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106 Trac Generation Strategies

106 Trac Generation Strategies

106 Trac Generation Strategies
Introduction -
Why Targeted Trac Is The Key To Your Success!
So, you have a website. It looks pretty good and you have a great product. But now what? That is the question I
asked myself over 6 years ago when I created my rst website selling Bluetooth headsets. Back then they were the
tech worlds latest craze. The website was beautiful and the shopping cart was ready to start taking orders.
I had zero orders the rst week. The second week and third week rolled around and still no orders. I was devastated.
I cursed all the supposed gurus that told me that I could make millions online just like they did. I soon realized
that I was missing a big piece to the online marketing puzzle. I had to gure out what that piece was and quick.
I came to realize that with the billions of websites that are out there, how in the world would my target market nd
mine? I started nding ways that I could get my website in front of my market so they could nd my website. My
goal was to not only make money but build relationships of trust and help others do the same.
So I studied, then I studied more. Then I read, and then I read more. I tested, and I bet you can guess, I tested some
more. I nally gured out what I was missing: TARGETED TRAFFIC. Not only did I start guring out how to get
targeted trac to my website, but I also learned how to do it quickly and eectively.
Part of your job as a website owner is to learn how to grab the attention of your market, bringing them to your
website so they can see what you have to oer.
In this report, I will explain how you can identify which trac generation strategies best t you and your market. No
one can execute or use all 106 of the strategies and resources in the report, nor would I ever suggest doing so.
What you need to do is review the strategies, tools and resources within this report and use the ones that seem
easiest for you to implement. Then all you need to do is go out and implement them!
I have broken the report up into the following categories to help you narrow down your trac generation strategy:
- Social Media Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Article Marketing
- Social Bookmarking
- Video Marketing
- Podcast/Audio Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Paid Search Marketing
106 Trac Generation Strategies
- Local Media Marketing
- Press Release Marketing
- Oine Marketing
- Joint Venture Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Mobile Marketing
As I said I would never expect nor suggest that you include all 106 strategies into your marketing campaign. What
I do suggest, however, is for you to select 1-2 items from each of the 14 categories and really master those. Then
move on to others.
So lets begin
Social Media Marketing
Social Media has been the biggest gold rush by far, with businesses trying to nd and increase targeted trac to
their websites. The problem is that everyone is throwing their crap (excuse my language) against the wall, hoping
that some of it will stick. The reason for the expletive is that many people do this without having a proper plan or
knowledge as to how to provide valuable content via these Social Media sites.
Social Media is still very young and few have really gured it out. With a new social networking/media website
launching every day, it is increasingly critical to share information that will help these new websites succeed.
As marketers and content providers, we must perform three vital items:
- Plnd out where our target market ls congregatlng
- Dlscover what our target market wants
- Glve them what they want
It might sound easy at rst, but without a plan, without research, and without a strategy, you can waste a lot of
time on ineective Social Media activities.
Anyone can have thousands of fans, followers, peeps (or whatever you call them), but eective targeted trac
generation and $$ comes by understanding your market and creating valuable content that people will enjoy and
consume on a regular basis.
Below you will nd the rst sixteen (16) website trac generation strategies connected to the top Social Media
and Networking websites. Keep in mind that you need to do your research and nd out which of these websites
will help you grow your trac.
I suggest you choose and focus on only two (2) strategies at rst so you dont get overwhelmed trying to implement
too much at once.
106 Trac Generation Strategies
1. Prole:
Website -
If you havent heard of Facebook by now, then you may have been living under a rock for the past six years. I am
not going to go into great detail of what Facebook is other than to say that it has become one of the largest, most
visited website on Earth. I believe that just about every market can benet from Facebook.
At the time of this writing claims to have more than 400 million active users (Visit http://www. to see the current statistics).
The rst trac generation strategy that you should focus on is your Prole. Whether you use your
prole page for friends only or networking, you need to optimize the page to your benet to drive trac to your
Here are a few strategies for optimizing your Facebook page:
- Make sure your prole plcture ls a well-formatted professlonal plcture of you. To see an example, vlslt my
prole at
- our prole short blo needs to be short, clear and have a call to actlon. Make sure you only have no more
than two (2) website URLs in your short bio.
- Make sure you Edit Your Prole. Fill out everything possible, sharing information about yourself that will
help people get to know you at a dierent level.
- Lnter no more than three (3) UPLs ln the "|nformatlon area of your prole.
106 Trac Generation Strategies
- Do not use too many Facebook apps. They might confuse and distract your prole visitors.
- Add vldeos, lmages, and other soclal aspects to your prole to help bulld a relatlonshlp of trust wlth your
prole visitors.
- when addlng frlends to your prole, "Add a personal message to your frlend request. Let them know how
you know them or why they should add you as a friend.
- Create a username. Por slmple lnstructlons, vlslt
- Lastly, make sure you logln often and leave relevant status updates. Don't always lnclude a llnk or a promo-
tion in your status updates. Thats one strategy that doesnt work. Be social!
106 Trac Generation Strategies
2. Fan/Business Page:
Facebook Pages can be a very powerful tool to help you grow a loyal following. If done correctly, it can also be a
great way to drive laser targeted trac. Here is Facebooks denition of a page:
A Facebook Page is a public prole that enables you to share your business and products with Facebook users
When your fans interact with your Facebook Page, stories linking to your Page can go to their friends via News Feed.
As these friends interact with your Page, News Feed keeps driving word-of-mouth to a wider circle of friends.
What I am about to tell you, I will repeat throughout this report because it is critical to understand:
With that in mind, let me share with you some tips, examples and strategies of how you can get the most out of
your Facebook Fan/Business Page.
Here are some good examples of companies and individuals that optimize and use their Facebook pages
It doesnt matter how many fans, friends,
followers or peeps you have!
What matters is how you interact with them
and how they respond to your content!
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Here are several tips to help you better optimize your Facebook Page:
- Pe-read the optlmlzatlon ltems above from the prole optlmlzatlon strategles - then put them lnto
- Make sure your page lmage targets your brand and market and that lt meshes wlth the message you are
trying to send.
- 8e conslstently engaged wlth your fan base. Answer thelr questlons, reply to thelr wall posts, and use vldeo
as a tool to better engage the fans.
- Only use essentlal apps (see below for my top app suggestlons).
- Ask your fans to share your fan page wlth thelr frlends. ou wlll be amazed at what people wlll do lf you
simply ask. Invite them to click on the Suggest to Friends link.

- Add your blog to the "Notes app (thls app ls lnstalled by default). 1ust cllck "Ldlt Page then scroll down
untll you arrlve at the "Notes sectlon. Then cllck "Ldlt. On the rlght

you should see a link Import a blog. Click on the link and then add the RSS feed from your blog. Then click the
radio button and Start Importing button.

ou wlll then need to cllck the "Conrm |mport button once you see that lt ls correctly pulllng the blog
content from the RSS feed that you entered.
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Facebook applications are small programs developed specically for Facebook proles and pages, they include
games, information, competitions, sharing and many other ways to connect via Facebook. In my opinion, 99.8% of
these applications (apps) are useless and a waste of your time. - app directory your installed applications if you are logged in
Here are the top apps I suggest you use to help improve and optimize your Facebook Page:
Promotions -
Poll -
Extended Info - -
By far the most powerful app:
Static FMBL -
See this example of Alex Mandossians fan page at using the Static FMBL app:
ou can see how powerful and engaglng thls appllcatlon ls. |t has a call to actlon to become a fan and also a lead
generator! And socially, its oering assistance with important questions.
The most lmportant thlng to remember wlth bulldlng your fan page ls to 8L SOC|AL!
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
Twltter ls a phenomenon ln the onllne world. |n the past, thelr growth has hlt over l382% and lt contlnues to
I will let explain what Twitter is:
Twitter lets you write and read messages of up to 140 characters, or the very length of this sentence, including
all punctuation and spaces. The messages are public and you decide what sort of messages you want to receive
Twitter being a recipient driven information network. In addition, you can send and receive Twitter messages, or
tweets, equally well from your desktop or your mobile phone.
When you combine messages that are quick to write, easy to read, public, controlled by the recipient and
exchangeable anywhere, youve got a powerful, real-time way to communicate. And real-time communication is
turning out to be ground-breaking for users and businesses alike. -

