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FOQA, Flight Operation Quality Assurance Matlab 8 2.5 8.8 10 570 2,000 6.6 6 2

In this study, a domestic airline flight operations quality assurance mechanisms (FOQA, Flight Operation Quality Assurance) database shorthaul flights between Taipei Songshan Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport between Taoyuan International Airport and Macau International Airport being flights of flight the data for the study population using Matlab software finishing parameters and the establishment of fuel consumption database, the process is divided into flight taxiing, takeoff, climb, cruise, down, approach, landing deceleration and coasting to a total of eight stages of the apron, the coefficient of variation of the standard deviation analysis, in order to discuss in depth database of fuel consumption difference phases of flight. Fuel consumption variable correlation analysis, probing the fuel consumption of the different phases of flight operational factors and non-operating factors affecting fuel consumption and classification for non-operating factors, to avoid the impact of non-operating factors on fuel consumption, and finally the use of trend analysis, identify trends in the relationship between fuel consumption and operating factors. The research results show that the various phases of flight operation will indeed affect aircraft performance and fuel consumption, and put forward suggestions for improvement separately for each phase of flight. Research is recommended to increase the ground speed taxiing, using the elastic thrust takeoff, climb to maintain an appropriate rate of climb, and select the appropriate cruising altitude, reduce cruising airspeed, maintaining an adequate rate of decline, controlled approach distance after landing to reduce the maximum the thrust reverser to use time and to increase the general thrust reverser time, to understand exactly what these operating points, will be able to significantly reduce fuel consumption, to achieve the purpose of saving fuel. According to statistics, the average fuel-efficient operation of mining per short-haul flights can save 2.5 to 8.8 percent of the total flight fuel consumption, if 10 sorties daily short-haul flights, the estimated annual savings for an airline about NT $ 5.7 million to $ 20 million of fuel costs; per flight up can save 6.6% of the total flight fuel consumption on a daily sorties medium-range flights, the estimated annual fuel cost savings of about NT $ 200 million for an airline. Keywords: Taipei Songshan Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport, Taoyuan International Airport, Macau International Airport, fuel-efficient operation, fuel costs.


2008 6 133.93 10 1 IATA, International Air Transportation Association2003 28.8 14 2008 99 31 2 Jet-A1 2004 13.63 2008 8 36.77 3 2004 23.5 2008 51.17 4 5 6 7
1. Introduction In recent years, frequent international fuel price fluctuations indicative West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices, for example, the price of crude oil since 2003, rising (Figure 1), and more in June 2008 reached $ 133.93 a barrel in the history of the highest price, while oil prices gradually slipped, but since the beginning of this year, oil prices began a monthly $ 10 a barrel rose to continued growth [1]. Oil prices also affect the overall economic development, the impact of all walks of life, the first is the transport sector, among which the aviation industry most affected giant. The airline's operating cost consists of many projects, such as maintenance, personnel, fuel, high oil prices lead to fuel spending has continued to increase, so that the ratio of rising fuel costs to total operating costs. According to the statistics of the

International Air Transport Association (IATA, International Air Transportation Association), 2003 Years when the average crude oil price of $ 28.8 per barrel, fuel costs accounted for only 14% of the operating costs; while in 2008 the price of crude oil rose to $ 99 a barrel, fuel costs also increased to 31% of the operating costs [2]. Domestic Jet-A1 aviation fuel price per liter of NT from 2004 rose to 13.63 yuan 36.77 yuan per liter NT in August 2008 [3], EVA Air's fuel costs increased from 23.5% in 2004, rose to 51.17% in 2008 [4]. Such a high proportion of the cost, is nothing more than a heavy burden on the airlines. In response to rising oil prices, regardless of the aircraft manufacturer, the airline industry or academia are redoubling its efforts to reduce the fuel consumption of the research program, in order to slow down the increase in fuel costs to fight for profit margins. Factors affecting the fuel consumption of the aircraft in addition to models and routes, direct flight operations, flight operation be fuel consumption have a significant impact; airline flight change only through short training courses operating procedures or restrictions to achieve the purpose of fuel economy, is the most direct and fastest way [5] [6] [7]. Therefore, this study, in cooperation with a domestic airline, north of air traffic as a short-haul flight on behalf of the Taoyuan Macau route as a representative of the medium-range flight, fuel-efficient flight operations research.

