reverse. The cyclotron uses high-frequency radio signals to propel charged particles at high velocities to a target. What amounts to a highfrequency alternating current (AC), moves a nuclear particle like an atom until the mass of the atom becomes so great that the electromagnetic field cant control the charged particle any more. We contend that the tornado and the hurricane are examples of a cyclotron in -reverse. At certain times of the year when the right temperatures exist, a giant capacitor is created. The earth is one plate and the upper atmosphere is the other plate. The earths magnetic field envelopes these electrostatic plates. We t heorize that when the earth is tilted at just the right angle, high-energycharged particles are actually able to enter the earths magnetic field from space. Because of the earths tilt angle in reference to the direction of the high velocity particle, the particle is siphoned down to the tornado belts or hurricane areas. Here the right atmospheric conditions exist to form the electrostatic plates. The high energy particle charges the plates of the capacitor and a damped, oscillating radio wave is created. High voltage standing waves are also created. The damped, oscillating wave, along with the earths magnetic field produces cyclotronic action of the atmosphere. In other words, a nature-made cyclotron is created. Because of the high electrical potentials created and the high standing waves produced, information that makes up the straw is translated (moved) in time; a translation in time is a translation in space. A translation in time of a microsecond of information at the speed of light represents a space translation of about 985 feet. 15

Of course, if the straw just happens to be moved to the space occupied by a window or steel I-beam, it appears as if it has been blown through these objects. But what really happened is that the straw and the I-beam occupied the same space but at a different time, when the tornado was present. When the tornado passed by, the time for the straw and the I-beam became one again. The same thing can happen to living things. There have been many observations of small animals being moved in time and space, but the problem is that man has never correlated these discoveries with moving something in time and space. Some of these observations are listed below. You will notice that the difference between these discoveries and more common fossil finds of animals is that in these cases the creature after it is released from its entombment, comes to life again for a short period of time.
1. 2. The year 1829-Liverpool, England. While working on the docks at Georges Basin, the workmen d iscovered a live toad embedded in a large granite block used for footing the dock. The toad lived for a few hours. (3-p42) The date 1873-On Mount Diablo, California, near San Francisco, while some miners were working in the Black Diamond Coal Mine, they discovered a large frog embedded in a layer of limestone. The frog fit into a small cavity in the rock. The cavity was the exact same size as the frog because the sides of the rock had the imprint of the frogs body. The frog lived for about one da y. (3p4l) The date April 22, 1881-near Ruby Hill, Nevada, while a miner was digging at the 60 foot level of the Wide West Mine, he discovered a small cavity in a rock that was filled with white worms. Within an hour, the worms were crawling around, to the amazement of the half-dozen miners present. (3-p40) The date 1892-Clifton, Arizona. A reddish-gray beetle was discovered embedded in a cavity from a rock of iron ore from the Longfellow Mine. The specimen was sent to a geologist in El Paso, Texas. A week after the beetle was orginally discovered, the geologist noticed a movement from the beetle.




He saw another small beetle emerge from the body of the large beetle. The small beetle lived for several months. (3-p4l)
5. The date October 1893-Acton, Ontario. While sawing up a large pine log at the Brown & Hall Sawmill, the workmen discovered a toad in a four inch diameter smooth cavity that would have been located 60 feet above the ground and surrounded by 30 inches of wood. The tree was calculated to be 200 years old. The toad was very much alive when it was freed. (3-p4l) The date February 2, 1958-Utah. Four miners found a tree toad embedded in a fossilized tree. The tree was found covered by eight feet of sandstone in the midst of a high-grade uranium deposit. The toad lived 28 hours after being freed from the cavity. (3-p255)


It seems that since science has never been able to explain these phenomena, they are just ignored. After all, what scientist wants to be reminded that his theories of existence may not be all that perfect?
There are several observations that are common to all these discoveries.

The first one is that the cavity in which the animal or insect was found, had the form of the entombed living thing-the question is, how can part of the inanimate rock disappear to make room for the living organism? This doesnt seem logical if you use the conventional theories of existence. After all, the rock is harder and denser than are the toad and the beetle. Why was the living object not deformed by the surrounding harder material? The answer is in the amount of potential the living organism has over the inorganic substance. This idea will be further elaborated upon in Chapter 3. For now we will say that the living organism was moved in time and space due to an increase in its potential caused by some source of high voltage, such as ball lightning or a tornado. After the high-voltage-induced time warp passed and the living organism was occupying the same time and space as the other object, another phenomenon occurred. The matter with the lower potential left this dimension in order to make room for the higher potential living object. We wont leave this explanation there, be cause this phenomenon is telling us an important fact about the

workings of our own existence. That is, that the diehold will not permit information of two different objects to occupy the same time and space in our dimension. The factor that determines which object leaves this dimension is how much potential the object has. Since a conscious entity always has more potential than inanimate objects, the living organism will prevail. In the case of the toad found in the tree, the toad has more potential because it is a higher evolved conscious entity than is the tree. So the part of the tree that occupied the same volume of space as the toad disappeared from our dimension. The second observation that makes these discoveries much different from ordinary fossil finds is the fact that the entombed animal comes alive shortly after it has been freed. Some of the material that these animals are found in, such as the petrified wood, is at least 10,000 years old. If you consider the amount of material that is covering these animals, you have to conclude that some of those animals have been there for many thousands of years. The intriguing question is: Why is life preserved in this entombed state? After all, the toad or frog was deprived of all the necessary ingredients of life. It couldnt get any food, water or oxygen for many thousands of years but yet it lived. Why? Lets recap what is happening. After the information of the toad has been remodulated back into our dimension, it finds itself occupying the time and space formerly occupied by the rock. But has all the information of the rock disappeared from our dimension? Maybe not. Matter is made up of many frequencies that represent the information for the matter. Some of the frequencies represent the physical information of the object. The other frequencies are synchronizing, resynchronizing, clocking and finally there is a carrier wave frequency on which all the frequencies are superimposed. We know the frequencies that carry the information that makes up the physical matter are no longer in this dimension, but what if the carrier wave or some of the, other frequencies are still being directed to that time and space? They could have a very interesting effect on the information and the frequencies that make up the conscious energy (the soul) of the animal. The effect could be like grounding the conscious energy of the animal. The result would be that time would stop for the conscious energy and its body would be put in a state of suspended animation. When the animal is freed from the rock, it is not just being freed 18

from the cavity, it is also being removed from the coordinates of the information that make up the rock. Once the animal is removed, time starts again for the conscious entity. There is another related phenomenon where a person has lost a finger, arm, or leg. This person can feel pain, hot, cold, and other feelings where the limb once was. One might say that the nerve endings are being somehow stimulated. If this is the case, how do we explain an amputees ability to predict weather many hours or days before it happens be feeling pain in the missing part. We can explain this with the tape theory. If existence is somewhere else, then removing a part of the whole doesnt really destroy that part (the phantom leaf effect). The diehold tries to recreate the super structure-carrier wave. Since the nerve impulses from the missing part are no longer there as confusion noise, the information that makes up a weather front is detected. It is detected because the weather front is made up of a great deal of information and potential. The information for the missing limb still exists in the diehold, even though it is not being modulated into matter as part of the person. The missing limb acts as a receiver and detects the potential of the weather front. This phenomenon is comparable to gifted people who can hold belongings of other people and give detailed descriptions of those people and their lives (psychometry, see Chapter 8). There are cases of people who can sense color with their fingers. This all relates to sensing the information in its raw form, from the diehold. How do we explain the man who could throw pictures in to cameras (Chapter 8)? He has been studied at several universities. This gift caused him much psychological suffering. How much power can the human mind create? Can the human mind create enough power to activate silver compounds in photographic film? Can the brain generate enough power to bend keys at a distance, start watches, disrupt time-generating systems in computers? Our answer is an emphatic No! The people who do these tricks are walking time warps. This includes people performing ESP and healing. We contend that we are all in effect subroutines of the diehold. Some people have learned to tap into the main program better than others. There are many people (such as Uri Geller) who tap into the system regularly to transmute information, displace information, and transmit and receive information on a regular basis. 19

What makes Geller or any of the other human phenomena different from us? Probably the most pronounced personal trait these people possess is that they believe they can do their trick. Without this deep belief, they wouldnt be able to produce the results. Reality is what we believe it is. This can be seen in children. Psychokinesis is most commonly reported in young children; the Geller effect is also being discovered in many children who have seen his act. In fact, Geller discovered his ability when he was very young. The parameters of our reality are determined at a very early age. When we are young, we are taught by the environment and by people what is possible and what isnt possible. If the right circumstances prevail, and no negative thought patterns develop, the limits of reality are extended. Children dont have any firm ide a of what reality is, therefore, their limits are larger until they are told what is possible and what isnt. If the mind of man provides the proper subroutine, anything is possible. A more detailed description of psychic phenomena will be covered in Chapter 8. There are plenty of facts and phenomena to indicate that existence can be translated into information. These are indications that this information is stored in another time-space reality. There is the possibility of moving this information around; in effect, moving ourselves and other objects in time and space without high-thrust vehicles. There is every indication that human life, in fact all life and all things are just a stage of existence. Mankind is evolving as preordained by a creative force in the universe. This unfound DNA of our universe has the information which is leading all things, including man, to their natural conclusion and a new beginning. REFERENCES
I. 2. 3. Einstein, A., Relativity-the Special and The General Theory (N.Y., Crown Publishing, 1961). Delayed Radio Signals (QST-American Radio Relay Leaguevol. 55, No. 5, p. 54-58, May 1971). Edwards, Frank, Stranger Than Science, (N.Y., Lyle Stuart, 1959). 20

Nikola Tesla
It is very rare in history that one man can affect the lives of so many of his fellow man; there have only been two such men, in our judgment during the last one thousand years. The first was Sir Isaac Newton, the father of classical mechanics and one of the principal developers of calculus.1 The other is Nikola Tesla. The time span of his work covered from the early 1880s to 1943, when he died a poor man. Many scientists were very jealous of him because of his unmatched insight and scientific ability. He did not believe that Einsteins Theory of Relativity was in any way correct. He said, during a speech to the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May 12, 1938): There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment. At other times, he also stated, Atomic power is an illusion. (1-p250) He felt this because during his experiments using currents of several million volts, he stated that he had smashed untold billions of atoms without having any 1The other was a German mathematician by the name of Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz who also discovered calculus at about the same time as Newton, but independently. 21

thermal nuclear reaction or any emission of energy coming from these experiments. He said, principally something very similar to what we theorize. He envisioned this energy to be similar to the old theory of the existence of the ether. (The ether theory is discussed in the chapter on magnetism.) Although he never visualized existence the way we theorize it, he had experimented and worked long enough with high voltage and high frequency devices to intuitively know that there was something interrelated with matter that gave it its energy. We are not saying that we believe in any way in the ether theory; we just wish to point out that many great minds in science intuitively felt there was something interrelated with matter that could not be seen or readily detected. Since Tesla believed in the ether theory, after 1905, when Einsteins special theory of relativity was published, the scientific community began to ignore him, not giving him credit for many of his inventions and theoretical discoveries. When Einstein published his general theory of relativity, Tesla still insisted that Einstein was totally wrong and that Einsteins gravitational field theory was also completely wrong. (Tesla had his own theory of gravitation but never published it for reasons unknown.) At this time, Tesla had most of academia, including all the well-known physicists and scientists, against him. The harsh consequence of Teslas rejection of the theory of relativity was that he was written out of most of the textbooks and scientific journals of the day. So, by the 1930s, Tesla was unknown except to a very few. He was relegated to a life of obscurity so that the major physicists of academia could develop Einsteins theory of relativity, especially his general theory, without the impeccable logic of Nikola Tesla, constantly criticizing and blatantly informing them that their great idea wasnt worth the paper on which it was printed. Combined with the fact that Tesla had made most of the major discoveries of the early part of the 20th century, years before other scientists, this also instilled jealousy. These scientists did not want it well known that their work was merely a continuation, or rediscovery, of Teslas done many years earlier. Few people were interested in giving Tesla the credit he so richly deserved. It is not only our opinion that Tesla was a great scientific genius. The famous English scientist, Baron William Kelvin stated: Tesla has contributed more to electrical science than any man up to his time. (1 -pl07) Another accolade was given by Mr. B. A. Behrend,

Chairman of the Edison Medal Committee, American Institute of

Electrical Engineers, during that Institutes presentation of the

Edison Medal to Tesla in 1917. He said: The due appreciation or even enumeration of the results of Mr. Teslas invention is neither practicable nor desirable at thi s moment. There is a time for all things. Suffice it to say that, were we to seize and eliminate from our industrial world the results of Mr. Teslas work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn, our electric cars and trains would stop, our towns would be dar k, our mills would be dead and idle. Yes, so far reaching is this work, that it has become the warp and woof of industry. . . . His name marks an epoch in the advance of electrical science. From that work has sprung a revolution in the electrical art. (1 -p236)

The best way to understand why Tesla was so great is to know what he invented and what his theoretical discoveries were. Listed below are just some of the more important of his discoveries. All of these discoveries and concepts were first discovered by him from 3 to 80 years before anyone else. Many scientists received credit for these discoveries without giving Tesla any credit at all. Year Theoretical Discoveries


The concept of tuned coils and tuned circuits on which all present-day electronics is based.


That high frequency currents produce heat in the human body and other objects. There is a wide range of applications from this principle, one of which is our present-day microwave oven.


The concept of a worldwide broadcasting system using his wireless communications system, which included the principles of tuned circuits, a ground connection, and antenna. This system, he said, would enable the transmitting of Morse code, voice, electric power, and eventually, pictures all over the world.


Everything in the universe operated on the principle of vibrations similar to alternating current.


That the earth is a good conductor of electricity, along with the upper atmosphere.



That the earth is filled with a tremendous amount of electrical potential that could be tapped for energy. Also, since the upper atmosphere is a good conductor of electricity, and the lower, more dense atmosphere acted as an insulator, the earth could be considered like a large capacitor. (This idea is a very important one, covered in depth in the section on gravity.)


That the sun worked on the same principle as his one-wire, high-frequency incandescent lamp. He stated that the sun is like an incandescent body that carried a high voltage charge, which would in turn emit large showers of small particles into space at high velocities carrying a large charge. (This idea is covered in greater depth in our chapter on astronomy.)


The conclusion from the previous discovery, brought him to the original discovery of cosmic rays. He correctly theorized that they travel at tremendous velocities carrying great amounts of potential. He also theorized correctly that outer space is filled with these particles from our sun and from other stars in our galaxy; that the earth is constantly bombarded by these particles. He also said that when these particles hit other atoms, the atoms would shatter into pieces. He theorized that the aurora borealis is caused by these particles from the sun.


After Henri Becquerel (a French physicist) discovered that mysterious rays were emitted from uranium, Tesla gave his own theory of what caused this radioactivity. He said that cosmic rays would cause this radioactivity in other elements, if they were permitted to bombard the element. The scientific community did not believe him until 30 years later, when Doctor Robert Millikan rediscovered these rays, with all the results Tesla predicted. Tesla received no credit for his work.


He was the first to discover the existence of electrons. He referred to them as electrically charged atoms.


He was the first to envision electronic computers. He called


them telautomates. He felt they would ultimately be capable of acting as if possessed of their own intelligence and their advent will create a revolution. Year Inventions

1880s Various types of improved direct current, dynamos, and



The polyphase, alternating current dynamo.


The rotating magnetic field.


Various alternating current motors.


Various tuned circuits.


The first glass electronic vacuum tube for detecting electromagnetic waves.

1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1893

The electric transformer or induction coil (the Tesla coil). Various types of voltage regulators for high voltage, high frequency currents. Fluorescent lighting. Neon bulbs. A one-wire incandescent button lamp, which produced 20 times more light than the regular incandescent light bulb. A description of the devices for his wireless communications system. The forerunner of the radio.

1891- An atom smasher, more efficient and light-weight than any 1892 in present use today. He called it his molecular bombardment lamp.


An electron microscope with one million x plus magnification.

1896- Very efficient gas and steam turbines.

1897 25


First radio transmission of intelligent information using tuned circuits, the same principle we use today in our radios.

1898 A remote-controlled wireless guidance system for boats and land vehicles. 1899 The first man ever to produce 135 million volts of power. 1899 An apparatus for transmitting electrical energy without wires anywhere in the world. This method transmitted the energy through the earth.


The invention of the laser.

This last invention requires a special explanation. In Teslas later life, he was very close-mouthed about what he had discovered, because so many people had stolen his ideas, causing great distrust of everyone. An excellent book on the life of Tesla is Prodigal Genius by John J. ONeill. Mr. ONeill was a personal friend of Teslas from about the 30s until Teslas death. Although Mr. ONeill was an ardent fan of Teslas, he was not told what this last invention was. Tesla merely gave everyone clues of what he could do with it. He intended that this system be used to transmit tremendous amounts of power over long distances. He referred to this invention as a death ray (1934). On July 24, 1934, New York City, Tesla said that the following are some of the things that this system could do:
Still another item which has interested me is a report from Washington in the World Telegram of July 13, 1934, to the effect that scientists doubt the death ray effects. I am quite in agreement with these doubters and probably more pessimistic in this respect than anybody else, for I speak from long experience. Rays of the requisite energy cannot be produced, and, then again, their intensity diminishes with the square of the distance. Not so the agent I employ, which will enable us to transmit to a distant point more energy than is possible by any other kind or ray. We are all fallible, but as I examine the subject in the light of my present theoretical and experimental knowledge I am filled with deep convictions that I am giving to the world something far beyond the wildest dreams of inventors of all time. (1-p241)


On another occasion he said that energy could be transmitted by a ray or beam of infinitesimally small cross section, one hundred thousandth of a centimeter in diameter. On his birthday in 1938, he said that he could also use this death ray for interplanetary communication. He said he was able to produce, in the dark region of the thin crescent new moon, an incandescent spot that would glow like a brilliant star so that it could be seen without the aid of a telescope. He also stated later that this beam had a straight-line trajectory. There is no doubt from the previous descriptions that Tesla had, indeed, invented the laser, decades before anyone else. There was a funny result from one of the vibration experiments he was doing in 1896; the ramifications go far beyond anything that even Tesla had suspected. He was doing a simple vibration experiment in his Houston Street laboratory in New York City. It was a small oscillator that was big enough to be slipped into ones pocket. This mechan ical oscillator was driven by an air compressor. The air moved a reciprocating piston through an electric coil. In this particular experiment, he attached this oscillator firmly to one of the center beams in his laboratory. His laboratory was on one of the upper floors. As the oscillator started up and increased its vibrations, it transmitted these oscillations through the building to the foundation. As the oscillations increased, an earthquake was formed in a one-mile radius from his laboratory. Over a period of a few minutes, the shaking became so great that windows shattered, plumbing pipes broke, plaster fell from ceilings, buildings shook. Eventually, the oscillations reached the resonnant frequency of his building, which began shaking violently. Once Tesla realized that his oscillator was causing the building to shake, he destroyed the oscillator and the earthquake stopped immediately. The building had shaken so badly that if Tesla had not stopped his machine, the building would have collapsed. The phenomenon here, which no one realized at the time, is how a piston that doesnt even weigh a pound can be able to develop enough force to generate an earthquake of at least four on the Richter scale. It is obvious that the oscillator could not have done it in this dimension. According to our theory of multidimensional reality, the reason the oscillator was able to do so much damage was because it was not just oscillating itself in this dimension but it was also oscillating the information that made it 27

up in the diehold. When the oscillator produced the frequency (a lower harmonic) that correlated with the frequency of the information that made up that piston, it raised the potential of that information. The domains of information started to overlap affecting the information that made up other objects in its vicinity. The result, in this dimension, was that the piston caused the earth and the other buildings to oscillate. In reality, these objects were being made to oscillate in the diehold, where all their information was in the same locality, thereby causing the earthquake. The one lesson to be learned from Teslas work and theories is that, if you correctly know how even a small part of existence functions, you will be able to make tremendous advancements in all fields of physics. REFERENCES
1. ONeill, John J., Prodigal Genius; The Life of Nikola Tesla, (N.Y., Ives Washburn, Inc., 1944).

Bibliography Martin, T. C., The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla. N.Y.: The Electrical Engineer, 1894.
Popovic, V.; et. al.: Nikola Tesla; Lectures, Patents, Articles. Beograd, Nikola Tesla Museum, 1966. 28

Magnetism and Gravity
For thousands of years, man has wondered about magnetism and gravity. When the first man discovered the first piece of magnetite (lodestone), he must have marveled at the great magic and mystery that made that piece of magnitite point in only one direction. Many thousands of years have passed since that first discovery; yet magnetism and gravity have still defied mans understanding. Man has advanced scientifically, but not quite far enough to reason out the most basic ingredient of his existence. If the foundation of our science is incomplete, then the theories, assumptions, and laws that follow will also be incomplete. This condition will not last forever because eventually science comes to a dead-end. This happens when the powers of observation catch up to and surpass the ability to explain the observations in the framework of the old philosophy. Man has come to this stage in his development, and he is seeing things in the fields of astronomy and nuclear physics that just cant be explained by using Einsteins theory of relativity and field theory. The subject of gravity was first quantified by Sir Isaac Newton. Newton looked at gravity as one of many possible forces of nature.

He considered inertia as the fundamental part of nature, thus it was far more important to classical mechanics than gravity or magnetism. Classical mechanics worked well as long as the relative speeds between two objects were not too great. Astronomers were able to approximate the speeds and distances of planets using Newtons theories. Engineers were able to design machines and buildings using classical mechanics and found it worked well. Then came electricity, which moved at the speed of light (depending on the medium), and classical mechanics started to fall apart. Men like Michael Faraday, Denis Poisson, Karl Gauss, Wilhelm Weber, James Maxwell, and later Nikola Tesla experimented with electricity and dynamos observing that there was an interrelationship between current and magnetism. This magnetic field encircled a conductor and was propagated perpendicular to the flow of current. It was also observed that a conductor passing perpendicular to a magnetic field would develop a current to be induced through the wire. Yet, none of the scientists could explain why a magnetic field could induce such a current. Before Maxwell, scientists envisioned magnetism as a fluid in the ether. This fluid collected at the ends of an iron bar when it was magnetized. Through the works of Weber and Poisson, it was then visualized as magnetic matter that was strictly confined to the molecules. These mole cules were always magnetized inside the iron bar, but they were randomly arranged. When the bar was magnetized, by using another magnetic or electric coil, these magnetic molecules lined up, thereby creating a magnet. This is similar to what is envisioned today. (4-p79) Next we will go into the examples Maxwell used to develop his elementary theory of magnetism and electromagnetism. We will first describe the observation or the traditional explanation. We will then give our explanation using the theory of multidimensional reality. The reason we must cover this material is because Einstein, in 1905, referred in his special theory of relativity to Maxwell and Lorentzs theory of electromagnetic phenomena. He said, Thus all facts of experience which support the electromagnetic theory also support the theory of relativity. (1-p49) Therefore, if Maxwell was wrong in his conclusions, then Einsteins theory of relativity is in big trouble. When the early scientists were investigating magnetism and gravity, they were faced with a basic problem. They could see the effects of magnetism, but they could not see what

caused those effects. So what developed was that they had to try to recreate magnetic fields. They were able to do so by using electric current through a conductor; the effect is called electromagnetism. The logic was that if you could duplicate the magnetic field and vary its intensity, you could then get some insight as to what regular magnetism is and, maybe, finally, gravity. We will first cover bar magnets and what forms the magnetic field. This is not the order that Maxwell used because scientists could not understand where this field came from. Maxwell said:
The action of magnets at a distance is perfectly identical with that of electric currents. We therefore endeavour to trace both to the same cause, and since we cannot explain electric currents by means of magnets, we must adopt the other alternative, and explain magnets by means of molecular electric currents. (4 -p275)

So as we can see, he started out with the wrong assumption, thereby making his conclusions destined to be wrong. Bar Magnets
Traditional explanation-(Webers theory)

Webers theory differs from this in assuming that the molecules of the iron are always magnets, even before the application of the magnetizing force, but that in ordinary iron the magnetic axes of the molecules are turned indifferently in every direction, so that the iron as a whole exhibits no magnetic properties. (4-p79) (Figure 3.1) UNMAGNETIZED IRON BAR MAGNETIZED IRON BAR

Figure 3.1 Drawing of a magnetized bar and a nonmagnetized bar It was also concluded later that there were two different kinds of magnetism: one caused by the freely moving particles in electricity, while the other type was non-freely moving magnetized particles

which were separated by a small distance. If these molecules were forced to line up, they would form a bar magnet. Multidimensional Reality Explanation The first question to be asked is how many elements can be magnetized? The answer is: only one, the element iron. If Webers theory was completely correct, then it must be assumed that all materials can be made into magnets. In fact, there are only three other elements that will even be attracted by a magnetic field: oxygen (the second strongest element), sodium and aluminum-to a much lesser degree. (2-p354) So we must conclude that there is something very special about iron for it to become a magnet. What it is, is that the frequency of the information that makes up iron is a close harmonic to the carrier wave frequency. What happens when you force the atoms of iron to line up? We are forcing the information that makes it up to modulate in predominantly two directions (180 out of phase). Normally, the signal would modulate 360 around the object; but when we magnetize it, we have rearranged the information in the diehold to be directed toward the poles. The Relationship of North and South Poles Traditional explanation-Since each molecule has its own north and south poles which form chains of molecules within the magnet, the reason that molecules A and B (Figure 3.1) are not repelled away from each other, within the magnet, is because these connected chains of magnetic dipole molecules compensate each other in the interior but end up as opposite poles at the ends. (3-pl69) Multidimensional Reality Explanation The reason opposite poles attract is because those two parts of the information frequency are 180 out of phase. Therefore, they can occupy the same time and space. When these two frequencies combine they form the information that makes up that

iron molecule or magnet. Therefore, they are attracted together because the coordinates for their modulation are in the same time and space. The reason like poles repel each other is that these two frequencies are the same information. Therefore, they are in phase with each other and cannot occupy the same time and space, thus formulating another rule of the diehold: the diehold must keep like domains of information from occupying the same time and space, or else a tear might develop in that part of the universe, rendering that segment unstable. Alterations of a Magnetic Bar The permanent magnetism of an iron bar increases when it is extended and diminishes when it is compressed. (4-p92) There is no traditional explanation for this phenomenon. Multidimensional Reality Explanation When the magnetic bar is at rest, there is a fixed amount of information directed at the two ends. This amount of information remains constant as long as the mass of the bar remains the same. The field strength of its information is proportional to the amount of area of the two ends. As the bar is mechanically extended, the mass of the bar remains constant, but the area of the ends becomes smaller. If the ends become smaller, the same amount of information must be directed through a smaller area. The result is that the field intensity becomes greater. When the bar magnet is compressed, the reverse happens. The area of the ends becomes greater, so the same amount of information is directed through a larger opening thereby decreasing the intensity. The same effect is found when an iron bar is placed in the center of an electrical coil. The iron bar becomes lengthened when the current passes through the coil setting up a magnetic field as illustrated (Figure 3.2). The effect of this is that the information that makes up the bar is even more restricted to only two paths. The information that might have been directed toward the middle of the bar can now enter only through the ends. This increases the intensity of the field at the ends. This, combined with the mag33


Figure 3.2 Iron bar in a coil

netic field of the coil concentrated along the center, focuses the information of the bar to a smaller area thereby forcing the bar to elongate. Electromagnetism One of the first observations made by scientists was that if a current is passed through a wire, a magnetic field appears perpendicular to the flow of current. The magnetic field strength is proportional to the amount of current passing through the wire. This magnetic field is thought by scientists to be a state of stress in the conductor. To quote Maxwell:
In explaining the electromagnetic force by means of a state of stress in a medium, we are only following out the conception of Faraday, that the lines of magnetic force tend to shorten themselves, and that they repel each other when placed side by side. All that we have done is to express the value of the tension along the lines, and the pressure at right angles to them, in mathematical language, and to prove that the state of stress thus assumed to exist in the medium will actually produce the observed forces on the conductors which carry electric currents. We have asserted nothing as yet with respect to the mode in which this state of stress is originated and maintained in the medium. We have 34

merely shown that it is possible to conceive the mutual action of electric currents to depend on a particular kind of stress in the surrounding medium instead of being a direct and immediate action at a distance. (4 -p282)

Faraday also discovered that the current traveled along the surface of the wire; and the interior remained relatively free. It was also discovered that the speed of the current was the speed of light. The French physicist, Andre Ampere theorized that magnetism was to be explained by the means of electric currents. These currents must circulate within molecules of a magnet similar to the current passing through a wire. This led scientists to the idea that magnetism is an effect of moving electrons. Maxwell continued the mistake by concluding that a displacement current, just like a conduction current, produces a magnetic field. Multidimensional Reality Explanation We must ask ourselves the first most important question. What comes first, the magnetic field or the current? The answer is the magnetic field because per our theory, the magnetic field is the information that makes up that object. Therefore, in order for the electrons to exist, the information must first be present to form their existence. This theory is proved by the phenomenon of a back electromotive force-also known as self-inductance-that is present in a coil when the current is switched on (Figure 3.3). The delay in the current from reaching maximum is due to the fact that the information that makes up the electrons must first be modulated into existence. This self-inductance or magnetic field of the copper wire does not come from the copper, since copper cannot itself become a magnet. In fact, it is repelled by a strong magnetic field. Since we have come to the realization that the back electromotive force is due to the information that makes up the electrons, then we would expect that the increase and decay of current density would be an exponential function of time. It is a well-proven fact that these are exponential functions, just like the charging and discharging of capacitors. The next observation to be covered is why does the magnetic field appear perpendicular to the flow of current? This is because

EL is the magnetic field formed in the coil, in the opposite direction to the flow of current. ER and I is the resistance in ohms and the current density. This graph also describes a capacitor charging up.
Figure 3.3 Graph depicting the charging of a capacitor

the magnetic field is 90 out of phase from the electric charge. In other words, the magnetic field cannot exist at the same time and space as the electrical charge. This means that at one small moment of time, just the magnetic field exists by itself. In the next moment of time, only the electrical charge exists. We theorize this frequency is to be found between 1,500 and 3,000 GHz (billions of cycles per second) or just under the infrared frequency. The next point to be explained is why the electric current flows only along the surface of the conductor. The reason is because the surface of the wire is where the actual edge of the domains of information exist for the wire. On the surface is where the greatest magnetic intensity or information modulation of the signal exists, thereby causing the greatest amounts of surface potential, even without any external current added. This idea will be further proved in the chapter on light.

The reason why electric current travels at the speed of light (depending on the medium) is because the information that makes up that electron is passing us at the speed of light (2.997925 x 10^10 cm/sec.). Another way of saying this is that the electron is really stationary domains of potential on the tape. As the tape head passes the information that makes us up, it passes these domains of potential at the speed of light. The Electric Generator (The Dynamo)
Avoltage is induced in a conductor, passing perpendicular to a magnetic field (Figure 3.4).


Figure 3.4 Drawing of a wire passing a magnetic field

Traditional explanation-The magnetic field produces stress within the conductor, which forces the electrons in the outer ring of the atoms to move in a certain direction. They never explained why this stress could cause this effect. The conclusion of all this is that they dont know why a voltage is formed in a dynamo. They could not give a logical explanation for this phenomenon, so they just went ahead and built bigger and better generators. What they should have done was reflect, and think, logically, what is so special about a magnetic field that it

can do this? If they did spend time and think about it, they might have come up with one of the most important secrets of the universe. Multidimensional Reality Explanation Per our theory, whenever the information of any two objects pass themselves at great enough velocity, electrons will be created. If the two objects are conductors, the electric charge will conduct along the wire. If the electrons are formed by two non-conductors, they will form what we call static electricity. The generator works in the following manner (Figure 3.5). This explanation is very important to the chapter on Kirlian photography. Position A-As we observe it in this dimension, first the conductor is moving parallel to the magnetic field, not crossing any of the magnetic lines of information of the magnet. The result is that no electrons are being formed. Position B-The information that makes up the conductor is starting to cross the information that makes up the magnet. A voltage is beginning to be formed in the conductor. Position C-At this point, the conductor is passing perpendicular to the information that makes up the magnet. It is passing the greatest number of lines of information on the magnet. So the greatest amount of electrons are being formed on or near the surface of the conductor. These electrons pass onto the conductor and travel to areas of less concentration of potential. How the electrons are formed in the first dimension will be discussed a little later. Position D-At this point, the conductor is passing less lines of information perpendicular to itself; so less electrons are being formed. Position E-The conductor is now passing parallel to the information of the magnetic, so no lines of information are being crossed; thereby creating no electrons.
Positions F, G, & H-are similar to B, C, and D except the electrons flow in the opposite direction.

Getting back to Position C, where the maximum quantity of electrons are being formed, the question we must ask ourselves: Is

Top figure describes the action of a wire conductor as it revolves in a magnetic field inside a generator. The voltage produced by such action is represented in the graph of the lower figure.

Figure 3.5 what happens in the diehold to form an electron in this dimension? To do this, we must observe what is happening when the conductor is exactly perpendicular to the magnetic field (Figure 3.6). At this position, we can say that both the magnet and the conductor are parallel and closest to each other. The conductor is usually copper wire because of its low resistance qualities. As mentioned earlier, 39

copper cannot become a magnet. This means that both signals (we could think of them as north and south) (Figure 3.7) are modulating to the same space and time to form the wire. Since these signals would be modulating perpendicular to the surface of the wire, this means that half of the wires information would be in phase with the information of the north pole of the magnet. It would be like having two north poles opposing themselves. As mentioned earlier in the section on bar magnets, when like information occupies the same time and space, a tear develops in the diehold. This tear of unstable information forms small domains of potential, which in our dimension we call an electron having a certain fixed charge. This collective charge we call voltage. MAGNET N DIRECTION OF MOTION WIRE CROSS SECTION Figure 3.6 Close-up drawing of a wire passing a north pole in a generator We can now summarize by saying that observed from this dimension, one of the conditions necessary to form electrons is to have two objects passing parallel to themselves, thereby causing the information of both to be parallel to each other. The lines of information will always be perpendicular to the plain of motion. Magnecrystallic Phenomena This phenomenon was first described by Julius Plucker, (4-p49) then it was further experimented with by Michael Faraday (1848). 40

Figure 3.7 Close-up of the copper wire showing the information being directed toward it

Faraday was the one to coin the expression magnecrystallic force. What this effect is, is that certain crystals will turn on their axes and align themselves perpendicular to a magnetic field. He worked with crystals of bismuth, antimony, and arsenic. He found the following: The direction of the force is in relation to the magnetic field, axial and not equatorial. (8p87)
I have already stated that the magnecrystallic force does not manifest itself by attraction or repulsion, or, at least, does not cause approach or recession, but gives position only. The law of action appears to be, that, the line or axis of MAGNECRYSTALLIC force (being the resultant of the action of all the molecules), tends to place itself parallel, or as a tangent, to the magnetic curve or line of magnetic force, passing through the place where the crystal is situated. (8-p90) Thus it is evident that, in all these cases, there was a line of magne crystallic force perpendicular to the planes of the plates, and perfectly consistent in its position and action with the force before found in the solid crystals of antimony. (8-pl02) Thus it seems that other bodies besides bismuth, antimony and arsenic, present magnecrystallic effects. Amongst these are th e allow of iridium and osmium, probably tellurium and titanium, and certainly the sulphates of iron and nickel. (8-pll0) The magnecrystallic force appears to be very clearly distinguished from either the magnetic or diamagnetic forces, in that it causes neither approach nor recession; consisting not in attraction or repulsion, but in its giving a certain determinate position to the mass under its influence,


so that a given line in relation to the mass is brought by it into a given relation with the direction of the external magnetic power. (8pll00) This force appears to me to be very strange and striking in its char acter. It is not polar, for there is no attraction or repulsion. Then what is the nature of the mechanical force which turns the crystal round, or makes it affect a magnet? It is not like a turning helix of wire acted on by the lines of magnetic force for there, there is a current of electricity required, and the ring has polarity all the time and is powerfully attracted or repelled. (8-pl2l) If we suppose for a moment that the axial position is that in which the crystal is unaffected, and that it is in the obli que position that the magnecrystallic axial direction is affected and rendered polar, giving two tensions pulling the crystal round, then there ought to be attractions at these times, and an obliquely presented crystal ought to be attracted by a single pole, or the nearest of two poles; but no action of this kind appears. Or we might suppose that the crystal is a little more apt for magnetic induction, or a little less apt for diamagnetic induc tion, in the direction of the magnecrystallic axis than in other directions. But, if so, it should surely show polar attractions in the case of the magnetic bodies, as sulphate of iron; and in the case of diamagnetic bodies, as bismuth, a difference in the degree of repulsion when presented with the magnecrystallic axis parallel and perpendicular to the lines of magnetic force; which it does not do. I do not remember heretofore such a case of force as the present one, where a body is brought into position only, without at traction or repulsion. If the power be induced, it must be like, generally, to its inducing predominants: and these are, at present, the magnetic and electric forces. If induced, subject to the crystalline force it must show an intimate relation between it and them. How hopeful we may be, therefore, that the results will help to throw open the doors which may lead us to a full knowledge of these powers and the combined manner in which they dwell in the particles of matter, and exert their influence in producing the wonderful phenomena which they present! (8-pl22)

Maxwell and other scientists after him never gave a reason why this phenomenon occurs. It is obvious that Faraday knew he was dealing with something he could not explain by using his theories. After Maxwell, it doesnt appear to have been mentioned by anyone, not even by Einstein. This is because his theory of relativity 42

has no explanation for the aligning of objects to a magnetic field with no attraction or repulsion. Multidimensional Reality Explanation Why do only a few elements like arsenic, bismuth, and antimony exhibit this magnecrystallic effect? The answer is that since each element has its own frequency that makes it up, of all the elements, some will have a frequency which will not be a higher or lower harmonic of the frequency of the magnetic field. But its frequency or information will modulate in such a way as to let the information of the magnet pass parallel to the elements information, thereby turning in the direction of the magnetic field. It seems that when the scientists of Einsteins day came across this phenomenon and realized they could not explain it by using the ether or the special or general theories of relativity, they stayed away from it like the plague. Scientists are paid by benefactors to come up with answers, not more questions. Einstein and the other scientists who worked with him to develop and push the theory of relativity, truly thought they had the truth and the secret of the universe. The problem is that when you have a theory for the secret of the universe, your theory must explain all phenomena, not just the ones with which you feel confident. The results from scientists like Maxwell, prior to 1905, was that they knew what the effects of magnetism were on other objectsthat magnetism was interrelated with electricity, that it was similar to gravity and the magnetic field of the earth. They had, also, developed a system of measuring and quantifying the magnetic field. Field strength could then be expressed in usable terms, like a gauss, a weber, a tesla, or a dyne. In summary, Maxwells field theory concluded that the magnetic field is something real, that an electrical field is produced by a changing magnetic field, and that a magnetic field is produced by a changing electric field. His equations describe the structure of the electromagnetic field and its speed. As mentioned earlier, he did not try to explain how the electromagnetic or magnetic field originated, or from where and how it was maintained in our dimension.

Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity In 1905 Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity. Its purpose was to point out the deficiencies in classical mechanics when dealing with objects that were traveling at great speeds relative to each other. Another purpose of the theory was to lay the groundwork for his explanation of gravity and its effect on moving objects (general theory of relativity). We have little disagreement with the effects of great velocity, relative to objects in time, as stated in the Special Theory of Relativity. We do disagree with the causes of these effects. This seems to prove an interesting point; that you can have a wrong philosophy but still come up with correct results. It is similar to the astronomical theories of the medieval period, insisted on by the Catholic church; that the earth was the center of the universe. Astronomers of that day constructed star charts showing the planets and the stars going in strange directions, including radical turns and curves, around the earth. The interesting thing is that they were able to calculate the locations and directions of these heavenly bodies, even though their basic philosophy was wrong. The same situation exists with the theory of relativity. Geometrical Representation Relativity-The first thing Einstein had to do was define the method of coordinates to be used in his theory. He rejected the traditional 3-dimensional method used in classical mechanics (length, width, and depth), because it was too rigid and did not account for time. So he used Hermann Minkowskis geometrical method of representation in a 4 -dimensional world (Figure 3.8). All objects that have length, width, depth, and travel in time (velocity) are considered 4-dimensional objects. This system of coordinates did not take into account the effects near a gravitational field. In the general theory of relativity, Einstein developed another system of coordinates to express objects near a gravitational field. This system of coordinates was merely meant to describe objects moving relative to each other in space.

Figure 3.8 Drawing of Minkowskis four-dimensional reality

Multidimensional Reality Explanation Our first criticism of this method of describing dimensions is that it is too narrow and does not take into account many of the observations we see in the universe. It is too simplistic and incomplete, thereby rendering it wrong. We theorize the most important factor dividing the various dimensions is the amount of potential each object has and how great an area an object occupies as a domain of information in the diehold. To give an example, lets compare a man and a rock. Both have length, width, depth, and are both in the same time reference, since they are both going at the same velocity in space. Using Minkowskis geometry, we would say the man and the rock are in the same dimension; but no one would say that the man and the rock are the same kind of existence. The difference between the rock and the man is the greater amount of potential the man has over the rock. To prove this point, we can easily register a voltage and a high frequency off the man but we cannot read anything off the rock. This greater potential is manifested in the fact that the man can perceive his environment and interact with it, whereas the rock cannot per45

ceive or interact with its environment. In fact, it cant even perceive its own existence. The First Dimension: This dimension is the storage dimension where all information that makes up the universe exists. All information that makes up the beginning of time to the end of time. The first dimension has no length, no width, no depth, and time is truly irrelevant. This dimension is represented by one of the sides of the octahedron (Chapter 9). The first dimension is also the dimension reserved for the structure of the diehold. This means that dimensions 2 through 8 can never reach nor see the diehold, because we cannot go faster than the speed of light, which is the speed of the tapehead across the information making up reality. This is why we can never go faster than the speed of light, because we can never go as fast or faster than the device transmitting our existence. The Second Dimension: This is the transmission dimension. Like radio waves, which are electromagnetic waves, magnetic lines of force are 90 out of phase from the electrical lines of force. The difference with the diehold transmission frequencies is that the phase angles are the same as the sides of the diehold, and there are no electric lines of force, just pure information (magnetic lines of force). The Third Dimension: The lowest form of a modulated signal is this dimension. Each element has its own frequency which forms unique angles associated with that elements unique crystal shape (see crystal chapter). The crystal is th e basic building block of all the following dimensions. This dimension, as personified by a crystal, has length, width, and depth but no potential associated with it. The Fourth Dimension: The lowest level where life and intelligence can be modulated into existence. All living things, from the amoeba to man, can perceive their own environment. This level of potential is much greater than the objects of the third dimension. Within this dimension there is a wide range of potential, the smaller forms of life possessing less potential than the larger, more complex forms of life. This is an important observation, since we can now state another theorem about the diehold: Intelligence may be a result of a given level of potential in the diehold. As the potential of a life-form increases, it is able to perceive more of the 46

domains of information around itself, thereby recalling, comparing and analyzing greater amounts of information. This is called intelligence. Average man falls into this dimension. His limitations are: he can only gather information from this dimension with the five senses he has been given (smell, sight, taste, hearing, and touch). This is not to say that occasionally some individuals will not exhibit some of the abilities of the next dimension. The Fifth Dimension: In this dimension, an intelligence possesses much more potential than in the previous dimension. He is able to perceive much more information of his surroundings in the diehold without using the senses of a fourthdimensional individual. This subject will be covered later in the chapter on psychic phenomena. A fifth-dimensional being would also be able to bend the information that makes up three-dimensional objects. This would include the ability to change the rate of signal modulation of an object, thereby altering its time reference. This individual would start to perceive the information of objects around him without actually detecting them from his lower senses. The Sixth Dimension: This individual would be able to move objects in time and space. Time for him would not mean as much as for the other two previous dimensions, and his potential would be much greater than that of the previous dimension. This intelligence could be in the form of a fourth-dimensional being, or may be able to alter its form to something else. This intelligence would also be able to recreate three- and some four-dimensional objects. If a sixthdimensional being has a fish in his possession, he does not just have that fish in the fourth dimension; he also has the information that makes up that fish contained in the diehold. This intelligence could then reproduce that fish as many times as he wished. This does not mean he is creating; because in fact, he is only duplicating what already exists. This sixthdimensional being probably perceives most of his surroundings from the diehold and not from his lower senses. This does not mean that this being does not need third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional objects to survive. He probably uses them as reference points in those dimensions in order for him to know what his information is doing in the diehold. The Seventh Dimension: A planet. This may seem very strange, but if we are going to think logically, we must account for every47

thing we see in the universe as having a function. To continue this line of thought, a planet has much more potential than any of the previous four dimensions. Even from observing a planet from the fourth dimension, we know that the earth has many frequencies associated with it. A planet can be considered like a coil and a condenser containing billions of volts of electricity, some of which is discharged as lightening. The planet also has two types of fields. One is a gravitational field and the other is a magnetic field. It does seem logical to state that this entity perceives a great deal of its existence from the diehold. The Eighth Dimension: A star. This dimension was one of the easiest to figure out, because in existence there must be a stage of evolution where an existence can finally go back to where its information started. A star is the only thing in the universe that collapses upon itself when it becomes a black hole. When it becomes a black hole, what is happening is that its information is going to the first dimension, or back to the diehold. This process probably occurs when it has evolved so far and collected so much potential that it can pull in unlimited amounts of information from its surroundings in the diehold. This information we would perceive as a tremendous gravitational field. When the gravitational field (concentrated information) gets too great, the star can no longer exist in any other dimension but the first dimension. Afourth-dimensional existence may be the lowest level of intelligent information, and it is very short-lived; but it may be able to know the secret of existence faster than the higher dimensions. There are many trade-offs to be made in order to obtain certain goals. The reason a fourth-dimensional being could come to the truth faster is because he knows that when he performs an experiment, his mind does not have an effect on the outcome of the experiment. His conclusion would be that the results of his experiments were due entirely to the natural laws of science, not manipulated by him. Because of his helplessness in nature, he is rendered not much more than a spectator of existence. As you go higher up in the dimensions, an intelligence has a harder time delineating whether he is causing the effects or is merely observing them! Therefore, a trade-off is revealed. The greater your potential, the higher your dimension, and the longer it takes to come to the truth. This may be why certain objects exist longer in time than others, because they have to.

Propagation of Light Einstein called his theory The Special Theory of Relativity, because he recognized the fact that the speed of light, 2.9979 x 108 meters per second, is the constant of the universe and that nothing could go faster than light. There were other relativity theories at the time, so the word special identified Einsteins. He theorized that no matter how fast an object was going, if a beam of light was sent out from that object, the velocity of that light would be the same as for an object at rest. This idea was a departure from classical mechanics, which believed in the cumulative effect of velocities. Einstein had no explanation as to what light was at the time he formulated his theory. Multidimensional Reality Explanation We have no disagreement with Einsteins conclusion that light is the constant of the universe, but we do wish to state that the reason the speed of light is the fastest speed obtainable is because light is going at the speed of the tapehead across the information. This tapehead is transmitting all of existence (information) throughout the universe. Light will be explained in Chapter 5. Time In Physics Time to relativity is interrelated to the distance and velocity an object is going from Point A to Point B. The time vari es with the velocity of the object. Einstein envisioned time as a much more elastic unit of measure than was defined in classical mechanics. Multidimensional Reality Explanation We envision time much like Einstein did, when observed from the fourth dimension; but there is a much more important point to be made about time. We have all heard that it would take many years for intelligence from another solar system to travel to our planet. This does not even take into consideration the trip back. We have 49

all heard theories that these UFOs must use suspended animation for their space travelers. This system may work for solar systems that are 5 to 10 light years away, but what about solar systems that are 30,000 to 50,000 light years away? This seems like a tremendous distance, but it is still within our own galaxy. It is unlikely that a highly advanced civilization would engage in space travel that would mean that their astronauts wouldnt return within a relatively short period of time. This is because by the time these space travelers returned from a long journey, the purpose of their trip would have been long since forgotten or the information would no longer be needed. And this does not even take into consideration the separation of loved ones and the family problems that would arise. The question that must be asked is what is so special about time that you can make time and distance irrelevant? If we look at time the way Einstein envisioned it, man will never get out of his own backyard. These tremendous distances may be how God keeps unevolved beings from contaminating other planets and other solar systems. It is as though if we dont evolve to the truth of what existence is, we will never travel in time and space. This is what time is and how its related to the diehold. Lets take two planets, A and B, (Figure 3.9) which are one light year away from each other. Now lets consider a spacecraft (S) traveling at 50 percent the speed of light (1.5 x 108 m/secs) from planet A to planet B. It will take that spacecraft two years of planet As time to reach planet B. If we were in the spacecraft, it would take one year and 267 days. This is the accepted way of looking at time in relation to distance and speed. Using the Theory of Multidimensional Reality, this is how we would look at the same condition.

Figure 3.9 Description of space travel between planet A and planet B


Lets say we are looking at a small portion of recording tape which has the information of planet A, planet B, and also the information of the spacecraft, S. The line stretched perpendicular across the tape represents the head device transmitting all existence of the universe at the exact same moment in time. Step 0 represents the beginning of the journey. The straight line along the tape represents the position of S on the tape in its journey from A to B. Our observation now shows that time, in the first dimension, is the distance the tapehead has traveled across the information. To avoid the problem of time and distance, we would have to raise the potential of spacecraft S to a level where it could no longer exist in this dimension. When it reached this potential, it would be possible to move its information perpendicularly across the tape instead of along it. The result would be that no time would pass fo r spacecraft S traveling from A to B. There may be some proof of this idea of high potential. Many UFO sightings have been made all over the world and many have described various glowing lights around the surface of these UFOs. The color most mentioned is a blue hue. This blue hue around the UFO is definitely high voltage. Another proof of this idea is the many descriptions of radical turns performed at tremendous speeds. If these UFOs were entirely in this dimension, the laws of centrifugal force woul d be entirely valid for them. Since it is obvious that the effects of centrifugal force have no bearing on their space, we must come to the conclusion that they are moving in time and space. Measuring Rods and Clocks The effects of velocity on three-dimensional objects and clocks is probably the best known effect resulting from the Special Theory of Relativity. As an object increases its velocity toward the speed of light, its dimensions become smaller. The equation used to calculate the size difference is quite simple

Lengths of objects
Duration of time = t/

1- V2/C2


This is called the Lorentz transformations. Lets use the example of a rod one meter long. If this rod was not moving at all in the fourth dimension, it would be one meter long. Now lets say the velocity is increased to 200 million meters per second.

At this velocity, the one-meter rod would be 74.5 centimeters long, or, in other words, it would be reduced in size to 74.5 percent of its original length. If the velocity was further increased to 298 million meters per second,

the one-meter rod would now be 10.9 centimeters long. As we can see, the rod is getting smaller as we approach the speed of light. The inverse happens with time. As the velocity of a clock increases, the time it measures slows down. To give an example of this, let us use the same velocities as the previous example. Wehave a clock moving through space at 200 million meters per second.

The outcome is that each second measured by that clock is actually 1.342 seconds long, as measured by a clock with 0 velocity. If the speed is increased to 298 million meters per second,

the duration of one second is now 9.165 seconds long, as measured by another clock at zero velocity. Einstein only explained how this


phenomenon could be calculated and that velocity caused this effect. He never explained why velocity caused the phenomenon. Multidimensional Reality Explanation To explain how this phenomenon occurs, we must go back to the tape analogy. Remember that the head device is going at the speed of light transmitting the information of all existence. So that means that an object at absolute zero velocity in space is actually going (in the diehold) at the speed of light. Another way of saying it is that the ob jects information is being modulated into existence at the speed of light. This means that to increase its speed, it is impossible to do it in the diehold; because it cannot go past the head device. Our conclusion is that velocity or speed is only an observational fact for the other dimensions. The next conclusion we must come to is that if we increase our velocity in the fourth dimension and if we accept the idea that we cannot go faster in the diehold (the first dimension), then the result of our increased speed must be the stretching out of the information. To clarify this idea, lets go to the illustration, (Figure 3.10). Object A has zero velocity in this dimension at Point 1. In the diehold its information is being modulated even with the head devic e. At Step 2, lets say the speed of the object A has been increased to 100 million meters per second.

Notice that Object As information has been stretched to 106.1 percent of its original modulation behind the head device. The consequence of this is that one second measured on Object A would actually be 1.061 seconds long; and if Object A measured one meter long at rest, it would now measure 94.27 centimeters long. In Einsteins theory, the mass of the object would also become 6.075 percent greater as the size of the object became smaller. Our reason for this is as the information of Ais stretched out, it


Figure 3. 10 Demonstrating the effects of velocity in the diehold takes up a greater domain of information on the tape. This greater domain of information is represented by the shaded area in the diagram. This greater amount of information increases the gravitational field around the object because a larger domain of information must be moculated in the same size area in this dimension. This increased field will compress the size of the original object. The end result is that the mass goes up and the volume goes down in the same proportion. At position 2, the velocity of B is 298 million meters per second.

The result would be that the information for Object B would be stretched to 917 percent of its original modulation behind the tapehead. This would be indicated by the fact that a clock placed on Object B would measure time 9.17 times slower than at rest. The mass of Object B would be 917 percent greater than at rest because Object B is occupying a much larger domain of information on the tape. The increased field (information) would in turn reduce the size of B to only 10.9 percent of its original volume. As 54

we can see, as the velocity of A is increased A to A, the area of domains of information for A becomes greater because the signal is getting stretched out increasingly behind the head device. This in turn manifests itself by slowing down time for the object. Since the domains of information for A are greater, the field becomes greater because more information must be modulated in a smaller area. The increased gravitational field in turn reduces the volume of A proportionally. This p rocess would continue until the object reaches just under the speed of light. The result of this fantastic speed is that the object is becoming a first-dimensional object. It is returning to the information that made it up, where time is irrelevant. To get Object B to this fantastic velocity, it would take an equally fantastic amount of energy. Therefore, this method of transportation is highly inefficient and wasteful. We could more easily raise the potential of the object high enough and move the object in time and space using the diehold instead of going against it. In reality, we are really adding potential to an object when we use mechanical methods of propulsion in this dimension, but we are doing it the hard way-this is because we are using mechanical energy from this dimension instead of using energy that is already in the diehold. Inertia of Energy Relativity-the most important principle developed from the Special Theory of Relativity is the proportionality of inertia and inertial mass. This principle is called the Law of Inertia of Energy. The formula for this law is probably the best known formula in science; that is, E=mc2 . The meaning of this equation is: energy is equal to the inertial mass of an object times the speed of light, squared. The implication is that we can obtain energy from matter. In fact, Einstein said that matter is nothing more than concentrated areas of energy. The proof of his equation is generally accepted to be the atomic and hydrogen bombs. Multidimensional Reality Explanation To get right to the point, per our theory, the formula, E=mc2, is wrong, the philosophy is wrong, and the observation is wrong.

The first problem is that it assumes that everything from that reaction is happening in this dimension. It does not take into account the fact that matter has unique frequencies associated with it, and that these frequencies result from its information. It does not explain why the speed of light is the constant of the universe, it merely recognizes that it is. So c2 was put in the formula, which would, of course, produce a large answer. In summary, all this formula (E=mc2) produces is a very large number that cant be tested for its accuracy. There is enough evidence today to show this formula is wrong in results and theory. One such result is the amount of energy being emitted by quasars, billions of light years away. The energy released is more than can be explained by this formula (astronomy chapter). Another fact is the phantom-leaf effect of Kirlian photography. In this example, an energy field is being produced from no matter (Kirlian photography chapter). How come the atomic bomb works? The answer is, first of all, that we must recognize that there are two ways of raising the potential of matter (three-dimensional objects). One is by using high voltage, high frequency. This is the easiest way because we are using electrical potential that exists only in the diehold. The other method is by using mechanical methods, which is less efficient. The atomic and hydrogen bombs use this latter method. Fission Reaction Relativity explanation-This type of reaction is used in the atomic bomb. The principle is rather simple. The only difficult part is its implementation. The basic principle is that we must take an unstable element, such as uranium isotope (U235) and raise its potential above what scientists call the fission barrier, enabling the uranium to split into two more stable elements. These elements usually form within the middle part of the periodic chart. Scientists have estimated that the binding energy inside U235 is equivalent to 5 x 106 electron volts. The idea is to get a highly excited proton with a kinetic energy of 13 x 106 volts in order to penetrate the U235 nucleus. It is theorized by physicists that the additional potential added by this proton is the energy that splits the U235 molecule into two more stable elements. Current scientific theory continues by saying that the energy released is the result of the 56

splitting apart of the U235. The argument for this point is that the atomic weight of U235 is greater than the combined atomic weights of the end products. They theorize that the difference in atomic weights is due to energy conversion. It has been calculated that the equivalent voltage from one ounce of U235, resulting from fission, is 2 x 108 electron volts. It has been correctly observed that the fission barrier of an element is greater (more difficult to obtain) from the lighter weight elements. In fact, it has been found that all elements heavier than iron are potentially able to undergo fission. Multidimensional Reality Explanation What the scientists have described as causing a fission reaction is similar to our theory, but why the energy is observed in this dimension is totally different. First, the scientists are describing that they must take an unstable element and raise its potential mechanically by bombarding it with a proton possessing 13 million volts in order to cause this reaction. But, the raising of the potential does not split the U235 What this extra voltage or potential does is raise the potential of U235 to a point where it can no longer exist in this time and space. Since the diehold cannot permit unstable areas to exist, it replaces the element U235 with the next most stable element or elements. In this case, it was two elements with medium atomic weights. We observe the explosion because the diehold cannot permit a tear or unstable part of the universe to exist. When the U235S potential has been sufficiently raised, it is then moved in time and space. What is left in that space is an area in our dimension that has absolutely no information in it. This small area is the ultimate in vacuums. Once this tear develops in our dimension, the diehold senses it and begins to fill up that area with great quantities of information. We observe it as a tremendous amount of heat and light; but in reality, it is the information that is making up the elements that will be occupying that time and space. In short, the energy we see is the result of information rushing in to fill up a void in our dimension. Another interesting fact discovered by the physicists was that all elements with atomic weights greater than iron could be fission57

able. Remember iron is the only element in the universe that can become a magnet. This tends to prove our point that the frequency for iron is very close to the carrier wave frequency. Fusion Relativity Explanation-Fusion is the result of two heavy hydrogen atoms being combined to form one helium atom. What is used is deuterium, a heavy unstable hydrogen isotope possessing one proton, one neutron, and an atomic weight of 2. A deuterium atom already has more potential than the average hydrogen atom. The fusion reaction can be caused in a similar way as the fission reaction. That is, we can take a highly accelerated proton possessing about 13 x 106 electron volts of potential and have it strike these deuterium atoms. What is theorized is that the potential of the deuterium is increased, and two atoms are able to combine to become one helium atom. The problem with bombarding heavy hydrogen with protons is that the protons lose too much energy in the distance traveled, and the probability of hitting a deuterium atom is very small because of its small size. So a spontaneous reaction is unlikely. Because of this problem they had to apply kinetic energy (heat) amounting to at least 10 million degrees to start the fusion reaction. Once the reaction starts, other isotopes of hydrogen are produced, thereby raising the temperature to as high as 300 million degrees. (21) The higher the temperature, the greater the kinetic energy each hydrogen atom possesses, thereby increasing the rate of collisions amongst themselves. The initial tremendous heat is provided by a fission reaction within the hydrogen bomb. The scientists say that all the energy released by the hydrogen bomb is attributable to the atomic weight difference between two deuterium atoms and the final helium atom. The deuterium atoms weigh more than the final helium atom. Since a fusion reaction releases so much energy, scientists hope to control this reaction and hope to build a fusion reactor. The problem theyre having is producing a magnetic bottle to contain this fusion reaction. The temperature that must be produced is 108 degrees C (21) forming what is called a plasma. The idea is to contain this plasma in a magnetic bottle for an extended period of time. The fuel they would use is heavy water, 58

which is abundant and inexpensive. The problem they are having is that they cannot sustain the fusion reaction for more than a few microseconds before the energy leaks out of the magnetic bottle. Scientists cannot seem to make the magnetic field strong enough to contain the reaction. Multidimensional Reality Explanation Per our theory, a fusion reaction is just like a fission reaction; the method of raising the potential of hydrogen is a little different. The kinetic energy should really be looked on as vast amounts of potential that are imparted to the hydrogen atoms. The potential of the hydrogen atom is increased so high that it can no longer exist in our time and space. As mentioned in the previous section, the diehold cannot permit a tear or lack of information in our universe; so it must fill up that empty space with other information. Since hydrogen is the lightest element, the diehold will have to fill up that void with the next most stable element, that element being helium. The tremendous heat, light, and energy released from a fusion reaction is caused by this information rushing in to fill up that void in the universe. The conclusion from our theory is that man will not be able to harness fusion power because he can never produce a magnetic bottle strong enough to prevent the diehold from rushing in information to fill up that space. In fact, we could turn this entire planet into energy for that magnetic field and it still wouldnt be enough energy to prevent the diehold from filling up that space in time. The General Theory of Relativity Einsteins General Theory of Relativity was the first serious attempt to explain gravity since Newton. Science knew that there was something very special about gravity, since it gave all falling objects uniform acceleration, regardless of mass. In order for Einstein to come up with an acceptable theory for gravity, he felt he had to incorporate the phenomena of inertia and attraction in one theory. One of the first premises he made was electrostatic, mag nostatic, and gravitational fields are all of different character. They 59

do not mix. Each preserves its own individuality, regardless of the others. He came to this erroneous conclusion because he thought that Maxwell had explained what electromagnetism was and what caused a magnetic field, both in bar magnetism and in electric current. As shown in the beginning of this chapter, Maxwell did nothing of the sort. His equations attempted only to describe the effects of a magnetic field on the other objects. If Einstein hadnt made the assumption that electromagnetism and gravity were separate phenomena, then he couldnt proceed in attempting to explain gravity as a function of intertial mass. He knew it was impossible to describe bar magnetism using his method and he should have realized that magnetism and gravity are the same phenomenon. In order to proceed with his theory, he had to alter several assumptions made in his Special Theory of Relativity. He had to develop another system of coordinates to express the effects on objects by a gravitational field. This system of coordinates would have to transform rectilinear uniform motion of inertia into a curved, accelerated motion, which cannot be distinguished from one produced by gravitation. (3-p3l5) The system used Gaussian coordinates with geodetic lines to represent the curved space around the planet (Figure 3.11). This system of coordinates is very difficult to work with involves a highly complicated system of differential equations. With this system of coordinates, straight and curved have less meaning than in classical mechanics. Using this matrix system, gravity was explained as being cuased by the forward velocity of objects circling a fixed center of a planet (Figure 3.12). Gravitational problems thus resolved into the general science of motion of a relativity theory of all motions. (6p48) By treating gravitation and acceleration as equivalent events, he thought he was able to explain why all masses are equally attracted and accelerated to the center of a planet. The centrifugal field around a rotating body can be interpreted as a gravitational field, produced by the revolution of all masses in the universe about the nonrotating body in question. (6 p55) A popular example used to prove Einsteins point that a gravitational field is really the e ffect of acceleration, is the example of an elevator not influenced by a gravitational field. If a person is in this elevator traveling at a constant acceleration, the person cannot tell the difference between this downward force or a downward gravitational field. This acceleration, Einstein said, is similar to a person standing 60

V and U represents coordinates on a curved surface. There are an infinite number of coordinates between V=l and V=2.

Figure 3.11 Drawing of Gaussian coordinates on the earth. He has a forward velocity due to the rotation of the earth. The acceleration factor is curved downward toward the center of the earth. This is a very general explanation of his theory of gravitation. There are much more detailed explanations in other physics books, but further description and discussion of this improbable theory will not make it any more correct. If it does not seem to make any sense to you that acceleration is really what causes gravity, you arent alone. The physicists who believed in relativity also knew it; but without this analogy, they knew that relativity would never explain the phenomenon of gravity. To quote their line of reasoning: Common sense often has the tendency to lead us astray. (3-p346) (Max Born, 1924) 61


Earth Figure 3.12 Gravity described as curvalinear acceleration

If any man or group tells you not to use your own common sense or not to think, but to leave the thinking up to them, be immediately on your guard. They dont want you to think because they do not want to take the chance that someone will prove them wrong. They also do not want you to evolve to the truth. If you start to come to the truth by yourself, their purpose for existing is no longer needed. Multidimensional Reality Explanation There are so many things wrong with the General Theory of Relativity caused by erroneous assumptions and explanations that go 62

back to Maxwell, that its better to start from scratch and explain what gravity really is. The first thing that made Einsteins theory wrong was that he did not recognize that there are two fields associated with our planet. One is the magnetic field (North and South Poles); and the other is the earths gravitational field. The gravity is caused by the information of the physical planet being modulated and directed 360 around a point in time and space. The planet occupies a great amount of domains of information in the diehold. This information modulates into mass 360 around a specific point in time and space. Any object that is within the vicinity of this planet will be pushed toward the center of this modulation point. The force of attraction will observe the inverse square law developed by Newton. The actual gravitational field or force does not really happen in this dimension. The tremendous amount of information that is being directed to make up the planet pushes or bends the information that makes up any object that comes close. The same effect will also happen to light. To test this theory against Einsteins, we had to see if gravity was affected by the velocity of the object around the exis of the earth, or was the gravity due to our theory. Scientists measure the gravitational field of the earth in units called dynes. They use devices called gravity meters to measure the gravity strength in different and varied parts of the world. The system is called the Potsdam System. The first test used was to see if gravity changed for short distances at about the same elevation. For this test, we compared the gravity values obtained by two submarine expeditions from Holland. The first table of measurements is from the voyage of Hr. Ms. K II, (Dutch designation for their submarines) 1923, from Holland to Sabang, via the Suez Canal. The other table is from the voyage of the Hr. Ms. KX III from Holland to Java, via the Panama Canal, 1926. Notice from both tables that the gravity changes quite a bit for such a slow velocity. It seemed that the location on the earth had more to do with the gravity measurement than did the velocity of the ships. Next, we compared the gravity values for three different observational points on the earth (Figure 3.13). The first one was at Cape Perry, Canada (A) (approximately 70 10north by 124 west) with a gravity value of 982.633 dynes. 63

Date 9/26 10/4 10/6 10/7 10/15 10/17 10/18 10/25 10/30 11/1 11/3 11/5 11/7 11/16 11/17 11/19 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/24 11/28 12/5 12/8 12/10 12/12

Location Holland

Depth 25M 20M 25M

Dynes 979.911 979.879 979.997 979.928 979.742 979.545 979.428 979.442 979.334 979.074 978.680 978.377 978.323 978.287 978.186 978.137 978.113 978.105 978.117 978.105 978.146 978.170 978.073 978.029 978.182


2M 9m 15M


2M 12M


2M 15M 15M 15M


2M 15M 15M 20M 20M 20M 20M 20M


2M 20M 15M 20M



Location of Observation Holland Horta

Dynes 980.549 980.163

Las Palmas Curacao Panama Mazatlan San Francisco Honolulu Guam Yap Manilla Amboina Banda Bima Surabaya

979.390 978.435 978.247 978.866 980.000 978.943 978.542 978.479 978.362 978.183 978.275 978.279 978.138


Figure 3.13 Comparison of the gravity values at the poles and the equator

The next location was Manta, Ecuador, (B) 56 south by approximately 81 west with a gravity value of 978.1017 d ynes. The third observational point was McMurdo Bay, Antarctica, 77 53 south by 165 east with a gravity value of 982.9890 dynes. The difference in gravity values between the North Pole and the equator or the South Pole and the equator should then be due to their velocity around the axis or their velocity around its neighboring space, if Einsteins theory was correct. The circumference covered by the observation point at Cape Perry was 13,739 kilometers (velocity equalling 159M/sec.). The observation point at McMurdo Bay was 8,397 kilometers in circumference (velocity 65

equalling 97M/sec.); and finally, the observational point on the equator was approximately 40,000 kilometers (velocity equalling 463M/sec.). The question is: is the gravitational difference between the pole area and the equator due to their velocity differences and centrifugal force? Using Einsteins formula, we found that these velocities caused a negligible difference in their weights. In fact, if we considered the combined velocities of the object around the earth and its velocity around the sun (29.785M/sec.). The resultc would. still be negligible. Even velocity at a higher altitude, as at Ipeales, Nirine, Chile (52 north, elevation 9,680, at 977.2532 dynes) did not have an appreciable effect on the gravitational weight. The biggest deciding factors were the amount of mass under the gravity meter and the distance from the magnetic poles of the earth. The gravity differences between the equator and the pole areas is about five dynes. This large difference is not due to the objects velocity in this dimension. The gravitational effect is due entirely to the information that makes up this planet. T he daily fluctuations in gravity, as much as .035 dynes, are due to the changes in the modulation intensity of the information. The reason gravity is stronger at the magnetic poles is because the carrier wave frequency along with the information that makes up other controlling frequencies of the earth is also being directed to those areas. This additional information results in a greater pushing of any other information that is in its path, thereby causing a greater gravity. Geomagnetism This section is one of the most important in this book because it gives us our first major clue as to what happened on the earth many thousands of years ago and what will happen again. This section also gives us the first major evidence that there is a plan and order in the universe. Description of the Earths Magnetic Field Traditional Theory-It may appear that the earths magnetic field is caused in the same manner as a bar magnet. But scientists know 66

that the core of the earth is too hot to permit the existence of magnetized rock. (16-plll) Instead, they came up with the dynamo theory, which theorizes that the magnetic field is generated by convective motions in the liquid outer core of the earth. (9-p207) One of the problems with this theory is that they cant explain the source of the heat necessary and the process operating th e geodynamo. One reason is because all velocity fields that form toroidal fields cannot act as a dynamo. (9-p207) We would also add that it could not be this type of dynamo because we must assume that the core and the liquid outer core are perfectly centered in the earths interior (Figure 3.14). The magnetic fields produced from this dynamo would have to be directly opposite each other. But the magnetic poles of the earth are about a thousand miles closer together (North Pole, 75 north, 101 west; South Pole, 67 south, 143 east, approximately). Multidimensional Reality Explanation The first question that must be answered is what causes the heat in the core of the earth. The traditional idea is that the earth was a molten mass some 4.6 billion years ago. (16) What is assumed is that the earth gradually cooled down forming a 2,900 Km thick mantle. This mantle insulates the outer and inner core from heat loss. The problem with this theory is that we dont believe the mantle of the earth could have acted as such a good in sulator for so many billions of years. It is more probable that the earth would have cooled down several billion years ago and would not possess nearly the amount of heat potential that it now has. The conclusion from this, is that the earth must have some sort of heat generating system in the center that is also related to its magnetic field. Per our theory, the earth is formed by the modulation of a tremendous amount of information that makes up the planet. This information modulates to a specific point in time and space. This point we theorize is near the center of the earth. It is not necessary that this modulation point be exactly in the center of the earth. As discussed earlier, each element in the universe has its own specific frequency. Since the planet is certainly made up of all the elements that are in the periodic table (92 natural elements), the vector modulation points of all these elements would be directed toward 67

Figure 3.14 Diagram of the interior of the earth

one finite area in the core. Along with the frequencies of the elements would be other clocking and synchronizing frequencies. This idea is a very important one in terms of existence. If we say the information that makes up these elements exists in a structure functioning like a computer, this computer would have to have clocked and synchronous logic systems in it. The advantages of a clocked logic is that unchecked bits of information cannot run wildly through the circuit. Instead, information can only progress one stage at a time. The second advantage is that everything in the computer happens at about the same time, thereby eliminating race conditions, timing sequence mix-ups, and transient voltages. In addition to clock frequencies there would also have to be synchronizer frequencies. In computers, synchronizers are used to 68

align random outside wired commands and to get them to fit an exact time slot in a timing system. (15-p207) This timing system could be related to the number of electrons formed in one second. Along with synchronizer pulses there would also be resynchronizer pulses. Resynchronizer pulses would eliminate propagation delays of the information along with random voltage swings, also resynchronizing all bits of information to fit into the timing system of the computer. (15-p2l0) These different types of signals would be a much lower frequency than the information that makes up the elements. It is unknown how many different clock and synchronizing frequencies there are in our existence, but there is a great deal of proof that they do indeed exist. All these collective frequencies are being directed toward the center modulation point. The carrier wave, clocking, and other synchronizing frequencies are what we see as the magnetic field of the earth. The magnetic field, therefore, is not related to any of the elements but acts as a resynchronizing frequency, rising and falling in amplitude and changing polarity. The heat comes about because this modulation point acts like a filament in an incandescent bulb. The process is exactly like Nikola Teslas incandescent-button lamp (Figure 3.15). In this bulb, a carbon button is supplied with high voltage, high frequency current which charges the carbon button. Charged particles are repelled at high velocity to the surrounding glass globe where the particles lose their charge. They are then repelled back at an equally high velocity striking the button in the center. This process occurs millions of times per second, thereby causing the carbon button to become heated to incandescence. In such a bulb, tremendous temperatures are created. If the current is increased, the temperature is in turn increased, thereby vaporizing the carbon into gas more quickly. (20) Relating this invention to the core is not too difficult. The modulation point is like the carbon button; but unlike the lamp, the modulation point is not physically connected to any outside energy source. The energy comes about from the modulation of all these frequencies. As discussed earlier in the section on generators, as the information of an object is modulating into our existence, for one small moment of time just magnetic information is present. Then 90 out of phase is the potential produced by the changing field. The potential produced by all this information produces the tremendous heat and a tremendous amount of voltage in the center. 69

Figure 3.15 Diagram of Nikola Teslas button lamp

This modulation point, just like the carbon button, starts emitting highly electrically charged particles, which in turn heat the surface of the outer core. These particles then reverse their charge and direction heading back to the modulation point at tremendous velocities. The diameter of the inner core is 2,780 kilometers, which in turn heats up the area called the outer core, which is 2,080 kilometers thick. Therefore, our conclusion is that the center of the earth is not a solid, massive core but a super-heated, dense 70

gas plasma. This plasma possesses a tremendous amount of untapped potential. It may seem rather absurd that the center of the earth is not a solid core, but there is enough seismic evidence that the core is indeed not solid. The proof is the following: (Figure 3.16) During an earthquake, the seismic waves travel at different velocities and at different angles depending on the medium the waves pass through. As illustrated, the seismic waves that pass through each distinct layer of the earth are deflected in unique waves. There are two kinds of waves produced by an earthquake, the primary wave (P wave) and the secondary wave (S wave). The P wave travels faster than the S wave. As shown by the diagram, the velocity of the S waves abruptly stop at the edge of the outer core, thereby indicating the difference in composition between the mantle, which is of a harder, more consistent material than the outer core, which is generally accepted to be quite liquid. The P wave, on the other hand, travels increasingly faster to a velocity of about 14 kilometers a second when it gets to the lower region of the mantle. When it reaches the outer core, it slows down to about 7.5 kilometers per second, then increases again in velocity to about 11 kilometers per second. (16-p92) The way seismologists interpret these seismic velocities is that the reason why the P waves slow down when they reach the outer core is because the outer core is a fluid and does not transmit wave motion as fast as solids. The reason why the P waves increase as they go toward the center is because the center again becomes a solid core. The obvious problem with this theory is: how do we explain the heat necessary to produce a liquid outer core, if the center is as cool as the mantle? It is much more logical to assume that the heat continues to get greater until it reaches its maximum in the center. The reason the P waves start traveling faster in the inner core is because a gas plasma, under tremendous pressure, transmits wave motions as well as solids, and that is why the P waves increase in velocity toward the center. Our conclusion is that the earths magnetic field is caused by a variety of frequencies which control the potential at the center. The magnetic field is present without the necessity of any physical matter to be present. The heat is produced by the modulation of many frequencies; frequencies, ranging from the information that makes up the different elements to various clocking, synchronizing, and resynchronizing frequencies too numerous to comprehend and, perhaps, beyond our understanding.

E is the location of an earthquake in the crust of the earth. A-D is the paths of the seismic waves through the earth.

Figure 3.16 Diagram of seismic waves passing through the earth


Evidence of Synchronizing and Resynchronizing Frequencies Ionosphere-The ionosphere is divided into four general layers. (Figure 3.17) The D, E, Fl, and F2 layers are ionized layers in the atmosphere. Their best known function is radio transmission. Each layer is capable of reflecting various radio signals back to the earth. The reflection properties depend on the level of ionization of each layer. It is unknown what causes these layers. They are at the same altitude throughout the entire world, except at the polar regions.