Twitter can be another channel to build a following, network, and drive trac to your website. Although there are
limitations with Twitter, you will nd that it is quite simple to use.
Here are some tips you should use to optimize your Twitter prole (you can also visit my prole
our prole picture becomes very important with Twitter because it is much like a time stamp used wherever you
go; this is what people see and how they associate your content with you. Here is my prole image I have been
using since I started using Twitter.
I still get people coming up to me at conferences and other events letting me know that they recognize me from
my Twitter pic. Thats pretty cool.
Next make sure that you optlmlze your blo area. ou do thls by logglng lnto your account and cllcklng "Settlngs
then Prole.
- Make sure that you use your real name as your name and username (unless you are bulldlng a brand). |f
your name is already taken, then be creative.
- Lnsure that the "web area ls lled out (must be a UPL, such as This should
be your main website where you want to send trac from your prole.
106 Trac Generation Strategies
- Por your blo you only have l60 characters so make each character count. 8e lnformatlve and soclal at the
same time.
Now, to me, the most lmportant area that you can optlmlze ls your prole page background lmage. ou edlt thls
area by clicking Settings then Design then Change Background Image.
ou can check out my background lmage at my prole I invite you to start
following me for daily tips and Social Media advice.
A lot of people ask me what size the background should be. Here are the dimensions of my Twitter background
ou can also download my lmage here and use lt as a template or send lt to your deslgner - http://bse.s3.amazonaws.
106 Trac Generation Strategies
The key to being successful on Twitter is to be a part of the conversation and to post relevant, funny, interesting,
informational and powerful tweets. If you are doing this, the followers will come over time.
Retweeting other peoples tweets is also a good way to build relationships and share great content. (If you are sure
what ReTweet means or would like more Twitter lingo information visit
Here are some great tools that you can use with your twitter accounts:
Also see Tweetdeck and Seesmic below.
Website -
Most people dont realize the potential of laser targeting your niche with as a business/professional,
social networking website.
Here I will give you some of the most important information when using LinkedIn:
- Complete your Llnked|n prole l00%

- 1oln nlche/market related groups
- Lxport your frlends and colleagues emalls and upload to Llnked|n
- Start connectlng wlth those ln your market
- Plll out your summary and your speclaltles wlth rlch keywords
- Send a personallzed message when requestlng to network
I recently did an interview with one of the top LinkedIn experts Lewis Howes. I suggest you listen or read the full
interview here - In the interview, Lewis gives
away some of his top LinkedIn tips.
If you think we would be a good t to network, lets get together on LinkedIn -
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
Now I know some of you are thinking to yourselves, Who is this guy and why is he wasting my time telling me
about MySpace. Isnt MySpace dead?
Ok, | know everyone and thelr dog ls saylng that MySpace ls dead. 8ut that ls good news because that means
that few businesses are advertising there solving their problem of advertising overkill. According to statistics, still gets tons of trac. is great for music (bands), clothing, jewelry, acne and other targeted products and services that are
focused on the younger generation. MySpace is not for everyone, but if it ts your market/niche, then spend some
valuable time marketing via this channel.
Website - is an up and coming micro-blogging tool that makes it fast and easy to send valuable content to
thousands of lts users. wlth Tumblr, lt ls easy to share anythlng you nd or create. ou can post text, photos, quotes,
links, dialogues, audio, video, slideshows, and a ton more.
Here are some powerful things that Tumblr says about its platform:
Google optimized
From URL slugs to XML sitemaps, Tumblr is as friendly as can be to search engines.
Third Party Apps
Use dozens of apps built on the Tumblr API.
Publish to Facebook
Keep your friends up to date with seamless News Feed syndication.
It is free!
Dont pay for storage. Dont pay for bandwidth. Dont even pay for advanced features like full theme source code
control, custom domain hosting, and group blogs.
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
Foursquare is an online and mobile application that helps you nd new ways to explore a city. Foursquare is a great
way meet up with your friends. It lets you earn points and unlock badges for discovering new places, doing new
things and meeting new people.
This is a great way for Hotels, Restaurants, and any type of retail stores to get online trac to patronize their oine
It is an amazing tool to network and meet new people. It also alerts your friends as to your current location so they
can drop by and say hello.
The key to using Foursquare to your advantage is to be unique. Think outside the box when coming up with
marketing techniques. Local marketing is a great way to build relationships and to drive super-targeted trac to
your website and to your retail business.
(Also see Local Marketing further down this report)
8. Google Buzz:
Website -

Here is Wikipedias take on Google Buzz:
Google Buzz is a social networking and messaging tool from Google, designed to integrate into the companys
web-based email program, Gmail. Users can share links, photos, videos, status messages and comments organized
in conversations and visible in the users inbox.
Buzz enables users to choose to share publicly with the world or privately to a group of friends each time they
post.|4| Plcasa, Pllckr, Google Peader, ouTube, 8logger, PrlendPeed, and Twltter are currently lntegrated.
The creation of Buzz was seen by industry analysts as an attempt by Google to compete with social networking
websites like Facebook and microblogging services like Twitter. Buzz also includes several interface and interaction
elements from other Google products (e.g. Google Reader) such as the ability to like a post.
If you have a Gmail or Google Prole accounts then you have Google Buzz. The key to your success with Google
Buzz though is to make sure that you optimize your Google prole (see next strategy #9).
Like Twitter and Facebook, the key to gathering trac with Google Buzz is to be a part of the conversation and
provide frequent up-to-date relevant content.
Here are 5 Google Buzz Tips straight from Google themselves -
To research what your market or niche is saying on Google Buzz, use Spend some time
researching what your market wants and needs, and then give it to them. I know it sounds too simple, but this one
tip has made me a successful online marketer.
106 Trac Generation Strategies
9. Google Prole:
Website -
As simple as it is to update your Google Prole, I am often surprised at how many people dont take advantage of
having a page on Google. It is easy to add links, photos and content to your Google Prole.
ou can check out my Google Prole here -
Optlmlze your prole wlth great content by cllcklng on "Ldlt Prole. Start by updatlng your 'Short 8lo' and addlng
links. Google Buzz will display status updates by default on your prole.
There aren't really a lot of strategles to complete your Google prole. 1ust do lt.
Website -
Up to this point, I have been focusing on the obvious social media sites where everyone should have at least
a small presence. The real trac comes when you do some in-depth research and nd other social media and
networking sites where your target market is spending their time. is the perfect place to go and nd niche related social media, social networking, online tools,
applications and resources. This huge database of Web 2.0 properties oers:
- A search englne that searches all the content at the slte
- Auto-complete for servlces and tags
- Search by multlple tags
- Hlde-Show for the tag bar for a wlder or narrower vlew
- The ablllty to choose between a gallery and a llst vlew
- very sophlstlcated navlgatlon
13. Forums:
To me, forums are one of the most powerful social tools that most marketers still dont understand or take full
advantage of. Forums were one of the rst social media sites that allowed people to gather, communicate and
share information online.
The biggest tip I can give you is to search for forums in your market. See example image below:
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Make sure that you replace keyword with your target market and industry keywords. For example, if you are in
the Crafts market, insert the word Crafts. If you dont nd forums on your rst try, substitute the keyword with
other relevant keywords in your industry.
Here are some tips for successful forum marketing:
- Pead the forum rules
- Thlnk twlce about what you post
- Don't post llnks for rst 20 days of use at least
- After at least 20 days add an attractlve slgnature le wlth llnks (lf accepted by forum)
- Start early ln the mornlng to be the rst to post and add to threads
- 8e respectful
- Ask questlons
- Glve feedback
- 8e soclal
Once you have done the above for a whlle start looklng at what the top forum posters and contrlbutors are dolng
and model it. Slowly start adding links (only if relevant) to your thread posts but be very careful and make sure you
always follow the forum rules. The key is to wait for others to ask you for your relevant link, instead of giving it to
them regardless of whether they want it or not.
Website -
This is where I go to get all the updated news on the Social Media and Web 2.0.
This is what Mashable says about themselves:
Mashables audience includes early adopters, social media enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, inuencers, brands and
corporations, marketing, PR and advertising agencies, Web 2.0 acionados and technology journalists.
If you want all the updated news and information on Social Media then I suggest you subscribe to their RSS feed
here -
Website -
KnowEm allows you to check for the use of your brand, product, personal name or username instantly on over
350 popular and emerglng soclal medla websltes.
This solid resource will really save you a lot of time when starting out. For a price, they will create all your social
proles for you. Otherwlse, the free optlons wlll save you tons of tlme and energy!
106 Trac Generation Strategies
14. Tweetdeck:
Website -
Customize your Twitter experience with columns, groups, saved searches and automatic updates helping you to
eortlessly stay updated with the people and topics you care about.
Connect with your Facebook and MySpace friends directly from TweetDeck by updating your status, posting
photos or videos, commenting, liking and groups your friends to make it easier to follow only those you really
want to see what your friends are doing by creating columns for each of your groups of friends.
This is my application of choice for staying active in Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. Although it can be a resource
hog, I personally havent had any problems with it. This tool saves me a signicant amount of time and eort when
wanting to communicate on Twitter and Facebook.
15. Seesmic:
Website -
Seesmic is another application for staying up-to-date with Twitter and other social networking sites. Seesmic just
recently acquired (learn more below) which makes updating over 50 social sites at once eortless.
The cool thing about Seesmic is their web and mobile applications that make it a breeze to stay in touch with your
friends, fans and followers.
15 16
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -

Omclally one of my favorlte onllne tools out there and the best part ls that lt ls totally PPLL. allows you
to update your status on most of the ma[or soclal medla and networklng sltes all ln one place. ou can see all the
services that they support at
| recently created a vldeo that shows how slmple lt ls to set up and use ou can watch the vldeo here -
15 16
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Content Marketing
For me, content marketing happens to be the most rewarding way of targeting trac that any business can have
in its arsenal. I nd it also to be one of the most time intensive. But overtime, has the biggest impact and most
Return on your investment.
Some of you might be scratching your head at this point wondering what Content Marketing is and how it can
help grow your business. Here is the simplest explanation I can give: you create valuable content and share on
varlous web 2.0 propertles. The keyword here ls 'valuable! I will tell you about those Web 2.0 properties in the
pages that follow.
The key to Content Marketing is consistency. Those students and clients that I have seen succeed over the years
are those who are consistent in their eorts in creating helpful and creative content and submitting it correctly.
Make sure you read the "Search Lnglne Optlmlzatlon sectlon to help you better understand how to create and
optimize your content so that your target market can nd it via the search engines as well as the following powerful
Web 2.0 user generated websites.
17. (Free):
Website -
I dont care who you are, everyone needs a blog. gives everyone in the world a FREE opportunity to
share content online. These days you can even create content from your mobile phone that can be automatically
submitted to your blog, which shows you how easy it is to create and submit content online.
1ust a word of advlce wlth uslng the free platform at, they have systems ln place to remove
spammers, so DO NOT SPAM or your account and blog wlll be shut down. The best rule of thumb ls to not put too
many links within your posts, especially aliate links. Keep your links in the sidebars of your blog and leave your
posts to pure content.
18. (Hosted):
Website - is a way that you can use the power of Wordpresss blogging platform on your own server. The
benets of doing this are many. But put simply, you have full reign of your blog content, design and plug-ins.
The easiest way to install your own blog on your own domain is through a hosting company called There
are many other hosting companies that I could recommend and this decision is totally up to you, but is
reliable and they make it easy to install a Wordpress blog on a domain name with the push of a couple buttons.
l7 18
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Once you have lnstalled your blog on your domaln of cholce, here are a couple of tlps and strategles you need to
do to optimize your blog:
Select a nice looking theme that ts your market/niche
- Pree -
- Pald - or
Add these top plug-lns to help wlth SLO and content submlsslon:
- All ln One SLO Pack -
- Google Sltemap Generator -
- Smart Update Plnger -
- TweetMeme 8utton -
- wordpress Automatlc Upgrade -
Make sure that you optimize the settings of your blog:
General give your blog a title and tag line that is aligned with your keywords
Privacy your blogs visibility must be set to be visible to everyone

Permalinks change your permalinks settings to make the blog post name have keyword rich links (see image
below for help)
l7 18
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Make sure you have keyword rich titles, tags and categories
The key to your success with your blog will be submitting creative keyword rich articles on a consistent basis.
Trac doesnt necessarily come overnight but once you get momentum then the trac comes in huge numbers
and you will start gaining a loyal following.
Website -
Hubpages is a huge user generated content submission website that allows you to eortlessly submit your relevant
content. Much like, it is free but it is also closely moderated so you must be careful or your account
could be closed down.
One enectlve strategy ls to see what other successful Hubbers (that's what they call them) are dolng. ou can search
top Hubbers here - Follow them, join groups, and be social by commenting
on other peoples content.
By leveraging Hubpages ranking power with some of the major search engines, your content will be available and
eventually reviewed by your target audience.
Website -
wlth you can create a free webslte/blog where you can submlt your content fast. Thelr D| system
is practically fool-proof. They have great resources and video tutorials to help you submit your content if you get
Website - is a place for people to gather. How about that? Here is what they have to say about their popular
user-generated website:
Gather is a place where people come together around hot topics and the things they are passionate about.
Members share their expertise, advice, and views on the news of the day and are paid for the popular content they
Some keys to success using
- 1oln and create groups
- Share
- 8e soclal
- Comment
- Gather frlends and followers
19 20
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
1ust llke the other websltes | have already mentloned, has a powerful connectlon wlth the search
engines. Much like blog posts and hubs, Squidoo calls their content a lens.
our strategy wlth Squldoo should slmply be to submlt your artlcles, vldeos, plctures and more.
Website -
Zimbio is an interactive magazine where anyone can create their own magazine full of content. They call these
online magazines - Wikizines. Although on the front end it may look more like a celebrity news website, there are
powerful tools any marketer can use with its article and blog platform.
Website - is one of my best kept secrets with my trac generation strategies. In fact, I was debating on even sharing
it with the world. Finally, I gured I had nothing to lose and you had everything to gain with this super tool.
Not only is Scribd a social community, but it is also loved by the search engines. Here is some information about
Scribd from their About Us page:
Scribd is the largest social publishing and reading site in the world. Weve made it incredibly simple for anyone
to share and dlscover lnformatlve, entertalnlng and orlglnal wrltten content on the web and moblle devlces. Our
vision is to liberate the written word, to connect people and organizations with the information and ideas that
matter most to them.
On Scrlbd, you can easlly turn any le-such as PDP, word and PowerPolnt-lnto a web document and lmmedlately
connect with passionate readers and information-seekers on our thriving community, through connected sites such
as Facebook or Twitter and search engines such as Google. Scribd users have shared tens of millions of free and for-
purchase documents and books ranging from vampire fan ction to research reports and business presentations.
Really all you need to do is to take the content you have written and put it into a word document and upload it into
your Scrlbd account. One qulck tlp ls to make sure your document has at least two and no more than ve llnks wlthln
the document you upload. The links are clickable for the people who read your content, if uploaded correctly.
Website -
Now that you have submitted your content, it is time to use Clipmarks to start clipping your content and other
content for others to see. Here ls a outube vldeo showlng how easy lt ls to cllp content -
Once you have cllpped content, you can easlly post lt to a blog or share lt on sltes llke Pacebook, Prlendfeed,
Twitter, Delicious, and more.
19 20
106 Trac Generation Strategies
So now that you know where to submit your content online, it is time to get started. Remember to take your time.
ou don't have to submlt to every slte | mentloned above. Start wlth one and then move to the next. Agaln, the
key with your success will be simply your consistency in creating your content and submitting it for people to nd.
Trust me they will nd it.
Also see Article Marketing, Social Bookmarking and Social Media Marketing to help with your Content Marketing
Article Marketing
Website -
Although not one of the prettiest sites in the world, is one of the most tracked websites in
the world. This tool is not only powerful; it can change your life forever. I have heard of people getting jobs just
because they had some amazing valuable content on
Not only is the targeted trac powerful, but the links back to your website/blog are going to indirectly help drive
more trac.
Submit your articles in the correct categories. I am going to say it again: your content needs to be valuable to the
27. Top Article Directories:
Although Ezinearticles is one of the most frequented article directories, here are a few more top article directories:
Here is a list of the top 50 article directories based on trac and page rank -
28. Article Submitters:
Here is a time saving tip that you are totally going to love me for. If I told you that there was software that would
submit to some of the top articles directories all in one spot, would you use it? Well, if you are all about saving time
and energy then I am sure you would.
Here is some of the top Article Directory submission software available:
My favorite -
21 22
106 Trac Generation Strategies
29. Top Article Writing Strategies:
Here are some of my top article writing tips and strategies:
- Make sure your tltle uses keywords and your market's ma[or benets
- Keep your lnformatlon short and to the polnt
- our content needs to have a purpose, so before you start wrltlng, make sure you know the purpose
- 8e creatlve! | know that ls easy for me to say but you must be creatlve ln your wrltlng or readers wlll not cllck
on your links.
- DO NOT try and sell wlth your artlcles. The ldea ls to glve away free valuable content. when they cllck on
your link or nd you another way, then you can sell them on your products and/or services.
30. Content Creation Tips:
The biggest question I receive when it comes to creating content is, I dont know what to write about. Well,
now you have no excuses. Here is a list of items that will help you think of things to write about and help you be
- Top Ten Llsts
- How to.
- Pesearch (use to nd out what the hot toplcs are ln your nlche.)
- Product Comparlsons
- Consumer Peports
- Tutorlals
- Glossary
- Hlstory of a product or servlce
- Tools or resources
- Case studles
- Pevlews
- Pree reports
- whlte papers
Remember that creative and buzz-worthy content will generate followers, leads, links and targeted trac.
31. Je Herring:
|f you want to learn artlcle marketlng from the master hlmself then you need to check out 1en Herrlng at http:// Why not watch and learn from the best.
Also see Search Lnglne Optlmlzatlon for helpful tlps ln wrltlng optlmlzed artlcles.
21 22
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Social Bookmarking
Some say that Soclal 8ookmarklng ls dead and won't help you wlth SLO or tramc. That ls 8.S. es, lt ls correct that
Social Bookmarking isnt as powerful as it once was - mainly because of all the wonderful spammers that make our
lives so much easier. (Im being sarcastic - if you havent noticed)
Ok, so you don't care about my rantlng. ou want to know how Soclal 8ookmarklng ls golng to help grow your
business and get you some targeted trac, right?
The main reason why I still think social bookmarking is a powerful means of trac generation is because I still do
it and it still drives signicant amounts of trac and links back to my websites and blogs.
The key to your success in social bookmarking will be my 1 to 3 ratio. what ls the l to 3 ratloI |t ls the followlng:
for every one of your own bookmarks (meaning your own blog post, article, video, etc.) you bookmark three other
items that are not your own. What this is doing is it shows that you are not a spammer and it also allows you to be
social. When you only are bookmarking your own stu, the social bookmarking sites will see that and they will shut
you down. Also nobody will follow your bookmarks because all you do is talk about yourself. We all know that kind
of person, and the only one interested in self-interested people are themselves.

