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Master rofScie encePro ograminMech hanicalEngineer E ring

Graduat teSchoolDipon negoroUn niversity, Semaran ng,Indon nesia

Ad dmissionRequireme R entsandProcedures sforIntern nationalAp pplicants

Academicyear2011/2012 2.Firstdayofclass: c March1, 1 2011

1. Application fo orm and sup pporting doc cuments must arrive at the secreta ariat of MTM M by Se eptember 14, 2011 in on ne envelope. Please send the t applicatio on by FedEx, DHL or regis stered ex xpressmailto o: Magist terTeknikMe esin(MTM) UniversitasDiponegoro D Gedun ngTeknikMes sin Jl.Prof f.Sudarto,Ka ampusTemba alang,Semara ang JawaTengah, T Indon nesia50255 2. Su upporting do ocuments (all must be ori iginal or nota arized/certifie ed true copy y either by no otary, ba ankorembas ssy,otherwise eshallbecon nsiderednullorvoid): Statem mentofobjec ctives(formmtm/intl/01) m Twore ecommendationlettersfro omacademic cadvisororem mployer(form mmtm/intl/0 02) Record dofrelevantcoursestaken(formmtm/ /intl/03) Financ cialstatement tfrombank(notoldertha an2months) andformmt tm/intl/04 Forself s supportshowing s anac ccountbalanc ceofminimum=USD15,0 000 If sponsored s by b parents/r relatives/emp ployer/other institution, please pr rovide spon nsorshipstate ement. Incase eofparents/r relativesassp ponsor,pleas seprovidefinancialstatem mentfromban nk. Copyof o validpassp portexpiringat a least1yearfromtheda ateofapplicat tion Transc criptwithmin nimumGPAof o 2.75fromscaleof4. Bachelor of Science e or Bachelor of Engineer ring certificat te of graduat tion from pre evious univer rsity,majoring ginMechanic calEngineerin ngorotherre elevantEngin neeringprogra ams TOEFL Lreportwithminimum m sco oreof550(pa aperbased)ta akennotolde erthan2year rs Recent tcolorphoto ographs:3x4cm, c 4x6cm(f foureach) Curricu ulumVitaeor rResume For cre edit transfer to be consid dered: transcr ript + copy of course desc cription, minimum gradeofBor3from mscaleof4.Oneyearmin nimumstayin nMTMprogramisrequire ed. Docum mentsverifyin ngstandardhealth h conditions,signedby b arecognize eddoctororhome countr ryhospital; Otherquestions, q ple easecontactthe t secretary yofMTMprog gram: JogaDharma D Setiaw wan,Ph.D.(mobile/sms: m +62 + 85866139791)

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