Figure 3.17 Diagram of the ionosphere

The only other factor that affects the ionosphere is the sun spots, which raises the ionization of these layers. We theorize that the cause of these layers is the modulation of the frequencies that make up the planet. The reason there are multiple layers is similar to group waves produced by certain types of flourescent bulbs. (Figure 3.18) Under certain conditions, you can observe lightwaves in the tube of the bulb changing distance between peaks as the frequency of the cathode is changed. 73

Figure 3.18 Drawing of group waves

These sinusoidal light waves are called wave groups. They are caused when two or more slightly different frequencies are moving in the same direction. Sometimes their frequencies are in phase and sometimes they are not. The result is that at certain intervals the individual frequencies amplify themselves, and at other intervals they cancel each other out. These fluctuations are represented by Lines A and B of Figure 3.18. Each large bulge is called the beat wave. It has a frequency equal to the difference of the other frequencies present. Another observation of wave groups is that even in a disruptive medium, the wave groups are propagated over a considerable distance as a recognizable unit. (11-p937) Since the earth is not exactly like the flat plate of a cathode, as illustrated in Figure 3.18, the wave groups are formed uniformly all over earth except in the polar regions. To us these wave groups would not form exactly as in the tube, but instead wave groups 1, 2, and 3 could be considered like the D, E, and F layers in our ionosphere. These layers modulate at specific distances from the surface. The earth can be considered like the cathode. We theorize these ionospheric layers are caused in a similar manner. The layer above the ionosphere is called the plasmasphere (Figure 3.19). In this layer many low-frequency electromagnetic waves have been detected. These frequencies range from .3 to 7.5 Mhz. Scientists do not know what causes these low-electromagnetic frequencies. They are so strong in some areas that any space vehicle passing through them can receive only those frequencies. The maximum strength of these frequencies is found along the magnetic equator of the earth, ranging from 2 north to 2 south. (16 -p1O3) If you remember the discussion on current flowing through a wire, the electric field is formed perpendicular to the magnetic field. As you can see by the illustration, the magnetosphere is also formed perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field; and the strongest part of this magnetosphere is exactly perpendicular to the magnetic field. (17) What causes these low electromagnetic 74

frequencies are the clocking, synchronizing, and resynchronizing frequencies that control the information that makes up the planet. In addition to the previous frequencies mentioned, there are other even more interesting frequencies detected. (17, 18) These are ELF (Extra Low Frequency) hiss and chorus; VLF (Very Low Frequency) hiss, or discrete emissions; and LHR (Lower Hybrid Resonance) noise. In some regions of the magnetosphere, these frequencies reach almost 100 percent of any of the signals heard in their vicinity. No scientist knows what causes them nor how they are propagated. The ELF and VLF noises have variable band widths and center frequencies and have not been extensively measured. The ELF noise or hiss is usually several hundred hertz wide and occurs below a 1000 hertz; the LHR hiss are waves linearly polarized along the magnetic field, which means that they are propagated perpendicular to the magnetic field. Again we see the same similarity of an electric current passing through a wire
Figure 3.19 Diagram of the Van Allen belts


where the magnetic field appears perpendicular to the flow of current. A variety of frequencies can be found from .3 to 100 Khz. (17) This hiss or noise from these three different types of frequencies is the function of the information directed toward the modulation point in the center of the earth. This would include the information for all the elements that are on the earth. The reason it sounds like a hiss or noise is because there are literally hundreds of different frequencies bundled together in a relatively narrow bandwidth. All these frequencies heard in the upper atmosphere are a function of the information that makes up this planet. The reason we hear them grouped at different frequencies is because we are hearing various harmonics of the original frequencies. Magnetic Flucturations Scientists have been monitoring the daily and seasonal magnetic fluctuations on the earth. These magnetic fluctuations have been found at various wave lengths. The wave lengths detected have usually been longer than the electromagnetic waves recorded in the ionosphere. The lengths of some of these fluctuations have been daily, yearly, 5-year cycles, and 11-year cycles (Figure 3.20). The graphs included below show some of these magnetic fluctuations. You will notice that they all take on the form of a sine wave. This sine wave turns out to be a very important observation. One of the most interesting listed below is the daily fluctuations (Figure 3.21). On the chart, the X represents the magnetic field taken in a northerly direction. The Y represents an east-west direction, and the Z represents the vertical direction. The Z column proves our theory. It plainly shows that the North Pole is 180 out of phase with the South Pole. No scientist has yet explained why this wave form exists. This is why: The top of the graph represents the North Pole, and the bottom represents the South Pole. As you can see, at 4:00 a.m. there is more information being directed toward the South Pole, At 12, noon, the information is of equal intensity. At 17:00 (i.e., 5 p.m.) there is now more information being directed toward the North Pole. (19) This fluctuation of the magnetic field is due to the field being influenced by a synchronizing frequency. 76

Monthly mean departures from annual means, geomagnetic compomponent AX, sun -spot minimum (1912-14, 1922-24) and maximum (1916-18, 1927-29) years (geomagnetic latitudes indicated in parentheses)
Successive overlapping five-year averages of monthly mean departures from annual means Figure 3.20 Monthly, yearly and five year cycles of the magnetic fields of the earth

Polar Reversals A polar reversal is when the magnetic field of the earth reverses itself so the north magnetic pole is where the south magnetic pole


Disturbance daily variation on disturbed days (SD), in various geomagnetic latitudes, geomagnetic components, August, 1922-33 *Note particularly that scales for graphs in auroral regions are different than for others Figure 3.21 Daily variations in the magnetic intensity

was and vice-versa. Geophysicists have been completely stymied in understanding why the poles of the earth have reversed themselves at certain times in the past. Many scientists believe this reversal phenomenon is related to their theory of a geodynamo. As shown in the previous section, their geodynamo theory is incorrect. 78

The polar reversals are caused by a very long period, resynchronizing frequency, whose half cycle is about 12,000 years. When this frequency reaches the X axis (Figure 3.22), there is no magnetic field on the earth. At this point, something very important happens to this planet and in turn to man on it. This moment in time is lit erally the most important time in mans evolution. This moment in time happens all over the universe at exactly the same time. This is because the information for all existence is in the diehold, and this resynchronizing frequency is produced by the diehold to eliminate all random noise, rippled delays, and other imperfections in the signal propagation. The effect at this special time to other parts of the universe will be discussed in the chapter on astronomy. The remainder of this chapter will be devoted to some of the effects that have happened and will happen on the planet when this flip-flop occurs.
Figure 3.22 Graph of the 12,000 year cycles

The first assumption that must be proved is how many years are between these cycles. We theorize it is about 12,000 years. The following is the proof for this assumption. Scientists determine the direction of the magnetic polarity by examining the magnetic residue left in magnetized rocks and sediments. 79

First, we must see if there is a linear relationship between these reversal periods. The lava-flows from the South Atlantic Ocean ridge have been studied for a distance of 1,500 kilometers perpendicular with the ocean ridge. The results from these lava-flows clearly indicate the polar reversals have occured in equal time intervals. It has been found that this linear relationship exists all over the world on the ocean floors. (16-pl48-9) Another study using potassium argon techniques for dating volcanic sediments also indicates that all polar reversals were of nearly equal lengths. (10) The estimate as to the length of time between reversals vary from 100,000 years to one million. (10) These estimates are considerably longer than ours, but this is due to the problems they have obtaining short interval estimates . First, lets look at the method of dating. They rely heavily on the data obtained from the amount of sediment obtained between reversals. They assume that certain sediments and volcanic spreading are deposited evenly over the time between reversals. As we will show later, this assumption is inaccurate. What does happen is that there is more sediment and volcanic activity during the reversal time than during the period between reversals. Dating sediments for periods shorter than 30,000 years is very difficult because the magnetic artifact is below the level of experimental noise, so shorter periods have not been conclusively resolved using magnetic profiles. (10-p242) Variations in the rate of sedimentation, noise due to stratigraphic gaps, authigenic chemical changes in the ferromagnetic minerals, and the effects by organisms have also made dating short events very difficult. (10-p243; 19-p378) In summary, none of the above evidence rules out the occurrence of short-term reversals. It merely says that it is very difficult to detect them.

Evidence The next step in proving the possibility of 12,000-year reversals is to see if there is any evidence of a reversal 12,000 years ago. There is plenty! Core samples from the Gulf of Mexico, Northern and Central Europe, Eastern Canada, and New Zealand have been found to have large-scale magnetic fluctuations dating from about 12,500 80

years ago. (13-p48) Besides this date, intervals of 24,000 - 25,000 years and 38,000 - 40,000 years have also been indicated. The 24,000 - 25,000 year-dates were the only ones that could be correlated as a world-wide fluctuation. (13-p49) We can plainly see that the above dates are multiples of 12,000 years. Lake Michigan Sediments It has been determined by carbon-14 dating that the sediment deposited by the last ice age is 11,500 years old. (11-p531) At the bottom of this sediment is the base of a Lake Michigan formation. The magnetic evidence at the base indicates a polar reversal and a westward shift in the magnetic pole. (11-p538) Wisconsin The Valderan Till by Lake Michigan also indicates the same magnetic fluctuation as the above example. The Valderan Till has been dated to be between 11,140 and 12,900C14 years old. The generally accepted date is 11,500C14 years old. (11p533) Lake Windermere, England A magnetic fluctuation has been found at the base of the lake sediments. The date of these sediments is believed to be 15,400 years 2,800 years. The magnetic data also indicates a westwardly shift in the magnetic pole. (11-p531) Lake Erie The glacial deposits on the north shore of Lake Erie have been examined along a distance of 100 kilometers. The core samples indicate a polar reversal and a westward polar movement to its present location. (12-pl4l-3) The age of this glacial till, known as the Port Stanley Till, is about 11,000 years old, which is the time of the last ice age. It was also found that this till was deposited 81

over a much shorter period of time than previously assumed (300 years, 200). (12-pl43) Northwestern Shore of Lake Ontario Near Toronto, Canada, more than 300 test cores were taken in the glacial sediments. The remnant magnetization indicated a polar reversal just before the last ice age. It also found, with a 99 percent confidence, that there was a westwardly polar movement to its present position. (14-pl233-6) The previous examples are excellent evidence that a polar reversal occurred about 11,700 years ago and preceded the sediments left from the last ice age. We will explain in the chapter on astronomy what causes the ice age and why it occurs after a polar reversal. The last unanswered phenomenon is: why do the magnetic poles of the earth wander or wobble? It has been theorized that it takes a decade for this process to happen. (9) The Port Stanley Till in Ontario indicates that the magnetic North Pole was previously located at a latitude of 74.7 N., longitude 78.2 E. There is a 95 percent confidence rate that the pole was located within a radius of 800 kilometers of this point. (12-pl41) The till near Ontario, Canada, indicates a location of latitude 71.8 N. (8.6), longitude 83.8 E. (13.7), with a 99 percent confidence. (14 pg l, 233) Many of the test holes from the Lake Windermere location indicate the previous polar location to be in about the same area. (11-p538) The Reversal Period Geophysicists cannot seem to understand why the magnetic poles would reverse themselves. This is because they dont know what magnetism or gravity is, so they would have no idea that the field reverses itself because of something that happens in another dimension. The reason the magnetic pole shifts to the west is because the rotation of the earth is dependent on the magnetic field of the earth. As the reversal period approaches, the magnetic field begins to collapse quite rapidly and the rotation begins to slow 82

down. However, during this period the rotation rate lags the magnetic decay by some time. (22) When the X axes is crossed and zero field is obtained the earth continues to rotate for a short period of time. If we take into consideration the location of the last magnetic North pole we would conclude the period of time of continued rotation is about half a day before the earths rotation completely stops. After the X axes has been crossed, the earth would slowly begin to rotate in the opposite direction. It is important to the subject that we describe what happens when a polar reversal occurs. A. Years before the reversal occurs, the earths ionosphere, plasmasphere, and Van Allen belts will become super -charged with potential. This is because these upper layers are like a capacitor that has been charged up due to the magnetic field. As the magnetic field collapses, the capacitor releases its potential. During this period of time, the jet streams in the upper atmosphere would change direction by many thousands of miles. In addition to the jet stream moving horizontally in its plane, it can also move vertically. This means that the jet stream could come down to a few thousand feet above the surface of the earth. This condition would be caused when the upper atmospheric layers (D, E, and F layers) become overcharged with an excess of electrons. The jet stream moving at great velocities would also acquire the same sign charge (the same positive charge). When this condition happens, the jet stream will be repelled from the ionosphere down toward the earth, which would be considered negatively charged. It is possible that as the ionosphere becomes charged to its maximum, the jet stream could be lowered to sea level. B. A similar process would be occuring in the center of the earth. As the magnetic field is collapsing, the potential at the inner core will start to increase. As the potential increases, (Figure 3.23) it will be converted into additional heat that will be transferred through the mantle of the earth. As the mantle heats up, it will cause many more earthquakes and volcanoes. The increased earthquake activity is additionally caused by the decreasing magnetic field of the earth. It has been estimated that the magnetic field amounts to only about two percent of the force holding the continental plates in place. (16-pl03) Personally, we feel it is greater than this; but even if it is only two percent, it may be enough to

prevent a plate from moving. As the magnetic field diminishes, the plates are under greater influences of the increasing convection currents of lava in the mantle. If the mantle pressure changes under a large land mass, that continent could rise or fall. This could have been the process that caused the continent of Atlantis to sink.

M = Magnetic field strength E = Electrical potential in the center of the earth

Figure 3.23 Graph of the 12,000 year cycles with the potential created by the collapsing field

C. When the actual zero magnetism point is reached (the reversal), there will be a release of all the tremendous potential stored up in the ionosphere and the layers above. This release would be in the form of a tremendous lightning storm lasting the duration of the reversal. This lightning storm would be like nothing we have seen before. D. The inner core would also release a tremendous spike of potential that would probably also turn the outer core into a gas plasma carrying an electric charge many millions of times greater than the atmosphere. We can view At this charge as being infinite for all practical purposes. On the surface of the earth there


would be tremendous earthquakes and large earth movements, along with even more volcanoes and lava flows. Some of these predictions may seem very far out; but in Chapter 11 we will explore some of the mythologies from all over the world which tell a story strikingly similar to our assumptions. In Chapter 12 we will try to estimate when it will happen again, and it will happen again, since there is proof that it has occurred for over a billion years. (16-pl26) REFERENCES
1 . Einstein, A., Relativity, The Special and General Theory (N.Y., Crown Publ., 1961). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Purcell, E. M., Electricity and Magnetism-Berkeley Physics Course; Vol. 2 (N.Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1965). Born, Max, Einsteins Theory of Relativity, Rev. Ed. (N.Y., Dover Publ., 1965). Maxwell, James C., A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3 rd ed. (Oxford, Claredon Press, 1904). Einstein, A. & Infeld, L., The Evolution of Physics (N.Y., Simon & Schuster, 1938). Freundlich, E. F., The Foundations of Einsteins Theory of Gravitation (London, Methuen, 1924). Blitzer, R., Basic Electricity for Electronics (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1975). Faraday, Michael, Experimental Researches in Electricity, vol. 3 (London, R & J. E. Taylor, 1855). Bussee, F. H., Core Motions and the Geodynamo: Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, vol. 13, no. 3; July 1975. Cox, A., Geomagnetic Reversals: Science, vol. 163, no. 3864, Jan. 17, 1969.


11. Creer, K., Gross, D. L., Lineback, J. A., Origin of Regional Geomagnetic Variations by Wisconsin & Holocene sediments from Lake Michigan & Lake Windermere, England: Geological Society of America, bulletin, vol. 87, p. 531-540; April 1976. 12. Stupavsky, M., Symons, T. A., Gravenor, P., Paleomagnetism of the Port Stanley Till, Ontario: Geological Society of America, bulletin, vol. 85, p. 141-144, Jan. 1974. 13. Verosub, K. L., Paleomagnetic Excursions as Magnetostratigraphic Horizons, A Cautionary Note: Science, vol. 190, p. 48-50, June 12, 1975. 14. Stupavsky, M., Symons T. A., & Gravenor, P., Palemagnetism & Magnetic Fabric of the Leaside & Sunnybrook Tills near Toronto, Ontario: Geological Society of America, bulletin, vol. 85, p. 1233-1236, Aug. 1974. 15. Lancaster, D., TTL Cookbook (Indianapolis, Howard W. Sams & Co., 1974). 16. Wyllie, P. J., The Way the Earth Works (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1976). 17. Russell, C. T., McPherron, R. L., Coleman, P. J., Fluctuating Magnetic Field in the Magnetosphere: Space Science Reviews, vol. 12, p. 810-856, 1972. 18. McPherron, R. L., Russell, C. T., Coleman, P. J., Fluctuating Magnetic Fields in the Magnetosphere: Space Science Reviews, vol. 13, p. 411-454, 1972. 19. Vestine, E. H.,, The Geomagnetic Field, Its Description and Analysis (Carnegie Institute of Washington, D.C., 1947). 20. Martin, T. C., The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla (N.Y., The Electrical Engineer, 1894). 21. The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 13 (Chicago, Helen Hemingway Benton, Publ., 1974). 22. Ball, R. H.,, Variations in the Geomagnetic Field and in the rate of the Earths rotation (Santa Monica, The Rand Cor p., Memorandum no. RM-5717-PR, Oct. 1968). 86

Bibliography Arantes, D. S., Scarabucci, R. R., Full-wave Analysis & Coupling Effects in a Crossover Region, Radio Science, vol. 1 0, no. 8, 9, p. 810-811, Sept. 1975. Bain, W. C., Rishbeth, H., Developments in Ionospheric Physics since 1957, The Radio & Electronic Engineer, vol. 45, no. , Jan. & Feb. 1975. Burton, R. K., McPerron, R. L., and Russel, C. T., The Terrestrial Magnetosphere: A Half wave rectifier of the Interplanetary Electrical Field, Science, vol. 189, p. 717-18, Aug. 29, 1975. Cox, A., The Frequency of Geomagnetic Reversals and the Symmetry of the Nondipole Field, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, vol. 13, no. 3, July, 1975. Einstein, A., The Meaning of Relativity, 2nd ed. (N.J., Prinston University Press, 1945). Einstein, A., The Origins of the General Theory of Relativity-Lecture to the University of Glasgow, June 20, 1933. Johnson, J. R., Electric Circuits, Part 1-Direct Current (N.Y., Rinehart Press, 1970). Jones, M. R., Georges, T. M., Infrasound from Convective Storms III. Propagation to the Ionosphere, Journal Acoust. Soc. of America, vol. 59, no. 4, April, 1976. Perona, G. E., LF & VLF Phase Antinomies During Solar X-ray Flares, Radio Science, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 435-444, April 1975. Ruderman, M. A., Foley, H. M., Eleven year Variation in Polar Ozone and Stratospheric-Ion Chemistry, Science, vol. 192, p. 555-557, May 7, 1976. Weinberg, S., Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles & Applications of the General Theory of Relativity (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1972).


We have all marveled at the spectrum of color produced by a prism or a rainbow. We have all turned on light bulbs which produced every color imaginable. Even scientists still wonder what light really is, but so far it has defied understanding. Is it a particle, like Newton and quantum mechanics envisioned, or is- it an electromagnetic wave as theorized by Maxwell?

Quantum Mechanics Viewpoint The theory of quantum mechanics was first developed by Max Planck in 1900. Later contributors included Albert Einstein. Planck was trying to find what the energy distribution of light emitted from a heated object was. He concluded from his experiments that the energy emitted could only be radiated in bundles of energy which he called quantums (Einstein later called these bundles photons). Planck calculated that these quantums of energy all had the same energy level (h=6.626 x 10-27 erg. sec.) times the fre-


quency of radiation. Plancks conclusion was that solid matter can only radiate quantums of energy in the form of light. Einstein added to Plancks conclusion by trying to explain the photoelectric effect. This is when electrons are produced from a metal when light strikes it. It was found through experimentation that the intensity of light has little to do with the velocity of the electrons produced, rather it was in direct proportion to the frequency of the light. It was found that the electrons freed had a constant velocity. Einstein theorized that each element had a given number of electrons. The electrons were held in place by magnetic forces. When light, with sufficient energy levels, strikes the element, the energy overcomes the attractive forces holding the electrons to the atom. If there is any excess energy left over, it is imparted to the electron as kinetic energy. The quantity of energy needed to release an electron varies from element to element. The surface electrons receive the greatest amount of energy; therefore, they have the greatest amount of kinetic energy. Less energy is necessary to overcome the binding force on the surface of the metal than in its interior. In summary, Einstein-Plancks theory considers light as particles called photons, each photon having a certain amount of energy depending on its frequency (color). The momentum of each photon is equal to Plancks constant times the frequency, divided by the speed of light (h f/c). The quantum theory is not considered perfect because it cannot explain the phenomenon of interference lines and defraction spectrum formed by a prism. Maxwells electromagnetic theory of light was able to explain those phenomena but could not explain the photoelectric effect. Multidimensional Reality Explanation As far as we can see, this theory is the only one that can logically explain all the observable phenomena of light. The first and most important question to be asked is what is light? The answer is simple when analyzed using our theory. Light is the demodulated information of an element passing us at the speed of approximately 3 x 108 meters/sec. The reason it travels at this speed is because the head device is passing over the information that makes up the elements at that particular speed. The information is in turn trans90

mitted and modulated into our dimensional existence at the rate of approximately 3 x 108 meters/sec. This is how light is produced. First lets consider a stable element like sodium. When no potential is added to sodium, it gives off no light. The sodium atom has its own group of frequencies that make it up. These frequencies include a carrier wave frequency, several frequencies that make up the physical information of sodium, and some clocking and synchronizing frequencies. This could amount to ten or more frequencies bundled together. Lets say these frequencies normally modulate at 1,500 GHz (1,500,000,000,000 cycles per sec.); as potential is added, the sodium frequencies start to produce higher harmonics of its information (Figures 4.1 and 4.2). Each series of frequencies is produced by additional potential. In other words, series six needs six times more potential than series one. This is not to say that the potential follows a linear relationship. We use this example merely to simplify the explanation. The power function might very well follow an exponential function. When enough potential is added and these higher harmonic frequencies are produced in the visible light spectrum, we see the sodium as incoherent light (white light). We are able to separate this incoherent light into its unique spectral lines (frequencies). The device used to separate the incoherent light is called a prism, and the phenomenon is called dispersion.

Figure 4.1 The light spectral line seriess of sodium


Figure 4.2 Higher harmonic frequencies of a element

The Phenomena of a Prism Aprism can be made of any clear hard material. When light is passed through the prism at an angle to the surface, (Figure 4.3) the incoherent light is immediately divided into separate color (frequency) lines. This is called dispersion. Each element in the universe has its own unique spectral frequency lines. Another phenomenon happens at this time. The speed of light slows down when it enters the prism. In fact, light slows down when it passes through anything denser than a vacuum. This velocity-decrease is directly related to the refractive index of the materials of which the prism is made. Denser elements have higher refractive indexes than do less dense elements (Figure 4.4). The phenomena of defraction, dispersion, and the decrease in velocity are directly related. The traditional explanation for dispersion is that short wave lengths are bent more than longer wave lengths of light. This means that the violet colors are bent more than the red colors. The problem is that scientists never explain what is so unique about the wave lengths. The next important point to remember is that as the wave length becomes smaller, the potential of the frequency increases. The reason why the light bends and dispersion appears is the most difficult concept to be explained in this book, but ours is the only theory that can explain it logically. First you must realize that the white incoherent light you direct toward the prism represents the information of one or more elements. We now refer you back to the tape analogy. When you raise the potential of an element high enough (in the light spectrum 92

Figure 4.3 Two examples of dispersion

and above), you have actually caused some of the information of that element not to exist (demodulate) in this time and space. We see it as light. That bit of information is no longer in this dimension. It is back in the first dimension as a small domain of information on the tape. Its velocity on the tape is zero, whereas the velocity of our information being modulated is 3 x 108 meters/sec. To us it appears that the light is traveling faster, but in reality it is stopped; we are the ones that are moving faster on the tape. The reason why the light bends (refraction) in a prism is exactly the same reason why it bends and appears to slow down while passing through a strong gravitational field. The gravitational field is really

Example of refraction. A is the angle of incidence, B is the angle of refraction. Angle B is different for each element used. Figure 4.4 Diagram showing refraction and reflection

strong concentrations of information going to a planet or a star. Usually this gravitational field is not as strong as the modulated information of a prism, as exemplified by its shape in this dimension. Also, a gravitational field does not have an immediate effect on the light beam but rather its force follows the inverse square law. The result is that the light beam gradually curves in, toward the modulation point of the gravitational field (see Figure 4.5). When the light beam enters the prism, its immediately bent and changes velocity. This is much different from the effect in a strong gravitational field because the light is not just passing through concentrations of information but is literally passing through the domains of information of the prism in the diehold. The reason why the velocity changes is because the modulation velocity of the prism is at 3 x 108 meters/sec., and the modulation velocity of the light is 0. The result is that the information of the light increases its velocity slightly by being pushed or affected by the much denser information of the prism. Once the light beam passes through the domains of information of the prism, the light resumes its zero velocity. To us in this dimension, the light appears to speed up. The immediate dispersion of the light when it enters the prism is due to the different energy levels of the frequencies of the light, 94

the violet and ultraviolet colors, possessing much more potential than the infrared or red colors. The analogy for the bending and the potential is exactly like the example of the effects on measuring rods and clocks as described in Chapter 3. (Figure 4.6) As mentioned in that chapter, the energy necessary to accelerate an object is equivalent to saying that the object has that much more potential. An equivalent statement can be made for an ultraviolet domain of information (color). It possesses a great deal more potential than the infrared, so you can look at it as possessing a greater mass, which is the result of a greater amount of information than the infrared end of the spectrum. If it possesses a greater mass and gravitational field, then it will be more attracted to the domains of the prism. This is why the violet light is bent in more toward the prism than the red light. This analogy holds equally true for much lower levels of wave form energies, like microwave. Using Figure 4.3, the microwave information would pass straight through the prism more or less undeflected by the information of the prism.
Figure 4.5 Diagram of a light beam passing a gravitational source

Electromagnetic Properties of Light Traditional Theory-The electromagnetic theory of light was first introduced by James C. Maxwell. He theorized that light was like transverse waves, similar to the lower frequency, electromagnetic waves (Figure 4.7). The electrostatic field vector (E) and the magnetic field vector (H) that make up the wave are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the wave. The E and H waves are said to oscillate in phase. That means that E and H both reach maximum value at the same time.

Figure 4.6 A visualization of dispersion in the diehold

E = electrostatic field vector H = magnetic field vector

The diagrams show that E and H are pulsing in phase with each other.

Figure 4.7 Traditional diagram of the electromagnetic waves of light

Multidimensional Reality Explanation We agree with Maxwells concept of light being an electromagnetic wave except for one point. The idea that the E and H wave pulsate

in phase is incorrect because it goes against all observations in electronics, from the back electromotive force in a coil, to the fact that a current lags the magnetic field by 90 out of phase. To look at it logically, (Figure 4.8) the magnetic information must be present before the information of the electrostatic field. We perceive these oscillations as happening simultaneously only because the frequency at which it is oscillating is too rapid for our detection.

Figure 4.8 MDR diagram of the electromagnetic waves of light

Polarization of Light Incoherent light can be polarized if it is passed through perpendicular to the surface of a crystal. The two parts of the information for the crystal are lined up perpendicular to themselves (Figure 4.9). The crystal is said to be vertically polarized if the magnetic information is lined up horizontally. The light will pass along only the same plane of direction as the electrical field. The electrical field is 90 out of phase from the magnetic information. As the randomly polarized light strikes the surface of the crystal, any light waves that are not vertically polarized will be absorbed by the magnetic information of the crystal.

Figure 4.9 Polarization of light

In conclusion, the other directional wave lengths are cancelled out because their signals are being grounded out. Interference Lines This phenomenon occurs when an incoherent light is passed through a very narrow slit. The interference lines appear as light and dark fringes of light near the edges. The traditional theory explains this phenomenon by saying that half of the light wave is being distorted.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation The reason the interference lines appear when they pass near the edge of any object is because, as mentioned in Chapter 3, at the edge of any surface is where the maximum modulation area is to be found; therefore, the greatest amounts of surface potential will be located along this plane. As light passes through this plane, or modulation zone, the light is bent in the same manner as the effects previously mentioned in prisms.

Ultraviolet Light The human eye can only detect light waves between 7,600 angstrom units (A) on the red end of the spectrum to about 3,130 A at the ultraviolet end. The most fascinating part of the light spectrum is the ultraviolet end. The visible light rays cover only a small

portion of the light spectrum (2-fold of wave lengths), but the ultraviolet spectrum covers 100-fold in wave lengths. (1-p4) This part of the light spectrum represents a greater amount of energy than any other part of the spectrum below it.

Fluorescence Fluorescence is the phenomenon of a substance giving off a particular color (frequency) when it is exposed to a higher frequency color. The glowing stops when the exposure to the higher frequency light stops. There is no traditional explanation for this phenomenon. Some of the elements and minerals that will exhibit fluorescence are fluorite, some diamonds, rubies, and calcite. Each element will give off its own distinct color frequency.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation Fluorescence can be produced in three different ways. One is by low-frequency electric discharge, the second by heat from the infrared spectrum or from the higher, more energetic frequencies of ultraviolet light. The first and second methods will produce the effect but will take much longer compared to the ultraviolet light. When ultraviolet light strikes a fluorescent material, it instantly glows. The reason for this effect is that the ultraviolet has so much potential along a broad band of frequencies that some of those frequencies are bound to be higher energy level harmonic frequencies of the element. The result is that the information of the element is immediately raised to the visible light spectrum.

Phosphorescence Phosphorescence is like fluorescence except that the illumination of light continues after the higher wave length light is turned off. This illumination could continue for a considerable time after. In addition to ultraviolet light causing this effect, x-ray radiation can also produce it. Some of the elements that phosphoresce are some diamonds (carbon), willemite, kunzite, phosphorus, and radium.

The reason these and other elements phosphor is that the higher frequency harmonics of the element are being raised across its spectral frequencies. None of its ultraviolet spectral lines are being missed. The result is that the information for the element at lower frequencies is also having its potential raised simultaneously. Since the ultraviolet light possesses a tremendous amount of potential, much of this potential is transferred to the frequencies of the element. The effect is similar to a capacitor. After the capacitor has been charged up, it will gradually release its energy. The light emitted by the element is always of lower frequency (color) than the ultraviolet light, which is usually invisible. The light we see represents the strong light spectral lines of that element. Since the element gives off no heat due to being exposed to ultraviolet light, it seems possible that the increased potential of the element is actually happening in the first dimension and not in this dimension at all. We merely see the results of the increase in potential by observing light in this dimension.

The Light Spectrum and Iron As mentioned in the chapter on magnetism, iron is the only element in the universe that can be magnetized. Our theory is that the iron element must be very close or a first harmonic of the carrier wave frequency of all information. This hypothesis holds if one examines the light spectral lines of iron. Iron has the second greatest number of light spectral lines (4,612). (2) The only element that has more spectral lines is cerium with 5,739, but there is a big difference between these two elements. Iron has a total of 275 strong spectral lines. These are lines whose light intensity (measured on a scale from one to 1,000) measures over 200. Cerium has only five such strong light spectral lines. We theorize that many of the spectral lines we associate with iron are really the spectral lines of the carrier wave. If we examine the strong spectral lines of the next most numerous elements, such as cobalt and nickel, we find that many of those elements spectral lines are found no more than 1 A away from a spectral line of iron. The same observation holds true for many other elements, especially ones whose crystal shapes are also octahedron. We do not believe it is mere coincedence that iron has more than twice the

number of strong spectral lines than most of the other elements. If some of these spectral lines are in fact frequency representations of various carrier waves, then we could say that this is why iron seems to have enough spectral lines to represent two elements.

Laser Holograms As mentioned in the introduction to this book, there is a strong possibility that many of mans inventions (such as television, tape recorders, radios, etc.) may be mirror images of the technology which makes up his own existence. This would mean that many of mans inventions are excellent clues and analogies to his own existence. One of the best clues to dramatically prove our theory of existence is mans invention of the hologram. A hologram is a three-dimensional image produced by coherent light. The object observed appears to have three-dimensional qualities. In fact, some advanced laser holograms produce images that make it impossible to tell the difference between the image and the actual object. As an example, Figure 4.10 is a patent by William C. Jakes, Jr. (Patent No. 3,566,021). The patent is for a real time, threedimensional television system. Other laser television systems have been patented, we merely use this one as an example to show the parallel similarities between our own existence, as theorized by us, and the image created by a hologram television.
This disclosure relates to a television system that utilizes wave front reconstruction techniques to provide a real ti me threedimensional image at the receiving end of the system, with the image changing in perspective as the object and/or observer moves. The coherent light from a laser is first modulated at a frequency in the microwave range and one sideband of the coherent light is filtered out and used to illuminate an object scene. The light reflected from the object scene impinges on a photodetector while a narrow reference beam of coherent light raster scans the photodetector to thereby generate a signal which is modulated in phase and amplitude in accordance with the interference pattern formed on the photodetector. The signal carrying the modulated phase and amplitude information is then transmitted to a remote receiver. At the received end, the phase and amplitude modulated information is recovered and stored, a frame at a time, in respective storage devices. At the end of a complete frame the stored infor-


Figure 4.10 Diagram of a laser holographic TV

mation is read out and respectively applied to an array of phase and amplitude optical modulators. Also, at the end of a complete frame received information, a second laser at the receiver is pulsed with the light therefrom directed toward said array. In this manner, an image of the original object is obtained at the receiver. The described operation is continued a frame at a time. (3 -pl68)

There are direct analogies between this type of invention and our own existence. In Figure 4.10 Object 15 could be analogized as being the information in the diehold. Items 13 and 23 can be considered the tapehead. In this invention it is actually the two parts of the laser beam directed at the object that pick up the information that makes up the image of the object. The microwave oscillator (Item 18) and the optical modulator (Item 16) can be considered the carrier wave and synchronizing frequencies which we have been talking about. This information is directed to Items 25 and 26, which converts the light information to electromag-


netic waves. This is similar to what we define as being the second dimension or the transmission dimension. Items 32 and 34 are the phase detector and frequency modulator for the vertical lines of information of the image. Items 31 and 33 are the amplitude detector and frequency modulator of the horizontal information. In our existence there are no physical phase or amplitude detectors in this dimension. The diehold somehow uses the phase angles and potentials from its eight different transmitting sides in such a manner that the signal modulates itself into existence. Item 30 can be considered a continuation of the carrier wave frequencies. It is within mans grasp to have a computer produce the images that we see without the necessity of photographing any object. This would be even closer to the way of our own existence. Sometimes an analogy is so obvious and so simple that it is difficult to comprehend its application to mans own existence. Maybe this is a result of mans fear of knowing the truth of his own existence.

1. 2. 3. Koller, L. R., Ultraviolet Radiation (London, John Wiley & Sons, 1952). Zaidel, A. N., Prokofev, Raiskii, S. M., Tables of Spectrum Lines (London, Pergamon Press, 1961). Kallard, T. (ed.), Holography, State of the Art Review, 1971 -72 (N.Y., Optosonic Press, 1972).

Bibliography Abell, G. O., Exploration of the Universe (N.Y., Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1975). Ahrens, L. H., Wavelength Tables of Sensitive Lines (Mass., AddisonWesley Press, 1951). Bauer, M., Precious Stones, vol. 1 (London, Charles Griffin & Co., 1904). Carhey, W. T., Optical Information Processing & Holography (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1974). 103

Dana, J. D., A Textbook of Mineralogy, 4th ed. (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1932).

Di, R. W., The New Encyclopeadia Britannica, vol. 10, pp. 928-49 (Chicago, Helen Hemingway Benton, Publ., 1976).
Kock, W. E., Sound Waves and Light Waves (N.Y., Anchor Books, 1965).

Pearse, R., Gaydon, A., The Identification of Molecular Spectra (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1941). Plank, Max, Introduction to Theoretical Physics -Theory of Light (London, Mac Millan & Co., 1932). Ripley, J. A., Jr. The Elements and Structure of the Physical Science (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1965). Thompson, H. W., A Course in Chemical Spectroscopy (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1938). White, H. E., Introduction to Atomic Spectra (N.Y., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1934).



The Atom
Over 2,000 years ago the Greek philosophers used the word atom to describe the smallest bit of matter. They taught that the atom was indivisible, the most perfect particle of matter. In the 20th century, scientists believe they have proved the atom has an internal structure and is not indivisible. They believe they have discovered that the atom is made up of many stable and unstable particles, some of which have internal structure. We will attempt to show that the Greeks may have been more correct than our present-day scientists give them credit for. Even though we have all types of measuring devices and other sophisticated equipment today, all the ancient Greeks had was a scientific philosophy they had received from the Egyptians; and who knows for sure how and from whom the Egyptians received it. Almost all the important basic theories of physics were written before 1 91 5. It is unimportant whether we feel these theories were right or wrong. What is important is that they were thought out and developed before this date. There has been very little in the way of revolutionary breakthroughs of thought in physics since this date. There are a few exceptions, as in the fields of astronomy 105

and geophysics. The only correlation with 1915 is the development of sophisticated testing equipment. Before 1915, electronics was in its infancy. Testing and measuring equipment was gross compared to what was to be developed from the 1920s through to the present day. What seems to have happened after about 1915 is that scientists began to rely more and more on the results of their equipment. They didnt do very much reasoning about what they were observing from their equipment. They were more and more relying on the artificial senses of their sophisticated equipment and less and less on their minds. Many scientists have forgotten that their intelligence is the best tool they have. Many PhDs in physics today have become nothing more than highly skilled technicians of the few pieces of equipment they use. Their whole existence is centered around a cyclotron, electron microscope, etc. They usually cant relate and apply an observation from their field of physics to another field of physics. They have become too specialized. They can see the tree in front of them, but they dont see the forest. People have forgotten that everything in the universe is related to one idea, and the purpose of science was to discover this single idea, not to be buried in a pile of useless, unrelated information produced by all types of sophisticated electronic instrumentation. However, in the fields of astronomy and geophysics, there have been advances. The astronomer has only two main tools: the telescope and the radio telescope. Since he is not actually able to travel to the far distant stars, black holes, and planets, he must instead theorize the conditions on those celectial bodies. He must rely more on his inductive reasoning power than on any of his equipment. The same can be said for the geophysicist, since he has not been able to explore the interior of the earth. He must rely on new theories to try to explain the movements of the continents, the earths magnetic field, and the heat source at the center of the earth. Particles or Waves? The first insights as to how the atom worked were glimpsed by using radioactive elements such as radium and uranium. When these elements decay, they gave off alpha, beta, and gamma ray

particles. These particles were later found to be the fundamental parts of the atom. The alpha rays were found to be a helium nucleus (protons), the beta rays were electrons, and the gamma rays were associated with X-rays, but of a shorter wave length. The gamma rays were electromagnetic forms of radiation which were undeflected by magnetic or electrostatic fields. It was found that the alpha particles could be used very effectively to probe the structure of the atom. This was because its mass was 8,000 times greater than an electron. (2-p402) The problem was finding a way to accelerate them fast enough to produce enough potential to split the atom. The answer was finally found by using the radio-active element, polonium. The alpha particles emitted from this element had a velocity of 10,000 miles per second (1.6 x 107 meters/second). This was the fastest speed available before the invention of the cyclotron. Scientists had theorized that the atom had an internal structure. They hoped to prove their theory by striking the nucleus of an atom with an alpha particle to see if the atom would break up.

In 1910 cosmic rays were found to be highly penetrating particles that could also be used to bombard atoms. Scientists were able to show that cosmic rays originated in deep space-many seemed to come from our own sun. They found that these rays consisted of hard and soft components. The soft particles could be stopped by four inches of lead, whereas the hard particles needed 80 inches. (1-p2l5-16) It was also discovered that cosmic rays were very energetic protons usually possessing a potential greater than 500 MeV. Some solar eruptions cause potentials in excess of 1020 MeV. (1-p2l6) These discoveries all confirmed what Nikola Tesla theorized in the early 1890s but for which he received no credit. Scientists use a device called a bubble chamber to detect the cosmic ray trails striking other atoms. A bubble chamber is a partially evacuated chamber containing ionized particles. When an ionized cosmic ray particle passes through the chamber, the ionized particle forms small vapor bubbles through the emulsion, thereby leaving a track of the path where the cosmic ray passed. A scientist by the name of Louis de Broglie was working on a theory in 1924 to explain the wave-like properties of matter. He wanted to try to explain the wave-like and quantum (particle) characteristics of light. He felt that since light waves appeared to

have particle-like characteristics, it might be possible that electrons (assumed to be particles) also had wave-like characteristics. He felt that these wave properties were undetectable because the wave length of their frequencies was so short that our instruments could not detect them. He deduced that the short wave lengths (high frequency) do not bend or defract as easily as the long wave lengths (lower frequency). Short wave-length particles which travel in straight lines wouldnt spread out after hitting other particles, they would be reflected from other particles as a bullet is refl ected when it strikes a hard surface. He concluded that electrons would exhibit these properties as well as X-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays. This means that their wave lengths were even shorter than ultraviolet light. He concluded that since their wave length was so much shorter than light, they would not exhibit the phenomena of diffraction, dispersion, and interference lines. It was also naturally assumed that an electron had a certain given mass. De Broglie was further encouraged that his theory was correct by the diffraction pattern formed by X-rays passing through a crystal. The diffraction patterns did not look like the patterns formed by light, but scientists used this as adequate evidence that the X-rays had a higher frequency than light. From the work done by de Broglie, scientists extended the electromagnetic spectrum (Figure 5.1) to include Xrays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays above the ultraviolet light waves and in that order.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation What is the real nature of these alpha, beta, gamma, and cosmic rays. Are they particles, or are they wave forms; and what is their real frequency? This is to determine their actual placement on the electromagnetic spectrum. Since great numbers of atoms collectively have mass and can be seen in this dimension, it is logical to say that the primary part of the atom, the proton, has a mass and exists in this dimension. As mentioned earlier, the alpha particle and the cosmic rays are mostly made up of protons; so we can conclude that they are in this dimension and have a given mass. In other words, each is a particle. Let us now consider the beta rays or electrons. Scientists do know that the beta particles do not exist in the nucleus of the atom but 108






Figure 5.1 The traditional electromagnetic spectrum


rather are created at the surface at the instant of emission. As mentioned in Chapter 3, we theorize that the electron is actually a small domain of potential in the first dimension. We will explain how an electron is created later in the chapter, but for now we will say that the electron is not really in this dimension and, therefore, has no mass, only potential. It can affect mass in this dimension by adding potential to an atom. If an electron does possess a great deal of potential for its size, it could behave like a particle bouncing around between the atoms or be accelerated to great velocities. Eventually the electron will be grounded by an atom. The main factor which seems to determine whether an electron will be grounded by an atom or reflected from it is the frequencies of each atom. If the frequency of the atom is similar to the frequency of the electron-be it a first, second, or third harmonic-this will determine the extent to which the electron will be absorbed by the atom. Atoms which absorb electrons can be considered conductors. Atoms whose frequencies are dissimilar from the frequencies of the electrons will not absorb the electrons as well, and would act as an insulator. X-rays are formed when streams of electrons strike atoms. The X-rays seem to have particle-like characteristics. When two streams of X-rays are directed at each other at a certain angle, these particles will deflect from each other. This is totally unlike light which will have virtually no affect on another beam of light. This seems to indicate that unlike light, X-ray particles are at least partially in this dimension. Scientists use diffracted beams of X-rays passing through a crystal as evidence that X-rays are just like light and that they possess more energy and are therefore of a higher frequency than light. There is one very big problem with this idea: the diffraction pattern formed by X-rays is totally different from dispersion or refraction of light through a crystal. As illustrated in Figure 5.2, this photograph of a diffraction pattern of a copper crystal shows that the X-rays are being deflected 360 around their point of impact. This tends to prove only one thing: that the Xrays seem to leave particle-like tracks on the photographic plate; they are not like light nor do they have the velocity of light. These X-ray diffractions also indicate something very interesting about the atoms. They seem to indicate that they have geometrical shapes and are not really round spheres, as envisioned by the Bohr model of the atom. You will also notice in Figure 5.3 that the

Kossel lines from copper crystal stimulated by X-rays. Plate parallel to [1001 (Bormann)

Figure 5.2 Photo of X-ray detraction of a cube crystal diffraction pattern is exactly like a stereographic projection of a cubic crystal used by crystalographers to describe the shapes and angles of crystals. The last is gamma rays. These rays are also given off by decaying radioactive elements. They are defined as being the same as X-rays, except they have a shorter wave length; in other words, they possess a higher potential. It is further theorized that these gamma rays are emitted in quantums of energy called photons. This description is also used to describe light; but as discussed in the previous chapter, light is not a particle nor should it be considered like quantums of energy, as envisioned in quantum mechanics. Since these gamma rays do not travel at the speed of light nor do they behave like light, they are not truly light. Going back to the electromagnetic spectrum, you will notice that by using de Broglies wave theory, scientists concluded that the X-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays were of shorter wave 111


Stereographic Projection of Isometric Forms (Cube (100), Octahedron (1 1 1), Dodecahedron (1 1 0), Tetrahexahedron (21 0), Trisoctahedron (221), Trapezohedron (21 1), Hexoctahedron (321))


Spherical Projection (after Penfield)

Figure 5.3 Stereographic projection of a cube crystal



Relation between Spherical and Stereographic Projections

Figure 5.3 (continued) lengths than light. We believe this is quite wrong; logically they belong below the infrared light spectrum. This is why: according to de Broglies theory, an electron has a mass; our theory is that the electron has no mass. One of the first formulas used by de Broglie is momentum = mass x velocity (P=mv). This formula comes from classical mechanics. It works well for things that are in this dimension; but when things are on the hairy edge of our dimension, these formulas just do not work. The next formula in de Broglies theory is the calculation for wave length = h/mv : h = 6.6 x 10-34 joules/sec. Plancks constant. From mv this formula, as you can see, if M is 0, the equation means nothing. According to our theory of existence, Plancks hypothesis of quantums of energy seems highly doubtful. Also since it is basic to his theory that only matter could emit quantums of energy, it seems possible that the value of Plancks constant may be wrong. De Broglies final formula is wave length n/ 2Vem e = the charge of an electron m = mass of an electron in klgms


Vis equal to the potential difference measured in voltage. As you can see by his formula, as the voltage increases, the wave length of the particle becomes extremely small. Since Plancks constant (6.6 x 10-34 joules/sec) is such a small number in the numerator, no matter what voltage is in the denominator, it is still going to be a wave length smaller than visible light. But considering the fact that m (mass) in the formula is 0, the equation comes out to 0. In other words, a mathematical formula was created on several premises which we believe to be wrong; they were designed to produce the desired results. Whether the results fit reality and observations seems to be irrelevant to what has been taught. We get very suspicious when we see formulas or constants such as E = mc2, which will produce a large value no matter what number is plugged in; or a number like Plancks constant, which is so incredibly small that it cannot be accurately measured. From the above discussion, you can see that they have not really calculated the frequency of these particles. This is not to say that these particles do not have a frequency. They do, and this will be explained later. The other fact that seems to make their theory about the frequencies of those particles wrong is the logic of their electromagnetic spectrum. The lower frequencies up through the microwave range can be produced by oscillating matter in this dimension at various frequencies. At some higher point in these frequencies, the matter no longer appears in this dimension; it appears to us as light. What de Broglie is trying to convince us is that after this piece of matter has left this dimension and is strictly a wave form, it then comes back again as a piece of matter called X-ray, gamma ray, and cosmic ray particles. How do they explain how a object can first be here at a lower frequency, disappear to become light, then come back in this dimension at an even higher frequency as a particle? Even to the laymen this sounds illogical. Scientists are going to have to decide that the X-ray, gamma, and cosmic rays are either only wave forms or only particles. According to our Theory of Multidimensional Reality, these rays really belong just below the infrared spectrum. They are just below the stage where an atom has so much potential that it is able to leave this dimension and go to the first dimension (appear as light).


The Bohr Model of The Atom Most of us have been taught this theory in school at one time or another. It is simple and works well for chemists, so they can understand what they are doing. This does not mean that it is correct. It just means that it works in a small frame of reference. Several changes have been made by scientists since its introduction, but the theory remains fundamentally the same. The following is a brief description of the theory including some of the changes made to it. This description is to familiarize you with current theory before we explain our theory, which is completely different. With our theory we were able to explain all phenomena of nuclear physics, simply by using the one basic theory. The Bohr model of the atom starts as a solar-system type conceptualization of the atom. The center of the atom, which possesses all the mass, is called the nucleus; it is made up of protons (positive charge) and neutrons (no charge). The electrons (negative charge) circle the nucleus balancing the charge of the protons. The atomic number of the element is equal to the value of the charge. Bohrs theory had to be able to describe t he light spectrums of different elements. He did this by borrowing from Plancks theory that energy is emitted in quantums. Bohr theorized that the elec trons were confined to orbits a given distance from the nucleus. As the electrons jump from orbit to orbit, they will emit or absorb energy only in single quantum units (h x f). This he felt would explain the discrete spectral lines of each element, but it also meant that the electron would jump instantaneously from one orbit to another and would never occupy any position in between. In other words, the instant it disappeared from one orbit, it would appear in the other orbit. This implies another dimension. His theory was considered a success because it was able to explain the spectral lines of hydrogen. It could also be used to predict the spectral lines of other elements up to element lithium (atom number 3). The original Bohr model was later revised because it had three failings: 1) it could not account for the intensity of the spectral lines or the occurrence of some spectral lines that were actually two lines very close together; 2) it could not be used to deal quantitatively with elements with more electrons than lithium, and


3) other scientists considered his theory awkward and ad hoc because it could not be related to other basic theories of physics. The next improvement of the Bohr model was done by de Broglie. He applied the idea that the electron traveled around the nucleus in a wave-like path, similar to the concept of a standing wave (Figure 5.4). This idea was supposed to explain the different quantum states of the electron, since the circumference of the orbit would automatically correlate with the energy level of the electron. This was because a standing wave cannot collapse into a smaller orbit, because a fraction of a standing wave is impossible.

Figure 5.4 Standing wave conception of an electron ring

There is one very big problem with this theory. As you will notice in Figure 5.5, at Point A, the electron has a greater attraction to the nucleus than at Point B. You must ask yourself the question: what is causing the electron particle to form this wave form? Since acceptable scientific theory holds that the electron is a particle, what then is acting on the electron to increase or decrease its velocity around the atom, or what is varying its attraction to the nucleus? What is increasing or decreasing its potential? When you try to analyze these questions, you come to the realization that the nucleus is the only thing that could be affecting this orbit. So now we have the problem of explaining why the nucleus is oscillating, thereby increasing and decreasing its attraction on the electron particle. At this point, our current theories of physics fall apart because there is no way of explaining what external force could be making the electron oscillate.

The mathematician-physicist, Erwin Schroedinger, elaborated on de Broglies standing wave idea by coming up with his psifunction 116

Figure 5.5 Vector analysis of the standing wave concept

= 2/L x e -(2/h) En it sin n x/L i = the imaginary quantity -l

The one problem with the equation was that it had no counterpart in physical reality. He did succeed in describing a matter wave, as called for in de Broglies theory; but in order to accomplish this his equation had to have the imaginary value of the -1. Usually in math equations with such imaginary numbers, the imaginaries disappear toward the end of the calculations. But in Schroedingers equation, the -1 enters as an intregal part of the expression and cannot be eliminated. The conclusion of his equation is that the electron must be in the first dimension. (5-p64) Mathematicians later squared the imaginary quantity, thereby giving the resultant as being the probability of finding the electron at any position X. You will see next that Schroedingers original equation best describes what is really going on.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

Per our theory of existence, the information for an atom exists in the first dimension. The information is made up of a variety of 117

frequencies varying in number from approximately 10 (for hydrogen) to possibly as many as 100 different frequencies making up the heavier elements. This idea of multiple frequencies is born out by the series of spectral lines produced by all the elements. Each element has its own distinct set of frequencies that can be easily observed in light spectrum analysis. This topic was mentioned in the previous chapter on light. This is not to say that the frequencies we observe in the light spectrums are the frequencies at which these elements are being modulated into our existence. The spectral series we see are higher frequency harmonics of the initial modulated frequency. Each series, as mentioned in the last chapter, represents a higher potential state of that element. We do not know at what frequency the elements are originally being modulated into our existence, but we feel it would be found above 1,000 GeHz. to 2,500 GeHz. When the initial series of frequencies modulate into this dimension, they will form a modulation point similar to the point described in the third chapter. The analogy is exactly the same. Whether the atom has a surface is almost unimportant. We do know from electron photographs of the atom, taken by the University of Chicago, that when even a small number of atoms collect together they start forming geometrical shapes. (6) These shapes represent their crystal forms. This subject will be covered in the chapter on crystals. In our theory, the problem of deciding whether and how the electrons around the atom take certain specific orbits, or what their energy levels are, becomes irrelevant. The electron cloud, if we are to call it an electron, has been observed in the most recent electron photographs of the atom. This subject will be covered later, but for now we will say that the electron clouds observed do not resemble anything close to the Bohr model of the atom. What we theorize this electron cloud to be, is wave groups formed by the different frequencies that make up the proton. This wave group forms 360 around the surface of the atom. It is exactly like the D, E, Fl , and F. ionospheric layers above the earth. This means that the wave group will automatically adjust itself for the energy level at which the atom is to be found. It is also unimportant to think of it as any type of orbiting particle. It exists because it is a function of the frequencies making up that element. It would have the equivalent of a negative charge; but since it is a 118

wave group that is produced by the atom, that means that this wave group really never changes. It doesnt give up what scientists call electrons. The electron particle is produced when the wave groups of two atoms cross each other. When this happens a standing wave is produced, thereby causing a voltage difference between the two wave group frequencies. This in turn, we theorize, will form a small domain of potential which in turn we call an electron. We will go on to explain some other conditions of the atoms using our theory.

Radioactivity One of the laws which we believe is present in our reality is that the diehold will not permit too much information entering a certain given space and time. This principle seems to hold true for the atoms as well as for large celestial bodies. It seems that as the information for an object increases, it becomes more and more unstable. This instability can be further enhanced if some of the frequencies that make up that element are dissonant to each other. As most people know U235 will eventually degrade to a more stable element, always of much less combined atomic weight. These elements are barium and krypton. Their combined atomic weights are 221.14. The atomic weight difference between the U235 and the barium and krypton is 13.86, the difference being made up by 1 to 3 neutrons and various photons. This is a more traditional explanation to what is happening during the decay of U235 Our explanation is that when the potential of U235 is increased sufficiently over the binding forces of the nucleus (7.5 MeV), the uranium atom can no longer exist in this dimension. The result is that the diehold replaces the information of the uranium with the information of the barium and krypton. The neutrons that are produced will be discussed a little later, when we cover sub-atomic particles. A brief description of the binding forces is necessary now. As mentioned earlier, iron, cobalt, and nickel have the greatest binding forces of their nuclei (8.8 MeV). This means that it takes more energy to break up these elements than any of the other elements with greater atomic weight. This binding force goes down to 7.5 MeV for uranium and other very large unstable elements. The

potential could be added in two ways: the easiest way is by using a great number of electrons. These domains of potential would be absorbed by the atom, thereby increasing the atoms potential. The other method used is by accelerating an alpha particle at the atom. The key to the amount of potential these particles possess is in their velocity. As discussed in the chapter on light, if the velocity increases, you are actually increasing the potential of that object. This will be true for the alpha particles, which are protons. Regarding the neutron, this is not completely accurate, since the neutron, we theorize, is not really in this dimension. The atom will increase its potential by absorbing the frequencies of the particle or wave form that strikes it. This is proven by two types of collision phenomena that have been observed. One type is called an elastictype collision, where the particle does not lose any of its potential energy when it comes in close proximity with a nucleus. But a considerable number of collisions are inelastic, which means the energy represented in that particle or wave form is absorbed by the nucleus. (2-p505) These inelastic-type collisions are the type that increase the potential of the atom. They come about because the frequency of the wave form or particle is either the same frequency or a close harmonic of it. This means that the nucleus absorbs the other frequency and amplifies its own. The result is that the atom starts giving off a higher series of frequencies. If its potential is raised high enough, we see it merely as a light spectrum. In the same line of thought, it seems possible that if the atom only takes in a small amount of energy and produces a first or second harmonic above its original frequency, this could account for unstable radioactive isotopes of various elements. The idea that an electron has a frequency may not seem logical because electrons can be produced by any number of different elements passing each other. How then can an electron have a unique frequency related to it? Per our theory, if everything in the universe exists in a computer-like structure, the electrons (domains of potential) would have the same frequency as the carrier wave of the diehold. This is not to exclude the possibility of the electron having other frequencies. This idea was proved by Willis Lamb and E. Retherford. Their experiment was to see if there was a resonant frequency to a flow of electrons being created by a stream of atoms. They found that the resonant frequency of the electrons was 1.05777 GeHZ. (1-pl47) Another resonant frequency was

detected at 3.095 GeV. (4-p56) Scientists attribute this to what they call vacuum polarization (whatever that is). Actually what they have discovered is one of the lower harmonics of the frequency of the electron. Subatomic Particles The field of subatomic particles is one of the most complex, complicated, and confusing of all the fields of physics. It is even confusing to the physicists who are attempting to make some sense of the over 300 subatomic particles they have discovered. The confusion stems from the fact that they are pursuing an incorrect philosophy. The scientists even have great difficulty in trying to incorporate the Theory of Relativity with their observations of these subatomic particles. To quote Professor Sir Harrie Massey from the University of London:
The underlying significance of the four types of interaction still es capes us but a great deal of thought is being devoted to these basic questions, particularly in relation to the new conservation laws which seem to be valid. Conservation of energy, momentum and angular momentum can be related to the properties of the space-time of special relativity but it is difficult to see how to include baryon number, strangeness and lepton number as well. The existence of these further laws indicates a deeper underlying symmetry in Nature which we have not yet appreciated. We are at a most interesting state-major clariflcation with deeper understanding may come at any time. (1-p269)

Our opinion is that with their present theories of existence, his deeper understanding will never come. At the time Professor Massey wrote his book in 1966, there were about 35 of these particles discovered. Today there are over 300. We will now attempt to make some sense out of all these subatomic particles. We will cover only the major particles, but it would not be difficult to apply our theory further to understand what are the rest of these subatomic particles. The reason scientists pursued the field of subatomic particles is because they felt they would be getting some insight into the material that made up each individual atom. They should have realized, after they started discovering so many of these little

particles, that they were being lead down a dead-end, primrose path. One of the first observations we have to make is that all subatomic particles decay to more stable elements, such as proton, or to light. As you know from the previous chapter, when you see light, you are seeing the information of an object leaving this dimension. We will now go through some of the particles that are listed in Figure 5.6. The first one is the proton (the atom). It is probably the only one that does exist in this dimension. The information for its existence could be visualized as being transmitted in the form of a sine wave or it could be in the form of pulse modulation. In Figure 5.7, you can observe a sinusoidal representation of this frequency. H represents the magnetic information of the proton entering this dimension; E represents the electrostatic information of this dimension. The electrostatic part is what we perceive. This means that E would really be the image of the atom existing in this dimension. H represents the neutron, which naturally has no charge. As you can see by the sinusoidal wave, at certain times it is possible to observe a negative proton or a positive neutron. The reason it appears to us that the proton and the neutron are separate entities is that the frequency that makes up the atom is oscillating so fast we see the E and H vectors simultaneously. If we perceive just the peaks of these sinusoidal curves, it would appear that they are two separate entities; but in reality we are looking at the information making up only one proton. This idea is further proved by the mass differences between the proton and the neutron. The proton weighs 2.53 units less than the neutron. This difference, we theorize, is due either to the carrier wave frequency or to one of the clocking frequencies. The 2.53 units is greater than the corresponding weight difference of the electron, which is supposed to balance the proton and neutron. This has always been a phenomenon in physics. The other fact that proves this point is that the life-time of a neutron is 1010 seconds before it decays to another proton with its corresponding electron and one neutrino. The reason the mean life-time is so long for a neutron is because it is just the magnetic information of the atom. But its potential has been raised so high that it has caused its frequencies to produce higher harmonics. It will not modulate back into our existence, as an atom or proton, until it has lost this excess potential. The neutrino is defined in physics as having no mass and no charge. In other words, it isnt i n this dimension,

Mass Symbol Particle (MeV) Lifetime (Secs) Most Probable Decay Products




Mass in electron mass = 1836.12 n Neutron 939.55 1010 p + e- + V

Mass in electron mass = 1838.65

eElectron .551 Stable -

Mass in electron mass = 1

e + Positron .551 Stable -







p +



2.22 x 10-6 e+ + V + -V

Muon 105.66 2.22 x 10 e- + v + v




2.54 x 10-8 p + + V




2.54 x 10-8 il- + V

7ro K+

Pions Kaons

135.0 493.8

l x 10-16 1.2 x 10-8

2,y or y + e+ ell + + v (63%); 7T+ + 7TO (21%); 27r+ + 7r- (5%)




1.2 x 10-8

ii- + v (63%); 7r- + 7r (21%); 27r- + 7r+

K lo




1T+ + 7r- (69%); 27ro (31%)




5.6 x 10-8

7r + e + v (33%); 7r + il + v (27%); 3iTo (27%)




very short? 2,y (3 5%); 3iTo or 7r + 2,y (327o); IT+ + 7r- + 7r (27%)




2.6 x 10-10 p + 7r- (68/@); n + 7r (3 2/o) 8.1 x lo- p + 7ro (51%);



n + 7r+ (49%) 2;2;0 Sigma-particle1197.4 Sigma-particle1192.5 1.6 x 10-10 <10-14 AO + y n + 7r-

* Xi-particle

0 1314.9

-10 3.1 x 10

AO + ao

1.7 x 10-10 A + iT-

E2- Omega-particle 1672 i.i x lo-10 @-- + 7TO; --- + iT-; + KFigure 5.6 List of atomic particles 123

Figure 5.7 Sinusoidal representation of the information that makes up the elements

which again proves our theory. You will notice from the rest of the subatomic particles that their mean life span is extremely short. The only reason they are as long as they are is because they are produced from highly accelerated particles, which in turn gives them a great acceleration. When an object is accelerated toward the speed of light, its time slows down. If the particles had no velocity, they would decay and disappear instantaneously from this dimension. Per our theory, all the subatomic particles, including neutrinos, are not particles at all. They have no mass in this dimension. They are in reality the separate frequencies that make up the element. At the modulation frequency, where lets say a nitrogen atom is being modulated, all the frequencies are being modulated to one specific point in time and space. In other words, all their vectors are directed to one point; but as potential is applied to this modulation point, these vectors change and begin to spread out. What they are doing in these cyclotrons is taking an alpha particle or other particle and imparting to them a tremendous equivalent

voltage, sometimes well into the billions of volts. This voltage is imparted to the atom, thereby causing its information vectors to start demodulating and spreading out. Since an element like nitrogen might have as many as 15 or 20 different frequencies making it up, each frequency will start demodulating in different directions. Generally, these vectors will be in the direction of the original force of impact. We are actually observing the various frequencies that make up the atom leaving this dimension. You will notice in Figure 5.8, that all the subatomic particles listed eventually decay to either protons, neutrinos, electrons, or photons; the last three being states of existence not in this dimension. The electron voltage difference between the different particles listed in Figure 5.6, would be represented in the light spectrum as strong and weak line spectrums. From the figure, you will also notice that particles have been observed having positive, negative, and neutral charges. If you will refer to the sinusoidal wave diagram, Figure 5.7, you will notice that one wave form will have positive, negative, and neutral characteristics depending where the sine wave is. In reality it is only one wave form. We theorize that if scientists continue on the track they are taking, they will come up with literally thousands upon thousands of different subatomic particles because there are literally thousands of different frequencies that make up the elements in our universe. This is easily proved by picking up a book of spectral-line tables of the different elements.

Professor Massey also said: Common sense is a wholly inadequate and misleading guide to the world of antiparticles and the strange particles, but the phenomena which we are now going to discuss, and particularly for interpretation, are even further beyond the experiences and ideas of everyday life. (1-p250) Professor Massey is correct in saying that common sense has no place in understanding these subatomic particles, especially when you use the old theories of existence. But using our theories of existence, these particles and antiparticles can be understood since they finally have a place of reference and dont fit in a philosophy off in left field. The latest theory by scientists to explain the elementary particles is called Dual-Resonance Models. To quote: In this new theoretical approach, the strongly interacting particles classified as hadrons are viewed mathematically as massless strings whose 125

Figure 5.8 Table of life tracks of subatomic particles


ends move with the speed of light in multidimensional space. (5-p61) This gets much closer to our Theory of Multidimensional Reality. In other words, the only way they were able to explain resonance and the behavior of these subatomic particles was by building a mathematical model using one-dimensional strings, attaching these subatomic particles. (5) Another phenomenon in subatomic particles has also proved our theory. There are five laws of conservation at the level of nuclear reactions that have been considered fundamental. They are: 1) the law of conservation of mass-energy; 2) the law of conservation of momentum (linear and angular); 3) conservation of charges; 4) conservation of particles; 5) conservation of parity. We will not comment on the first three in the scope of this book. Number four, we consider doesnt hold for the level of subatomic particles, since they are not particles. Number five , the conservation of parity (mirror symmetry), means that nature has no preference between right-handedness or left-handedness. This means that the laws of physics are the same in a right-handed system of coordinates as they are in a left-handed system. This principle was found to be invalid with the behavior of subatomic particles which prefer spinning in certain directions. The only way you can logically understand why a subatomic particle prefers one direction over another is by coming to the realization that there is a consciousness behind its actions. In other words, the diehold at this particular level of existence functions in very specific ways, and its only in the macrocosmic domains that the laws of conservation will be valid. The last point we wish to cover in subatomic particles is the topic of annihilation. Scientists describe this as being when matter and antimatter come together (such as an electron and positron). They annihilate each other forming electromagnetic energy. What they are describing here is easily visualized in Figure 5.7. The positive and negative charged fields ground each other out and leave this dimension as the original wave form that made up the stable element. Radioactive Isotopes After considering our theory of the atom, you might come to the conclusion that the only elements that would appear in our dimen127

sion would be of only one atomic weight. For instance, all the hydrogen found in our dimension would have an atomic weight of one or all uranium found would have an atomic weight of 238. It is obvious that many elements in our dimension have radioactive isotopes. The definition of an isotope is an atom of the same element having the same atomic number but a different atomic weight. The isotope is identical in all physical and all chemical properties. The only difference between them is their atomic weight. Nearly all of the elements found in our dimension are mixtures of several isotopes. This is a phenomenon in nuclear physics. No one has ever figured out why isotopes should even exist. Lets take the example of nickel. The vast majority of nickel found has an atomic weight of 58.7. Why should we find a small percentage of nickel having atomic weights of 59 and 63 and still be nickel? With an atomic weight of 63, it should be copper; but why is it still nickel? We dont know if anyone has ever thought about the phenomenon or wondered why it should occur. The only way we can see how to explain the occurrence of isotopes is by using our Theory of Multidimensional Reality. The analogy we will use best describes why the phenomenon shows up. Assuming we have the diehold transmitting the information for the element, nickel, the information consists of a variety of frequencies. The big question is how does the diehold know that it is always transmitting the information for nickel at the correct frequencies? The way it could do so is by using the same method that is used in radio and television transmitters. The device is called a phase detection circuit. Briefly, this circuit insures that the transmitter is producing the correct frequencies. It does this by comparing the correct frequency with any higher or lower frequency produced by the circuit. If the frequencies produced go too high, the phase detector senses it and corrects it by lowering the transmitted frequency. The same thing occurs if the transmitter frequency goes below its acceptable parameters. The point to be made here is that without the error, the transmitter would not know if it is producing the correct frequencies. The same would be true for the diehold. Ninety-nine percent of the signal information is transmitted at the correct frequencies, which in turn modulates into the correct atomic weight for an element. The isotopes are the error factor found in our dimension. We would further conclude that all elements in our universe have isotopes 128

and these isotopes are necessary for the transmitting of information into our dimension.

Atomic Images We mentioned in the beginning of Chapter 3 that eventually mans technology catches up with his theories and philosophies of existence. One of the best examples of this is in the tremendous advances made in the technology of electron microscopes. They have been able to take pictures of atoms using a method of X-ray holography. The hologram of the atom is a reconstructed image of the central nucleus and the electron rings around it. (3-pl,164) The electron shells observed are accurately reproduced except for the last shell which is sometimes too light to be observed (Figure 5.9). They have discovered that these electron shells look much different from what was originally envisioned by the Bohr model of the atom. (7-p4l5) Some holographic images are so good, the electron shells have been seen to oscillate. (7-p4l3) These pictures seem to indicate that these electron shells are really wave groups formed around the center of the atom. There does not seem to be any indication from any of these photographs that there is actually an electron particle orbiting around the center nucleus. One technique of producing these images is to unfocus the image slightly, placing the focal length a little above the actual object. The blurred image is then reconstructed by a computer which enhances the true shells of the atom. This process is called deblurring. (8) The shells that are seen are much wider than the Bohr model would tend to indicate. The image of the atom looks very much like a star, when the image is focused perfectly (Figure 5.10). It may be possible that there are great similarities between the atom and a star. Avery interesting technique of three-dimensional holography was developed by George Stroke and Maurice Halioua at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and Friedrich Thon and Dieter Willasch of Siens Ag. They developed a method of photographing a crystal of magnesium bromide tetrahydrofuran. In Figure 5.1 1, you will see the geometric arrangement of the magnesium, oxygen, and carbon atoms. You will notice that there is a very specific vector angular relationship between the magnesium, oxy129


Figure 5.9 An atom showing the electron shells gen, and carbon. (8-p59) This seems to illustrate the idea that elements are made up of frequencies that manifest themselves in this dimension as specific angles. This idea will be further demonstrated in the chapter on crystals. These geometric arrangements

Figure 5.10 A focused atom which looks similar to a star you are observing are quite different than what is theorized by most chemists and physicists. Whether they realize that these fantastic photographs tend to indicate that their theories of atomic structure and behavior are wrong, we dont know. Some of them must realize there is something very wrong with their present ideas.

Atomic Jumping Beans During a study conducted by M. S. Isacson and some of his colleagues at the University of Chicago, they discovered that the atoms observed in their electron microscope jumped around from place to place. They used for their experiments several heavy

Figure 5.11 A crystal of magnesium bromide showing the orientation of the atoms

Images of atoms in a section of the crystal magnesium bromide tetrahydrofuran complex obtained by a scientific team headed by Dr. George W. Stroke and including Dr. M. Halioua, Dr. V. Srinivasan and Dr. R. Sarma using the new X -ray microscopy opto-digital computing method. The images of the large atoms in the unit cell shown are magnesium atoms; the smaller symmetrical pair around each magnesium atom are oxygen atoms and the still smaller pair furthest away around the magnesium atom are carbon atom images. The x-dimension of the unit cell shown between magnesium atoms is 9.26A. The new X-ray microscopy opto-digital computing method makes use of the principles of holography (3-D photography) and of optical computing. It permits one to reconstruct 3-D models of molecules automatically and thereby provides the scientist with a new tool to help unlock the mysteries of chemical and biological functions of molecules, for example the functions of antibiotics and the bodys natural immunological defenses. Applications range from geology and material sciences to medicine, pharmaceutical chemistry and molecular biology. 132

atoms such as uranyl chloride, silver, and uranium. They placed these atoms on a thin film of carbon. This enabled them to see the atomic images. They took a series of photographs from a minute to five minutes apart; they made two important observations. One is that the heavy atoms seem to have a preferred spacing between them. The majority of the heavy atoms were spaced approximately 4 to 5 A units. There is no explanation of why these atoms would have a preference spacing between them. (6-p373) They also observed that some of these atoms were grouped in clusters for which there is no explanation. We would explain it by saying that these atoms were beginning to form crystals along specific angles or vectors caused by their information. The second observation is that the atoms jumped around on the carbon film. At first the scientists thought this was caused by mechanical or electromagnetic instabilities of the equipment; but when calculated for this possibility, they concluded that this type of movement could only cause motion up to 1 A unit. (6-p372) The other possibility was that the electron beam from the microscope caused the atoms to move around. But this idea was also discounted because it was calculated that the electrons would cause only a very small atomic movement. Therefore, the movement could not be caused by the electron microscope. They calculated the average frequency of the movement found for uranyl chloride molecules to be between 1,400+ to 3,300 per second. There is no explanation for such a rapid movement of the atoms. It is a shame that there were not enough observations of this phenomenon so that more could be learned from this rapid movement.

We would try to explain this phenomenon by saying that these atoms move because they are constantly being phased in and out of our existence-that they dont actually move from Point A to Point B, but disappear at Point A and reappear at Point B. This demodulation and modulation of its information could be caused by the electron str eam used to produce the image. Since the electrons are really domains of potential, they would be increasing the potential of these atoms sufficiently high enough to cause their demodulation. Their reappearance would be due to the fact that the diehold will not permit too little information to be present in our dimension; so it retransmits the information for the same element back down to the approximate same time and space, thereby 133

causing the reappearance of the element but at a slightly different location. The reason a tremendous rush of energy is not produced, such as in a nuclear reaction, is because the potential used (the electron) is not in this dimension. Its effects are only to the information of the element in the diehold and are not really applied in this dimension. This is different from kinetic-type energy which is applied from this dimension. Kinetic energy could be looked at as being the mechanical way of adding potential to something, rather than the way used in this electron microscope. The possibilities of raising an objects potential using electrons at specific frequencies should cause an object to be moved in time and space-as demonstrated by the images observed from these electron microscopes.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Massey, Sir H., The New Age in Physics (N.Y., Basic Books, 1966). Ripley, J. A., The Elements and Structure of the Physical Science (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1964). Bartell, L. S., Ritz, C. L., Atomic Images by Electron-Holog-raphy: Science, vol. 185, p. 1163-4, Sept. 27, 1974. Drell, S. D., Electron-Positron Annihilation and the New Particles: Sci. America, vol. 232, p. 50-62, Jan. 1975. Schwartz, J. H., Duel-Resonance Models of Elementary Par-ticles: Sci. America, vol. 232, p. 61-67, Feb. 1975. Isaacson, M., et. al., The Study of the Absorption and Diffusion of Heavy atoms on Light Elements Substrates by means of the Atomic Resolution STEM: Ultramicroscopy 1, p. 359, 376, 1976. Bartell, L. S., Images of Atoms by Electron Holography, II Experiment and Comparison with Theory: Optik, vol. 43, no. 5, p. 403418, 1975.


8. 9.

Stroke, G., et. al., Image Improvement and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction using Holographic Image Processing: Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 65, no. 1, Jan. 1977. Beck, V. and Crewe, A., High Resolution Imaging Properties of the STEM: Ultramicroscopy, vol. 1, p. 137-144, 1975.

Bibliography Apparent discovery of Long-sought monopole, Science News, vol. 108, p. 118-120, Aug. 23, 1975. Bartell, L. S., Images of Atoms by electron holography, 1, Theory Optik, vol. 43, no. 4, p. 373-390, 1975. Benvenuti, A., Still another possible new particle, Science News, vol. 107, p. 132, March 1, 1975. Bohr, Niels, Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature (Cambridge, University Press, 1934). Bohr, Niels, The Application of the Quantum Theory to Atomic Structure, Part 1, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (supplement), (Cambridge University Press, 1924). Born, Max, Einsteins Theory of Relativity (London, Methuen & Co., 1924). Born, Max, The Constitution of Matter (N.Y., E. P. Dutton, 1921). Bundle of Charm; Two Chi particles, Science News, vol. 108, p. 180, Sept. 20, 1975. Charging Quarks through beta decay, Science News, vol. 108, p. 215, Oct. 4, 1975. De Broglie, Louis, Matter and Light, the new Physics (N.Y., W. W. Norton & Co., 1939). De Broglie, L., Physics and Microphysics (N.Y., Phantheon Books, 1955).


De Broglie, L., The Revolution in Physics (N.Y., The Noonday Press, Inc., 1953). Evidence for a New quantum number, Science News, vol. 108, p. 309, Nov. 15, 1975. Frazier, K., High Stakes in the Monopole Claim Game, Science News, vol. 108, p. 222-3, Dec. 15, 1975. Glashow, S. L., Quarks with Color and Flavor, Scientific America, vol. 233, p. 38-50, Oct. 1975. Kalogeropoulos, T. E., A new puzzle in Physics; the Cosmion, Science News, vol. 20, p. 20, Jan. 11, 1975. Life among the Leptons: Yet another new Particle?, Science News, vol. 108, p. 68, Aug. 2, 1975. Monopole Claim; Storm of Scrutiny, Science News, vol. 108, p.
164, Sept. 13, 1975.

New Particles Continue to Charm Physicists, Science News, vol. 107, p. 252, April 19, 1975. Quark Theory: A prediction confirmed, Science News, vol. 108, p. 390, Dec. 20, 1975. Reiche, F., The Quantum Theory (N.Y., E. P. Dutton, 1968). Rujula, A. De, Has a Heavy Lepton been Discovered?, Science News, vol. 108, p. 180, Sept. 20, 1975. Schwitters, R. F., The New Particles: Subtleties Mount, Science News, vol. 107, p. 88, Feb. 8, 1975. The Fading Charm of Pandamonium, Science News, vol. 107, p.
300, May 10, 1975.

Thomsen, D. E., Charmed Im Sure?, Science News, vol. 107, p. 58-60, Jan. 25, 1975. Thomsen, D. E., Old Particles Out, Science News, vol. 108, p. 140, Aug.23,1975. What are the New Particles?, Science News, vol. 232, p. 43, May 1975.