Lets now get on with some of the top social bookmarking websites and strategies!
Website -

wlth Stumbleupon, lt ls slmple to bookmark a web page, blog post, vldeo and more. ou can set up an account ln
mlnutes and start Stumbllng your stun and other great content. ou wlll have to lnstall an addon for your browser
but this helps remind you to bookmark on a regular basis.
One thlng many people don't know about Stumbleupon ls that your account has a blogglng area where you can share
content and articles. To add content to your account and blog area, all you need to do is simply login and visit http:// then click Add a Site and then select the Blog Mode select box as seen below:
23 24
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
Digg has become one of the biggest online sharing communities in the world. As they say Digg is a place for
people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the
most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stu as voted on by our users.
The key to your success with Digg is submitting rst, fast and submitting value. When the community Diggs It
and your Digg earns critical mass and becomes popular, then your post could jump to the homepage or at least
the category specic home page. That could send so much trac to your website/blog that you wouldnt know
what to do with it!
Another strategy for your success is to get at least 20 friends on Digg and ask them to Digg your stu if they like it.
Again the key is to be rst and fast with your Diggs.
Website -
Much like, Propeller is a super trac website that has huge potential in increasing your website and blog
tramc. Don't forget the l to 3 ratlo as mentloned above to make sure your account doesn't get shut down.
I suggest you nd the top users of and study what and how they are successful. See http://www. to nd these people. Also join and create valuable niche related
groups on -
35. Delicious:
Website -
As one of the rst Social Bookmarking sites available, has stuck around because of its simple to use
bookmarking system. They claim to have the biggest collection of bookmarks in the universe which may just
posslbly be true. ahoo acqulred the webslte ln 2005 for around $l5-$30 mllllon. So, lf ahoo was wllllng to spend
that much money, it stands to reason that we should at least spend some time researching the site and eventually
using it to our advantage.
ou can use the Dellclous communlty to network, submlt content and also bulld a brand. As a slmple strategy or
tip to using Delicious, just remember to publish the things that people like, and encourage them to bookmark
your content.
36. Other Top Social Bookmarking Sites:
Here ls a great updated llst of 70+ top soclal bookmarklng sltes:
Start researching niche specic bookmarking sites and start with those. Then you can broaden your use and always
remember not all bookmarking sites will accept your content so make sure you do your research.
23 24
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
Lets Get Social Now is a free tool that I created to help people be able to get others to social bookmark their
content. It is easy to use and best of all it is free. There is also a Wordpress plugin that you can install that will add
the Lets Get Social Now button to each blog post on your Wordpress blog.

Website -
Want a simple way to automate your social bookmarking then Trac Bug can help. Although it doesnt help with
the soclal aspect of soclal bookmarklng, lt ls stlll a great way to get your stun bookmarked on 30+ of the top soclal
bookmarking sites out there.
The cool thing is that it will also submit your specic websites to the search engines, directories and will also ping
your content that is an extremely valuable service. This is a paid service, but is well worth it.
39: Synnd System:
Website -
The Synnd System will help in your social bookmarking eorts in that you can use their paid community to help
build up each others bookmarks. As I mentioned with Digg previously, it is all about getting people to vote for
your stun. Thls ls where the Synnd System comes ln handy. Others wlll vote for your submlsslons lf you vote for
theirs, the system has a lot more to it then just what I have mentioned but I hope you get the point.
Some people think this is Grey hat. White, grey or black, its results have proven to be fruitful.
25 26
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Video Marketing
when lt comes to vldeo, you need to make sure of [ust one thlng, That ou Are Dolng |t! vldeo marketlng can be
extremely powerful if it is done correctly.
Utilization of online video is constantly on the rise. In the United States, the online video audience has grown from
around 55 mllllon vlewers ln 2003 to nearly l40 mllllon vlewers ln 2007, wlth pro[ectlons of l60 mllllon ln 20l0.
Some of the main reasons why people shy away from video marketing are:
- Lack of vldeo edltlng knowledge
- Afrald of vldeo not belng professlonal
- vldeo camera expense
- Scared to be a talklng head ln front of a vldeo camera
Whatever the reason you might have for not using video marketing, you need to get over it. Here are some
remedies to the previously listed concerns:
- Plnd someone that has vldeo edltlng experlence (,, or
- Do the best you can wlth what you have. Some of the most popular and vlral vldeos are not made by
- Here ls a llst of top lnexpenslve vldeo cameras (also see below) -
- |f you are scared to talk ln front of a vldeo camera slmply try screen capture vldeos by uslng Powerpolnt or
Keynote. ou can use Camtasla, Screentoaster, Screennow (Mac), 1lng Pro[ect, or Camstudlo to record your
screen and voice.
Below you will nd the top video sites along with strategies to start gaining trac via video today.
40. Video Optimization:
Much llke SLO (Search Lnglne Optlmlzatlon), vldeo optlmlzatlon ls essentlally the same thlng. ou need to have a
keyword optimized title, description and tags.
Also keep in mind that the search engines and video sites are evolving every day. It has been speculated that
sooner than later the search engines will be able to read or decipher the words being spoken within the videos via
speech recognition and other forms of software. With this possibly being the case, it is even more critical that to
use your main keywords within your video script - even now.
25 26
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
|t ls no wonder why vldeo ls the new thlng. has been reported as the #2 search englne ln the world.
Here are some strategles to get your outube vldeo to go vlral:
- Keep lt short. Two to ve mlnutes ls ldeal. Create short, snappy, super-lnformatlve vldeos and how-to guldes
that people wont nd elsewhere.
- Glve content - not an advertlsement
- Make your thumbnall lmage deslrable

- Commentlng and vldeo responses are lmportant to a vldeo golng vlral, ask people to comment and share
- Tag and categorlze your vldeos wlth target related keywords (also see above "vldeo Optlmlzatlon)
- Optlmlze your outube channel wlth keyword rlch content and a channel lmage.
- 1oln or create outube groups
- Add annotatlons and calls to actlon ln your vldeos
42. Top Video Sharing Sites:
Here is a list of the top ten video sharing sites online -
Here is another list of the top fty -
43. (Free):
Website -
Tubemogul allows you to upload a video once and easily deploy it to one or all of the top video and social
networking sites absolutely free. The cool thing about Tubemogul is that they will take your video, no matter the
settings, and submit it correctly to the video sharing sites.
See image below for available video les and submission steps:
27 28
106 Trac Generation Strategies
44. Trac Geyser (Paid):
Website -
Trac Geyser is the Mercedes Benz of video marketing. Not only does this amazing program submit to top video
sharing sites, it also submits your video content to social bookmarking sites, podcast directories, social networking
sites and much more.
Although there ls a hefty monthly prlce ($97) lt ls well worth lt and you can even test drlve lt for $l.00 for 2l days.
27 28
106 Trac Generation Strategies
45. Flip Video Camera:
Website -
Starting at $149 the Flip Video cameras are super powerful, sleek and simple to use. HD available as well.

46. Kodak Zi8:
The Kodak Zi8 is much like the ip but seems to have a ton more options like expandable SD/SDHC cards slots with
up to 32G8 of storage and external mlcrophone [ack.