2 2-1 73,000kg A 2006 3 2007 3 1434 A 83,000kg B 2006 2 2006 9 1000 2-2 QAR, Quick Access Recorder Raw Data FOQA Engineering Data

FOQA FOQA FOQA ILS Math Works Matlab Access 2-3 Airbus 8 Flight Phase 8 (1)Taxi N2 50% FLX_MCTTOGA 5 (2)Take off FLX_MCT TOGA 5 35ft (3)Climb 35ft 420ft 60 10000ft 120 300ft TOC (4)Cruise TOC TOD 300ft/min 420ft/min 15 TOD (5)Descent 420ft/min 3000ft (6)Approach 3000ft (7)(Landing) 15o 10kt (8)Taxi to gate

10kt 15o N2 12% 30

2-4 FOQA 2434 7 (1) (2) (3) STATISTICA 7 0 1 0-0.3 0.30.5 0.5-1 9 (4) (5) (6) AIP, Aeronautical Information Publication) FCOM, Flight Crew Operating Manual A SOP, Standard Operation

Procedures (7)
Research 2-1 study population In this study, using a real airline flight recorder data, selected the maximum takeoff weight of 73,000 kg A type of short-range twin jet engine aircraft flight between Taipei Takamatsu Airport and Kaohsiung International Airport in March 2006 to March 2007 1434 pen flight data as a short-range jet fuel-efficient study population; another choice with an A-type machine with production B-type aircraft maximum take-off weight of 83,000 kg into short-range twin jet engines in 2006, February 2006, in September The models flight of 1000 flight between Taoyuan International Airport and Macau International Airport as a medium-range jet fuel-efficient study population. 2-2 database Flight parameters used in this study, the Department of download from airborne quickly retrieve recorder (QAR, Quick Access Recorder) records the flight raw data (Raw Data), the use of FOQA analysis software to convert the raw data can be displayed per second flight engineering data of the parameter values (Engineering Data), but this study needs to compare each flight in the different phases of flight fuel consumption average value of a specific point in time of flight parameters, the existing FOQA analysis software can not meet the needs of the research. In this study, the first use of FOQA software export flight data, engineering data per second to a matrix format export (atmospheric height flight parameters derived from FOQA software, radar altitude, angle of attack, yaw angle, engine exhaust Last temperature, engine pressure ratio, throttle position, fuel consumption, fuel flow, the weight of the aircraft, ground speed, heading, vertical wind speed, airspeed, Mach number, air temperature, vertical velocity, spoiler dynamic command, scrambling flow plate angle state of flaps, landing gear position, landing gear compressed state with ILS state), developed by Math Works, Inc. Matlab software for data acquisition and calculation, import parameters developed by Microsoft Access database software to establish the database contains complete fuel consumption information.

2-3 Definition of phases of flight In this study, based on different operating characteristics, reference Airbus flight specification is divided into eight phases of flight (Flight Phase) analysis, as shown in [8]: (1) sliding (Taxi): Transferred to the aircraft the takeoff runway after the pilot the throttle As for the elastic thrust (FLX_MCT) or maximum thrust (TOGA) began to push from the aircraft after the start the two engine N2 revolutions are more than 50%, the position for more than five seconds until the stage. (2) take off (Take off): Engine thrust setting the elastic thrust (FLX_MCT) or maximum thrust (TOGA) mode over 5 seconds after the start, to the aircraft off the ground radar height is greater than or equal to the stage at 35ft. (3) climb (Climb): From radar height of more than 35ft, and the rate of climb of the aircraft is greater than 420ft over 60 seconds to aircraft height of more than 10000ft, and climb rate (rate of decline) in 120 seconds change the TOC point until a range of less than 300ft. (4) cruise (Cruise): From the TOC point-to-TOD point during the flight climb rate (rate of decline) shall not exceed 300ft/min, if the rate of decline over 420ft/min 15 seconds, the point for the TOD point. (5) decreased (Descent): 420ft/min start from the rate of decline over to the radar height of 3000ft. (6) approach (Approach): From the aircraft radar height 3000ft started until any landing gear touchdown. (7) landing deceleration (Landing): Start from the touch location to the aircraft heading and landing average heading difference 15o, or the ground speed of the aircraft is less than 10kt. (8) taxiing to the apron (Taxi to gate): Less than 10kt from the ground speed of the aircraft or aircraft heading after landing the average heading difference 15o start, less than 12% over 30 seconds to two aircraft engine N2 speed. 2-4 research framework Real FOQA flight data for the study, the establishment of short-and medium-range 2434 pen flight fuel consumption database, further points for each phase of flight fuel consumption analysis, is divided into seven main steps (Figure 3), as detailed below:

(1) To establish fuel consumption database in accordance with the study population. The database contains the eight phases of flight research required for non-operating factors and operational factors parameters, use the database to take advantage of each flight routes and runway classification, and rapid screening of flight parameters than. (2) Route holistic analysis. The various stages of the analysis of routes fuel consumption ratio and the proportion of time looking for this type of jet fuel characteristics of the various phases of flight and time characteristics. And calculate the standard deviation and coefficient of variation representing the degree of dispersion of the oil consumption of the various phases of flight, fuel consumption coefficient of variation may represent changes in the proportion of fuel consumption in various stages. (3) The fuel consumption for each flight phase correlation analysis. In this study, the use of statistical analysis software STATISTICA 7 correlation analysis, correlation analysis of the results of the absolute value of the correlation coefficient will fall between 0 and 1, 0 - 0.3 represents a low correlation; 0.3-0.5 behalf moderate correlation; 0.5- 1 represents a highly relevant. The greater the correlation coefficient represents the factors are dependencies, that is, if the factor value is increased, also has a tendency to increase its relative factor value; lower represents the correlation factors between each independently, that is, the If the value of the factors increase the value of its relative factor does not increase or decrease trend. If the value of the factor is reduced with increasing Another factor, referred to as negative, the correlation coefficient is negative. Impact fuel consumption than the giant operating factors and non-operating factors for fuel consumption correlation analysis available each flight stage [9]. (4) A non-operating factors seriously affect fuel consumption to be classified. Thereby causing a flight phase velocity impact on fuel consumption, it will be in the database flights phase of the wind speed in accordance with the flight in accordance with the strength divided into three categories, the purpose is to investigate the operation factors for fuel consumption impact to avoid the impact of non-operating factors on fuel consumption error. (5) In this study, trend analysis and classification parameters, the to identify trend relationship between fuel consumption and operating factors and quantify the value than fuel-saving mode of operation. (6) Suggest fuel-efficient operation of the various phases of flight. Through trend analysis shows the most fuel-efficient mode of operation, control the the CAA publication of the Taipei Flight Information Region AIP (AIP, Aeronautical Information Publication) and Crew Operating Manual (FCOM, Flight Crew Operating Manual), the recognized fuel-efficient operation the possibility of the way, if possible

it is recommended that an airline to change A model flight operation standard procedures (SOP, Standard Operation Procedures), in order to achieve the goal of fuel savings through flight operations. (7) to estimate the use of fuel-efficient operation of the year to save fuel costs. In this study, by comparing the phase of flight flying fuel-efficient operation of fuel consumption and average fuel consumption differences calculated entire flight using fuel-efficient mode of operation Flight of the amount of fuel savings, and overall assessment in accordance with the current operating status of an airline estimate the use of fuel-efficient operation of the year can save fuel costs for airlines about expected results use.

3 3-1 10 SS10 28 SS28 09 KH09 27 KH27 05 TP05 23 TP23 16 MC16 34 MC34 H 75 M 71 76 L 72 H 55.59 M 58.77 53.74 L 55.59 20 10kg

8 3-2 () ( ) kg/nm ft/kg 3-3 3-3-1 SS10SS28 KH09KH27 12 3-3-2 H M L

TP05TP23MC16MC34 12

3-3-3 30 10 IDLE 3-4 FLX_MCT TOGA 10 FLX_MCT 30oThrottle Angle 1240o TOGA 40oThrottle Angle 1250o EGT, Engine Exhaust Temperature EGT EGT 1000 6 TOGA 1434 4 TOGA TOGA FLX_MCT FLX_MCT

3-5 45 (ft/kg) 1 3-5-1 HML 3 85 TOC TOC 85 3-5-2 HML 6 232 TOC 250

MH L L MH 3-5-3 A B management mode cost index=0 selected mode 5 6 3-6 3-6-1 H M L 9

kg/nm FL240 FL240 8 FL220 FL230 9 FL240 0.63 3-6-2 HML 6 FL300 FL390ft L MH 3-6-3 FMS management mode cost index=0 selected mode 3-7

3-7-1 SS10 SS28 KH09KH27 4 4 (ft/kg) SS28 KH27 1 1.1~1.3kg 114 3,000ft 3,000ft 114 3-7-2 HML 6 3,000ft TOD 340 3,000ft 350