It is difficult for man to understand existence and how it works unless, one, he stumbles on the correct theory of existence and is then able to relate all the phenomena of his existence to one idea; or two, he begins observing the extremities of existence. The two extremes are the micro-cosmic world of atoms and the macrocosmic world of quasars, galaxies, and stars. At these extremes, mans false ideas of how existence functions begin imme diately to break down. As demonstrated in the chapter on atoms, mans idea of what atoms look like and how they work has changed totally since man first saw an actual picture of the atom. The same applies to the field of astronomy. Astronomers are seeing things in the universe and recording energy levels far beyond anything that can be explained by currently acceptable theories. There is one big difference between the astronomers and the nuclear physicists, which is that the astronomers are not as attached to traditional ideas as are the nuclear physicists. Nevertheless, the field of astronomy has been delayed from evolving to a theory that can explain observations in an organized, coherent manner because astronomers still apply some nuclear theories that were shown in previous

chapters to be wrong. The only way to understand what is going on in the universe is to scrap almost all of the old ideas of existence and start again from scratch. Our theory of multidimensional reality is able to explain quite logically all the phenomena observed in astronomy. Of all the fields of physics, the field of astronomy will be most affected by our theory. By applying the theory of multidimensional reality to these different phenomena, we found a very important secret of the universe which affects all of us on this planet. Normally we think of astronomy as a field totally unrelated to the average man. But we discovered that one of the most important phenomenon of the universe has an immediate effect on all men. No matter what one does on this planet or how he lives, be it moral or immoral, when this phenomenon occurs it will affect all men. There is no way to ignore it, and maybe this phenomenon is the real reason why man must evolve to higher thoughts. When studying the universe and the galaxies in it, we are immediately impressed by the mind-boggling distances between any two galaxies, more or less the distances from one side of the universe to the other. When we examine the subject of time relative to the galaxies, time seems infinite or even irrelevant to us. But time does matter to the galaxies and the universe, because important events occur after certain intervals of time have passed from the beginning of a galaxys creation to its end, whenever that is. To poor mortals, who live only about 70 years on the planet, to conceive of time as being billions of years makes one feel extremely insignificant in relation to what is happening in the universe. Since man is part of that universe, and is intricately involved in its evolution, we can assume that we can learn a great deal about our own evolution; more important, we can learn what we are to evolve to by closely examining the events happening in the universe. Time and Distance It is necessary to the following discussion to briefly understand some of the astronomical units of measure used. We will start with the basics. In astronomy, the metric system is used. The speed of light is 299792.5 kilometers per second. A light year is the distance traveled by a beam of light in 365.26 days. Since the distances be-


tween stars and galaxies are so huge, astronomers have used a much larger unit of measure. It is called an astronomical unit (AU). One AU is equal to 149,598,500 kilometers 5 kilometers. There are 206,265 astronomical units in one parsec (pc). One parsec is equal to 3.0855 x 1013 kilometers or 3.262 light years. The distances measured to other galaxies can have a 10-to-20 percent error factor. (1-p6l7) Our Universe What is the age of the universe? What is the age of our galaxy? What is the age of our sun? What formed the galaxies? What process was necessary to produce all the energy that makes up the galaxies? Why is the universe expanding, and what is the reason for its expansion? These are some of the questions we are going to try to answer in this chapter. On a clear night if you look into the sky with a good pair of binoculars or a telescope, you will be looking at literally billions upon billions of stars from our own galaxy and unknown billions of galaxies all over the universe. What you are looking at is truth, untouched and uncorrupted by mans ignorance. It is mans purpose, for the short time he is on the planet, to understand why and how the universe works. There is incredible order and balance throughout the entire universe. The galaxies are homogeneously spaced throughout the universe. There is a theory about the universe which is called the Big Bang Theory. Basically, this theory states that the entire universe started at one finite point. After the initial big bang, the galaxies spread out in all directions from the point of the explosion. To understand the Big Bang Theory better, we must first explain how astronomers determined that the universe is expanding. One of the ways astronomers calculate the distance between other galaxies and ours is by measuring the red shift of the light spectrum produced by a galaxy or star. As mentioned in earlier chapters, each element produces its own specific line spectrums of light. The more potential added to an element, the higher the light spectrum series that will be produced. This process will continue all the way up into the high ultraviolet range. As the velocity of a galaxy increases away from us, these line spectrums are shifted

down to the infrared end of the spectrum. Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 that this red shift followed a linear relationship to the distance the galaxy was from us. This linear relationship is expressed as a constant for a particular unit of distance. The unit of distance is one million parsecs (I Mpc) or 3.262 million light years. The most commonly used rate for this receding rate is 50 km/sec., per 1 Mpc. At 2 million Mpc the rate would be 100 km/ sec. As the distance doubles, the rate doubles. This is because it is a linear relationship. This rate of expansion is called the Hubble Constant. In recent years there has been work done on determining the actual value of the Hubble Constant. One group of astronomers used the weighted average between 12 different methods used to determine distance and came up with a weighted average for the Hubble Constant of 93 7 km/sec/Mpc. (2-p256) Somewhere between these two values lies the actual value of the constant. There is no disagreement among astronomers about the universe expanding; they just dont know why. Once the Hubble Constant was determined, it was then possible to determine an approximate date for the age of the universe. It was reasoned that since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, a galaxy could not be receding from us faster than 299792.5 km/sec. Dividing the Hubble Constant of 50 km/sec per Mpc into a value slightly less than the speed of light, we get 299792 km per sec. = 5995.84 million pc x 3.262 light years 50 km per sec. = 19,558,430,000 years.

as an age for the universe. (3-pl9) The question is, can we verify this age by observation or by experimentation? Yes, on both counts. Scientists have observed many quasars receding from us at 91 percent the speed of light (272811 km/sec.). This converts to a distance of 17.8 billion light years away. Another way of looking at it is that we are looking 17.8 billion years back into time. This is quite close to the estimated value of 20 billion years. The atomic way of dating the universe also confirms the 20-billion year figure. The method used is to measure the time it takes the radioactive element, rhenium187 to decay to the stable element, osmium l87. This method proves to be much more reliable than the other methods of dating ele140

ments because its half life is 44 billion years-much longer than the age of the universe. Using this method, astronomers calculated that nucleosynthesis began about 18 billion years ago. Cosmologists theorize that it was two billion years after the big bang that any type of nucleosynthesis could have started. The result totals to 20 billion years as calculated for the age of the universe. (3-pl9) After you have obtained a rough estimate of the age of the universe, you may ask yourself, where in the universe did the big bang occur? If it was from a particular location, then all the matter in the universe should be traveling away from that point. The problem astronomers have with this very logical premise is that no matter where they look in the sky, they see numerous quasars and other types of radio galaxies moving away from us at velocities greater than 80 percent of the speed of light. They can observe this phenomenon 360 around our galaxy (except in the direction of the Milky Way, where there is too much intergalactic dust for distant light sources to pass through). It is generally accepted that a quasar is the first stage in the evolution of a galaxy. Since we are always looking back into time when we look at these objects, our only conclusion must be that the moment of creation happened at the same time everywhere in the universe. Creation was all around us including our own galaxy at the same moment of time. This also implies that the oldest galaxy we can observe is our own. More evidence of the big bang was discovered by Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1965. One of their very sensitive radio receivers was detecting weak radio noise at 14.08 GHz. The only way they could account for its source was to accept it as being extraterrestrial. Astronomers later confirmed these observations and found other frequencies as well. They also discovered that the radio noise came uniformly from all directions in the universe. No direction as to a center for the big bang was indicated. The only conclusion they could reach, and rightfully so, is that the universe originated all around us with equal intensity. There have been some attempts to explain why the universe is expanding, but all have failed because they cannot explain all the phenomena using a single frame of reference. None of them try to explain where the initial matter for the big bang came from, and what caused the incredible gravitational field that must have been present to hold all this matter together. It is easy to see why they cant figure out the last question. How do they expect to know where the gravity 141

came from originally if they dont know what gravity is? Regarding the first question, the acceptable theory is that the matter came from dust particles in space that collected at one point, heated up, blew apart, and formed the universe. They apply the same theory to the creation of a galaxy. The observation that makes this theory highly improbable is that if there was that much dust particles between the existing galaxies, then we should not be able to see anywhere near the distances we presently do. It is considered quite amazing that the space outside the galaxies is as clear as it is. If we accept the traditional explanation of the initial big bang, we would expect to detect some dust clouds between the galaxies as remnants of this primal explosion. No such dust clouds have been detected. Astronomers also describe this type of model of the universe as canonical models. A good summary of the predicament that astronomers are faced with regarding the expansion of the universe was well stated by Professor M. J. Rees from the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, England. He said:
The canonical models, therefore, necessitate the unpalatable postulate that all parts of the universe are accurately synchronized, and start expanding at the same time and with the same entropy and curvature, even though there was then no communication or causal connection between neighboring regions. In these Friedmann models, therefore, the observed overall uniformity is postulated, never explained; and is even unexplainable. Matter at one point, however willing to live and evolve in conformity with matter at another point in the universe, has no means whatever of knowing the conditions of life beyond its own horizon. ( 2p320)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation If we accept the idea that all matter in the universe is formed from information that exists in the first dimension, we have a tremendous advantage in explaining from where the initial matter for the universe came. The only problem would be to try to determine the shape of the structure of the computer (the diehold) that holds all this information. Ironically the answer to this problem is found in the smallest groups of matter, the crystals. An in depth study of crystals to further prove this idea is covered in Chapter 9; but for

now we will say that the perfect crystal shape and, in turn, the shape of the diehold, is an octahedron. (Figure 6.1) The next step is to understand why this shape would have an effect on the expansion of the universe and how a cosmological model can be based from this structure and the theory of multidimensional reality. We will do this by first stating the theoretical conditions that would be present in the model and then compare that with the actual astronomical observations. This is to test each part of the theory, step by step. The first thing we must do is state some basic postulates of the diehold. The first concerns time. Time is measured vertically down through the diehold (Figure 6.2). Each horizontal layer of the diehold represents all the information in the universe at one moment of time. This dividing of time is used merely as a convenience to explain changes as time progresses. In actual working there would be a continuous flow of information from layer to layer. The distance between layers one and two could represent one second, a

Figure 6.1 An octahedron crystal


month, a decade, or a billion years. The big bang, or more aptly put, the beginning of the universe, occurs at Point A. This is also where time starts. The next postulate is that the information for the new galaxies will be present at Point A. At Point A + I the big bang has occurred; at level one in the diehold, the information for all the galaxies, as complete galaxies exists. Since the distances between the newly formed galaxies are very small, the volume of area to which the information is directed to our universe, is in turn very small. The problem is that the information for these new galaxies are for complete galaxies. This means a tremendous amount of information will be forced through a very small modulation point in our time and space. As time progresses, the distance be-

Figure 6.2 Diagram of the diehold showing what time is and how it passes through the information


tween the domains of information for the individual galaxies becomes greater and greater. This is why the universe is expanding. It is revealed in the very shape of the diehold; because of its shape, distance between Points B and C at time level three will increase at a linear rate to time level four. The rate of change is always the same at any time; and it is, therefore, a linear function, just as the Hubble Constant has been proven to be. Atremendous amount of information is being directed toward a very small point; the result of this, as mentioned in the magnetism chapter, is that the potential of the magnetic field will go up proportionately. Gravity, or magnetism, is nothing more than information from another dimension being modulated to our dimension. If we were to see this new galaxy, we should see a tremendous amount of ultraviolet light, along with an incredibly strong gravitational field around one relatively small modulation point. The reason why only ultraviolet light would be present is because, as mentioned earlier, when the potential of the information for an element has been raised incredibly high, it will produce mostly ultraviolet wave lengths of light. As the distances increase between these newly formed galaxies, more information will be able to be directed through those modulation points because the modulation points will also expand. As the modulation points become larger, the potential created by the force of so much information passing through a small opening will decrease; therefore, we would see the temperature and other forms of radiated energy decrease. There is a great deal of evidence collected from observations of quasars that tends to agree with our theoretical model of the universe. The evidence is as follows: Astronomers do realize that the evolution of a galaxy is more dependent on forces outside the galaxy than on the evolutionary forces of its component stars. The first thing we should try to find in our observations is: what do the farthest celestial objects look like, and do they give off great amounts of energy. The reason we look for the most distant objects is because we are trying to look as far back into time as we can. The farthest objects that have been observed are quasars and radio galaxies. Quasars are observed as very blue points of light. They appear more like individual stars, but sometimes appear with small wisps of matter sprouting from them. One of their distinctive characteristics is that they emit an abnormal amount of ultraviolet radiation. They are, also, variable 145

points of light; this means they flare up in light magnitude as much as 2.5. They are giving off a tremendous amount of energy quite quickly and in short bursts. (1-p645) Some outbursts of energy have been calculated to be 1060 ergs/sec. (1p640) This is a material percentage of the total energy available to a whole galaxy, if we assume that nuclear energy is the source of galactic energy. The average energy output of a quasar is at least 1046 ergs/sec over the life-time of the quasar stage. The initial active life-time of a quasar is estimated to be 10 million to 1 billion years. (2-p291) The other astronomical objects detected at these far distances are called radio galaxies. These are radio sources produced by a celestial body and detected by using large antenna systems. This is a rather new type of astronomy but it has proven to be very effective for extremely distant galaxies. Many of these radio sources have not been confirmed optically because the light produced by the radio source is too faint and too far away. Since 1974, 300 such radio sources have been discovered and about one third of them have been optically confirmed as being quasars. They, also, have been found to have red shifts indicating receding velocities of at least 91 percent the speed of light (272,811 km/sec). This confirms that they are very old objects (at least 17.7 billion years). For the rest of this section, we will consider radio galaxies to be quasars because that is what they are when we talk of distances that far away. The centers of quasars are believed to be only light months across or less. Two examples of these radio galaxies are Cygnus A and 3C-236. They have received a great deal of attention from astronomers because of the amount of energy they produce. It has been calculated that the internal energy constant is 1058 ergs per output for Cygnus A and 1060 ergs for 3C-236. This amounts to consuming five hundred million of our suns per second to produce the energies emitted throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. (2-p288) This energy amount is calculated by using the acceptable theories of thermal nuclear reactions (fusion and fission). As mentioned in previous chapters, our theory of existence does not accept these theories at all; and this proves we are correct in our belief. The above estimates of the internal energy are probably underestimated. Astronomers know that if Cygnus A was really powered by thermal nuclear reactions, Cygnus A should have expanded much farther than it has. With this observation, they know something may be very wrong with the accepted atomic theory.

Another theory about Cygnus A is that energy may be produced by a low-pressure plasma. A strong magnetic field would hold the plasma together with other highly excited particles. The results would be a much slower expansion of Cygnus A, which would agree more with observations, but this would mean that it would consume 10 billion solar masses every second. This process would generate one thousand times more energy than is observed for Cygnus A. (2-p289) To sum up the problem of the energy output of quasars, the following is from the noted professor of astronomy, George 0. Abell:
We have then the perplexing picture of a quasar: an extremely lumi nous object of small size displaying enormous changes in energy output over intervals of months or less from regions less than a few lightmonths across; 100 times the luminosity of our entire galaxy is released from a volume more than 1017 times smaller tha n the galaxy. (1-p645)

The point we wish to make is that the idea that energy comes from matter (E=mc 2) is wrong. We will go even further and say that the entire theory of nuclear energy needs a great deal of revision. As Tesla said: Nuclear energy is an illusion. The reason why it is incorrect is simple and blatant: if our galaxy, like all galaxies, went through the quasar stage of evolution some 17 to 20 billion years ago and had consumed matter for energy to produce the power quantities mentioned above, we believe our galaxy would have had to use up all its matter (certainly all of its hydrogen and helium) billions of years ago. To put it in simpler terms, this galaxy shouldnt exist today. After all that, it is now time to safely state seve ral more postulates of the diehold. Energy is not the product of matter but rather is a result of the amount of information modulated into our dimension by the diehold. The amount of information that can be modulated into our dimension is not limited by time or space. This means that if a tear or a lack of information developed in the universe, the diehold would instantly fill up that area with as much information as necessary to fill up that tear. This also means that to measure energy levels in ergs over short or long periods of time is pointless, because the process we are observing is not matter being consumed but rather is a product of matter (a whole galaxy) entering this 147

dimension. When the quasar first forms in this dimension, it is spewing forth so much information and creating so much potential that it is most likely that the matter-part of the information is too unstable to be modulated into existence. Also, since its potential is so great that it is producing only ultraviolet light, it is unlikely that we would be able to see it for several billion years. Not until the modulation point has expanded large enough to reduce the resultant energy will lower frequencies of light be produced. Its like water pressure through a valve: if the pressure is too high, you cannot divert that stream of water. The information coming out of a quasar is similar: the pressure of the information is so great that it has, in turn, imparted this potential to the information. The information now is at such a high state of potential that it is too high to actually modulate into three-dimensional objects (gases and other forms of matter). Instead, it just remains as ultraviolet light. It is only until the pressure is relieved by increasing the modulation point large enough that the information is reduced to lower levels of potential. We only see the quasar and its radio frequencies after many years of expansion. This theory would explain why quasars and other radio sources have not spread out as far as we might have thought possible. In other words, their period of producing matter in the form of gases has only been a relatively recent occurrence. Strong magnetic fields from quasars is the last observational proof we must find. The first point we should ask ourselves is what are the effects produced by a strong magnetic field. A wellknown effect produced by strong magnetic fields is called the Zeeman Effect. This is when a magnetic field will split the spectral lines coming from a light source (Figure 6.3). Quasars do exhibit this effect. Radio sources that have been identified with quasars exhibit another phenomenon that has not been fully explained before. We will describe and explain the phenomenon and relate its cause to a strong magnetic field. Our example is the galaxy, Cygnus A. It is estimated to be at least ten billion light years away. The energy level has been observed to be about 1048 ergs/sec. Cygnus A is detected at a frequency of about 5 GHz. The galaxy produces two radio sources, about two seconds of arc, on either side of the optical image (Figure 6.4). We believe these two separate radio sources are produced in a similar manner as the Zeeman Effect. The actual point of source is the optical image of the center. The strong magnetic field from the center causes the radio fre148



An example of the splitting of a light spectrum caused by a strong magnetic field.

Figure 6.3 Drawing showing the effects of a strong magnetic field on a light spectrum; Zeeman Effect



Figure 6.4 Drawing of the radio galaxy, Cygnus A

quencies to separate in a similar manner. The Zeeman Effect and the dual radio sources have been observed in quasars and in later stages of galaxies. This observational proof seems to be adequate to prove our point, that a strong magnetic field is indeed present at the center of these quasars. There is one more observational bit of evidence that indicates the same thing. There is evidence that the line spectrums of iron are emitted from these early galactic stages of evolution. It has been found that 20 percent of the iron present in a mature galaxy is 149

produced within the first 500 million years of its inception.(2-p208) Scientists have been at a loss to understand how heavy metals could be produced in such a percentage considering the nuclear activity they theorize is going on. Per our theory of existence, the light spectrum of iron we are observing does not really represent the physical metal iron. But, as mentioned in the light chapter, many of the spectral lines of iron are really the frequencies of various carrier, synchronizing and resynchronizing frequencies. We would expect to see these light spectrums present where there is such a tremendous amount of information being directed toward such a small area. We are actually looking at the carrier wave frequencies of the diehold.

Later Evolution of the Universe Most of the quasars we observe are over 16 billion years old. As described by our initial description of the diehold, we would expect to see them that old; but what about some quasars that have been observed much closer, such as 3C-273, which is 800 million parsecs (2.6 billion light years) away? Per the initial explanation of the theory of the diehold, we would expect all the quasars to be of roughly equal age. How does a quasar show up that appears to be only 2.6 billion years old? It seems that its about 15 billion years behind the older quasars. To best explain this, we will have to restate another postulate about the diehold and existence. The diehold will never permit, on a permanent basis, too much information to be directed toward one particular volume in time and space. It will also not permit too little information in a certain volume of space. The reason we observe younger quasars in space becomes apparent when we look at what happens to the information after it passes down through levels of time in the diehold (Figure 6.5). As you can see from the diagram, at Level one, Point A and B which represent galaxies, are a proportionate distance from each other and the sides of the diehold. At time level two, Points A and B are separated by the same proportion as they were at Level one; but notice that the distance between galaxy A and B has increased by three times. This is evidence of the universe expanding. As Points A and B have grown farther apart, there has been less information occupying that volume of space. As men150

Figure 6.5 Drawing explaining why new quasars are formed

tioned in the postulate, we would expect to see the diehold rush information in somewhere between Points A and B to fill up that void, thereby creating quasar C of a much younger age. This process would hypothetically continue until the midpoint (1/2 infinity) is reached. At this point the oldest galaxies should have completely evolved to pure information again, and the newer galaxies will be the only ones present. There is another important observation to be made from this 151

Picture of the giant elliptical galaxy, M87, the Virgo cluster. Short exposure.


diagram which is that the information on Level one would decrease by the square of the distance down through time. In other words, this may explain why the Inverse Square Law is present in our universe. The Inverse Square Law states briefly that the intensity of an effect at the receiving end decreases inversely as the square of the distance between the transmitting source and the receiving source increases. For example, the light intensity striking a surface one foot away from a light source is 16 times greater than if the surface was four feet away. This law holds for all forms of information transfer, such as light, magnetism, heat, electricity, and gravity. There has never been an explanation of why the Inverse Square Law even shows up. There is no logical reason why energy should divide like that except if it was an intricate byproduct of the information that makes up all matter. We know of no other cosmological model that even attempts to answer that phenomenon.

The Next Stage of Evolution for a Galaxy

Per our theory, the stage after the initial quasar stage is when the galaxy produces matter in the form of gas and begins forming stars. At this stage we would assume that the galaxy is much larger than the initial quasar. Its modulation point has expanded sufficiently to produce all forms of electromagnetic radiation, from ultraviolet light down to radio noise. There is a great deal of observational evidence proving all of the points of our theoretical model. The scientists call this type of galaxy a Seyfert galaxy. They produce 10 times more radio luminosity than normal spiral galaxies and a thousand times more light. (2-236) The Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 emits energy at 1045 ergs/sec, and gas is seen being ejected from the nucleus at least 600 km/sec. They also produce a great deal of ultraviolet radiation, such as the Orion galaxy, which produces great amounts of ultraviolet light between 1,250 to 2,000. What is very interesting about this galaxy is that we can see stars coming from the center. (4-39) The same unexplainable phenomenon is observed in the Virgo cluster M87 (Illustration), which is a giant elliptical galaxy emitting thousands of times more radio energy than a typical galaxy. It is also observed from photographs of short exposure, ejecting a stream of matter (gases or stars)

away from the center. (1-638) The last observational fact is that it is normal that 70 percent of the energy coming from Seyfert galaxies originate from an area no more than 50 parsecs in diameter. (2-p280) With these observations we have proved all the points laid down by our galactic model. The observations fit logically into one theory of existence; no part of the theory disagrees with any other part. There is a logical flow from one idea to the next without having to come up with any new theories. Before leaving this section, we must make some mention of the jets of matter or stars that are being observed coming from these types of galaxies. There is no logical explanation in the acceptable theories of physics to explain the way these galaxies form their stars. Normally, one would think that a revolving, round mass of gas and energy would evenly spread out; and that stars would form uniformly, perpendicular to its axis. When you see photographs of M87 or the Orion galaxy, you have to add into the equation of the universe the obvious possibility of a conscious intelligence directing creation. We see the same type of phenomena in young stars called T Tauri stars (to be covered later). Our conclusion has to be that creation happens on all levels of existence. We can see from the smallest forms of life to the largest forms of existence, a galaxy, that matter directed by some conscious intelligence is creating other conscious intelligences. Elliptical galaxies are the next stage of development for a galaxy. These galaxies start forming the more familiar ring of stars around a large bright center mass of more densely packed stars. The center is still quite bright and produces varying amounts of radio noise. The last stage of a galaxy that we know of is the spiral-type galaxy. Our galaxy (the Milky Way) is this type of galaxy. All spiral galaxies have active, bright centers, one to two percent of the time. The centers of these galaxies give off gravitational waves and radio waves from 10 to 300 MHz. (1-p503) The galactic center (2 degrees from the middle) is observed ejecting hydrogen gas, as well as all types of radiation. The energy is estimated to be about 1042 ergs. Our galaxy is estimated to be one hundred thousand light years in diameter, and our sun is estimated to be about thirty thousand light years from the center. 154

Our Sun The most important recurring event in the universe is revealed in the reason why a sun novas. The purpose of this section will be to give you a brief introduction as to the evolution of a star, and then a greater understanding to what makes up a star and what causes it to nova. This is the most important event in mans evolution. The traditional description of a star is a mass of hot gasses tightly compressed due to a strong gravitational field. The stronger the gravity, the greater the gas density and, in turn, the greater the temperature. The surface of the sun is called the photosphere. The temperature of the photosphere is estimated to be about 6,000 C. The surface gravity is 27.9 times greater than the earths gravity. Gravity is measured in gausses. The surf ace gravity on the earth, measured at sea level, is a little less than one gauss. It is estimated that the photosphere is 260 km thick. The pressure at the surface is said to be only a fraction of the earths atmospheric pressure at sea level. The photosp here consists mostly of hydrogen (60-80 percent) and helium. Most of the light produced by the sun comes from this layer. The next layer of the suns atmosphere is called the chromosphere. It is 2,000-3,000 km thick and has a temperature of 100,000C. Notice that the temperature increases while the pressure of the gas decreases. This is opposite to what was stated previously about the pressure-temperature relationship. This temperature increase will be explained later in the chapter. The same is true for the third and highest known layer of the sun, the corona. Scientists have been able to calculate the temperature of this layer by observing the very ionized spectral lines of iron, calcium, nickel, argon, and other elements. They estimate the temperature to be one to 10 million degrees centigrade. During some solar eruptions, 20 million degrees centigrade have been recorded. The rotation of the sun is very unusual. The equatorial region revolves faster than the higher latitudes. For instance, the equator revolves on its axis every 25 days; but at around 30 latitude, north or south, it takes 27.5 days. Still further away from the equator, around 70 latitude, the sun rotates in 33 days. The reason the sun can have these differential rotation rates is because its surface is like a fluid rather than a solid-unlike the surface of 155

the planets. No one knows what causes this differential rotation rate; but we will take a crack at it. Regarding our description of the interior of the earth, we said that the heat source was caused by the modulation point of the information for the earth. This modulation point formed from the information which makes up the planet is responsible for the magnetic and gravitational field. The same thing would be true for the sun (Figure 6.6). The only difference between the sun and the earth is that the sun has much more information and potential than does the earth. This also means that the sun has no matter in its core. What we would expect to find there, instead, is a tremendous magnetic and gravitational field. This is the information for the sun entering this dimension and being directed toward the modulation point. We can make an important assumption here: that the modulation point must be rather small relative to the amount of information that must pass through it. We say this because of the tremendous energy being emitted, along with the large amount of ultraviolet light, along with only small amounts of matter or gases present on the



Figure 6.6 Drawing of the cross section of the sun


surface. We would theorize that most of the matter part of the information leaves this dimension almost as fast as it enters. We would see it leave as ultraviolet light of very short wave lengths. A very small amount of the information would modulate into matter around the surface of the sun. This idea seems to be proven by observations of sun spots. No one has ever figured out why sun spots appear to be black. Astronomers assume them to be approximately 1,300 C cooler than the surrounding surface. These spots last from a few hours to a few months. The only reason astronomers think they are cooler is because they appear as black spots on photographs using infrared filters. (1-p527) There are two faults with their theory. One is that since the sun spot appears as a black spot by using either no filter or an infrared filter, it is assumed that the true wave length of the spot is lower then the infrared spectrum. The surface around the sun spot shows up in the infrared wave lengths. We would say, all this observation proves is that the wave length of the spot is higher than visible light and infrared radiation. This can only mean that the spot is emitting ultraviolet light of very short wave lengths. The appearance of these sun spots means we are looking into the center of the sun. When sun spots occur, magnetic fields of 100 4,000 gausses have been detected. This further proves we are literally looking into the center of the sun. Usually a short time after the sun spot disappears visually, the magnetic field lingers on. This is because the surface of the sun is still too thin to totally veil the magnetic field. If our model of the sun is correct, then the question is: what causes the light? The answer is easy. Nikola Tesla said it back in the 1890s. The suns light is produced by the process called fluorescence. Fluorescence is when a short (higher) wave length of light strikes an element and is absorbed. The element, in turn, gives off a longer (lower) wave length of light. In the sun, the ultraviolet light strikes the hydrogen and helium gases in the photosphere. Most of the ultraviolet light is then absorbed. The hydrogen and helium, in turn, give off a lower wave length of light which is in the visible light spectrum. The reason no light is present at sun spots is because the hydrogen and helium have been evaporated or pushed away, thereby enabling the ultraviolet light to pass straight out into the upper atmosphere of the sun. It is a well-known fact that the sun gives off vast quantities of ultraviolet light. Today, 157

enviornmentalists are complaining that fluorocarbons are destroying the ozone layer in our upper atmosphere. This ozone layer is responsible for shielding us from most of the ultraviolet light rays from the sun. We feel it is only fair that we describe how traditional physics tries to describe the energy source of the sun. It is necessary to compare the two so you realize the discrepancies in the amount of energy that has been produced compared with the energy they calculate could be produced, using the thermal nuclear principle. It has been calculated that the energy leaving the sun amounts to 3.8 x 1033 ergs/sec. They theorize this energy is produced by the principle called fusion. The fusion is caused by a tremendous gravitational field which raises the pressure and, in turn, the temperature of the gases to as much as 18 million degrees centigrade. In the fusion reaction, some 600 million tons of hydrogen is converted into approximately 596 million tons of helium. The missing four million tons of matter is said to be producing the energy which we see. The energy levels emitted per year is 1041 ergs, and it is estimated that the total energy the sun has available to it amounts to 6 x 1051 ergs. This is the amount of energy that the sun will emit over its life-time, if it is powered by a fusion-type process. This means that the sun should emit energy over a lifetime of a little more than ten billion years. They estimate that at the present rate of consumption, the sun should shine over another 100 million years. (1-p546) It is estimated that the earth is at least 4.6 billion years old, and chances are the sun existed many billions of years before the earth was formed. Some sources say that the sun was formed at the same time as the earth, but this does not hold up against observations of young stars, such as the T. Tauri stars, as mentioned earlier. These stars are observed giving off a wisp of matter from the side (Figure 6.7). At first this increase in light was considered to be a nova, but it didnt fit the character istics of a nova. Its brightness slowly increased, and it remained bright over a long period of time; and then only gradually diminished. No one has given a hypothesis of what this phenomenon is. We theorize that it is similar to the same type of observation seen in early galaxies. This type of star is giving birth to its planets. This star is already many billions of years old, and its just forming its planets. After the planet is formed, it would take time for the matter to cool down and finally start solidifying to form the crust.

Figure 6.7 Pictures of a T tauri star


The problem with current dating methods is that it only measures the time when rock crystals first formed, and the period of time when matter was in a liquid or gaseous state is not measured. What we are trying to say is, it is impossible to connect the age of the sun with the age of its planets since we do not know how many years after the sun was formed that it produced its own planets. We would have a better idea of the age of the sun by assuming that the matter of the sun was produced two billion years after the galaxy was first formed. This is assuming, of course, that you accept the idea of nuclear fusion. The logic of this reasoning is that the hydrogen gases it is allegedly consuming should be the same gases that originally formed it. Hydrogen is, by the way, one of the gases that is seen spewing forth from the center of galaxies. So the question really is: How old is our galaxy? We can safely assume that since we are looking back onto time when we look at other galaxies, our own galaxy must be relatively older and more mature than most of the ones we are observing. Since we are observing quasars that are 17 to 19 billion years old, we can assume that our own galaxy is at least 17 billion years old. If we assume that two to three billion years after our galaxy was formed, our sun was formed, it means that our sun would be from 14 to 15 billion years old. As mentioned earlier, if the suns generating process was nuclear energy, all of its nuclear fuel should have been used up from four to five billion years ago. There does seem to be a major problem with the acceptable nuclear theory! Astronomers also know that the gravitational energy of the sun is grossly inadequate to produce the luminosity it has produced over its life-time. So, even they know that something is very wrong with their theory, physicists have tried to test their theory of the source of the suns energy by an ingenious experiment done by Brookhaven National Laboratory. If the sun does produce its energy by nuclear fusion, three percent of the energy released should be in the form of particles called neutrinos. The experiment was to see if they could detect a certain percentage of neutrinos striking the earth. They would detect the neutrinos by using an isotope of chlorine (CL37). When Chlorine37 is struck by a neutrino, it is supposed to be transmuted into Argon37 and an electron. The idea was to detect how many radio-active argon atoms would be produced over a period of time. Theoretically the experiment should have detected quite accurately the quantities of

neutrinos striking the earth. The result of the experiment was that there were five times less neutrinos than originally expected. There has been no explanation for this discrepancy. To quote again from George 0. Abell:
It is conceivable that there is a fundamental oversight in our nuclear physics theory, or as yet unexplained defects in (the) experimental techniques; otherwise we are left with the possibility that the sun, at present, is not deriving energy from the protonproton chain. The latter conclusion, however, would truely send us back to the drawing board...

Per our theory, the discrepancy comes from the fact that the sun does not derive its energy from thermal nuclear reactions. The neutrinos being detected are probably produced in the corona, where the temperatures necessary for thermal nuclear reactions could occur. As you will remember from our discussion of the earths mag netism, there are various synchronizing and resynchronizing frequencies that manifest themselves as increases and decreases in the earths magnetic field. It appears that the sun also has these resynchronizing frequencies of short duration. The 11-year sun spot cycle and the alternating 22-year sun spot cycle seem to be caused by two types of synchronizing frequencies. For instance, during the 22-year sun spot cycle, the polarity of the sun spots seem to change. You will see by Figure 6.8 that as the magnetic field reaches zero, the potential increases considerably. This is not in any way to say that the entire magnetic field of the sun changes polarity, just one or two frequencies. The reason the sun spots appear only around the equatorial region is because the electrostatic field created by the collapsing field is radiated perpendicular to the magnetic field (Figure 6.9). This is similar to the phenomena found on the earth. The next point to be explained is what causes the chromosphere and the corona. We would analyze these upper atmosphere layers of the sun as being similar to the D, E, Fl, and F2 layers above the earth. As on the earth, the temperature of the F2 layer is 40 times greater than at the surface of the earth. These highly ionized layers are caused by wave groups of frequencies that are formed by the modulation point at the center of the sun. A simpler way of saying this is that these upper layers are ionized by the information that makes up the sun. 161


Figure 6.8 Graph of a theoretical synchronizing frequency of the sun



Figure 6.9 Drawing of the sun showing the resulting potential caused by a collapsing field


The Evolution of Stars Our galaxy is estimated to contain over 100 billion stars in varying stages of development. All these stars revolve around the nucleus of our galaxy. It has always been a mystery to astronomers how a star is created and what life trek it goes through before it has finished its purpose. The following is a brief description of what scientists theorize about stars. In Figure 6.10 is the HertzsprungRussell diagram. This diagram is accepted as being a good model for the stages all stars go through. Keep in mind that this is their theory; it is not our interpretation of stellar evolution. Astronomers do admit that since they are only looking at a snapshot of lots of stars in various stages of evolution, the diagram is just an educated guess based on a theory of nuclear physics, which we have shown is not correct. Astronomers have attempted to describe the evolution of a star by making the assumption that stars are formed by dust particles in the galaxy. They purport that as the density of particles becomes great enough, their mutual gravitation will attract them together. As more and more particles collect, their collective gravitational field increases. Eventually their collective mass becomes great enough to cause the kinetic energy at the center of the mass to go up. This is what they theorize forms a star. The one problem with their theory is that it does not explain what gravity is nor why a particle has a gravitational field. As explained in Chapter 3, unless you can define what gravity is and why it is present, even on the particle level, it makes no sense to guess how a star is formed. As the heat increases, the light it produces increases. Refering to Figure 6.10, the area between the dotted lines is this hypothetical infant stage of a star. The reason its verti cal is because the size of the star is dependent on the amount of particles that are attracted toward a specific spot. The area above zero absolute bolometric magnitude represents the energy released by very large stars, such as super red giants and red giants. The area marked one solar mass is the approximate location of our sun. As you will notice, all measurements of stars are made relative to the mass or our star. So the area above one solar mass is all stars larger than ours and below is of lesser mass. The zero-age line is most often called the main sequence. It is called this because its at this stage that the star is relatively stable, whether it is of large or small size. The 163

Figure 6.10 The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

distance from A to B represents the time it takes a star to go from the loose particle state to the main sequence of stars. Once they reach the main sequence, it is theorized stars will lose temperature and light magnitude, over time. The cycle will proceed down and to the right of the main sequence. The first group of stars to be discussed is the red super giants and the red giants. They are at the top half of this graph. The surfaces of these red giants are calculated to be 2,700 C and less. It 164

is estimated that less than one percent of the stars are giants and super giants. The red giants have low density and, therefore, produce less light per square area than stars of smaller mass. It is also theorized that red giants last only about 100 million years. Because of their tremendous size and mass, they tend to collapse quite fast when their nuclear fuel is used up. The next group of stars are of the type like our own sun, with masses ranging from slightly greater to ours to a little less. The final stage for normal size stars, less than three solar masses, is called a white dwarf. A white dwarf cannot be greater than 1.4 solar masses, or its mass will be so great that it will collapse to zero diameter. Its density will be one million times greater than water. It is theorized that most stars do reach this white dwarf stage by somehow losing part of their mass over a long period of time. The larger stars (above 1.4 solar masses) eventually lose most of their mass by ejecting it during novas or other processes unknown to astronomers. For large stars that have not been able to lose sufficient mass and are larger than 1.4 solar masses and below 3, their fate is to become a neutron star. For instance, one neutron star with one solar mass would be 20 km in diameter. The neutron star would possess a magnetic field of 1010 _ 1012 gausses. (1-p590) If the star has a mass greater than three solar masses at the end of its evolution, it will collapse to become a black hole. Amore detailed description of black holes is appropriate now, because it is one of the most interesting subjects in astronomy. The conclusions derived for a black hole by noted scientists like Oppenheimer, Schwarzchild, Einstein, and Rosen, imply that a first dimension exists, and helps prove our idea. The main characteristic of a black hole is that it has an extreme gravitational field directed toward an extremely small area in time and space. Since most people associate gravitational fields with matter, we will use the acceptable scientific explanation of black holes to simplify the description of the effects. Later, we will give our theory and its cause and effects. The black hole is formed if a stars mass is three times greater than our own suns. Stars with masses greater than our own sun, in fact many with 20 solar masses and more, are quite common in our galaxy. So astronomers assume that many such stars do eventually become black holes. When a star has finally used up its atomic fuel, it begins to contract. There is no longer any more energy to maintain the stars

size and stability. So the star continues to collapse to a finite point possessing an infinite gravitational field but no matter. This point is called singularity (Figure 6.11). Before it reaches singularity, there are two important zones surrounding it that must be mentioned. The first is the photon sphere. The photon sphere is the distance at which a beam of light is able to circle the black hole, if directed at the correct angle. Below the photon sphere, all light directed toward the black hole will curve in toward the center. The next zone is called the event horizon. Any light that is directed perpendicular from the center of the black hole will not reach any further than the event horizon. This is what distinguishes it from the other layer. The event horizon represents the distance from the center at which the gravitational field is so intense that even light cannot escape the gravitational pull. This means that the original star has disappeared from our universe. What is more interesting is what is happening to time. Lets say we send a spacecraft with a clock aboard to the center of a black hole. As the spacecraft approaches the black hole, time would begin to slow down. As the spacecraft approaches the event horizon, time would become infinitely long. After it passes through the event horizon, time would stop completely. What is interesting is that if there were occupants aboard, they would not notice that time had

Figure 6.11 Cross section of a black hole.


slowed down, because their nervous systems would slow down along with time. If we were observing the spacecraft from a vantage point outside the photon sphere, we would see the spacecraft traveling slower and slower; eventually it would appear to stop and then disappear; but we would never see it go past the event horizon. The big question scientists ask is where did all the matter for the star go when it collapsed to the singularity point. Einstein and Rosen came up with the theory that the black hole created a hole in our universe which led to another universe. This theory is called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. The matter would enter this other universe through a white hole, thought to be a quasar. This description of a black hole was a conclusion mandated by Einsteins Theory of Relativity. The funny thing is that the idea that matter comes from or can go to another dimension has no place in the Theory of Relativity, per se. It only became a conclusion to the problem of black holes because the mathematics of the problem of super gravitational fields led it to that logical conclusion. Even though we feel the Theory of Relativity is incorrect regarding energy and what causes gravity, the scientists came to this conclusion because they were forced to explain gravity at its extremes. This forced them to forget their old ideas of existence.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation We theorize the sun first forms from the center of a galaxy as a small modulation point similar to the evolution of a galaxy. In many respects, we could say they parallel themselves. We would conclude that when a star is first formed we would observe it as a very strong ultraviolet light source. It would appear very blueish and appear to have a very high surface temperature above 25,000 degrees C. For larger stars, the temperature could go as high as 60,000 degrees C. The idea of a star being formed by intergalactic dust particles does not enter into the picture. When the modulation point representing that star comes into being, it creates its own gas cloud around the center of the modulation point. In the early stellar stages, the potential produced by the modulating information is too high for matter to actually form in this dimension. This is because the opening or modulation point that all the information passes through 167

is so small that it raises the pressure of information through that opening so high that the information is unstable when it enters this dimension. Per our theory, the star never leaves the main sequence line. All stars begin as very bright, hightemperature stars. The temperature and brightness is a function of the amount of information that makes up the star. That means that if a star originally has more information that makes it up than another star, it will be hotter and possess greater luminosity. As time goes on, the modulation point grows larger due to the expansion of the universe. This, in turn, causes the temperature to be reduced and permits the star to produce matter of low atomic weight. When the star reaches a temperature of around 7,300 C, it begins to lose its blueish appearance and becomes white. This is also the stage where it begins to produce more heavier elements such as iron and chromium. (1-p4l9) At this stage of evolution, we theorize that the star produces its planets. In the next stage of stellar evolution, the stars surface temperature is approximately 5,700C. It is white to yellow in appearance. Our sun falls in this category. In the next stage of stellar evolution, the stars surface temperature is further lowered to 3,200-4,700 C and takes on an orange to red appearance. In the next stage, the surface temperature is further lowered to less than 3,200 C. Its surface color has become red by now. As you can see, as the potential of the star went down, the color of the star went from the high end of the light spectrum (ultraviolet) to the lower (infrared) end. We believe that as the modulation point becomes larger, the potential or temperature is inversely proportional. As the potential goes down, a star produces more matter around the modulation point. This would be observed as a thicker sea of liquid gas surrounding the modulation point. As mentioned in Chapter 3, we also look at a star as being possibly an intelligence; a form of existence on a level we cannot approach. The following is another way of explaining the reason for the tremendous gravitational field created toward the end of a stars existence. It seems that intelligence is the accumulation of potential. We, as fourth -dimensional beings, have more potential that do three-dimensional objects. Sixth-dimensional beings would have far more potential than we; all the way up to a star-it has more potential than anything we know. It may seem strange to 168

look at a star as being a form of existence, but we should attempt to explain the existence of everything in the universe. It is not good enough to say that something exists solely for our benefit or strictly because its there. One of the basic premises of our theory is that there is a continuity through all forms of existence. There is one basic theme for existence, and that is to evolve. We make this assumption because everything we see in the universe, from what happens on the planet with all forms of life to the evolution of planets and stars and even galaxies, indicates one and one thing only: that everything is in a state of evolution, a constant state of becoming. When we take the example of a star, we make the assumption that it perceives most of its existence from its information in the diehold. When it is first created, its gravitational field is great due to the fact that the information being directed toward it is in equilibrium with the unstable information leaving it. As time goes on, its gravitational field becomes greater and greater. Our first explanation of this is that as it creates more three-dimensional matter, its gravitational information becomes greater than the unstable information leaving the star in the form of light. As the star becomes older, it modulates more matter into existence. As more matter is created, less light is given off. If we wanted to make a simple equation for the idea. it would be: total information = modulated matter + light ( r, leaving this dimension). Using this theory, at the last stage all information that makes up that star will be modulated into matter. At this stage, the star becomes a neutron star or black hole. This is the other way of looking at the increase of a stars gravitational field. If we accept the premise that the star exists to evolve, then that evolution must be intricately involved in the gathering of information. Since we say a star perceives its surroundings more from the first dimension (the diehold) than it does from any of the other dimensions, then we would observe this gathering as evidenced by its gravitational field. Gravity and magnetism are really information being directed toward a certain area in time and space. The important question to be asked now is at what rate does this star gather information? As mentioned in previous chapters, the maximum speed obtainable is the speed of the tapehead across the information. This we more commonly refer to as the speed of light. So now to answer 169

the question. This star would gather information at the speed of light. It gathers information 360 around its domain of information in the diehold. It perceives this information entirely from the diehold. We could say that if we could see that star, it is, in turn, also perceiving us. As we observe it and collect information on its appearance and behavior, it in turn is perceiving the information about our existence. Using this analogy, as time goes on, more and more information would be directed toward this star. This information does not modulate itself as additional matter, because it is actually the information of the objects around it. At some point it has gathered so much information and, in turn, has produced such a tremendous gravitational and magnetic field around it, that it can no longer exist in this dimension or in any other dimension but the first dimension. It disappears from our universe and goes back to the diehold where time stands still as domains of information on the tape. It has, in essence, totally evolved. It has gathered information from one end of the universe to the other, covering a period of maybe some 25 billion years; and it has finally reached a point where its able to remove its information entirely from our universe. The Einstein-Rosen idea that through a black hole you could enter another universe is not very far wrong. We would not say you would be entering another universe. You would not, but the matter and information would be sent out through a quasar to form another galaxy within this universe; and the cycle would start all over again.

Novas As a star goes through its various stages of evolution, it also goes through fluctuations in its appearance and energy levels. These fluctuations are known as novae. The old theory about a star that has novaed was that it had blown itself out of existence. Today, astronomers realize that stars can nova more than once and that only the outer layer of gas is ejected from the star. What happens is merely that the gas shell expands very rapidly away from the star. Gas shells have been observed expanding at about 4,600 km/ sec. by the 40th day of observation. Unfortunately, we only begin to notice a nova well after the process has begun. So we really dont know how fast the gas shell starts out. The light increase happens

very fast; within a day, a star can become tens of thousands of times brighter than before. When the star is very large, it will super nova. In this case, the light could eventually become hundreds of millions of times greater than before. The light will eventually decrease over a period of years to decades. Eventually the star will return to a normal appearance. The temperatures of the gas observed during a nova range from 4,700 C to 20,000 C. When the gas shell expands, the star no longer gives off a continuous spectrum of light. The spectrum immediately shifts to the ultraviolet. After the gas shell has been ejected, the only light the gas gives off is due to fluorescence caused from the ultraviolet coming from the star. Besides large amounts of ultraviolet light, large amounts of X-rays and radio waves are also emitted. The X-rays produced travel slower than light, therefore, we detect the X-rays some time after the light has reached us. Astronomers have calculated that the heat necessary to produce some of these X-ray sources is as high as 50 million C. Some time after the nova, a nebula cloud will form around the star. The shape of this nebula often appears as a ring such as the famous ring nebula. All types of stars have been observed in the centers of these nebulae, from large stars to small white dwarfs. Many of the stars give off no more light than our own sun and are believed to be not much larger. The bottom line of all these tidbits of information is that astronomers dont know what causes a nova, nor what mechanism is involved in the sudden eruption of a star.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation Using our theory of existence, it becomes relatively easy to understand what a nova is and why it occurs. To understand what happens in a star when it novas, you will have to recall our discussion of polar reversals on the earth. As you will remember, the magnetic field is caused by various clocking, carrier wave and synchronizing frequencies being directed toward the earth. The same is true for a star but even more so. Since there is much more information that makes up a star compared to a planet, we can assume that there are many more of these clocking (controlling) frequencies. The reason for this is that there must be more controls in the 171

Picture of the ring nebula


diehold to keep all that information in place (in phase for its time and space). If there werent these controls, wide swings in potential would occur. The effects of this would be that a star would be a very unstable object. It would be so unstable that if it had planets, they would not be able to support any type of life. The next question to be asked is what period or length of time do these various types of controlling frequencies have, and is there evidence of some of these? The obvious cycles that come to mind are examples from our own sun. They are the 11year and 22-year sun spot cycles. More examples have been observed from other stars. They are called long-period variable stars and pulsating variable stars. Below is a list of the number of these types of stars listed by the Soviet General Catalog of Variable Stars (1968).
Number of Stars Known In Our Type of Star Galaxy Pulsating Variable Stars Frequencies (Days)

Cepheids (type 1) Cepheids (type 2) Tauri stars Long-period Mira-type Semiregular Irregular stars R R Lyrae/cluster-types Beta Cephei/Beta Canis major Delta Scuti Spectrum variables

706 (About 50) 104 4566 2221 1687 4433 23 17 28

3 to 50 5 to 30 30 to 150 80 to 600 30 to 2000 Irregular 1 0.1 to 0.3 1 1 to 25

The pulsating light is caused by the star expanding and contracting. For example, one of these stars (Delta Cephei) expands and contracts a distance of 3 million km. This amounts to 7 to 8 percent of its mean radius. It is thought that most of the long-period variables are red giants or super red giants. The reason for this will be explained later. In summary, there appears to be enough evidence to support the idea of various cycles effecting the appearance of a star. In fact, when we give the subject more thought, we come to the obvious conclusion that stars are much more affected by the clocking and synchronizing frequencies than is any planet. This is because a star is in a very delicate state of equilibrium between matter being 173

modulated into existence and information (light) leaving this dimension. So if a minor clocking frequency crosses the X axis (Figure 6.8), the result would be an additional amount of potential being created. This could have an appreciable affect on a star. Examples would be sun spots or a star expanding. We theorize that there is a moment in time that all these controlling frequencies cross the nil point (the X axis). We further theorize that the time interval between these reversals is a little less than 12,000 years. Since these controlling frequencies are a function of the diehold, the reversal should happen all over the universe at the same exact moment. We would observe it at scattered times because the stars are various distances away from us, and light does not travel instantaneously. Figure 6.12 best illustrates this idea. The illustration is a top view of our galaxy. At Point E is the approximate location of the earth. The concentric circles represent time lines 12,000 years apart. Any star that falls on one of these time lines would be observed during a nova. It is possible that the only, reason we see distant galaxies is because some of the stars within the galaxy fall on a number of these time lines. The possible reason why the centers of spiral galaxies are active one to two percent of the time may be because one of these time lines is passing through a high concentration of stars. We would be observing a continuous eruption of novas as the time line passes through the galaxys center. The question is, could we find any evidence to correlate distance with the appearance of a nova? There is one example that seems to indicate there is such a relationship; that is the star, Vela X. It is estimated to be approximately 1,500 light years away. It is believed that it novaed some 11,000 to 15,000 years ago. Since time is very difficult to determine, astronomically speaking, the dates obtained are amazingly close to our 12,000-year time cycle. Considering the visual occurrence of novas and super novas in our galaxy, we have to conclude that these are not rare occurrences. It has been estimated that there is at least one super nova in our galaxy every 11 +2 years. In an average year, as many as ten regular novas have been observed. Figure 6.13 is a graph showing what this 12,000-year-long cycle might look like. The Line H represents the information of various clocking and synchronizing frequencies. We would observe them as the magnetic fields of the star. P represents the potential created 174

Figure 6.12 Drawing depicting the 12,000 year time lines as they travel through the galaxy

by these frequencies. This idea follows from well-proven electronic theory that the current is 90 out of phase from the magnetic field. We will arbitrarily start where the magnetic field is at its greatest.


Figure 6.13 Graph depicting the 12,000 year cycle and the resulting potential created

Step 1-at this stage, the potential caused by these controlling frequencies are at their minimum. Therefore, we would expect to see the star highly compressed and also quite bright. Do we see anything in our observations that would indicate stars of this category? We believe the stars that do fit into this category are called white dwarfs. White dwarfs have a high surface temperature, are of small radius, and are therefore assumed to be of much greater density than are larger stars. It has been estimated that 10 percent of the stars observed are white dwarfs. (1-p458) By our diagram, 10 percent of one of these cycles would represent 1,200 years. So it appears that our observation of white dwarfs fits our diagram. In Step 2, the magnetic field is approximately equal to the potential it has created by its collapsing field. We would expect to see the star cooling down and expanding very slowly. This condition would continue almost up until the time when the star novaed. In Step 3, the magnetic field of the sun would be decreasing more rapidly, therefore, we would expect to see the potential created, increase. This would cause the star to expand slightly and 176

the rotation of the star would decrease slightly. The color would change, appearing more yellow. In Step 4 (the reversal), the magnetic field would be zero. At this point, the potential created by the collapsing magnetic field would create an instant spike of potential that would immediately expand the star to many times its original size. Coupling this with the fact that there is no magnetic field containing what small amount of matter the star is made up of, there would be less force helping to contain the hot gases. Our diagram accurately describes what is observed during a nova. After the gases have expanded, all we would see of the sun is a tremendous amount of ultraviolet light coming from a small spot. It is unknown how long this nil point lasts. There are some indications that it lasts only about 12 hours. After some time, the star would begin to reduce in potential and would begin to create matter in the form of gases around its edge; but this time the sun would appear much larger and quite red. The reason the sun would appear larger is because the magnetic field is still quite weak, and the potential is still far greater than it was prior to the nova. The reason it would be larger is that the radius, at which matter could modulate into existence, would be farther out. The color of the star should be red (Step 5) because the outside of the star would be cooler and its radius from the modulation point is greater. As the magnetic field begins to build up, the appearance should change from red to orange. Now the question is, is there any observational evidence that would lend support to Step 5? Astronomers do know that red giants and red super giants exist. They have a much cooler surface temperature than do most stars. What is most interesting is that less than one percent of the stars observed are red giants or red super giants. In our graph, that would represent a period of time less than 120 years. The cycle would continue until the star appeared as a white dwarf. What this illustration implies is that a star not only changes in general appearance over a long period of time but that it also temporarily changes its appearance as the magnetic field increases and decreases. A star could appear as a white dwarf temporarily without actually being in the white dwarf stage. The same could be said when it appears as a red giant. The stars appearance changes as a result of temporary fluctuations in its potential. Did our own sun nova some time in the recent past? Our answer 177

is Yes, because all stars in the universe nova at the exact same moment in time. This is also the exact same moment that the polar reversal occurred on the earth. As mentioned in Chapter 3, there is a great deal of evidence to show that the polar reversal occurred at about the same time as the ice age and that both occurrences were about 12,000 years ago. The big question in meteorology and geology has been what caused the ice age.

Ice Age A brief description of what the scientists think causes an ice age can be summed up simply. One school of thought thinks that the ice age was caused by an increased period of volcanism. What they cant explain is what would cause a recurring cycle of volcanic activity. These cycles are estimated to be from 10 to 20,000 years apart. How can these increased volcanic periods be caused by an earth that is supposed to be continuously cooling off? They cant even explain the heat source at the center of the earth, not to mention an explanation of why it would increase and decrease its potential. Supposedly, enough volcanic ash is produced that filters out a good deal of the su ns rays, thereby cooling down the earth over a long period of time and causing an increased snowfall. The problem with this theory is that a drop in temperature does not cause evaporation of water, which is necessary to have snow. The other school of thought says the ice age was caused by a tilting of the earths axis. This tilting moved the current ice fields further south. Both theories cannot explain why the ice fields were 10 to 12,000 feet thick from latitudes 40 north and 40 south. It has been calculated that to create an ice field this thick, covering that much area, our oceans must have lowered from 400 to 1,000 feet.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation When you try to understand what causes an ice field to be that thick, you have to ask the most basic question: how is snow formed? To have snow or any precipitation, there must be clouds. Clouds are formed from water vapor. Water vapor, in turn, is re178

leased into the atmosphere through the process called evaporation. To have evaporation, there must be heat. For the oceans of our earth to be lowered as much as 1,000 feet to create an ice field more than two miles thick, there must be a tremendous amount of heat. The only source of heat within this parsec of space is our sun. It is probably now becoming clear to many of you what caused all of the ice ages this planet has seen. The scenario would go something like this. At the moment the sun novas, the hot gases would expand, possibly as fast as 10,000 km/sec. This blast of hot gases would reach the earth in about five hours. At that time, the temperature of these gases would be between 2,000 to 4,700 C. We derive these temperatures from the evidence of vitrified clays and shales found all over the world and temperatures observed from other stellar novae. It takes at least 1,1000 C to turn clay to glass. At the moment of the flip-flop, the earth would stop rotating. This is explained in the footnote below. When the hot gases reach the earth, only one -half of the earth is facing the sun; and considering the angle of the edges, only 1/3 of the planet would get the full treatment. Any water facing the sun at this time would be evaporated extremely quickly. All streams and rivers would dry up immediately. The oceans facing the sun could be considerably evaporated, depending on the waters depth. Since there would be a tremendous evacuation of atmosphere on the sun side of the earth, this would cause a refrigeration effect on the opposite side, the result of which would be a severe hail storm in the area. This

The reason the earth would stop rotating when the nil point is reached is because the direction of the controlling frequencies, magnetic field, directed toward the earth, would cease for a short duration. After the nil point is passed, we would expect to see the earth rotate in the opposite direction. We would then see the sun rise in the west and set in-the east. The scientific basis for the conclusion is a phenomenon that is observed when high voltage is passed through a wire, firmly connected only at one end (Figure 6.14). When the current is passed down through the wire, the wire will twist counterclockwise by itself. This has always been a phenomenon in science. The reason for this twisting is because it is a function of the information passing through our dimension. The earth is like the wire. The information for the earths various controlling frequencies pa ss from the north to the south pole. The result would be that the earth turns or twists from west to cast. But if the information were to be reversed, the earth would turn in the opposite direction. In Chapter 11 we will present various ancient mythologies that tell the same story: that at one time the sun rose in the west and set in the east.


Figure 6.14 Drawing showing the twisting of a wire and the rotation of the earth

blast of heat would probably remain for as much as a month after the nova. At the time when the earth stops, the oceans on the back side of the earth would continue moving at the previous velocity of rotation (approximately 1,000 miles an hour) toward the east. The question now is, is there any evidence on the earth that the oceans did rush across the surface of the land? Twelve thousand years ago, we would theorize the earth turned from the east to the west, opposite to the direction on which it turns now. This means when the earth stopped, the oceans would have continued traveling in a westwardly direction. There is evidence of great deposits of sand, gravel, and clay located all over the earths

surface. These deposits have usually been identified with glacial moraines and drift. The glacial drift or till, as it is sometimes called, is believed to be deposited by glaciers; but geologists have discovered that the entire Amazon basin region is just like the glacial drift. (8-p488) Geological formations that strongly resemble glacial drift have been discovered in many tropical areas. We believe that a great deal of this sedimentary material is formed by processes other than glacial activity. Glacial activity is a principle cause for the till in higher latitudes; but in these lower latitudes, near the equator we think it is safe to rule out the possibility of glaciers. This is because in order to have a glacier that would cover the tropical areas, it would imply that all the water on the earth had evaporated and was then deposited back on the earth as snowfall over the entire planet. Since this is highly improbable, it seems to make more sense that the oceans deposited a great deal of this material on the continents. After the nova, the earth will lose a certain percentage of its water. Most of the water vapor will be caught in the upper atmosphere and will not escape the earths gravitational field, but still a small percentage of the water will be evapo rated and will leave this planet. This may be the cause of comets. There will be other occurrences that will happen on the planet at this reversal time. These were mentioned at the end of Chapter 3. The question now is, is there any evidence on this planet that the sun did nova? There are clues in Chapter 10 in the section on mound builders, and in Chapter 11 we will go extensively through the ancient mythologies which clearly describe such an event. There are two more major bits of evidence that are extraterrestrial in nature, but which also imply the same thing. One is Mars. The descriptions of Mars sent back by Mariner 9 and the Viking flights clearly show the evidence of large amounts of water once existing on the face of Mars. Nobody knows where the water came from or disappeared to. There are some theories that the water is now in the form of permafrost in the ground. This may be possible at the two polar regions. What the pictures of Mars show is definite evidence of streams, rivers, ocean beds, sea shores, all covered with a layer of very fine dust particles (to be explained later). What we theorize is this: as mentioned earlier, a star becomes cooler as it grows older. We would say that our sun was 181

originally much hotter and maybe much larger. This could have been a hundred million years ago or two billion years ago, but it was at some time in the past. The evidence is overwhelming that Mars had a climate similar to that of earth. What we think happened is that eventually, over a period of many novas, the water on Mars evaporated completely. Mars got cooler because the sun got cooler. We say that Mars definitely did have life on it and probably highly advanced intelligence. We say this because one of the photographs from Mariner 9 clearly showed large pyramids on the face of Mars (to be covered in Chapter 10). We would further theorize that the former occupants of Mars probably moved to the earth. It is very possible that this cycle has been repeated through most of the planets in our solar system. We theorize that the dust found on the face of Mars was caused by the particles carried by the nova when the sun erupted. To test this theory, we had to figure out where we would look for this type of dust on the earth. As mentioned earlier, an ice age comes after the sun novas. So we would expect to see some type of fine grain material just below the glacial till. Wed also expect to see that the rock below the glacial till would exhibit some sort of chemical change due to heat. In our investigations we did find that the lowest level of the glacial till was composed of very fine-grained clay. The clay in many of the locations had a reddish appearance and, therefore, a high iron content. There was always a fine line between this clay and the underlying rock. The underlying rock in many parts of the world showed definite indications of being affected by great heat. Such deposits as slate, shale, and conglomerate make up these lower levels of rock. (8-p60) The clay deposits and the till showed no signs of stratification. In other words, it appeared that it was all deposited in one short period of time. These layers of clay also have been generally devoid of fossils. The rock underneath the till is almost always smooth and is sometimes polished. To further accentuate the idea that the till may not have been caused entirely by glaciers, we wanted to see if there was evidence of the glacial till in Siberia, which is cold enough to have glaciers but is also very far from any ocean. (7-p461) There are no glacial drifts found in Siberia. This seems to prove our point that glaciers are not the major cause of the till or drift. The next evidence that the sun novas is the very existence of 182

the moon. From the Apollo flights, we know several things about the moon. Number one, it did not form from part of the earth. Number two is that the side of the moon that always faces the earth is much smoother than the back side of the moon. There is no explanation for this. It has always been thought that this smooth face is caused from volcanic activity. In that case, why shouldnt the same type of volcanic activity exist on the back side of the moon? The back side of the moon is very mountainous and full of craters. All of the rocks brought back by the Apollo flights are igneous rocks, rocks that have been formed from heat (1,100 1,200 C). It has been theorized the heat comes from volcanoes or from the impact heat of many meteors. The rocks on the back side of the moon have some chemical differences from the rocks on our side of the moon. (5-pl64) The next thing is that the moon is covered with a large amount of dust, the origin of which is difficult to ascertain. (Also 20 percent of the samples brought back by Apollo 12 were glass.) (6) We would say that this dust is similar to the dust on Mars. The next step in our investigation was to see if the chemical composition of the dust found on the moon compared with the chemical composition of the clays found in the drift (Figure 6.15). We found that the chemical composition was very close. As you can see by Figure 6.16, the compounds found on the moon are the same ones that make up the compounds of the clays. There are several exceptions. The iron oxide content of the lunar soil is higher, but this is because many micrometeorites have impacted on the lunar surface. On the earth, the silicon (Si 0 2) is greater because of the sand that leaches through the soil into the clay layers. Some of the other minor elements have also seeped into these clay layers from organic material above. What is particularly important is that the major ingredients that make up clay are present in the same proportions as in the dust found on the moon. The last thing we must explain is why the dust found on the moon is gray while the dust found on Mars and the clays on the earth are reddish. This is relatively simple to explain. On Mars and on the earth, free oxygen molecules are present which can produce iron oxide, which has a reddish color. On the moon there is no free oxygen available with which the iron can associate; therefore, the dust keeps its steel-gray appearance. We are not saying that all clays found on the earth originate from the sun, merely that some 183

Type of Clay

Chemical Formula


A12 Si 05 - 5H2 0


(OH)2 Si4 A14 010 or Si 02; A12 02


(OH)4 Si8 A14 020 or Si 02; A12 03


Mg, Fe, or Ca (OH2) A12 Si4 - K, 010


(OH)4 (Si, AI)8 (Mg, Fe)6 020 or (Mg, Al)6 (OH)12

Figure 6.15 The chemical composition of the most commonly found clays on the earth

Atomic Composition of the Lunar Surface


Apollo 14

Apollo 15 Apollo 16 Apollo 17 Earths Surface

O-Oxygen Si-Silicon Al-Aluminum Fe-Iron Ca-Calcium Mg-Magnesium

60.8% 17.5 7.7 3.1 4.3 5.4

60.4% 17.3 6.5 4.5 4.4 5.9

61.1% 16.3 11.6 1.6 6.1 3.0

61.1% 16.3 10.1 1.8 6.1 4.0

49.13% 26.00 7.45 4.20 3.25 2.35

Molecular Composition of the Lunar Surface


Si 02 Fe 0 Ca 0 A12 03

48.0% 10.5 10.7 17.1

46.07% 21.19 10.21 8.95

45.0% 7.5 13.0 23.0

47.0% 8.6 12.1 21.2

48.5% 10.5 10.0 16.0

Mg O K2 O

8.7 .5

9.51 .034

8.5 .20

9.9 .15

7.0 1.2

Figure 6.16 Table of the chemical composition of the lunar surface

of it probably originated there. In Brazil a form of this red clay, called ironstone, has been found on the tops of many mountains. The clay covers the mountains like a mantel and is often from six to nine feet thick. (8-p560) The thickness can be explained by the fact that Brazil is located on the equator; it would therefore have received the full impact of the heat blast when the sun novaed.

There are two unusual facts about the moon that we do not consider coincidence. That is, why does the moon have an almost perfectly circular orbit around the earth? Why should this be, if allegedly the moon was captured by the earths gravity. If this happened on a chance-type basis, the orbit should be more elliptical because the moon had a forward velocity. How do we explain the straightening out of the orbit? The last thing which haun ts us the most is how is it that during an eclipse of the sun, the moon perfectly covers the photosphere of the sun, thereby revealing only the suns corona? We do not think this is coincidence. For a moment, accept the possibility that a highly advanced civilization, maybe 100 or 200 million years ago, knew what existence was and the ideas to which man was to evolve. But they also knew that after so many years, the sun novas and most or all of civilization is destroyed; and along with this, knowledge of existence and evolution could also be destroyed. This would mean that the following generation of survivors would not know what is to happen to their descendants in the future. This advanced civilization, we theorize, placed in orbit a satellite which we call the moon. This moon would act like a time clock, not so much to divide the year into lunar months, but more to give a clue to man as to what would happen in the future. In other words, lets take a civilization that hasnt evolved to the idea of exist ence, but is somewhat technologically advanced. As the time draws closer to the reversal, the sun will gradually expand. At some point, during one of the solar eclipses, the moon would no longer cover the sun. From that time on there would no longer be a total eclipse of the sun. No matter how primitive the civilization is at this time, even they would begin to realize that something very wrong is about to happen. Since one side of the moon always faces the earth and that is the side that is relatively smooth, we must also conclude that the time between cycles is always exactly the same length of time. We say this because the same side of the moon is always exposed to the sun when it novas. This is why our side of the moon is relatively smooth; it is smooth because the surface is periodically being melted by the heat waves of the sun. It is also very possible that the back side of the moon has a depository of information from past advanced civilizations. In the llth and 12th chapters, we will further prove our theory that the sun novaed. The evidence from ancient mythologies from 185

all over the world, plus many sections in the Bible, overwhelmingly proves our theory.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Abell, G. O., Exploration of the Universe, 3 . ed. (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, N.Y., 1975). Setti, G., (ed.), Structure and Evolution of the Galaxies, (Holland, D. Reidel Publ., 1975). The Aging Universe: Science News, vol. 110, p. 19, July 10, 1976. Orions Star nursery in far ultraviolet: Science News, vol. 109, p. 39, Jan. 17, 1975. Kopal, Z., The Moon in the Post-Apollo Era, (Holland, D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1974). Fielder, G., (ed.), Geology and Physics of the Moon, Elsenier Publ. Co., N.Y., 1971). Geikie, J., The Great Ice Age, (N.Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1888). Aggassiz, L., Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil, (Fields, Osgood & Co., 1870).

6. 7. 8.

Bibliography Aggassiz, L., Geological Sketches (N.Y., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890). Alfven, H., Antimatter and Cosmology, Scientific American, vol. 4, p. 106-114, Apr., 1967. Dyson, F. J., Energy in the Universe, Science American, vol. 225, no. 3, p. 50-59, Sept. 1971. Hopkins, J., Supernovae, Astronomy, vol. 5, no. 4, p. 7, April 197 7. 186

Kaufmann, W. J., III, Relativity and Cosmology (N.Y., Harper & Row, 1973). Lyell, Sir. C., The Antiquity of Man (Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1873). Post-Apollo Lunar Science, A report in July 1973, Lunar Science Institute, Texas, 1972. Ries, H., Clays, 3rd. ed., (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1927). Runcorn, S. K., and Urey, H. C., (ed.), The Moon-Symposium No. 47 of the International Astronomical Union (Holland, D. Reidel Publ., 1972). Sandage, A. R., The Red-Shift, Scientific American, vol. 195, no. 3, p. 170-182. Shapley, H., Galaxies (Mass., Harvard University Press, 1972). Thomsen, D. E., A Hole in the Middle of the Galaxy, Science News, vol. 111, p. 124, Feb. 19, 1977. Thomsen, D. E., Supernovas, Science News, vol. 111, p. 76, 1977.
Weinberg, S., Gravitation and Cosmology (N.Y., John Wiley & Sons, 1972).


Kirlian Photography
Science tells us that in order for a theory to be considered correct, it must be proved by a repeatable experiment. The experiment should produce the same results every time no matter who performs the experiment or where. Kirlian photography is our experimental proof of Multidimensional Reality. It is a repeatable experiment that can be done by anyone, anywhere; in fact, it has been done by numerous scientists and private individuals.

Historical Notes
The first high voltage, high frequency phenomena were first discovered and observed in the early 1890s by Nikola Tesla. During many of his electrical experiments, some involving voltages well over 100,000 volts and frequencies above 10,000 hertz, he observed an unusual blue glow around the capacitors used in the experiment. In 1893 during the Chicago Worlds Fair, Tesla performed a demonstration by hooking himself up to a one million volt, high-frequency line, producing a tremendous aura around

his body. This is Probably the first time that the Kirlian effect was ever produced in the world. Many years later a Czechoslovakian produced several photographs using high voltage, high frequency to produce an image on film. (1-p32) In the late 1930s in Russia, a husband and wife team by the name of Kirlian discovered the same phenomenon while working with high voltage, high frequency devices. They further developed and refined this form of photography. They produced new devices to create these images and did a great deal of research on the subject. This form of high voltage, high frequency photography is named after them.

How It Is Produced
There are many fine books that go into great detail on how one can build a Kirlian photography unit. We will not go into great detail on the actual workings of these units. We are more concerned with explaining what we are looking at and why the phenomenon exists. We do strongly suggest that you read some of these books describing the equipment before you attempt to perform your own experiments, because high voltage equipment can be very dangerous. We will describe the basic principles used to produce this type of photograph. The equipment consists of three parts: One is a frequency generator which produces a sine wave or square wave ranging in frequency from several thousand cycles up to as much as 5 MHz. The second part of the equipment increases the voltage of the oscillator circuit to about 20,000 volts. Over 100,000 volts have been used in some of the Russian devices. Kirlian photographs have been produced using pulse DC and low frequency AC. The majority of the devices use the voltages and frequencies mentioned earlier. The third part of the Kirlian device is the equipment to which the object is being attached. The most commonly used device is something which resembles two capacitor plates (Figure 7.1). In the illustration, the top plate is attached to the step up voltage stage of the Kirlian unit. Between the plate and the object (a leaf) is a dielectric (insulator) sheet. The bottom plate is connected to a ground. When the voltage is turned on, the electrons pass perpen190

Figure 7.1 Cross section of a Kirlian photographic unit

dicularly from the surface of the top plate to the bottom plate, where they pass on to the ground.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

In order to understand how the image is produced, you must recall our discussion of how electrons are created in a generator. As the information of one object passes the information of another at 90, small domains of potential are created which we call electrons. Between these two capacitor plates is an object, in this case a leaf. The information for the leaf is directed around it from 360. When the voltage passes from the top plate to the bottom plate, it will pass perpendicularly to some of the information directed toward the leaf. The information it passes turns out to be most visible at the edges of the leaf, when the electrons cross the information at 90, forming other domains of potential along this 90 plane. This potential, in turn, raises the potential of the information of the leaf. As the potential is raised, time slows down (a phase shift). The effect is that the modulation coordinates for the leaf are extended outward, away from the surface of the leaf. We observe it as a wide spectrum of light. This image of light we will refer to as an aura. When you see light, you are seeing informa tion passing us, relative to us, at the speed of light. The light images that show up in the center of the leaf are caused by the

information that is directed toward these internal structures in the same manner as previously described. Per our theory, each element that makes up the object should have its own specific light spectrum and, in turn, its own frequency that will cause it to luminesce. This method of photography shall also show the difference between our second, third, and fourth dimensional existences, and how we can visualize and understand the differences in our reality.

Description Of The Effects There are several basic variables that experimenters are familiar with that affect the outcome of the photograph. The first is that the frequency used determines what the image will look like. After many experiments, it is a well-proven fact that at one frequency the image would be very bright and large, and at a slightly higher frequency, the image would disappear completely. Yet, at a little higher frequency, the image would then reappear as before! (1-p59) It has also been observed that as the frequency changes, different parts of the picture would appear and disappear. (1-pll2) The complete spectrum of light has been observed in these photographs from the low, infrared light to the high ultraviolet. (2-pl2) These observations tend to prove our theory that each element is made up of specific frequencies, and that if another high potential frequency is applied to the elements, they will become slightly demodulated and produce their various wave lengths of light. This idea is further proved by the observations made from inanimate objects. In Kirlian photography, inanimate objects such as metals produce uniform auras perpendicularly around the object. The auras of inorganic or dead organic materials will both produce unchanged auras if the photographic variables are held constant. The auras will change if either the voltage is changed and/or the frequency is changed. (1-p58) It has been noticed that the effect of changing the frequency or the voltage has the effect of focusing in the image of the aura. When photographing inanimate objects, it has been noticed that the images show topographical features quite well. When photographing metals less voltage is required to produce the aura if the metal is very hot. If the metal is cold, more energy

is, in turn, needed. This tends to prove our idea that potential must be applied to an object to demodulate it from our dimension.

Photographs Of Living Objects The reason living organisms photograph differently from inanimate objects is because inanimate objects are thirddimensional existences, and living things are fourth-dimensional existences. The observations to be described point this out quite well. The auras given off by all living organisms, be they man or plants, are not constant and fluctuate in size and in intensity. (1p37) The light given off has the appearance of small channels or round bubbles of light. Some of the light given off indicates some of the internal structure of the organism, such as veins; but some of the domains of light do not correlate with any of the internal structures of the living organism. (1-p38) The luminescent colors of these clusters of light range from lavender to yellow. Sometimes these colors are bright and sometimes they are faded. Many times they appear to flicker. On humans some parts of the skin will Rare up in plumes of gold and blue light. Some bubbles of light splash from one point on the surface to another point, where they are absorbed. What is interesting is that until the first spray of light is absorbed, the transmitting area on the surface will not send out another plume of light. (1-p45) Some clusters of light change shape to become spherical. The colors of these spheres have been observed to be pale lilac, light blue, gray, or orange. (1-p45) This luminescent aura produces the impression of transparency to the object. Where strong concentrations of energy are present, such as at the ends of plant stems, long plumes of light have been observed. This light is seen flashing on and off in a myriad of colors. (2-p70) We theorize that these strong plumes of light are the result of greater quantities of information being directed toward a specific area of the plant or animal. When a leaf or other living organism dies, these domains of light gradually decline until they no longer appear. When the object is totally dead, it will appear as an inanimate object would. No longer would there be the fluctuations in the light intensity or the shape of the aura. For this reason, Kirlian photography is a direct measure of the state and condition of life in a living object! (1-pl02)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation The above observations are telling us something very important about life, besides proving plainly our definitions about dimensions. Lets take the example of the plant leaf. When it is first photographed, the leaf appears as a glowing bright aura possessing many small bubbles of light, which move around in some sort of order, which as yet we do not quite understand. If the leaf dies, the only thing that changes on the photograph is the disappearance of these bubbles of light and the brilliant fluctuations in the aura. When the leaf is finally dead, it no longer gives off fluctuations of light. Neither are the plumes or bubbles of light observed. Just a small, evenly intensified aura appears around the leaf. The remaining light represents only the information of the matter which still exists in our dimension. The only thing that the leaf has lost is this excess potential. Our conclusion is that life is conscious energy or potential that is superimposed over three-dimensional matter. This conscious energy does not actually exist in this dimension; if it did, there would be some sort of weight loss or physical change in the matter when the object died. The only change that is present is the absence of these domains of potential. This idea will be further developed as we go through this chapter. No two individuals produce the same aura. There is always some slight difference in the areas of the flares or bubbles of light. Human auras change from day to day and sometimes from minute to minute. (1-p62) It is not completely understood what all the causes are that change an individuals aura, but two factors that definitely do are the emotional state of the individual and interaction with other people. When a person is relaxed, happy, open, and friendly, that person will produce a wide, bright aura. Many times the color of the aura will be in the blue and ultraviolet range. (2-p96) When an individual is emotionally upset due to tension, arousal, anger, or when he is what is commonly called uptight, his aura will be small, and in the center of the image will usually appear a red blotch. The red blotch is most characteristic of this emotional state. (1-p62, 102) For some reason, if the emotional state is great enough, the red will be observed far beyond the perimeter of the aura. In other words, it is observed outside the actual physical body. (2-p66)

The entire human body does not give off the same color aura. Different parts of the body give off different colors. The typical colors given off in the area of the heart are deep blue to violet. The arm pits give off a greenish-blue light, and the hips give off an olive color. The finger tips generally give off a blue color, but this changes as the emotional state of the person changes. The next factor that affects the aura is mans interaction with his fellow man. It has been discovered by many experimenters that the subject photographed is often affected by the experimenter. This interaction affects the image produced. Most times the communication is on a nonverbal level. During research done by Thelma Moss and her associates at UCLA, they observed nonverbal interactions between members of the same family or friends on the same photographic plate. This interaction showed up as sparks of light between two or more individuals fingers. Also, lopsided, deformed auras were observed either toward or away from the other persons finger. This seems to indicate that individuals do communicate from another dimension; and these auras indicate this type of communication. They seem to indicate the true feelings between two people rather than the plastic, artificial feelings we so often tell our fellow man. There is another observation to be made about the auras observed from peoples fingers. When two or more peoples finger tips are photographed close together, there is no penetration or overlapping of the auras. Rather the image deforms away from the other aura leaving a small space between the two auras. The-only way to explain this is to apply our theory stated in Chapter 3, that is, that like information cannot occupy the same time and space. The information of these fingers is similar information, therefore, the diehold will prevent them from occupying the same time and space. We see the result of this by observing the auras deform away from each other. Another interesting observation, made by Thelma Moss and her colleagues, was that when a person breathed on a copper penny before the penny was photographed, the image of the penny disappeared. They didnt know why the image disappeared, but they thought it may have been due to the moisture from the persons breath. They tried the experiment again but using steam from a hot sponge. The image this time came out to be extra bright as if more voltage was added to the photograph without changing the

frequency. These results perplexed them because it implied there are two different types of water. A series of experiments were done to see if there were two different types of water. They photographed the hand of a person who was asked to do strenuous exercises until he was perspiring. When they photographed his hand, his aura appeared to be quite normal, having a nice glow to it. When moisture was artificially induced on his hand by placing a plastic bag over it, the results were different-the red blotch appeared. (3-p2) Nobody has yet figured out why there seem to be two different types of water; one that originates from the body, and the other originating from the atmosphere. The only way to explain this phenomenon is to use our theory. The key ingredient in water is oxygen, and the most perfect crystal shape of oxygen is the octahedron crystal. Since the crystal shape is octahedron, therefore, the main frequencies of oxygen are similar to the carrier wave frequency of the diehold. The frequencies of the element, oxygen, are also similar to the frequencies that make up the conscious energy of the person. We theorize that the water that originates from the human body contains oxygen which has been charged up like small capacitors. This charging has occurred because the potential of the living man is greater than the information of the inanimate element, oxygen. The result is that the frequencies of the oxygen molecule from the body are at a higher potential than the ordinary oxygen. The water vapor coming from the mans breath has a different frequency than does the water vapor originating in the atmosphere. When the mans water vapor came in contact with the copper penny, it slightly changed the frequency of the penny; therefore, when the copper penny was photographed, it did not appear on the film. It could have appeared if the frequency of the Kirlian unit was changed so it would produce a harmonic of the new frequency of the penny. Another unusual phenomenon observed at UCLA is called the Anticipation Phenomenon. This resulted from a series of experiments that involved the gashing of part of the leaf by one of the experimenters. The leaf was first photographed before and then after it was gashed. Their auras were then compared to see if there were any changes in the size and color. The very observant experimenter noticed in the before shots, a black vacant spot in the

location where he was going to gash the leaf. (3-p6) Our interpretation of this phenomenon is that the leaf was perceiving its own future by perceiving the information of the experimenter. It is unknown if the experimenter was even thinking about where he was going to gash the leaf, but the leaf evidentally perceived not only what was going to happen to it but even where.