47. Top Video Editor Software:
Here is a list of the top ten video editing software
29 30
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
If you arent up to spending a ton of time editing your videos, then I suggest you do as I have done and nd a video
editor that can take your videos, edit them, then render them to the correct size and formats. The best way to do
thls ls by uslng a freelance slte llke to nd someone that can help you. ou can easlly nd a freelancer
that wlll help you out from around $l0-$30.
A great way to upload your massive video les for your freelancer is with a service called

49. Amazon S3:
Website -
So far as | can tell Amazon S3 medla hostlng ls by far the best vldeo hostlng out there and the cheapest as well. |t
ls hard to understand thelr lnterface at rst but lt ls easy to get the hang of after a whlle. ou can use http://www. on Plrefox as a tool to manage your Amazon S3 account. Also, see the Lasy vldeo Player software below
for help ln streamlng your vldeo wlth Amazon S3.
50. Easy Video Player:
Website -
If you want to stream your videos on your own player with your own controls, then the Easy Video Player software
ls perfect. |t also syncs up wlth your Amazon S3 account. The only problem wlth thls software ls that you have to
install it on your server, but you can pay them a small fee to do it for you. The price for this service is well worth it.
The other amazingly protable thing that you can do is to embed Buy Now buttons & opt in forms right into your
videos with this software!
29 30
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Podcast/Audio Marketing
With iTunes and other popular podcast directories, it is no wonder podcast marketing has taken a vital role
ln marketlng. ou don't have to be a talklng head, you [ust have to slmply say some lnterestlng thlngs lnto a
microphone and you can become popular and drive insane trac to your website.
The best strategies I suggest with podcast marketing are to repurpose what you have already created with your
articles and videos. Many times you can simply pull the audio from your videos and create audio podcasts. Also
you can take the articles you have created and simply read them into a microphone and submit the audio to
podcast directories.
51. iTunes:
Here are the iTunes steps and processes to making and submitting a podcast -
ou rst of all wlll need an PSS feed whlch you already have wlth your wordpress blog lf you have created one.
Next, you wlll need to submlt your audlo to your blogs by uslng Amazon S3 and the Audlo Player plug-ln for
Wordpress at
Once you have some audlo on your blog, then lt ls tlme to submlt your PSS feed to lTunes. ou do thls by
downloading iTunes at and then going to the iTunes store and clicking
on the Podcasts tab at the top. Then you will click the Submit a Podcast link and then follow the steps.

52. Top Podcast Directories:
Here is a list of the top podcast directories -
Make sure you submit to at least 10 of the top podcasting directories. If you dont have time, then outsource it.
3l 32
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Website -
Create your own radio show and podcast easily with Blog Talk Radio. Get listeners to listen live or to the
replay. Make your shows very informative for your market giving away tons of free content. Watch how
some of the featured shows at engage their listeners and
present their content.

Website -
Odlogo moblllzes your medla, transformlng textual content lnto audlo formats downloadable dlrectly
to the PC, lPods/MP3 players and moblle phones!
Turn readers into listeners, and transform your blog into a high quality, ad-supporting broadcast that
can vastly expand your audience reach!
- Automatlc podcast generatlon
- "Near-human quallty text-to-speech
- Llsten 8utton feature deployed ln next to no tlme for wordPress, 8logger, TypePad, 8logLnglne.
NET and Terapad platforms
- Detalled download statlstlcs
- Hlgh quallty text-to-speech solutlons
- Smooth lntegratlon wlth your webslte
- Supports thousands of concurrent downloads

55. (Paul Colligan):
Website -
Although Podcast Secrets is only available during certain times of the year, you can learn a ton from Paul
Colligan. He is considered to be the guru of podcasting and he knows his stu. I personally have taken
the Podcast Secrets course and can recommend Paul with highest esteem.
Why not learn podcasting from the best!
3l 32
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Search Engine Optimization
People have called me an SLO mentor for years now and | happen to llke the tltle "mentor better than "guru. | have
been able to take websites in very competitive niches and get them ranked high within the top search engines. I
am not tooting my own horn; I am just being as transparent as possible so that you understand that I know what I
am talklng about when lt comes to Search Lnglne Optlmlzatlon.
Now, you need to understand that a lot of SLO gurus get so technlcal that they elther scare people away trylng to
sound really smart. SLO ls not that hard, lt [ust takes some baslc knowledge, lmplantatlon and conslstency.
Next you are golng to learn the very baslcs of how SLO can help drlve targeted tramc to your webslte. Pemember
not to get wrapped up ln the technlcal aspects of SLO. |f you do, you are golng to fall, trust me.
Make sure you understand the basic Search Engine Ranking Factors -
56. Keyword Research:
Some of you are going to either really not like me after I share with you my keyword research strategies or you are
going to love me. Here is why: Many of you have spent a lot of money on keyword research tools and software (so
have |) and you are golng to mad at me when | tell you that you have wasted your money. Others are golng to love
me because I am going to save you a ton of money.
Here is my super secret keyword research tool. This eective tool is known as Google Adwords Keyword tool. It can
be found at The most amazing part is that it is totally
free and by far the best and most accurate tool out there in my opinion. Why not go directly to the biggest source
of data out there: Google.
The biggest problem I see is that people get crazy thinking that they can conquer the world with their list of
keywords/phrases. The truth is that they seldom do anything with their huge list of keywords/phrases. My advice
ls to start out wlth your top three (3) keywords. when you have domlnated your top three keywords, then you can
move on to the next three. Dont try and overdo it. If you do, you will struggle and give up too soon.
Before you enter some of your main target market keywords into the Google Adwords Keyword tool, you need to
research your market for at least 2-5 hours but I suggest much more than this even. This is where you should go
to do this:
- - search Twitter for what your target market is talking about and start building a
list of keywords that you nd with your research
- Search the top forums ln your market and get a llst of keywords/phrases that you nd the most
- Search for blogs from your nlche by uslng and research the most common topics
- Set up Google Alerts for your nlche at and review what is being posted on
blogs, news, video and the web in general
Now that you have a list of keywords from your research, it is time to enter it into the Google Adwords Keyword
tool. Look for keywords that have trac of at least 200 or more of Global Monthly Search Volume. That means that
at least 200 searches a month have been performed for that particular keyword. (Keep in mind that these numbers
are only for Google, that doesnt include all the other search engines out there)
33 34
106 Trac Generation Strategies
If you are interested, I have created a tool that makes the keyword research with the Google Adwords Keyword tool
very easy and helps you nd the KL| of all the keywords from your research. ou can learn more of how you can get
this keyword tool at
57. Link Building:
| am golng to make thls very slmple. Llnks are the llfe blood of SLO. ou must get llnks back to your webslte,
pages, blog posts, videos and more. Here are some of my articles that I have written for the top Search Engine
Optlmlzatlon blog -
These articles are full of the top strategies for link building that I have shared with the public.
58. Meta Tag Optimization:
Keep in mind that meta tags are not everything when it comes to a well-optimized page. It is simply the beginning.
Meta tags help the search engines understand what the page is about. See the image below to help those that
dont know what meta tags are:

59. H-tags & Bolding:
ou need to make sure that you bold and h-tag (headlng style slze) the maln keywords on a webpage. Here are
examples of how to do this:
<h1>keyword/phrase here</h1>
<strong> keyword/phrase here </strong>
60. Search Engine Submissions:
Now that you have a website or blog, and you have optimized it with keywords/phrases, it is time to let the search
englnes know that you exlst. ou can do thls by submlttlng your webslte to the search englnes. Here are the
submission areas for the big three search engines:
ahoo -
Bing (formerly MSN) -
33 34
106 Trac Generation Strategies
ou can submlt to all the other search englnes, but most of them lndex and search these top three anyway. |n other
words, once your content starts showing up in the search engines mentioned above, your site will eventually be
found by all the others.
Also, by simply having links from other indexed websites, your website will eventually be found by the search
engines, without the need to submit your website to them. I still suggest you submit to the search engines either
(Remember will submit your website automatically to the top search engines also to the
top online directories, as you will learn below)
61. Online Directory Submissions:
Onllne dlrectorles are a qulck way to get valuable llnks back to your webslte. Two of the blggest and most powerful
onllne dlrectorles are ahoo ( and DMOZ ( But you have to be
patient or pay $$ to get in with these bad boys. Here is a great article with specic tips on how to submit to these
two dlrectorles -
Other dlrectorles aren't as dlmcult to get submltted. | personally use and http://www. to have a website submitted to the online directories automatically so I dont have to spend the
time to submit my websites manually.
Here is a list of the top 50 Free online directories -
62. Testing:
when lt comes to SLO, the key to your success wlll be testlng your results on a regular basls to see lf what you are
doing is working. Its also important to see if your content is getting ranked in the SERPs (Search Engine Result
| use a tool called web CLO ( that helps me track and make sure that my SLO enorts are
working. Google Webmaster Tools is another great and free way to check your rankings -
63. Consistency:
I dont think I can say this enough: Consistency. It happens to be one of my favorite words ever so I had to implement
lt lnto thls report. Conslstency ls not only essentlal for the success of an SLO campalgn lt ls the secret to success in
any of these 106 Trac Generation Strategies.
The people who are consistent will be the people that succeed in the end. Another word that can go along with
conslstency ls patlence. ou must be patlent and conslstent. No "guru would ever come out and say thls because
people want to Get Rich Quick and that seems to sell pretty well. But I am here to set the record straight. I can
promise you that you will not get very far in life or trac generation if you are looking to Get Rich Quick.
So, strategy # 63 ls one of the most lmportant strategles and hopefully a good remlnder.
35 36
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Paid Search Marketing
Be ready to spend some money with this next category of trac generation. Dont get scared o; just understand
that the following strategies are going to require a little cash. Paid search is still one of the best ways to get laser
targeted trac to your website, but it takes eort and eciency to make it work to your advantage.
Paid search can also be a great way to test headlines, conversion and much more. Take my word for it, if you are
not willing to test and spend some time, you would be better o either not using this method of trac or nd
a company or someone to outsource this aspect of your business. I share this with you because I dont want you
wasting a lot of money. I want your return on investment to be signicant!

