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One Day National Seminar on

OBJECTIVE OF THE SEMINAR The Seminar is aimed to inculcate the knowledge on Current Developments in Automobile Diesel Engine. Intellectual property session is the right place, to know the procedure involved in registering the patents. RESOURCE PERSONS Mr.RAVINDER BANDARI, M.E., Senior Architect, Robert Bosch Engineering & Business solutions, Cbe. Mr. P .SANTHANA KRISHNAN, M.E., MBA., (PhD) Project Manager, Robert Bosch Engineering & Business solutions, Cbe.

One Day National Seminar on

Current Trends in Automobiles

(Diesel Engine Developments) &

Intellectual Property Rights

(IPR- Patent Registering)

Current Trends in Automobiles

(Diesel Engine Developments) &

23rd February 2013 REGISTRATION FORM

Intellectual Property Rights

(IPR- Patent Registering)
23 February 2013 Open for all SAE and Non SAE members
Patron President Convener Co-ordinator : : : :

Name Chief Patrons : ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Ms. S. Malarvizhi, Chairperson & Managing Trustee Mr.C.R. Swaminathan, Trustee Dr. S. Subramanyan, Adviser Dr.S.Annadurai, Principal Dr.A.Ramesh, Prof & Head, SAE Club Faculty Adviser Prof.N.Krishnamoorthi, SAE Club Faculty Adviser Mr.R.Soundararajan, SAE Club Faculty Adviser Mr.M.Suresh, AP/Mech PROGRAM SCHEDULE Session: 1 Current Developments in Diesel Engine Session: 2 Intellectual Property and its types. Brief on World Intellectual Property Organization Patents, Industrial design, Trademarks Geographical indications, Copyrights Ways and means to generate a patent in a new project REGISTRATION FEE For SAE member of SKCET Free Entry

: ___________________________________

Designation : ___________________________________ Department : ___________________________________ Organization : ___________________________________ Address for communication: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Contact No E-mail : ___________________________________ : ___________________________________ SAE NON SAE : ____________________________ : ____________________________

Membership : CASH/DD Amount DD No./Date

Organised by

Bank Name & Branch : ____________________________

Signature of the Applicant with date Address for Communication R. SOUNDARARAJAN, Program Co-ordinator & SAE India SKCET Collegiate Club Faculty Advisor, Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Kuniamuthur, Coimbator - 641 008. Tamilnadu. Tel : 0422-2678001-7 Lines, Mobile: 0-9894534879, Email: Student Co-ordinator R. Santhosh, SAE ISS SEC, Mobile: 0-99448 83398



For Other College Student member: Rs.100 /The registration fees should be paid by CASH on spot / Demand Draft in favour of, The Principal, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, payable at Coimbatore. The registration fee includes course kit, refreshments, lunch and Participation certificate for Other College Student member. For SAE member of SKCET refreshments only will be provided. Last date for Registration : 20th Feb 2013


(Autonomous Institution)

Kuniamuthur, Coimbatore-641 008, Tamilnadu, INDIA

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