Photographs of Magnets
Another unusual observation was made at UCLA. They took a Kirlian photograph of a special type of magnet with several round holes in the center. As you can see from the picture, the center opening shows an unusual aura forming perpendicular to the sides of the magnet. These lines of light are directed toward the center of the opening; yet you will notice, many of these lines cross each other. The average scientist who looks at this photograph would say that these wisps of light we observe are nothing more than sparks radiating from the sides of the metal. But this cannot be correct because you cannot have two electrical fields crossing themselves, (2-p80) as evidenced in the photograph. What we are observing is the information of the magnet being directed toward the coordinates in our time and space where it modulates into our existence. The other reason that aura cannot be an electrical discharge is because it would be forming perpendicular to the flow of electrons produced by the Kirlian photographic unit.

Photograph of a Magnet

The Phantom Leaf Effect If there is any one experiment or observation that we could say proves our theory correct, it is the phantom leaf effect. There is an old Chinese saying that a picture is worth ten thousand words.

Photograph of a phantom portion of a leaf

The phantom leaf effect is produced when two-to-ten percent of the leaf is cut away. When the leaf is properly photographed, using the correct frequency and potential, the cutaway section of the leaf will appear as if it is still there. It is not often that this phantom appears, but at UCLA they seem to have a pretty good batting average. They have reported that five percent of the tries, using still photos, will produce good phantoms. (4-p3) Using a motion picture technique, developed at UCLA, their success rate is between 10 and 20 percent. (4-p4) The phantom image is very interesting to observe. When photographed with a movie or television camera, it is seen to fade in and out of the picture for five to eight seconds before it disappears altogether. (4-p5) There was some controversy at first regarding the phantom leaf effect. Many felt that it was nothing more than an artifact of the remains left by the leaf, when it was first photographed whole. The argument

was that some sort of remnant of the electrical field or maybe even residue from the leaf itself, remained on the film emulsion or glass plate; but through a series of experiments they proved the artifact theory totally wrong. What the experimenters did was to cut the leaf before it ever came into contact with the film. The leaf was then photographed and the phantom appeared. This experiment was done many times to show it is a repeatable phenomenon. No one has ever figured out why this could happen or even thought of the consequences of what this phantom leaf effect means, at least not until now.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation When you first see the phantom leaf effect, you must ask yourself, How does a leaf know how to recreate its original image? If you consider what the leaf has going for it, in just this dimension, the answer you will come up with is: it doesnt know how to reconstruct its original shape. The only possible answer for the appearance of the phantom effect is that the information for the whole leaf exists in another dimension, that the life and conscious energy part of the information exists primarily in another dimension. Since the only way to make this phantom appear is by using a high voltage, high frequency device, this implies that the signal that makes up the leaf is a modulated signal of some sort. Otherwise, we couldnt possibly have made the image appear. As we look at the phantom portion of the leaf, we notice that the bubbles of light and the aura around the edges are quite visible.

Photograph of a portion of a leaf


The only thing that isnt present is the light that makes up the actual matter in this dimension. Parts of the signal that we are looking at are the carrier wave, the clocking and synchronizing frequencies that make up that portion of the leaf, along with the conscious energy that is the personality of the leaf. The pulsations observed from the phantom part of a leaf are a result of these different frequencies. The reason more of an image is not observed is because the cut-away matter part of the leaf is still in our dimension. We theorize that if that cut-away portion could be moved out of our dimension in space and time, then, when if we try to reproduce the phantom image, using enough potential, the missing part of that leaf should reappear. The end result should be the whole leaf with no evidence of its ever being cut in two. The phantom leaf effect also proves, very simply, that energy does not come from matter (E = mc2). In the picture we are observing, energy is being emitted from no matter; it is just a field produced by a domain of information.

The Different Theories of Kirlian Photography

Many of you have heard some of the theories concerning what it is we are looking at. Some of these explanations sound quite plausible. We will examine some of the major ones in order to compare their theories with ours. Theirs cannot explain all the phenomena that were previously discussed. The most popular and acceptable theory of the Kirlian aura is that it is nothing more than a corona discharge or, more technically, cold electron emissions. This idea stems from the theory that all objects have free electrons in them; they exist in different densities. When an object is at a temperature of absolute zero or in a zero field, the electrons do not have enough potential to pass through the surface of the object, so the electrons are bound inside. As heat or external voltage is applied, electrons start passing through the surface from inside. This increase in free electrons continues until it reaches a maximum without causing light, the Fermi Level. Above the Fermi Level, there is a sufficient density of electrons whose potential and velocity are great enough that when they collide with other electrons or elements, they form photons, which is believed by scientists to be light. (1-pll4) This

is the reason scientists believe the Kirlian aura to be caused entirely by the high voltage used. Taking this theory into account, a noted scientist, William Teller of Stanford University, did a series of experiments to see if the high voltage did entirely cause the aura. What he found was that a small amount of the light could be accounted for by the stimulation of the high voltage, but this was only a small part of the total light being produced, and there was no explanation as to why this light was so closely related to the living objects changing existence. In other words, Doctor Teller proved that it was not cold electron emission that caused the Kirlian aura. To quote him:
How can a light generated in the process be so sensitively related to the livi ng organisms condition, when a thousand photons are generated by collision events compared to only a few that can probably be directly correlated with the emitted electron condition from the living system? Perhaps this result is again telling us that more than electrons are involved here, or that they are involved in a far more complex manner than we presently imagine. (1-pl22)

The other popular theory was presented by the Kirlians themselves. They believe the Kirlian aura is evidence of what they call bioplasma. Bioplasma seems to have a rather loose definition, but basically it is the idea that matter gives off an electrical field that in some way is able to communicate with other parts of itself and other organisms. The problem with this theory is that it does not explain the phantom leaf effect, because here we have the electrical structure of the image without having the matter. The bioplasma theory is too matter-oriented. Some other miscellaneous theories are; that the images reveal the state and condition of the peripheral vascular system of an organism, (1-p63) that the aura is showing the temperature on the surface of the object. Another theory postulates that the image was showing galvanic skin responses. (1-p62) All the above theories were proved to be wrong by various research groups. The round bubbles and clusters of light were thought to be caused by an undetermined matter of some origin. (1p45) This idea is obviously wrong, because we observe these bubbles of light in the phantom leaf effect; and there is no matter present there; so, therefore, matter is not the cause of these bubbles or clusters of light.


We wonder if these theorists even realized the tremendous significance that this type of photography is telling us. The only theory that comes close to the truth is from the ancient Yoga and Kabbalah literature; that the image we are looking at is the aura of the astral body. These terms are obviously rather vague and amorphous, but this is because some of that information was probably given to the ancient masters by highly advanced beings. They probably gave them this information in a form that could be most easily understood by primitive beings at that time. There are a few humans that have evolved to this idea on their own, but this is usually after many years of meditation or study of yoga or studying of the Kabbalah. Yet, the form in which they have this enlightened knowledge is such that they cannot relate it to their fellow man. We have all heard the saying, that allegedly came from Siddhartha, after many years of meditation and study, stated The rock and I are one. What he finally realized after an entire lifetime is that he and the rock are made up of information and that the information for both him and the rock exists in another dimension. We said earlier that the phantom leaf effect actually says it all. Now we will tell you why, and the real significance of the picture. We mentioned earlier that the bubbles and flares of light are a product of the conscious energy of the living organism. We will call this for now the soul. In the phantom part of the leaf, we see these bubbles of light still flashing and appearing as they did when they were modulated along with the matter part of the signal. The deep significance of this observation is that our soul is modulated into the second dimension. Our soul would be the modulated part of our conscious existence. The next important point to be made is that it is possible that all our thinking, communicating, and perceiving of others is done entirely in the first dimension and that it has absolutely nothing to do with the fourth dimension in which we live. In other words, our physical brain may be nothing more than for our conceptual convenience for our dimension. It exists because we think something must exist to do the thinking in this dimension; but really the actual thinking and collecting of information is done entirely in the first dimension. The reason we do not perceive more infor202

mation than we do presently is because the matter part of our world interferes and distorts the information-gathering process of our real minds in the diehold.

1. 2. 3. 4. Krippner, S. and Rubin D., The Kirlian Aura, (N.Y., Anchor Books, 1974). Johnson, K., The Living Aura (N.Y., Anchor Books, 1974). Moss, T., et al, How you see it; Now you dont (Unpub lished, 1973). Hubacher, J., and Moss, T., Phantom Leaf Effect as revealed through Kirlian Photography (UCLA, unpublished).

Bibliography Adamenko, V., Electrodynamics of Living Systems, Journal of Paraphysics, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 113-121, 1970.
Lane, Earl, (ed.), Electrophotography (San Francisco, And/Or Press, 1975).

Moss, Thelma, Various unpublished articles from her office (UCLA). Ostrander, S., and Schroeder, L., Psychic Discoueries Behind the Iron Curtin (N.J., Prentice Hall, 1970). Tiller, W., Progress in Understanding, The Osteopathic Physician, pp. 77-86, Feb. 1976.



Psychic Phenomena
Sciences Attitude Toward Parapsychology
It seems that parapsychology has been regarded as the orphan child of the academic community, possibly because there is no way in which the accepted theories of existence and time can be used to explain any of the psychic phenomena. There is no logical explanation in quantum mechanics, field theory, or the theory of relativity to explain people reading the minds of other people, or the bending and moving of objects just by concentrating on them. This is not to mention the phenomena of clairvoyance and psychic photography. Scientists cant explain psychic phenomena because there is no frame of reference in their theories of existence to explain them. As mentioned in Chapter three, for a theory of existence to be correct, it must explain all phenomena, not just those that fit. We believe our Theory of Multidimensional Reality is the only theory that can explain psychic phenomena logically, using the same reality reference we used to explain the phenomena in physics. The only problem we have is in understanding the action

necessary for our conscious intelligence to cause the desired response; and this is because we dont know enough about the workings of the thinking, conscious part of our existence. What function does it really play in the workings of the diehold?

What Is Psychic Energy?

The term psychic energy is used today as a catch-all phrase to try to describe a wide range of phenomena involving people interacting with the world around them; but nobody really knows what psychic energy is nor how it functions. The scientific community has avoided a serious investigation of psychic energy for another reason-they are afraid of being accused of delving into the occult. We sympathize only slightly, because if a genuine phenomenon does exist, the true scientist should be curious enough to investigate it. The occult has gained something of a bad name in our society. The word occult conjures up thoughts of demons, evil ceremonies, witchcraft, voodoo, etc. We believe that the field of the occult justly deserves its bad name, because it is a prime example of man demonstrating his tremendous reservoirs of ignorance and stupidity. Originally, there was some truth to some of the ideas and principles, but over thousands of years, what was true has been so distorted and perverted that it now prevents its followers from evolving at all. Some Eastern religions do a good job of describing some of the phenomena associated with auras and astral projection, but their way is too amorphous and esoteric. The result is that the information is in a form useless to almost everyone, especially those in the scientific community.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

We define the field of parapsychology or psychic phenomena as the result of the conscious entitys ability to perceive and/or manipulate the domains of information around it. This interaction occurs only in the diehold (the first dimension). Some of the topics we list have not previously been considered 206

to be psychic phenomena, but they are influenced by conscious thought. The examples we use come from reliable sources, such as experiments done by Russian and American scientists.


Telepathy is defined simply as communication from one mind to another without using the five senses. Several examples of this follow. In 1966, the Russians performed a telepathic experiment using the well-known psychic, Karl Nikolaiev. Nikolaiev was at the Academgorodok, in the city of Novasibirsk, in Siberia. He was to receive telepathic messages from various subjects located in Moscow. In one of the tests, a subject was given six objects to transmit mentally to Nikolaiev-1,860 miles away. Nikolaiev successfully received the images of the object. The Russians learned that it is just as important to have a trained sender as it is to have a telepathic receiver. In the next test, a sender had to transmit the images on ESP cards. Nikolaiev succeeded in receiving 12 out of 20 of the images. The Russians noticed some interesting reactions in both the sender and receiver. The EEGs showed drastic changes in both subjects during the moment of transmission. They also noticed that when Nikolaiev received a visual image from the sender, the visual nerve centers of his brain were activated. It was also determined that it was important that the receiver be in a tranquil state, free of involuntary motion and distracting thought. (1-pl3) An American (Dr. Thomas Duane, 1965) at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia did a series of telepathic tests with identical twins. He also found similar simultaneous brain wave activity between the twins. (1-p28) This kind of telepathy is very common (and well documented) between mothers and their babies. A mothers EEG will go up if her baby cries or is in pain, no matter where the baby is. Scientists at the Newark College of Engineering in New Jersey have done telepathic experiments with a plethysmograph (a device that measures blood volume). They found that if a telepath directed his or

her thought to a close friend, the friend would often register a change in blood volume. This experiment and others performed by other American researchers proves that the receiving person will show a body change. It has been estimated that about 25 percent of the population can show this unconscious telepathic reception. (1-p83)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The basic and most important question to be asked is: in what dimension are these people communicating? There have been many elaborate experiments done to determine if the mode of communication is electromagnetic. Scientists placed their subjects in ground cages to prevent any electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving the cage. This did not prevent telepathic communication. (1-p100) Another fact also proves that the communication is not taking place in this dimension. Since distance does not influence the receiving of information, it must be implied that the normal power functions used to determine signal strength over a given distance have no bearing on telepathy. So we must conclude that the communication is not in this dimension. These results corroborate what we said in Chapter 1, that the electrostatic field predominates in the third dimension. Once we accept the reality of a storage dimension (the first dimension), the explanation of how telepathy comes about becomes almost academic. The communication between individuals is done strictly in the diehold. What determines whether a person is a psychic is the amount of potential he or she has. Many well-known psychics have been found to have higher levels of voltage recorded in the rear portions of their brains. A 50-to-1 ratio between the voltage registered at the back of the brain to the front is not uncommon. Since this section is concerned mainly with the receiving aspect of telepathy, we will only describe that for now. Keep in mind that it is also necessary for the sender of the information to affect the information of the receiver. This will be further described in the section on affecting. A good telepathic receiver must be able to direct his thoughts to the exact spot where the domains of in208

formation are located that he wishes to perceive. If the psychic is attempting to perceive the thought patterns of another person, his job is made a little easier because the other individual is made up of conscious potential located in the diehold as a domain of information. Since the information in the diehold is in the first dimension, distances between the domains of information that make up the psychic and the person he is perceiving are irrelevant. The psychic must then correctly interpret the thought patterns of the person sending the message. In the diehold we would expect to see these thought patterns as transfers of domains of potential between the overall domain of information of the person. The reason the EEGs for both the sender and the receiver mirror one another is because the receiver (the psychic) superimposes onto the information that makes him up some of these frequencies that make up the information. The reason telepathic communication between a mother and her child is so prevalent is even simpler. Since the baby comes from part of the information that makes up the mother, they share similar frequencies and, indeed, similar domains of information. If a mother could correctly interpret which emotions and feelings she is receiving from her child, she would then be able to correctly interpret what the child is doing at that precise moment in time. The psychic receiver must be calm and tranquil (or in alpha state) because he must eliminate all random potentials (voltages) caused by his own body or the environment around him. These random potentials can be interpreted by him as random thought patterns, thereby confusing the signal that is meant to be perceived. For the same reason, the sender must also be able to remove any random thoughts and disturbances he has around him; otherwise he will unconsciously transmit this mental noise. There are ways to improve the psychics ability to send or receive. The principle is simple. We must be able to increase the potential of that person. By increasing the potential, we are, in effect, enabling that individual to perceive more domains of information around him or her. The Russians have been able to succeed in increasing the psychics ability to perceive more information.
We surround both sender and receiver with artificial magnetic fields both before and during ESP tests ... It gives them extr a energy. The fields dont have to be strong. Weak fields work just as well. (1-pll8)

Agroup of electrical engineers in the United States also discovered that high-frequency electromagnetic waves were able to increase their telepathic abilities. (1-pll8) The reason the electromagnetic waves increase psychic ability is that the frequencies help increase the amplitude of the frequencies that make up the individuals information. The increased amplitude is then translated into a higher potential in the first dimension, which is the desired effect to increase ones psychic abilities.

This simply means to be able to see without using the eyes. The method most commonly demonstrated is having one run his palm or fingertip across a piece of paper with either color images or print on it. There are several well-documented examples of eyeless sight. A very famous Russian psychic, Wolf Messing, has been tested for his ability to be able to distinguish the colors printed on magazine pages without looking at them. (1-p45) We will be mentioning Messing quite often through this chapter because he is such a good psychic. There are several other Russian psychics that have demonstrated great paraoptic abilities. For example, Rosa Kuleshova and Nelya Mikhailova. Both women can run their hands across a colored page and sense the colors by how slippery or sticky they are. Scientists have tested them to see if they were picking up some unknown texture quality connected with the color by simply placing a transparent film over various colored pictures; but both women were still easily able to distinguish the different colors. It would seem that the characteristics of sticky or slippery have nothing to do with anything that is physically different from the surface of the paper. In 1962, Rosa Kuleshova was tested by a group of scientists to get a better understanding of her abilities. They gave her a photograph of an individual. She was able to accurately describe the appearance and stature of the man, though she was blindfolded at the time. The scientists also tested her to see if she was picking up slight thermal differences from the paper-the principle being that light colors reflect heat, while darker colors absorb heat. The scientists took various colored plates and changed their physical temperatures to see if they could fool Rosas ability of detection. The temperature of the plates had

virtually no effect on her ability to accurately describe the colors of the plates. (1-pl60) Rosa was also able to accurately describe images on television screens; the longer she practiced her unique ability, the better she got. Eventually, she was able to read printed words by running her finger across the lines. By 1964, she was able to read small print with her elbow. (1-pl66) She was eventually able to pick up the minutest details in a photograph, such as detecting the color of a necktie on a person in the photograph. She described the sensation of sensing the colors by saying, If you start on each side of the middle color, green, the sticky rough feeling increases as you finger yo ur way toward either end of the band. (1-pl6l) All the psychics that have this ability have described black as being the stickiest and white as being smooththough it feels coarser than yellow. The sensation of warmth is felt toward the infrared end of the light spectrum; toward the blue and ultraviolet range, it has the sensation of cold. The Russians then began a concerted effort to find other people with this paraoptic ability. They found many children able to distinguish the different colors and also able to read letters with their hands. Some were able to just wave their hand over a rug or other covering and detect objects, including pictures, under the covering. Another interesting observation made by Russian scientists was that these children could see the letters or the pictures at a greater distance if the paper was placed on a plate carrying a weak positive electrical charge. The scientists have not been able to come up with any explanation as to how or why one can see without using his or her eyes.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The paraoptic phenomenon is an excellent proof that we do exist in another dimension. In fact, there is no other explanation as to why someone would be able to read letters and see pictures unless the information for the individual and the material were both in another form and in another dimension. These people are obviously not seeing in this dimension. It appears that many of us have some kind of psychic ability, but it manifests itself in different ways. Some of us can read minds, some have eyeless sight, others can move objects without

touching them. For some reason, our potential is directed in different ways to accomplish different results. It seems that our conscious existence in the diehold is capable of directing its potential to specific domains of information. After it has located the desired domain of information, be it information that makes up a printed page or a photograph, it extrapolates specific information from the overall domain of information. For instance, those who have paraoptic abilities are not able to perceive who or what last came in contact with the object under consideration. These paraoptic individuals are simply extrapolating a specific type of information from the page or the picture. The reason the colors feel different is because that is how our brain makes interpretable the information actually perceived from the diehold. Actually the color represents frequencies. The brain translates the basic frequencies into a form that the conscious mind can interpret.

Psychometry is the ability of a person to obtain information concerning an object or its owner by touching the object. Agood example of someone who has mastered psychometry is the Dutch-born psychic, Peter Hurkos. Police departments all over the world have utilized his gifts to help solve crimes. Mr. Hurkos has only to handle something that the other person has handled or owned, and he can tell you information about that person in minute detail. Psychometry tells us something very important about our own existence. The mechanism necessary for Mr. Hurkos to perceive another persons information is similar to what goes on during telepathy, but its slightly more complicated. Every object Mr. Hurkos touches is the product of a conscious entities thought form, from those who designed the object to those who built it; and the ultimate owner. Everyone who came in contact with it directed some of their conscious potential or thought to that object. An object is not just a domain of information that makes up some inanimate object such as a tool or picture, but it represents a thought form as well. This is why Hurkos is able to pick up the information about any person who came in contact with the object. When he places the object in his hands, he doesnt just hold an inanimate

object in this dimension; but in the diehold, his domain of information is perceiving the domain of information that makes up the object. His consciousness then traces the domain of information back in time until he reaches the desired point when the object was in contact with another conscious entity. We would say that psychometry is the ability to read thought patterns in the diehold.

Dowsing is the ability to locate a specific item in the ground by using a divining or dowsing rod. The person skilled at this practice is called a dowser. Dowsing is a very old and well-known skill. Many individuals have developed this skill to locate water and mineral deposits. Some dowsers are able to tell exactly how many feet below the surface the deposit lies. When dowsing for water, they can also tell the direction of flow and how many gallons are flowing. There are many shapes that can be used for a dowsing rod. Some dowsers use a Y-shaped willow branch, others use a T shape metal wire. We theorize that the shape is actually not very important to the dowser-nor is the substance from which it is made. The function of the dowsing rod is merely to direct the dowsers conscious t hought to a specific location. Dowsers claim they find what they are looking for by sensing the vibrations coming from the object. They say that every object has its own radiated vibrations. They try to feel these vibrations in order to locate the object . The Russians have done a great deal of research with dowsing. They have found that no matter how much or what kind of shielding is used around the object, the dowser will find what he is looking for. (1-pl76)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

It is obvious that the dowser is not detecting anything that is in this dimension. He is receiving all of his inputs from the diehold. Dowsers are correct in saying that they try to detect a particular vibration coming from the object, because, per our theory, every element in the universe has its own distinct group of frequencies.

When a conscious intelligence learns how to differentiate between these different frequencies, he could locate anything that is around his domain of information in the diehold. In our dimension, the object may be located below him, but in the diehold the location of the information can be anywhere.

Clairvoyance is defined as the ability to perceive objects or events not present to the senses. All of us have, at one time or another, sensed the location of something without being told where it was. Some of us have had dreams about some place or object and later found out our dream was correct. This is called clairvoyance. Many people mistake clairvoyance for perceiving the future, but that is called precognition, which we will discuss later. Clairvoyance deals with perceiving something that is happening in the present or which has happened in the past. There are famous examples of individuals perceiving events and places by clairvoyance in their dreams. In 1956 a Pennsylvania farmer, Jacob Dibert, had a dream about two missing boys who lived 12 miles away. He did not know them, but he knew that the towns people were trying to find them because they were lost in the forest. Mr. Dibert dreamt the exact location of the bodies of the two boys. What is interesting is that he had the dream twice. The first night he had it he told his wife about it, but no one else, because they didnt think anything of it. The next night he again had the same dream. After that he decided to investigate, which lead to the discovery of the bodies. (2-p49) There are many examples of important archeological findings being made as the result of dreams. Glastonbury Abbey in England and the ancient city of Mycenae of Crete were discovered because of dreams. On September 5, 1880, a Captain Christian, on his ship bound for Rangoon from Sydney, Australia, had a detailed dream that his brother was on a ship that was sinking and he saved him. The next day, Captain Christian sailed north and found the ship in his dream. The dream resulted in the rescue of his brother and 269 other persons. (2-p55) One of the most famous cases of clairvoyance is that of Byron 214

Somes, a reporter for the Boston Globe. He dreamt that a small South Seas island, Pralape, had a large volcano that was furiously erupting. In his dream, he could even hear the screaming of the islanders trying to escape. The dream was very detailed and vivid. It seemed he was really there. When he awoke, he wrote down the dream and left it at his desk. By mistake someone at the newspaper took his dream as a news story and printed it. It wasnt until several days later that news actually started coming in that a volcano on the island of Krakatoa had erupted blowing the island off the face of the earth. Byron Somes had dreamt the eruption of Krakatoa at about the same time it was happening, though he was 12,000 miles away. (2-p59) Several years later he discovered that Pralape was the ancient name for Krakatoa. Other examples of clairvoyance come from Czechoslovakian sources. During WWI, the Czech army used the clairvoyant abilities of psychics to find the location of the Hungarian army. The Czechs had great success at this. In fact, they never received wrong information. (1) There are other, more common, examples of clairvoyance, such as psychics who can locate people and lost objects merely by concentrating on them. We would say that clairvoyance is a more advanced type of dowsing except that the dowsing rod is not used. The clairvoyant needs no dowsing rod or other artificial device in this dimension to help direct his or her thoughts. The clairvoyant, like the dowser, perceives the information of the object through the first dimension. The clairvoyant can direct his thought patterns to perceive information any place in the present as well as in the past, but we do not believe any person in this dimension can perceive the future entirely on his own. This will be further elaborated upon in the section on precognition.

This section is divided into two areas. The ability to visualize your thought patterns as you are talking, and photographic memories. The only record of the first type of visualization we were able to find was described by Nikola Tesla. As a young child, he was able to visualize the items he was thinking about. For example, if he thought about a bowl of fruit, he would see before

his eyes a bowl of fruit. He had a difficult time delineating between the real object and the mental image. This caused him a great deal of mental anguish through his earlier childhood. Later, he was able to control this ability utilizing it in building his inventions. For instance, the alternating current generator he first built visually in his mind. He visualized it in the most minute detail. When he finally built it, he built it exactly to his mental image and of course it worked perfectly. This ability caused some friction among his working colleagues, because Tesla told them to build certain parts for his inventions without giving them any explanation as to the principles of the invention or what the finished invention would be. This was because Tesla had all his calculations and plans in his head.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation This example of visualization seems to prove our idea that threedimensional objects, such as mans inventions, are a product of thought forms. Tesla was so evolved and his information possessed so much potential that as he thought he was able to form domains of information in the diehold that took the same shape as his thought.

Photographic Minds Most people do not think of photographic memory as being a psychic phenomenon. Most people think it is merely a mechanical ability to be able to store vast amounts of information in ones memory. We will give two examples of this type of memory. Rabbi Elijah, a Lithuanian, was able to recall any portion of a page of any book he had ever read in his entire lifetime. This was estimated to be well over a thousand volumes. He considered this mental ability somewhat of a curse, because he said it was like living in a library all day and taking it to bed with you all night. (2-pl52) There have been many other documented cases of individuals with photographic memories of various types. One very interesting case was Mathurin Veyssiere, formerly librarian to the King of Prussia. He

was able to memorize sounds. This included recalling speeches made by foreign dignitaries in their native tongue. Even though Veyssiere did not understand their language, he was able to repeat their words perfectly, including proper pronunciation and accent. (2-pl53)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

These people had photographic minds because they were actually psychic. Their psychic ability was directed toward the area of recall. People who have photographic minds have been able to direct their conscious intelligence to recall information that has been collected by them in their past. It is unknown why a psychic develops his ability in certain areas and not in others, but this seems to be the general rule with all psychics. They wind up developing their own peculiar ability. What they are doing is recalling their past thought forms, playing them back at will. Their ability to recall vast amounts of information is usually faster than any of our present-day computers. For this reason, we feel that these people are recalling the information directly from the diehold rather than from anything that is physically stored in their brains.

Instant Mathematics
This is the ability of an individual to come up with the correct mathematical answer to a long, involved math problem. It could be long columns of numbers to be added, large numbers to be multiplied, etc. For example, a child by the name of Zerah Colburn from Vermont was able to solve long math problems without knowing the rules of math necessary to solve them. He gave instantaneous answers to problems like cube roots or raising a number to almost any power. (2-pl53) Another example is Johann Martin Dase, born in 1824 in Hamburg, Germany. He could multiply a 100-digit number with another 100-digit number and come up with an answer in 9 minutes. He was also able to solve complicated calculus problems in astronomy within seconds. (2-pl53) Another individual who had this ability was Nikola Tesla. He was able to visualize any type of mathematical problem including

complex calculus problems. His image of the math problem included all the intermediate steps leading to the answer.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

This phenomenon is usually not considered a psychic phenomenon, but we see it as a phenomenon similar to clairvoyance or psychometry, because a math problem involves a complex thought structure. Most of us assume that math is something that exists only as a truth in this dimension. As we mentioned in the first chapter, math is a tool; you can prove any type of reality you wish with it. Math can also prove faulty logic correct. What we are getting at, is that math at its highest level is actually a tool that can be used to express the structure and workings of our thought patterns. When a child like Zerah Colburn can come up with instantaneous answers to involved math problems, this means that his conscious entity has evolved very far in the area of structured thought. The reason it was unnecessary for him to actually know the necessary mathematical steps to solve the problem was because his consciousness in the diehold went through all the necessary structured thought to come up with the answer. It was unnecessary for his conscious self in this dimension even to know how the problem was solved. It was just necessary for his conscious self to be able to interpret the impulses or feelings he received from his subconscious self, which possessed the correct answer derived from the diehold. Many people who have this ability claim they perceive these numbers as different colors of light. After they have glanced over the entire column of numbers to be added or multiplied, they see a resultant color which they psychically interpret into the answer, which almost always come out correct. The deeper question now is: what does a number represent and why does it show up as light to the individual? When these people are given a column of numbers or a math problem to solve, these numbers represent thought forms that were put down by another individual. Lets say it is an astronomer who gives the problem to one of these psychics. The astronomer may have an idea of what the answer should be. He has collected various data which is a product of his conscious thought. As we

mentioned in Chapter 4, light is actually the information of an object passing us at the speed of 3 x 108 meters per second. The light some of these people see actually represents the information of the thought that makes up that number. It is obvious that no person from this dimension could correctly interpret different colors of light and come up with the correct number. It is therefore obvious that these people receive the correct number from the diehold. Their conscious domain of information in the diehold perceives these numbers, which are really domains of thought from the person who has written down the math problem. Then the psychics consciousness performs the correct thought forms and comes up with the correct answer. Each individual in this dimension may have a different way of interpreting the information he receives from the diehold. Usually the conscious mind in this dimension transforms the information to a form that can be interpreted by the individual. It is possible that many math formulas can be looked at from the viewpoint of the diehold as something like a subroutine. Whoever is able to raise his conscious potential high enough can tap into these subroutines and come up with correct answers for almost any math problem instantaneously, often without actually knowing how to do the problem.

Precognition is the ability of an individual to accurately foretell some event in the future. There have been many welldocumented instances of individuals who could accurately predict future events. Some of these are Edgar Cayce, Vanga Dimitrova, and Wolf Messing. Mrs. Dimitrova is a blind Bulgarian psychic who has been making predictions for individuals since WW II. She has been wellstudied by the Bulgarian Government and works for them as a State psychic. People come to her on a daily basis for her psychic prophecy about their future. The Bulgarian Government regulates and documents all the predictions she makes. They have been doing this for many years now; she is right 80 percent of the time. The prophecy session goes something like this: the subject stands in front of Mrs. Dimitrova. The blind Mrs. Dimitrova then tells something about their past and their present and then continues

by telling them what their future is going to be. A Bulgarian doctor by the name of Georgi Lazanov was doing some research on this psychic phenomenon. When it was his turn to have his future foretold by Mrs. Dimitrova, he instead started concentrating very hard to pretend that his was the life of a close friend. She began to foretell that persons future, but s he was wrong. She later recognized the deception and told him she could not help him. Doctor Lazanov deduced that Mrs. Dimitrova not only needed the persons presence in front of her but also that person had to be concentrat ing along with her. (1-p257) Another well-documented psychic is Wolf Messing. He has a very high percentage of being correct in his predictions. When asked how he was able to foretell the future, he said, After an effort of will, I suddenly see the final result of some event flash before me. The mechanism of direct knowledge by-passes the logical cause-and-effect chain and reveals to the psychic only the final concluding link of the chain. (1-p53) When Vanga Dimitrova was asked how she was able to foretell the future of individuals, she said that she is shown pictures and hears voices. Then she tells the person what she sees and hears.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

Per our theory, an individual cannot go ahead in time. This is because you cannot go past the head device that is playing out your existence. You can only perceive the present or the past. The obvious question then is: how can these people so accurately predict the future, and how do peoples dreams often accurately predict the future? It is possible that one of the ways it is done is that the psychic is able to perceive the thought patterns of beings from the future-who are either thinking or who have moved back in time and space. If another dimensional being was able to go back into time and space, he would be able to communicate easily with certain people whose potential is great enough to receive his thought patterns. We believe this is the method that was used to tell the prophets of the Bible what was to happen toward the end of time. Edgar Cayce once said that in his early childhood he saw a woman in his room who looked as if she was glowing. This woman said he would be famous when he

got older. This represents to us that she was from a different dimension. It is possible that many of his predictions came from people from the future who had an important stake in what was happening on this planet. Most likely these people are from our future. Lets say you are a highly advanced being and you cannot go ahead of time because of the reasons previously described, but you can go back into time. Lets also say that you have come to a crossroads in your evolution, you must evolve to another level soon; but you are not able to evolve fast enough to prevent what might happen to you. The only hope you have is to go back into time and improve your past without directly interfering with it. By doing this, you will in turn be advancing your own future. The way it might be done is for you to find an individual in the past whose potential is high enough that he would be able to perceive your thought patterns and correctly interpret them. The next step would be to give him or her various predictions of their future, in order for them to have confidence in their ability to perceive the future. Believing you can do something is very important in the field of psychic phenomena. By giving the psychic information of the future, you would also be giving him credence among his fellow men. It is unimportant whether some of the information has no historical bearing on man. The important thing is that the person have some sort of credence, so that when you wish to transmit to him some important event about the future, people will believe him. This subject will be covered further in Chapter 12. Notice that all the psychics said they were shown what the future was by another entity. What they saw is different from clairvoyance. The other possible way an individual could perceive the future -we theorize-is if during a trance or unconscious state his consciousness, in the diehold, was able to perceive the thought patterns of someone in the future thinking about some event in the past. The receiving psychic is not actually going into the future, but is merely perceiving the thought patterns of someone from the future. It is possible that Mrs. Dimitrova is able to use this method in order to perceive anothers future. When that person is standing in front of Mrs. Dimitrova, in this dimension, that persons domain of information is also being perceived by the domain of information that makes up Mrs. Dimitrova in the diehold. Her conscious entity might be trained in such a way that she may be able to pick

up that persons thought patterns transmitted from the future and sent into the past. As we get older, most of us reminisce about things that happened in our past. When we reminisce, we are actually forcing our consciousness to perceive events that took place in the past. We can look at these thought patterns as radio signals sent from a distant star. If the star is 20 light years away from us, it would naturally take 20 years before we received that radio signal. When we receive the radio signal that star will be 20 years in the future. A thought pattern from a person is very similar. What Mrs. Dimitrova is able to do is interpret accurately the thought forms sent by that person from the future. These thought forms include both visual and audio information.


The simplest example of transmitting thought is when we concentrate on a person, making him turn around and look at us. This can be observed very easily when driving in a car in heavy traffic. If you concentrate on the motorist to the side of you, he or she will usually turn and look back. The Russians have done a great deal of scientific experimentation with this type of telepathy. One of the earlier documented telepathic experiments was performed by Doctor K. I. Platonov in 1924. During the All-Russian Congress of Psychoneurologists, he demonstrated he could put a young woman into a deep hypnotic trance by just willing it. He stood out of sight of her while he willed her to sleep. For the demonstration she was on stage with a group of doctors, while Platonov telepathically communicated her to sleep. She immediately slumped over, asleep, in front of the audience. (1-p97) Shortly after the 1924 conference, two other Russians performed similar experiments. The men were Professor Dzelichovsky and the psychologist Doctor K. D. Kotkov. Professor Dzelichovsky selected a 19-year-old coed for the experiment. He told her she would be helping him in a physics experiment. He did not let her know what the real experiment was. After a while, Dzelichovsky was

able to will her to come to him at any hour. After this stage of the experiment was reached, Doctor Kotkov, who was located in another room down the hall from Dzelichovskys room, attempted to put the coed asleep while she w as with the Professor. Doctor Kotkov succeeded. He was able to put her to sleep at will. Over the two-month period that the experiment lasted, Doctor Kotkov was able to put her to sleep 30 times out of 30 tries. When the girl went to sleep, it was described as like a hypnotic trance, but it wasnt hypnosis. (1-p98) In 1932 a series of telepathic experiments were performed by Leonid Vasilien at the Bekhterev Brain Institute. He and several other colleagues were also able to make two female subjects go into trance at will. The scientists even placed the subjects in an iron Faraday cage (ground cage) to prevent any electromagnetic waves from entering. The purpose of this experiment was to see if telepathy was transmitted by electromagnetic waves. Of course, the y found it wasnt, but they did notice that the cage seemed to produce better results. The scientists then tried to determine if distance could limit telepathy. One of the scientists traveled a thousand miles away and then concentrated on one of the women. She lost consciousness on cue. At the conclusion of these experiments, they were definitely able to say that telepathy is not carried by electromagnetic waves. (1-pl0l) When the women were in telepathic trance, they knew who had put them under. (1-pl02) In 1964 Stanley Mitchell, a famous American hypnotist, traveled to Russia. During his visit, he was asked by his Soviet hosts if he could will into a trance a Russian nurse they provided for the experiment. He did so with no problem. The American seemed to have no language barrier in telepathy. He repeated the experiment in Poland with the same results. (1pll0) Doctor Lazanov developed the first telepathic code receiver in 1966. It was based on the same principle as Morse code. The sender telepathically told the receiver to press down on his right or left hand. The right hand was dots, the left hand, dashes. During the experiment, 1,766 messages were sent. The messages varied from single words to phrases and sentences. Seventy percent of those messages were received correctly. (1-p282) The most amazing type of this telepathy was done by Wolf Messing. Mr. Messing was able to project images into other peoples minds. He was a Polish citizen before the second World War. When

the war started, he was captured by the Nazis. He was wanted by them because he was Jewish and also because he was a very wellknown psychic. He was taken to Gestapo headquarters and held for questioning, but he was able to escape from Gestapo headquarters by mentally suggesting to the guards in the building that they go into another small room away from him. After they all entered that room, Messing was able to walk out of the building, making good his escape. From there he went to Russia, where he lives presently. In Russia, he made friends with Joseph Stalin. Stalin was more than casually interested in Messings psychic ability. Messing performed various tests of his abilities for Stalin, one of which included making a Moscow bank teller hand over to him 100,000 rubles. All Messing did was give the teller an empty briefcase and a blank piece of paper; then he mentally told the teller to hand the money over to him-it was as simple as that. (1-p40) Another unusual test performed for Stalin was to see if Messing could walk into Stalins headquarters at Kintsevo. Stalins headquarters was well guarded by many men, all members of the Soviet Secret Police. Messing succeeded in getting through the guards by merely walking right by them in plain sight; he made no attempt to disguise himself in any way. When Stalin asked him how he was able to do it, Messing replied: I mentally suggested to the guards and servants, I am Beria. I am Beria. Lavrenti Beria was the head of the Soviet Secret Police at the time, and was a frequent visitor of Stalins. (1-p4l) What Messing did was to project the image of Beria into the minds of everybody in his vicinity.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The ability to affect the information perceived by conscious entities (intelligent domains of information) around you is dependant on the amount of potential you possess in the diehold. It does not take much potential to make someone next to you notice your presence, but it takes a great deal more to throw images into other peoples heads or to fo rce another to lapse into a trance. All of the previously-mentioned telepathic communications involved forcing another persons consciousness to perceive the information being transmitted to him. This communication is done entirely in the diehold.

Regarding the examples of a psychic being able to force another individual to go to sleep, this involves a very interesting observation about language and thought. When the experimenter willed the subject to sleep, all he had to suggest was that the subject fall asleep; but it is obvious that just the word does not force sleep onto another person. When the experimenter says the word, sleep, it means much more than that. To the experimenter and to the subject, the word sleep represents a certain frequency pattern that institutes the unconscious state. It may at first appear that we must have a Russian experimenter telling a Russian subject to sleep in Russian, and a receiving party who hears in his head the word, sleep, in Russian; but as we mentioned, an American hypnotist was also able to make a Russian nurse and a Polish woman sleep on command-even though he spoke neither of those languages. In this case, the languages were totally different, but the end message to the subject was sleep. We theorize t hat the language spoken in this dimension has nothing to do with the communication process carried on in the diehold. Lets say the experimenter says, in English, the word, sleep, to a Russian subject. The thought patterns for the word, sleep, represen t the same domains of frequencies to the American individual as to the Russian. Both are merely conscious domains of information in the diehold. The transmitted message would be in the form of frequencies directed toward the domain of information that makes up the Russian subject. These frequencies would then be interpreted as a command to the domain of information of the Russian. A good analogy of this would be someone typing in the code letters for a subroutine to be played in a computer. Once the code letters are typed, the computer translates the code into another language form which calls up the subroutine. In this case, it would be sleep. In the case of Wolf Messing, his ability to be able to project an entire image into anyone near him seems similar to visualization. When Mr. Messing said to the guards the words, I am Beria, in the diehold, the word Beria represented to the guards another person. Messings potential was so great that he was able to play the subroutine to the guards that represented the image of Beria. We did some experiments ourselves to see if we could prove two points: can frequency changes be detected during telepathic communication, and is there also a universal-type communication be225

tween all living things? This would verify somewhat the language phenomena mentioned earlier. For our psychic we used Gary Sultan (one of the authors) who has demonstrated some psychic abilities. We wanted to see if Gary could affect the frequencies of an African violet plant. We used a sensitive digital frequency counter (15 mV sensitivity). The plant was placed two feet away from a table lamp. It was nighttime when the experiment took place. The first part of the experiment, we took the frequency count of the plant with the light on (35-45 KHz) and with the light off (75-82 KHz). Gary and I did not concentrate on the plant at all. We took many observations of the plant, so we could get a good mean average of these frequencies. In the next part of the experiment, Gary concentrated on talking to the plant. When the light was off, Gary told the plant he was going to turn the light on; immediately the plant went down in frequency to 50-63 KHz. This was before the light was actually turned on. After the light was turned on, the frequency of the plant went down to its former bias level of 35-45 KHz. We repeated this part of the experiment enough times to remove any possibility of random frequency increases or decreases. Then we reversed the process, starting with the light on. Gary told the plant he was going to turn the light off. Before he turned the light off, the frequency of the plant rose immediately from 40-55 KHz. In the final part of the experiment, (when the light was off) Gary asked the question, Do you want the light on? The reac tion was that the plant gradually went from about 80 KHz down to 60 KHz. When he asked the plant if it wanted the light off, there was no reaction. There are quite a few observations to be made from this experiment. One is that it seems that the plant preferred having the light on. We assume this by making the assumption that when any living organisms tension level is raised, its frequency goes up due to anxiety. When a person or living organism is peaceful and content, we assume that its frequencies are lower. The most important conclusion from this experiment is that there is a universal communication between intelligent domains of information. This seems to confirm what many plant lovers have said for many years: that talking to your plants helps them grow better. In our experiment the plant was able not only to perceive what Gary was thinking but also to make its own decision about

whether it wanted the light on or off. It definitely anticipated Garys questions regarding turning the light on or off. Th is means that somehow the plant and Gary were communicating in the first dimension and that this communication began even before Gary said the words. This experiment seems to confirm our belief that ideas are converted in the diehold as basic frequencies that represent whole ideas, and that these frequencies can be interpreted by any conscious intelligence.

Psychokinesis is the ability to move an object with the mind without using any physical means. A famous Russian psychic, Nelya Mikhailova, has been observed and filmed many times moving small objects placed on a table in front of her. It sometimes takes her two-to-four hours to develop enough of her energy to move an object; other times it can be done within a couple of minutes. She is able to deflect a compass needle as well as move matches, watches, and other small objects. She has the greatest effect on objects of food. Her most remarkable feat involved an experiment with a cracked egg placed in a saline solution inside an aquarium. She stood about six feet away from the aquarium, concentrating on separating the egg white from the yolk. To the surprise of everyone around her, she succeeded. She then mentally put the egg white and the yolk together again. (1-p68)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The way Mrs. Mikhailova and others are able to perform psychokinesis is by concentrating on moving the information that makes up the object. When Mrs. Mikhailova does psychokinesis for any extended period of time, she suffers a weight loss and extreme fatigue. This is because her information must exert a great deal of potential in order for her to move the information of the object in the diehold.


Psychic Photography
Psychic photography is the ability to produce a picture in a camera without the necessity of light. Basically, the psychic thinks a picture into the camera. Usually the camera lens is covered with a black lens cover to prevent any light from reaching the film. The image that appears is put on the film strictly through the psychics ability to throw his mental images onto the film. There are at least two people known to be able to do this. One is Uri Geller; the other is Ted Serios, from Chicago, Illinois. After an illness in 1963, Mr. Serios realized he was able to produce photographs of scenes onto a Polaroid camera with the lens covered. He was tested at various universities all over the country. He was once able to produce in a camera a picture of an airplane hangar. The researchers later learned that the photograph was of the Canadian Mounted Police hangar in Rockcliff, Ontario-several hundred miles away from where Ted Serios was at the time of the experiment. None of the scientists have ever figured out how he is able to throw pictures into cameras; but he is indeed able to do it. (3-p265) The other psychic, Uri Geller, was tested by two famous British photographers in Miami Beach. The photographers gave Geller their camera, which had the lens covered. The photographers provided three rolls of film. Geller then placed the camera in front of him, at arms length, and commenced taking pictures of himself. In the middle of the third roll, two consecutive pictures of Geller came out. (5-p25)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The big question is: how can anyone throw a picture into a camera? The possibility of trickery on the part of Geller or Serios is ruled out completely because of the control conditions used by the experimenters. The only explanation we can see is that these individuals are able to translate their domain of information onto the domain of information that makes up the film emulsion. The actual exposing of the film occurs in the first dimension. It must take a great deal of potential to be able to accomplish this process. Once they superimpose their thought patterns onto the film, the

picture is taken. This is the same as if the film was exposed to light. Remember, light is nothing more than the information of an object passing us on the tape at 3 x 108 meters per second. There is no difference to the film whether it is exposed by light information passing through this dimension or by these psychics superimposing the information onto the film. In the case of Serios, when he is concentrating on an image to place in the camera, his consciousness literally roams through parts of the diehold. Once he selects the image he wishes to place on the film, his potential records the image, then superimposes it onto the domain of information that makes up the film, thereby, producing the image. There have been other examples of this type of psychic photography produced by nonpsychics during very special weather conditions. All these instances occur during electrical storms. One case occured in 1887, near Chattanooga, Tennessee. (2p251) An old woman living in a small cottage leaned near her window to observe a violent thunderstorm. During the storm, one large bolt of lightning struck a pine tree across from her house while she was observing it. A few days later, neighbors were surprised to see the image of the old woman pictured in the front window. The picture was an exact likeness of her peering out the window, as she was looking at the lightning storm. The picture remained in the glass window for many years, only eventually fading away. Another case was in Washington, D.C., in 1903. The new owners of an old house discovered, while remodeling, that a window had been previously covered up. To their amazement, there was a picture of an old woman and a boy superimposed on the glass. The new owners contacted the previous owners of the house and discovered that the pictures in the glass were the images of his father and grandmother. They had evidently been watching a lightning storm, at some time, when a lightning bolt struck near by, producing the photograph on the glass. The glass was later sent to the Smithsonian Institute. (2-p252) We would say that this phenomenon occurred as the individuals were concentrating on the outside. At a time during the storm when enough potential came close enough to them they were able to project their information, however unwittingly, from the diehold onto the information of the glass. Theoretically, the galss should not have been able to produce the photograph because there is no silver or other photo229

graphic element in the glass. What happened was that the information of the glass was physically changed, caused by the superimposing of the information for the image of these people onto the glass. The only way these people could have been able to project their information was if their potential was increased in some manner. In the above cases, the potential was provided by the lightning storm. But what provides the potential for Geller and Serios to be able to do their trick?

High Voltage Humans

The following cases all seem to have one common denominator. The individuals that exhibited this phenomenon were all children or in their teens. They all later lost their excess charge as they aged into their 20s. All were thin, and some had developed this condition after an undefined type of illness. The first case took place in 1895: Jennie Morgan was a 14-yearold, nervous girl from Sedalia, Missouri. When the word got around that she had sparks literally flying from her fingertips, a doctor who doubted these stories went to visit her to see for himself it the stories were true. When he shook the girls hand, he was thrown back several feet, unconscious from the high voltage which she had imparted to him. (2-pl7l) In 1877, Caroline Clare of Bondon, Ontario also exhibited the same unusual symptoms. She had developed a high voltage ability after recovering from an unusual illness. During the illness, she had lost a great deal of weight, and she often went into convulsions. During these convulsions she would describe, in great detail, far away places that she had never seen. After the illness passed, she found she was electrified. Anyone who touched her would be severely shocked. She had also become magnetized. She was able to pick up any type of iron material. (2-pl72) In 1890, Louis Hanburger, 16-years-old, also developed high voltage and magnetic ability. His magnetic ability was far beyond anyone elses. He was able to pick up heavy iron and steel objects. An iron rod a half inch in diameter and a foot long was easy for him to pick up with just one finger. (2-pl73) In the above three cases, the children were able somewhat to control some of their electrical potential. With Frank McKinstry

of Joplin, Missouri, in 1889, this was not the case. He had no control over the amount of voltage which he built up. Often, on cold days, it was very painful for him to even walk. (2-pl73)

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

Science has forgotten about these people and the phenomenon they represent, because to accept that these people could do these things would mean that the theories of magnetism and electromagnetism would have to be completely overhauled. Look at it like this: we have human beings who are nonmetalic, becoming electromagnetic. They exhibit all the properties of iron or magnetism. The clue to what is happening with these people is what was mentioned with Caroline Clare. During her convulsions, she began describing far-away places. We interpret this to mean that her information had gained so much potential, it was reaching out to other domains of information to gather information. Unfortunately, it was beyond the control of her conscious mind, and what was occurring was strictly on a subconscious level. The reason these people possessed large electrostatic charges is because their information was attracting large amounts of information from around them. This was occurring strictly in the first dimension. Remember that the electrostatic field predominates in this dimension and the magnetic field predominates in the second dimension. As more information is being directed toward a certain domain in time and space, its magnetic field will increase and, in turn, its electrostatic field will increase. This is the same principle that applies to the center of a planet and a star. For some reason these people were suddenly becoming fifthdimensional beings. However, the symptoms did not last. Perhaps, someplace in the diehold, some mechanism recognized the error and slowly corrected the situation by removing the excess potential. These four cases are clear proof of the idea that an increase in potential also increases the amount of information that a conscious entity can absorb or project. It also determines the degree to which the individual is able to alter the domains of information around him or her.


It is not too uncommon to hear of cases where certain people can heal other individuals just by placing their hands on the affected area. This kind of healing has been covered in many books, so we will not go into great detail on by whom and how it is done. The patients of healers claim that when the healer places his hands on the affected area and concentrates on healing, they feel heat in the area of treatment. Often patients claim that they hear sounds like pops or static electricity coming from the space between their body and the healers hands. (1-p208) Before Kirlian photography, there was no way of detecting any obvious difference between a healers hands and those of an average person; but fortunately, with the advent of Kirlian photography, we are now able to see a definite difference between a healer and ordinary people. On Kirlian photographs, a healers picture, taken before the process of healing, shows a wide spark -like corona. After healing, the corona has greatly diminished. The patients corona before the healing process is always small and less predominant than after the healer has applied his treatment. (6-p68-70, 81-84) Healers have been known to improve the health of their patients, and in some cases to heal them entirely. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a person who has the bona fide capability of healing.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

Before we can explain why a healer can heal, we have to give our own interpretation of what healing or curing is. To rethink medicine, we have to analyze what is actually happening when medicine is taken by a patient. Lets say a patient has a viral infection. After the doctor has diagnosed which infection the patient has, the doctor then prescribes the correct medicine which will kill or weaken the virus. This is the point at which we have to look deeper into what the medicine is. Lets say the doctor prescribes penicillin. The real question to be asked is: of what is penicillin made? Obviously it is mad e up of a chain of molecules and atoms arranged in a very specific order, but we have to go further than this. Each element in the universe has its own specific frequency. When we

mix frequencies of multiple types of atoms, we produce a sums and difference frequency. This is called hetrodyning. In other words, the penicillin has its own unique group of frequencies. Now lets examine the virus. It also is made up of molecules and elements that have their own unique group of frequencies. What we theorize happens is that the frequencies that make up the penicillin cancel out the frequencies that make up the virus. What this means is that the frequencies that make up the penicillin are 180 out of phase to the frequencies that make up the virus. The result is that the conscious part of the signal that makes up the virus ceases to exist and dies. Now lets get back to our healer. Many healers have said that they psychically diagnose the persons illness. We would theorize that the information of the psychic perceives the domains of information that make up the patient. The healers information accurately detects the location and type of desease from which the patient is suffering. The information of the healer then communicates this raw data to the conscious part of the healers existence. The healer then feels he knows where and what is wrong with the patient. This information may come to the healer in the form of what we would call a hunch or feeling. When the healer applies his hands over the affected areas of the patient, he is directing some of his conscious potential to the domains of information that makes up the patient. We see this in this dimension from Kirlian photography, as sparks and flares passing from the healer to the patient. If the conscious entity of the healer is capable of producing the correct out-of-phase frequency to ground out (destroy) the information of the infection, then the patient can be cured successfully over a period of time. The important thing in medicines and in healing is the application of the correct frequencies that actually do the destroying of the disease. This also means that it is possible to cure people by electronically producing the correct frequencies. It may be totally unnecessary to give the patient any medicine physically. We feel this is the only explanation to explain the phenomenon of healing. It is also the only way to explain the transference of potential from the healer to the patient. We dont want people running off and hunting down a healer to cure them of some ailment, because it is very possible that certain healers can only cure certain diseases. The reason for this is that all people have different personalities and, therefore, different domains of information that make them

up. This means that each individual is made up of a separate group of frequencies; therefore, a healer could only produce a certain range of frequencies-and these frequencies may not be the ones you need.

Humans Attracting Time Warps

A time warp is caused by an intense concentration of high voltage at specific frequencies. This time warp could appear to us in several forms. One would be in the form of ball lightning. A brief description of ball lightning is a small, round, glowing ball that has been observed as large as a meter in diameter. Science says ball lightning theoretically cannot exist, but the bad news for them is that it has been observed many times by thousands of people. We have listed below some well-known and well-documented observations of ball lightning. You will notice by these descriptions that the ball lightning seems to have a conscious motive to its actions. There are two possibilities for this observation. One is that the ball lightning observed is a conscious entity that moved back in time and space, and to us in this dimension appears as a round ball of light and static electricity. The other possibility is that some of the ball lightning is caused by electric storms, and that these small time warps are attracted by our own consciousness.
1. Location-Brown Mountain, North Carolina: Ball lightning has been observed in this area for about 150 years, many times at close range. The color of the bright ball is usually yellowish or pink. Many observers have said they have heard a sound that is similar to sizzling or frying. This, of course, is the sound of the high voltage. (3-p35) Location-Hornet, Arkansas: Ball lightning was first observed here in 1901. It is observed there to this present day. Its general location is 12 miles southwest of Joplin or two miles southwest of the village of Hornet. The lights have been described as white and the size of a basketball. The lights were also investigated during World War II by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. No one has been able to get within 25 to 30 feet of the ball lightning. If anyone gets too close to the ob234


ject, it merely blanks out. An example of this is when a group of investigators was able to surround one of these lights. They were able to get within 25 to 30 feet of it. When they got closer, it disappeared from our dimension, then reappeared in a nearby field. The ball lightning usually forms five to six feet above the ground. (3-p35)
3. 4. Location-Suffolk County, Virginia: Ball lightning has been observed in this area for at least 100 years. Usually forming five feet above the road, it has been described as bright as a locomotives headlight. (3 -p38) Location-Between Marfa and Alpine, Texas: Ball lightning has been observed around a small peak in the Chinati Mountains. Observers have said that the light sometimes appears as a small ball or is as bright as the intensity produced by a locomotives headlight. Sometimes two balls of lightning appear next to each other. These lights have been observed by the residents for more than 80 years; and it is said that Apache Indians, before them, knew of their existence. (3-p39) Location-Hebron, Maryland, July, 1952: Two state troopers saw a dim yellow ball of light five feet above the center of the road on which they were traveling. When they stopped, they were about 20 feet away from the light. The light then suddenly zipped about 200 feet away. When the car proceeded ahead, the light maintained the same distance from the car for several miles. The next night the two state troopers went back to the same place with five other officers. They found the ball of light in the same location. They got out and were able to surround the ball of light. When they got within 15 feet of it, the light disappeared; it then reappeared in a nearby field. (3-p80) The examples from Hornet, Arkansas, and Hebron, Maryland, definitely indicate that there is some sort of intelligence associated with these balls of light. If the ball lightning was just random potential bouncing around through our dimension, then it should not have maintained a uniform distance from the patrolmens car or blanked out when the men got within a certain radius of it.




7. 8.

1962: This example was reported by David Diez, Science Editor for the Scripps Howard Newspaper Chain. In a grade school, during a thunderstorm, a ball of lightning, one foot in diameter, came floating into the classroom window. It floated to a position just above the teachers head. It then gradually faded away. (3 -p292) Location-Long Island, New York: During a thunderstorm, ball lightning came through an open window of a house, then passed by a couple as they were watching TV. It then passed harmlessly out of the room. Location-Washington, D.C.: In the spring of 1953, during a thunderstorm, three occupants of a house heard a sizzling sound coming from a patio door. They then saw a beam of light pass through the keyhole. In a few seconds the rod of light took the form of a ball, about ten inches in diameter. It stayed by the door for awhile, and then rapidly moved over the astonished heads of the occupants, exploding against the fireplace. (3-p293)

It is possible in examples 6, 7, and 8 that the conscious energies of the people present during these happenings attracted these thunderstorm-induced time warps. In the case of the teacher in the classroom, any of her students might have mentally attracted this time warp and directed it above the teacher. In other words, whenever our conscious thought is directed to a location, it is possible that random potentials will also be attracted in the same direction. The ball lightning produced by thunderstorms are actually large domains of potential roaming through the diehold. In the example on Long Island, the couple could have been thinking about themselves at the time this random domain of potential was attracted by their conscious domains of thought in the diehold. After the couple noticed the ball lightning, it is possible their consciousness directed the domain of potential away from their location. In Washington, D.C., one of the three residents might have mentally attracted this random domain of potential. Once it entered the house, through the keyhole, it took the form of a round ball. It is not a coincidence that ball lightning is round. Have you ever thought about why certain things are thought of to be certain

shapes? For instance, round, long tubes are always assumed to have something flowing through them. Square and round objects are assumed to be storage shapes. What we are saying is that it is possible that the ball lightning takes the shape of someones thought form. There are even more spectacular examples of a persons consciousness attracting thunderstorm caused time warps. These are, for instance, when rain is moved in time and space. The best way to describe this is by giving some examples, because they are so bizarre.
1. 2. 3. 4. September, 1866, Dawson, Georgia: There was a heavy rain that occurred for more than an hour on a small spot of land, no more than 25 feet in diameter. It was a sunny day, with not a cloud in sight. (3-pl08) October, 1886, Charleston, South Carolina: During a oneweek period, it rained four times for several hours on just one house and the yard around it. It was a clear sky, but yet it rained. (3-pl08) October, 1886, Chesterfield County, South Carolina: For a fourteen-day period, a continuous rainfall occurred over a small section of the county. Again there were no clouds in the sky; and it was quite sunny; but the rain kept falling over this small area. (3-pl08) Alexandria, Louisiana, November 11, 1958: It started raining about 2:45 p.m. over one persons house. The rain covered an area of approximately 100 square feet for two-and-a-half hours and stopped as abruptly as it started. Again there were no clouds in the sky. (3-pl07)

In all the above examples, the day was clear. There was no possibility of water on any surrounding trees that could have dripped on the houses nor any possibility of planes dropping water. The only way to explain these phenomena and others like them is that a time warp was caused in a rainstorm someplace on the earth. The time warp was probably caused by lightning. The rain from the storm was moved in time and space to another location on the earth. This is why no clouds were present during these rainfalls. The actual clouds were probably thousands of miles away and may

have even been in another time. The other reason this rain could not have come from a cloud in the time and space where the rain fell is because all clouds travel with the wind current, but this rainfall stayed in a specific location for periods of time ranging from hours to weeks. We theorize that the conscious intelligence of the people below determined the location of where this rain was to be moved in time and space. Just like the ball lightning, if the persons conscious potential is great enough at the right moment in space and time, he or she can attract these time warps. These strange time warps will remain above them as long as the time warp can be maintained by the high voltage and/or the persons consciousness in the diehold. One possible thought that could attract these rain clouds is a desire for a glass of water, or thirst, or even cleanliness. As mentioned earlier, a persons ideas in the diehold are translated into basic impulses of thought. It is possible that sometimes the thought has enough potential to attract water without having the physical body actually turn on a faucet or reach for a glass. As most people know, thirst is a primal desire, very difficult to suppr ess. If the persons conscious entity desires water strongly enough, it could attract water to his time and space. The most bizarre example of a consciousness affecting the movement of something in time and space is the example of a man being moved in time and space which follow. The example is a well-documented phenomenon that occurred October 25, 1593. Gil Perez was a guard at the Governors Palace in Manila. In the morning he was ordered to go to a certain location in the palace to stand guard. Some time between his receiving the order and his going to that location, he was moved in space and time. The next thing he remembers is that he was in the palace court yard in Mexico City. It was the morning of the 25th in Mexico City. At first the commandant in Mexico City did not believe Perezs story, so the poor fellow was thrown into prison. Two months passed before travelers from Manila arrived in Mexico City, identified Perez, and confirmed that Perez was in Manila on October 24. Perez was then released and sent back to Manila. The government officials in Mexico City wrote down the entire incident, as accurately as they could. This phenomenon proves two important things about our theory. One is that someone can be moved in

time and space. The other is that the only direction you can move in the diehold is back in time. You will notice that Perez reappeared in Mexico City on the morning of October 25. This is the same morning that he disappeared from Manila. Considering how the earth turns and the date line, Perez was moved back in time 14 hours. He reappeared in the approximate same location in time and space when it was morning in Mexico City. (3-pl8l)

The Phenomenon of Uri Geller

Since Uri Geller first came to notice in the early 70s, he has amazed scientists and mystified thousands of audiences all over the world. To this day, he remains an enigma to the scientific community. He is probably the most unusual psychic that has surfaced in the last thousand years. He has demonstrated in front of scientists that he is able to do telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, psychic photography, and severall other phenomena that have not been mentioned previously. He is best known for his ability to bend things with his mind, fix watches and clocks, and move things in time and space, telepathically. Uri Geller is not only telling us something very important about our existence but what mans next stage in evolution will be. In Chapter 3, we described what our definition of the different dimensions were. In order to explain Uri Geller, we must come to realize that the traditional explanation for dimensions is totally wrong. There has to be a way of explaining the existence of someone with the powers of Geller. We will go through all his abilities and explain exactly how the phenomena occur. After our explanation, you will see that Geller fits into our existence in a very logical manner, so you will have some better frame of reference to understand what he is. We theorize that Geller is becoming a fifth-dimensional being. He does not exhibit all of the traits that we would expect from a fifth-dimensional being, but he does exhibit many of them. Perhaps later on in his life, he will become a complete fifthdimensional being.

Geller has been able to demonstrate both affecting and receiving types of telepathy. He is able to draw any picture that you can

describe in your head or write on paper. He has demonstrated this ability at Stanford Research Institute; Kings College, England; and Birkbeck College, in England. One of the telepathy tests at Stanford was the placing of ten cans in a row. One can contained a hidden object-sometimes a metal object, sometimes just water. The experimenters did not know which can it was, since they also were not in the room at the time the experiment was set up. This was to avoid the possibility of Geller reading one of their minds. In the early part of the experiment, when Geller entered the room, he would pass his hands over the cans and pick out the correct target. Eventually he got so good at it that he was able to just walk in the room, look at the cans, and immediately pick out the correct one. At the end of this series of tests, the probability of his guessing the correct answers was I out of 10 12. (4-p231) During a brief promotional visit to Los Angeles, California, one of us had the opportunity of meeting Uri Geller. While talking to him, I was thinking about a certain strange radio signal I had heard. Mr. Geller was able to accurately mimic what this signal sounded like. The only way he could have done this was if he had the capability of reading my mind. I would expect this feature from a fifth-dimensional being, and I do believe Geller has the capability of reading minds. He has also demonstrated to Leonard Santorelli, Science Editor for Reuters News Service that he can transmit to someone any desired picture image he wishes. (9-p64) One of the most amazing examples of perceiving-type telepathy is demonstrated by Geller when he is able to drive a car with his eyes covered and the front windshield also covered. He did this test with Doctor Andrija Puharich in Israel and also in California with several of the scientists from Stanford University. He says there must be a passenger seated next to him that can see the road. He says he sees the road through the eyes of the other person, but when driving with Doctor Puharich, Geller was able to accurately describe a car coming around a curve a minute before it could be seen even by Doctor Puharich. (4-p52) This again seems to indicate that Geller doesnt really need the person sitting next to him. He just thinks he needs him. Actually when Geller wants to, he can perceive much of his surroundings through his information in the diehold. It would have been physically impossible for anyone in the car to have seen the other approaching car. The only

way it could have been is if Geller had perceived the information that made up that car in the diehold. Geller is able to receive and transmit thought patterns so well because his conscious potential in the diehold is much greater than the average persons. He perceives other peoples thought patterns strictly from the diehold. This is similar to the previous explanation we gave for both types of telepathy.

Geller has demonstrated in front of various scientific groups that he has the capability of moving something using only his mind. When Geller was being tested by Doctor Puharich, in late 1971, Geller demonstrated that he was able to move match sticks placed on a table in front of him. Eventually he was able to move only the match that Doctor Puharich indicated to him. Doctor Puharich concluded from his test that Uri Geller was able to control the area which his mental energy could affect. Atest given at Stanford Research Institute was to determine if Geller could affect the weight of a one-gram weight placed on an electronic scale. Geller was able to affect the scale in two different ways. The first was an electrical signal from the scale that corresponded with a 1.5 gram weight decrease. The other response corresponded to a .8 gram weight increase. (4p233) Geller has also demonstrated he can easily make a compass needle deflect 90 in either direction. Another test at Stanford was with a magnetometer. A magnetometer is a device that measures magnetic fields. They tested him to see if there were any magnetic fields associated with him and if they could be consciously controlled by him. They found that Geller could create a magnetic field, but he had to exert great effort to produce it.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The ability to move things is not unlike that demonstrated by the Russian psychic, Nelya Mikhailova, except that Geller is able to do them much faster without strenuously exerting himself. In fact, sometimes things move around him without him consciously

thinking about them. It appears his potential is so high that any random thoughts he has can affect selected domains of information around him, such as ashtrays, pens, or anything else. We dont know if the Russian psychic, Nelya Mikhailova, is able to affect the magnetometer. Its possible she can, especially since she can also move a compass needle. The scientist s have never been able to figure out how or why Geller can produce a magnetic fi eld. This is because they dont know what magnetism is. Geller produces the magnetic field by increasing the amount of information that is directed toward his domain of information, thereby creating the magnetic field. Whenever the rate of information passing to a certain location in time and space is greater than the surrounding area, a magnetic or gravitational field will be present. The way he is able to move things with his mind is simply by moving the domain of information that makes up that object in the diehold, to the location desired by his conscious entity in the diehold. This movement has nothing whatever to do with this dimension.

Bending Metals
This unusual phenomenon is the one for which Geller is most famous. He has performed this feat in front of countless audiences all over the world. Geller takes a key, either in his own hand or in someone elses hand, and lightly rubs the key, con centrating on bending it by repeating over and over again: bend until the key does, in fact, bend. Many times it will bend as much as 90 and sometimes even break. He has also bent spoons, forks, and knives. Many people have seen him bend spoons in public. It is a bizarre sight to see someone lightly running a finger across the neck of a spoon and suddenly see the spoon drooping like a piece of wet spagetti, often completely breaking in two. Andrija Puharich tested Geller to see if he could crack a metal ring instead of bending it. Geller succeeded. Puharich then sent the cracked ring to Stanford University to have it tested. The report from Stanford University said the electron microscope revealed a fracture that was of a type unknown to science. They said no temperature increase caused the crack. (4-p36) Geller is also able to bend spoons and other objects by merely placing his hand over

the object without touching it. The effect is the same. The object will bend to as much as 90 and many times break. Another interesting phenomenon associated with this bending ability is that once Uri gets the key or the spoon bending, he can put it down or leave it and it will continue bending for as much as 24 hours afterward. The experiments conducted at Kings College under the direction of Professor John Taylor (June 1974) were under very strict scientific control. There was no chance of Geller tampering with the experiments beforehand nor any possibility of trickery involved in the results. One of the experiments was for Geller to bend, telepathically, a ten-inch-long brass strip. The brass strip was attached to an instrument that measured the pressure Geller applied to the strip. When Geller put his finger on the strip, the instrument indicated he was applying only a half ounce of pressure. Within a few moments, the brass strip started bending upward 10. Shortly after, the needle on the measuring dial bent to an angle of 70; but Gellers hand was nowhere near the dial. The next experiment involved an aluminum strip imbedded in a small cylinder covered by a metal diaphragm to register any pressure. After Geller started concentrating, the aluminum began to bend, but all of a sudden the pressure stopped registering. The scientists looked at the cylinder and saw the metal diaphram begin to crumble in front of their eyes. It started with a small hole, and within ten seconds the aluminum diaphragm was completely disintegrated. (5-p74) Wed better explain why and how these metal strips bend before we get into the subject any further, because we are dealing with many important points here. The first question to be asked is: how can any metal bend just by someone thinking about it? When Uri concentrates on a piece of metal to bend, the word bend represents a group of complex steps. Gellers conscious entity in the diehold translates the word bend into altering the rat e at which the information that makes up the metal propagates. If some of the information which makes up the metal is propagated at a slower rate than the rest of the information, the metal in our dimension appears to bend at the point where the propagation differential exists. This is all happening in a different time-space reference in the diehold. The end result is that the key or the spoon becomes bent in our dimension. Many times when Geller does his bending trick, other spoons, forks, and keys also bend.

How could this be if he is only concentrating on one object? Lets say he is bending a fork. Most forks are made of brass, which is made up of copper and iron; sometimes, in addition, the fork has a silver plating over it. In order for that fork to bend, the information that makes up copper and iron must be propagated at a slower rate; therefore, any metal object that also has the same chemical composition as the fork is also liable to bend, especially if someone else puts his or her conscious thought to it. Remember what we said earlier: An object, such as a fork, actually represents a thought form. The next experiment conducted at Kings College was to see if Geller could bend a crystal of lithium chloride sealed in a plastic container. No one could touch the crystal, and Geller could not even come in contact with the container. Instead he held his hand over the top of the container. Within ten seconds, the crystal broke in several pieces. The reason the crystal broke instead of bending was because the information that makes up the crystal is being directed in very specific directions representing the vectors of information that make up the elements. This is unlike the random arrangement of matter in metal objects. (5-p75) The next experiment was a strip of copper with a copper wire soldered to it. The device was built to record any distortion in the metal. After Geller began bending the strip, the wire broke off. (5-p76) The copper wire broke because as Geller was concentrating on the copper strip, he naturally affected the rate at which the copper information was modulated into our existence. Fortunately, this effect is localized only to the area where Geller is located; and naturally the strongest distortion of reality would be in the area where Geller is concentrating. At Birkbeck College, England, Professors Bohm and Hasted also tested for Gellers ability to bend things. They also came up with the same results as Kings College. Professors Bohm and Hasted wrote in their summary, We feel if simila r tests are made later, enough instances of this kind will probably accumulate, so that there will be no room for reasonable doubt that some new process is involved here, which cannot be accounted for or explained in terms of the present normal laws of physics. Indeed we already feel that we have come some distance toward this point. (5-p88)

These same opinions were also echoed by Professor Taylor on his conclusion with his experiments with Geller. He said, The Geller effect of metal bending is clearly not brought about by fraud. It is so exceptional that it presents a crucial challenge to modem science, and could even destroy the latter if no explanation became available. (5 -p77) As you can tell by these opinions from prominent scientists, they realize that there is something very wrong with our acceptable scientific theories. The only way to explain Gellers bending phenomenon is by using our Theory of Multidimensional Reality. The U.S. Government was also interested in Gellers bending powers. The Navy felt they had a foolproof and tamper-proof test they could give Geller to see if his powers were genuine. They had a new alloy called nitinol (nickel and titanium). The unique characteristic of nitinol is that it has a memory built into the metal. If the metal is bent in any way, it returns to its original manufactured shape if heated to over 200F. They gave Geller a rod of nitinol to bend mentally. He stroked the special alloy wire, and it bent, forming a semicircular kink in it. When the wire was placed in boiling water, the wire stayed kinked. When the wire was heated with a match, it continued to bend to almost a right angle. The scientists then tried to remove the bend by other methods. They placed the wire in a vacuum chamber, while stretching it, then they passed enough electric current through it so it glowed at 900 F. The wire was straight when they took it out of the cham ber, but as it cooled, it gradually returned to the bent shape. To quote Eldon Byrd who was in charge of the experiments, In other words, Geller was somehow able to put a kink in the metal, using only the power of his mind, and we were unable to unkink it, using a combination of extreme heat and mechanical force. Neither I nor other experts can offer any scientific explanation for how those deformations in the wire could have occurred under the conditions imposed. Uri obviously has some very special power. (8-p3) The reason the nitinol wire could not be bent back to its original manufactured shape is because when Geller directed his conscious thought from the diehold onto the domains of information of the alloy, he, in effect, remanufactured its shape. He permanently altered the domains of information that make up that wire. There were some very interesting experiments conducted at

UCLA by Thelma Moss using Kirlian photography. She placed a brass key on the photographic plate while Geller placed his finger several inches away from the key also on the photographic plate. As the photograph was being taken, Geller was to concentrate on bending the key. You will remember that metals normally photograph with a small, even aura that does not change; but the key that was photographed with Geller showed it glowing as if it was a living organism. Gellers finger had large sparks emitting from the edge. In addition, there was one very long wide spark being emitted from the tip of his finger toward the key. Doctor Moss stated, The photos clearly show something happening which science cant explain. There is evidence that some energy force is coming from Gellers finger. As he displayed his powers, I saw things Id never seen before. I cant believe what was happening. Again, the only way to explain the glowing aura of the key is to use the Theory of Multidimensional Reality. When the picture was taken, Geller was in the midst of directing his conscious potential onto the domains of information that made up the key. The reason the key glowed as if it was a living object is because we were seeing Gellers potential being superimposed onto the information of the key. The long spark of energy observed being emitted from the tip of Gellers finger represents the concentration of information being directed toward the key. Actually, Geller does not need his finger to direct this potential. He only needs it because he thinks he needs it to direct some part of his body to the object. Actually just directing his thought patterns is good enough. This is proven by the fact that other metal objects in his vicinity start bending. Wherever his random thought is directed, some chemically similar object might bend. Stanford Research Institute had him do an interesting experiment on a reel of videotape. The reel had on it various images and information. Geller concentrated on it to see what kind of effect he would have on it. Needless to say, when they played the tape, Geller had succeeded in distorting or completely erasing the information. (5-p245) It is actually quite simple for Geller to be able to erase any type of magnetic tape. This is because magnetic tape is made up of iron oxide. Since Geller has demonstrated he can create a magnetic field, it would be simple for him to magnetically rearrange the domains of information that make up the iron oxide on the tape.