64. Google Adwords:
Website -

Google Adwords, in my opinion, is by far the easiest online ad network to get started using. In addition, Google
Adwords boast the greatest on-line reach for targeted trac.
One of the lssues wlth Google Adwords ls that they are constantly changlng thelr pollcles and systems - so lt ls
hard to know exactly how to get the most for your money.
BEWARE of all the hyped up training courses out there. As soon as the course is released it is usually out of date.
Perry Marshall seems to be the most consistent and knowledgeable when it comes to advertising on Google
Adwords so I dont mind recommending him -
Here are some basic strategies to help you succeed with your Google Adwords campaigns:
- Lvenly test your ads for the hlghest cllck-through rate. At least 2 ads per ad group to be tested
- Make sure that your maln keywords are ln an ad group of thelr own. Thls helps you get more cllcks at a lower
- Lower your blds overtlme. L.g. pay $0.50 for a cllck lnstead of $l.00 and get twlce the cllcks
35 36
106 Trac Generation Strategies
65. Yahoo Search Advertising:
Website -

Although much more dlmcult to use and get approved, ahoo Search Advertlslng has lts advantages. 8ecause lt ls
monitored and takes a lot more eort, the competition is much lower.
66. Search Advertising on Bing:

Website -
As one of the top three search engines, Bing (formerly is another great network where you can place
your ads to drive more targeted trac.
67. Other PPC Networks:
outube -
Looksmart -
Miva -
Adbrite -
7 Search -
ABC Search -
Mamma -
37 38
106 Trac Generation Strategies
68. Top CPA Networks:
CPA marketing is becoming a popular marketing channel these days. CPA stands for Cost Per Action or Cost Per
Acquisition and is an online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying actions
such as sales or registrations.
Used mostly for aliate marketing, publishers have the opportunity to submit their products/services and you pay
out the advertlser to send tramc to your oner. Once an actlon or acqulsltlon has been made you pay the advertlser
a small or large fee depending on the agreement.
Here is a list of the top CPA networks:
Azoogle -
Maxbounty -
HydraNetwork -
OnerQuest -
DirectLeads -
Aliate Fuel - -
Primary Ads -
69. CPA Prot Blueprint:
Website -
If you want to learn the inside secrets of CPA marketing the I recommend the CPA Prot Blueprint at http://www.
70. LeadImpact Ad Services (Contextual Advertising):
Website -
LeadImpacts ad network is much dierent than a typical ad network. While a usual ad network will have a
large collection of SITES that you can have your advertisements delivered to, LeadImpact on the other hand is
comprised of a large collection of USERS.
The users optedin to their network in exchange for free games, watching videos, free emoticons, downloading
free desktop backgrounds, screensavers, or toolbars etc.
In exchange for access to this huge amount of free content, the user knows that they will be receiving periodic
targeted advertisements. This quote comes from an amazing training course called Rapid Mass Trac http:// that teaches the basics of how to use eectively.
The cool thing about contextual advertising is that you can pinpoint your target market with keywords and related
websites so that when a user is on a website with the keywords that youre targeting, the webpage that you want
37 38
106 Trac Generation Strategies
to promote will pop up. Remember that the users in the network have agreed to get periodic advertisements for
using the free things they originally wanted and they can opt out at any time.

71. Facebook Ads:
Website -

As we know, is becoming the most popular website on earth. There is a great opportunity to
advertise to your target market within their ad network.
When advertising on Facebook, follow these simple strategies:
- Pemember that Pacebook ls a soclal network so you need to create your ads and landlng pages knowlng
this. Direct sales eorts wont work well with Facebook ads
- Create more volume of ads that target a certaln nlche (Locatlon, Age, Gender, 8lrthday, Keywords and many
- Set your budgets wlth goals of what you want to accompllsh
- Ad[ust your ads when necessary and make sure you spllt test the ads
72. Monitor Your Results (Test, Test, Test!):
If you plan on getting the targeted trac you deserve with PPC, CPA or contextual ads, then it is essential that you
learn how to spend the correct amount of time monitoring and testing your results. If you fail to do this, you will
soon nd that your bank account is in the red.
If you are not going to be willing to monitor your results then you need to outsource it to a reputable company or
individual that has a proven track record of success.
39 40
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Local Media Marketing
Local marketing is not for everyone. However, for those that believe that it will be useful to their business, here are
six of my top resources and strategies for marketing locally.
Website -
|f you have a brlck-and-mortar store, you must create a elp prole or someone else wlll and that mlght not be
pretty. The strategy to follow wlth ls slmple:
- Make sure you optlmlze your elp prole wlth your correct lnformatlon
- Stay actlve on your account
- |nteract wlth people leavlng comments
- 8e careful wlth your comments (Pemember that a bad revlew ls an opportunlty to satlsfy an unhappy
customer. Unhappy customers who become happy customers soon become the most loyal customers)
39 40
106 Trac Generation Strategies
74. Google Local:
Website -

Here are some optimization tips for optimizing your Google Local Listing:
- our tltle and descrlptlon are some of the most lmportant ranklng factors. So use keywords
- Add your buslness name and webslte
- Use all 5 categorles avallable to you
- Keep your categorles short, but ultra-descrlptlve
- Do not repeat yourself
- Do not spam
- Use at least one category that Google already recognlzes
- Peplace any "generlc categorles wlth those speclc to your buslness and lndustry
- Opt for a local number for your llstlng lnstead of a l-800 number, lf posslble
- Plll out "Hours of Operatlon and "Addltlonal Detalls areas

75. Google Place Pages:
Much llke, Google Place Pages allow you to create a prole for a local buslness. To learn more about
how you can take advantage of this great marketing tool, driving more trac to your business and website, read
Googles article at
Here is an example of a Google Place Page -
41 42
106 Trac Generation Strategies
76. Bing Local:
Website -
Make sure your llstlngs are updated ln the blg three, namely Google, 8lng, and ahoo. Keep your llstlng proles conslstent.

77. Yahoo Local:
Website -
Don't forget ahoo!
Here are four slmple steps from on how to llst your buslness ln ahoo Local 8uslness llstlngs:
"The rst step ls to see lf your buslness ls already llsted on ahoo Local. Log on to ahoo, and cllck on the term
"local [ust above the search box. ou should see your local locatlon pop up ln a separate box. Thls ls the ahoo
local search engine. Type in the business category that your business falls in, such as barber shops in Smallville,
If your business is listed during this initial search, log on to your listing by requesting to make an edit. Identify
yourself as the owner of the listing. This will help secure your listing and prevent someone else from logging
on and changing your contact information without your knowledge. Logging onto your site and verifying your
lnformatlon let's ahoo know that the llstlng ls correct. ahoo wlll be more condent that the llstlng ls accurate and
you should see a bump in your local ranking.
|f you don't see your buslness llsted, ahoo wlll let you llst lt for free. The process ls easy and ahoo wlll lead you
through a series of data screens that will allow you to add information about your company. Spend some time
making your prole as complete as possible. The more information you provide helps you to get a better ranking
on ahoo.
ou can enter your buslness lnto as many as ve buslness categorles. |t's a good ldea to llst yourself ln as many
business categories as seem appropriate. Make your rst category selection the category that is most applicable
to your business or service.
78. Local Social Media Strategy:
I recently did a recorded interview with Samir Balwani that is full of great information on Local Social Media
Marketlng. ou can llsten to the full lntervlew or read the full transcrlpt at - http://members.buildingsocialequity.
41 42
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Press Release Marketing
Everyone wants press, whether it is free or paid. Press releases can be a great way to getting search engine rankings
and targeted trac, you can also possibly featured on TV, magazines, newspapers and even online. The only thing
to remember is that you need something newsworthy in order to create a press release. A big mistake that I see
made is that people think that they can just write an article about their business and submit it as a press release,
this is not correct.
79. How to write a good Press Release:
I asked my press release writer to come up with some questions that can be asked in order to create a good press
release. Here is what she sent me:
- what does your company doI
- what speclcally about your company ls newsworthyI
- How does thls news t ln wlth new developments and current eventsI
- what ls the maln message that you want to get across about your companyI
- Can you provlde a quote about the lmportance of your products and servlces for the press releaseI
Reasons to Submit a Press Release:
- Dld you [ust launch a web slteI
- Dld you lntroduce a new productI
- Dld you develop a new technologyI

- Dld your company wln an awardI
- Dld your company reach a mllestoneI
Check out expert Bill Stollers tips and templates on creating a great press release at - http://www.publicityinsider.
80. Top Free Press Release Sites: Free release distribution with ad-support Free distribution. However, their paid service gives better placement and permanent
archiving. Distributes to sites like Google News and Gold level membeship will also get you to
sites like LexisNexis. Focuses on ecommerce and requires you include an image, three keywords and links. Free distribution company with oces in 12 states.
43 44
106 Trac Generation Strategies Easy press release distribution for free; includes more features for paid accounts. Distributes your release and oers a web page with one keyword link to your site.
Pro Upgrade will give you three links, permanent archiving and more. Allows free distribution to sites and search engines, premium membership diers only slightly
by oering the addition of graphics. Includes all the usual free distribution tools. Premium service includes logo, product picture
and more. European-based free press release distribution site. Completely free distribution to search engines, news sites, and blogs. Free distribution to Google News and other search engines. Gives free distribution for plain formatted releases, fees for HTML-coded releases.
List above is from writer Sean P. Aune and you can get the full report at http://mashable.