700ft/min 2,100ft/min 3-7-3 A B management mode TOD TOD selected mode 3,000ft 3-8 3-8-1 SS10 SS10 SS28 KH09 KH09 KH27 6


A 9 B 12 3-10 3-10-1 SS10SS28 KH09KH27 12 0.4~0.65kg 59 KH09 3-10-2 H M L TP05TP23MC16MC34 12

15 3-10-3 30 10 3-11 104kg 366kg 0.8kg/L Jet-A1 18.88/L 1,571 5,528 10 5,733,480 20,177,433 598kg 614kg 9,032 9,274 6 19,780,500 20,310,000 A B 2 2
3, the research results and recommendations for improvement

In this study, quantitative data illustrate the various phases of flight fuel-efficient operation, the content discussed in the weight of the aircraft, air temperature, wind speed, angle of attack, yaw angle, the end of the engine temperature, airspeed, ground speed, distance, rate of climb and fall the average rate are adopted as the stage on behalf of the parameter values. The 3-1 route holistic fuel consumption analysis Fuel consumption situation and time characteristics of the various phases of flight in short-haul flights, the first database in the average fuel consumption for each flight stage (Figure 4, Figure VI), time (Figure 5, Figure 7), the coefficient of variation, and fuel consumption standard deviation , generality statistical analysis. For ease of reading, following each airport runway in Code: Songshan Airport Runway SS10, Songshan Airport 28 runway for SS28, Kaohsiung International Airport 09 runway KH09, Kaohsiung International Airport 27 runway KH27 Taoyuan Airport runway 05 TP05, Taoyuan Airport Runway 23 TP23, Macau Airport runway 16 for the MC16, the Macau airport 34 runway MC34. Short-and medium-range flight phase into three levels according to the weight of the aircraft classification, mediumrange classification based H: 75 tons or more, M: greater than or equal to 71 tons but less than 76 tons, L: less than 72 tons, short-range classification According to greater than the average for the H: 55.59 t, M: the range of the high standard of 58.77 and a low standard of 53.74 tons, L: lower than the average of 55.59 tons. The research results show that either short-range or medium-range flights, climb, cruise, decline in all three phases of the large fuel consumption oriented focus of the study stage;, taxiing and landing phase difference (coefficient of variation in 20% consume fuel standard deviation above 10kg), phases of flight time is shorter with a smaller amount of fuel consumption in the short-and medium-range flight still exists room for improvement, and worthy of analysis and discussion of the research will continue in accordance with the glide takeoff, climb, cruise, decline, approach, landing deceleration slipped eight stage apron comparative analysis. 3-2 routes fuel consumption analysis In this study, the fuel-efficient operation of the various phases of flight method, system operational factors affect fuel consumption (ground speed, airspeed, climb rate, etc.) and fuel consumption trend analysis to identify the most economical fuel operating mode. Fuel consumption trend prior to analysis by non-operating factors (aircraft weight, wind speed, etc.) in order to avoid the trend analysis results, must be non-operational factors affecting the fuel consumption of the classification. The phase

of flight parameters and the fuel consumption of the various stages correlation analysis, the purpose is to look for the various phases of flight, affect the fuel consumption of a large non-operating factors and operational factors. This study the correlation analysis of the various phases of flight, because of the use of the fuel consumption of the various phases of flight can not correctly reflect the performance and fuel consumption, fuel consumption indicator of the various phases of flight using a different flight fuel consumption variables, such as taxiing and cruise mining kg / nm, and fall in the climb mining ft / kg various stages coefficient of "nonoperating factors and operational factors please refer to Table 1. 3-3 glide fuel consumption analysis The glide stage fuel consumption analysis, because the takeoff runway, causing the operating characteristics of the sliding differ glide fuel consumption analysis of operating characteristics analysis, correlation analysis results, and therefore under the airport runway and runway orientation flights to non-operating factors and operational factors fuel consumption trend analysis. 3-3-1 analysis of short-range glide fuel consumption Shorthaul flights as non-operating factors parameters selected "wind", "glide ground speed parameters for the operating factors, the data in accordance with the size of the surface wind speed (Depending on the direction of the airport runway divided into strong, weak three), departure airport runway direction (SS10, SS28; KH09, KH27) divided into 12 kinds of situation, while the calculated fuel consumption when taxiing to wait in order to glide fuel consumption analysis results are not waiting for the impact. The research results show that the average flights per second waiting for taxiing about half a kilogram of fuel consumption, so the flight crew need to master to push, to avoid the taxiway to wait too long after the application of the appropriate time, and inviting the fuel consumption. At the same time, the findings also show suffered larger surface wind speed flights when the aircraft was taxiing to glide faster ground speed and glide lower fuel consumption (Figure 8); any surface wind speed conditions down to any one runway , as long as the increase taxi speed can reduce fuel consumption. 3-3-2 medium-range glide fuel consumption analysis Medium-range flights selected aircraft weight parameters of non-operational factors glide ground speed parameters for the operating factors, the data in accordance with the weight of the aircraft level (H, M, L), the departure airport runway direction (TP05 TP23; MC16, MC34) analysis of the state is divided into 12 kinds.