Effects on Watches
One of the other demonstrations that Geller is famous for is his ability to fix broken watches. What he does is merely place his hand over the broken watch, many times not even touching it, and concentrates on it by saying, work. Within a short period of time, the watch will start ticking again; and usually it will be fixed. Many times when he fixes a watch, the watch will lose or gain time. For instance, when he fixed a watch in front of Doctor Puharich, the watch advanced 32 minutes. (4p32) Geller has stated that as long as the watch is not missing any parts, he can fix it mentally. How could someone mentally fix a watch? We would say there are two separate processes occurring while he is fixing the watch. Usually a watch stops because a part inside of it is bent or kinked from being dropped. As you know, Geller certainly knows how to bend metal in any shape his conscious thought wishes; but how does his conscious thought know which part is the defective unit? This implies an intelligence that goes way beyond anything that has been theorized by other scientists. The only way to explain this is by applying one of the principles we stated earlier, and that is that inventions and other man-made objects are actually thought forms. Geller does not just have a watch in his possession, when he is concentrating on it. He also has the thought form that represents the information that makes up the watch. If his conscious entity has enough potential, basically he perceives the thought form as it should be originally. His potential is used to bend or correct the parts that have failed in the thought form (watch). The result is that the watch works.

Moving Things In Time and Space

Uri Geller is the only person we have heard of who has been able to consciously move something in time and space. What we mean by this is that he is able to make something disappear in one location and reappear in another. Many times this occurred as an unconscious by-product of something else he may have been doing. He has claimed that extraterrestrial beings help him do some of these things. We would tend to agree with him on this one phenomenon because we would not expect a fifth-dimen247

sional being to be able to move something in time and space. This is more the capability of a sixth-dimensional being. A fifthdimensional being could levitate things as well as move them around, but to make something disappear and reappear involves concentrating a great deal of potential on an object, forcing it to demodulate from our time and space, and then to direct it to another location in time and space. It is possible that extraterrestrials could be providing the additional potential necessary to do this trick. All we will say is that we have the theory to explain how an object is moved in time and space, but who is doing it is something else. The following are some documented examples of Geller moving objects in time and space. When Doctor Puharich was working with Geller, he had set up an experiment to see if Geller could bend a specially machined steel ring. He placed the steel ring inside a wooden microscope box. Geller placed his hand over the box and concentrated on bending it. Geller then stepped back and said he thought something had happened. Puharich opened the box and discovered that the metal ring had disappeared. Six hours later, Uri tried to make the ring reappear in the box. At first he had difficulty doing it by himself. Geller then asked Pularich to place his finger on the side of the box. Geller then tried and succeeded in making the ring reappear. (4-p6l) The reason Geller needed Puharich to touch the side of the box was because the ring was a product of Andriias thought forms; therefore, Andrija was necessary in order for Geller to locate the information that made up the ring. Often when Geller attempts to bend or break a chain with his mind, a link will disappear. (4-p32) This is probably because the potential necessary to bend or break a link may not be much different from the potential necessary to move it in time and space. The experimenters at the Stanford Research Institute took painstaking efforts to make sure Geller was not some sort of magician performing slight of hand in front of them. To prevent this possibility, they had all of Gellers actions monitored by closed-circuit television. There were also several other cameras scanning other parts of the room. One of the experiments performed concerned a watch placed in a locked briefcase. The watch disappeared from the briefcase. It was then seen by the television camera reappearing just below

the ceiling, falling. Then it disappeared and reappeared twice as it fell to the table. It reappeared just before it reached the table. The videotape clearly showed the dematerializing and rematerializing of the watch during its fall. (5-p247) During the Kings College experiments, a similar series of disappearing and reappearing phenomena occurred. Just after the copper strip and copper wire experiments, a piece of brass that Doctor Taylor had placed at the other side of the lab started bending; and nobody was near it. The next moment, the piece of brass landed next to the door. Just after that, a piece of copper that was on the table next to the piece of brass, left the table and also landed on the floor near the door. A few moments after that, an iron rod placed inside a tube dropped behind Doctor Taylor. The iron rod was for a later experiment. It was originally straight, but now it was bent to the side of the tube. To quote Doctor Taylor, None of the flying objects could have been thrown by Geller, because he was some distance away from them, and would not have been able to get close to them without being spotted. (5-p77) We will attempt to explain why some of these actions occurred. We can explain why the other piece of brass bent by itself. As you will remember, he was concentrating on bending a piece of copper. As you will remember, brass is made of copper and iron, so when he was concentrating on bending the information that made up the copper, any piece of brass, copper, or iron could also have bent. We feel that the brass and iron bar bent because Geller might have been nervous in the presence of these noted scientists, and when he perceived from their information which experiments he was going to be doing, he just performed them simultaneously. It is possible the reason the brass and copper landed next to the door is because Geller might have wanted subconsciously to leave. So the domain of information that made up the brass and copper was directed at Gellers thought patterns. At Birkbeck College, one of the experiments he was to perform was to see if he could bend two crystal discs of vanadium carbide, sealed in plastic capsules. Professor Hasted held his hand over the capsules so Geller could not touch them. One of the capsules moved across the table. The professor felt a slight warmth when it happened. The result was that half of one of the crystals dematerialized. (5-p86)


Effects On Geiger Counters

A geiger counter is like a capacitor possessing two charged plates. When a radioactive particle passes from one plate to the other, it discharges one of the plates to the other and records a click. Kings College wanted to see if Geller could affect a geiger counter. The normal radiation count recorded on a geiger counter is about one click per second. When Geller concentrated on it, the count went up to 500 times greater than normal. The clicking would increase and decrease as Geller would increase and decrease his powers of concentration on the tube. There was absolutely no chance that Geller had any radioactive material with him. (5-p79) At Birkbeck College they performed the same experiment, and the geiger counter went up to 150 counts per second. (5-p85) The reason Geller was able to affect the geiger counter is because he was raising the potential of the filament inside the geiger tube with domains of potential from his consciousness. The analogy is similar to Gellers effect on the key during the Kirlian photography experiment. The clicking represented potential coming from Gellers domain of information.

Effects On Time
At Stanford Institute, he was asked to concentrate on a videotape recorder and also on a television screen. When he did so, he was able to seriously distort the image on the television screen. (4-p8l) While he was doing the experiments at Stanford Research Institute, and unbeknownst to him, the U.S. Air Force had an advanced computer project going on the floors below, run by the Advanced Research Project Agency. They never said officially what had happened to their computers, but it was obvious that they had seriously malfunctioned during the time of Gellers demonstrations. (4-pl8l, 5-p20) This is not the only time Geller affected computers. During Gellers November, 1973, London radio and television appearances, very strange malfunctions occurred to some important timing and radio transmitting equipment. The malfunction occurred simultaneously with Geller being on the air. (5-pl9) Another time, in Norway, January 19, 1974, during a television appearance, the computers at the Norwegian Ministry of Defense

malfunctioned. (5-p30) It is unknown how many other computers malfunctioned due to Gellers performances, but it is well-documented that computers malfunction when Geller is nearby.

Multidimensional Reality Explanation

The reason Geller affects computers is that distorting time is a byproduct of bending things. He bends things by slowing the rate of propagation of the information that makes up the object. The reason the videotape recorder and the computers malfunctioned is because all these devices have internal clocking circuits in them that control the bits of information that pass from the core of the computer to the accumulator. If time is distorted in any way or if it is altered during this process, the wrong number of bits will be counted by the computer. The effect is very similar to what occurred to a computer when it was placed inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, covered later in the chapter on pyramids.

Power of Suggestion
One of the most unusual mass phenomena that have occurred due to Gellers world-wide demonstrations is that other people have discovered that they can also bend things and repair watches just by watching Geller. For example, in Texas, July 1973, after a delayed radio broadcast, three women employees of the Texas Attorney Generals Office tried to do Gellers trick while listening to him on the radio. To their surprise, one of them bent a spoon handle, another broke a door key in half, and the last caused a large paper clip to disappear. (5-p4) In London, November 1973, on the BBCs Jimmy Youngs radio show, Geller suggested to the radio audience that they concentrate along with him to bend various articles, like spoons, forks, and knives. Later he asked the audience to take out only broken watches and try to will them back to work. The results were amazing. Hundreds of people called up to report that things had bent and watches had started up. (5-p6) The next night on the BBCs David Dimblebys Talk-In, Geller

repeated the same demonstration with one of the forks on the table in front of him, bending it without him even touching it. One of the watches in the television demonstration did an unusual thing. The hands of the watch suddenly curled up against the crystal. The audiences response was the same as before. Over a thousand people claimed that spoons and forks and other metal objects had bent along with watches that started up instantaneously. This phenomenon occurred all over England. Newspaper reporters were sent out to confirm dozens of the stories from the audience, and the stories proved to be correct. (5-p8) On November 25, 1973, Geller tried an experiment in cooperation with the newspaper, Sun People. While he was in Paris, at exactly 2:30 p.m., he was supposed to try to send a thought pattem to London to bend things. The paper received 1,375 letters from its readers stating that watches had started up, spoons and forks had bent, or something else bent or broke. (5pl3) It is not difficult for us to explain why he was able to do this long-distance phenomenon. As you will remember, in the diehold where all information in the universe is stored, distance is irrelevant. When Geller directed his thought or potential to England, it didnt matter whether England was 500 miles away or 10,000 miles away. During television appearances in Norway, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, the same story was repeated. Thousands of people reported that various articles had bent or were broken and countless numbers of watches started up due to Gellers demonstrations. The reason so many people were also able to have various degrees of success in bending things and fixing watches is because as Geller did the demonstration, he created the necessary error in the propagation of the information that made up the elements on which he was concentrating. The people who were able to bend things at the same time with Geller were able to forget about reality. Once their reality framework had broken down, and if the individual had enough conscious potential, he or she could, so to speak, tap into the same program that Geller was doing at that time. Many people, mostly children, were able to continue this ability after Gellers demonstration was finished. For instance, Professo r Taylor gathered a group of 12 children, six boys, six girls; their average age was twelve years. These children were able to do many of the


same bending and watch-fixing tricks that Geller had demonstrated. (5-p57) As you can see, Geller demonstrates many of the traits we had theorized would be found in a fifth-dimensional being. He is not yet demonstrating quite all of the capabilities of a fifth-dimensional being, but perhaps as he gets older he will demonstrate all those qualities. Eventually all of us, during this lifetime or the next, will have to evolve to this stage before we can go onto the next dimensional level of existence.

Where Do We Really Exist?

It is possible that our thinking processes are done entirely in the diehold and that our physical brain is merely meant as a convenience for this dimension. In other words, it exists in this dimension because we think something has to exist. For example, many operations on peoples brains have been performed in which large sections of a persons brain is removed, but the patients mind still carries on its function as before without a serious disturbance of consciousness. (1 p200)

Description of the Spiritual Body

We mentioned in Chapters 3 and 7 that the second dimension is the transmission dimension. This dimension has less potential than the higher dimensions and it was in this dimension that the soul or conscious entity was first modulated into existence. You will notice by the following descriptions that they fit our theory perfectly. Most of the people interviewed by Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D., for his recent best seller, Life After Life, had a very difficult time describing what they called their spiritual body. A composite description of these spiritual bodies was made by Doctor Moody. He said, It is agreed that the spiritual body has a form or shape (sometimes a globular or amorphous cloud, but also sometimes essentially the same shape as the physical body) and even parts (projections or surfaces analogous to arms, legs, a head, etc.). Even when its shape is reported as being generally roundish in configuration, it is often said to

have ends, a definite top and bottom and even the parts just mentioned. Words and phrases which have been used by various subjects include a mist, a cloud, smoke-like, a vapor, transparent, a cloud of colors, wispy, an energy pattern, and also charged waves. (7-p47) These descriptions seem to be describing something very similar to the image seen in the phantom leaf effect or even the light patterns seen in regular Kirlian photography. To amplify this point, the Russians have done many experiments with Kirlian photography photographing plants and animals as the physical body died. In the photographs, the Russians saw the flares and small round bubbles of light going off into space away from the physical matter and out of sight. Eventually there was no energy pattern coming from the dead plant or animal. (1-p205) Another experiment done by the Russians was done by Doctor Sergeyev. He used an electronic device to detect magnetic fields. He set up various detectors several feet around the body of a dying individual. No brain waves or other life functions were being recorded from the body. Shortly after the patients death, his equipment detected a pulsating electromagnetic field. His conclusion was that some sort of energy was leaving the deceased individuals body. (1 -p72) Other descriptions from people, mentioned by Doctor Moody, were that their spiritual body moved through other three-andfourdimensional objects with no difficulty at all. Others mention a sensation of weightlessness. One individual thought his body was the shape of a small round ball. This description sounds similar to what we have seen as ball lightning. Is it possible that under the right conditions, if a sixth-dimensional being who possesses a great amount of potential dies, his soul can appear in our dimension as ball lightning? You will also notice by the various descriptions of the shapes that these spiritual bodies have many different forms, usually round. As we mentioned earlier, objects in the third dimension are actually thought forms. It seems that this postulate would hold true for the second dimension and most likely for our dimension. After all, in the Bible it does say, And God said: Let us make man in our image after our likenesses. Genesis 1.26. In other words, the reason the forms of these souls vary so much is because they represent the thought forms of the individual. What they are perceiving is the information that makes up just the conscious entity part of their information.

The Mind
The previous section is strong evidence that our entire thinking process is done in the diehold. In fact, it is possible that all of our information-gathering is done in the diehold. This is obviously a revolutionary idea, but if you consider the psychic phenomena previously mentioned involving people communicating with other people and interacting with the domains of information around them, it seems to be the only conclusion we can come to, like it or not. The best evidence to prove our point is from people that come back from the dead. One of them described her con sciousness as follows, My thought and my consciousness were just like they are in life, but I just couldnt figure all this out. (7-p42) Another said: I was still thinking just like in physical life. Another said: Things that are not possible now are then. Your mind is so clear. It is so nice. My mind just took everything down and worked everything out for me the first time, without having to go through it more than once. Doctor Moody concluded from his many interviews that people said they were able to think more clearly and rapidly than when they were alive. (7-p50) This is because when our conscious existence is being modulated and superimposed onto the physical information that makes up our body, there is a great deal of noise from the information that makes up just our body. This noise distorts much of the information we receive from the diehold. Many of the people mentioned that their vision was much better in the two-dimensional state. Some said they were able to see very far, and other said they had zoom lens-type vision. Others said they were able to see anywhere. This is because they were perceiving their visual impressions strictly from the diehold. Obviously, they could not physically see in this dimension, since they had no eyes. All they were, basically, was a modulated conscious ball of potential. The reason they were able to see was because they perceived the domains of information around them in the diehold. To make an analogy from this, let us say that it is like Gellers ability to drive blindfolded or the Bulgarian psychic, Vanga Dimitrovas ability to see peoples images and past, even though she is blind. This is also similar to why people are able to see without their eyes.

These people also claim that their hearing is much better than it is when they are alive. Many say they were able to hear voices and sounds and even pick up the thoughts of people around them. One person said she was able to hear what a person was saying a moment before their mouth moved physically. (7-p52) The last observation again proves that these spirits (two-dimensional beings) were not actually hearing sounds. What they heard was actually the thought forms of the living conscious entities on which they were concentrating. Others mention that there was no language barrier. When a foreigner spoke, they were still able to understand what he said. This seems to prove our point that all thoughts are translated into one universally understood form. It is similar to the psychic who is able to command a person to go to sleep, or Gary Sultans ability to communicate with an African violet. In other words, communication among all conscious intelligences in the diehold is in the same form. We realize that most people may not be interested in the theoretical applications of our theory to the fields of electronics, nuclear physics, astronomy, and crystalography; but when a theory is able to logically explain not only the fields of psychic phenomena but also what is reported back by people who have died, we may possibly be dealing with a far greater truth than even the authors of this book expected originally.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ostrander, S., and Schroeder, L., Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain (N.J., Prentice -Hall, Inc., 1970). Edwards, F., Stranger than Science (N.Y., Lyle Stuart, 1959). Edwards, F., Strange World (N.Y., Lyle Stuart, 1964). Puharich, Andrija, Uri: A Journey of the Mystery of Uri Geller (N.Y., Bantam Books, 1974). Geller, Uri, My Story (N.Y., Praeger Publications, 1975).


6. 7. 8. 9.

Krippner, S., and Rubin, D., (ed.), The Kirlian Aura (N.Y., Anchor Book, 1974). Moody, Raymond Jr., M.D., Life after Life (N.Y., Bantam Books, 1975). Cooke, J., (National Enquirer, July 20, 1976, p. 3). Santorelli, L., Mind-Bending With Uri Geller (Los Angeles, Los Angeles Times, Oct. 19, 1975, Part 4, p. 4).

Halevi, Z. S., Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree (N.Y., Samuel Weiser Inc., 1974). Kerrell, B., and Goggin, K., The Guide to Pyramid Energy (Santa Monica, Pyramid Power V, Inc., 1975).

Saratt, J., Geller Performs for Physicists (Science News, vol. 106, p. 47, July 1974).
Trotter, R., (Science News, vol. 104, p. 300, Nov. 10, 1973). Weil, A., (Psychology Today, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 45-50, June).



The reason for understanding what crystals are and how they function is because they are the basic building blocks of the third dimension of inanimate objects. Since they are the basic building blocks of matter, by studying them we begin to get an idea of how the information is modulated into this dimension. Remember crystals are not just inanimate objects, but are the product of thought forms. An understanding of crystals, we feel, should also give us a better insight into how the universe works.

Basic Background
Some untold thousands of years ago, women realized that they like to wear or possess brightly-colored stones. 150 years ago, the Germans began to make a scientific study of crystals so they could facet the stones to bring out the maximum brilliance in them. As their study of crystals progressed, they realized that man could grow his own crystals and, sometimes, produce stones more perfect than nature. The possibility that man could produce rare precious

gem stones, at much less cost than finding them in nature, excited many scientists with ideas of great wealth. The obstacle in their way was that they had to know much more about the internal structure and chemical composition of crystals in order to produce man-made gemstones. Unfortunately, mans reasons for studying crystals have not progressed much farther. He has found many mor e reasons to study these little building blocks of nature. Some of these reasons are in the chemical industry, where it is very important to grow crystals of a specific size and at a fast, economical rate. Crystals are also used in the electronics industry for timing and frequency standards. Crystalography (the study of crystals) is also an important part of metallurgy, since after all, under an electron microscope cast metals are seen as many very small crystals arranged randomly. The cooling process affects the size of the metals crystals, which in turn affects the strength of the overall metal object.

Crystal Description
The first thing to be said about crystals is that it is a total phenomenon why each element tends to grow to specific shapes with the angles being the same for each element. Crystals are solid figures with six or more sides. Well-formed crystals usually have smooth, mirror-like sides (Figures 9.1 to 9.5). The first question an inquisitive mind must ask is: How can an inanimate object with no intelligence of its own know what shape and angle it should form? We have read many mineral and crystalography books, and none of them attempts to answer that particular question. Some books do a good job of quantifying the crystal shapes and angles that each element and mineral takes, but cannot explain why each takes any particular form. What these books do is avoid the question completely. Per our theory of multidimensional reality, all information that makes up the universe exists or is stored in the first dimension. The information is transmitted from the diehold to the second dimension (the transmission dimension). As the information (which is now frequencies) that makes up that element modulates itself to form the third dimension, it manifests itself as a specific vector

- .0





Figure 9.1 Drawing of the Isometric Crystal System

angle of energy which becomes a specific atom. A good analogy would be a laser hologram, which forms an image of an object with three-dimensional qualities to the picture. The only thing the hologram does not do is have the capability to create the matter part of the picture. Since each element has its own specific group frequency (vector angles of energy), it attracts its like elements when their vector angles line up. When a number of these atoms link up together, they form what crystalographers call the unit cell, which is thought by scientists to be the basic building block








Figure 9.2 Drawing of the Tetragonal Crystal System

of the crystal. As you can see by our theory, the basic building block is a single atom. Other scientists (Burton, Cabrera, and Frank - 1951), through careful analysis, have concluded that the nucleus of the atom is not circular but some type of polyhedren (Figure 9.6). So now we have an atom that has two parts to its existence; one is its physical shape, which is the vector angle of mass, and the other is the specific frequencies for that element. At












Figure 9.3 Drawing of the Hexagonal and Trigonal Crystal systems









Figure 9.4 Drawing of the Orthorhombic and Monoclinic crystal systems




Figure 9.5 Drawing of the Triclinic Crystal systems

this point, we must add that there is not just the frequency of the element being transmitted, but also a carrier wave that might be more important than the other frequencies. In this section on crystals, we see evidence in this dimension of the carrier wave and the shape it forms. It is generally accepted the crystal shape is dependent on five factors:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The rate of growth. The diffusion of the growing solution. The type of solvent the crystal is grown in. The crystals proximity to other crystals and the walls of the growing area, and Its internal structure.

Scientific thinking today does not even consider that matter is made up of information that exists in another dimension. Since

Figure 9.6 Drawing of the different types of six-sided molecular cells

they dont know this, they have given explanations that are only partially true, if observed from this dimension. Factors one and five should be combined since the atomic density or saturation of the element is directly proportional to the growth rate, down to one percent saturation. Scientists have performed experiments with iodine crystals in a slightly saturated vapor at O C. It was noted that the growth rate was proportional to the saturation percentage, down to one percent: below that there was.a drop-off, but not very sharp. The optimum growth rate of crystals will occur when the atom has a little more poten266

tial than when it is in a crystal state but should not have too much potential, because in such a condition its vector angle will not be the same as when it is in the solid crystal state; therefore the vector angles will not line up. In 1922 a scientist by the name of Volmer did experiments on the growth patterns of thin plates of mercury crystals grown from a vapor. He observed that the absorbed, or first layer of molecules of mercury, diffused along the surface of the crystal with considerable ease. It was also found that the only way to explain the faster growth of the main faces of the crystal was if there was a surface flow of considerable magnitude. The question left unanswered is: what caused the surface flow? Per our theory, the surface flow is due to that additional potential which that first layer of molecules has. When the mercury atom is in the vapor state, it is too hot or has too much potential; therefore, its frequency is higher than when it is part of a solid. As it begins to lose potential, its frequency comes down; it is now able to combine with other mercury atoms to form a crystal. When the mercury atom comes close enough to the crystal (Figure 9.7), the information that makes up that crystal pushes the information that makes up the single atom until it comes in contact with the crystal itself. At this stage scientists know there is a movement of atoms around the surface of the crystal to the right spot to grow a specific crystal shape. The question scientists wonder about is: why does that atom go to that correct space? This selective movement implies some kind of intelligence. Per our theory, this is the first big proof of the existence of the carrier wave and, more importantly, the shape of the diehold. Keep in mind that the diehold is like a computer, transmitter, and antenna all in one. The signal is being transmitted off the sides of the diehold. From this concept, we can now make an analogy with antenna theory. It is a proven observation that when we have a verticallypolarized transmitting antenna (electrical lines of force being transmitted vertically, and magnetic lines of force being transmitted horizontally), we can tell by our receiving antenna how our transmitting antenna is polarized. When our receiving antenna is polarized in the same direction as our transmitting antenna, the signal will be much stronger than if it is perpendicular to the transmitting antenna. Relating this to the signal coming from the


Figure 9.7 Enlarged surface of a Mercury Crystal showing the mercury cells being directed to their proper locations

diehold, the carrier wave that makes up that crystal is phased in the same way as the sides of the diehold, which is acting as the antenna. There really isnt a receiving antenna in this dimension, but the crystal or any other matter is the modulation point for the signal. As the signals modulate themselves into our dimension, they try to form the same shape as the transmitting antenna, which is the diehold. We theorize that if the only signal modulating was the carrier wave, then the shape would be an octrahedron crystal based

on pi; but since there are other frequencies that form the elements, all the frequencies together form a third frequency (called hetrodyning), which manifests itself to another vector angle of energy. This, in turn, forms the specific angles of the crystal. Each element has its own specific angles to its crystal shape. No two elements of crystals are exactly alike. Getting back to that first layer of mercury atoms on the crystal, the reason they go to the correct position is because the collective signal that makes up the larger crystal body has greater amounts of information going to certain faces of the crystal. These faces are called the growing faces and grow at a much faster rate than do the other sides. Crystalography theory proves our idea that the octahedron crystal is the most perfect crystal. This theory will be covered more completely in the next section on the internal structure of the crystal. For now, we will state briefly that the scientists conclude that the side of the octrahedron crystal, which is abbreviated (111), is the simplest to grow; the molecules have the strongest bonds on that (111) face; and the most freely growing face is the (111) side. What the scientists do not tell us is why the (111) face is the most freely growing face.

The Internal Structure Scientists feel that the structure of crystals give us the real reasons why different elements produce specific crystal shapes. In reality, it can only show the product of the original information that makes up that crystal. The first thing to be said about crystals is that no two are exactly alike, nor are they perfect. The acceptable theory on structure goes like this: the basic building blocks of a crystal are called cells. The cells are six-sided polyhedrons (Figure 9.6). These cell types are believed to be the basic shapes that make up all the crystals. Not all faces of a crystal have the same rate of growth. The fastest and easiest growing face is the octahedron face, also noted as (111). The (111) face is the simplest to grow because the atoms can be attached anywhere. The more sides that are attached to the main crystal, the firmer the cell is, which leads to the greatest stability. Molecules on the (111) face have three of the six sides attached and are the most firmly bonded. The first layer on a (110)

face have two bonded sides, and the first layer of a cube or other (100) face has only one bonded side. The unit cell is too small to measure its actual size, but scientists have been able to determine its angles and the ratios between the height and length. A good example is the quartz crystal, which falls into the trapezohedral class. The quartz unit cell has four sides of equal length and height with angles of exactly 60 and 120. These cells form a larger hexagon. The top of a perfect crystal looks like Figure 9.3. Most quartz crystals are not as fully developed as this, but their angle between each adjacent face is 141 47. Now you will see something very interesting. Per our theory, we would assume that a crystal might exhibit some corresponding angle to the diehold. This is because the carrier wave would try to form its own vector angle of energy. This could be, as long as the other frequencies do not hetrodyne together to form a third frequency that is too disharmonic from the original. To find that angle, you must subtract 90 from the 14147 and you get 5147 (Figure 9.8). (2 -pl3) The angle of the slope of an octahedron crystal based on pi is 5151 14.3. This is no coincidence. The difference is only 4 14.3, which, per our theory, is the difference caused by the frequencies that make up the elements that are in quartz (SiO2)

Figure 9.8 Close-up of the slope of the top of a quartz crystal


Another example of this angle coming up is dendrites of germanium. The angle of two adjoining plains is 141. To get to our angle, you must deduct 90 and you have 51. Germanium is an important element since it is used in semiconductors. Its crystal shape is octahedron. (2-pl26) There is a system of categorizing all crystal shapes; this system is called the Reciprocals of the Intercepts. This system is derived by taking the crystallographic axes and stating them as a whole number ratio to one another (Figures 9.9 and 9.10). These reciprocals of the crystal are most often used to designate the whole crystal. The crystal is measured along an imaginary XYZ axis. The ratios between the axes of the different faces are always expressed as whole numbers or zero. The numbers 0 and 1-6 are mostly used. ISOMETRIC SYSTEM (Cube System) Octahedron (111)

Rhombododecahedron or Dodecahedron(110) Cube Trisoctahedron Tetrahexahedron Trapezohedron Hexoctahedron Pyritohedrons Tetrahedron (100) (221) (210) (211) (321) (210) (111)

TETRAGONAL SYSTEM First order prism Second order prism Ditetragonal prism First order pyramid Second order pyramid Ditetragonal pyramid (110) (100) (210) (111), (223), (221), etc. (101), (203), (201), etc. (421), (321), (122)

HEXAGONAL SYSTEM Base Prism of the first order Prism of the second order Dihexagonal Prism Pyramid of the first order Pyramid of the second order (0001) (1010) (1120) (2130) (1011), (2021), etc. (1122)

Dihexagonal Pyramid Rhombohrdron

(2131) (1011)


Macropinacoids Brachypinacoid Rhombic Pyramids Macropyramids Brachypyramids Hemimorphic class (100) (010) (111) (214), (213), (212), (421), etc. (123), (122), (121), (241) (100), (010), (001), (101)

Orthopinacoid Clinopinacoid Basal Pinacoid Hemipyramids (100) (010) (001) (321)

Positive Rhombohedron Negative Rhombohedron Scalenohedron Negative Scalenohedron Second order Pyramid (1011) (0111) (2131) (1231) (2243)

Macropinacoid or a-pinacoid Brachypinacoid or b-pinacoid Base or c-pinacoid (100) (010) (001)

The octahedron or pyramid shape shows up in several crystal categories. The above seven groups are all the crystal groups found in nature. The tetrahedron has the same (111) notation as the octahedron shape, but it is different in two most important aspects: one, the tetrahedron is not summetrical when it is turned 90 on its axis. The second reason is that the tetrahedron is an incomplete and imperfect crystal form. In the illustration Figure 9.11, we see that there is an octrahedron crystal inside. In summary, this section on the internal structure has told us that the octahedron crystal shape is the most perfect of all the crystal shapes. The (111) faces are the fastest-growing sides with the greatest surface flow of energy. There are very similar angles that come up among crystals that are similar to the angles of an octahedron crystal based on pi; and, finally, the only crystal shape with perfect internal symmetry is the octahedron shape.


The most widely used method of determining a crystals symmetry is called the Millers system of Indices. These indices are the ratios of the axial intercepts of the sides expressed as rational numbers. Most crystal systems are visualized as having three axis, x y z. The hexagonal system has four axes with the addition of another horizontal x axis. To determine the indices each side is measured from the axial center of the crystal (0). Side ABC intercepts the x y z axes four units from the center. Since the indices are relative measurements of one sides three axial intercepts, the 4x: 4y: 4z is simplified as 1:1:1 or 111. Side ABD would be expressed as 112. Side EF intercepts only the x- and y axes so we would express this side as 1 1 0. Sides G through K intercept only one side so their notation indicates only the one axis it intercepts. Figure 9.9 Diagram explaining Crystallographic Axial ratios and Indices

Figure 9.10 Diagram explaining Crystallographic Axial ratios and Indices

Figure 9.11 Drawing of a Tetrahedron crystal with an Octahedron crystal inside.


The Third Factor, The Growing Solvent. The reason the growing solvent has an effect on crystal shapes is simple. When growing a crystal of a specific element or mineral, we must keep in mind that it possesses a unique group of frequencies. When we put these elements in with another group of elements, the growing solution, there will be some kind of mixing or hetro-dyning of these frequencies, which will change the vector angles. This mixing, we feel, is the only logical explanation of why, if we grow the same element under the exact same conditions and the only variable changed is the growing solution, we will come up with two different shaped crystals. Scientists have no theory as to why the shape changes, they just know it will change. The Fourth Factor: Proximity to Other Crystals and the Sides of the Container. The explanation for this is the same as for the growing solvent. The vector angles of different elements can be very easily disturbed when they come too close to other elements of different frequencies. The Last Factor: Diffusion of the Growing Solution. The growing solution is the suspended element or molecule we wish to grow into a crystal. If there are more molecules of an element in an area, there will be faster growth, since there will be more available atoms to attach to the surface of the crystal than in an area of low concentration. We have now given a basic background of crystals and their structure and have also explained that the octahedron crystal is the most important crystal of the whole group. We have presented some proof of this by showing that there-is a perfect mathematical symmetry in the octahedron shape and that there is an unusual growing characteristic associated with that crystal shape that no other shape has. But, one of the most thought-provoking points is that 82 percent of all the good conductors of electricity (.10 and more microhms) form or can be cleved into octahedron crystals when grown in perfect conditions.
They include:



Silver Copper Gold Aluminum

.616 .593 .42 .382




Rhodium Sodium Calcium Molybdenum Iridium Tungsten Nickel Potassium Lithium Iron

.22 .218 .218 .19 .189 .181 .145 .143 .108 .10

The following is a list of other good conductors of electricity that dont normally grow to octahedron crystals by themselves, but, combined with another element, will become an octahedron crystal when grown in ideal conditions.

Magnesium Zinc Cobalt Cadmium Ruthenium

Magnesioferrite Gahnite Linnaeite Cadmium Oxide Laurite

Mg Fe204 Zn A1204 C03S4 Cd 0 RuS2

.224 .167 .16 .146 .10

Other elements that fall into the above category but are not very good electrical conductors are:
Sulpher - Will form acute pyramids

Chlorine Antimony Arsenic

Sylvite Senarmontite Arsenolite

K Cl Sb2O3 As2O3

Other elements that do form octahedron crystals when grown in ideal growing conditions are the following: (Many are conductors of electricity and are important to everyday life.)

Carbon Chromium

.057 .078




Germanium Lead Manganese Oxygen Palladium Platinum Strontium

.022 .046 .054 .00006 .093 .095 .043

This is not a complete list of all elements that form octahedron crystals, because very little has been studied about what crystal shapes different compounds take; nor is there yet much interest in the field. Special mention must be made of magnetite (Fe 3 04) (loadstone). This mineral is mostly iron and is the only natural magnet found on the planet. Magnetite is also the most common type of iron found in meteorites. It is interesting and thought-provoking that the only natural magnet should be found as an octahedron crystal. The reason for this is very logical, if you explain it using our theory. If magnetism is mostly the carrier wave, then the shape it will produce will be the octahedron shape. There is no other theory in science that explains this phenomenon.

Crystals and Batteries Nickel cadmium batteries exhibit a very unusual phenomenon that also proves our theory. These batteries are rechargable. If these batteries are not completely discharged and recharged again to their maximum storage capacity, they develop a memory. What will happen is the battery will only charge up to the last charge level. Lets say we charged the battery to only 70 percent of its capacity repeatedly; what would happen is that the maximum we could then charge that battery would be 70 percent. No one in the industry knows why this happens, but they have directly correlated this occurrence with microscopic crystals that grow between the plates of the battery. These crystals align themselves perpendicular to the flow of current. The crystal shapes depend on the elements used in the battery. Many of the crystal shapes are flat, six-sided dendrites, but other shapes have been found. It has been

observed that these crystals develop a memory capable of regulating the amount of charge the battery can take. This shows that crystals have the capability of storing and regulating information passing through them or in their vicinity. You will notice from the previous lists of elements that they include most of the metals in the universe. You will also notice that the most important elements that make up life, such as oxygen, are included in these lists. Scientists may disagree with some of our ideas or examples, but they cannot explain by using their laws of physics why so many elements form octahedron crystals and that they should be good conductors of electricity.

Snow Crystals Snow crystals are predominantly made up of H20 with trace amounts of other elements. We have all heard that no two snow crystals are exactly alike, and if you have seen photos of snow crystals with their beautiful designs, you would agree. The best book in which to see photos of thousands of snow crystals is Snow Crystals by W. A. Bently and W. J. Humphreys. When studying the snow crystals, we observe that they fall into two basic shapes (Figure 9.12). We must add that they are the basic shapes for snow crystals that fall below the polar regions. In the polar regions there is a third type, the octahedron crystal. These octahedron crystals produce the most unusual halos of unusual radii in the sky. (3) The variety of snow crystal designs is due to the rate of growth and the trace elements captured in the crystal. Small and simple snow crystals are due to slow growth, and complex designs are due to fast growth. The slow growth crystals are usually perfect hexagonal plates and develop in very cold weather. The fast growth crystals have six equidistant and equal length spokes growing from a common center. This type of crystal is the most common for the lower latitudes. Both types of crystals have the same angles of growth. The first question to ask is why should snow crystals take this type of crystal shape? After all, it is just water, the most common molecule on the surface of the earth; it has no special shape when it is a liquid, so why should it take this shape? Scientists have also wondered the same thing; but they dont mention it in their books

Figure 9.1 2 Photos of various snow crystals


on the subject because they dont know the answer-just as they dont know the answer to why the other elements in the universe take specific crystal shapes. Now we will attempt to explain why snow crystals take these shapes. First of all, we must restate one of our assumptions; that every element in the universe has its own specific group of frequencies. These frequencies manifest themselves in a specific angle. Now, lets look at the water molecule. It is made up of two hydro gen atoms having an atomic weight of 2.016. The crystal shape of H is theorized to be hexagonal, but no hydrogen crystal has ever been produced because man has never been able to produce absolute zero. The other element in water is oxygen, with an atomic weight of 16 or 89 percent of the weight of the water molecule. It is logical to say that oxygen will have the biggest influence on the shape of the water crystal. The most perfect crystal shape of oxygen is an octahedron. Why are the snow crystals that fall on most of the earth basically flat hexagonal shapes? Because they are flat three-dimensional representations of an octahedron crystal. As shown in Figure 9.13, if you draw straight lines connecting alternating points of the hexagonal shape, you will first see two triangles forming a Star of David within the larger shape. When you look closer, you will notice you are actually looking at an octahedron crystal (Figure 9.14). You are looking down at it, perpendicular to one of its sides. So now you know, when you are looking at an hexagonal snow crystal, you are actually looking at the silhouette of the octahedron crystal out of phase 45 degrees. They only grow as thin plates because these crystals are not exactly being grown in the most stable conditions when they are falling for thousands of feet. The crystal planes that can grow are the ones that can make the strongest atomic bonds. We are not yet done with our discussion of snow crystals because these crystals are telling us something very important about existence and about this planet. First of all, when a crystal grows to a specific shape, it is implied by its actions that something is instructing it to take that shape. There is an intelligence implied in the shape of that crystal and in the shapes of all crystals. Again we see evidence that matter is the product of thought forms produced in the diehold. If this theory is correct, we would expect to see the most perfect crystals in places where the carrier wave is the strongest in our dimension. The two places where this carrier wave

Figure 9.14 Drawing of an Octahedron crystal looking down on it at a 45 degrees angle

Figure 9.13 Drawing of a hexagon showing it is really a two-dimensional representation of an octahedron crystal.


is the strongest are the north and south poles; and, indeed, we do find that the most perfect snow crystals (octahedron crystals) fall only at the polar regions.

The Star of David We have noticed a definite connection between the Star of David and the octahedron crystal shape (Figure 9.13). This connection is logical once we study what the Star of David represents. For one thing, this star predates David by many thousands of years. The star was used by both the ancient Jews and nonJews. The teachings of the Kabbala say that the center of the star represents the limitless light which is also the dimensionless point which is between the manifest and unmanifest of our existence. The Kabbalists do not explain this meaning further in scientific terms, but they are hinting at the same thing that we are saying: that existence is someplace else. Primitive man did not come to this idea by himself. To discover it on his own, he must have evolved to a certain scientific level, which primitive man had not. Either ancient man was told by highly advanced beings from this planet or from another, or ancient man was told by a Divine Being. To make our point, it does not matter who told man; but rather what he was told. If you were a highly advanced intelligence many millions or even billions of years ahead of time of the primitive people you were visiting, and you wished to leave them with something very important, you would tell them something about their own existence-about the most important secret of the universe. It would be unimportant to you whether that generation or the 200th generation figured it out. The important thing is that they be given the secret. The form that you would give this knowledge would probably be a symbol. Writing would probably be changed through many rewritings over the years; and also most of the people you were telling would be illiterate so the information would not be widely desseminated. The best way to get your message over would be as a symbol that is easily reproducible, such as a star. There are further philosophical points to be made on this subject, but they will be covered in Chapter 12.

Chapter Conclusion We have covered a lot of ground to prove that the octahedron crystal shape is the most important crystal shape of all, and that there is evidence of a Universal Intelligence. We have said that the octahedron shape is the only one that has internal symmetry (111) around its axes; that the octahedron shape is the most perfect of the cube crystal group. We also have to mention that the octahedron shape is the only crystal shape in which the electrical resistence tensor is the same, no matter what direction the current is flowing through the crystal. This also means that the power dissipated in an octahedron crystal is the same in any direction of the current. The structural and electrical symmetry is important to our theory, because if we say a certain structure (the diehold) is storing information and retrieving it, it is acting as a computer. In a computer like this one, where time is the speed of the information across the tapehead, it is important that the information on that time level have equal access, as like information in the system. Another way of saying this is that all information in that level, or part of time, must be able to be retrieved in equal time intervals. These crystals are not only telling us that a frequency will produce specific crystal angle, but they also reflect the shape of the structure that contains the information that makes up them and US.

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. Humphreys, W. J., and Bently, W. A., Snow Crystals (N.Y., Dover Publications, 1962). By the scientists of the Westinghouse Research Labs. Crystals Perfect and Imperfect (N.Y., Walker & Co., 1965). Bauer, Max Dr., Precious Stones (N.Y., Dover Publications, vol. 1 and 2, 1968). Bibliography

Verma, A. R., Crystal Growth and Dislocations (Butterworths Scientific Publications, 1953).

The Great Pyramid of Giza There are few wonders of the world that man can call his own. One of them is definitely the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is thought to have been built about 5,000 years ago, but in truth nobody knows how old the pyramid is; it could be 12,000 years old for all we know. It was at one time the most beautiful structure the earth had ever seen, past and present; but, unfortunately, there are unevolved beings that have no sense of beauty, no sense of whats right and wrong. These individuals removed the limestone casing stones and also vandalized the inside passages in their quest for material wealth. Much to their surprise, there were no riches in it. This was because the pyramids wealth is in the knowledge ob tained from its measurements and actual shape. In this section we will cover some of the measurements and what the pyramid shape does-the latter being the most important message of the pyramid.

Physical Dimensions
The unit of measure used predominantly in the Great Pyramid is the sacred cubit. The sacred cubit is based on the size of the earth. It is 1/10,000,000th the radius of the earth taken from the center of the earth to the poles. The radius is 3,949.89 miles or 10 million sacred cubits (one sacred cubit = 25.0265 inches). (Figure 10.1)
10,000,000 METERS

Figure 10.1 Drawing depicting the relationship of the sacred cubit to the radius and diameter of the Earth

The outside of the pyramid was covered with a white, highly polished limestone. There was a total of 144,000 of these blocks

covering an outside area of 22 acres. The pyramid was polished so that its reflection could be seen from space. These casing stones were as large as 5 feet high by 12 feet long by 8 feet wide, and weighed from 16 to 20 tons. The mean space between these blocks was 1/50th of an inch. Each block was cut with a mean tolerance of 1/100 th of an inch to form very flat plains for each of the sides. This includes the 75-inch-long slope side. Today we cannot cut stones anywhere that size to tolerances that close, because the large diamond blades that are used to cut stones start to warp when they are used for some time and would be off by as much as one half inch. The only way those stones could have been cut was by laser. When we consider that the stones that make up the beams of the kings chamber are 27 feet long by 5 feet wide by 7 feet high, and weigh 70 tons each, how else could they have been cut? It has been calculated that there are a total of 2,500,000 blocks that make up the pyramid. The stones range in weight from 2 tons to 70 tons. It is the largest and most massive structure on the earth. The pyramid is solid stone, about 90 million cubic feet, except for the small portion that is passages or rooms. It is made up mostly of limestone, and syenite1 was used where strength was needed. All of the stone came from quarries from 15 to 500 miles away. There are two air holes connecting the kings chamber to the outside; and two air holes connecting the queens chamber to the outside. The angles of these air holes are about 30 degrees up from the rooms. These holes are about 230 feet long and are very round and of equal inside diameter the entire length of the holes. How did the ancient Egyptians, with no sophisticated drilling tools, drill through a material like syenite (hardness 6-7) for 215-235 feet and also drill exactly to where they wanted. This drilling had to have been done with a laser. The next conclusion is that it wasnt the ancient Egyptians who did the drilling. Lets go further with more facts about this pyramid. There are about 80 pyramid-type buildings or remains of pyramids in Egypt. The Great Pyramid is the oldest of them all and is in the best condition today. All the rest of the pyramids are smaller and are of inferior workmanship. The Great Pyramid is the only one with internal chambers and passageways above ground

Syenite consists of: Feldspar, hornblend with pyroxene, hardness, 6-7 Ca A12S12O8 and Na A113O8 and Ca (Mg, Fe) Si2O6


level. It is, also, the only one that has no hieroglyphics in it. Our conclusion is that the pyramid came first, then the Egyptians came and tried to duplicate the original, with or without the help of the original builders. The point has been argued about by archeologists: could the Egyptians have built it at their level of technological development? We believe not. Especially since the basic unit of measure is the sacred cubit, which is based on the radius of the earth. How could these primitive people know this information, unless they were told it by a more advanced people? The next points we wish to mention are items that the ancient Egyptians could not have known. Many of them in fact we have only discovered or calculated in this century. They are as follows: the pyramids shape is based on pi [ See Note Below]. This is to say that the height of the pyramid is equal to the radius of a circle whose circumference is equal to the circumference of the pyramid (Figure 10.2). The resulting slope of the pyramid is 51 51 14.3. Keep in mind that pi was not worked out to four places until Arya-Bhata, a Hindu scholar, came along in 500 AD. (6) We do not say that the Egyptians did not know the relationship between the diameter of

51 degrees 51 14.3
Figure 10.2 Drawing showing the pyramids relationship to a circle NOTE:

Durring 1981 We discovered that the Great Pyramids actual measurements produced an angle of 52.6. We also discovered the math formula that produced a more accruate angle and that being 52.606. The formula incorporated the invers square law with ex. We know why this angle was chosen and I will explain it in the next book. The Egyptions certinally did not kow the value of the natural log and there is no visable reason why they would build such a massive structure based on ex. I will publishing the formula in my next book and explain why it was built with these measurements. The remaining references to the pyramid angle have been corrected to the new angle of 52.606.

a circle and its circumference, but it is highly unlikely that they would have taken pi and correlated it with another geometric shape at their level of mathematics. It is even more unlikely that they would have built such a huge structure and based its shape on pi, since the later pyramids were not based on pi. The question is, why build the first based on pi and not any of the others? The conclusion is that their math had not evolved to connect pi with a geometric shape. In fact, we dont know if 5,000 years ago they even knew what pi was. Pi is one of the two most important numbers that we know of. In calculating almost anything from the movements of stars to the movements of the atom, we have to know the value of pi. The next interesting fact is that the pyramid was built so that its north side was exactly perpendicular to true north. This doesnt seem like a difficult task, but even today the most accurate we have been able to obtain is 6 minutes (the Paris Observatory). The pyramid today is off by 3 minutes; but this is probably due to the continental drift over the last 5,000 years. The pyramid was placed in the exact center of the worlds land mass. If we draw a longitude (north -south) through the pyramid and a latitude (east-west) through it also, we will have divided the earth into four equal parts of land and water. There is no way the Egyptians could have known about this unless they were as technologically advanced as we are today. The pyramid also has concealed in its measurements the average elevation of the earth above sea level. The elevation has been calculated by computer to be 455 feet. The height of the Great Pyramid is 454 feet. The ocean level has been calculated to be about 193 feet, 7 inches below the base line of the pyramid. The same number shows up if you take the circumference of the pyramid (in inches), divide by pi 1,162.6 x 2 = 2,325.2 or 193 9. Scientists have estimated the density of the earth to be 5.672 times the weight of water, at 68 F. The pyramid calculates it at 5.7 times. (7) The weight of the earth has been calculated to be 5.3 x 10 20 tons. The estimated weight of the pyramid is 5.3 x 106 tons or one thousand trillionth part of the earths weight. The pyramid also tells us that the mean distance of the earth to the sun is 93 million miles. This number is derived from the base calculations. The most recent scientific measurements put it at 92.9 million miles.

There are some more items we will briefly mention. One is that the pyramid also reveals that the true shape of the earth is not perfectly round but bulges at the equatorial regions. It also tells us the exact number of days in the solar year (365.259 days), the number of days between the equinoxes, the length of the earths orbit, and the length of the earths axis of rotation. (6) There are many angles and measurements contained in the Great Pyramid. Many of these measurements and angles have been interpreted to be physical data about this planet and our solar system. Some very good books on the subject are Life and Work at the Great Pyramid, by C. Piazzi Smyth, 1867 and Pyramidology, by Adam Ruthford, 1957. They go into the measurements in great detail. Our purpose is to tell you why the Great Pyramid is important and what the builders of this structure were telling man. With all these facts, it is evident that the ancient Egyptians could not have known this information. It is also obvious that they did not construct it either. So, now that we have been enlightened, we must ask ourselves, who did build that pyramid (and more importantly, why)? We dont know if we can ever answer the question of who built it, though we can say this for them; they were very advanced beings. As to why they built it, we dont think it was simply to tell man about his planet or solar system; that could have been done by writing such information on stone tablets-a much more efficient and direct way. No, it seems that the Great Pyramid was built as an IQ test for man to figure out its real message. The information the pyramid contains in its measurements is merely to give it credence, proof that its real message is the truth.

The Effects of the Pyramid

It is very simple to build a pyramid of your own; but you must be sure it is built to the correct proportion and angle, which is 52.606 It is a lot of fun to try experiments with it, to see how things grow inside the pyramid. A good book to learn from is The Guide to Pyramid Energy by Bill Kerrell and Kathy Goggin, (1975). This book goes into great detail about the effects that the pyramid has on plants, people, and various animals. Some of these effects are: food kept under the pyramid will stay fresh for two to

three times longer than uncovered food. Artificial flavorings in food will loose their taste, but natural flavors are enhanced. The taste of foods change; they become less bitter and acid. When we take a spectrographic reading of the treated item, it will show a change in the molecular structure. The pyramid will dehydrate and mummify things, but it will not permit decay or mold to grow. There is also a slowing or complete stopping of the growth of microorganisms. Dr. Carl Benedicks (a Swedish scientist) discovered that the pyramid produced a resonance or frequency inside. (6) Two German scientists, Born and Lertes, also discovered that this frequency was in the microwave range. Researchers say that items placed under the pyramid stay charged for various lengths of time after being taken from under the pyramid. It has been found that water keeps its charge longer than anything else. Water will loose its chlorine taste and generally tastes better. (6) Plants grown under the pyramid grow about twice as fast, in their early life, than do plants that are not grown under it. The treated young plants look healthier and have less insect damage. It has been found that a copper pyramid has the best effects and intensifies the effect on organic materials. The pyramid also has an effect on inorganic items. It is well known that razor blades are kept sharper longer if placed under a pyramid between uses. Bill Kerell is a pyramid researcher who has been doing experiments with pyramids for about 17 years. He has done many experiments using brine shrimp. Brine shrimp usually live 6 to 7 weeks; but under the pyramids, Bill has kept them alive for over a year. He also noticed that pyramid-grown shrimp grew two to three times larger than normal. Bill has also done a lot of work with humans. One of the things he and his associates have found is that hypertensive individuals become tranquilized, but lethargic people become energetic again. Alot of work has been done with individuals who meditate. It has been found that the theta and alpha brain waves are increased. These frequencies are also higher and the signal strength is twice the amplitude of normal. The most common effects that meditators say happen to them when they are under the pyramid are: a sense of weightlessness; a time distortion, both of speed and slowing down; a tingling sensation on the skin, similar to that of mild electricity; an increase in the skin temperature; a tranquilizing

effect on the nervous system; a deeper dropping off in the transcendental state; and finally, very graphic dreams in vivid color. Pyramids have also been experimented with by doctors. Bill has been told by a doctor from a Canadian hospital that they tried using a pyramid in their burn ward. The results were that after being under the pyramid for a few minutes, the patients pain started to go away. They also found that the burn areas healed much faster. The preceding are only some of the effects of the pyramid shape. Keep in mind that all these effects are related to each other. Now we will go thorugh the major effects and explain them with our Theory of Multidimensional Reality. No other theory from science or the occult field can explain what this energy is and how it affects objects. The first thing we notice about the pyramid is that it puts things back the way they are supposed to be; it makes things more perfect. The first thing we must ask ourselves is how does an object know to change its condition to a more perfect state than before? To explain this is simple, using our theory. To restate it, the information that makes everything up in the universe exists somewhere else (in the first dimension); and the shape of the diehold (where the information is stored) is an octahedron based on pi. As explained in the chapter on crystals, as the signal is modulated into this dimension, it is made up of several parts. One part is the more important carrier wave the other is the signal that makes up the element. As these frequencies take shape, or modulate, they form a vector angle of energy that is a physical representation of the frequency. The one frequency that is common with all elements is the carrier wave. The vector angle of energy formed by the carrier wave frequency is 52.606. So when we build a pyramid with this angle, we are building a copy of the diehold (more technically it should be considered a tuned circuit). This pyramid we have built is both a transmitter and receiver in one. This is why we can build a pyramid out of any material, and it will work. The elements in the material used for the pyramid start to oscillate. It is true that metal pyramids give greater readings and better results but that is because, as shown in the part on minerals, all of the most commonly used metals form octahedron crystals in their natural states. This means that the frequencies of

these elements are relatively harmonic to the basic carrier wave. They are also good conductors of electricity, which means that they transfer information better than others. When an object is placed inside the pyramid, it receives the information that makes it up on a stronger or amplified basis. It makes no difference what is put into it. The razor blade will stay sharp because the information that makes up those microscopic metal crystals will try to remain in their original shape by trying to move atoms to the areas worn away. This is the same thing mentioned in the crystal growing chapter. The microwave frequencies mentioned earlier are either part of this carrier wave frequency or a product of it. This frequency raises the potential of the elements and, so to speak, charges them. When the water is being charged, it is actually the oxygen molecule that is being charged, since the oxygen molecule is the element in the water that forms the octahedron crystal. We theorize that the oxygen vectors realign themselves when under the pyramid. Scientists have confirmed what we are saying; they see a change in the molecular structure of the water, but they dont know why. (6) The same explanation can be applied to the plants and the food placed under the pyramid. If the plant is growing under the pyramid, it is receiving amplified information of its self. The stronger the signal, the more energy the plant has. The more the information it receives about itself, the less chance for-imperfections in its construction, which would cause disease,, mold, or other organisms to attack it. The increased signal in humans shows up in the fact that the theta and alpha brain waves increase in both frequency and amplification. The reason people heal faster under the pyramid is for the same reason. We receive the signal that makes us up stronger. If we have an infection on a part of our body, what is happening is that the information that makes up that part of our body is being interfered with by the information that makes up the infection or the cancer. What the pyramid does is increase the signal that makes us up. The disease goes away because, in the diehold, the domains of information that make up man are not supposed to include the information that makes up the disease. The result is that the information that makes up the body overcomes the signal that makes up the disease.

Time Phase Shaft If our theory is correct about the pyramid, we should be able to detect a time phase shift from our normal reality. Our assumption was proven in 1968 by Dr. Luis Alvarez and a distinguished team of scientists. They were trying to find any hidden chambers inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. The technique they used was to record millions of cosmic rays that passed through the pyramid. The cosmic rays lose energy in direct proportion to the amount of mass they must pass through. By using a computer to extrapolate the information, they could determine the inside and outside shape of the pyramid. When they first played the tape at the University of Cairo, the information clearly showed the locations of the sides, corners, and other outside features but did not indicate any new chambers inside. When they played the tape on another computer to test the results, they came up with a different pattern than before. The important features that should have shown up were missing; when they sent a copy of the tape to Berkeley, California, they came up with different results every time they ran the tape. Their conclusion was that there is a substantial error in the geometry of the pyramid which affects the computer program, or there are energy forces present in the pyramid that defy explanation by our laws of physics. (6-pl64) The explanation to what happened is that the computer and recording device inside the pyramid had a time shift. The internal clock in the computer was off, so it did not properly transfer information from the core area to the tape storage device. This time shift was then recorded on the tape. Every time the tape was replayed, it duplicated the time shift; thereby giving different results every time. This effect is of the same type as Uri Gellers effect on computers; as we say, everything in the universe is related. We said at the beginning of this chapter, we would tell you why the Great Pyramid was built. The reason is now quite obvious: the builders were telling us the most important secret about our own existencethat the information that makes up everything exists in a structure like the pyramid. Do not think that the Great Pyramid in Egypt is the only one like it on earth. There is an even larger pyramid in China near the border of India and Russia; not much is known about it except that it is at least twice as large as the one in Egypt. The reason so

little is known about it is because the Chinese wont let anyone near it; and it is also hard to get close to it because it g ives off a great deal of energy. There are another two on the Yucatan Penninsula of Mexico, near the town of Palenque. They were discovered by the French explorer, Waldeck, about 1850. He described them as having been, at the time, in a perfect state of preservation; square at the base, pointed at the top, and thirty-one feet high; their sides forming equilateral triangles. As far as we know, no other explorer has been able to confirm his discovery, because the area near Palenque is dense jungle. If these pyramids could be rediscovered, it would mean that they would be the only two Egyptian-type pyramids in all of the America still existing today.

Pyramids on Mars
If there is still doubt in your mind about the importance of the pyramid, this should end it. On the Mariner 9 flight to Mars in 1971, Mariner 9 photographed two pyramids on Mars (Figure 10.3). They are estimated to be 9,800 feet across at the base and 6,300 feet high. It is generally accepted that these are not natural formations. What then are they? You will notice that they are threesided and not very well defined, unlike the pyramids we have been describing here on earth; but they are the same four-sided pyramids. The key to their present day appearance is the fact that there are estimated to be winds of about 300 miles per hour on the surface of Mars. As we know from the Viking 1 and 2 flights, there is lots of sand and dirt particles in the Mars atmosphere. We also know that if there was life on Mars, it must have existed there many millions of years ago. So what has happened is that the sand has built up on three sides of the pyramids, making them appear threesided. The mound on the right might also be another pyramid, since it is in line with the others; and it is equidistant from the others. It might have been damaged over the years. To test our theory, we formed a regular pyramid out of damp sand. We placed dry sand in front of the pyramid to act as the sand and dirt in the air. Then we directed a stream of air from a vacuum exhaust toward the pyramid, also sprinkling more sand in front of the jet of air. The result was that the sand built up in front like a wedge and also in the back, just as in the pictures of Mars.

Figure 10.3 Photo of the pyramids on Mars sent back by Mariner 9. Courtesy of NASA.


The conclusion of all this is that the pyramid shape is an impor tant stage in civilizations evolution to understanding what mans existence is all about. It can also be said that these massive structures, both on Earth and on Mars, had a specific function for the builders, which was important enough for them to spend great amounts of time and resources on them.

Other Pyramids and Mounds Found on the Earth

In doing our research for this section, we came across information about other types of pyramids made of dirt. Many of them were found with vaults or rooms inside, with and without skeltons in them. These pyramids and mounds were literally found all over the world. To quote Sir John Lubbock, a famous 19 th century archeologist:
In our own island the smaller tumuli may be seen in almost every down (hill); in the Orkney alone it is estimated that more than two thousand still remain, and in Denmark they are even more abundant; they are found all over Europe from the shores of the Atlantic to the Ural mountains; in Asia they are scattered over the great steppes, from the borders of Russia to the Pacific ocean and from the plains of Siberia to those of Hindustan; the entire plain of Jellabad is literally covered with tumuli and mounds. In America they are to be numbered by thousands and tens of thousands; nor are they wanting in Africa, where the pyramids exhibit the most magnificent development of the same idea; indeed, the whole world is studded with the burial places of the dead. Many of them, indeed, are small, but some are very large. The mound on Silbury hill is the highest in Great Britain; it has a height of 187 feet. Though it is evidently artificial, there is some doubt whether it is sepulchral. (2 -p60)

We dont want to forget the hundreds of steeped pyramids that were found in Central and South America, many of which had sides aligned to the four corners of the compass. At first we were debating whether we should include a description of these mounds and pyramids in this book, since it did not seem on the surface that it would help to explain the Theory of Multidimensional Reality; but as we read these descriptions of pyramid mounds, a

very important clue about what had happened on this planet came through loud and clear. If we could explain a phenomena that happened on this planet many thousands of years ago, using our Theory of Multidimensional Reality, we would have indirectly proved an important part (Astronomy Section) of the theory. As you read this section, ask yourself these questions: How did primitive people all over this planet know to build pyramids at about the same time in history? Why was it so important to them that they would devote a great deal of time, effort, and natural resources to their construction? The archeologists say that they were burial mounds for important people in the society. Our answer is that it might be true for some of the more recent mounds; but since there are so many all over the world, it is highly doubtful that they were all burial mounds. You would then be assuming that most of the cultures of the world had developed the same method for burying the dead. People cant agree on that today so why assume they would agree on it some ten to fifteen thousand years ago? Also, the archeologists would have to explain how all these different cultures, with different languages and writing, and separated by thousands of miles of ocean, were able to communicate this idea.

The Pyramids of China

The first pyramids we will cover are the ones in China. These pyramids are four-sided and are aligned to the four corners of the compass. They are made of hardened clay. They have never been excavated like the ones in Egypt or the Americas because the Chinese revere these pyramids and would never disturb them. There are two good descriptions of these pyramids in China from explorers who were in China in the latter part of the 19 th century. One of them is Francis H. Hichols. In his travels in Shensi Province, he gave this description of some of these pyramid mounds: (Figure 10.4)
Besides ruined and deserted mud villages, the only objects which broke the monotony of the landscape were mounds which dotte d the plain between Sian and fords of the Wei Ho River. The mounds were built by men, but when or for what purpose is a mystery. The mounds

Figure 10.4 Photo of pyramids in the provence of Shensi, China

were all pyramidal in shape. They were made of a kind of clay, apparently a different material from the loess of the plain.... Although the action of time and the elements had partly obliterated the former angularity of the outline of the mounds, their original shape was still plainly discernible. They were all square pyramids, about eighty feet in height from the centre of the plane of the base to the apex. The four base lines of each pyramid are of equal length, usually about 300 feet. It seemed as though an intention were apparent in their construction to have the four sides square with the points of the compass. The road from Sian to San Yuan runs directly north, and as we passed a succession of mounds on either side of it, I noticed that we were always confronted by the face of the pyramid, and never by one of its corners. The base lines of its northern and southern sides were invariably at right angles with the road. I found also that, although scattered over an area of ten square miles, the corresponding sides of any two of the pyramids always faced in the same way. Although I did not test accurately their points of direction, I am strongly of the opinion that lines drawn at right angles with the four bases of the sides of any of the pyramids would lead directly north, east, south, and west. The mounds have always been held in great veneration by the people of the surrounding country. They are situated in the midst of a plain where until the famine every square foot of ground was in demand for cultivation, yet no crop was ever sown or reaped on the sides of the


mounds. They are regarded as mysteries, and consequently it would be bad luck for any one to attempt to dig int o them. (4-p2434)

As you can see by the above description of this amateur archeologist, there were many of these very large pyramids along this road aligned to the four corners of the compass, just like the Great Pyramid in Giza. The angles are not the same as the pyramid in Giza, but this is due to the fact that they were made of dirt; and were exposed to the elements for about 12,000 years. The next pyramid in China was mentioned by Mrs. J. F. Bishop in 1900. (8) She was visiting the city of Ichang, located up the Yangtze River. She says:
On the opposite side are cliffs along the river front, backed by hills and fine mountains, among which are fantastic peaks a nd pyramids, one of them known as Pyramid Hill, exactly resembling the Great Pyramid in shape, and said to have the same height and area as its prototype. (8-pl44-5)

Please notice that the pyramids existing in China are of rather immense size. If the pyramid across from Ichang is as large as Mrs. Bishop says, it is at least 90 million cubic feet of earth. This represents an immense amount of work and natural resources for an ancient, primitive society. It is doubtful that any ruler or govern ment could convince its subjects to build such massive structures just to be a burial ground for its rulers. It seems logical that the only way a government could get its people to build such structures is if it were a life or death situation. Pyramids and Mounds of North America The next group of pyramids and mounds we will go into are the mounds of North America. American archeologists have done a marvelous job of exploring and categorizing these mounds and pyramids all over the United States. As we go through them, you will begin to see a curious observation about the layers of the mounds. Also, keep asking yourself questions, like: Why would primitive man bother to build this type of structure just for a burial?

First of all, we must determine the age of these mounds, so we may know what time spans we are dealing with relative to us. The best proof of the ages of most of these mounds are the artifacts depicting animals living at that time. The first bit of evidence we wish to mention is the elephant mound that was discovered in Wyalusing, Wisconsin (Figure 10.5). The mound was discovered in a shallow valley between two sandy ridges. It was eight feet above the water mark. The elephant mound was 133 feet long and had a trunk 31 feet long. The trunk might have been longer, but flood waters could have erroded away the end of the trunk. The only animal reasonably depicted is the extinct mastodon. (3-pl62) In Davenport, Iowa, two clay pipes were found that were in the shapes of mastodons. There were other such elephant pipes found in other parts of the country. (3-pl62) It is generally believed by anthropologists that the mammoth, mastodons, and giant ground sloths died out at the same time as the last great ice age. The next bit of evidence is that archeologists have found in several mounds the remains of mammoth or mastodon tusks that were used by mound builders for decroation or personal adornment. (3-pl53) The last important factor to determine the mounds age is the age of the skeltons found in them. Many of the skeltons were in a very advanced stage of decay, not enabling them to be preserved. With all this evidence, the only logical conclusion we can reach is that the people who built these pyramids and mounds lived before the last ice age.

Figure 10.5 Elephant mound in Wyalusing, Wisconsin


The mounds in the United States are divided into five different groups. They are the lower Mississippi Valley District, which includes Mississippi, Lousiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia; the middle Mississippi Valley District, which includes Missouri and Kentucky. These two districts are generally included together because the mounds built in the entire district are similar in construction and in the artifacts found in them. In this district were some of the best examples of mound building in North America. It is generally accepted that whatever culture started building these mounds, the knowledge for their construction came from the Gulf of Mexico and traveled northward along the Mississippi Valley. The next district is the upper Mississippi Valley District, which includes Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and Ohio. The Northern District is called the Wisconsin District and finally we have the New York District. This is not implying that mounds were found only in these states, because pyramid mounds were found in all southern and coastal Atlantic states. The first district we will cover is the lower and middle Mississippi Valley District. In Mississippi, near the town of Washington, there was discovered an incomplete pyramid measuring 600 feet x 400 feet at the base and 40 feet high (Figure 10.6). It covers nearly 16 acres of ground. Its sides are perpendicular to the four corners of the compass. Along with this large pyramid were also found nine other pyramids, as the picture depicts. Noted that all the pyramids were perpendicular to the four points of the compass. (2-pl77) Another group of pyramids in Georgia was situated 12 miles below the city of Augusta on the Savannah River. There were two mounds in an enclosure. The largest mound measured 58 feet in diameter at the summit and 185 feet at the base. Its height was 37 feet. When it was excavated, they found beneath the surface a layer of charcoal, bones, shells, ashes, and baked earth, 12 inches thick. Just east of this mound was a smaller mound measuring 114 feet in diameter and 15 feet high. (2-pl82) The next pyramid in this area is the Messir Mound. It was a four-sided pyramid, 324 x 188 feet at the base and 57 feet high. The summit platform measured 156 x 66 feet. The pyramid was situated on the summit of a hill. The pyramid was estimated to contain 75,000 cubic yards of earth. (2-pl83) As you can see by the description of these pyramids, these are all immense structures for any civilization to construct; and considering that these societies were believed to

Figure 10.6 Drawing of the pyramids near Washington, Mississippi be primitive, it is quite amazing that they would have bothered to build these structures. The next pyramid was a rectangular, flattopped pyramid, near the town of Carterville in Northern Virginia. It was ovre 60 feet high and cover three acres of land. It consisted of 4.3 million cubic feet of earth. (3-p306) Many of the pyramids found in North America had earthen walls around these pyramid mounds. One example of these is located in Bolivar County, Mississippi (Figure 10.7). There are two partially finished pyramids surrounded by a circular wall 2,300 feet in circumference and four feet high. One of the pyramids in the center is 175 feet square and 20 feet high. The other is 135 feet square and 15 feet high. There are, also, two

Figure 10.7 Pyramids in Bolivar County, Mississippi

smaller mounds in this circular area; but they are only 30 feet in diameter and five feet high; both pyramids are oriented to the four corners of the compass and are off no more than two degrees due north. At the junction of the Acatahoola, Ouachita and Tensas rivers is another group of pyramids in an enclosure containing 200 acres of land. The surrounding wall is about 10 feet high. Within the walls there are four pyramid mounds that are 100 x 300 feet at the base and 20 feet high. It should be noted that the pyramids were never completed. It appears they did not have enough time to finish their construction. An interesting question you should ask yourself is why should any primitive people want to align any buildings to the four points of the compass? There is another pyramid in the enclosure which is over 200 feet across the base and 80 feet high. This larger pyramid has two terraces. The summit looks like a flatened cone. In Madison Parish, Louisiana, some seven miles from the Mississippi River, there are seven large, regular pyramids (Figure 10.8).

Figure 10.8 Pyramids at Walnut Bayou, Madison Parish, Louisiana Two pyramids are about 225 feet long, 165 feet broad, and 30 feet high. There are several terraces on these pyramids. There are three pyramids that are connected. The central one is 96 feet square at the base and 10 feet high. The two others are 60 feet square and 8 feet high. The three are connected by a wall or terrace, 40 feet wide and four feet high. (2-pl75) There is another set of pyramids similar to the ones in Madison Parish located at Prairie Jefferson (Figure 10.9). Below is a chart of the dimensions of the pyramids at Prairie Jefferson. Going farther north, in Arkansas, at Poverty Point, along the Arkansas River, there was discovered an

A Square Pyramid ............180x135...... 5lx45 B Square Pyramid ........................210x75 C Square Pyramid ............132xl32 ....

48 5

D Square Pyramid 4
E Square Pyramid........... ......................... 135 ft Embankment, E to F. 1. F Square Pyramid........... G Square Pyramid......... H Square Pyramid........... I Square Pyramid .......... .,long, 15 60x78 60x7l 60x74 36x45 12 12 1 10 16x42 10

feet broad, 4 feet high.

Roadway is. 1050 feet long, 12 broad, 3 high. Pyramids E, F, H, 1, have terraces and same relation to the central mound. Dirt for embankments was taken from ponds. Figure 10.9 Listing of the pyramids at Prairie Jefferson, Louisiana

amazing archeological sight. It was discovered in 1953 by James A. Ford of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. It was a set of six concentric octagons. The outer ring of octagons was three quarters of a mile across. Some of these ridges were washed away by the Arkansas River some time in the distant past. It had washed away the eastern half of these ridges. Mr. Ford estimated that the total length of the original ridges would have been about 11.2 miles across. The wall was estimated to be originally six feet high by eight feet thick. It was calculated to be 530,000 cubic yards of earth. At the same archeological sight was a magnificent pyramid mound measuring 700 feet by 800 feet at the base and 70 feet high. Mr. Ford estimated it must have taken over three million man hours of labor to accomplish this tremendous feat. He also estimates that all this construction was done in one single effort. (3-p256-7) The first thing that comes to mind is that with archeological sites of these sizes found in the southern states, these may not have been a primitive peoples at all. They certainly must have had a fairly organized government able to command the loyalty of its subjects well enough to construct such mammoth sights. The citizenry and the government of the time must have had a very good reason to build these monstrous structures. It is doubtful that any kind of government could undertake this type of construction project for anything like a burial sight for a selected few or a mere temple. Considering that we estimate these structures to be at least 12,000 years old, they must have been much larger originally because of the erosion factor. Some of these large pyramids were never fully explored so there is very little information regarding the layering of these pyramids. There is much more information about layering from the middle Mississippi Valley Districts, which we will cover next. On the Little Tennessee River there were found a number of clay mounds varying in diameter from six to 15 feet. They were built in layers. Between the layers of clay were found charcoal and ashes. In the center were found a number of skeltons. In the middle Mississippi Valley District, the pyramids are characterized by stone vaults and some pyramidal mounds. In Pike County, Missouri, there were found several mounds with limestone vaults nine feet square and about three feet high (Figure 10.10). Some mounds had a passageway from the vault to the outside. There have been mounds found with two and more rec306

Figure 10.10 Drawing of stone vault found in Pike County, Missouri

tangular and oval chambers in them. There was one mound found with four rooms containing human bones and having two entrances (Figure 10.11). (2-p75) Professor Broadhead described the following about the pyramids he had found in this area:
They contain regularly built vaults, the walls being about three feet I high, enclosing a space eight feet square, with right angles. The walls were built up with a regular perpendicular face, more true to the line than many so-called masons would place them, the layers of limestone being very regular. The crypts appear to have been built above ground, and then to have been covered with earth afterwards. The vaults contained bodies in sitting posture, with knees bent, the hands resting on the knees. The vaults and openings or entrances, somewhat resembling the dolmens of Europe, though there are no such long passages as are there found. (2 -p76)

Fig. 7.
Figure 10.11 Floor plan of other stone vaults found in Pike County, Missouri


Near the town of New Madrid, Missouri, there was discovered a large elliptical mound, 600 feet in circumference, and 20 feet high; it contained a room that was lathed and plastered. The lath used no nails but rather interwoven split cane. In the room were found bones, pottery vessels, jars, grinding stones, chisels, stone axes, flint hoes, and smoking pipes. (2-p77) It is doubtful whether a primitive people would bury their dead with so many important everyday tools of life. It seems more likely, considering the construction of the vaults inside, that these mounds were built to be lived in for a certain period of time rather than for the use of a burial place. There have also been chambered mounds found in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. These mounds do not have stone vaults, but the vaults are constructed from logs and covered with poles; some also have wooden floors. The pyramids in the lower Mississippi Valley, as in Georgia, have stone vaults exclusively. Near the town of Davenport, Iowa, the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences did extensive digging to uncover many mounds found in this district. All of them are smaller than the ones described in the lower Mississippi Valley district; but since they had been so carefully explored, there is a very good description of the layering and construction of these mounds. In exploring one of the mounds, they found a foot of earth on the surface, then a layer of stones one and a half feet thick; next a foot of earth, then another layer of stones. At the depth of five feet were found eight skeltons. They were laying in a semicircle of five feet. It was evident from the condition of the bones that the bodies had been burned in a sitting posture. Along with the skeltons were found two copper axes, two small hemispheres of copper and one of silver. (1-p24-5) The largest mound in Davenport was apparently unstratified. It contained the bones of two adults and one infant at the base. Above the skeltons was a layer of ashes. There were also copper axes, copper beads, two copper stone pipes, etc., found. In this area was also found a stone heap under a layer of very hard clay. On one side of this heap, were found bones burned to lime; all of them showed marks of fire. (1-p25) Near the Mississippi River between Little Ohio River, is a group of circular mounds varying in size from 20 to 40 feet in diameter and varying in height from six to 15 feet; they are made mostly of sandy loam. The lower layers are of a hard clay mixed with

ashes, usually covering a single skelton. The relics found in them are usually stone axes, arrows, spear heads, and a few copper axes. One of the mounds in this group was 32 feet in diameter and 8 feet high (Figure 10.12). It had a circular vault. The walls were made of uncut stones laid without mortar, tapering to a point on the top. The vault contained a single skelton in a squatting position. In front of the skelton were several small vases and bowls. (1-p3l and 2-p223)
Figure 10.12 Small pyramid found near the mouth of the Little Iowa River, Iowa

We begin to notice from some of these-descriptions of the interiors that the remains are usually sitting up and have household items with them. We believe that most of these mounds were originally four-sided pyramids but have worn down greatly over the long period of time. In the southern part of Ohio, many pyramid mounds were found. Some are famous even today. A description of a particularly interesting mound in Athens County was made by Professor E. B. Andrews for the Tenth Annual Report of the Peabody Museum. He says:
This is a low mound about six feet high with a broad base perhaps 40 feet in diameter. It has for years been plowed over and its original height has been considerably reduced. My attention was drawn to this mound by the burnt clay on its top. A trench five feet wide was dug through the center. On the east side much burnt yellow clay was found, while on the west end of the trench considerable black earth appeared.... About five feet below the top we came upon large quantities of charcoal, especially on the western side. Underneath the charcoal was found a skeleton with the head to the east. The body had evidently been enclosed in some wooden structure. First there was a platform of

wood placed upon the ground, on the original level of the plain. On this wooden floor timbers or logs were placed longitudinally and over these timbers there were laid other pieces of wood, forming an enclosed box or coffin. A part of this wood was only charred, the rest was burnt to ashes. The middle part of the body was in the hottest fire and many of the vertebrae, ribs, and other bones were burnt to a black cinder, and at this point the enclosing timbers were burnt to ashes. The timbers enclosing the lower extremities were only charred. Iam led to think that before any fire was kindled a layer of dirt was thrown over the wooden structure, making a sort of burial. On this dirt a fire was built, but by some misplacement of the dirt the fire reached the timbers below, and at such points as the air could penetrate there was an active combustion, but at others, where the dirt still remained, there was only a smothered fire, like that in a charcoal pit. It is difficult to explain the existence of the charred timbers in any other way. There must have been other fires that were immediately around and above the body and many of them, because on one side of the mound the clay is burned even to the top of the mound. In one place, three feet above the body, the clay is vitrified (turned to glass). (1-p47)

Our analysis of this mound is that it was built at one time. It is illogical to think that separate fires would have been set at different levels of the mound while it was being built. Also, Professor Andrews overlooked one important fact about the burned vault. If it was meant as a cremation mound by the original builders, they would not have put a layer of clay over the wooden vault, since the clay acts as an insulator; and if the purpose of the fire was to destroy the body, the construction of the mound would have self-defeated that purpose. No culture known by anthropologists have ever made a funeral bier in this manner. The other thing that he overlooked is the kind of heat that could have caused the clay on the surface of the mound to become glass; to do this takes extended heat of over 1,100 degrees C. It is doubtful that any normal wooden fire would have created this effect. So what did cause enough heat to not only bake the surface of the mound but also any organic material that the mound had in it, including the wooden beams and the body in the vault? We conclude that only the sun during a nova could have caused such heat. Professor Andrews also made a wrong assumption when he said that the center of the vault was the hottest part of the fire.