Website -
PRWeb happens to be my paid press release submission site of choice. Although they are pricey, (starting at $80)
they seem to have the most simple and robust system.
Website -
Another paid press release submission site that has a far reach.
Website -
The last three resources are the top paid press release submission options. Whichever you choose, make sure that
you follow the tlps and strategles from #79 above.
84. Software to automate Press Release submissions: - This amazing software instantly writes & formats your press release for you! Over
28,000 targeted media contacts already contained in the softwares internal database. This includes all major
publications for newspapers, magazines, radio and TV. - Have your press release compiled and submitted to distribution services daily,
weekly, or in monthly intervals to give you the most possible exposure with a minimum amount of work. - Press Release Distribution Service
43 44
106 Trac Generation Strategies
85. (Outsource):
Website - ls another one of my favorlte freelance websltes where | have found some amazlng provlders ranglng
from programmers to writers. If you are not a writer and if you dont think that you will be able to put together a
professlonal press release then OUTSOUPCL |T!
Oine Marketing
If you dont think that oine marketing is a way to send trac to your website then I would have to say that you
are crazy. Not only is oine marketing a great way to build relationships, it is a great way to send targeted trac
to your website. Here are some top oine marketing strategies:
Website -
| personally use Send Out Cards and love how slmple and lnexpenslve lt ls to use. | can send a very nlce card out to anyone wlth the
click of a couple buttons. See this example of the front of a card that I use to build relationships and to get trac to my website.

87. Business Cards:
Business cards are a protable way to get trac to your website. Whenever I get a business card that has a website
address on it, I visit the website to check it out. The keys to a successful business card are the following items:
- Make the webslte address blg enough to stand out
- Place a call to actlon on the card, e.g. vlslt }webslte address} today to get my free report on..
- A plcture of yourself or the company logo remlnds the person of who you are
- 8e creatlve and stand out
Check out these top 100 business card designs -
to help give you some ideas and templates to build your own business card that stands out.
ou can prlnt out your own buslness cards but | suggest you go to a professlonal prlnter and get a glossy thlck
card printed out. ls a great prlntlng company that | recommend. Local Staples, Omce
Max, Pedex Omce and other blg chaln prlntlng companles work as well.
45 46
106 Trac Generation Strategies
88. Speaking:
The biggest mistake that I see speakers make is that they dont have a call to action in their speeches to ask the
audience to write down a web address to go visit. People are always taking notes so why not invite them to get a
free report by visiting (website address).
89. Billboards:
One of my blggest pet peeves ls when companles spend money on a blllboard and totally waste thelr opportunlty.
These days people are super busy so a billboard needs to stand out. The website address needs to be HUGE and
easy to remember.
If you use a billboard to promote your business or website, then make sure that you are focusing on the website
address and what your company does. If your domain is too long or if it is hard to remember then buy a catchy domain
at and redlrect lt to your maln webslte. 1ust remember to keep lt short and easy to remember.
Here is a Bad Example
(It doesnt explain what it is and I cant read the website address)

In contrast, here is a Great Example
45 46
106 Trac Generation Strategies
90. Magazine Advertising:
My blggest strategy for learnlng magazlne advertlslng ls to see how others have been successful at lt. vlncent 1ames
has a report out called The l2 Month Mllllonalre. He teaches how he made over l00 mllllon dollars ln 23 months wlth
magazine and direct mail marketing. Learn about his story and report at http://www.the12monthmillionairecourse.
91. Direct Mail Marketing:
Uslng dlrect mall to get tramc to your webslte can be trlcky but very enectlve. 1ust llke SLO and PPC you are golng
to have to do a lot of testing to see what type of direct mail pieces catch the attention of your audience.
The keys to success with direct mail marketing is to make sure you are a great copywriter or that you hire one.
Make sure you have a desirable call to action for the person to take action, visit a website or make phone call.
At you can get access to mailing lists, printing and mailing services all in one place.
Also see the report and course.
92. Conferences:
By going to industry related conferences, you will be able to nd a group of people that you can market to just by
simply getting to know them. Using your business cards and simple brochures, you have a great opportunity to
network and get people to your website.
Once whlle at a conference, | talked wlth a guy and gave hlm my buslness card. Later | walked by where he was
sitting and saw him reviewing my website. Then I watched him buy my course! Dont underestimate the power of
conferences and meeting people in person.
ou must be careful to not be that person that [ust runs around throwlng thelr buslness card ln your face. Thls lsn't
a good way to get people to know, like and trust you. Spend some time getting to know them. They might not
even need your product or service, but you might need theirs!
93. Meetups
Local meetups are a great way to get more clientele and targeted trac. Most meetups have a low number of
people which allows you to be more personal and interact at a higher level. It is a good idea to attend meetups
that are both directly and indirectly related to your market. The reason to go to meetups that are indirectly related
to your market is that you will nd people that are not trying to sell you the same type of service or products.
For example, if you are in the online marketing niche, visit a meetup for oine marketers. If you do this, you will
nd that they will be very interested in how you can help them with their marketing.
I have heard of more business transactions being made at meetups than any other type of physical event.
47 48
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Find local meetup events at

94. Sales Calling:
OK, so thls lsn't necessarlly a fun way to do buslness ln my oplnlon, but you wlll be surprlsed at the power of talklng
to someone in person over the phone. I dont suggest you go out and hire a sales team to do cold calling, but if you
do decide to do this then make sure you have a plan.
If you do sales calls, nd a way to get them to visit your website address to get something free or buy your product
at a discounted rate. Remember that you dont usually have a lot of time with the person on the other side of the
line, so make it count.
Here are eight tips from Entrepreneur magazine author Tom Hopkins:
- Develop a professlonal greetlng
- |ntroduce yourself and your company
- Lxpress gratltude
- State the purpose of your call
- Schedule a meetlng
- |f a face-to-face meetlng ls the most approprlate next step, use the alternatlve-of-cholce questlonlng
- Thank them for thelr tlme today and for the upcomlng appolntment
- Pollow up
Read the full article here -
95. Google TV Ads:
Website -
Tv advertlslng ls a beast to put lt slmply. ou have to have money and you better be ready to test and learn. The PO|
can be huge with correct TV advertising. Google has made it super easy to get your advertisement on TV.
Watch this video that whets my whistle with the thought of spending some money on a TV ad:
47 48
106 Trac Generation Strategies
96. Teleseminars:
Teleseminars are a great way to take someone oine and bring them online. The spoken word is powerful. If you
have someone on a Teleseminar then you more than likely have their attention so all you have to do is tell them to
either write down or get on a computer and tell them where to go online.
Alex Mandossian is by far the best resource that I could ever give when it comes to Teleseminar Marketing. His
training course only comes out once a year at but you can learn a ton from
him at
The key to a successful Teleseminar in my opinion is to provide valuable content that will help the listener. Providing
a replay for those that miss the call is another great tip that will help increase your listenership.
Joint Venture Marketing
If you gain the correct connections with the right people or company you could skyrocket your business overnight.
1olnt venture accordlng to wlklpedla means "(1v, sometlmes hyphenated '1-v') ls a legal entlty formed between two
or more partles to undertake an economlc actlvlty together. Here ls a llst of 1olnt venture agreement templates - if you are the type that needs to be assured legally.
What ever the denition just remember that the relationships you build today could possibly change your business
life tomorrow.

