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I want you all to put yourself into Anhs situation.

Youve been through an extremely tough childhood I have a dream that is deeply rooted in the Australian dream. That ever person in every village, in every city in every state is entitled to a fair go. To live the great Aussie dream of having their own backyard, with screams of howzat and being splashed by spitting fat from the BBQ resonating in equal mesure. That we arent building our fences higher t o keep Johnny Foreigner out, but instead were building sliding patio doors to welcome him into this wonderful country of ours. Let me tell you, my fellow young men of Knox, that the more we marginalise others who are different, the end result is that we end up limiting the potential for enriching our society. And we will be all the poorer for it. One of the values we hold dear at our school is Virile Agitur, to do the manly thing. We value courage, but do we value diversity? I think it was Epicurus who once poignantly stated that you develop courage by surviving different First argument/idea reiterated for TPOO. Evidence from the film-maybe a key scene or a couple of key scenes. Analysis of HOW the director weaves the dialogue and film techniques together to create ideas about the Outsider.

1. Make clear your understanding of what an outsider is and how it can happen (poverty, social status, unjust laws, refusal to cooperate with a societys systems and attitudes and cultural differences 2. Make sure you refer to at least 2 episodes in each text that highlight of being an outsider and by courage through adversity. Discuss and explain in detail. 3. Make certain you use persuasive style and techniques to convince your audience of your views.

English Speech Men of Knox! Standing before me today is a large group of normal young men who face challenges every day. A great man by the name of Epicurus once said: You don't develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. I would like all of us today to think strongly on this. Courage is not gained by being inside the safe zone, but by surviving challenges that outsiders face everyday. Courage can be gained by enduring countless racially abusive comments, countless hours of public humiliation and worst of all, bullying. Some people experience the outsider status through things like economic hardship and rejection by mainstream society. After studying the film The power of one and following Anh Dos journey in The Happiest Refugee, you must agree that there is a clear link between the adversity faced by the main characters in The power of one and The Happiest Refugee. By the end of their journey, we can all see the courage both protagonists have gained along the way and how they later use that courage to live happy, productive lives. I want you all to imagine being a little Vietnamese boy sitting in a classroom being one of the very few Asian kids in the school. Youre looked upon as an outsider because of your skincolour and your background. You talk like your classmates, watch what your classmates watch and love what your classmates love and play what your classmates play. But you still feel like an outsider. This is exactly how Anh Do felt at St. Aloysius School. Even though he got along well with his peers, he was always the Outsider because of his socio-economic situation and his skin colour. After his father left them, Anhs family was always on the midst of being broke. Anh was forced to juggle his academics and helping his mother save and make money. With the help of his friend Phil Keenan, he manages to save money for his mother by not buying the textbooks required for the class. He remembers I always had to be thinking about how to plan the day, when to meet up with him, how to make sure the other boys didnt catch on. This quote shows how Anh does whatever he can to overcome challenges he faces as an outsider with the love and support of his friends. Anh also states Lucky for me I had my good mate Phil Keenan. This quote emphasises Anhs gratitude for his great friendship with Phil, who helps him through his hardships. Doesnt that show us how important the people in our lives can be in helping us to overcome challenges. I myself and most of you sitting before me would probably have given up, defeated by the situation, but Anh did not. Through his good humour, his courage and determination and his love for his family and friends, he finds the inner strength to overcome the challenges he is faced and learns from them and by doing so we sympathise with him and are forced to admire him for his courage. Another interesting event in The Happiest Refugee is at Anhs wedding. His family, around forty Vietnamese people arrive at Suzie, his lovers house in Wahroonga.
look for examples of outsider status as a result of acting outside of the law (he refuses to work within a racist system; antagonises the police and authorities.. this sets him apart and puts him at risk but he continues to fight the injustices. You should also discuss the outsider black South Africans people who are disadvantaged due to the unfair race laws of Apartheid.

Once again, the ideas of courage, perseverance and love and friendship is shown to be crucial qualities in the film The Power of One. In the scene shortly after Peekay and Docs arrival at the prison, a cactus is put in the foreground. The cactus represents the idea of perseverance and courage, which is a prominent trait of Peekay later on in the film. The director cleverly

positions two characters- Peekay and Doc in the middle of the screen. This tells us that they are of great importance and are somehow important to each and connected. This is further emphasised in the same scene, with Peekay and Doc wearing the same clothes. The colour of their clothing juxtaposes the dirty rags that the black prisoners wear. It informs the audience of the inequalities black people faced at the time. One of the common things between the Happiest Refugee and The Power of One is Throughout my speech I have been

In a scene in the film the power of one, the main protagonist; Peekay is shown to be cradling Geel Peit. Geel taught Peekay how to box and they had established a father-son connection. In the scene, Geel was beaten severely and on the verge of dying because he challenged the authority of Make

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