This is not true. The hottest part of the fire was at the surface of the mound. It takes at least 1,100 C to turn clay to glass. If that same temperature was on the inside of the mound, it would have completely disintegrated both the logs and the skeltonthere would have been no remains left. It seems more logical that tremendous heat was applied to the surface. The heat traveled through the mound, burning whatever organic material was in the mound at the time of its original construction. When the heat finally reached the center, it charred and burned the wooden logs. When the temperature in the center of the vault reached a combustible temperature, it combined with the oxygen inside the room, thereby burning hotter than the dirt side of the logs. Also, what Professor Andrews describes as a coffin was really the size of a small room, large enough for one man. Another set of mounds were found at Grave Creek in Ohio. These mounds were a little unusual for Ohio, since they were built isolated on the tops of some hills and without earthen enclosures. One of the mounds was discovered to have two chambers, one above the other. Each chamber was square and contained a number of skeltons. The chambers were a series of timbers, placed on end, forming the walls of the chamber. Other timbers were placed across these upright posts to form the roof. All the skeltons were found in a sitting posture. Layers of ash were also found in the mound; but the chambers were not burned since the mound was a rather large one. (2-pl24-5) At the Scioto River, another group of mounds was discovered. They were generally 22 feet high by 90 feet at the base. Ten feet below the surface of the mound was a layer of charcoal. At the depth of 22 feet was found a framework of timber, seven feet wide by nine feet long and about three feet high. The small room was covered with unhewn logs. One room contained a single skelton. (2-pl25) This mound was also found with a layer of charcoal, which meant that the surface of the mound was exposed to a tremendous amount of heat. The organic material, when heated sufficiently, was turned to charcoal. The most spectacular group of mounds found in Ohio is in the Hopewell District. (3-p273-6) This is in Ross County. One of the mounds found was 30 feet high, 250 feet long, and 150 feet wide. It contained a vault constructed of logs, just like the other mounds. This vault contained four adult skeltons and two infants. Along

with these skeltons were found numerous ceramic bowls and ornaments of copper and silver. The most unusual part of this mound was that one of the skulls was fitted with an artificial copper nose. Copper rods were also found in this vault. It seems highly unlikely that an entire family would have died at one time and that a mound of such tremendous size would have been constructed for them. Also, it is highly unlikely that everyday living items would have been included in the mound. It seems more logical that this group of people entered that vault alive and had every intention of getting out alive and that is why their household belongings were found in the vault with them. Alarge pyramid mound in the Hopewell District was 500 feet long by 180 feet wide and 30 feet high. It contained 150 skeltons, accompanied by a large assortment of artifacts, including circular, square, and octahedron-shaped figures made of copper. There were many other household items found in this mound, including 67 copper axes (one weighing 38 pounds). It is obvious from this mound that the mound was an attempt to shelter its inhabitants from something. There were found important everyday tools that were certainly the necessities of life. It is doubtful that a primitive people would have buri ed with their dead such important tools. It is also highly unlikely that 150 people would have died at one time or that the survivors would have taken the time to build such a huge mound for 150 people. Even today when there are large numbers of deaths, they are usually burned in large biers, or placed in simple mass burials-this is because of health reasons. It seems more likely that those 150 people were alive when they entered the mound. They brought with them the necessities and tools of life. The question is why did they build such a massive structure for their temporary domicile? It is generally accepted that these mounds and pyramids were not their normal homes. They probably built log houses, just as our ancestors did some 100 or so years ago. This can be evidenced by the fact that the vaults inside were made of hewn and cut logs. We doubt seriously that these people were as primitive as archeologists lead us to believe, since they had the knowledge to implant an artificial copper nose. This implies a certain degree of skill at surgery. Also, the great abundance of copper beads and implements implies that they had a knowledge of smelting and metalurgy. The largest mound found in the United States is located near

the city of East St. Louis, Illinois. It is a terraced pyramid, measuring 1,080 feet long by 710 feet wide and approximately 100 feet high (Figure 10.13). This pyramid covers 16 acres and has approximately 21.7 million cubic feet of earth. It has just recently been explored by the Illinois State Museum. As we see by the picture, this pyramid was never finished; but if it had been we can see that it would be a regular four-sided pyramid, such as the type built in Egypt. Near this pyramid were at least 72 other large pyramids. Many were square at the base and aligned to the four points of the compass, just like the pyramid in Giza. This pyramid cannot be considered a burial mound by any stretch of the imagination. This mound was built with a specific purpose in mind, having nothing to do with the burying of the dead.

Figure 10.13 The Cahokia Pyramid on the western side of St. Louis

Another interesting mound was located in East Dubuque, Illinois. It was of medium size (Figure 10.14). The top layer was covered with a foot or ordinary soil; under that were succeeding layers of mortar containing lime. (1-p37 and 2-p224) This seems to be an attempt by the builders to make a type of cement. The outer layers were harder than the inner layers. In the center was a stone vault containing three compartments. The center compartment was approximately ten feet square, the other two approximately ten feet by two feet, and the room was approximately three feet high. The room was covered with oak logs, which had been hewn down to appear somewhat square. Over these logs was slapped a layer of hard mortar. The center room contained 11 skeltons; six adults and five children of different ages, including one infant. It was evident they had all died at the same time.

Section of mound showing vault Plan of vault Figure 10.14 Pyramid in East Dubuque, Illinois The skeltons were arranged in a circle in a sitting position against the walls. In the center of the room were numerous fragments of pottery and several drinking cups made of shells. The two smaller side rooms contained a fine, chocolatecolored dust, which gave out a sickening odor when first opened up. This pyramid is one of the best proofs that whoever built these pyramids intended them to be lived in for a period of time. The two smaller side rooms were originally filled with their food supplies; but over the thousands of years, it had decayed to this brownish earth. The key to the fact that it was food was the odor which it gave off. Organic materials, when decaying, give off various noxious gases. The pottery in the center of the room indicated that they were also filled with either water or various food stuffs. Considering the sizes of the two smaller rooms, the individuals who occupied this pyramid mound planned on using this food for a considerable period of time. It would be ridiculous to assume that this quantity of food would have been buried with already deceased individuals. The construction of the mound also indi314

cates that the builders took painstaking efforts in its construction. The layers of mortar indicate that the top layers were exposed to a great deal of heat. This is why the top surface was harder than the lower surfaces. The mortar was baked and became as hard as brick. We believe that these 11 people were alive when they entered that pyramid mound, but something killed them so fast that they still remained in their sitting posture against the walls. We believe what killed them was the nova. We do not know if the oak logs showed signs of being exposed to heat, since the original descriptions of the mound did not include their condition; but it is possible that the inside chamber could have gone to 450 degrees, which would have killed the inhabitants but not burned the logs. A mound that shows definite signs of tremendous heat was found five miles east of Moline, Illinois. It was a large pyramid, shaped more like a cone rather than having four sides. The first three feet of the mound was soil, then 22 inches of ashes and bones, then 12 inches of charcoal and bones. In the same vicinity were found seven other mounds where the bodies were found lying on their sides. All of these mounds had wooden vaults inside and exhibited the same layers of charcoal and ashes. (2-p68) If you are wondering about the top layer, it is usually ordinary top soil. This is due to many thousands of years of time decomposing the surface, along with additional layers of windblown materials. The thing you should be wondering about is what could cause that much heat over a tremendous area at about the same geological time, and is the heat connected to why all these people constructed these mounds and pyramids? The last pyramid in Illinois that we will cover was found in Beardston, Illinois. This pyramid was 30 feet high and 150 feet in diameter. It was located on the bank of a river. On the surface of the mound were found the burials of recent Indians and some Europeans. At the bottom of the mound was found a series of stone vaults. The roofs of these vaults were covered with large flat stones. The vaults were empty when they were discovered. Many of these mounds that were explored had tunnels that led to the outside. This is similar to the types of mounds found in Europe. (2-p56) Considering this mound was 150 feet in diameter, it must have also been much higher than 30 feet originally; with such a large mound and so much material between the surface of the mound and the vaults, this may shed some light on why the

vaults were found empty. It is possible that the people who built the mound survived the suns nova and left their pyramid mound when it was safe. After which they took their belongings with them, leaving the vaults empty. In the St. Louis area were found over 150 mounds of various sizes. The pyramid mounds in the Wisconsin district are of similar construction to the mounds of Ohio and Illinois and all exhibited a layer of ash and hardened clay. One group of these pyramids was located in Crawford County, Wisconsin (Figure 10.15). When one of these mounds were originally found it was 35 feet in diameter and six feet high. First was a layer of sand, next calcined bones (burned to powder or ashes), charcoal and ashes, burned hard, like brick. The next layer of clay was burned as hard as brick. The next layer was a heap of bones mixed with charcoal and ashes. The bottom was a pit filled with chocolate-colored dust. There were about seven skeltons in this mound. The vault was originally three feet high, 8 feet wide, and 12 feet long. The walls were made of flat limestone rocks. (1-p73 and 2-p225) What happened to this mound was that the surface was exposed to a great deal of heat, which turned the clay into hardened brick. The layer of clay and charcoal was the layer where the wooden roof originally was. When the wooden roof burned, it collapsed and permitted clay to cover the occupants. Another mound in this district was 70 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. The surface of this mound was of sand and loose dirt combined with burials from recent Indians. This went to a depth of about four feet. At the base of the mound were found small stone tunnels and a piece of a mammoth tusk. The layer below four feet was of a hard clay mixed with ashes. This material was different from the surrounding soil. Several of the mounds found in Grant County contained charred human bones in a vault similar to the first pyramid. Another mound in Sheboygan
Figure 10.15 Section of burial mound, Crawford County, Wisconsin


County was 50 feet in diameter and five feet high. The first 18 inches was of ordinary surface soil. The next layer was composed of earth mixed with charcoal, ashes, and loose stones. The center of the mound contained one large human skelton, sitting up holding between his hands and knees a large clay vase. Over the skeleton was an irregular layer of flat boulders, which was probably the roof of the vault. Near Indian Ford on the Rock River was found another large mound, 75 feet in diameter and 13 feet high. This mound contained a layer of ashes at least three inches thick; below the ashes was a layer of flat stones; below the stones were decayed wood and bark and below these a human skelton. (2-p73) The last mound to be covered in this section is the one discovered in Detroit. It was 700 feet long, 400 feet wide, and not less than 40 feet high. It was discovered near the Roug River. In the pyramid were found many cremated bones mixed with charcoal and ashes. There were also found many pieces of large pots and other everyday kitchen items. All the pots were found broken. (2-p74) Throughout this entire northern district there was no uniformity in the construction of the mounds. Some were solid, were stratified mounds. The skeletons in some mounds were found in a sitting posture, in others, lying down. Some mounds contained stone-walled vaults, others contained wooden vaults. Some had obvious passageways to the outside, others didnt. The one thing they all exhibited was a definite layer of charcoal or ashes. In other words, all these mounds and pyramids had at one time been exposed to a great deal of heat. Pyramids have been found in other parts of the United States. One of them of interest was found in Henderson County, North Carolina. It was 44 feet in diameter and six feet high (Figure 10.16). When excavated, it was found that the center had a dark triangletype structure that was originally layers of pine logs. The center was now charcoal and ashes. It measured 16 feet in diameter at the
Figure 10.16 Pyramid mound found in Henderson County, North Carolina


base and five feet high. The top reached within one foot of the top of the mound. The other layers consisted of charcoal, ashes, and coals mixed with earth. In the center were found the remains of some burned human bones, along with household articles, such as bowls. (1-p74) In this mound the surface had gotten so hot that it ignited the pine logs on the inside, which turned to charcoal and ashes; which, in turn, destroyed the occupants. Since the mound is now 44 feet in diameter and only six feet high, it must have been much higher originally, but evidently was not thick enough to insulate its occupants from the tremendous heat.

Chapter Conclusion
The first observation that must be made is the number of foursiced pyramids found all over the world; in China, Egypt, Europe, Central America, and our own North America. Why are the best-built pyramids all aligned to the four corners of the compass? Why were they built so thick? Why were some pyramids found with their former occupants still in them and other pyramids found empty, and why were most of the pyramids and mounds found show evidence of tremendous heat being applied to their surfaces. What we hypothesize, most archeologists would vehemently disagree about with us. We theorize that these diverse societies were informed by a higher intelligence, either extraterrestrial or native to the earth, to build these types of pyramids in a certain way. It is doubtful if well ever know who this group was, but a possible clue to this answer may have been uncovered in a mound in Tennessee. (3-p3l0) A stone figure was discovered that tends to prove the idea of a more advanced intelligence (Figure 10.17). You will notice by the illustration, the headcovering of this man looks exactly like the headcovering worn by United States and Russian astronauts under their space helmets. In other words, the statues headcovering looks functional, not like a primitive mans headdress. Man y of the pyramids found throughout the world were of nondescript shapes, usually of small size. We believe some of the mounds were never intended to be true pyramids. Some may indeed have been true burial mounds, as archeologists have theorized; but the mounds that are four-sided and faced toward the four corners of the compass were intended to be pyra318

Figure 10.17 Picture of the kneeling man found in Wilson County, Tennessee, made of sandstone, 18 inches high. Courtesy of the Frank H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


mids; and those pyramids we theorize to be the oldest. The archeologists never explain why a primitive people would want to align any building or mound to due north. This implies that people who were allegedly in the stone age had compasses and some sort of surveying equipment. Now the big question. Why build pyramids at all? After all, these pyramids were major undertakings for any society, probably devoting a major part of their resources toward their completion. They built them because they felt is was necessary for the occupants to survive a major disaster that was to befall the earth. We theorize the disaster was that the sun was going to nova. The proof of this is the layers of charcoal, ashes, brick-like clay, and vitrified clay found in most of the pyramid mounds. Only a great deal of heat could have baked the surface clay to as hard as brick, and at the same time to turn any organic materials within the pyramids to ash and charcoal. We dont believe any normal wood fire would be able to produce that much heat. The only heat source great enough would be the sun. The next proof involves correlating the age of the mounds to the last pre-glacial ice age. The last ice age in this country was called the Wisconsin glaciation. It is generally accepted that the ice sheet receded about 11,500 years ago. There are also indications in the drift of northern Lake Erie that the sediment was deposited in a relatively short period of time, some 100 to 300 years. The Percent of Equilibrium Method for uranium, ionium, and radium is another procedure for dating the ocean -bottom sediments. It indicates when the warm and cold periods existed in an area. Using this method, Professor J. Jack Hough calculated the last cold period to be 11,000 years ago. The Wisconsin ice age did not go as far as the southern parts of Illinois and Ohio. Therefore, the southern parts of these two states do not have a great deal of glacial till covering them. In fact, the glacial till varies in thickness from a foot to 15 feet. This excludes the river beds, which would, of course, be much thicker. When excavating many of the mounds of Illinois and Ohio, it was found that the bases of these mounds or pyramids started from three to 15 feet below present soil surface. Therefore, it would indicate that some of these pyramids were built shortly before the Wisconsin ice age. In Chapter 11, we will go through many of the mythologies of early man, which

will give excellent descriptions of the nova and the rest of the cataclysm. It is generally accepted that at the beginning of the last ice age many large animals became extinct both in this country and in Europe. They include all camels, the wooly rhinoceros, horses (in America only), the ground sloth, the musk oxen, peccaries, various species of antelope, such as the ruminants; all but one species of bison, a giant beaver, a species of stag moose, several large cats, huge mammoths, and finally the mastodon. Their extinction occurred relatively quickly. The reason for their rapid extinction was the sun novaed and destroyed them in the open. The smaller animals were evidently able to escape to deep caves, escaping the tremendous heat of the nova. Considering the fact that most large animals from the American continent became extinct is a good indication that the American continent and the Atlantic Ocean were facing the sun when it novaed. It is easy to prove that the mastodon, mammoth, and several other of these large animals existed at the same time as some of these mounds. There have been found in several of these mounds clay pipes in the shapes of mastodons, along with earthen mounds that are in the shapes of these great creatures. Also, the remains of mammoths and mastodons found in Illinois and Iowa were found in the same depth as the beginning of the Wisconsin till and where the mounds were built. Remains consisting of teeth, jaw bones, tusks, and other bones were found at depths ranging from the surface to 12 feet. The average depth was at about five feet, well within the same depth as that at which some of the mounds were constructed. This proof definitely links the age of the mounds with the same age as the extinction of these great mammals and the beginning of the last ice age. Other extinctions have been linked with magnetic reversals and ice ages. Professor J. D. Hayes of Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory found a definite correlation between the extinction of micro-organisms that lived about two and a half million years ago and polar reversals. He had taken sample cores of ocean sediment throughout the world. The cores were dated by their layers of magnetic reversals. It was found that eight species were very abundant throughout the world in the lower layers of sediment but had disappeared in the upper layers. This disappearance indi321

cates an extinction of these species. Each species became extinct at the same time throughout the world. Six of these species were found to have disappeared immediately following a magnetic reversal. What was interesting about this experiment was that these eight species all lived in the upper ocean levels. The question to be asked is what could have caused small microorganisms to become extinct at the same time? Considering their size, it is doubtful that any group of animals could have made them extinct by feeding on them exclusively. The only reason why such tiny creatures could have been destroyed is that they lived only on the upper layers of the ocean. When the sun novaed, it would have heated up the surface layers of the ocean to such an extent that these small creatures would all have been cooked at the same time. Larger fish, on the other hand, could have escaped the upper layers of boiling water by swimming down to cooler depths. The small microorganisms cannot swim very fast, so they were not able to swim away fast enough from the layer of hot water. How did the larger fish survive the increased water pressure as they swam down? The answer is simple. As they swam down to escape the hot water, the water level above them was decreasing due to evaporation, thereby equalizing the water pressure at the depth to which they swam. After the period of initial heating, the ocean would have begun to cool down, thereby enabling the fish to swim closer to the surface. Our Theory of Multidimensional Reality again seems to be the only theory that explains a heretofore unexplainable phenomenon. We see no other way that species like these microorganisms or even many larger species could meet extinction so rapidly. The American Indians have a legend of large animals that were tree eaters, and are sometimes described as carnivorous. One of these legends was written down by Thomas Jefferson at the time of the Revolutionary War. There was a delegation of Indians from the Delaware tribe that visited the governor of Virginia. Mr. Jefferson related the following legend. This legend was handed down many generations by the Indians.
In ancient times a herd of these tremendous animals came to the big bone licks (Ohio Valley) and beg an a universal destruction of the bear, deer, elks, buffalos, and other animals which had been created for the use of the Indians; that the Great Man above, looking down and seeing

this, was so enraged that he seized his lightning, decended on the earth, seated himself on a neighboring mountain . . . and hurled his bolts among them till the whole were slaughtered, except the big bull, who presented his forehead to the shafts, shook them off as they fell; but missed one at length, it wounded him in the side; where upon, springing around, he bounded over the Ohio, over the Wabash, the Illinois, and finally over the Great Lakes, where he is living at this day.

The legend mentions the extinction of these large beasts associated with lightning or fire. Notice also that the lightning or fire came from the sky and was brought to the earth by what we interpret as God. This brings us to the next important point. Most archeologists say that the ancient religion of the moundbuilders, both in North America and Central America, was sun worship, since many of their drawings had the sun depicted on them. By this legend, it seems they believed in one Almighty God whom they called the Great Man above. We have found in several other mythologies in Central America reference to an unseen Almighty God. More examples of these legends will be presented in the next chapter. Our conclusion is that these ancient peoples did not worship the sun but rather they feared it, because they were told it was going to nova; and the worry was about which part of the earth would be facing the sun when it did nova. The last question to be answered is why build a pyramid-shaped shelter, if the sun is going to nova? Keep in mind that this unique shape is found all over the world. Why didnt most just dig deep caves and wait out the catastrophe in a cave? We are sure many did find caves and stayed there during this period of time, but the problem with caves is that if there are earthquakes at this particular time, there is a good chance that caves would collapse on its inhabitants. The pyramid shape, when observed from the side or top, is more-or-less aerodynamically designed (Figure 10.18). If there is a force from the top, it is so shaped that it would dissipate the shock waves along the side. If the shock wave came from one of the sides, the shock wave would be reflected over the pyramid. But most important of all, the answer lies in what the pyramid does. As discussed earlier in this chapter, a pyramid based on pi, such as the one in Giza, tends to preserve and put in a more perfect condition anything that is placed within it. If a great deal of potential is added to the outside of a pyramid, we

Figure 10.18 Drawing showing the aerodynamics of the pyramid

should be able to raise the potential of anything that is put inside to a much higher level. On this planet, when the magnetic field hits neutral plane, the potential of the planet and the atmosphere will become infinitely great. This potential is probably what the more advanced beings on this planet were counting on at the time of the last reversal. The more primitive people probably emulated what these more advanced beings were doing, but obviously most of the structures were not built to take certain stresses or thermal conditions; and most of the pyramids did not work. The pyramid in Giza, on the other hand, did work. That is why it was never found with remains inside. The clues to what happened to the occupants of the Great Pyramid of Giza and some of the other well-made pyramids are told in the mythologies of early prehistoric man. What happened to these individuals, you must discover for yourself. To find out what the answer is, you must evolve to the idea. REFERENCES
1. 2. 3. Powell, J. W., 1st Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology (U.S. Printing Office, 1887). Peet, S. D., The Mound Builders and Their Works and Relics vol. 1 (Chicago, American Antiquarian, 1892). Silverberg, R., Mound Builders of Ancient America (Conn., New York Geographic Society, 1968). 324

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Hichols, F. H., Through Hidden Shensi (N.Y., Charibners Sons, 1902). Bancroft, H. H., Native Races, Vol. 5 (San Francisco, The History Company, 1886). Kerrell, B., and Goggin, K., The Guide to Pyramid Energy (Santa Monica, Pyramid Power V., 197 5). Rutherford, A., Pyramidology, 4 th ed., vol. 1 and 2 (London, The Institute of Pyramidology, 1970). Bishop, J. F., The Yangtze Valley and Beyond (N.Y., G. P. Putnoms and Son, 1900).

Anderson, N. C., Fossil Mastodon and Mammoth Remains in Illinois and Iowa (Rock Island, Ill., Augustana Lib. Publ., 1905). Broadhead, G. C., Geological Survey of the State of Missouri (State of Missouri, 1873). Broadhead, G. C., Geological Survey of the State of Missouri (State of Missouri, 1874).
Flint, R. F., Glacial and Pleistocene Geology (N.Y., Wiley, 1957).

Jefferson, Thomas, The Mammoth Legend from Notes on the State of Virginia (1781). Powell, J. W., 12th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology (U.S. Printing Office, 1894). Smyth, C. P., Life and Work at the Great Pyramid (Edinburgh, Edmonston & Douglas, 1867). Worthen, A. H., Geology of Illinois, vol. 1-3 (Springfield, Legislature of Illinois, 1882).


Mythologies of the World

Many mythologies have a definite basis in truth. In many ancient mythologies there is a recurring theme of a past destruction of the earth; we have found this theme in every major civilization of the world. The events may be described in slightly different order or in slightly different terms, but the main idea remains the same. We were not the first to notice these similarities; at least two earlier scholars also noticed the same similarity. They were Ignatius Donnelly and Immanuel Velikovsky. Both attempted to explain what terrible worldwide event inspired these civilizations to tell about them in their mythologies for thousands of years. Both men felt that the cataclysm which occurred was caused by a comet or a planet coming very close to or hitting the earth. Both theories have major flaws in them. One flaw is that the magnetic field of the earth could not have reversed itself even if hit by a comet or planet to prove the point, take a bar magnet and pound it as long A you want-its north and south poles will not reverse themselves. The magnet will get weaker, but thats all. Another error in their logic is that ice ages and polar reversals occurred many times on the plan et and the time intervals between these events are equal. 327

Velikovskys theory was that the planet,( Venus had passed danger ously close to the earth at some time in the past. If a planet is the actual cause of these polar reversals and ice ages, then either Venus or another planet has been passing this earth in that manner for the past billion years. If we consider the sophisticated telescopes in use today, astronomers would certainly have noticed any planet having an orbit that would come in proximity to the earth. Donnellys theory was that the earth had collided with a comet thousands of years ago; and this comet was respons ible for the destruction of Atlantis. But he cannot explain the hundreds of polar reversals and ice ages that occurred in the past. His idea of a comet hitting the earth could explain some of the other phenomena mentioned in the mythologies, but it cannot explain scientifically how the polar reversals occurred, especially repeatedly. Neither theory can explain why many mythologies specifically mention that the sun sent fire down to the earth. Both men felt that this mythological description was not to be taken literally, even though they themselves took the rest of these mythologies literally. Being bound to old scientific theories of what the sun is and how it functions, neither man could accept that the sun had novaed in the past. They thought that if the sun had somehow exploded, it would have caused too much heat, thus totally destroying the earth. Because the sun is not a solid mass, the only part that reaches the earth is the gaseous outer shell of the sun. In this section, we will present pertinent mythologies from all over the world and of every major civilization. The descriptions of some civilizations are quite explicit, which is usually due to that civilizations having mastered writing an d other forms of communication-and thus a more accurate chronicle of the event was handed down over the thousands of years. More primitive civilizations remembered the cataclysm, but they associated it with animal or human characteristics. This may have been because the event occurred about 12,000 years ago, and the descendants of the survivors probably had a difficult time understanding the literal description of what had happened; so they distorted the description of the event to fit their limited frames of reference for ease of understanding.
We would expect that the story of the event would be slightly

different in each part of the world because on one side of the earth, the sun literally cooked the earth while the people on the other side of the earth would only have noticed that the sun went out for a long period of time. During this time there great floods, torrential downpours. In the northern latitudes we would expect to hear stories of extremely long, cold winters. Some of the points of similarity for which we are looking in these mythologies are: Stories of strong winds; earthquakes; land masses rising and falling; the sun changing color; lightning; the sun standing still; fire coming from the sky and melting the surface of the earth; dust and debris falling upon the earth; a great flood; the oceans and rivers drying up; the sun going out; and, finally, a period of a long cold spell accompanied by torrential rains, snow and hail. The first mythologies we cover are from Central America. We theorize that the eastern part of the American continent was exposed to the nova; therefore we would expect to hear many mythologies describing widespread conflagration.

Legends of Central America

The oldest legends from this area come from the Mayan civilization. The Mayan culture was obsessed with the accurate measurement of time. Time was divided into various eras called ahau katums. These eras were associated with the sun. We believe this obsession is a carry-over from the time when their ancestors realized that every so many thousands of years the sun causes a great destruction on the earth. One of their teachings states:
Under the might of Ah Uuc Kin (Lord 7-Sun) ... It is the seat of the 12-Ahau katun, Yaxan Chuen, Great-monkey-craftsman (the sun). It is the countenance he will display during his reign in the heavens. There will be great sages, great socerers. That which is in the heavens will come forth on 12-Ahau. (7-p3l)

From this quotation we see that they are alluding to some future time when the sun will have an effect on the earth. The Mayans performed human sacrifices to appease their gods; this was done in order to prevent the sun from destroying them. This shows up in

the legend of the Lord of the Suns face. During times of pestilence, the people would perform sacrifices at the temple of the eve of the day, the bird of fire. The sacrifices were made at high noon. It was believed that the moment the sun reached the zenith, a bird of brilliant plumage, but which, in fact, was nothing else than a fiery flame shot from the sun, descended and consumed the offering in the sight of all. (6-pl58) Some event in the Mayan past definitely left an indelible impression on them-if they didnt sacrifice some material object to the sun god, the sun would descend upon them and bring great destruction.
The Mayans also believed that the earth had been destroyed three previous times. Two cycles had terminated by devastating plagues. They were called the sudden deaths, for it was said so swift and mortal was the pest, that the buzzards and other foul birds dwelt in the houses of the cities, and ate the bodies of their former owners. The third closed either by a hurricane, which blew from all four of the cardinal points at once, or else, as others said, by an inundation, which swept across the world, swallowing all things in its mountainous surges. The deluge was called hun yecil, which, according to Cogolludo, means the inundation of the trees, for all the forests were swept away. (10-p249)

It is obvious by this legend that the Mayans knew these destructions were sudden. We begin to find evidence that the jet streams were lowered to sea level. This legend also mentions the deluge which swept clear the land. Some historians say this deluge was nothing more than a normal flood caused by a cloud burst or hurricane, but this is not very logical because the people on the Yucatan Peninsula have seen many hurricanes and normal river floods so they would certainly know the difference. In this legend they seem to be describing something far more destructive than an ordinary rain-caused flood. The last thing we will cover from the Mayan legends is a prediction held by the Mayan priests, which states:
At the close of the ages, it hath been decreed, Shall perish and vanish each weak god of men, And the world shall be purged with a ravening fire.


Happy the man in that terrible day, Who bewails with contrition the sins of his life, And meets without flinching the fiery ordeal. (10-p256)

The Quiches Indians of neighboring Guatemala have many legends similar to those of the Mayans. The best known of their legends is a story telling of the past four destructions of the earth. It goes as follows:
Again the gods took counsel together; they determined to make man. So they made a man of clay; and when they had made him, they saw that it was not good ... his sight was restricted, he could not look behind him (see his past); he had been endowed with language, but he had no intelligence, so he was consumed in the water. Again is there counsel in heaven: Let us make an intelligent being who shall adore and invoke us. It was decided that a man should be made of wood and a woman of a kind of pith. They were made; but the result was in no wise satisfactory. They moved about perfectly well, it is true; they increased and multiplied; they peopled the world with sons and daughters . . . but still the heart and the intelligence were wanting; they held no memory of their Maker and Former; they led a useless existence; they lived as the beasts live; they forgot the Heart of Heaven. They were but an essay, an attempt at men . . . Then was the Heart of Heaven wroth; and he sent ruin and destruction upon those ingrates; he rained upon them night and day from heaven with a thick resin; and the earth was darkened. And the men went mad with terror; they tried to mount upon the roofs,, and the houses fell; they tried to climb the trees, and the trees shook them from their branches; they tried to hide in the caves and dens of the earth, but these closed their holes against them.... Once more are the gods in counsel; in the darkness, in the night of a desolated universe do they commune together; of what shall we make man? And the Creator and Former made four perfect men; and wholly of yellow and white maize was their flesh composed ...

But the gods were not wholly pleased with this thing; Heaven they thought had overshot its mark; these men were too perfect; knew, understood, and saw too much. Therefore there was counsel again in heaven: What shall we do with man now? It is not good, this that we see; these are as gods; they would make themselves equal with us; lo, they know all things, great and small. Let us now contract their sight, so that they may see only a little of the surface of the earth and be content. Thereupon the Heart of Heaven breathed a cloud over the pupil of the eyes of men, and a veil came over it as when one breathes


on the face of a mirror; thus was the globe of the eye darkened; neither was that which was far off clear to it any more, but only that which was near. (5-p46-48)

The legend is telling us about three previous destructions of the earth. Each time only a few men survived the destruction to carry on the species. The mention of perfect beings might be refering to what we know of as the civilization of Atlantis. The legend continues and states that survivors from this civilization took refuge in seven caves. After the destruction had passed, the survivors emerged from their caves to find that the sun was not visible:
Now the Quiches had as yet no fire, and as Tulan was a much colder climate than the happy eastern land they had left, they soon began to feel the want of it. The god Tohil, who was the creator of fire, had some in his possession; so to him, as was most natural, the Quiches applied, and Tohil in some way supplied them with fire. But shortly after there fell a great rain that extinguished all the fires of the land; and much hail also fell on the heads of the people; and because of the rain and the hail, their fires were utterly scattered and put out. Then Tohil created fire again by stamping with his sandal. Several times this fire failed them, but Tohil always renewed it. Many other trials also they underwent in Tulan, famines and such things, and a general dampness and cold-for the earth was moist, there being as yet no sun. (5-p50)

This part of the legend seems to be giving us a very good description of the period we call the great ice age and how it must have appeared in Central America. The legend continues by saying that the sun eventually did appear, but it was different from the sun they had seen prior to the destruction.
And the sun, and the moon, and the stars were now all established. Yet was not the sun then in the beginning the same as now ; his heat wanted force, and he was but as a reflection in a mirror; verily, say the histories, not at all the same sun as that of to-day. Nevertheless he dried up and warmed the surface of the earth, and answered many good ends. (5 -p5l)

As we mentioned at the end of Chapter Six, after the sun novaed the sun would appear as a red giant being much cooler


than the sun we observe today. The last part of this legend accurately describes our sun as a red giant. The sacred book of the Toltecs, as quoted by Donnelly, also has reference to a destruction descended upon man by the sun.
The third sun (or era) is called Quia-Tonatiuh, son of rain, because there fell a rain of fire; all which existed burned; and there fell a rain of gravel. The sandstone, which we now see scattered about boiled with great tumult, there also rose the rocks of vermilion color. Now, this was in the year Ce Tecpatl, One Flint, it was the day Nahui-Quiahuitl, Fourth rain. Now, in this day, in which men were lost and destroyed in a rain of fire, they were transformed into goslings; the sun itself was on fire, and everything, together with the houses, was consumed. (1-pl66) There was a tremendous hurricane that carried away trees, mounds, houses, and the largest edifices, notwithstanding which ma ny men and women escaped, principally in caves, and places where the great hurricane could not reach them. A few days having passed, they set out to see what had become of the earth, when they found it all populated with monkeys. All this time they were in darkness, without seeing the light of the sun, nor the moon, that the wind had brought them. (1 -p2l5)

The Toltecs have incorporated into this legend many of the major points we had theorized would occur during the reversal period. They accurately describe fire coming from the sky, the sun burning; the surface of the earth melting from the intense heat along with the dust and debris that would accompany a nova. It is interesting that they say that the sun itself was on fire. This must have been a terrifying sight to the people. Lastly, they describe a fierce wind that could be explained only if the jet stream was lowered to sea level; and, of course, the survivors say that after they emerged from their caves the sun did not shine. Previously, modern man could never have understood how the sun could go out as their legends tell us. Yet per our theory of Multidimensional Reality the sun would not be visible for a number of years after the nova because it would only be giving off ultraviolet light. Other Indian tribes of Central America mention only the great flood that befell man at this time. For instance, the Papago and the Pimas Tribes located on the Gulf of California mention only the flood in their legends.

Those first days of the world were happy and peaceful days. The sun was nearer the earth than he is now; his grateful rays made all the seasons equal, and rendered garments unnecessary. Men and beasts talked together, a common language made all brethren. But an awful destruction ended this happy age. A great flood destroyed all flesh wherein was the breath of life; Montezuma and his friend, the Coyote, alone escaping. For before the flood began, the Coyote prophesied its coming, and Montezuma took the warning and hollowed out a boat for himself, keeping it ready on the topmost summit of Santa Rosa. The Coyote also prepared an ark; gnawing down a great cane by the river bank, entering it, and stopping up the end with a certain gum. So when the waters rose these two saved themselves, and met again at last on dry land after the flood had passed away. (5-p76)

Another one of their legends talks about a prophet who lived among them in the Gila valley before the last destruction. In the legend it was said the prophet was warned three times by an eagle that a great deluge would befall his people, but the prophet did not heed the warnings from this eagle:
The Eagle came to warn the prophet, and to say that all the valley of the Gila should be laid waste with water; but the prop het gave no heed. Then, in the twinkling of an eye, and even as the flapping of the Eagles wings died away into the night, there came a peal of thunder and an awful crash; and a green mound of water reared itself over the plain. It seemed to stand upright for a second, then, cut incessantly by the lightning, goaded on like a great beast, it flung itself upon the prophets hut. When the morning broke, there was nothing to be seen alive but one man. (5-p78-79)

This legend seems to be accurately describing a mountain of sea water passing over the land, for sea water is the only water that has a greenish color. If it was flood waters from a river, they would appear brown from mud. We theorize that during the last destruction, the ocean waters traveled from East to West; therefore, the mountain of water that the prophet saw had come from the Gulf of Mexico and had passed over the entire surface of what we know today as Mexico. The Guaymis Indians of Costa Rica have a similar mythology of a great flood.
Angered with the world, the mighty Noncomala poured over i t a flood of water, killing every man and woman; but the kindly god Nubu had


preserved the seed of a man, and when the waters had dried up he sowed it on the moist earth. From the best of it rose the race of men, and from that which was imperfect ca me the monkeys. (10-p246)

The Nicaraguan natives also tell a similar story-that the world was destroyed by a flood in which most of mankind perished. Afterward the teotes, or gods, restocked the earth as at the beginning. (5-p75) The Aztec civilization has probably been the best studied of any of the civilizations in the Americas. Their legends are rich in descriptions of the previous cycles or destructions of the earth along with various legends of the creation of the earth and the peoples struggle to survive during these periods. The Aztecs, as well as the Mayans, divided time into solar cycles. The Aztecs called these cycles a Jaguar century. In the legend of the four destructions of mankind, the first solar catastroph y occurred at the beginning of the fourth Jaguar century . . . it took another 52-year cycle to eat all mankind. (11-p28) The second destruction of the earth occurred when the fall of the Plumed snake, who was also the Wind, caused such a terrible hurricane that the whole earth was devastated, and men were changed into monkeys. It is said that after six Aztec centuries the Plumed Serpent, still jealous, caused fire and lava to rain from heaven. . . . To escape, the third race of hu man beings turned into birds. After 13 Aztec centuries, the cycle was ended with a catastrophic flood that covered the whole world, causing the fourth race of men to turn into fishes, except one pair who were warned to embark in a hollow cypress tree. (11-p29) These two people were warned by one of the gods:
Make no more pulque. Look up at that mountain; from there will come a great flood that will overwhelm the earth. Cut down hi s hollow ahuehuetl and get inside it. Take with you the fire from your hearth. Each of you must eat only one ear of corn a day. Hastening back to the cloud-crowned mountain, she looked sternly in the four cardinal directions, then waved her banner with both hands and all her strength. Lightning flashed, thunder cracked, cataracts fell from the sky. Rain and hail pounded the earth and mighty torrents swept over everything-fields, towns and cities. The terrorized people sought salvation in trees and on the hills. Weeping, they begged for mercy. Oh gods, let us become fish. (11-p30) 335

You will notice it is mentioned that men were turned into fish after the flood. This idea may have been derived from the observation that after the flood waters receeded, fish were strewn all over the surface of the land. The natives, not understanding where the rest of their fellow man had disappeared, rationalized to themselves that the other people had turned into fish. The legend continues and tells of a second destruction that followed the first. Allegedly the god, Quetzalcoatl, (the sun), also known as the Plumed Serpent, warns these two survivors of the next impending disaster:
Listen to me carefully, he whispered melodiously. Take your hearth fire and hide yourself in a cave in the nearby mountain. He was the beneficent wind from the east, from the garden of paradise, but soon, he warned he would blow from the north and from the south as a furious hurricane and sweep over the entire world. Whirlwinds and cyclones swept over the world, picking up sand, stones, rocks, waters and finally trees, houses and human beings. The snowy capes of the mountain peaks were whisked away, converting the whole world with an immense white sheet (snow). The chosen man and woman, in their cave beside their red hearth fire continued their conversation, unperturbed by the roar of the wind, not feeling the glacial cold that gripped the world. (11-p35)

The next destruction of the world was caused by Tletonatiu (Yellow Face, God of Fire). Again the legend says the God of Fire warned two people to leave their village to escape the next coming disaster.
In a village beside a tranquil fire, a married couple talked of their many hopes. Suddenly the fire crackled, and from the end of a cane stalk, burning with a pure blue flame, came a heavy voice that seemed to say, O privileged mortals, talk no longer. Do you not hear a deafening, subterranean sound underneath your feet? That boiling fire will break through the crust of the earth. Get up at once, take the fire from your hearth to a cave in the woods. Obeying the gods mandate, they hurried into the woods with their hearthfire and some household utensils. Hardly had they found a refuge, than the earth shook and the mountains rocked in gigantic convulsions. From the crater of the nearby volcano leapt a menacing figure-the God of Fire. On his back floated his cape of lightning bolts. From a box


producing deafening explosions, he dumped out red hot stones. Fire and lava whirled down. The volcano vomited heavenwards a stream of vapor, shot through with lightning, lighting the whole earth with a livid yellow glare. Cinders and burning sand rained down. Plants were reduced to cinders, trees were snuffed to ash, stones melted. Flaming lava swept down over the woods, the plains, fields and houses. Men and women were suffocated, their flesh and bones melted away. (11-p35-36)

After the age of the fourth sun passed, the world remained in utter darkness, with no dawn, no day, no twilight.
Bitter frost spread over Toltec land. Hail fell knee-deep; crops were battered down. Even during the major festival of the gods the hail kept on relentlessly. Soon thereafter Tula was stricken by terrible heat and drought. The plants withered-all the trees, the nopals, the magueys, everything. Dust swirled, rocks came down in landslides. Every growing thing throughout the land was destroyed. Terrific cloudbursts followed; streets were flooded, houses washed away, people drowned. The tempest swept through the countryside, wrenching out trees and buildings. Loathsome toads invaded the valley and the homes, devouring everything. Locusts descended in clouds. (11-p88)

As you can see from this legend, many of the major points we stated in our theory are mentioned. The Aztecs unfortunately mixed up the sequence of events, somehow thinking that the flood and fire were events separated by many hundreds of years, instead of realizing that these destructions occurred one after the other; that they were only parts of an overall massive cataclysm that occurred on the earth.
In the next part of this myth, the Aztecs attempt to explain the reappearance of the new sun: Now, there had been no sun in existence for many years; so the gods, being assembled in a place called Teotihuacan, six leag ues from Mexico, and gathered at the time round a great fire, told their devotees that he of them who should first cast himself into that fire should have the honor of being transformed into a sun. So one of them, called Nanahuatzin . . . flung himself into the fire. Then the gods began to peer through the gloom in all directions for the expected light, and to make bets as to what part of heaven he should first appear in. And some said


Here, and some said There; but when the sun rose they were all proved wrong, for not one of them had fixed upon the east. And in that same hour, though they knew it not, the decree went forth that they should all die by sacrifice. The sun had risen indeed, and with a glory of the cruel fire about him that not even the eyes of the gods could endure; but he moved not. There he lay on the horizon; and when the deities sent Tlotli, their messenger, to him, with orders that he should go on upon his way, his ominous answer was, that he would never leave that place till he had destroyed and put an end to them all. Then a great fear fell upon some, while others were moved only to anger; and among the latter was one Citli, who immediately strung his bow and advanced against the glittering enemy. By quickly lowering his head the Sun avoided the first arrow shot at him; but the second and third had attained his body in quick succession, when, filled with fury, he seized the last and launched it back upon his assailant. And the brave Citli laid shaft to string nevermore, for the arrow of the sun pierced his forehead. Then all was dismay in the assembly of the gods, and despair filled their hearts for they saw that they could not prevail against the shining one; and they agreed to die, and to cut themselves open through the breast. Xolotl was appointed minister, and he killed his companions one by one, and last of all he slew himself also. (5 -p60) Immediately on the death of the gods the sun began his motion in the heavens; and a man called Tecuzistecatl, or Tezcociztec atl, who, when Nanahuatzin leaped into the fire, had retired into a cave, now emerged from his concealment as the moon. (5 -p62)

Another version of the creation of the sun says that a voluntary victim springs into the sacrificial fire that the gods have built. They know that he will rise as the sun, but they do not know in what part of the horizon that will be. Some look one way, some another but Quetzalcoatl watches steadily the East, and is the first to see and welcome the Orb of light. He is fair in complexion, with abundant hair and a full beard, bordering on the red. (6-p65) Again we see reference to the appearance of a red sun. In another version of the story, the new sun appears a painted scarlet. There are other versions of the four ages or suns as told by the Aztecs. One of the most widely respected versions goes as follows:
This First Age, or sun, was called the Sun of the Water, and it was ended by a tremendous flood, in which every living thing perished, or


was transformed, except, following some accounts, one man and one woman of the giant race, of whose escape more hereafter. The Second Age, called the Sun of the Earth, was closed with earthquakes, yawnings of the earth, and the overthrow of the highest mountains. Giants, or Quinames, a powerful and haughty race, still appear to be the only inhabitants of the world. The Third Age was the Sun of the Air. It was ended by tempests and hurricanes, so destructive that few indeed of the inhabitants of the earth were left; and those that were saved lost, according to the Tlascaltec account, their reason and speech, becoming monkeys. The present is the Fourth Age. To it appear to belong the falling of the goddess-born flint from heaven, the birth of the sixteen hundred heroes from that flint, the birth of mankind from the bone brought from hades, the transformation of Nanahuatzin into the sun, the transformation of Tezcatecatl into the moon, and the death of the sixteen hundred heroes or gods. It is called the Sun of Fire, and is to be ended by a universal conflagration. (5 -p64) At the time of the cataclysm, the country . . . was inhabited by giants. Some of these perished utterly; others were changed into fishes; while seven brothers of them found safety by closing themselves into certain caves in a mountain called Tlaloc. When the waters were assuaged, one of the giants, Zelhua, surnamed the Architect, went to C holula and began to build an artificial mountain (a pyramid), as a monument and a memorial of the Tlaloc that had sheltered him and his when the angry waters swept through all the land. The bricks were made in Tlamanalco, at the foot of the Sierra de Cocotl, and passed to Choluta from hand to hand along a file of men-whence these came is not said-stretching between the two places. Then were the jealousy and the anger of the gods aroused, as the huge pyramid rose slowly up, threatening to reach the clouds and the great heaven itself; and the gods launched their fire upon the builders and slew many, so that the work was stopped. But the half-finished structure, afterward dedicated by the Cholultecs to Quetzalcoatl, still remains to show how well Xelhua, the gi ant, deserved his surname of the Architect. (5-p68)

As you can see from this last legend, it tells of the great flood, the earthquakes, the great winds, the debris and fire from the sun, and also that pyramids were being built just before cataclysm struck. But notice that they say one of these large pyramids was not finished in time. Evidence of this was mentioned at the end of Chapter Ten. Many of these unfinished pyramids can be found throughout the southern and central parts of the United States. This seems to indicate that people and governments did not be339

lieve what was going to happen to them until a very few years before the actual cataclysm occurred. There must have been a great deal of uncertainty as to when the reversal would occur. Some of the legends of the Mayans try to explain these periodic destructions of the earth as a conflict between two brothers; one being the god, Quetzalcoatal (the sun), and the other Texcatlipoca, creator of heaven and earth. The legend goes as follows:
Now began the struggle between the two brothers, Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl (the sun), which was destined to destroy time after time the world, with all its inhabitants, and to plunge even the heavenly luminaries into a common ruin. The half sun created by Quetzalcoatl lighted the world but poorly, and the four gods came together to consult about adding another half to it. Not waiting for their decision, Tezcatlipoca transformed himself into a sun, whereupon the other gods filled the world with great giants, who could tear up trees with their hands. When an epoch of thirteen times fifty-two years had passed, Quetzalcoatl seized a great stick, and with a blow of it knocked Tezcatlipoca from the sky into the waters, and himself became sun. For an epoch the earth flourished under Quetzalcoatl as sun, but Tezeatlipoca was merely biding his time, and the epoch ended, he appeared as a tiger and gave Quetzalcoatl such a blow with his paw that it hurled him from the skies (the sun disappears). The overthrown god revenged himself by sweeping the earth with so violent a tornado that it destroyed all the inhabitants but a few, and these were changed into monkeys. His victorious brother then placed in the heavens, as sun, Tlaloc, the god of darkness, water and rains, but after half an epoch, Quetzalcoatl poured a flood of fire upon the earth, drove Tlaloc from the sky, and placed in his stead, as sun, the goddess Chalchiutlicue, the Emerald Skirted, wife of Tlaloc. In her time the rains poured so upon the earth that all human beings were drowned or changed into fishes, and at last the heavens themselves fell, and sun and stars were alike quenched. (6-p74)

This legend also mentions the major sequences of destruction that befell man; but what makes this myth different is the mention of Tezcatlipoca whom they envision as being the creator of the universe. Here we have the first inkling that the survivors of this cataclysm knew that there was an all-knowing, unseen God or Creator that causes these destructions at very specific intervals of time. These people also knew that the same type of destruction

would befall the world at some time in the future. They did not know when it would happen: it would be when Tezcatlipoca should steal the sun from heaven for himself; in other words, when eternal night should close in upon the Universe. (6-p78) All of the above legends only give us an impersonal impression of what transpired on this planet some time in the dark past. They do not give us any personal impressions of the suffering that the survivors went through. The following is a prayer to Tezcatlipoca, the Flying Serpent God. This prayer begins to give us some idea of the hardship that befell the survivors of this cataclysm.
O Lord, that hast held it good to forsake us in these da ys, according to the counsel thou hast as well in heaven as in hades-alas for us, in that thine anger and indignation has descended in these days upon us; alas, in that the many and grievous afflictions of thy wrath have overgone and swallowed us up, coming down even as stones, spears, and arrows upon the wretches that inhabit the earth-this is the sore pestilence with which we are afflicted and almost destroyed. Alas, 0 valiant and all-powerful Lord, the common people are almost made an end of and destroyed; a great destruction and ruin the pestilence already makes in this nation; and, what is most pitiful of all, the little children that are innocent and understand nothing, only to play with pebbles and to heap up little mounds of earth, they too die, broken and dashed to pieces as against stones and a wall-a thing very pitiful and grievous to be seen, for there remain of them not even those in the cradles, nor those that could not walk nor speak. Ah, Lord, how all things become confounded; of young and old and of men and women there remains neither branch nor root; thy nation and thy people and thy wealth are leveled down and destroyed. 0 our Lord, protector of all, most valiant and most kind, what is this? Thine anger and thine indignation, does it glory or delight in hurling the stone and arrow and spear? The fire of the pestilence, made exceeding hot, is upon thy nation, as a fire in a hut, burning and smoking, leaving nothing upright or sound ... Peradventure hast thou altogether forsaken thy nation and thy people? Hast thou verily determined that it utterly perish, and that there be no more memory of it in the world, that the peopled place become a wooded hill and a wilderness of stones? Peradventure wilt thou permit that the temples, and the places of prayer, and the altars, built for thy service, be razed and destroyed and no memory of them be left? Is it indeed possible that thy wrath and punishment, and vexed indignation are altogether implacable and will go on to the end to our destruction? Is it already fixed in thy divine counsel that there is to be no mercy nor pity for us, until the arrows of thy fury are spent to our utter

perdition and destruction? Is it possible that this lash and chastisement is not given for our correction and amendment, but only for our total destruction and obliteration; that the sun shall nevermore shine upon us, but that we must remain in perpetual darkness and silence; that nevermore thou wilt look upon us with eyes of mercy, neither little nor much? Wilt thou after this fashion destroy the wretched sick that cannot find rest nor turn from side to side, whose mouth and teeth are filled with earth and scurf? It is a sore thing to tell how we are all in darkness, having none understanding nor sense to watch for or aid one another. We are all as drunken and without understanding, without hope of any aid; already the little children perish of hunger, for there is none to give them food, nor drink, nor consolation, nor caress-none to give the breast to them that suck; for their fathers and mothers have died and left them orphans, suffering for the sins of their fathers. 0 our Lord, all-powerful, full of mercy, our refuge, though indeed thine anger and indignation, thine arrows and stones, have sorely hurt this poor people......... None shall avoid from following death, for it is thy messenger what hour soever it may be sent, hungering and thirsting always to devour all that are in the world, and so powerful that none shall escape: Then indeed shall every man be punished according to his deeds. 0 most pitiful Lord, at least take pity and have mercy upon the children that are in the cradles, upon those that cannot walk. . . . 0 most strong Lord, protector of all, lord of the earth, governor of the world, and universal master, let the sport and satisfaction thou hast already taken in this past punishment suffice; make an end of this smoke and fog of thy resentment; quench also the burning and destroying fire of thine anger; let serenity come and clearness; let the small birds of thy people begin to sing and to approach the sun; give them quiet weather so that they may cause their voices to reach thy highness and thou mayest know them. 0 our Lord, most strong, most compassionate, and most noble, this little have I said before thee, and I have nothing more to say, only to prostrate and throw myself at thy feet, seeking pardon for the faults of this my prayer; certainly I would not remain in thy displeasure, and I have no other thing to say. (5-p20l)

The last point we wish to make in this section on the mythologies of Central America is to see if there is any evidence that befor the last cataclysm the earth rotated from East to West. This would mean that the sun would rise in the West and set in the East. It was mentioned in some of the previous legends that the sun had stopped somewhere over the eastern horizon. This would imply that the earths rotation had indeed stopped just before the flood and fire descended on the earth. There is one legend from

the Teotl Lixco Indians of Mexico which says that the sun moved toward the East, traveling toward the East and the disappearance in the East. (3-pll9) After the sun had stopped, they say the earth was visited by upheavals and earthquakes.

The Legends of North America

We start with the legends of the Eskimos who live in the northernmost regions of the North American continent. The legends of the Eskimos are not as concerned with the creation of the earth as are those of many of the other North American Indian tribes but there is a legend about what will happen on the earth when the cycle begins again.
In the course of time the waters will overwhelm the land, purify it of the blood of the dead, melt the icebergs, and wash aw ay the steep rocks. A wind will then drive off the waters, and the new land will be peopled by reindeers and young seals. Then will He above blow once on the bones of the men and twice on those of the women, whereupon they will at once start into life, and lead thereafter a joyous existence. (10-p303)

What is interesting about this mythology is what it implies. Not only does it tell us that the Eskimos also know that a tremendous heat melted the polar ice caps and a flood swept over the earth, but it implies that some of their ancestors did survive the last ice age, even though we might think that they were all buried under thousands of feet of snow and ice. Somehow a few of their forefathers survived the last great cataclysm. The Tacullics Indians of British Columbia have a very interesting creation legend of the earth. In it, they assume that the earth was originally covered with water. This belief is universally held by all Indians of the American continents. The legend goes as follows:
The flat earth . . . was at first wholly covered with water. On the water a Musk-rat swam to and fro, seeking food. Finding none there, he dived to the bottom and brought up a mouthful of mud, but only to spit it out again when he came to the surface. All this he did again and again till quite an island was formed and by degrees the whole earth. In some unexplained way this earth became afterward peopled in every

part, and so remained, until a fierce fire of several days duration swept over it, destroying all life, with two exceptions; one man and one woman hid themselves in a deep cave in the heart of a mountain, and for these two has the world been since repeopled. (5 p98)

The legends of the Dog-Rib Indians from the Northwest describe that the sun stopped moving. One legend involves a boy called Chapewee who climbed a tree until he reached heaven where he set a squirrel trap.
He set a snare made of his sisters hair and caught the sun. The sky was instantly darkened. Chapewees family said to him, You must have done something wrong when you were aloft, for we no l onger enjoy the light of day. I have, replied he, but it was unintentionally. Chapewee sent a number of animals to cut the snare, but the intense heat reduced them all to ashes. At last the ground-mole working in the earth cut the snare but lost its sight, and its nose and teeth have ever since been brown as if burnt. (1 pl83)

Alegend from the Wyandot Indians is similar to the previous legend. In their story the boys name is Chakabech.
He set his snares for game, but when he got up at night to look at them he found everything on fire. His sister told him he had caught the sun unawares, and when the boy, Chakabech, went to see, so it was. But he dared not go near enough to let him (the sun) out. But by chance he found a little mouse, and blew upon her until she grew so big (the mastodon) that she could set the sun free, and he went on his way. But while he was held in the snare, day failed down here on earth. (1 -pl82)

Alegend from the Takahlis Indians from the Pacific Northwest is a bit more direct in its description of the last destruction of the earth. They say a general conflagration swept over the earth consuming every living thing except for a few people who took refuge in a cave. (10-p236) The cave idea was also mentioned by the Mattole Indians from northern California. They say their ancestors took refuge at Mount Taylor during the terrible flood. Their mythology says:
A certain Big Man (God) began by making the naked earth, silent and bleak, with nothing of plant or animal thereon, save one Indian, who


roamed about in a woefully hungry and desolate state. Suddenly there rose a terrible whirlwind, the air grew dark and thick with dust and drifting sand, and the Indian fell upon his face in sore dread. (5 -p86)

You will notice they mention in the legend the destructive winds from the jet stream along with the dust that fell on the earth. The Ute Indians of California and Utah have a very detailed legend of the last destruction. They specifically mention the sun as being the cause of the fire.
The Ute philosopher declares the sun to be a living personage, and explains his passage across the heavens along an appointe d way by giving an account of a fierce personal conflict between Ta-vi, the sungod, and Tawats, one of the supreme gods of his mythology. In that long ago, the time to which all mythology refers, the sun roamed the earth at will. When he came too near with his fierce heat the people were scorched, and when he hid away in his cave for a long time, too idle to come forth, the night was long and the earth cold. Once upon a time Ta-wats, the hare-god, was sitting with his family by the camp-fire in the solemn woods, anxiously waiting for the return of Ta-vi, the wayward sun-god. Wearied with long watching, the hare-god fell asleep, and the sun-god came so near that he scorched the naked shoulder of Ta-wats. Foreseeing the vengeance which would be thus provoked, he fled back to his cave beneath the earth. Ta-wats awoke in great anger, and speedily determined to go and fight the sun-god. After a long journey of many adventures the hare-god came to the brink of the earth, and there watched long and patiently, till at last the sun-god coming out he shot an arrow at his face, but the fierce heat consumed the arrow and it had finished its intended course; then another arrow was sped, but that also was consumed; and another, and still another, till only one remained in his quiver, but this was the magical arrow that had never failed its mark. Ta-wats, holding it in his hand, lifted the barb to his eye and baptized it in a divine tear; then the arrow was sped and struck the sun-god full in the face, and the sun was shivered into a thousand fragments, which fell to the earth, causing a general conflagration. Then Ta-wats, the hare-god, fled before the destruction he had wrought, and as he fled the burning earth consumed his feet, consumed his legs, consumed his body, consumed his hands and his arms-all were consumed but the head alone, which bowled across valleys and over mountains, fleeing destruction from the burning earth, until at last, swollen with heat, the eyes of the god burst and the tears gushed forth in a flood which spread over the earth and extinguished the fire. The sun-god was now conquered, and he appeared before a


council of the gods to await sentence. In that long council were established the days and the nights, the seasons and the years, with the length thereof, and the sun was condemned to travel across the firma ment by the same trail day after day till the end of time. (1-pl77)

A legend from the Gallinomero Indians of central California sounds more like one of the creation legends, but it is really a legend telling of the survivors after the last cataclysm.
In the beginning, they say there was no light, but a thick darkne ss covered all the earth. Man stumbled blindly against man and against the animals, the birds clashed together in the air, and confusion reigned everywhere. The Hawk happening by chance to fly into the face of the Coyote, there followed mutual apologies and afterward a long discussion on the emergency of the situation. Determined to make some effort toward abating the public evil, the two set about a remedy. The Coyote gathered a great heap of tules, rolled them into a ball, and gave it to the Hawk, together with some pieces of flint. Gathering all together as well as he could, the Hawk flew straight up into the sky, where he struck fire with the flints, lit his ball of reeds, and left it there, whirling along all in a rierce red glow as it continued to the present; for it is the sun. (5-p85)

Notice, they say the sun at first did not shine; but when it did appear, it was red in color, not the white-yellow color we see today. The Indians of the Lake Tahoe area have a very descriptive legend of the last great deluge.
There was a time, they say, when their tribe possessed the whole earth, and were strong, numberous, and rich; but a day came in which a people rose up stronger than they, and defeated and enslaved them. Afterward the Great Spirit sent an immense wave across the continent from the sea, and this wave ingulfed both the oppressors and the oppressed, all but a very small remnant. Then the taskmasters made the remaining people raise up a great temple (pyramid) so that they, of the ruling caste, should have a refuge in case of another flood, and on the top of this temple the masters worshipped a column of perpetual fire. [A lasar?] Half a moon had not elapsed, however, before the earth was again troubled, this time with strong convulsions and thunderings, upon which the masters took refuge in their great tower, closing the people out. The poor slaves fled to the Humboldt River, and getting into canoes paddled for life from the awful sight behind them. For the land

was tossing like a troubled sea, and casting up fire, smoke, and ashes. The flames went up to the very heaven and melted many stars, so that they rained down in molten metal upon the earth, forming the ore that the white men seek. The Sierra was mounded up from the bosom of the earth; while the place where the great fort stood sank, leaving only the dome on the top exposed above the waters of Lake Tahoe. The inmates of the temple-tower clung to this dome to save themselves from drowning; but the Great Spirit walked upon the waters in his wrath, and took the oppressors one by one like pebbles, and threw them far into the recesses of a great cavern, on the east side of the lake, called to this day the Spirit Lodge, where the waters shut them in. There must they remain till a last great volcanic burning, which is to overturn the whole earth, shall again set them free. In the depths of their cavem-prison they may still be heard, wailing and moaning, when the snows melt and the waters swell in the lake. (5 -p89)

The Tahoe Indians had a very accurate idea as to where the mountain of water came from. For them to have known that this immense wave crossed the continent from the Atlantic Ocean, they must have been told by the masters to whom they refer. These masters, we suspect, were from Atlantis. We feel the great temple the Indians mention was probably a pyramid. The column of perpetual fire might well have been a laser beam; but, of course, this is only speculation, since no archaeological evidence has been found in the area. The legend also mentions the tremendous earthquakes and volcanic activity that would have occurred at this particular time. They also mention the dust and other debris falling from the sky; and lastly, they also have the concept that the cataclysm will happen again, implying that these disasters are cyclical. We now change scene and examine the legends of the Algonquin Indians. They were located in Eastern Canada and the New England States. They had numerous legends regarding the creation of the earth, the flood, and the moon. The Algonquins say that in the beginning the earth was covered with water: On this infinite ocean floated a raft, upon which were many species of animals, the captain and chief of whom was Michabo, the Giant Rabbit. (6-p39) Another legend says that there is a rivalry between Michabo, creator of the earth, and the Spirit of the Waters, who was un friendly to the project. (10-pl59)

They felt that ever so often the conflict between Michabo and the Spirit of the Waters flared up and man was destroyed as a consequence of these two great gods battling in the sky. Many times the dark one was associated with the moon. The moon was considered feminine gender. She was considered Chief over the Night, Darkness, Rest, Death, and the Waters; as well as with cold. (10-pl55)
She is the evil minded woman who thus brings diseases upon men, who at the outset introduced pain and death in the world -our common mother, yet the cruel cause of our present woes . . . the ancient Algonquins believed brought death and disease to the race; it is she who kills men, otherwise they would never die; she eats their flesh and gnaws their vitals, till they fall away an d miserably perish. Who is this woman? In the legend of the Muyscas it is Chia, the moon, who was also goddess of water and flooded the earth out of spite. (10-pl56)

As we know today, the moon does not have those powers over men, but it does affect the tides. The Algonquins were not the only Indian tribe that felt this way about the moon. It is also mentioned in many other Indian legends. We believe they associated the moon with the flood and other destructions. Before the reversal, the moon no longer covers the sun during a solar eclipse. The moon is meant as a warning device, sort of an alert system. After the reversal, it is possible that the only celestial object the natives could see was a red moon. It was red because its surface had been superheated by the suns nova and probably glowed red for a long time. This might have been why the moon was associated with certain aspects of the cataclysm. Another Algonquin legend tells of the hunter, Messou:
One day as Messou was hunting, the wolves which he used as dogs entered a great lake and were detained there. Messou, looking for them everywhere, a bird said to him, I see them in the middle of this lake. He entered the lake to rescue them, but the lake, overflowing its banks, covered the land and destroyed the world. (10 -p244)

The last myth we wish to mention, from the Algonquins, is their prophecy of when the next cataclysm will occur. They say:

When in anger Michabo will send a mortal pestilence to destroy the nations, or, stamping his foot on the ground, flames will burst forth to consume (with fire) the habitable land, only a pair, or only, at most, those who have maintained inviolate the institutions he ordained, will he protect and preserve to inhabit the new world he will then fabricate. (10 -p255)

In this prophecy, they realized that the earth will also be destroyed by massive earthquakes and a tremendous fire. These are two points that did not surface in the legends mentioned previously. In this prophecy, they also seem to be saying the same thing said in the Bible: that those who will survive are the ones who follow the Creators instru ctions or laws. This seems to be a universal idea. The prophecies of the Winnebago Indians say that their nation shall be annihilated at the close of the thirteenth generation. Ten have already passed, (as of 1890) and that now living has appointed ceremonies to propitiate the powers of heaven, and mitigate its stern decree. (10-p255) Other Indian tribes also look at the celestial conflicts as battles between brothers and also battles between an unseen Creator and the sun; such is the case with the Dakota Indians. Before the reversal, the Indians saw a small, bright yellow sun; many years after the nova, they saw a larger red sun. Therefore, they associate the second sun as being a separate entity from the first sun. Thus was born the idea of conflict between two heavenly brothers.
It began on the mountains. The West was forced to give ground. Manibozho (God) drove him across rivers and over mountains and lakes, and at last he came to the brink of this world. Hold, cried he, imy son, you know my power and that it is impossible to kill me. Yet it is clear that he was something more than a personification of the east or the east wind, for it is repeatedly said that it was he who assigned their duties to all the winds, to that of the east as well as the others. This is a blending of his two characters. Here, too, his life is a battle. No longer with his father, indeed, but with his brother Chakekenapok, the flint-stone, whom he broke in pieces and scattered over the land, and changed his entrails into fruitful vines. The conflict was long and terrible. The face of nature was desolated as by a tornado, and the gigantic boulders and loose rocks found on the prairies are the missiles hurled by the mighty combatants. (10 -pl99)


The idea of an all-knowing being or God has been expressed by most of the Indian tribes. They give such a personage various names, but it still means the same thing. When they are referring to this God, they do not mean the sun or the moon or other celestial objects. For instance, in the Wintun Tribe of the Northwest, they call him Olelbis, which means he-whosits-above. Their legend goes:
The cataclysm is caused by the theft of Flint from the Swift, who, for revenge, induces Shooting Star, Fire Drill (the sun) and the latters wife, Buckeye Bush, to set the world afire. Olelbis looked down into the burning world. He could see nothing but waves of flame; rocks were burning, the ground was burning, everything was burning. Great rolls and piles of smoke were rising; fire flew up toward the sky in flames, in great sparks and brands. Those sparks are sky eyes, and all the stars that we now see in the sky came from that time when the first world was burned. The sparks stuck fast in the sky, and have remained there ever since. Quartz rocks and fire in the rocks are from that time; there was no fire in the rocks before the world fire.... During the fire they could see nothing of the world below but flames and smoke. (9 -p223)

This legend makes specific reference to the sun as the source of the burning holocaust that occurred on the earth. It also gives a very good description of what the earth must have looked like when the heatblast from the sun hit the earth. The Pawnee Indians of Nebraska are even more descriptive about what happened to the sun when the cataclysm occurred. In their legend they say that when the sun goes out, the world will come to an end. The legend:
Many years ago, before we lived upon this earth, Tirawa placed won derful human beings upon the earth. We knew of them as the wonderful beings or the large people. These people lived where the Swimming Mound (pyramid) is in Kansas. The bones of these large people were found upon the sides of the hill of the Swimming Mound. The old people told us that at this place the rain poured down from the heavens, and the water came from the northwest upon the earth so that it became deep and killed these wonderful beings. When these people were killed by the flood. . . . the water had come in from the big water (ocean) so that it overflowed the land.
There were four things which Tirawa (God) said he would do to kill


the people, but he had promised that he would never send the flood upon the land any more. Tirawa said there were other ways of destroying the people on the earth. There were several ways of sending storms (winds) so that they would kill the people. There was one thing that Tirawa was not sure of doing, and that was sending fire from the sky to bum up the people. The gods in the heavens who were placed by Tirawa would have to sit in council and select a day when all things would end, and decide in what way all things should cease to be. We are told by the old people that the Morning-Star ruled over all the minor gods in the heavens; that the Morning-Star and the Evening-Star gave life to people on this earth. The Sun and the Moon also helped to give life to the people. The old people told us that the Morning-Star said that when the time came for the world to end the Moon would turn red; that if the Moon should turn black it would be a sign that some great chief was to die; that when the Moon should turn red the people would then know that the world was coming to an end. The Sun was also to shine bright and all at once that brightness would die out and the end would come.... The old people knew also that when the world was to come to an end there were to be many signs. Among the stars would be many signs. Meteors would fly through the sky. The Moon would change its color once in a while. The Sun would also show different colors, but the sign which was to be nearest to the people was that the rivers and the creeks were to rise. (15-pl34)

The Pawnee legend mentions six of the points we mention in our theory: the flood, the high winds, the fire from the heavens, the moon changing color, the waters sloshing around, and finally the sun changing colors. We can forgive them for mixing up the order in which some of these occur; but after all, this legend had to have originated about 12,000 years ago, so we could expect some changes from the original legend. What is also interesting is that the Pawnee, like the other Indian tribes, knew that God is the one who brought this cataclysm down upon man. The Ojibway Indians of the Great Lakes also mention in their legend that the sun caused great havoc on the earth. The legend is centered around a boy whose bird-skin coat is burned by the sun.
He swore that he would have vengence. He persuaded his sister to make him a noose of her own hair. He fixed it just where th e sun would strike the land as it rose above the earths disk; and, sure enough, he caught the sun, and held it fast, so that it did not rise.
The animals who ruled the earth were immediately put into great


commotion (earthquakes). They had no light. They called a council to debate upon the matter, and to appoint some one to go and cut the cord, for this was a very hazardous enterprise, as the rays of the sun would burn up whoever came so near. At last the dormouse undertook it for at this time the dormouse was the largest animal in the world (the mastodon?); when it stood up it looked like a mountain. When it got to the place where the sun was snared, its back began to smoke and burn with the intensity of the heat, and the top of its carcass was reduced to enormous heaps of ashes. It succeeded, however, in cutting the cord with its teeth and freeing the sun, but it was reduced to very small size, and has remained so ever since. (1 -pl8l) The Ojibway also have a legend about the flood which covered the earth: In early days there was a mighty serpent, king of all serpents, whose home was in the Great Lakes. Increasing the waters by his magic powers, he began to flood the land, and threatened its total submergence. Then Michabo rose from his couch at the sunrising, attacked the huge reptile and slew it by a cast of his dart. (6 -p50)

The darts are probably the lightning which came at the time of the polar reversal. Serpents have been mentioned frequently in many of these Indian legends. One such legend is from the Mixtecs tribe. They say:
In the year and in the day of clouds, before ever were either years or days, the world lay in darkness; all things were orde rless, and a water covered the slime and the ooze that the earth then was. By the efforts of two winds, called, from astrological associations, that of Nine Serpents and that of Nine Caverns, personified one as a bird and one as a winged serpent, the waters subsided and the land dried. (10-p230)

It is possible that as the gas shells expanded from the sun, they might have appeared like a snake, having a smooth-curved shape. It is doubtful that they had actually seen a comet in the sky, as Ignatius Donnelly and Immanuel Velikovsky theorize. The hot gas shell of the sun would have evaporated any comet that was in the vicinity, since comets are predominantly made up of ice crystals. This legend also mentions nine caverns, which is probably the location where their ancestors fled for refuge. The Iroquois Indians located around Lake Erie associate the 352

celestial conflict as a fight between two brothers. loskeha (the white one, the sun) and his brother, Tawiscara (the dark one), They are twins, born of a virgin mother, who died in giving them life.
The brothers quarreled, and finally came to blows; the former using the horns of a stag, the latter the wild rose. He of the weaker weapon was very naturally discomfited and sorely wounded. Fleeing for life, the blood gushed from him at every step, and as it fell turned into flintstones. The victor returned to his grandmother, and established his lodge in the far east, on the borders of the great ocean, whence the sun comes. In time he became the father of mankind, and special guardian of the Iroquois. The earth was at first arid and sterile, but he destroyed the gigantic frog which had swallowed all the waters, and guided the torrents into smooth streams and lakes. (10-p203)

The gigantic frog mentioned in the legend was made by Tawiscara. They say the frog had left the earth dry as before. (6p55) This is probably in reference to the ice age that occurred after the nova. It is easy to see the analogy between a cold, wet, snowy period after the reversal and the cold, wet appearance of a frog. This analogy is mentioned in other Indian legends. Moving further South, we come to the Witchita Indians of Oklahoma. In their legend a prophet was told that a disaster was soon going to be visiting the earth and that he had to build some sort of cave and collect pairs of animals which he thought should survive. He was to save all the good ones and leave out the bad ones. The voice said it would attend to the bad ones:
On a certain day the fowls of the air appeared in the north, like a cloud, and they flew toward the south. The prophet crawl ed into the cane (cave). The people wondered what was the reason for this. Finally the animals came, and the people began to find out what was about to happen. They began to cry and to run for the mountains and for other places, but it did them no good. After the birds and the animals had passed there came a flood, and the water was all over, and it got deeper and deeper. The bad people were drowned and everything else that was not in the cane. (14 -p292)

The idea of Indians living in caves with animals during the cataclysm is found in several other mythologies, such as those from

the Southwest. The Navajos say that:

At one time all the nations, Navajos, Pueblos, Coyoteros, and white people, lived together, underground in the heart of a mo untain near the river San Juan. Their only food was meat, which they had in abundance, for all kinds of game were closed up with them in their cave; but their light was dim and only endured for a few hours each day. (5 -p8l)

The legend continues and says that eventually the waters subsided and land began to appear. One of the Indians then went out of the cave and walked in the mud but found he sunk in the mud up to his mid-leg.
Then the men and the animals began to come up from their cave, and their coming up required several days. First came the Navajos, and no sooner had they reached the surface than they commenced gaming at patole, their favorite game. Then came the Pueblos and other Indians who crop their hair and build houses. Lastly came the white people, who started off at once for the rising sun and were lost sight of for many winters. While these nations lived underground they all spoke one tongue; but the light of day and the level of earth came many languages. The earth was at this time very small, and the light was quite as scanty as it had been down below; for there was as yet no heaven, nor sun, nor moon, nor stars. (5-p82)

Again we find reference to white men also taking refuge in caves with the Indians; but these white men after coming up from the cave, immediately left for the East, probably wondering what was left of their home, Atlantis. A similar story is told by the Zuni Indians, also of the Southwest. They say that the god, Awonawilona, sent the great waters over the surface of the earth:
The world-holding sea, so that scums rose upon its surface, waxing wide and apart, until they became the all-containing earth and the allcovering sky. From the lying together of these twain upon the great world waters, all beings of earth, men and creatures came to exist, and firstly in the fourfold womb of the world. In the nethermost of the cave-wombs of the world, the seed of men and creatures took form and life. The earth lay like a vast island, wet and shifting, amid the great waters, and the men groped about down in the murky underworld. Then

arose the master magician, Janauluha, and bearing a staff plumed and covered with feathers, he guided them upward to the world of light. (10-p230)

The magician they refer to is probably a survivor of Atlantis, who was far more advanced than they were and who may have helped them survive this difficult time. As we head toward the Southeastern United States, we come to the Creek and Chewkee tribes. The Creeks have a creation legend similar to the one described in the Bible. They also say the earth was entirely covered by water. Later two pigeons flew to and fro until they finally found dry land. (10-p228) After a long period of time, the earth became populated with many; but something happened and the earth became angry and ate up a portion of her progeny; how the people started out on a journey toward the sunrise; how they crossed a River of Slime, then a River of Blood, and came to the King of Mountains, whence a great fire blazed upward with a singing sound. (9-p62) This legend seems to allude to the red clay that, when mixed with the water, appeared to be like blood flowing in the streams. The Chewkee tribe, also on the Gulf of Mexico, say that the sun was too close and too hot to the earth, and it burned up many things. (3-pl87) The last legend we will cover from the North American continent is from the Choctaw tribe in Louisiana. They also have a similar mythology which describes the last cataclysm. What is interesting about their mythology is that they help date for us when the mounds found in Louisiana were built; and, most likely, they are helping to date the mounds found all over the central and southcentral part of the United States. The legend says:
Men tried to build a mound (pyramid) reaching to the heavens, how the mound was thrown down and a confusion of tongues ensued, how a great flood came, and how the Choctaw and the animals they had taken with them into a boat were saved from the universal deluge. (9-p63)

You will notice they do not consider that their ancestors had built the mound but rather that another race of men did. In Chapter Ten we mentioned that several large pyramid-mounds were found only partially finished. These are probably the ones to

which the Choctaw are referring. We have covered many myths from tribes located all over the North American continent. All agree with the hypotheses we presented in our theory regarding what sequence of events occur during the reversal. Each tribe gave a slightly different account of the event, depending on how much knowledge they had evolved to at the time of the cataclysm. Our impression is that the American Indians have not evolved much farther toward understanding what existence is than had their forefathers some 12,000 years ago. We are not sure we can say anything better for the white European race either! These Indian myths also further prove our hypothesis that the pyramids and mounds were built some 12,000 years ago to save their occupants from the destruction that was about to ensue. The mounds or pyramids were never finished; because at first these people did not believe what was going to happen. When things became very bad and the signs were obvious that the sun was going to nova, with all the rest of the disasters which would accompany it, they hurriedly began building mound-pyramids and caves in order to escape the destruction.