97. Building Relationships:
The relationships I have built with likeminded successful people have been directly related to my success.
What you need to remember is that you need to get a few inuential people to be your friend or colleague and
then the rest is easy. What I mean by this is get a couple of cool or well-known people to like and trust you and
then you are o to the races.
An example in my life is the relationships I have built with well know online marketers like Russell Brunson and
Alex Mandossian. Because of my relationships with these two men, my life has changed for the better and building
other great relationships gets easier and easier.
Here are some key polnts wlth bulldlng relatlonshlps and galnlng 1v partners:
- Pesearch the person, get to know them from thelr content, product or servlces
- Get to the gatekeeper and get them to llke you (secretary, admlnlstratlve asslstant, etc.)
- Do somethlng of value for the person
- Do anythlng you can to get tlme wlth the person (conference, phone call, emall, post card, glft)
- Don't ask the person to do somethlng for you for at least 3 lnteractlons
- 8e PAT|LNT
- Always ask thls questlon, "what can | do for youI
49 50
106 Trac Generation Strategies
98. ASK:
Above I just gave you some tips that have allowed me to build some successful relationships, but the biggest key
to my success has been a very slmple concept: ASK. ou have to ask to get what you want.
If you are afraid to ask then it is time to get over it cause you wont get anywhere in life if you dont take action and
ask. ou may have to ask a couple of tlmes to get what you need but lf that ls what lt takes then DO |T.
99. Top JV Networks:
Pree and pald onllne 1v networks:
49 50
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Email Marketing
100. Capture Leads:
Any successful online business is constantly nding new ways to build up their email list. If you are not capturing
email leads then you are missing one of the biggest opportunities out there.
Not only can you send a dump truck load of trac to your website with the click of a button, you also have the
opportunity to continue to sell products and services to your email list on an ongoing basis.
A recent report by Dlrect Marketlng Assoclatlon stated that, "PO| ls $57 per $l spent on emall marketlng.
I dont think I need to necessarily sell you on the importance on email marketing but what I do need to do is give
you some proven strategies to building a email list.
Lets take my website for example. Take a look below at the screen shot of
the opt-in area:
I personally use Aweber - to capture leads and email the list on a regular basis. See below
# 101 for other top email capture and auto responder software companies.
The strategy is for you to do everything in your power to nd a way to capture email leads on your website, blogs,
videos, and more.
101. Top Auto Responders:
Here is my list of the top auto responders available today:
Aweber -
Getresponse -
Infusionsoft -
Constant Contact -
Vertical Response -
51 52
106 Trac Generation Strategies
102. Top Email Marking Strategies:
- Send tlmely and relevant emall messages
- our sub[ect llne ls super lmportant, lf people don't open your emall then lt wlll be lmposslble for you to
market to them. Here are some subject lines that have worked great for me in the past:
|MPOPTANT (please read)
Social media quick tip (video)
Hurry! Only 200 coples |PPLL Course|
Soclal medla vs. SLO.I
our vldeo marketlng secret weapon (here)
- The next most lmportant aspect ls to get them to take actlon, whlch usually means cllck on a llnk, once they
have opened the email. Make sure your link is easily found and within the body of the email at least twice.
- Make your emalls personal and casual llke you are emalllng a frlend and hooklng them up.
- Keep your content short and on polnt, don't get on sub[ect.
- Segment your database by researchlng.
- Survey your database regularly wlth polls and surveys (| llke
Mobile Marketing
"Twlce as many people use text messages as emall accordlng to an Lxperlan survey, and "Currently l/3 of
humankind has mobile internet access, which is twice the numbers of PCs, as stated by These
two stats mean there is a huge opportunity that most of us are missing out on.
There are already a lot of mobile marketing gurus and courses starting to inltrate the market but we all need to
remember that mobile marketing is still evolving. Unless you have a huge following already, I suggest you take it
slow with your mobile marketing eorts. Learn the best strategies and take your time.
Website -
There is a lot of text messaging services being created all the time. However, if you want a reliable company that
understands marketing then you need to check out Their prices are very inexpensive and
Here is a quick tip to remember from
"Any moblle campalgn that ls ongolng (Subscrlptlon) or Premlum-rate requlres a Double Opt-ln procedure. Thls
procedure starts wlth the user sendlng a text message wlth your Keyword to 468398. The user wlll then recelve
a message asklng that they conrm thelr request to [oln your moblle campalgn. 8y replylng wlth CONP|PM, the
user conrms thelr opt-ln request and ls "Double Opted-ln to your moblle campalgn. The user then recelves a
conrmation message stating the terms of the mobile campaign along with your contact information. Now, you
are ready to start sending your user timely mobile alerts.
51 52
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Here is why I believe is the best option for mobile text marketing:
- More supported carrlers
- Hlgher PO|
- Lasler to use
- Paster response
- 8etter support
- More experlence
- 8etter dellvery
- More optlons
- Marketlng expertlse
- More value
104. Mobile Coupons:
Website -
Mobile coupons are another great way to market to your niche. Here are some strategies to getting website trac
via your mobile marketing campaigns:
- Don't [ust start addlng cell phone numbers to your moblle marketlng database, get permlsslon rst
- Alert your audlence how often they should expect a text message
- Use a short code (also known as short numbers). These are speclal telephone numbers, and are slgnlcantly
shorter than full telephone numbers
- ou only have l60 characters so make lt count (have a call to actlon, e.g. vlslt today to get
coupon code)
- Make sure that your servlce provlder has Short UPL Servlce (to shorten your UPLs so they can t ln the
messages) with tracking
- A text message should be personallzed and relevant
- Pemember that text messages are all about rlght now not days or weeks from now
- Have obvlous opt-out lnstructlons
- Ask your audlence to lnvlte thelr frlends to qulckly grow your database
53 54
106 Trac Generation Strategies
105. iPhone/Android/Blackberry Apps:
Mobile phone apps are becoming a phenomenon. It is easier than ever to create your own iPhone, Blackberry, or
Androld app. ou can nd a company or freelancer to create your app at, or
ou are able to bulld your own apps wlth servlces llke: - iPhone - Android and iPhone - iPhone, Android and Blackberry
Keep in mind that you can also earn money by placing ads within your apps with ou
can also advertise and drive targeted trac to your website via this mobile ad network.
Conclusion Now What?
Tlme for ACT|ON!
In this report I have given a very brief introduction to 106 trac generation strategies, tools and resources that Ive
found to be most important. They arent the only strategies I could have written about, but they are some of the
most utilized and most eective tools that I and others have used and proted from.
The saddest thing that could happen is for you to not do anything with the information Ive given you. Maybe you
have read another report, eBook or watched another video on how to market or drive trac to your website, but
you might not have implemented what you learned. I am not trying to be rude. I just see it happen way too often
- so | am warnlng you: ou must take actlon now. Set aslde an hour a day and get to work!
Take what you have learned and do something with it! Then get in contact with me and tell me about your
53 54
106 Trac Generation Strategies
About Garrett Pierson:

Garrett Pierson has been helping individuals and businesses nd what it takes to be successful in creating the
life they deserve and business they desire by giving them the tools and techniques to make it happen.
He is Founder and President of New Generation Consulting LLC, a consulting rm specializing in trac
generation, search engine optimization, social media, website conversion, and success. Clients include Alex
Mandossian, Global Marketing Strategies, Trust Guard, Webstarget, and many more satised clients and students
Garrett has created software, training, and product services that give business owners the ability to drive targeted
trac to their websites and therefore obtain more sales and prots.
Garrett is author of the book What Success Takes, a print and audio book on The Die Hard Principles of True
Victory in Life, Business, and Soul. This book includes 30 lntervlews of successful people such as Raymond Aaron,
Michael Angelo Caruso, Carolyn Ellis, Noah St. John, Joel Comm, and many more.
Garrett is a family centered entrepreneur that lives his passion each and every day and it is his goal to help others
do the same. To nd out more about Garrett and his services visit today!
55 56
106 Trac Generation Strategies
Follow me on these social networks:
outube -
Here is what others have to say about Garrett:
Garrett Pierson is a perfect example of someone who understands what it takes to be a success and is willing to
live out those principles as an example to others.
A new face on the business scene, Garrett is one to watch!
- JOEL COMM, New ork Tlmes 8est-Selllng Author of Twltter Power
Garrett Pierson is a bright young visionary on the scene, passionate to helping others reach success in their lives.
Hes clever, insightful, engaging and committed to making a dierence in the world. Im a huge fan!
- Carolyn Ellis, Author, Trainer and Founder of Brilliance Mastery
Garrett Pierson, for me, is the true leader from behind. When hes not noticed, is when he does everything right.
That is the true denition of a leader, to be invisible, to engage and enroll others, rather than command and
control them, which is a leader from the front. Its been an honor and a privilege for me to be interviewed and
associated with him, because I approach what he knows with a beginners mind.
- Alex Mandossian, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Improver and Electronic Marketer.
Garrett Pierson is denitely a Natural. Hes one of those guys you want to hate because hes so successful and so
young too! But dont hate him because hes successful. Garrett is a warm, caring person who really wants to help
others succeed. Learn from him, study him, and take advantage of what he has to oer.
- Noah St. John, author of The Secret Code of Success
Here are some video testimonials you can watch as well:
Scott 8randley, CLO Trust Guard -
Mellssa 1enklns -
Aaron B. -
Michele Adams -
The author and publisher of this eBook and the accompanying materials have used their best eorts in preparing this eBook. The author and
publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, tness, or completeness of the contents of this
eBook. The information contained in this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this
eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.
55 56
106 Trac Generation Strategies
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