The Legends of South America

We will begin with the Tupis tribe of Brazil. They believe their tribe was named after the sole survivor, Tupa, of the last great flood that covered the earth. (10-p2l8) They believe the flood was caused by a stranger who bitterly hated their ancestors, compassed their destruction by a violent inundation. Only a very few succeeded in escaping-some by climbing trees, others in caves. When the waters subsided the remnant came together, and by gradual increase populated the world. (10-p245) Another version is:
Monan (the Maker, the Begetter), without beginning or end, author of all that is, seeing the ingratitude of men, and their c ontempt for him who had made them thus joyous, withdrew from them, and sent upon them tata, the divine fire, which burned all that was on the surface of the earth. He swept about the fire in such a way that in places he raised mountains, and in others dug valleys. Of all men one alone, Irin Mage (the one who sees), was saved, whom Monan carried into the heaven. He, seeing all things destroyed, spoke thus to Monan: Wilt thou also

destroy the heavens and their gamiture? Alas! Henceforth where will be our home? Why should I live, since there is none other of my kind? Then Monan was so filled with pity that he poured a deluging rain on the earth, which quenched the fire, and, flowing from all sides, formed the ocean, which we call parana, the great waters. (10 -p245)

This legend mentions three of our points: the flood, the divine fire, and the rising of mountains and continents. This supports our idea that many great earth movements occur over a short period of time and do not necessarily take millions of years to come about. The Mbocobi Indians of Paraguay are very specific in pointing out what caused the destruction. (16-p3l9)
The destruction of the world was due to the sun. This orb once fell from the sky, but a Mbocobi hastened to pick it up befor e it did any injury, and fastened it in its place with pegs. A second time it fell and burnt up the earth. Two of the tribe, a man and his wife, climbed a tree and escaped destruction, but a flash of flame reached them and they fell to the ground, where they were changed into monkeys. (10-p246)

The Mbocobi Indians also say the survivors of this conflagration took refuge in a deep cave. (10-p236) The Botocudos Indians of Brazil say that the destruction was caused by the moon falling on the earth from time to time. (10p235) Another of their legends talks about Tata, the divine fire, which descended on all men; and then a flood came and put out the fire. The Botocudos Indians mixed up one of the early signs of the conflagration, the moon, with the actual cause, the sun. This is similar to some of the legends from North America. Evidently some of the primitive Indians could not correlate the sun with the conflagration and, rather, associated it with the closest celestial body they could observe-the moon. After the nova, the moon appeared red; so, of course, they thought the moon was the cause of the cataclysm. We hope theyre more accurate the next time. The Yurucare Indians of Bolivia also say the sun caused a general conflagration which swept over the earth consuming every living thing, except a few who took refuge in a deep cave. (10p236) Their legend continues by saying that when all men had been destroyed by fire, the god Tiri opened a tree (a cave) and

from it allowed various tribes to emerge, until he deemed the earth sufficiently peopled, when he closed it. (10-p118) There are other legends that also mention caves as the refuge of various races. One such legend comes from the Peruvian Indians. They say that there are four mythological civilizers of Peru: They emerged from the cave Pacarin tampu, the Lodgings of the Dawn. To these Viracocha gave the earth, to one the north, to another the south, to a third the east, to a fourth the west. (10-p212) The Peruvians recall two past destructions on the earth. One they say was by famine. The other, flood-of which only a few men escaped. (10-p248) The Peruvians were deathly afraid every time a solar eclipse occurred. They thought at some time the shadow will veil the sun forever, and land, moon, and stars will be wrapt in a devouring conflagration to know no regeneration; or a drought will wither every herb of the field, suck up the waters, and leave the race to perish to the last creature; The Peruvians have preserved part of the truth in this legend. They know something important does happen in the course of time during one of these solar eclipses; but, unfortunately, the legend has been so distorted that they do not realize that it is when the sun appears larger than the moon that the sun is going to nova and bake a part of the world. Other misassociations involving the moon are told of by the Muyscas Indians of Columbia. At one time they associated the moon with flooding the earth out of spite. (10-pl56) The Incas of Peru also tell of a time when the waters covered the earth and man fled into caves in order to escape the ensuing deluge. The effect of the last cataclysm on the Incas was so pronounced that they measured time from the last cataclysm, since in their mythology they believe it will happen again-so their calendar is an attempt to calculate the next cataclysm. In the legends of Central and South America, they mention many times the existence of caves where man sought refuge. We were curious to see if we could find any archaeological evidence of caves large enough to accommodate great numbers of men. One such tunnel system was mentioned by Erick Von Daniken in his book, The Gold of the Gods. The tunnel system was explored by an expedition in 1971. The expeditions findings were reported in the German periodical, Bild der Wissenschaft. They said:


Vast tunnels, which would leave even modem underground construc tors green with envy, began behind the six doors. These tunnels lead straight towards the coast, at times with a slope of 14 percent. The floor is covered with stone slabs that have been pitted and grooved to make them slip-proof. It is an adventure even today to penetrate these 55- to 65-mile-long transport tunnels in the direction of the coast and finally reach a spot 80 feet below sea level. (4 -p5l)

The tunnel entrance was discovered near the village of Otuzco. The tunnel entrance was found 200 feet below the surface of the earth. A passageway led to the six water-tight doors. This cave system may be the one mentioned by so many legends.

The Legends Of Polynesia

Polynesia covers a large portion of the area of the South Pacific Ocean. It is bordered on the south by New Zealand; on the west by the Samoa Islands; on the north by the Hawaiian Islands; and on the east by Easter Island. The Polynesian Islands are part of a larger area called Oceania. It includes Indonesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, and Australia. The Oceania area was inhabited by a rather primitive group of island peoples, who possessed no written language. All their mythologies were handed down by word of mouth. Naturally, a great many changes in the legends have occurred over the thousands of years. Per our theory, this part of the world was on the back side of the earth when the sun novaed; therefore, we should hear very few, if any, legends of fire coming from the sky representing the sun when it novaed. We would expect to hear many legends of the earth being flooded and a period of long darkness. We would also expect to hear some legends of land masses rising and falling. This is because we believe that many parts of this Oceania area were above water and formed a large continent. The first legends we will cover are from the Hawaiian Island group, and they are of the exploits of the Polynesian God, Maui. In the legend, he snares the sun because it is traveling too fast. He uses a rope which his grandmother makes for him. He then snares the sun. It stops in the sky, low on the horizon, then Maui beats the sun until the sun agrees it will travel much slower across the sky. (2-p45 and 13-p230)

The next legend is from the Menehune people who migrated from New Zealand to the Hawaiian Islands many thousands of years ago. They say that one of their gods, Kahana, brought back the sun after the sun had vanished and the earth was dark for a period of time. They say also that there was at one time a much larger continent that connected all the island groups together. The name of this continent was Ka-one-lauena-a-Kane. It is said that this continent was broken up and inundated by the ocean. These people set aside four Ku days as memorial of the old continent. (13-p328) There is another legend that tells of the disappearance of the sun and the oceans lowering in depth. This is the story of Kaulu. Kaulu is an evil god, and as the story goes: He wanted everything from the people. He even took away the rays of the sun. Kaulu later, while trying to find his brother, drains the sea, then spits it out. (13-p437) The reason the oceans would appear to these people to have been dried up or swallowed is because when the sun novaed on the other side of the world, a tremendous amount of water was evaporated and therefore lowered all the ocean levels for many years. When they refer to the water as being spit out, this is an attempt to explain the oceans flooding the earth and the torrential rains that must have fallen for many years after the reversal. Now we come to the legends of Kana who restored the sun. In this legend, the evil chief, Kahiki, is the one who takes away the sun from the people. The legend goes as follows:
Niheu treats roughly the messenger of Kahoalei (-Iii), ruling chief of Kahiki and the chief in anger takes away the sun, moon, and stars from Hawaii. Uli sends Kana with Niheu to bring them back. As Kana stretches to the sky to reach the light, Niheu dies of cold and is left behind, but Kana bends over to Kahiki and drops into the spring of two old relatives, who give him fire to guide him ahead and wind to bear him behind until he reaches the border of Kahoaleis land. He finds Ulis brother Manu -a guarding the pit (cave) down which the food is kept by the people below and handed up to those above. He puts down a plump black hand which his relatives recognize and fill, first with food, then with water, then with the birds called Kaiwea (fishhawk) which signal the day, then birds and the cock that crows for dawn, finally stars, moon, and sun, all of which he places in the sky. The chief himself next emerges and returns with Kana to tour the land, restoring Niheu to life on the

way. When Ka-hoa-lei reaches Hawaii he finds that Kana and Niheu have both died and he rules there many years. (13 -p476)

This legend mentions several important points to our theory. Number One-that the sun and other heavenly bodies did not appear to the people. Two-that there was a period of cold after the time when the sun disappeared. Three-that people had taken refuge in caves at this period of time.
In the Hawaiian legend called, Sea of Kahinalii, Pele, the fire goddess, (the sun) once lived far to the south-west, but when her husband deserted her, she set out to try to find him. To aid her in the search, her parents gave her the sea to go with her and bear her canoes, and as she journeyed she poured forth the sea from her head, the waters rising until only the tops of the highest mountains were visible, but later retiring to their present level. (2 -p39)

Here again we see a connection between the sun causing the oceans to rain havoc on the lands. Their description of the waters rising is probably in reference to when the larger continent also sank during this reversal time. The final point we wish to make about the Hawaiian Islands is that the Hawaiians feel that the present civilization came about from the destruction of a previous civilization which existed in the same area, and that the survivors of this previous civilization are their forefathers. (2-pl5) So far, the mythologies from the Hawaiian Island chain reinforce our contention that the Polynesian area was on the back side of the earth when the sun novaed. One of their legends was very similar to several of the American Indian legends of the sun being snared or lassoed by someone and, in turn, stopping in the sky. It is doubtful if there was any social contact between the North American Indians and the Polynesians; therefore, we must assume that a celestial phenomenon did occur on this earth some time in its dark past. The next island group we will cover in the Polynesian area is the Samoan Islands. We will start with the mythology which attempts to describe the origin of the world. They say fire and water are the children of one of their gods, identified with the octopus.


Between their descendants arises a mighty conflict, in which water wins and the world is destroyed by a flood only to be rec reated by Tangaloa. (2-pl7)

Another version of the same legend is that the battle of nature was between the children of inkfish (water) and the sun.
War raged between the children of the inkfish and the children of fire, in which the latter were subjugated by the squirting of the inkfish fluid. In consequence, the earth, which had been dry, was flooded, and became a deep sea. (17 -p7)

You will notice the similarity of these myths and many of the ones of North and South America. The practice of identifying parts of the destruction, such as fire and flood, and giving them human personalities is very common among these primitive societies. Another cosmological legend says that in early times there was a flood which destroyed all beings, except one man, Pili, and his wife, who took refuge on a rock, (cave) these survivors subsequently becoming the ancestors of mankind. Another form of the myth states that when the flood came, Seve and a man called Pouniu alone saved themselves by swimming. Tangaloa saw them from the sky, and pitying their plight sent down two men from the heavens with hooks, who drew Samoa from under the sea to serve as a refuge for the two who were thus rescued. (2-p40) After the flood covered their known world, the Samoan legend tells us that the sky or atmosphere was somehow lower than it is presently.
In days of old, the heavens fell down, and people had to crawl about like the lower animals. After a time the arrowroot and another similar plant pushed up the heavens; but they were not raised high enough, so the heads of the people continued to knock against the skies, and it was very hot. (17-p4l)

This legend is one of the very few from the Polynesian area that says that there was a period of unusual heat on the earth. They would, of course, be referring to the period of time immediately after the suns nova. It is unknown how hot the back side of the earth could have been after the nova. It is possible that it could

have been several hundred degrees C. The only other direct reference to the sun made in Samoan and other Polynesian mythologies is from the legend of Tangaroa and Hina. This legend tells us that the sun that is in the heavens today is a grandson of a previous sun. (17-pl01) In other words, there have been several different suns that have circled the earth. This is very common among the Polynesian mythologies. The deluge legends are also very common among all the island peoples of the Polynesian area. For instance, the deluge legend from the Marquesas Island group says that in the beginning there was only the sea, on which Tiki, a deity existing from the first, floated in a canoe, and afterward fished up the land from the bottom of the ocean. (2-p20)
Tonga Islands legend says: Tangaloa, the divine messenger, was ordered to descend to this world to see if he coul d find any land, wherefore he departed on a bird, and after flying about for a long time described a sandbank on which the waves broke. Returning to the skies, he reported that he could find no dry land, but the lords of heaven said to him, Wait for seven days, and then go back and look again, He did so and found the land already risen above the waters. Bringing back tidings of his discovery, he was again instructed to wait and to look once more, for this dry land which he had seen was indeed the earth. (2-pl9)

From the Cook Island group we again hear a legend involving the war between two gods, Aokeu and Ake, a sea-deity.
The two quarrelled as to which was the more powerful, and Ake, to show his might, caused the sea to rise and dash upon the l and in great waves, while Aokeu made rain to fall in floods, so that, between the two, the island was covered, except for a small bit which protruded. Rangi. . . . the first king of Mangaia, took refuge on this fragment of dry land, and, alarmed lest he should be drowned, prayed to Rongo to aid him, whereupon the latter deity forced the two contestants to cease their display of power, and the deluge subsided. (2-p39)

After the deluge, their legend tells us that somehow the sky was too low.
Originally the heavens were low, so low that they rested on the broad leaves of certain plants, and in this narrow space all the people of this


world were bent up, but Ru sent for the gods of night and the gods of day to assist him in his work of raising the sky. He prayed to them, Come, all of you, and help me to lift up the heavens. And when they came in answer to his call, he chanted the follow ing song: O Son! 0 Son! Raise my son Raise my son! Lift the Universe! Lift the Heavens! The Heavens are lifted, It is moving! It moves, It moves! (2-p35)

The idea of the heavens moving may indicate that the legend is trying to inform us that it was not only the sky that appeared low, but also that the earth was not rotating for a period of time. On the island of New Zealand, we come across a legend similar to the one found on Hawaii. The legend is about the sun traveling too fast and a boy trying to catch the sun, so it doesnt travel so fast. It goes as follows:
Maui observed that the time between the suns rising and setting was very short, and he said to his brothers, Let us tie the sun, that it may not go so fast, that man may have time to provide food for himself. But his brothers said, Man cannot go near t o the sun on account of the heat. Maui said, You have seen the many acts that I have performed. I have taken the form of a bird, and again resumed that of a man, while you have ever had the form of men. And now, my brothers, I can do what I propose, and even greater acts than this. His brothers consented, and commenced to plait ropes . . . When these had been made Maui took his weapon, made of the jaw-bone of his progenitor ... and his brothers took their weapons and the ropes, and they ... journeyed till they had got near where the sun came up ... The sun came up like blazing fire, and when his head and shoulders had entered the noose Maui encouraged his brothers to action by saying Now pull. They did so, and the sun drew his limbs together with a twitch. Maui rushed at him with his weapon, and scarce had the sun time to call before Maui was belabouring him, and continued to so do for some time. When they let him go he went away crippled, and in the anguish of his pain he uttered another of his names, Tama-nui-a-te-ra (great child of the sun), and said, Why am I so beaten by you, 0 man! I will have my revenge on you for having dared to beat the great child of the sun. He departed on his way, but was unable to travel so fast as before. (2 -p45) 364

The legend continues saying that Maui was pursued by the flames, which threatened to consume everything, so that in distress he called upon rain, snow, and hail to aid him, and they, coming to his assistance, succeeded in putting out the conflagration and thus saved the world. (2-p47) This legend mentions that the sun stopped, and rain, snow, and hail occurred at this time and finally that the earth had been cooked by the sun. There is another slight variation in the latter part of this legend, where the natives explain the rain and snow as being caused by a conflict between Maui and his brother, Maru. Maru was said to have sent rain, snow, and frost onto the crops of Maui in order to destroy them. Maui later killed his brother, which ended the conflict. (2-p42) ANew Zealand creation-legend says that the entire universe was in darkness and water was everywhere. There was no dawn or light, and men prayed that light would appear from above to brighten the day. (2-pl3) The last legend we will cover in this area is one that is found all over Polynesia. It is the legend of Tawhaki. There are two versions of this legend. One, says that Tawhaki caused a deluge by stamping on the floor of heaven, which cracked so that the water flowed through and covered the earth. (2-p38) The other version says that Tawhaki, wishing to be avenged for the attempt to kill him, called upon the gods to send a deluge to overwhelm the world after he and his friend had taken refuge on the top of a mountain. (2-p38)

The Mythologies of Micronesia

The Micronesia area covers the island groups of the Marianne, Marshall, Gilbert, Ellice, and Caroline Islands. Throughout the entire area, all tell of a great deluge that originally covered the earth, killing most of mankind. Only a few survived who took refuge on the tops of mountains. They also say that the earth was originally dark and that the sun did not appear for many years. On the island of Yap in Western Micronesia, there is a good legend that incorporates many of the ideas expressed in many of the mythologies of Micronesia. It is about two god-like beings, Kitimil and his wife, Magigi. In the legend Magigi tells her husband

Now a great storm will come, and the sea will rise in flood, and all the people of Yap will be drowned. We must, therefore, climb the highest mountain, and build on its top a pile-dwelling of seven storeys.
They went to the top of a very high mountain, where they built a pile -dwelling, seven storeys in height; and on the seventh day a great storm of rain and wind came, and the sea rose and covered all Yap. When the water reached the top of the mountain, Kitimil and his wife climbed into the lower storey of their house; and as the waters continued to rise, they went up higher and higher until they reached the topmost storey. Since, however, the deluge still rose, Magigi took some oil, and putting it on a leaf, laid it on the water; whereupon the flood at once began to abate, and the storm ceased. Finally the land was dry again, and they came down out of the house, saying, There is no one else left alive in Yap. Yet one othe r man had survived by lashing himself to an outrigger of a canoe and anchoring it to a great stone; and after they had found this man, Magigi and Kitimil returned to their home, where Magigi bore seven children, who scattered over all the land. (2 -p257)

The Melanesian Island group consists of New Guinea on the west to the Fiji Islands on the east. It also includes the Solomon Islands and New Caledonia. Throughout this entire island chain there is a legend which says that there was a conflagration on the earth which threatened to destroy it. The conflagration was put out by a flood and/or a rain, which covered the entire earth with water. This is similar to the Maui legend of Polynesia. The flood is sometimes mentioned in legends describing the origins of the world. This is because, for the survivors of the last cataclysm, after it was all over, it represented a new beginning for them. This idea is also echoed in the legend of Noah. The legend from the Admiralty Islands says that a man and a woman, after having floated upon the primeval sea, climbed upon a piece of driftwood and wondered whether the ocean would dry up or not. At last the waters wholly retired, and land appeared covered with hills, but barren and without life; whereupon the two beings planted trees and created foods of various sorts. (2-pl05)

Several versions of this myth are repeated throughout the entire Melanesian chain.

There are not too many tribes on the Australian continent that have a coherent deluge mythology. The only legends we have been able to find from Australia are from the Victoria region of Southeastern Australia. One legend from the area says In the beginning there was no sun, only the moon and the stars. (2-p274) Another legend from Western Victoria says that:
Originally water was kept concealed under a stone. Some birds, however, spied upon the jealous owner, thus discovering where the precious substance was hid; and in the mans absence one day they removed the stone which covered the opening , so that the water immediately flowed out and became a great lake. The east coast tribes have quite a different story. According to this, once upon a time there was no water, for a great frog had swallowed it all. At this the people were much distressed, and holding a council to determine what to do, they agreed that if only the frog could be made to laugh, he would disgorge the water. Finally the natives made the frog laugh: as he opened his mouth, the waters burst forth and caused a great flood by whic h many were drowned. The few survivors, comprising two or three men and one woman, took refuge on a small island; and by and by a pelican, coming along in his canoe, carried the men to the mainland . . . (2 -p279)

The frog probably represents the long period of cold, also known as the ice age, that existed on earth after the sun had novaed. The frog was also mentioned in many American legends.

Indonesian Mythologies
The last area we will cover in the Oceania area is the far western end of the Pacific Ocean, known as the Indonesian area. This not only includes the islands that make up the country we know as Indonesia, but also Borneo, the Phillipines, and Formosa. The eastern area is bordered by the island of Timor. The deluge legends found in the Indonesian area are similar to the ones found in the

other areas of Oceania. Along with the deluge legends, many of the legends telling us of the earths sinking and the sky being too low are also similar. In Northern Borneo they have a legend that is similar to the legends about the sun found in the Polynesian area. In Northern Borneo they say that the sky was originally very low to the earth, but it retreated when six of the seven original suns were killed. (2-pl78) This idea of six previous suns is also told in many of the other islands in this area. Another Borneo legend about ancient times tells a story of a serpent who decends on the earth and destroys the land. It goes as follows:
Just as the harvest was ripe, it was found that a large part of the fiel ds had been despoiled during the night. Since no tracks could be found, watch was kept, and a huge serpent was seen to lower itself from the sky and to feed upon the rice, whereupon one of the watchers, rushing up, cut off the snakes head and in the morni ng proceeded to cook some of the flesh from it for his breakfast. Hardly had he eaten, however, before the sky was overcast, dark clouds rolled up, and a terrible rainstorm caused a flood from which only those few persons escaped alive who succeeded in re aching the highest hills. (2-pl80)

Their reference to a serpent in the sky probably is primitive mans best description of the gaseous shell ejected from the su n when it novaed. Throughout the entire Asian continent serpents are mentioned in all the mythologies. Evidently, on the back side of the earth, as the hot gaseous shell expanded and passed around the earth, it must have appeared in the sky as some sort of snake or serpent. The Dusun tribe of North Borneo talk of a time when a great hurricane swept away all the houses in the kampong; some of them were carried out to sea together with the people in them. (2-p 1 8 1) This is a remembrance of when the jet stream was lowered to sea level and rained havoc on the earth with winds up to 400 miles an hour. Another flood mythology from Borneo says that:
Once there was strife between the mountains, each one desiring to be the highest. This angered one of the deities, who, saying, Ye mountains! I shall cover you all, took a golden comb and threw it into t he

ocean, where it was changed into a mighty crab, which stopped up the overflow of the sea. Then came a great rain, and these causes generated a vast quantity of water, which rose higher and higher until three mountains alone remained uncovered. All the people who fled to these with their animals were saved, but all others were drowned. (2 -pl8l)

The strife between the mountains they refer to is the tremendous earthquakes that occurred at this time and also land masses rising and falling. Some of the flood mythologies mentioned in the Oceania area could come from the time when the larger continental land masses sank and only the higher elevations remained above water. On the island of Indonesia, the deluge legends are numerous and well developed, including telling that land reappeared after the deluge had passed. In the Phillipines, on the island of Mindanao, the Ata tribe tell how in very early times the earth was covered with water, and all people were drowned, except two men and a woman, who were carried away and would have been lost, had they not been rescued by an eagle, who carried one man and the woman to their home. (2-pl80) On the same island, but from another tribe, a legend mentions that all the inhabitants of the world were once destroy ed by flood, except one woman. When the waters had subsided, she gave birth to a son, who, when he grew up, married his mother, thus repeopling the world. (2-pl80) The Filipino legends of the deluge repeat many of the other myths we have read from all over the Oceania areas. There are several major points we must conclude from our brief survey of these mythologies. The first is that this part of the earth was inundated by the Pacific Ocean at the same time some celestial drama was being played out that involved the sun. After this event, the sun did not appear for a long period of time; perhaps representing two or three generations of survivors. Torrential rains, snow, and hail also occurred during this dark period of time. This, of course, implies a period of unusual cold, especially for this area of the world. During the period of darkness, the oceans were either lowered considerably or disappeared entirely from some areas, due to the extreme evaporation that occurred on the other side of the earth. Finally, those who survived the cataclysm did so by being

on some sort of boat, being on top of a very high mountain, or by taking refuge in some sort of cave. Very little reference to the sun burning the earth is found in the legends of the Oceania area. As we theorized, this would be expected, since they were on the backside of the earth. Any knowledge of the sun burning the earth probably was introduced to them by survivors who were on the sunlit-side of the earth at the time of the nova. Lastly, their legends tell us that some land masses did rise and fall during this period of time and that these land movements were not caused by the ocean flooding the earth. In conclusion, we would say that the mythologies from this part of the world, lend credence to our theory of what occurs during the reversal period.

Mythologies of China
The most ancient records of the Chinese mythologies were destroyed under the Emperor Tsin-Khin-Hong (246-209 BC). He had ordered all of the ancient history and astronomy books as well as the ancient classics to be burned. A few of the original manuscripts survived in the possession of Confucius. Other scholars rewrote original ancient manuscripts from memory, yet a great deal of the true meaning had been lost. Even with these handicaps, the legends and the mythologies that have been rewritten and have survived to this present day, tell us clearly of a past destruction that occurred on the earth. Per our theory, we would assume that China was innundated by the Pacific Ocean at the time of the reversal. We would assume not very many people survived this cataclysm. The only ones we would expect to survive were those who took refuge on the highest mountains or in the deepest caves. In Chinese mythology they say that Fu-hsi was the one survivor from the last destruction. He is considered the Chinese Adam. Sometimes he is described as some sort of deity; but, in actuality, he was just a highly enlightened individual-perhaps a scholar who survived the last cataclysm. Some Chinese scholars place Fu-hsi at about 3,322 BC; but, in actuality, no one knows low long ago Fu-hsi lived. We know from the writings of Kwang-Tze (6th century BC) that Fu-hsi lived during the


age of perfect virture which is his description of the last civilization. (19-p287) We will begin our coverage of Chinese mythology with their description of the civilization just before the last cataclysm. From the writings of the scholar, Kwang-Tze (a student of Lao-Tze), of a time in great antiquity when men were of pure thought and deeds. Man eventually degenerated and was destroyed by the cataclysm.
The men of old, while the chaotic condition was yet undeveloped, shared the placid tranquillity which belonged to the whole world. At that time the Yin and Yang were harmonious and still; their resting and movement proceeded without any disturbance; the four seasons had their definite times; not a single thing received any injury, and no living being came to a premature end. Men might be possessed of (the faculty of) knowledge, but they had no occasion for its use. This was what is called the state of Perfect Unity. At this time, there was no action on the part of any one, but a constant manifestation of spontaneity. This condition (of excellence) deteriorated and decayed, till Sui-zavn (fire) and Fu-hsi arose and commenced their administration of the world; on which came a compliance (with their methods), but the state of unity was lost. The condition going on to deteriorate and decay, Shan Nang (rain) and Hwang-Ti arose, and took the administration of the world, on which the people rested (in their methods), but did not themselves comply with them. Still the deterioration and decay continued till the lords of Thang and Yu (later rulers) began to administer the world. These introduced the method of governing by transformation, resorting to the stream (instead of to the spring) (the Tao), thus vitiating the purity and destroying the simplicity (of the nature). They left the Tao, and substituted the Good for it, and pursued the course of Haphazard Virtue. (19-p369)

What we believe is meant by a constant manifestation of spontaneity is that the people of this earlier time were fifthdimensional beings. They demonstrated ESP and other psychic abilities. The wind, Sui-zan, represents the god of fire or a burning mirror. We believe this actually represents the sun. When they said that Fu-hsi arose after the end of this period of perfect unity, they mean that Fu-hsi was a survivor, who ruled China after the cataclysm. When they say that after the cataclysm, the people resorted to the stream rather than the spring or source, they mean that the


survivors had lost their fifth-dimensional powers and no longer had their psychic abilities. Another description of the philosophy observed at the end of the last age was given by the Taoist scholar, Lao-Tze (born 604 BC), who was the teacher of Kwang-Tze. Lao-Tze tells us that in the paradisiacal State, the Tao ruled man. The Tao or Taoism is the oldest of Chinese religions. Lao-Tzes ancient classic, the Tao Teh King, tells us more about the philosophies of this antediluvian world.
The skillful masters (of the Ta in old times, with a subtle and ex quisite penetration, comprehended its mysteries, and were deep (also) so as to elude mans knowledge. As they were thus beyond mans knowledge. (19 -p58)

From the writings of Kwang-Tze, we learn a little more about Fu-hsi: Fu-hsi received the Tao (the teachings of) and by it penetrated to the mystery of the maternity (creation) of the p rimary matter. (19-p244) We will explain later the full meaning of Taaoism, but for now we will say that a Taoistic-like philosophy was accepted as scientific fact by this antediluvian civilizationboth Lao-Tze and Kwang-Tze say the same thing. The scholar, Lieh-Tze, tells us of a land of bliss that preceded this civilization. These were thought to be five islands that were supported underneath by five large turtles. These islands were known as the Islands of the Blest. These islands were inhabited by white souls of saintly sages who have won immortality by rendering their bodies transparent, . . .
At one time the islands drifted about on the tides of ocean, but the Lord of All who controls the Universe, having been appe aled to by the Taoist sages who dwelt on the isles, caused three great Atlas-turtles to support each island with their heads so that they might remain steadfast. (20-plll)

It is felt that every three thousand years, these tortoises rise to the surface and turn over to see the sun. There are four cycles in these Chinese ages, so a complete cycle is twelve thousand years, which is also what we theorize is the number of years between two successive reversals. The legend continues by saying, 372

Once upon a time, . . . the Atlas-turtles that suppoirt the Islands of the Blest suffered from a raid by a wandering giant (the sun). This giant, it is said, went fishing for these turtles. The giant accomplished hooking two of the turtles which left those two islands to drift toward the north, where they stranded among the icefields. The white beings that inhabited these islands were thus separated from their fellow saints on the other three islands, . . . (20 -pll2)

In the North, these saints suffered from the evils of the North (drout and darkness). This legend is an attempt to recall that after this antediluvian period had ended, the skies were black and the earth was cold, which is, of course, describing the ice age to us. We will now explain how the Chinese mythologies describe the actual destruction of the earth. First, a quote from the Chinese Encyclopedia of the Emperor Kang-Hsi, 1662:
In traveling from the shores of the Eastern Sea toward Che -Iu, neither brooks nor ponds are met with in the country, although it is intersected by mountains and valleys. Nevertheless, there are found in the sand, very far away from the sea, oyster-shells and the shields of crabs. The tradition of the Mongols who inhabit the country is, that it has been said from time immemorial that in a remote antiquity the waters of the deluge flooded the district, and when they retired the places where they had been made their appearance covered with sand. . . . This is why these deserts are called the Sandy Sea, which indicates that they were not always covered with sand and gravel. (1-p259)

From another Chinese encyclopedia, they call the end of a world cycle a great year. The cosmic mechanism winds itself up and in a general convulsion of nature, the sea is carried out of its bed, mountains spring out of the ground, rivers change their course, human beings and everything are ruined, and the ancient traces effaced. (3-p43) From the Chinese deluge legend, we hear of the mythical Empress Nu-Kwa (royal lady of the West-the sun). In her kingdom, it is alleged that three rebels had conspired with the demons or gods of water and fire to destroy the world, and a great flood came on. Nu-Kwa caused the waters to retreat by making use of charred reeds (the burning forests). Then she reerected one of the four pillars of the sky against which one of the rebels, a huge giant, had bumped his head, causing it to topple over (the sky fell down). (20-p268)

The Emperor, Yahou, was believed to live in the time shortly after the last great cataclysm. Many times the cataclysm is called the time of Yahou. It is most probable that he was either one of the other survivors of the cataclysm or was a later descendant of Fu-Hsi. It is obvious from the following annals of Yahou that he was alive when evidence of the destruction was still present on the earth.
At that time the miracle is said to have happened that the sun during a span of ten days did not set, the forests were ignited, and a multitude of abominable vermin were brought forth. In the lifetime of Yao (Yahou) the sun did not set for ten full days and the entire land was flooded. An immense wave that reached the sky fell down on the land of China. The water was well up on the high mountains, and the foothills could not be seen at all ... Destructive in their overflow are the waters of the inundation, said the emperor. In their vast extent they embrace the hills and overtop the great heights, threatening the heavens with their floods. (3 -p 108)

In the previous legend, we see clear reference that the ocean flooded the land; this flood was not caused by rain but rather was caused when the oceans moved rapidly in a westwardly direction. Notice they describe the flood waters as a mountain of water, just like the legends from the American continent. The philosopher, Wen-Tze, gives us the following description of what happened during the last cataclysm:
When the sky, hostile to living beings, wishes to destroy them, it burns them; the sun and the moon lose their form and are eclipsed; the five planets leave their paths; the four seasons encroach one upon another; daylight is obscured; glowing mountains collapse; rivers are dried up; it thunders then in winter, hoarfrost falls in summer; the atmosphere is thick and human beings are choked; the state perishes; the aspect and the order of the sky are altered; the customs of the age are disturbed (thrown into disorder) all living beings harass one another. (3-p 247)

Another Taoist author, Hoei-Nan-Tze, says that when the earth and the sun leave their path, a tremendous flood will cover the earth. (3-p248)

The Chinese legend, Reign of the Chaos, tells us that in the beginning, the world was in darkness; and there was a great deal of smoke and clouds covering the earth. After the Age of Chaos, the heaven and earth separated. Records had not yet been established or inscriptions (writing) invented. At first even the rulers dwelt in caves and desert places, eating raw flesh and drinking blood. (1-p2l0) The Chinese legend of the Ten Stems, tells us of the earth in this chaotic condition. At the Sixth Stem, Darkness and the Light unite with injurious effects-all things become solid, (frozen) and the Darkness destroys the growth of all things (the beginning of the ice age). At the Seventh Stem, the Darkness nips all things. At the Ninth Stem, the Light begins to nourish all things in the recesses below (the sun reappears). (1 -p2ll) Asimilar story is told in the Legend of the Twelve Branches. From the text of Confucianism, the wind, khien, represents the sun which is also known as the Great Father. Khien is also associated with the idea of heaven, a circle, a ruler, cold, ice, or deep red. In the Confucius text, a description of the sun is given when it reappeared after the great period of darkness. They say that the Great Father, the god of heaven, who is red and is a circle (the sun); and the Great Mother, the goddess of Earth, who is black. (20-p266) From this ancient Chinese text, we can see a clear description of the sun as being red in color after its reappearance. This is the same type of description that the natives give us in Northern and Central America. Another Chinese legend about the Emperor Yahou (Yu) tells us that Yu divided the land, following the course of the hills, he cut down the trees. He determined the highest hills and largest rivers. . . The (waters of the) Hang and Wei were brought to their proper channels. (20-p283) Another version of the exploits of Yahou says that When the floods were lifted to the heavens, spreading far and wide, sur rounding the hills and submerging the mounds, so that the common people were bewildered and dismayed, I availed myself of four vehicles, and going up the hills I felled the trees. . . . After that I drained off the nine channels, directing them into the four seas; I dug out ditches and canals and brought them into rivers. (20-p283) The legend continues to say that after Yahou had

finished this work, heaven presented him with a dark colored mace (sky). (20-p284) Throughout Chinese recorded history, the emperors of China have insisted that astronomy be studied to its highest attainable level, for in their mythologies, it is recorded that certain catastrophic events occur on the earth when particular celestial phenomena occur. One of the most important of these phenomena is a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse was considered a very evil omen. To quote from the lamentations from the Shih King, Ode 9, (Shik Yueh Kih Kiao):
The sun and moon announce evil, not keeping to their proper paths. Throughout the kingdom there is no (proper) (order), because the good are not employed. For the moon to be eclipsed is but an ordinary matter. Now that the sun has been eclipsed, how bad it is. Grandly flashes the lightning of the thunder. There is a want of rest, a want of good. The streams all bubble up and overflow. The crags on the hill-tops fall down. High banks become valleys; deep valleys become hills. Alas for the men of this time! How does (God) not stop these things? (18-p355)

In China a tremendous amount of significance has been attached to dragons. It is thought that when dragons fight, fireballs fall to the ground and a strong wind prevails in the heavens. When dragons eggs hatch, lightning flashes, thunder bellows, and darkness comes to the earth. (20-p59) Chinese dragon lore is quite extensive; too extensive for a long discussion here. One dragon figure is particularly interesting to us. It is called the Blue Dragon, believed to be the chief spirit of water and rain. As we mentioned in the legends of Oceania, we believe that primitive man associated the expanding gaseous shells of the sun with that of a large celestial dragon causing dramatic effects on the earth. That is probably the only fragment of truth associated with dragon lore. All of the dragon stories following the original celestial observation were nothing more than flowery fairytales and fantasy. It is a shame that the original early accounts of the last cataclysm were destroyed by the Emperor Tsin-Khin-Hong. We are sure that if these records were available to us today they would give us a much more accurate and detailed description of the sequence of events that. occurred before, during, and after this great cataclysm. Fortunately, we do have records of the earliest of the Chinese

religious beliefs of what they thought existence was and how the original creation came about. This was preserved in the teachings of Taoism. Pure Taoism was first taught by Fu-hsi (the Chinese Adam). This, of course, implies that Taoism is actually the teachings or philosophical thought of the previous civilization. As mentioned earlier, Lao-Tze and Kwang-Tze both say the same thing. At this point a description of Taoism is called for. The translation of the word, Tao, means "the way of nature-her processes, her methods, and her laws." (19-p14) When translated as a force or power, it means the power that works in all created things, producing, preserving, and giving life. The Tao is invisible and is, therefore, not of this dimension. The following is a collection of descriptions as given by Lao-Tze and Kwang-Tze. You will notice the only thing that can possibly fit their description of the Tao is what our theory calls the information that makes up all things in the universe. These ancient philosophers sometimes mistakenly associate the Tao with both the first and second dimensions. In our theory we make a clear differentiation between information in a storage dimension and in a transmission dimension. The Tao permiates the smallest of things, as well as the largest of things. The Tao does not have a positive existence nor a negative one. It is rather a mode of being. The Tao is the maker and transformer. "The Tao is hidden and has no name, but it is the Tao which is skillful at importing (to all things what they need) and making them complete." (19-p85) "The Tao is the spontaneously operating cause of all movement in the phenomena of the universe." (19-p15) The Tao does not decay. The material world springs from the immaterial (the Tao). "It does nothing and has no bodily form. It may be handed down (by the teacher) but may not be received (by his scholars). It may be apprehended (by the mind), but it cannot be seen. It has its roots and ground (of existence) in itself." (19-p243) "The Tao is older than the highest antiquity, and yet could not be considered old (the Tao is independent of time and space). (19-p244) No one knows its beginnings, no one knows its ends." (19-p245) The supreme Tao begets all creation and causes all phenomena. Neither Lao-Tze nor Kwang-Tze associated the Tao with anything similar to western philosophical ideas of what God is. Taoism does not have a creation mythology, such as the one stated in the Bible. Instead they describe the creation of the uni-


verse as a result of the Tao coming into existence. As you will notice from LaoTze and Kwang-Tze's explanation of the creation of the, universe, it is very similar to our concept of how the universe came into being. "In the beginning of all things there was nothing in all the vicinity of space, there was nothing that could be named. From this came the first existence but it was without bodily shape. This was the formation of the universe under the guidance of the Tao. It was evolution, not a creation. The Tao, they do not say came into existence but rather into operation." (19-p315) "Creation passes through one portal. The root of all things emerges through one gate." (38-p19) Lao-Tze tells us that existence and non-existence give birth to one another. The one to the idea of the other. (19p48) The idea of a spirit or soul superimposed on three-dimensional matter is also echoed by Kwang-Tze. He tells us "as things were completed (came into being) there were produced the distinguishing lines of each, which we call the bodily shape. That shape was the body perceiving in it the spirit." (19p316) LaoTze tells us that man is composed of body and spirit but not necessarily dependent on each other. You might say that the similarities between early Taoism and our Theory of Multidimensional Reality is merely coincidental, but there is one philosophy stated by Lao-Tze which definitely proves that the origins of Taoism began from a civilization with a highly advanced science. We say this because the only way to know this principle of the universe is to have sophisticated astronomical equipment in order to make the observation. Lao-Tze said "(So heaven) diminishes where there is superabundance, and supplements where there is deficiency. It is the way of heaven to diminish superabundance and to supplement deficiency." (19-p119) He is saying the same thing we said in Chapter Six and that is that the diehold will never permit too much or too little information being directed toward a given area in time and space. It will correct any such disproportion over time. In order for us to come to this conclusion, we had to have at our disposal knowledge of the expanding universe, black holes, quasars, and most importantly to know what gravity truly is. The founders of the Taoist philosophy must have known about the same scientific observations as we do today. Otherwise, we do not see how they could have come up with this principle. An important point to be made from these principles stated in Taoism is that, perhaps, the best legacy we have from the previous


civilization (when we say the previous civilization, we mean the one before the last cataclysm) is not the pyramids or caves left by them but rather the philosophical ideas of what existence is. This observation would fit one of our basic premises-which is that ideas always transcend material things. In conclusion, the word, Tao is unscientific mans attempt to name an abstract idea which actually means information. All ancient Chinese scholars attribute the philosophy of Taoism with Fu-hsi, who also brought with him from the previous civilization a unique type of hieroglyphics. They are called the trigrams (Figure 11.1) and the hexagrams (Figure 11.2). The trigrams and hexagrams are made by a simple combination of what is called strong lines (-) and weak lines (- -). No Chinese scholars of written record have ever understood what importance or meaning Fu-hsi put on the trigrams or hexagrams. The original meanings of these figures seem to have died with Fu-hsi. The only thing we do know about them is that Fu-hsi grouped the hexagrams in series of 8, 16, 32, and 64. These are, of course, higher powers of 2. In the 13 th century BC, King Wan gave new meaning to the trigrams and hexagrams. Some scholars believe that King Wan was actually the originator of the hexagrams; but when King Wan was asked about this by his court scholars, he told them that the hexagrams were, in fact, attributable to Fu-hsi . The clues to these hieroglyphics are in the numerical progression in which Fu-hsi grouped them. These numbers are not coincidentally higher powers of two. The only device we know of that uses a binary system is computers. Computers of today are measured by the number of bits of memory they can store. For instance, a 64 memory means a computer can store up to 64,000 bits of information in its core. What we are getting at is this: We believe the trigrams and hexagrams which Fu-hsi handed down to us are really a computer language used by the previous civilization. If this postulate seems unlikely because you think mere lines cannot be used as a computer language to be read by a computer, you must consider the computer codes used on food packages and other items sold in supermarkets throughout the United States (Figure 11.3). These

Figure 11.1


THE HEXAGRAMS, in the order in which they appear in the Yi, and were arranged by king W4n.



(Ref. 8)


Figure 11.3

codes are a series of 30 lines which represent the manufacturer, the product number, and the price. The computer reads these series of lines and interprets the various thicknesses of the lines and the spaces between the lines. Tens of thousands of different combinations can be derived from these 30 lines. We believe originally the trigrams and hexagrams were very similar to our present-day packaging codes. The line thickness and the space difference between each line represent different information to the computer (Figure 11.4). It is possible also that the weak lines were of different lengths; therefore, a computer code using just six lines could be used for thousands of different kinds of information.

Figure 11.4

Our conclusion of the trigrams and hexagrams is that the original true meaning of them will never be known because we have no way of knowing what information the computer had programmed in it associated with those different figures. We believe these hexagrams were never meant to be a written language; just like the computer codes on our packaging is not meant to be our written language. Finally, the most obvious conclusion is that the previous civilization was at least as advanced as we are today; perhaps more so.

The Mythologies of Japan

Japan is a mixture of four separate civilizations that settled on the island. The oldest residents of Japan are the Ainu people. Later settlers included the Koreans, the Chinese, and Malayans. Over the thousands of years, they intermarried and formed the Japanese culture. We will concentrate on the legends of the Ainu people since they were possibly the only original survivors from the island of Japan. They have a deluge mythology, which simply says that when the waters rose, most of the human race was destroyed. Only a remnant survived by climbing to the summit of a high mountain. Another legend of Japan called the Nihongi says that there was a time of continuous darkness: the world was given over to wide spread desolation; it was an age of darkness and disorder. (3pl34) The Ainu culture does not have what we would call a very clear self-explanatory mythology of the last cataclysm. Instead the sequence of events that occurred is coded and concealed in some very fanciful mythologies. The main one being the legend of Izanagi. Izanagi we would consider their idea of God. The legend tells us his sister, Izanami (the old sun), went to the underworld when she grew old and was about to die. The legend goes on:
After Izanagi had slain his son, the fire-god, and brought into being new gods (a new sun), including dragons, he was seized with longing to see Izanami once more. Accordingly he set out to find her in Yomi, the dark Hades of the Underworld ... When Izanagi reached the gloomy dwelling of his sister, she raised the door, and he spoke to her, saying: Thine Augustness, my lovely young sister! The lands that I and you made a re not yet finished; so come back. (20p357)

This part of the legend is attempting to tell us that when the old sun disappeared, there was a period of darkness that covered the earth. Later on, the legend tells us that associated with the old sun is fire, thunder, lightning, and earthquakes. Eventually a new sun reappears and the earth is brought to life again. (21-p226)


Mythologies From India

The Indian culture is one of the oldest on the earth. Their folklore dates back to a time previous to the last cataclysm. India has been rich in many varied philosophical viewpoints of existence. Hinduism, Brahmanism, and Buddhism are three of the many philosophical ideas that have come from India. Most of these religious ideas have incorporated in them the mythologies and folklore of India. Many stories of the creation and the epic cataclysms have been incorporated into these religions. It is difficult digging out some of the original stories of the creation and the cataclysm, because the original legends have been interpreted and reinterpreted so many times by sages that the original legend is now highly distorted. Too many cooks spoil the broth, or in this case, too many philosophers have destroyed the true meaning of the original ideas. The history of Hinduism has always been a struggle between the devotees of folk religion and the expounders of the Forest Books produced by the speculative sages who, in their quest for truth, use primitive myths to illustrate profound doctral teachings. (23-pl02) The Hindus concept of the creation of the universe is similar to our own. In the beginning there was nothing in the universe. When time began and the information from the diehold began modulating into existence, there were only vast amounts of light and energy, being emitted from the point of modulation. The Hindus say, At first the Universe was not anything. There was neither sky, nor earth, nor air. Being non-existent, it resolved, Let me be. It became fervent. From that fervour, smoke was produced. It again became fervent. From the fervour, fire was produced. Afterwards the fire became rays and the rays condensed into a cloud, producing the sea. (20-p3O4) The Hindus also say that the universe was created by mind which is comparable to what we describe as being the They say the force that comes from the mind is called Brahma. This Brahma permeates and creates everything in the universe. The Brahma would be analogous to us saying, the information coming from the diehold. So Brahma is actually the primitive mans attempt to explain information that makes up all existence. As you can see, the Hindu sages had somehow either evolved to the

correct answer of how the universe came about or there were records left by a previous civilization that some of these sages had the opportunity to read. The Hindus also have a detailed description of three previous ages before ours. Before we can go into these, we must give a brief explanation of how they divided time to come up with these ages. In Indian folklore, one year for man is equal to one day of the gods. Twelve thousand years to the gods is equal to one age or a katuryuga (4 yugas). One thousand katuryugas is equal to a kalpa. Each katuryuga is made up of four human ages. (24-p20) An important number to be noticed is the number 12,000. Even though they associate the 12,000 years as being years of the gods, this we believe is a prime example of the misinterpretation of too many sages giving their interpretation of an original document. We have noticed that many cultures throughout the world consider the few survivors of the last cataclysm as being like gods. We believe that when they say 12,000 years of the gods, it is actually 12,000 years of our time. Otherwise, 12,000 divine years of the gods would equal 4,320,000 years of man. This number is obviously wrong, because we know that 12,000 and 24,000 years ago there were polar reversals and ice ages on the earth, which in turn caused the cataclysms. There is no way these people would have a record of a cataclysm that occurred over 4.3 million years ago. They obviously mixed up the meaning of the ages, or yugas and kalpas. We theorize that each age, whether we call it a yuga or a kalpa, is actually equal to 12,000 Earth years. The Indian sage, Markandeya, was believed to be one of the survivors of the last cataclysm. From his philosophies has come a very accurate and detailed description of the past ages. In the legend, he tells of three previous ages: the krita yuga (36,000 years before our age), the treta yuga (24,000 years ago), and the dwapara yuga-the last age-(12,000 years ago). The age in which we live presently is called the kali yuga. Markandevas tale is as follows:
In the beginning there existed a supreme being: great, incomprehensi ble, wonderful, and immaculate, without beginning and without end.. . . He is the Creator of All, but is himself Increate, and is the cause of all power. After the Universe is dissolved, all Creation is renewed, and the cycle of the four Ages begins again with Krita Yuga. A cycle of the Yugas


comprises twelve thousand divine years. A full thousand of such cycles constitutes a Day of Brahma. At the end of each Day of Brahma comes Universal Destruction. Markandeya goes on to say that the world grows extremely sinful at the close of the last Kali Yuga of the Day of Brahma. Brahmans abstain from prayer and meditation, and Sudras take their place ... ; all men degenerate and beasts of prey increase. The earth is ravaged by fire, cows give little milk, fruit trees no longer blossom, Indra sends no rain; the world of men becomes filled with sin and immorality. Then the earth is swept by fire, and heavy rains fall until the forests and mountains are covered over by the rising flood. All the winds pass away; they are absorbed by the Lotus floating on the breast of the waters, in which the Creator sleeps; the whole Universe is a dark expanse of water. (23-pll3)

In other writings, Markandeya goes into greater detail of what happens during the destruction:
After a drought lasting for many years, seven blazing suns will appear in the firmament; (the sun novas) they will drink up all the waters. Then wind-driven fire will sweep over the earth, consuming all things; penetrating to the nether world it will destroy what is there in a moment; it will burn up the Universe. Afterwards manycoloured and brilliant clouds will collect in the sky, looking like herds of elephants decked with wreaths of lightning. Suddenly they will burst asunder, and rain will fall incessantly for twelve years until the whole world with its mountains and forests is covered with water. The clouds will vanish. Then the Self-created Lord, the First Cause of everything, will absorb the winds and go to sleep. The Universe will become one dread expanse of water. (23-pl42)

As you can tell from Markandeyas version of the destruction, he covers many of the same points we theorized occurred at the end of these great universal cycles. This point is also elaborated on in the Hindu Book, Bhagavata Purana. This book also tells us there are four ages, and each age is ended by a conflagration, flood, and hurricane. In the Indian books, Ezour Vedam and Bhaga Vedam, we are told of four previously expired ages. In the book, VisuddhiMagga (World Cycles), it says There are three destructions: the destruction by water, the destruction by fire, the destruction by wind. (3-p43)
This last book tells of seven past ages, all of which ended in a

world cataclysm. In Brahmanism it is thought that after each cycle, the universe becomes water as in the beginning. (23-pl05) This expression is, of course, referring to the period after the great flood when the earth appears to have been entirely covered with water. The Hindu book, Vedanta-Sutras, also tells us that the world is periodically devastated and changes both name and form. The surface of the earth dissolves and is later produced anew. All contradictions to truth pass away. (27-p2l2) In the book, SatapathaBrahmana there is a good description of what the sun does at the end of a yuga (world age).
That one (the sun) bakes everything here, by means of the days and nights, the half -moons, the months, the seasons, and the year; and this (Agni, the fire) (the sun) bakes what is baked by that one: A baker of the baked (he is), said BharadVaga of Agni; for he bakes what has been baked by that (sun). In the year these amounted to ten thousand and eight hundred: he stopped at the ten thousand and eight hundred. (28-p352)

What this phrase is indicating to us is that the Brahmans feel that the sun destroys by baking one-half of the earth at the end of a cycle. They believe that this event occurs every 10,800 years. This is not very far off from our theory that it occurs every 12,000 years. In the third Brahmana in the same Hindu book, they give us another impression of their views on the sun:
Now yonder burning (sun) doubtless is no other than Death; and be cause he is Death, therefore the creatures that are on this side of him die. But those that are on the other side of him are the gods, and they are therefore immortal. And the breath of whomsoever he (the sun) wishes he takes and rises, and that one dies. And whosoever goes to yonder world not having escaped that Death, him he causes to die again and again in yonder world, even as, in this world, one regards not him that is fettered, but puts him to death whenever one wishes. (25 -p343)

You will notice there is no disagreement as to what causes the destruction of the earth. The principle of 12,000 years between world cycles does show up in Brahman literature in the Rik Verses.

There are 12,000 verses in this writing. Each verse representing a year. Supposedly, the verses were created by Pragapati (God). (28-p353) Like most other cultures, the Hindus also associated the forces of nature with personalized deities. There is one very nice legend of Bhima, who is the son of the wind-god, Vayu. Bhima is associated with the winds. He has a brother, Hanuman, the monkey god. The story tells us that Bhima goes out into the woods to gather flowers from Paradise for his beloved queen. Some time passes after Bhima is in the forest, when he notices dark ominous clouds over him. He then rushes to gather the flowers without delay:
At length he hastened like to a hurricane, making the earth tremble under his feet, and lions and tigers and elephants and bears arose and took flight from before him. Terrible was then the roaring of Bhima. Birds fluttered terror-stricken and flew away; in confusion arose the geese and the ducks and the herons and the kokilas.... Bhima tore down branches; he struck trees and overthrew them; he smote and slew elephants and lions and tigers that crossed his path. He blew on his warshell and the heavens trembled; the forest was stricken with fear; mountain caves echoed the clamour; elephants trumpeted in terror and lions howled dismally. The story continues and tells us that Hanuman was awakened by his brothers commotion. Hanuman then tells his brother of the past yugas on the earth. At that Age the universe was not as it is now. Thou canst not behold the form I erstwhile had.... In Krita Yuga there was one state of things and in the Treta Yuga another; greater change came with Dwapara Yuga, and in the present Yuga there is lessening, and I am not what I have been. The gods, the saints, and all things that are have changed. I have conformed with the tendency of the present age and the influence of Time. Said Bhima: I would fain learn of thee regarding the various Yugas. Speak and tell what thou dost know, 0 Hanuman. The ape god then spoke and said: The Krita Yuga (Perfect Age) was so named because there was but one religion, and all men were saintly: therefore they were not required to perform religious ceremonies. Holiness never grew less, and the people did not decrease. There were no gods in the Krita Yuga, and there were no demons or Yakshas, and no Rakshasas or Nagas. Men neither bought nor sold; there were no poor and no rich; there was no need to labour, because all that men required was obtained by the power of will; the chief virtue was the abandonment of all worldly desires. The Krita Yuga was without disease; there was no lessening with the years; there was no hatred, or vanity, or 387

evil thought whatsoever; no sorrow, no fear. All mankind could attain to supreme blessedness. The universal soul was Narayana: he was White; he was the refuge of all and was sought for by all; the identification of self with the universal soul was the whole religion of the Perfect Age. In the Treta Yuga sacrifices began, and the World Soul became Red; virtue lessened a quarter. Mankind sought truth and performed religious ceremonies; they obtained what they desired by giving and by doing. In the Dwapara Yuga the aspect of the World Soul was Yellow: religion l essened one-half. The Veda, which was one (the Regveda) in the Krita Yuga, was divided into four parts, and although some had knowledge of the four Vedas, others knew but three or one. Mind lessened, Truth declined, and there came desire and diseases and calamities; because of these men had to undergo penances. It was a decadent Age by reason of the prevalence of sin. In the Kali Yuga the World Soul is Black in hue: it is the Iron Age; only one quarter of virture remaineth. The world is afflicted, men turn to wickedness; disease cometh; all creatures degenerate; contrary effects are obtained by performing holy rites; change passeth over all things, and even those who live through many Yugas must change also. (23plO8)

In the Hindu book, Prasna-Upanishad, it is told that in the past the sun rose in the west and set in the east.

He replied: Pragapati (the lord of creatures) was desirous of creatures. He performed penance, and having performed penance, he produced a pair, matter (rayi) and spirit (prana), thinking that they together should produce creatures for him in many ways. The sun is spirit, matter is the moon. All this, what has body and what has no body, is matter, and therefore body indeed is matter. Now Aditya, the sun, when he rises, goes toward the East, and thus receives the Eastern spirits into his rays. (26-p272)

Another interesting folk legend from the Satapatha-Brahmana tells of the adventures of one young man, Manu, before and after the great deluge. One day Manu went down to the water to wash his hands. A small fish jumped into his hands. It said to him:
Rear me, I will save thee. Wherefrom wilt thou save me? A flood will carry away all these creatures: from that I will save thee! How am I to rear thee? It said, As long as we are small, there is great destruction for us: fish devours fish. Thou wilt first keep me in a jar. When I outgrow that, 388

thou wilt dig a pit and keep me in it. When I outgrow that, thou wilt take me down to the sea, for then I shall be beyond destruction. It soon became a ghasha (a large fish); for that grows largest (of all fish). Thereupon it said, In such and such a year that flood will come. Thou shalt then attend to me (i.e., to my advice) by preparing a ship; and when the flood has risen thou shalt enter into the ship, and I will save thee from it. After he had reared it in this way, he took it down to the sea. And in the same year which the fish had indicated to him, he attended to (the advice of the fish) by preparing a ship; and when the flood had risen, he entered into the ship. The fish then swam up to him, and to its hom he tied the rope of the ship, and by that means he passed swiftly up to yonder northern mountain. It then said, I have saved thee. Fasten the ship to a tree; but let not the water cut thee off, whilst you art on the mountain. As the water subsides, thou mayest gradually descend! Accordingly he gradually descended, and hence that (slope) of the northern mountain is called Manus descent. The flood then swept away all these creatures, and Manu alone remained here. (25 -p2l6)

This story is somewhat similar to the biblical story of Noah, but this similarity could be explained by anthropologists because there was a great deal of trade and other contact between India and the holy land. What is so interesting to us about this legend is that it is almost exactly like a legend that is told in Central America. In almost every respect it is the same; even to the fish grabbing the line of the boat. As far as anyone knows, there has never been any contact between India and the American continent up until the time of the discovery of the new world. We wont speculate on why these two mythologies are so similar, but it does seem very strange that the same story shows up 12,000 miles apart. From the Hindu book, Avatar, we are given a good description of what the sun looked like when it novaed and how many hours it took for it to expand.
By the power of God there issued from the essence of Brahma a being shaped like a boar, white and exceedi ng small (the sun); this being, in the space of an hour, grew to the size of an elephant of the largest size, and remained in the air. Brahma (the name of the Hindu king) was astonished on beholding this figure, and discovered, by the force of internal penetration, that it could be nothing but the power of the Omnipotent which had assumed 389

abody and become visible. He now felt that God is all in all, and all is from him, and all in him; and said to Mareechee and his sons (the attendant genii): A wonderful animal has emanated from my essence; at first of the smallest size, it has in one hour increased to this enormous bulk, and, without doubt, it is a portion of the almighty power. Brahma, an earthly king, was at first frightened by the terrible spectacle in the air, and then claimed that he had produced it himself! They were engaged in this conversation when that vara, or boarform, suddenly uttered a sound like the loudest thunder, and the echo reverberated and shook all the quarters of the universe. But still, under this dreadful awe of heaven, a certain wonderful divine confidence secretly animated the hearts of Brahma, Mareechee, and the other genii, who immediately began praises and thanksgiving. That vara (the sun) figure, . . . again made a loud noise, and became a dreadful spectacle. Shaking the full flowing mane which hung down his neck on both sides, and erecting the humid hairs of his body, he proudly displayed his two most exceedingly white tusks; then, rolling about his wine-colored (red) eyes, and erecting his tail, he descended from the region of the air, and plunged headforemost into the water. The whole body of water was convulsed by the motion, and began to rise in waves, while the guardian spirit of the sea, being terrified, began to tremble for his domain and cry for mercy. 132)

The previous myth gives us a very good description of what the visual phenomena must have looked like. It also tells us that a great deal of noise was associated with the suns nova. When it refers to the sun having a full flowing mane and tusks coming from two sides, this is probably an attempt at describing the gas shells of the sun as they expanded. Toward the end of the legend, we see clear reference to the novas effect on the oceans of the earth. It must have been a truly frightening sight to the people on the earth. Another Hindu legend tells of the battle between the sun god, Rama, and Ravana, a giant demon. Supposedly, Ravana had caused great trouble in the ancient land of the Hindus. This occurred at the end of the last age:
The battle is a terrible one. Ravana has ten heads, and as fast as Rama cuts off one another grows in its place. Finally, Rama, . . . , fires the terrible arrow of Brahma (fire), and the monster falls dead. Gods and demons are watching the contest from the sky, and flowers (debris) fall down in showers on the victorious hero.


The body of Ravana is consumed by fire. Sita, the furrowed earth, goes through the ordeal of fire, and comes out of it purified and redeemed from all taint of the monster Ravana; and Rama, the sun, and Sita, the earth, are separated for fourteen years; Sita is hid in the dark jungle, and then they are married again, and live happily together ever after. (1-pl72)

We have covered many ancient Hindu mythologies of the creation and the cataclysm. Every one says that the sun was the cause of the cataclysm on the earth. We theorize India was fortunate enough to be on the back side of the earth when the sun novaed. We believe they learned of what occurred on the planet from very evolved humans that may have immigrated to India from the other side of the world, bringing with them their science and philosophy. The idea of successive world cycles is well developed in these Hindu mythologies. This principle was probably brought to them by these philosophers. The reason we believe that the basis for these Hindu theories of the cataclysm was brought to them is because to know that there were three or four previous civilizations and cataclysms implies that some civilization on this planet had evolved scientifically, as far as, or farther than, us. Two important philosophical theories mentioned in Brahmanism are their ideas of time and also the atom. This is what the Brahmans say about time from the book, Maitrayana-BrahmanaUpanishad:
Because time is imperceptible by sense, therefore this (the progress of the sun) is its evidence, and by it alone is time proved to exist. Without proof there is no apprehension of what is to be proved; but even what is to be proved can become proof, for the sake of making itself known, if the parts (the twinklings) can be distinguished from the whole (time). For thus it is said: As many portions of time as there are, through them the sun pro ceeds: he who worships time as Brahman, from him time moves away very far. And thus it is said: From time all beings flow, from time they grow; in time they obtain rest; time is visible (sun) and invisible (moments). There are two forms of Brahman, time and non-time. That which was before the (existence of the) sun is nontime and has no parts. That which had its beginning from the sun is time and has parts. (26 -p3l6)


This explanation of time is not too far from what we theorize time to be. We say time is the distance covered across the information by the tapehead. They are close to this idea by saying that time flows. Their idea of time and non-time, we would say is an attempt to explain the first dimension, where time stands still because all existence is simply pure information. Their expression, the sun is non-time and has no parts is not completely correct. Here, we see them trying to say that the sun is the cause of all in formation in our world, rather than our idea that information comes from a structure in the first dimension. They are correct in thinking that the sun has no parts or matter. Because per our theory, the sun is mostly highly unstable information and is only made up of a very small percentage of matter. The other philosophical point we do not believe a primitive people could have evolved to is their conception of what the smallest piece of matter is. In the beginning of Chapter Five, we credited the Greeks with the concept and the word, atom. This has been the accepted teaching; but we are not so sure of that, because of what is written in the Vedanta-Sutras and Adhyaya. In this section they are philosophizing about the parts that make up matter:
As we observe four elementary substances consisting of parts, viz. earth, water, fire, and air (wind), we have to assume four different kinds of atoms. These atoms marking the limit of subdivision into minuter parts cannot be divided themselves; hence when the elements are destroyed they can be divided down to atoms only; this state of atomic division of the elements constitutes the pralaya (the periodical destruction of the world). After that when the time for creation comes, motion (karman) springs up in the aerial atoms. This motion which is due to the unseen principle (soul) joins the atom in which it resides to another atom; thus binary compounds are produced, and finally the element of air. In a like manner are produced fire, water, earth, the body with its organs. Thus the whole world originates from atoms. From the qualities inhering in the atoms the qualities belonging to the binary compounds are produced, just as the qualities of the cloth result from the qualities of the threads.-Such, in short, is the teaching of the followers of Kanada. (27 -p386)

To put it very plainly, their concept of the atom is correct, because the atom cannot be divided. It is obvious from this passage 392

that they had the principle that when a soul or conscious energy is superimposed with atoms, it produces motion, which is caused by time. Their reference to binary compounds may be an attempt to explain what we call the electrostatic field and the magnetic field that are a function of the information. From the Hindus explanations of time and the atom, there is little doubt that no primitive people could have known this. The only way a civilization could obtain this state of knowledge is to have been scientifically highly advanced. The question, of course, now is Were the Hindus, 12,000 years ago, highly advanced or was there another civilization? Again we come to the possibility that Atlantis did exist.

Mythologies of Siberia
From the northeasternmost regions of Siberia to its western regions, near the Crimea, all the natives tell of a great deluge that occurred some time in the ancient past. There are several variations of this legend. Some say the people took refuge on rafts. Others say the people took refuge on logs and other debris floating on the surface of the water. Many legends developed the idea that the flood caused the many races and differences in languages among people. For instance, the Urians say that the rafts drifted in different directions. After the water decreased, the people settled in different parts of the world. Other legends say that a strong wind blew the rafts to different parts of the earth. (36-p367) The Tungus people tell the following story of the cataclysm: In the beginning was the earth, but then a great fire raged for seven years and the earth was burned up. Everything became sea. All the Tungus were consumed except a boy and a girl who rose up with an eagle into the sky. Having wandered for a time in the air, they descended to a place where the water had dried up. (36p368) In this legend there is clear reference to an association between the fire and flood occurring at the same time. The Voguls also have a conflagration legend. They say: God sent a sea of fire upon the earth in order to destroy the devil. The cause of the fire they call the fire-water. In the destruction of all creation, only the gods and a few mortals succeeded in saving themselves. The former placed themselves in an iron ship, the latter on

a seven-bottomed beech-raft, which was provided in addition with a fireproof, sevenfold cover of sturgeon-skin. (36-p368) The Voguls also say that the earth was burning at both corners of the sky. (36-p369) This is definite proof that Asia was on the back side of the earth when the sun novaed. What the Voguls had seen was light and flame coming from both the eastern and western horizons. This must have been an incredible spectacle in the sky. The Tartars from Central Russia say that at this time the whole world was turned red, fire and flame surrounded the earth and rose to the heavens. In this world conflagration, they say, all the wicked people were destroyed. Notice they realize the earth was burned by some celestial object, but they do not know that it was the sun.

The Mythologies of Babylon

The ancient city of Babylon was located on the Euphrates River. The Babylonian empire extended as far east as India. This part of the world has seen many different religions. Some of the religions were sun and planet worshippers; others were fire worshippers. One of the best-known religions was Mazdaism, and its prophet was the famous Zarathustra (Zoroaster). This religion lasted in its pure state for some 300 years. After that it degenerated into nothing more than idolatry and fire worship. In its golden age under the guidance of Zarathustra, they believed that time was divided into world ages. Each world age consisted of 12,000 years. Each thousand years was represented by a separate God and also a separate astrological sign. They believed the beginning of the first millennium began at 9,630 B.C. Zarathustra was born 660 B.C. They believed the end of the 12th millennium will be in the year 2,398 A.D. (34-pxxxi) At the end of the 12th millennium or world age, the sun will stand still for 30 days; and there will be a complete renovation of the universe. To quote: When that millennium has fully elapsed, which is the second of the religion of the Mazda-worshippers.... the sun conceals itself . . . (34-pll4) Then there will be 30 straight winters. Fifty-seven years after the sun goes dark, a new sun will appear in the sky. (34-pll6) This number, 57, is very close to the 52-years mentioned by the Aztecs.

Mazdaism also teaches that after the sun goes dark, the God of the Ocean, Kanyisa, with a thousand of his companions will cover the earth and smite the wicked people and annihilate them. (34-pll8) Zarathustra also taught that these world ages were divided into four, 3,000 year intervals. (30-pl49) The first being the golden age; the second being the silver; the third, the steel; and the fourth period being iron-the last being the most wicked. There is much propagation of the authority of the apostate and other villains, as regards the destruction of the reign of religion, the weakening of every kind of goodness and virtue, and the disappearance of honour and wisdom from the countries . . . (33-pl8l) The Babylonians had several deluge myths. One of them is very close to the biblical story of Noah. Since both stories may have one common source, we will not go into the Babylonian legend, but we will go into some of the things that are unique to the Babylonian legend. They believed the sun god was Shamash, and he appointed the time when the heavens would rain destruction on the earth and the flood would come to destroy all men. (29-p55) Here again, we see a clear connection between the sun and the deluge. The Babylonians believed that a previous race of men perished during this cataclysm and that all inhabitants of the earth were turned to clay, except a few who were saved in various ways. (29-pl93) There are indications that some of the survivors took refuge in some sort of cave or structure, other than a boat. This is elaborated upon in the 27th chapter of the book, Dina-1 Mainog-i Khirad, one of the holy books of Mazdaism. The enclosure formed by Yim (one of their gods) was made by him; and when that rain of Malkos (the ice age) occurs-since it is declared in revelation that mankind and the other creatures and creations (the ones not in the cave) of Auharmazd, (their head god) the lord, are mostly those which shall perish-one which afterwards open the gate of that enclosure formed by Yim, and the people and cattle and other creatures and creations of the creator Auharmazd, shall come out from that enclosure, and arrange the world again. (32-p59) From this quotation we see reference to a period of extreme cold that comes after the cataclysm. Of course, we know thisperiod as the ice age. Other reference to this period of cold is given in the book, Dadistan-i Diniak, Chapter 37. Even that prodigious devastation of which it is declared that it happens through

the rain of Malkos, when, through snow, immoderate cold, and the unproductiveness of the world, most mortals die; and even the things attainable by mortals are attended with threatenings of scarcity. (31 pl09) From the second tablet of the Babylonian deluge legend, we have a very good description of the sequence of events that occurred during the deluge.
When the first flush of dawn appeared While Nabu and Marduk went before. (the waters) They go as messengers over mountain and valley. Nergal bore away the anchor. Ninib advances, the storm he makes to descend. The There came up from the horizon a black cloud. Adad thundered within it. Anunnaki lifted up their torches, (fire gods) With their brightness they light up the land. Adads storm reached unto heaven, All light was turned into darkness, It (flooded) the land like ... Raged high, (the water climbed over) the mountains,

Like a besom of destruction they brought it upon men, ... Six days and nights Blew the wind, the deluge and the tempest overwhelmed the land. When the seventh day drew nigh, the tempest ceased; the deluge, Which had fought like an army, ended. Then rested the sea, the storm fell asleep, the flood ceased. I looked upon the sea, while I sent forth my wail. All mankind was turned to clay . . . I looked upon the world, all was sea. After twelve days the land emerged. (35-p202)

The Babylonian legend is somewhat more descriptive when it comes to telling us that the waters passed over the mountains, which, of course, means that the oceans inundated the land. Most amazing of all about this legend is that it tells us that the sun rose in the west. The legend says that when the first flash of dawn appeared, the cataclysm began. Since we already know from the legends of Oceania, China, India, and Siberia that the sun was not present in the sky when the deluge occurred, this means that the sun must have been over the Atlantic Ocean at the time the cataclysm began. For it to be dawn in ancient Persia and for the sun to


be over the Atlantic, means that the earth must have been turning opposite to how it turns today. From another Babylonian version of the deluge mythology, we find another reference that the sun rose in the west.
At the dawn of day I saw rising athwart the heavens a dark cloud, and in the midst of it Rammon thundered. Nebo and Merodach (the waters) went in front, speeding like emissaries over hills and plains. The cables of the ship were let loose. The Ninip, the tempest god, came nigh, and the storm broke in fury before him. All the earth spirits leapt up with flaming torches and the whole land was aflare. The thunder god swept over the heavens, blotting out the sunlight and bringing thick darkness. Rain poured down the whole day long, and the earth was covered with water; the rivers were swollen; the land was in confusion; men stumbled about in the darkness, battling with the elements. Brothers were unable to see brothers; no man could recognize his friends. . . . The spirits above looked down and beheld the rising flood and were afraid, they fled away, and in the heaven of Anu they crouched like to hounds in the protecting enclosures. Six days and six nights went past, and the tempest raged over the waters which gradually covered the land. But when the seventh day came, the wind fell, the shirling waters grew peaceful, and the sea retreated. The storm was over and the rain of destruction had ceased. I looked forth. I called aloud over the waters. But all mankind had perished and turned to clay. Where fields had been I saw marshes only. (29 -pl92)

We believe the reference to the spirits above hiding in protective enclosures meant the advanced civilization which also inhabited the planet at the time of the last cataclysm. Many of these enclosures were probably pyramids, which we have mentioned have been found all over the world. Adifferent account of the cataclysm is told in the Bundahis, one of the sacred books from Iran. They believe an evil spirit descended on the earth and caused great destruction and havoc for a period of time. They say,
Afterwards, he (the evil spirit) came to fire, and he mingled smoke and darkness with it. The planets, with many demons, dashed against the celestial sphere, and they mixed the constellations; and the whole creation was as disfigured as though fire disfigured every place and smoke 397

arose over it. And ninety days and nights the heavenly angles were contending in the world with the confederate demons of the evil spirit,... (30-pl9)

The second conflict was waged with the water, The water poured on the earth the same day the destroyer caused the conflagration on the earth. They say the waters of the flood drifted to the west. (30 -p26) Again telling us that the earth rotated from east to west. The water stood as high as a man over the entire earth. The wind spirit later swept away all the waters, and the earth was visible again. From the Babylonian legends we see more proof for most of the major points in our theory, especially that the earth rotated in the opposite direction.

The Legends of the Jews It is believed that the Jewish religion began with the teachings of Abraham. He was the first to teach a monotheistic concept of God. There is no certain date as to when Abraham lived. By some of the Jewish legends, Abraham lived at the same time as Noah; but, of course, this would have been impossible. It is also believed that Abraham preceeded Moses by 400 or 500 years, but this is also uncertain. Some of Abrahams teachings of the creation teach that on the first day of creation, God created seven heavens, each heaven having a different purpose. Besides the seven heavens created on the first day, God also created light and darkness. As legend tells it: Though the heavens and the earth consist of entirely different elements, they were yet created as a unit (matter). The heavens were fashioned from the light of Gods garment. (37-p8) We would interpret the preceding as follows: the seven heavens actually represent the seven dimensions into which existence is manifested, meaning the second to the eighth dimension. When the legend speaks of the heavens and the earth being made of different elements, but not yet brought into physical being, this we would interpret as meaning that in the beginning of time, the information for all existence was present in the diehold but not as yet transmitted or played out. The universe was still just information in the diehold. The idea that the universe was formed from the light of

God, we would interpret as meaning that the universe is a thoughtform of Gods, just as a tool or other man-made object is the thought-form of man. This idea was covered in Chapter Eight on psychic phenomena. The light could be analogous to the small bubbles and flares of light that are seen emitting from living objects under Kirlian photography. The creation legend continues by saying that on the second day, the information took another form in existence. The firmament is not the same as the heavens of the first day. It is the crystal stretched forth over the heads of the Hayyot, from which the heavens derive their light, as the earth derives its light from the sun. This firmament saves the earth from being engulfed by the waters (random potentials) of the heavens; it forms the partition between the waters above (the information) and the waters below. It (information) made to crystallize into the solid (matter) it is by the heavenly fire, which broke its bounds, and condensed the surface of the firmament (came into existence). Thus fire made a division between the celestial and the terrestial at the time of cr eation. (37pl3) We believe this explains the difference between the first dimension, the storage dimension; the second dimension, which is the transmission dimension; and, of course, the third dimension, which is the first level at which matter is modulated into existence. We had not found this concept stated in any of the other legends or mythologies anywhere else in the world. We would say that the information handed down by Abraham is scientifically correct per our theory of existence, even though it is stated in terms that unscientifically oriented individuals can comprehend. The idea of previous worlds and civilizations was well known to the ancient Jews. They believed that the previous civilizations had all been destroyed by cataclysms brought down upon them by God. They believed that some people perished by the deluge and that others were consumed by fire. It was believed that God summoned the Angel of the Face, (the sun) ... to destroy the world. The angel opened his eyes wide, and scorching fires and thick clouds rolled forth from them. (37-pl4) Most people have heard of the legend of Noah. He, his wife, and six others are said to be the only survivors of the last great cataclysm. As we have shown from many other mythologies throughout the world, this is not correct. It is obvious that many other people did survive this cataclysm by various methods-some by

taking refuge in caves, on the tops of mountains, clinging to logs, boats, etc. It is obvious to us that there had to have been many other survivors because that is the only logical way to explain the varied races and cultures found all over the world. It would seem to us to be the height of folly to think that the only survivors of the cataclysm were Noah and his party. The Bible dates the last flood as occurring 3,760 B.C. This number is obviously wrong, because we know that the Egyptian, Hindu, and Chinese civilizations existed before that date. It is much more logical to say that the cataclysm occurred at least 9,000 B.C. This is not to say that we are discounting the story of Noah, since we do believe Noah and the other survivors did exist; we are merely saying the obvious-that the story of Noah is of much greater antiquity than biblical scholars believe. We will not go into great depth about the story of Noah, since most people are already familiar with it. We will mention some points that are mentioned from the legend of the Jews that are not stated in the Bible. From the legend of Noah, we came across some very important points that prove several parts of our theory. When Noah was born, his father and grandfather noticed something very unusual about him. As legend tells it, when Noah was born, Noahs father told his father, Methuselah, the following: He is not like a human being, but resembles the children of the angels of heaven, and his nature is different, and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance is glorious. (37 -pl45) After Methuselah heard the story, he in turn went to Enoch, a wise man. He told Methuselah that Noahs birth was a sign of things to come. The Lord will do a new thing in the earth. There will come a great destruction on the earth, and a deluge for one year. This son who is born unto thee will be left on the earth, and his three children will be saved with him, when all mankind that are on the earth shall die. And there will be a great punishment on the earth, and the earth will be cleansed from all impurity. (37 -pl45) It is said that Noah prophesied to the people of his time for 120 years before the deluge to try to make them turn from their evil ways. During this period of 120 years, it is said that the sun rose in the west and set in the east. (37-pl54) One week after Methuselah died, the deluge struck the earth. The obvious conclusion is that when the earth stopped rotating during the reversal period, the oceans continued moving to the

west resulting in the inundation of all the continents. The legend continues by telling us what happened the day Noah entered the ark.
The sun was darkened, and the foundations of the earth trembled, and lightning flashed, and the thunder boomed, as never before. And yet the sinners remained impenitent. In naught did they change their wicked doings during those last seven days. (37-pl58) Hot rains came down from the heavens, scalding the flesh of the sinners. The entire time the deluge lasted: the sun and the moon shed no light. The flood was produced by a union of the male waters, which are above the firmament (the rain) and th e female waters issuing from the earth (the oceans). The upper waters rushed through the space left when God removed two stars out of the constellation Pleiades. (37pl62)

From this part of the legend we see very clear reference to the fact that the sun disappeared. Also associated with this particular time were the earthquakes, lightning, thunder, and, of course, the deluge. All the major points of our theory are represented in this legend. The story of Noah is not the only tale regarding the cataclysm. The story of Job we feel also occurred at the time of the reversal. It is unknown how old the Book of Job is, but it is well accepted to be of very great antiquity. The story tells us that Job lived in the land of Uz and that he was a wealthy land owner, possessing thousands of sheep and camels and other animals. The story continues to tell us that on a certain day a tremendous catastrophe befell Job and his family. The first messenger of ill tidings came to Job to inform him: A fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. (Job 1: 16) This passage is depicting when the sun novaed and the hot gases scorched the surface of the earth facing the sun. Shortly, thereafter, a second messenger came to Job to tell him: Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brothers house; and, behold there came a great wind from across the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young people, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. (Job 1:18) This passage could be describing to us two possible events. One being when the jet stream was lowered to sea level and devestated

the surface of the earth with winds approaching 400 miles an hour; or, it could be describing the atmosphere as it is evacuated from the suns side of the earth when the gas shell of the nova reaches the earth. Later on in the story of Job, he describes a world that is devoid of light. Of course, telling us the period of time when the sun was not giving off visible light: Before I go whence I shall not return (leaving his former home), even to the land of darkness and of the shadow of death; A land of thick darkness, as darkness itself; A land of the shadow of death, without any order, And where the light is as darkness. (Job 10:21-22) Later on we again see reference to the darkness and the fire: All darkness is laid up for his treasures; A fire not blown by man shall consume him; It shall go ill with him that is left in his tent. The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, and the earth shall rise up against him. (Job 20:26-27) We have found nothing in the biblical stories of Noah or Job that disagrees with our premise of what occurred on the earth and in the universe at this very special moment in time. While going through the legends of the Jews, we came across reference to the Star of David. As mentioned in Chapter Nine, we believe the Star of David is a silhouette of an octahedron crystal, the real message to man being that his existence originates from a structure shaped similarly to an octahedron crystal. To fully understand what God is telling Abraham, we must understand what the covenant between God and Abraham was. It is believed he was told that if Abraham kept his covenant with God, Abrahams descendants would eventually evolve to a more perfect state of man. The following is the dialogue from the book, Legend of the Jews, between God and Abraham: God held out the promise to him that in time to come his name would be mentioned in the Benedictions, God would be praised as the Shield of Abraham, a distinction accorded to no other mortal except David. But the words, And be thou a blessing, will be fulfilled only in the future world, when the seed of Abraham shall be known among the nations and his offspring among the peoples as the seed which the Lord hath blessed. (37-p2l8) The Shield of Abraham is the Jewish Star to which we have referred. You can now see the relationship between understanding


what that hexagram means and evolving to what existence is which, of course, leads to what God is.

Mythologies of Greece
Greek mythology is most commonly known as classical mythology. The Roman mythologies are, for all intensive purposes, the same as the Greek ones; so to avoid duplication we will not bother covering Roman folklore. There are three great Greek philosophers who wrote about these ancient mythologies and past world cycles. They are Hesiod (around 700 B.C.), Solon (630 B.C.-560 B.C.), and Plato (428 B.C.347 B.C.). These and other Greek philosophers theorized in different ways how the creation of the universe came about and its relationship with God. In Platos book, Timaeus, he tells us that the universe has a soul and that this soul is God. He looks at spirit as being good and matter as being evil. As mentioned in B. Jowetts book, The Dialogues of Plato, he analyzes Platos conception of the universe.
The astronomy of Plato is based on the two princip les of the same and the other, which God combined in the creation of the world. The soul, which is compounded of the same, the other, and the essence, is diffused from the center to the circumference of the heavens. We speak of a soul of the universe; but more truly regarded, the universe of the Timacus is a soul, governed by mind, and holding in solution a residuum of matter or evil, which the author of the world is unable to expel, and of which Plato cannot tell us the origin. The creation, in Platos sense, is really the creation of order. (42 -p681)

We wholeheartedly agree with Plato on his analysis of the relationship between the conscious entity of the universe and the physical universe itself. From the writings of Hesiod, we read again of the concept of four previous ages that flourished on the earth. The first was known as the golden race of mortal man. They lived in the time of Cronos, the old sun-god. These people are described as gods, knowing nothing of disease or strife. The earth provided for all their needs


in great abundance. This race of men was destroyed when the earth covered them. Then God produced the second race of men, known as the silver race. These men were less noble than the previous race. They were not like the golden race in either their body or spirit. Hesiod describes these people as being foolish in their ways. Zeus (the new sun), the son of Cronos was angry and put them away, because they would not give honour to the blessed gods who live on Olympus. (39-pl3) This is telling us that the sun had destroyed this generation of men. A third generation of men was then produced. Zeus the Father made a third generation of mortal men, a brazen race, sprung from ash -trees; and it was in no way equal to the silver age, but was terrible and strong. (39-pl3) They loved violence. They were of large stature; and, indeed, today we would call them giants. Their weapons and implements were made of bronze. This description of giants is similar to one we have heard from Central America and other parts of the world. This race of men was destroyed partially by their own hands and the rest by the cataclysm. The fourth race of men produced by Zeus, the son of Cronos, were like demi-gods. These were destroyed by the ocean.
The fifth race of men is us. Hesiod calls us a race of iron.

Men never rest from labour and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night; and the gods shall lay sore trouble upon them . . . Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth. The father will not agree with his children, nor the children with their father, nor guest with his host, nor comrade with comrade; nor will brother be dear to brother as aforetime. Men will dishonour their parents as they grow quickly old, and will carp at them, chiding them with bitter words, hard-hearted they, not knowing the fear of the gods. They will not repay their aged parents the cost of their nurture, for might shall be their right: and one man will sack anothers city. There will be no favour for the man who keeps his oath or for the just or for the good; but rather men will praise the evil-doer and his violent dealing. Strength will be right and reverence will cease to be; and the wicked will hurt the worthy man, speaking false words against him, and will swear an oath upon them. Envy, foul-mouthed, delighting in evil, with scowling face, will go along with wretched men one and all. (39-pl7)


Even though Hesiods descriptions of the four ages are slightly different f rom others we have seen, the same basic idea shows upthat there were three or four previous civilizations or world ages before our own. These world ages were divided by world cataclysms. Men successively degenerated after each of these cataclysms. Today is truly considered the iron age, the most base and ignoble of any of the previous ages. Hesiod is much more descriptive when it comes to telling us what occurred during the last cataclysm. This account is told to us in his book, Theogony. The legend begins by telling us that the Titans of heaven are fighting in the sky over the earth. The sun-god, Zeus, drives off the combatants with a fierce expression. The legend then tells us what Zeus, the sun, looks like from the earths vantage point and what occurred on the earth at this time.
From his shoulders grew an hundred heads of a snake, a fearful dragon, with dark, flickering tongues, and from under the brows of his eyes in his marvellous heads flashed fire, and fire burned from his heads as he glared. And there were voices in all his dreadful heads which uttered every kind of sound unspeakable; for at one time they made sounds such that the gods understood, but at another, the noise of a bull bellowing aloud in proud ungovernable fury; and at another, the sound of a lion, relentless of heart; and at another, sounds like whelps, wonderful to hear; and again, at another, he would hiss, so that the high mountains re-echoed. And truly a thing past help would have happened on that day, and he would have come to reign over mortals and immortals, had not the father of men and gods been quick to perceive it. But he thundered hard and mightily: and the earth around resounded terribly and the wide heaven above, and the sea and oceans streams and the nether parts of the earth. Great Olympus reeled beneath the divine feet of the king as he arose and earth groaned thereat. And through the two of them heat took hold on the dark-blue sea, through the thunder and lightning, and through the fire from the monster, and the scorching winds and blazing thunderbolt. The whole earth seethed, and sky and sea: and the long waves raged along the beaches round and about, at the rush of the deathless gods: and there arose an endless shaking. Hades trembled where he rules over the dead below, and the Titans under Tartarus who live with Cronos, because of the unending clamour and the fearful strife. So when Zeus had raised up his might and seized his arms, thunder and lightning and lurid thunderbolt, he leaped from Olympus and struck him, and burned all the marvellous head of the monster about him. But when Zeus had conquered him and lashed him

with strokes, Typhoeus was hurled down, a maimed wreck, so that the huge earth groaned. And flame shot forth from the thunder-stricken lord in the dim rugged glens of the mount, when he was smitten. A great part of huge earth was scorched by the terrible vapour and melted as tin melts when heated by mens art in channelled crucibles; or as iron, which is hardest of all things, is softened by glowing fire in mountain glens and melts in the divine earth through the strength of Hephaestus. Even so, then, the earth melted in the glow of the blazing fire. And in the bitterness of his anger Zeus cast him into wide Tartarus (hell). (39-pl39)

Hesiods description of the cataclysm proves many of the main points we theorized occurs during the reversal. He mentioned the earthquakes, the noise, heat, lightning, and the deluge. A better description of the deluge is told from the viewpoint of the God, Jupiter. In this legend, the previous age was the iron age.
Jupiter had kept a close watch over mens actions during all these years; and this evil conduct aroused his wrath to such a point, that he vowed he would annihilate the human race. But the modes of destruction were manifold, and, as he could not decide which would eventually prove most efficacious, he summoned the gods to deliberate and aid him by their counsels. The first suggestion offered, was to destroy the world by fire, kindled by Jupiters much-dreaded thunderbolts; and the king of gods was about to put it into instant execution, when his arm was stayed by the objection that the rising flames might set fire to his own abode, and reduce its magnificence to unsightly ashes. He therefore rejected the plan as impracticable, and bade the gods devise other means of destruction. After much delay and discussion, the immortals agreed to wash mankind off the face of the earth by a mighty deluge. The winds were instructed to gather together the rain clouds over the earth. Neptune let loose the waves of the sea, bidding them rise, overflow, and deluge the land. No sooner had the gods spoken, than the elements obeyed: the winds blew; the rain fell in torrents; lakes, seas, rivers, and oceans broke their bonds; and terrified mortals, forgetting their petty quarrels in a common impulse to flee from the death which threatened them, climbed the highest mountains, clung to uprooted trees, and even took refuge in the light skiffs they had constructed in happier days. Their efforts were all in vain, however; for the waters rose higher and higher, overtook them one after another in their ineffectual efforts to escape, closed over the homes where they might have been so happy, and drowned their last despairing cries in their seething depths.

The rain continued to fall, until, after many days, the waves covered all the surface of the earth except the summit of Mount Parnassus, the highest peak in Greece. On this mountain, surrounded by the ever-rising flood, stood the son of Prometheus, Deucalion, with his faithful wife Pyrrha, a daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora. From thence they, the sole survivors, viewed the universal desolation with tear-dimmed eyes. (40-p37)

Another excellent description of the cataclysm is told in the legend of Phaeton, son of Apollo, the sun. As the legend tells it, Phaeton wished to drive his fathers solar chariot; but after being given permission to drive the solar chariot, he found he could not control the sun. The legend picks up from there and describes to us what occurred on the planet during Phaetons faithful ride.
For an hour or two Phaeton bore in mind his fathers principal injunc tions, and all went well; but later, elated by his exalted position, he became very reckless, drove faster and faster, and soon lost his way. In finding it again he drove so close to the earth, that all the plants shriveled up, the fountains and rivers were dried in their mossy beds, the smoke began to rise from the parched and blackened earth, and even the people of the land over which he was passing were burned black, a hue retained by their descendants to this day. Terrified at what he had done, Phaeton whipped up his steeds, and drove so far away, that all the vegetation which had survived the intense heat came to an untimely end on account of the sudden cold. The cries of mortals rose in chorus, and their clamors became so loud and importunate, that they roused Jupiter from a profound sleep, and caused him to look around to discover their origin. One glance of his all-seeing eye sufficed to reveal the damaged earth and the youthful charioteer. How had a beardless youth dared to mount the sun chariot? Jupiter could scarcely credit what he saw. In his anger he vowed he would make the rash mortal expiate his presumption by immediate death. He therefore selected the deadliest thunderbolt in his arsenal, aimed it with special care, and hurled it at Phaeton, whose burned and blackened corpse fell from his lofty seat down into the limpid waves of the Eridanus River. (40-p85)

In all three of these legends we see clear reference between the relationship of the sun to the cataclysm, but this is not the only factor we find in the Greek mythologies. Plato, in his dialogue,


The Statesman, believes that these cataclysms are caused by the earth reversing its motion.
There was a time when God directed the revolutions of the world, but at the completion of a certain cycle he let go; and the world, by a necessity of its nature, turned back, and went round the other way. For divine things alone are unchangeable, but the earth and heavens, although endowed with many glories, have a body, and are therefore liable to perturbation. In the case of the world, the perturbation is very slight, and amounts only to a reversal of motion.... But the truth is, that there are two cycles of the world, and in one of them it is governed by an immediate Providence, and receives life and immortality, and in the other is let go again, and has a reverse action during infinite ages. This new action is spontaneous, and is due to exquisite perfection of balance, to the vast size of the universe, and to the smallness of the pivot upon which it turns. All changes in the heaven affect the animal world, and this being the greatest of them, is most destructive to men and animals. At the beginning of the cycle before our own very few of them had survived; and on these a mighty change passed. (42 -p435)

Plato, we believe, reached this conclusion after himself researching the many ancient records of his day, which we do not have at our disposal today. From his ancient records, he had correctly concluded that some of the cataclysm was caused by the earth changing its rotation. The pivot to which Plato was referring, we believe to be the time of the reversal. When the information that makes up the magnetic field changes polarity and crosses the imaginary X axis, we believe that the information, from which Plato derived this conclusion, came from a previous, more advanced civilization that inhabited the planet. This will be further expounded upon in the mythologies of Egypt. Previous to our theory of existence, no philosopher or scientist would take seriously Platos contention that the earth reversed its motion; but with our Theory of Multidimensional Reality, it is but an obvious calculable conclusion to the theory of magnetism. We again see Plato referring to the sun rising in the west in the Atreus myth. The Greek philosopher, Censorinus, called these periods of cataclysms, the supreme year. The supreme year marked the close and the beginning of a new world age. The Greek word, kataklysmos, is associated with the supreme year; and it means a great winter, or what we would call the ice age. Another Greek word, ekpyrosis, also associated with the supreme year, means combustion of the world. (3-p4l)

In Platos dialogue, The Republic, he tells us that the great year occurs every 36,000 years. (41 -pl94) We can easily see that 36,000 is a product of 3 x 12,000. Evidently, some of the source material that Plato relied on was not totally complete. They knew that the time between the cataclysms had something to do with the number 12,000, but did not know exactly what it meant. Platos timetable is a little different from that of the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus (540 B.C. to 475 B.C.). Heraclitus believed that the world was destroyed by a conflagration every 10,800 years. This number is exactly like the Hindu legend, but he might have picked up the idea from them. (3-p4l) Again we see from the Greek legends, ample proof and historical evidence that a cataclysm occurred on the planet at the same time the sun novaed and baked one-half of the earth. The deluge and the ice age are also well covered in these Greek mythologies.

The Mythologies of the Nordics

The Norsemen belong to what is called the Aryan race. Some scholars believe they originated from the northern plateau of Iran in Asia. They later migrated north and west to occupy the lands around the North Sea and North Central Europe. Their mythologies are uniquely Teutonic and do not resemble the mythologies of their alleged origin. Their legend of the beginning of the universe is, though, similar to the Greeks and Hindus. They believe that in the beginning, there was no earth, just darkness throughout the entire universe. There existed one powerful, invisible intelligence which they called Allfather. The earth came into being along with the rest of the universe whenever Allfather willed it into existence. Again we see the theme that the universe is the creation of a consious intelligence (a thought form). The Norsemen have a legend that has a very good description of the world after the cataclysm struck the earth. Some of the sequence of events is out of order, but they mention many of the major points that we theorized. They say that in the beginning of our time, the earth was enveloped in perpetual twilight. This, of course, describes the red sun which did not produce as much light as does our sun of today. The world was also covered with mist and smoke, which they called Nifl-Heim. In the center of their land, they mention

the existence of a bubbling hot spring of water called Hvergelmir. From this spring came forth 12 great streams. Notice that the number 12 also shows up in their mythology:
As the water of these streams flowed swiftly away from its source and encountered the cold balsts from the yawning gulf, it soon hardened into huge blocks of ice, which rolled downward into the immeasurable depths of the great abyss with a continual roar like thunder. South of this dark chasm, and directly opposite Nifl-Heim the realm of mist, was another world called Muspells-Heim, the home of clemental fire, where all was warmth and brightness, and whose frontiers were continually guarded by Surtr, the flame giant. This giant fiercely brandished his flashing sword, and continually sent forth great showers of sparks (lightning) which fell with a hissing sound upon the ice blocks in the bottom of the abyss, and partly melted them by their heat. As the steam rose in clouds it again encountered the prevailing cold, and was changed into rime (rain) or hoarfrost, which, layer by layer, filled up the great central space. Thus by the continual action of cold and heat, and also probably by the will of the uncreated and unseen (God) a gigantic creature called Ymir or Orgelmir (seething clay), the personification of the frozen ocean, came to life amid the ice-blocks in the abyss, and as he was born of rime he was called a Hrim-thurs, or icegiant. (43-p2)

This is one of the best descriptions we have of the ice age. This legend implies that the Aryans migrated to Northern Europe very shortly after the sun novaed. Otherwise, they would not have observed the perpetual twilight or the lightning and the huge glaciers. In one of the legends of Odin, sometimes associated with the sun, he destroys the frost-giant, Ymir. As he died the blood gushed from his wounds in such floods that it produced a great deluge, in which all his race perished, with the exception of Bergelmir, who escaped in a boat and went with his wife to the confines of the world. (43-p4) This legend has some similarity with the Noah legend. The Nordics also have a legend describing the appearance of the new sun which is called Dag.
As soon as the gods became aware of this beautiful beings existence they provided a chariot for him also, drawn by the resplendent white steed Skin-faxi (shining mane), from whose mane bright beams of light shone forth in every direction, illuminating all the world, a nd bringing light and gladness to all. (43 -p8) 410

This must have been a glorious time for celebrating the end of the ice age. The sun must have been shielded by clouds for several generations before most of the moisture was finally out of the atmosphere. The Nordics believe that their race was preceded by a god-like race that lived to the land west of them. They believed that these ancestors were destroyed by a great earthly conflict between good and evil gods. The benevolent gods were headed by Odin along with Aesir (12 northern gods), Vanas (sea and wind gods), and Einheriar (Odins guest). The evil spirits were Hel (goddess of death), Liki (god of fire), Surtr (flame giant), Garm (dog of Hel), Fenris (the wolf), and lormungandr (the terrible ocean serpent). The field of battle was a broad plain called Vigrid. As legend tells it, the beginning of this world battle occurred when the e grew sad and cold, and the terrible Fimbul-winter began. Then snow fell from the four points of the compass at once, the biting winds swept down from the north, and all the earth was covered with a thick layer of ice.
Grim Fimbul raged, and oer the world Tempestuous winds and snowstorms hurled; The roaring ocean icebergs ground, And flung its frozen foam around, Een to the top of mountain height;

No warming air Nor radiance fair

Of gentle Summers softning light, Tempered this dreadful glacial night. (43-p330)

After this occurred, the whole earth trembled and shook, the stars, affrighted, fell from their places, and Loki, Fenris, and Garm, renewing their efforts, rent their chains asunder and rushed forth to take their revenge. (43-p331) After this happened, the benevolent gods were warned by Heimdall, who blew his horn, which was heard around the world, that the battle was about to begin. All the gods then proceeded to the battle ground, Vigrid.
The terrible Midgard snake lormungandr had been aroused by the general disturbance, and with immense writhings and commotion, whereby the seas were lashed into huge waves such as had never before 411

disturbed the deeps of ocean, he crawled out upon the land, and hastened to join the dread fray, in which he was to play a prominent part.
In giant wrath the Serpent tossed

In ocean depths, till, free from chain, He rose upon the foaming main;
Beneath the lashings of his tail,

Seas, mountain high, swelled on the land; Then, darting mad the waves acrost, Pouring forth bloody froth like hail (red dust) Spurting with poisoned, venomed breath Foul, deadly mists oer all the Earth, Thro thundering surge, he sought the strand. (43 -p332)

At the same time, Hel, the goddess of death, crept through a crevice in the earth out of her underground home (lava). (43-p333) In the beginning of the battle, Fenris and Iormungandr belched forth fire and smoke of noxious, deathly vapours, which filled all heaven and earth with their poisonous breath (the red dust from the sun). The roar of battle filled the universe. The first benevolent god to perish was Odin, the sun. Eventually the other benevolent gods were also destroyed.
The other gods who took part in the fray, and all the Einheriar having now perished, Surtr suddenly flung his fiery brands over heaven, earth, and the nine kingdoms of Hel. The raging flames enveloped the massive stem of the world ash Yggdrasil, and reached the golden palaces of the gods, which were utterly consumed. The vegetation upon earth was likewise destroyed, and the fervent heat made all the waters seethe and boil. The great conflagration raged fiercely until everything was consumed, when the earth, blackened and scarred, slowly sank beneath the boiling waves of the sea. Ragnarok (day of atonement) had indeed come; the world tragedy was over, the divine actors were slain, and chaos seemed to have resumed its forme r sway. (43-p336)

The only survivors from this godly race were Lifthrasir and his wife, Lif. After the cataclysm had passed, they emerged from their cave to repopulate the earth. From the previous two mythologies, we see, excellent descrip412

tions of the events that transpired on the earth before, during, and after the sun novaed. The description of the ice age is so far the best one we have come across. From their description you can almost see the mountain-high sheets of groaning, moving ice devastating the land below. It is truly amazing that anyone survived in this part of the world during the cataclysm. We again hear of a god-like race of men which has been mentioned many previous times. For lack of a better description of this god-like race, we will call them the Atlantians. It is almost unimportant if that is what their actual name was. What is important is the obvious fact that some highly advanced civilization did exist on the earth before the last cataclysm.

The Mythologies of the Ancient Britons

The ancient Celts originated from the Aryan race that had migrated to Western Europe. The Britons had similar mythologies to the Nordics. They also believed that a former civilization existed on the earth prior to the last great cataclysm. The ancient Britons believed that this antedeluvian civilization had done great evil against God.
The profligacy of mankind had provoked the great Supreme to send a pestilential wind upon the earth. A pure poison descended, every blast was death. At this time the patriarch, distinguished for his integrity, was shut up, together with his select company, in the inclosure with the strong door (a cave). Here the just ones were safe from injury. Presently a tempest of fire arose. It split the earth asunder to the great deep. The lake Llion burst its bounds, and the waves of the sea lifted themselves on high around the borders of Britain, the rain poured down from heaven, and the waters covered the earth. (1 -pl35)

In a Gaelic legend, the gods of good and evil did mortal combat on a field of battle. Just before the battle began, an omen appeared in the sky: A wonderful thing has come to pass to-day; for the sun, it seems to me, has risen in the west. (44-pl23) Again we see a remembrance from ancient man that the antediluvian sun rose in the west and set in the east.


The Mythologies of Egypt

We left the Egyptian legends for last because we believe that Egypt was originally settled by the survivors of the advanced civilization that existed on the earth before the last cataclysm. We are not bothering to go through each Egyptian legend because they are superfluous compared to a dialogue given in Platos Timaeus. From Platos book we read of a conversation between the ancient Greek philosopher, Solon, (630 B.C. to 560 B.C.) and several Egyptian priests, while Solon was in Egypt to learn of their ancient teachings. During the dialogue, Solon was explaining to the Egyptians the Greek understanding of their ancient history. One of the very old Egyptian priests interrupted Solon and said:
O, Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you. Solon in return asked him what he meant. I mean to say, he replied, that in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why. There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Phaethon, the son of Helios, (Apollo) having yoked the steeds in his fathers chariot, because he was not able to drive th em in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt. Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals; at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the sea-shore. And from this calamity we are preserved by the liberation of the Nile, who is our never-failing saviour. When, on the other hand, the gods purge the earth with a deluge of water, the survivors in your country are herdsmen and shepherds who dwell on the mountains, but those who, like you, live in cities are carried by the rivers into the sea. Whereas in this land, neither then nor at any other time, does the water come down from above on the fields, having always a tendency to come up from below; for which reason the traditions preserved here are the most ancient.... Whereas just when you and other nations are beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized life, after the usual interval, the stream from

heaven, like a pestilence, comes pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know nothing of what happened in ancient times, either among us or among yourselves. As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children. In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived. And this was unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no written word. (42-p7l0)

The old Egyptian priest continued to tell Solon that Athens and Egypt were both settled by a goddess who was a survivor from this god-like race. She founded your city a thousand years before ours, receiving from the Earth and Hephaestus the seed of your race, and afterwards she founded ours, of which the constitution is recorded in our sacred registers to be 8,000 years old. As touching your citizens of 9,000 years ago. (42-p7l2) With a little arithmetic, we can easily calculate the date at which Athens was allegedly founded. The time of this dialogue was approximately 600 B.C. We add 9,000 years preceeding Solon and 1,977 years of our era, and we come up with an approximate founding date for the city of Athens of 11,577 years ago. Lets assume that it took at least 200 years for the survivors of the cataclysm to propagate in numbers great enough to form and warrant a city. We can come up with an approximate date for the end of the cataclysm of 11,800 years. An Egyptian theory recorded by Herodotus said that during eleven thousand three hundred and forty years of Egyptian history the sun of four occasions altered his course, twice rising where he now sets and twice setting where he now rises. (41-pl93) Abetter way of saying this is, that every 11,340 years, the earth reverses its direction of rotation; thereby, causing the cataclysms that come at the end of each world age.


Chapter Conclusion
We have covered the mythologies of 64 different societies and tribes throughout the entire world. All of them say that at one time there was a great deluge. On this point there is no exception. Ten of these societies specifically said that the sun rose in the west and set in the east. Other societies amplified this point by saying that the sun stopped in the sky. These two points alone prove our theory that the earth changes rotation at the end of each cycle. In the past, archeologiest and scientists were not able to understand why societies all over the world mentioned this unusual phenomenon. This is because scientists had an inaccurate view of existence. With our theory of existence, we must conclude that modem man should take many of these ancient tales of the cataclysm literally. We will go so far as to say that our theory of existence is the only one that does make sense of all these cataclysm legends. Many archeologists like to think that these legends are nothing more than the product of the vivid imaginations of our ancestors, but there are two big problems with that theory. One: what would be the motive of all these primitive people in telling the same lie? We see no logical motive for over 64 societies scattered throughout the world, which had no way of communicating with each other, to tell the same lie! The second important reason is that many of the ancient archeological finds, such as the massive stone cities found in the mountains of Peru, the huge tunnel systems found in Ecuador, pyramids found all over the world, and the wide stone streets found in the Carribean off the island of Bimini, all prove there was a highly advanced civilization on the planet. We must be able to explain these massive construction projects with some kind of motive. We see no other motive for the construction of caves and pyramids or cities on top of mountains other than as shelters from a cataclysm that struck the earth. Over half of these societies specifically mention the sun as causing the conflagration on the earth and also the sun being associated with the flood. To put it very plainly, the evidence is literally overwhelming that such a cataclysm occurred approximately 12,000 years ago; but, also, the causes of this cataclysm are exactly what we theorize in our Theory of Multidimensional Reality. Most archeologists and laymen would ignore the idea that a 416

highly advanced civilization existed before the last cataclysm. Their line of reasoning is that, if such an advanced civilization did exist, why do we not see real evidence of their existence? As we mentioned earlier, those caves and pyramids are the evidence of their existence. What the archeologiest forget is that if a cataclysm struck the earth in the way we define it in this book, there logically wouldnt be much evidence left of any previous civilization. Any relics would be buried under many feet of sediment deposited by the oceans rushing across the continents, or melted and incinerated by the blast of the sun. Even if, miraculously, an object, say a car, did survive on the back side of the earth on some nice, high mountain top, within 5,000 or 6,000 years that car would be so decomposed that we couldnt recognize it for anything other than a pile of iron oxide. Maybe the best and most important relic we have from this antedeluvian world is some of the ideas about existence that still survives in the teachings of the Taoists, Brahmans, Jews, Egyptians, and Greeks, to mention just a few. Look at it this way: after the next cataclysm, we will be merely a memory for the next civilization; we will be their Atlantis.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Donnelly, I., Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel (N.Y.,D. Appleton, 1885).

Dixon, D., The Mythology of all Races, vol. 9-Oceanic (Boston, Marshall Jones Co., 1916). Velikovsky, I., Words in Collision (Victor Gollancz, Lon don, 1950). Daniken, Erich von, The Gold of the Gods (N.Y., Bantam Books, 1974). Bancroft, H. H., The Native Races, vol. 3-Myths and Languages (San Francisco, The History Comp., 1886). Brinton, D. C., American Hero-Myths (Philadelphia, H. C. Watts & Co., 1882).


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Leon-Portilla, M., Time and Reality in the Thought of the Maya (Boston, Beacon Press, 1973). Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 16; The Texts of Confucianism, the Yi King (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1882). Alexander, H. B., The Mythology of all Races, vol. 10North America (London, Marshall Jones, 1916). Brinton, D. C., Myths of the New World (Philadelphia, David McKay, 1896). Beals, C., Stories Told by the Aztecs Before the Spaniards Came (N.Y., Abelard -Schuman, 1970). The Holy Scriptures (The Old Testament), (Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1958). Beckwith, M., Hawaiian Mythology (Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1970). Dorsey, G. A., The Mythology of the Wichita (Carnegie Institute of Washington, D.C., 1904). Dorsey, G. A., The Pawnee Mythology, Pt. 1 (Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institute of Washington, D.C., 1906). Alexander, H. B., The Mythology of All Races, vol. 11Latin America (London, Marshall Jones, 1920). Williamson, R. W., Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia (Cambridge, University Press, 1933). Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East-vol. 3; The Sacred Books of China (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1899). Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East-vol. 39; The Texts of Taoism (Oxford, University Press, 1891). Mackenzie, D. A., Myths of China and Japan (London, Gresham Publishing Co., 1923). Ferguson, J. C., and Anesaki, M., The Mythology of all the Races, vol. 8 (Boston, Marshall Jones Co., 1937). Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 40; The Texts of Taoism -Pt. 2 (Oxford, University Press, 1891).

23. Mackenzie, D. A., Indian Myth and Legend (London, Gres ham Publishing Co., 1913). 24. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 25; The Books of Manu (Oxford, University Press, 1886). 25. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 12; Satapatha -Brahmana (Oxford, University Press, 1882). 26. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 15; The Upanisads (Oxford, University Press, 1900). 27. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 34; The Vedanta -Sutras (Oxford, University Press, 1890). 28. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 43; The Satapatha -Brahmana (Oxford, University Press, 1897). 29. Mackenzie, D. A., Myths of Babylonia and Assyria (Lon don, The Gresham Publishers, 193-). 30. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 5; Pahlavi Texts-Pt. 1 (Oxford, University Press, 1880). 31. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 18; Pahlavi Texts -Pt. 2 (Oxford, University Press, 1885). 32. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 24; Pahlavi Texts-Pt. 3 (Oxford, University Press, 1885). 33. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 37; Pahlavi Texts -Pt. 4 (Oxford, University Press, 1892). 34. Muller, F. M., (ed.), The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 47; Pahlavi Texts -Pt. 5 (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1897). 35. Rogers, R. W., The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (N.Y., Eaton & Mains, 1908). 36. Holmberg, U., The Mythology of all Races, vol. 4; FinnoUgric, Siberian (Boston, Marshall Jones Co., 1927). 37. Ginzberg, L., The Legends of the Jews (Philadelphia, The Jewish Publications Society, 1913).


38. Morgan, E., Tao, the Great Luminant (Taipei, Cheng-Wen Publishing Co., 1966). 39. Evelyn-White, H. G., (Translator), Hesiod-The Homeric Hymns and Momerica (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1936). 40. Guerber, H. A., Myths of Greece and Rome (N.Y., Ameri can Book Co., 1893). 41. Stuart, J. A., The Myths of Plato (III., So. Illinois Univer sity Press, 1960). 42. Jowett, B., The Dialogues of Plato, vol. 3, 4th ed. (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953). 43. Guerber, H. A., Myths of the Norsemen (London, George Harrap & Co., 1908). 44. MacBain, A., Celtic Mythology and Religion (Stirling, Eneas Mackay, 1917).

Giles, L., Taoist Teachings-from the Book of Lieh Tzu (London John Murray, 1925).

Waley, A., The Way and Its Power (London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1934).

Wilhelm, R., and Baynes, C., The I Ching or the Book of Changes (N.Y., Bollingen Foundation, 1967).



Mans Destiny
Our previous chapter dealt entirely with evidence of the last cataclysm which occurred roughly 12,000 years ago. We have shown you scientific proof in the chapters on magnetism and astronomy that this cataclysm occurred roughly 12,000 years ago. The next logical question is, will it happen again and why? The question is easy to answer, since the reversal is a function of the information that makes up existence; it must happen again. As we mentioned in Chapter Three, there is evidence that the magnetic reversals have occurred for at least the last billion years. In actuality, they have occurred since the dawn of time. At this point we would like to make an important analogy. If you have been observant in life, you should have noticed that there are always trade-offs for anything we do. For instance, electrical engineers can build sensitive voltmeters to detect very small voltages; but you cannot incorporate in the same equipment the ability to accurately measure very high voltages; therefore, you must construct another instrument to detect the high voltages. The same could be said for the sun. If that 12,000-year synchronizing frequency was not present in our existence, the sun might be un421

stable all the time, thereby making it extremely difficult for life forms to exist on the planet. Instead we have a star that is stable most of the time except for a brief eruptive period. So now the question is not; will it happen again, but; when will it happen again? What signs should we look for to help calculate the time of the reversal? In the following we will cover five ways of helping us to determine when the reversal will occur. The first three are of traditional scientifically oriented methods of calculating the reversal. In the astronomy chapter we theorized that before the sun novas, we would expect to see a slight expansion of the sun. Eventually, the expansion would be great enough that total darkness would no longer occur during a solar eclipse. We theorized in the magnetism chapter two important observations that could be made on the earth. One, that there would be a steep increase in the number of earthquakes; also, land masses would begin to rise and fall. Two, and the most important observation, the magnetic field of the earth would begin to decay more rapidly than in past years. The two untraditional ways we will also use to help us tell when the reversal will occur is from the prophecies of well-known psychics and, of course, the prophecies of the Bible.


Solar Expansion In Chapter Six we theorized that the sun is really a huge gas shell surrounding a high-potential modulation point. As the potential in the center of the sun increases, the gas shell should expand. Slight expansions in the suns diameter would be very difficult for any telescope to detect, but an increase or decrease in the rotation should not be difficult to accurately measure. Per our theory, the rotation of a planet or star is caused by its magnetic field being directed toward its time and space. The problem with applying this general statement to a star is that a star has a much more complex magnetic field than does a planet. Our sun appears to have at least three controlling frequencies which cause the 11- and 22-year sun spot cycles and, of course, the longer 12,000 year cycle. For instance, an analysis of the latest data of the solar rotation between

the years 1967 and 1976 seems to indicate that the 22-year cycle has an effect on our suns rotation. At the Tower Telescope at Mount Wilson, California, they have been observing the suns rotation rate for the last decade. They have recorded a general rotational increase of the suns photosphere along the equatorial region. Most of the solar activity in the past f ew years has been observed approximately 10 of the equator. The rotation rate increased by about five percent over this period of observation. (6-pLl6l) For the first seven months of 1977, the rotation rate of the sun began to decrease again. (14) This decreasing solar rotation would seem to indicate that the mid-point of the 22-year sun spot cycle has been reached and that the suns rotation will continue to decrease for another 11 years. Figure 12.1 illustrates what this cycle might graphically look like. The graph only illustrates the solar rotation if the dominant 12,000-year cycle drops off relatively slowly. If the decay in the dominant magnetic field drops off exponentially, there should not be another increase in the solar rotation rate after approximately 1992. In general we would expect to see a continuous increase in the suns potential and a decrease in the solar rotation until the time of the nova.
1967 1977 1988 1999 2010 2021

1. 2.

Figure 12.1

Earthquakes The reason more earthquakes would be present at this particular time is due to the magnetic field collapsing. The resulting potential

produced by the collapsing field is converted into a higher temperature of the magma which melts away at the earths crust. The magma gets closer to the surface of the earth, thus loosening the continental plates; thereby, enabling them to move more freely on an ocean of hot, molten magma. The U.S. Geological Survey has been keeping records of worldwide earthquakes since before 1897. It wasnt until the late 1920s that some kind of network of seismographs were in use around the world to accurately record earthquakes. Per our theory, we would expect to see a general increase in the number of earthquakes over a period of time. For our data we used the information provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. We counted only earthquakes with magnitudes greater than six on the richter scale. These earthquakes are considered great earthquakes and have the capability of destroying property and causing loss of life. Our sample covered from the year 1920 to June of 1976. Table I shows a list of the number of earthquakes over six that occurred each year. We noticed that there was a definite correlation between the sun-spot cycle and a rapid increase in earthquakes. This increase usually occurred from one to three years after sun-spot maximum. This would seem to indicate that just as there is a synchronizing frequency that increases the potential of the sun every 11 or 22 years, there is also the same cycle that increases the potential in the center of the earth; but it takes one to three years for this increased potential to be translated into increased earth movement. The average number of great earthquakes per year that occurred between 1920 and 1929 was 60. The period of 1930-1949 saw an average of 105 major earthquakes per year; but when we compared the 20-year period of 1950-1969, it had increased to almost 130 major earthquakes per year. This is a 23 percent increase over the previous 20-year period. It is yet unknown what the frequency of major earthquakes will be for the 20 years following 1970; but considering the fact that in 1976 alone, over 760,000 people died in major earthquakes throughout the world, the next 20 years will most likely be much worse than any previous period. Table 11 lists all recorded earthquakes from 1932 to 1974. You will notice when you compare the first ten-year period (1932-1941) with the last ten-year period (1965-1974), there was a 782 percent increase in the number of earthquakes. (13)

Our theory seems to be supported by the data. There is an increase in the number of earthquakes that have occurred over a long period of time. The number of earthquakes should continue to increase until several years after the reversal.
TABLE 1. Number of Eartbquakes per Year Over a Magnitude of Six Year Number Year Number Year Number

1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938

33 29 33 48 53 68 75 87 91 85 68 158 160 175 180 135 93 97 105

1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956

96 124 131 64 93 84 64 85 49 48 94 145 125 146 117 136 132 152

1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974

183 154 148 181 166 72 63 107 167 87 104 90 118 132 133 125 108 113

Decay of the Earths Magnetic Field

The third factor we would look for, before the reversal, is an increase in the decay of the magnetic field of the earth. The magnetic field of the earth is measured in gammas. Each gamma is equal to 1/100,000th of a gauss. It has been estimated that approximately 2,000 years ago, the earths magnetic field was approximately 45,000 gammas, measured at the equator. The present equatorial value is about 30,000 gammas. Prior to 1955 it had been estimated that the annual decay in the magnetic field was 15 gammas

per year. This value increased to 20 gammas per year for the 10 years covering 1955-1965. Between 1966-1970 the rate of decay further increased to 24 gammas per year. (3) The period

TABLE I. Magnitudes
Mag Not Year Given Less Than 3.5 3.5 to 3.9 4.0 to 4.4 4.5 to 4.9 5.0 to 5.4 5.5 to 5.9 6.0 to 6.4 6.5 to 6.9 7.0 to 7.4 7.5 to 7.9 8.0 to 8.4 8.5 to 8.9 Total

1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953

69 73 115 87 150 170 218 234 182 165 198 174 173 210 28 32 47 388 824 928 1416 796

266 126 415 448 358 223 151 188 129 135 178 151 199 190 288 444 402 490 808 376 338 679

46 93 56 92 48 52 65 66 96 67 68 71 62 43 116 81 70 114 118 65 112 113

21 107 47 54 40 32 37 39 63 49 61 39 24 25 40 43 29 33 59 32 150 34

12 30 22 17 8 12 16 24 33 15 24 13 9 5 12 15 17 21 31 15 68 15

5 21 9 10 5 7 14 15 12 13 8 1 4 9 11 11 3 6 7 12 27 18

89 89 61 36 45 27 42 81 58 73 21 19 12 6 17 8 4 6 31 26 46 34

87 107 95 81 36 44 37 43 55 67 14 18 28 12 28 11 10 20 49 52 65 44

62 56 66 32 39 32 43 33 49 42 24 35 25 25 23 12 10 38 63 53 64 51

6 9 14 17 17 17 17 15 17 18 20 29 26 25 25 23 24 30 25 18 12 17

3 2 3 4 1 3 6 2 2 3 2 9 4 1 7 3 3 5 4 2 3 4

2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 3 0 1 1

0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

668 714 905 879 747 620 648 743 697 649 622 561 567 552 597 683 620 1152 2023 1579 2303 1806

TABLE 1. (continued)

Mag Not Year Given

Less Than 3.5

3.5 to 3.9

4.0 to 4.4

4.5 to 4.9

5.0 to 5.4

5.5 to 5.9

6.0 to 6.4

6.5 to 6.9

7.0 to 7.4

7.5 to 7.9

8.0 to 8.4

8.5 to 8.9 Total

1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974

923 931 943 1513 1700 1961 2510 2768 2284 1291 449 422 694 574 703 707 306 506 491 647 457

543 485 484 579 428 507 419 760 328 381 259 313 404 432 604 603 620 807 620 224 207

139 111 87 90 80 118 84 245 105 292 444 416 513 412 386 324 198 295 320 362 316

154 86 85 50 57 106 64 192 41 1065 1350 1797 1584 1478 1539 1201 849 803 822 1009 941

59 36 130 41 54 72 50 219 42 1057 1473 2040 1699 1637 1774 1707 1631 1643 1529 1584 1661

48 31 95 83 73 100 119 203 27 489 777 1123 911 903 974 1034 950 1065 1023 1038 1052

52 38 65 72 86 94 126 186 14 183 273 408 216 236 270 264 266 276 299 299 260

58 54 86 79 84 70 87 102 29 57 87 98 56 75 63 74 80 78 85 65 69

67 68 51 75 60 66 79 51 31 5 19 57 25 27 15 26 38 35 25 30 30

11 10 11 18 5 9 13 10 12 1 0 9 4 1 9 14 15 13 12 6 12

0 0 4 9 4 2 1 3 0 0 0 3 2 1 3 3 5 6 3 7 2

0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2054 1850 2041 2611 2632 3106 3553 4739 2913 4821 5132 6686 6108 5776 6340 5958 4958 5528 5229 5271 5007

between 1970-1975 the rate of decay was estimated to have increased to 26.6 gammas per year. With just the rates of decay up to 1970, it has been calculated that the reversal time would be approximately 3,000 A.D.; (3) but as mentioned in Chapters Three and Six, everything in the universe that has to do with the decay of information fits an exponential function curve, which means that as the time grows closer to the reversal period, the rate of decay increases sharply. If this is taken into consideration, the reversal could occur within 100 years. Since the earths rotation rate is directly related to its magnetic field, we would expect to see the rotation rate decreasing as the magnetic field collapses. A Rand Corporation report of 1968 stated that the earths rate of rotation has decreased since 1961. (12) Considering all of this evidence, is there any doubt where all this is leading?


What we will first investigate are the predictions made by wellknown, proven psychics. The first psychic we will cover is Nostradamus who lived in the mid-1500s. He was a well-known psychic with a high percentage of accurate predictions. He foretold the downfall of our current civilization. The downfall would be ushered in with great earthquakes and eclipses of the sun. Nostradamus implied that these events would occur around the 1990s. He says: There will take place in the month of October a great translation made so that the earth will seem to lose the weight of its natural motion (a greatly slowed rotation rate) in an abyss of endless darkness. There will be premonitory signs in the spring, and there will be extreme changes, overthrows of kingdoms, and earthquakes. (4-p4l4)
The air will be very dry and there will be a long trajection, Through incendiarism a great locality will be consumed by fire,
There will be little rain, with wind, heat, wars and incursions. (4-p4l5)

Almost all of Europe and the whole world will be tormented. The two eclipses will put men to such pursuit (building shelters). (4-p4l8)

In the place where the Almighty has built His ship (Rome) The deluge will be so great and so sudden That there will be no spot of earth for a firm foothold. The wave will cover the Olympus of Fiesole (Apennine Mountains). (4 -p4l9)
The great round mountain of the seven hills (Rome),

After it has gone through peace, war, famine and inundation, Will tumble far, sending the great country into the abyss, Even its antiquities will be lost and its great foundation. (4 -p4l9)
You will see, early and late, great changes take place,

Extremes of horror and prosecutions As if the Moon were guided by its spirit, The heavens approach the time of their tilting (polar reversal?). (4 -p4l9) The Moon obscured in profound darkness, Her brother (the Sun) will become the color of rust (red), The great one hidden for a long time in darkness Will turn the sword in the bloody wound. (4 -p420) For forty years the rainbow shall not appear. For forty years all the days shall behold A barren earth and increasing scarcity, And great deluges will be perceived. (4-p420)

If we consider the fact that Nostradamus made these predictions over 400 years ago, it is truly amazing how accurately he is describing the cataclysm. The best we can tell, he places this cataclysm somewhere around the year, 2,000 A.D. A more recent 20th century psychic by the name of Edgar Cayce also told us of great earth movements and floods. He predicted that the cycle would start around 1958 and continue for roughly 40 years. He predicted that we would definitely know the cycle had begun if there were great earth movements in the SouthPacific area. We checked his prediction with the frequency of major earthquakes around the world. We wanted to see if the percentage of earthquakes occurring in the South-Pacific area prior to


1958, had increased by any appreciable amount. The table below lists five-year periods starting from 1955.
1955-59 = 16% of the worlds great earthquakes 1960-64 = 22% 1965-69 = 28% 1970-75 = 45% (13)

The percentage of major earthquakes occurring in the SouthPacific area has increased disproportionately over time. We would conclude that this part of Cayces prediction is correct. This should be considered amazing, since he made this prediction in 1932. He said: When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that thats almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we may know it has begun. (9-p39) During the latter half of this 40-year period, we would expect to see an increase in great earth movements and other disasters, including an increase in volcanic activity. (8-p58) He predicted that at the end of this 40-year period, there will be a shifting of the poles and then a new cycle will begin. He placed the date for this event to be between the years, 2,000 and 2,001. (9-p45) The Hopi Indians have prophecies that date back many hundreds of years, certainly well before space travel; but as you read the following Hopi prophecy, you will see clear reference to a manned space station as being a sign to the Indians that the end is near.
We know that the time is getting close because every Hopi prophecy of warning but one has been fulfilled. The only thing thats left is the fulfillment of a huge house that carries many people that will be float ing in the sky. This will be the last thing that mankind is allowed to do. If mankind goes that far, it will completely destroy Nature unless it is stopped. (10)

Some people may say that the prophecies of psychics are not worth paying attention to: yet these cynics have no explanation as to why some of these predictions are coming true. In Chapter Eight we theorized two possible ways that psychics could perceive future events. We will not attempt to explain why the Hopi prophecies or Nostradamus and Cayce have correctly foretold the

future, because we dont know who is telling them this information, nor the method they are using to foretell the future.

Old Testament Prophecies

We will now turn to the prophecies of the Old Testament. It is generally accepted that the prophecies stated in the Bible are divinely inspired; and, therefore, are true foretellings of the future. We would agree with this premise wholeheartedly, even though, we would clarify the idea of a divine or godly being, as really being prophecy from highly evolved and advanced beings, most probably from another dimension. We believe no one has ever really understood what the purpose of the Bible actually is. Many religious groups take the Bible as being the only book worth reading and studying. This is a very big mistake. The Bible is like an IQ test. It doesnt tell us what man is supposed to evolve to. It merely tells us the consequences, if he does not evolve to what he is supposed to. There is a great deal of truth to be learned from the Bible; but to truly understand mans relationship to God and what man is supposed to evolve to, he must strive to understand what existence is; and to do that, he must have a scientific orientation. To understand what God is and the universe, we must study and understand its related components; therefore, to just study one book or one subject will never lead us to what existence is. We have to be somewhat versed in almost every field of science and other scholarly subjects. As we go through the prophecies of the Old and New Testament, we see very clear reference to the cataclysm. In fact, we see no other cause for the destructions described in the Bible other than the cataclysm, which we theorize occur during the reversal period. From Deuteronomy we read what will befall the people of the earth if they do not follow the laws that God gave them and do what they are supposed to do.
The Lord will smite thee with consumption, and with fever, and with inflammation, and with fiery heat, and with drought, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron. The Lord will make the rain of thy land powder and


dust; from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed.
(Deut. 28:22-24)

What we believe is meant by the heavens will look like brass,is an attempt to tell us that the sky will turn red with the heat of the expanding hot gases from the sun. The meaning of the phrase, the earth that is under thee shall be iron, is when the earth is melted to glass or shale, it will have a hardness of 5.5. The same as the hardness for iron. In other words, Moses is telling us that after the earth is baked by the sun, the earth will be as hard as iron. From the prophet, Isaiah, we see many distinct references to the cataclysm that will occur at the end of days.
But the destruction of the transgressors and the sinners shall be together, And they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed. And they shall both burn together, And none shall quench them. (Isaiah 1:28-31) For, behold, the Lord will come in fire, And His chariots shall be like the whirlwind; To render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire will the Lord contend, And by His sword with all flesh; And the slain of the Lord shall be many. (Isaiah 66:15-16) For the Lord of hosts hath a day Upon all that is proud and lofty, And upon all that is lifted up, and it shall be brought low; (Isaiah 2:12) I And the idols shall utterly pass away. And men shall go into the caves of the rocks, And into the holes of the earth, From before the terror of the Lord, And from the glory of His majesty, When He ariseth to shake mightily the earth. (earthquakes) In that day a man shall cast away His idols of silver, and his idols of gold, Which they made for themselves to worship,


To the moles and to the bats; To go into the clefts of the rocks, And into the crevices of the crags, From before the terror of the Lord, And from the glory of His majesty, When He ariseth to shake mightily the earth. (Isaiah 2:18 -21) For wickedness burneth as the fire; It devoureth the briers and thorns; Yea, it kindleth in the thickets of the forest, And they roll upward in thick clouds of smoke. Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land burnt up. The people also are as the fuel of fire; (Isaiah 9:17 18) Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; As destruction from the Almighty shall it come. Therefore shall all hands be slack, And every heart of man shall melt. And they shall be affrighted; Pangs and throes shall take hold of them; They shall be in pain as a woman in travail; They shall look aghast one at another; Their faces shall be faces of flame. Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, Cruel, and full of wrath and flerce anger; To make the earth a desolation, And to destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof Shall not give their light; The sun shall be darkened in his going forth, And the moon shall not cause her light to shine. And I will visit upon the world their evil, And upon the wicked their iniquity; And I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, And will lay low the haughtiness of the tyrants. I will make man more rare than fine gold, Even man that the pure gold of Ophir.

Therefore I will make the heavens to tremble, And the earth shall be shaken out of her place, For the wrath of the Lord of hosts,


And for the day of His fierce anger. (Isaiah 13:6-13) And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the terror shall fall into the pit;

And he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the trap;

For the windows on high are opened, And the foundations of the earth do shake; The earth is broken, broken down, The earth is crumbled in pieces, The earth trembleth and tottereth; The earth reeleth to and fro like a drunken man, And swayeth to and fro as a lodge; (Isaiah 24:18 -20) But the multitude of thy foes shall be like small dust, And the multitude of the terrible ones as chaff that passeth away; Yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly There shall be a visitation from the Lord of hosts With thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, With whirlwind and tempest, and the flame of a devouring fire. (Isaiah 29:5-6)

These previous quotations leave no doubt that it is the sun that destroys a good part of the earth at the same time the earthquakes, lightning, and wind also ravage the earth. The following quotation clearly tells us that the oceans will cover the mountains. It is also attempting to give us a description of what the sun will look like when it novas:
And there shall be upon every lofty mountain, and upon every high hill, Streams and watercourses, In the day of the great slaughter when the towers fall. Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, (as the surface melts) And the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of the seven days. (Isaiah 30:25 -26) Behold, the name of the Lord cometh from far, With His anger burning, and in thick uplifting of smoke; His lips are full of indignation, And His tongue is as a devouring fire; And His breath is an overflowing stream (the deluge from the oceans). (Isaiah 30:27 -28)


And the peoples shall be as the burnings of lime; As thorns cut down, that are burned in the fire. (Isaiah 33:12) For the Lord hath indignation against all the nations, And fury against all their host; He hath utterly destroyed them, He hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, And the stench of their carcasses shall come up, And the mountains shall be melted with their blood. And all the host of heaven shall moulder away, And the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll; And all their host shall fall down, As the leaf falleth off from the vine, And as a falling fig from the figtree. (Isaiah 34:2-4) For the Lord hath a day of vengeance, A year of recompense for the controversy of Zion. And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, And the dust thereof into brimstone, And the land thereof shall become burning pitch. It shall not be quenched night nor day, The smoke thereof shall go up for ever; From generation to generation it shall lie waste: None shall pass through it for ever and ever. (Isaiah 34:8-10) Every valley shall be lifted up, And every mountain and hill shall be made low; And the rugged shall be made level, And the rough places a plain; And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. (Isaiah 40:4-5)

Behold, they shall be as stubble; The fire shall bum them; They shall not deliver themselves From the power of the flame; It shall not be a coal to warm at, Nor a fire to sit before. Thus shall they be unto thee


With whom thou hast laboured; They that have trafficked with thee from thy youth. (Isaiah 47:14-15)

In the next quotation from Isaiah, we see a veiled reference that the flood will come from the west. This is just as we theorized.
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; For distress will come in like a flood, Which the breath of the Lord driveth. (Isaiah 59:19)

It is not enough to say that by some miraculous means God is going to burn all those that have not evolved. We must logically ask ourselves: What means would be necessary in order for so many people to perish by fire? The only answer we can see is if the sun novaed. From the Book of Jeremiah, he tells us of seeing a vision of the earth in the latter days. By his description we can only conclude it is after the cataclysm; for that is the only cause of the destruction that Jeremiah saw on the earth:
I beheld the earth, And, lo, it was waste and void; And the heavens, and they had no light. I beheld the mountains, and, to, they trembled, And all the hills moved to and fro. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, And all the birds of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful field was a wilderness, And all the cities thereof were broken down At the presence of the Lord, And before His fierce anger.

For thus saith the Lord: The whole land shall be desolate; Yet will I not make a full end. For this shall the earth mourn, And the heavens above be black; Because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, And I have not repented, neither will I turn back from it. (Jeremiah 4:23-28)


From the Book of Joel, we read of an account of what the Day of Judgment looks like.
Blow ye the horn in Zion, And sound an alarm in My holy mountain; Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the Lord cometh, For it is at hand; A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness, As blackness spread upon the mountains; (Joel 2:1-2) A fire devoureth before them, And behind them a flame blazeth; The land is as the garden of Eden before them And behind them a desolate wilderness; Yea, and nothing escapeth them (Joel 2:3) Before them the earth quaketh. The heavens tremble; The sun and the moon are become black, And the stars withdraw their shining. And the Lord uttereth His voice before His army; (a great noise is heard) (Joel 2:10-11) In those days will I pour out My spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, Blood, and Fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the great and terrible day of the Lord came. (Joel 3:2-4)

From Joel we can see clear reference that the sun novas and bakes a part of the earth. The resulting nova causes red dust to settle on the earth and have the appearance of blood. We see a similar account of the Day of Judgment from the Book of Amos.
Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord!

Wherefore would ye have the day of the Lord?


It is darkness, and not light. As if a man did flee from a lion, And a bear met him; And went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall, And a serpent bit him. Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no brightness in it? (Amos 5:18-20) And darkeneth the day into night; That calleth for the waters of the sea, And poureth them out upon the face of the earth; The Lord is His name; That causeth destruction to flash upon the strong So that destruction cometh upon the fortress. (Amos 5:8-9)

From Amos we see clear reference to the oceans of the world inundating the land. This is caused when the earths rotation ceases during the reversal period.
From the Book of Micah, we read: For, behold, the Lord cometh forth out of His place, And will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth. And the mountains shall be molten under Him, And the valleys shall be cleft, As wax before the fire, As waters that are poured down a steep place. (Micah 1:3-4)

Zephaniah was also given a vision of the cataclysm. He was told by the Lord:
I will utterly consume all things From off the face of the earth, Saith the Lord. I will consume man and beast, I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, And the stumbling blocks with the wicked; And I will cut off man from off the face of the earth, Saith the Lord.

(Zephaniah 1:2-3)


The great day of the Lord is near, It is near and hasteth greatly, Even the voice of the day of the Lord, Wherein the mighty man crieth bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, A day of trouble and distress, A day of wasteness and desolation, A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness. (Zephaniah 1:14-15) And I will bring distress upon men, That they shall walk like the blind, Because they have sinned against the Lord; And their blood shall be poured out as dust, And their flesh as dung. Neither their silver nor their gold Shall be able to deliver them In the day of the Lords wrath; But the whole earth shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy; For He will make an end, yea, a terrible end, Of all them that dwell in the earth. (Zephaniah 1:17-18)

The fourth Book of Esdras was written roughly 556 B.C. It is one of the books of the Apocrypha. As the story goes, Esdras saw a vision of an angel. Over a period of several months, Esdras was able to ask this heavenly emissary questions about the latter days. We will quote just a few of them. We see clear reference to the cataclysm which we have described in our theory. In this first passage, Esdras asked the angel to show him a glimpse of what Gods Judgment on the earth will look like. Th e angel told Esdras the following:
So I stood, and saw, and, behold, a hot burning oven passed by before me: and it happened, that when the flame was gone by I looked, and, behold, the smoke remained still. After this there passed by before me a watery cloud, and sent down much rain with a storm; and when the stormy rain was past, the drops remained therein still. (Esdras IV:48-49)


Then Esdras asked the angel if he could see the last night just before Gods Judgment Day.
So he answered and said unto me, Stand up upon thy feet, and thou shalt hear a mighty sounding voice; and if the place whereon thou standest be greatly moved, when it speaketh be not thou afraid: for the word is of the end, and the foundations of the earth shall understand, that the speech is of them: they shall tremble and be moved: for they know that their end must be changed.

And it happened, that when I had heard it I stood up upon my feet, and hearkened, and, behold, there was a voice that spoke, and the sound of it was like the sound of many waters. And it said, Behold, the days come, and it shall be that when I draw nigh to visit them that dwell upon the earth.
(Esdras VI:13-18)

And there shall be fearfulness and great trembling upon earth: and they that see that wrath shall be afraid, and trembling shall take hold upon them.

And after this shall there be stirred up great storms from the south, and from the north, and another part from the west.

And strong winds shall arise from the east, and shall shut it up, even the cloud which he raised in wrath; and the star that was to cause destruction by the east wind shall be violently driven toward the south and west. And great clouds and mighty and full of wrath shall be lifted up, and the star (the sun) that they may destroy all the earth, and them that dwell therein; and they shall pour out over every high and eminent one a terrible star, fire, and hail, and flying swords (lightning), and many waters, that all plains may be full, and all rivers, with the abundance of those waters. And they shall break down the cities and walls, mountains and hills, trees of the wood, and grass of the meadows, and their corn.
(Esdras XV:37-42)

Esdras asked the angel if what he had seen means that the world and all men on it were to come to an end because of mans iniquity. In his answer you will see the angel implying that there are cycles to our existence and that the ends of each of these cycles are separated by these cataclysms.
He answered me, and said, This present world is not the end; the full glory abideth not therein: therefore have they who were able prayed for the weak.


But the day of judgement shall be the end of this time, and the beginning of the immortality for to come, wherein corruption is passed away, intemperance is at an end, infidelity is cut off, but righteousness is grown, and truth is sprung up.
(Esdras VII: 112-114)

Even though these quotations are very descriptive and tend to prove our theories, there is one passage in the fourth Book of Esdras that does more to prove our theory of the 12,000 year cycles and also helps us date when the cataclysm will occur, than any other phrase found in the entire Old Testament.
For the world hath lost its youth, and the times begin to wax old. For the world is divided into twelve parts (12,000 years) and nine parts of it are gone already, even the half of the tenth part (9,500 years) and there remain of it two parts after the middle of the tenth part (2,500 years).
(Esdras 14:12)

This heavenly emissary is very plainly telling man that time is divided into 12,000 year cycles. Since Esdras was told this in approximately the year 556 B.C. that means the angel is telling Esdras the approximate date of the cataclysm would be in the latter part of the 20th century. We see no misinterpretation of our conclusion; for the scientific evidence tends to agree with what the angel said to Esdras.



When we first developed our Theory of Multidimensional Reality, it was meant to be only a new scientific theory to help explain many of the phenomena in physics. It was not our intention to write the ultimate disaster book. We came to the realization that a cataclysm occurs at the end of each cycle through logical deduction of our theories on magnetism and gravity. The evidence we have quoted from various sources is overwhelming. What is called Gods Day of Judgment is, in fact, the cataclysm which occurs during the reversal period. Every single point we theorized would happen, is prophesied in the Bible. There are several important conclusions to be made from this observation. One, that many of the prophets were correctly told by highly evolved beings about the future, and therefore the Bible should be taken literally as regarding the cataclysm. The other point, and definitely the most important, leads us to the purpose of the Bible. For every phenomenon there are two parts to be considered: the cause and the effect. The Bible was an attempt to force man to evolve to what existence is by directing his thoughts only onto the effects or results (the cataclysm) of the principles of existence. In other words, it doesnt tell us what scientific principles cause the cataclysm, it merely tells man the consequences of not evolving to the truth. Unfortunately, the clues that were given to man, about where his existence comes from, were too abstract for him to understand. Throughout the Bible we are told that materialism is not the route to take to understand what existence or truth is. There is a definitive way to prove materialism is not what life is all about. Throughout life we are taught by the mores of society that to

succeed in life, we must accummulate material possessions. We will even go so far as to say that men are judged whether they are good or bad, or even worth knowing, by how much wealth and power they have accummulated over their lifetime. Materialism seems also to be used as a way by which man can forget about the real question that gnaws at us all-and that is; what is death? It is the one fact of life that all men fear, because it is the unknown that frightens us. People will do anything to divert their minds even from thinking about the subject. Various religions have used mans inherent fear of death to control their followers. If men would sit and analyze what death is, they would understand what life is all about. Look at it this way: When youre brought into this world as an innocent baby, you know nothing; youre taught everything you know by your parents and society, whether those teachings are right or wrong. Through life you go to school, eventually get married, have kids, work, collect material possessions, and, hopefully, somewhere along the way you have gained some knowledge. When death comes, what can you take with you? Certainly none of your material possessions. In fact, the thing thats most material to you and youre most attached to, your body, you cant even take with you. The only thing you can take with you is the accumulation of knowledge you have gained over your lifetime. To prove this point, we again refer to the book by Raymond Moody, M.D., Life After Life. The vast majority of the people interviewed by Doctor Moody stated that when they had died, they saw a being of light. When they saw this being, he asked them, What have you done with your life? (7 -p60) After the question was asked, these individuals began to see their lives unfold in front of them. All of them say that it was very vivid and real. It was like they were actually re-living their lives over again, but the playback happened very rapidly. During and/or after this playback, the being of light stresses two important points: learning to love other people, and acquiring knowledge. (7-p65) In fact, many people said he emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge. (7-p93) The reports from this land of the dead and the Bible, tells us one very important point and that is; that man is supposed to evolve to a very specific idea and that he must evolve to it on his own. We can understand why it must be this way. Things that are given to us freely-on a silver platter-we tend not to value very highly; but things that we work and struggle

very hard for, we hold very precious and dear to us. The same must be true for the knowledge of what existence is. This idea may not seem that paramount to you; and, in fact, it may not be that important a point for a soul that has only evolved to the fourth dimension; but it must be very important for a soul that is a seventh or eighth dimensional existence to totally understand what existence is (this invariably leads us to what is truly right or wrong). We will come back to this line of thought later on. For now we must first understand why God designed these cataclysms into the system. This is an important question, after all, if He is an all-knowing, loving, and caring God, then why would He systematically bring such destruction onto mankind. After all, not only is evil erased from the earth but also a great deal of good. We explained previously that the reversal period which causes the nova is a function of existence. Its to keep vast domains of information stable so random potentials are not caused; thereby, making the universe a very unstable place. Remember we are not just dealing with our sun and the earth, but this drama is occurring literally all over the universe with countless civilizations at various stages of evolution. We would say the nova is bad or evil, and we might ask: how could a loving God do this to us? If you think this way, youre forgetting how He relates to us. You must forget the material world you live in, like we showed in Chapters Seven and Eight. It is most probable that we do all of our thinking from the diehold; therefore, God relates to us entirely from the diehold. He does not relate to us as we are, in our physical bodies but rather as domains of information and potential. Lets get back to discussing the purpose of the Bible. It empha sizes two important points. One, that man must pursue the truth or else man will perish at the designated time. If man evolves to the truth, he rises to the occasion; and he and his race survive to live another cycle. It seems that man can believe in almost anything he wishes to for about 12,000 years. He can choose any kind of religious thought or moral persuasion; but if he does not pursue the truth and find it in time, he and his kind will perish. It is something like a built-in fail-safe mechanism in the universe. If the civilization as a whole has not evolved to the truth, there are always a few individuals who are chosen to survive the cataclysm to carry on mans seed. As we mentioned in the mythology chapter, there are indications that the survivors were those who did under447

stand a great deal about what existence truly is.

Now we get to the most important point of this entire book: To what is man supposed to evolve? The most important clues to this question are stated in the first four of the Ten Commandments. They are the most important and that is why they were stated first. We believe the real purpose of these four commandments was so that some day man would strive to understand the real meaning of why there was only one God; and the mechanism necessary to fulfill those commandments. One: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. This commandment is meant to make man realize the singularity of God in relation to mans existence. Two: Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any manner of like ness, of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. This commandment is telling man that God is nothing that can be seen in this dimension. We cannot see God because he is not in any of the seven dimensions of our universe. This rules out the possibility of saying God is anything that is material or stellar; in fact, anything that has ever appeared in this dimension is not, was not and never will be God. Three: Thou shalt not bow down unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments. This commandment is saying that if man believes and pursues the wrong ideas as being God, and what existence is, his descendants will perish during the cataclysm because they will not evolve to what existence is in time. Four: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. This commandment we feel has been little understood. When we say something is taken in vain, we mean that it is worthless or foolish; it has no real value. In other words, God has no purpose or function in the universe. But this commandment is telling us that Gods value and function in the universe is extremely important, if not paramount to understanding what existence is. The idea that knowledge of our existence can be derived from

the Ten Commandments was also echoed by the Proverbs of Solomon. In the following excerpt, we see reference to this idea, in addition to the implication that by really understanding the meaning of these commandments, man would evolve to the truth and be saved from the cataclysm.
My son, if thou wilt receive my words, And lay up my commandments with thee; So that thou make thine ear attend unto wisdom, And thy heart incline to discernment: Yea, if thou call for understanding, And lift up thy voice for discernment; If thou seek her as silver, And search for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom, Out of His mouth cometh knowledge and discernment; He layeth up sound wisdom for the upright, He is a shield to them that walk in integrity; That He may guard the paths of justice, And preserve the way of His godly ones. Then shalt thou understand righteousness and justice, And equity, yea, every good path. For wisdom shall enter into thy heart, And knowledge shall be pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall watch over thee, Discernment shall guard thee; To deliver thee from the way of evil. (Proverbs 2:1-12)

To best understand mans relationship with God, we must use the tape analogy. Lets say we have a video-tape recorder with the information for our images on the video tape. God could be analogized as the operator of the tape recorder. The diehold is like the tape recorder. The reason why man cannot see God nor should he associate anything he sees as being God becomes self-evident using this analogy. It is impossible for the information on the tape to leak through the tape recorder and perceive the operator. The information on the tape is in a totally different time-space relationship from the operator. This is why God can only be perceived and understood as an idea. The only difference between our tape model

and the way we think reality really works is that the diehold is the thought form of God, which in turn means that everything in the universe is a result of Gods thought forms. This is why we mentioned in Chapter One why ideas should be worshipped rather than men. This idea of what God is can also logically explain another biblical teaching; that God is supposed to be all-knowing, king of the universe, with dominion over its entirety. If we ask ourselves what mechanism would be necessary for God to have such power, we must again come to the conclusion that He is in a different dimension. The universe is too vast for an intelligence in this dimension to know everything that is occurring over the entire length and breadth of the universe; therefore, we must conclude that the information that makes up the universe exists in another form, and in another dimension. Again, we come to the first dimension where everything in the universe including lifeforms exists in one location. This is the only way that an intelligence could be an all-knowing, seeing king of the universe. He is where the information is at one location. There are trade-offs in life for everything. It is true that the period of time before and during the cataclysm is a terrible time for man to live. The suffering and hardship must be tremendous, but there is another side to it. If an individual has evolved to the knowledge of what existence truly is, he can evolve himself to the next higher dimension, this being the fifth or even the sixth dimension. He can do this only during the time of the reversal, when vast amounts of potential are available to him. For an evolved soul, this is the only time in which to live. It is not good enough to say merely that a soul must evolve to a higher state of existence. There must be a reason, in existence, why everything in the universe must and, in fact, does evolve to higher dimensions and levels of potential. The answer is self-evident, if we analyze the very shape of the diehold (Figure 12.2). Just as everything in the universe started at a finite point of pure information, everything must end as pure information. All conscious potential before the final collapse of the universe, must shed itself of all matter in order for it to evolve back to the first dimension and eventually to another form of existence. It says in the Bible that after the Day of Judgment, God will make man as rare as fine gold. This may seem cruel and heartless to those that dont evolve, but that is not true. When a husband


END OF TIME Figure 12.2

has sexual relations with his wife, he implants in her approximately 7,000,000 live sperm cells; but it takes only one to fertilize the egg and create a new life. Do we mourn over the 6,999,999 sperm cells that died? No, we rejoice over the one that makes it. This is not to say there was no reason for the others to have existed. They have to exist in order to give the one that makes it the necessary momentum and potential to reach its goal. The last phrase from the last book of the Old Testament best expresses these ideas.
And the Lord hearkened, and heard.... For them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name. And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, In the day that I do make, even Mine own treasure; And I will spare them, as a man spareth His own son that serveth him.
Then shall ye again discern between the righteous and the wicked, Between him that serveth God

And him that serveth Him not. For, behold, the day cometh, It burneth as a furnace;
And all the proud, and all that worked wickedness, shall be stubble;


And the day that cometh shall set them ablaze, Saith the Lord of hosts, That it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear My name Shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings; And ye shall go forth, and gambol As calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet In the day that I do make, Saith the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 3:17-21)


The Holy Scriptures-Old Testament (Philadelphia, The Jewish Publ. Society of America, 1958). Oesterley, W. O., II Esdras (London, Methuen & Co., 1933). Cain, J. C., Yearbook Science and Technology-Geomagnatism (N.Y., McGraw-Hill, 1977). McCann, L., Nostradamus (N.Y., Creative Age Press, 1941). Computer Print-out of the magnetic diepole of the Earth, (Denver, U.S. Geological Survey, 1977). Howard, R., A Possible Variation of the Solar Rotation with the Activity Cycle (The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 210, pp. L159-161, December 15, 1976). 7. Moody, R. A., Dr., Life after Life (N.Y., Bantam Books, 1975). 8. Carter, E., Edgar Cayce on Prophecy (N.Y., Warner Books, 1968). 9. Stearn, J., Edgar Cayce-The Sleeping Prophet (N.Y., Bantam Books, 1968). 10. Bauyacya, T., The Plowboy Interview. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


11. The Holy Bible-Old and New Testaments; King James Version, (Tenn., The Gideons International, 1972). 12. Ball, R. H., et al., Variations in the Geomagnetic Field and in the Rate of the Earths Rotation (Santa Monica, The Rand Corp., Memorandum no. RM-5717-PR, October, 1968). 13. Computer print-out of all earthquakes over six magnitude from 1897-1976 (Colorado, NOAA.-National Geophysical & Solar-Terrestrial Data Center, 1977). 14. Howard, Robert; Solar Rotation & Large -Scale Velocity Fields, Presented at the Symposium on Large -Scale Motions on the Sun at Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sept. 1-2, 1977.

Cain, J. C., Geomagnetic Models from Satellite Surveys (Greenbelt, Maryland, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, 1970). Meyers, H., and von Hake, C. A., Earthquake Date File Summary (Bolder, Colorado, National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center, 1976).

Back Electromotive Force. A magnetic field that opposes the flow of current through a coil, also present in a capacitor.

Beat Frequency. A frequency formed by the mixing of two shorter wavelength frequencies. Carrier Wave. A modulated frequency independent of the modulated information to be transmitted, which appears as one or both sidebands of frequencies.*

Clocking Frequency. A stable oscillator pulse in a synchronous computer, for timing all operations such as gating, recording and printing. The bits of information in a synchronous or sequential computer will wait until a clocking pulse arrives, then the bits of information will proceed to another section of the core memory or to the software.

Dampened Oscillating Radio Wave. Oscillations which die away rapidly, having been excited by an impulse.

Demodulation. Separating out the informational frequencies of a transmitted electromagnetic wave by passing the modulated carrier, high-frequency signal with an added carrier frequency, through a nonlinear system, so that the output voltages contain different frequencies. By this process the carrier and side frequencies are separated and are reformed to the original information transmitted.*

Exponential Function.

*Collocott, T. C., Dictionary of Science and Technology. (New York: Barnes and Noble Co.).


which converges to the value e for all values of x. The natural log (e) is a transcendental number defined as the limiting
value of

as n approaches infinity.*
Head Device. A device that converts magnetic bits of information on recording tape to electromagnetic frequencies.

Heterodyne. The combining of two frequencies in a nonlinear device with the consequent production of sums and different frequencies. The latter is the heterodyne frequency.*

Modulation. The process of impressing information in the form of a frequency on to a carrier wave frequency, at high-power if the modulator is directly connected to a load.

Self-Inductance. The current induced in a conductor by a rapidly changing magnetic field.

Pulse Modulation. A signal that can be unidirectional or bidirectional. Coding information by either pulse amplitude and/or length.



*Collocott, T. C., Dictionary of Science and Technology. (New York: Barnes and Noble Co.).


Resonance. The balancing between inductive and capacitive reactance of a voltage resulting from relatively small applied current at a resonant frequency. The resonant frequency for matter is found by the following formula: Resynchronizing Frequency. A frequency inside a computer that enables bits of information of the output to be fitted into the main clocking frequency of the computer. These types of frequencies eliminate propagation delays, random voltages and delayed gate propagation times. The computer output is synchronized with the computer clocking frequency. Synchronizing Frequency. A frequency used in computers to align random outside-word commands, then fitting them to exact time slots in the core memory. Transient Voltages. The current resulting from a voltage surge or frequency change.



1. 2. 3.


5. 6. 7.

Everything in the Universe is formulated from information that exists in a structure we call the Diehold, existing in the first dimension. There is only one God and the Diehold is the product o f his thought form. No conscious intelligence in our universe can see God. God can only be perceived as an idea. The Diehold has the form of an octahedron. Each side transmits a different dimension. One of its sides is reserved for the dimension in which it exists. The remaining seven sides represent the seven dimensions of existence into which a conscious intelligence can be modulated. Every conscious intelligence in the universe evolves to higher levels of potential. Evolution is completed when a conscious intelligence possesses so much potential and has assimilated so much information of the universe that it can no longer exist in any of the seven dimensions. It can only exist in the first dimension. Intelligence is the product of a given level of potential in the Diehold. As the potential of the conscious intelligence increases, it is able to perceive more domains of information around itself. All conscious thinking and perceiving of information is done entirely from the Diehold. Gravity is the information of an object being directed toward its time and space. The greater the domains of information the object possesses in the Diehold, the greater its gravitational field.


8. 9.

Time is the distance traveled by the head device across the information of existence. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light because nothing can obtain a velocity as fast or faster than the head device transmitting its existence. 10. No conscious intelligence can travel into the future because nothing can go past the head device that transmits its information. A conscious intelligence can travel anywhere in the universe, past or present, instantly, by raising the potential of itself to a point where its information will demodulate from one time and space thereby enabling it to move either back or laterally across the information in the Diehold to another time and space. 11. Energy is the byproduct of information leaving this dimension. Total information = Information manifest into existence (matter) + Unstable information leaving this dimension (light). 12. The Diehold will not permit the information of two objects occupying the same time, space and dimension so as to prevent that part of the universe from becoming unstable. The Diehold will not permit too little or too much information occupying a location in time and space, so as to prevent that part of the universe from becoming unstable.


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