The research results show that the weight at this stage of the fuel consumption of no significant impact, but glide faster fuel consumption lower, but the trend will reduce anywhere speed decreased with the increase, and eventually reached a critical point balance. 3-3-3 in the short-range glide fuel consumption improvement proposals Based on the above analysis, informed that the glide phase of fuel-efficient operation of the two key points: The first is to choose the appropriate time to apply to the ATC push back, to avoid stop on the taxiway waiting time; Second, without compromising security (taxiing ground speed is different restrictions based on security considerations, such as the upper limit of the linear sliding speed of 30 knots, turning speed of not more than 10) and the case of passenger comfort, nudge the throttle the ground speed up and then back into the IDLE position as much as possible to keep within the speed limits higher ground speed taxiing to the runway head takeoff position. 3-4 takeoff fuel consumption analysis and recommendations for improvement According to the instructions of an airline flight operating standard procedures for the take-off stage, after the flight crew to complete the required inspection items can be selected FLX_MCT, or TOGA two thrust mode off. Defined in accordance with the original specification manual [10], two thrust mode main difference is that the throttle angle is different: FLX_MCT: 30o Throttle Angle 1,2 <40o TOGA: 40o Throttle Angle 1,2 <50o This study discusses the take-off phase two thrust mode fuel consumption differences, should be built on the same basis as the take-off conditions, take-off conditions, including the total weight of the aircraft, air temperature, wind speed, and engine exhaust temperature (EGT, Engine Exhaust Temperature) . (The weight of the aircraft will affect the aircraft accelerated performance as well as the the takeoff need airspeed; air temperature will affect the efficiency of the engine thrust, the higher the air temperature, engine efficiency will reduce; headwind shorter takeoff distance to reach takeoff speed aircraft, tail Wind is the opposite; EGT can represent the state of the engine performance, poor engine performance, EGT will rise) 1000 pen medium-range flights in the study population, only 6 pen Department TOGA thrust takeoff, 1434 pen shorthaul flights only 4 pen using TOGA thrust mode takeoff. Individual under these flights take-off conditions, this study is more akin to conditions using two different thrust mode of flight fuel consumption differences, results showed TOGA mode departure time can effectively shorten takeoff distance,

but more fuel consumption; use FLX_MCT mode takeoff desired departure time and a longer takeoff distance, but is relatively less amount of fuel consumption. Therefore recommended that the absence of special factors in the take-off stage, try to select FLX_MCT thrust takeoff.

3-5 climb fuel consumption analysis Climb phase, whether the total fuel consumption in the medium-range or short-haul flights are more than 45%, up phases of flight fuel consumption, great climb fuelefficient fuel-efficient operation research impact. Whether climbing fuel consumption for the study of the takeoff runway influential, the beginning of the study in accordance with the different classification of the departure airport runway first maternal, Study climb efficiency (ft / kg) "whether due to runway departure procedures differences. The results show that the climb after take-off on different runways process, the flight time less than 1 second level flight, climb most flights are direct climb to cruising altitude, rarely occurs in level flight; fuel consumption performance so much differences, so do the climbing stage fuel consumption analysis, do not need to be classified according to the takeoff runway. 3-5-1 short climb fuel consumption analysis Short haul flights as non-operating factors parameters selected "the weight of the aircraft, the climb rate parameters for the operational factors, the data is divided into three grades according to the weight of the aircraft of the aircraft (H, M, L). Climb, cruise and descent stages of operation is closely related to the climb fuel consumption savings may be caused by the increase in fuel consumption of the cruise stage, the stage will climb to cruise phase slightly (Figure 9). Parent information in the latest cruising layer of flights from the climb to the starting point to climb to a distance of 85 nautical miles, it is the use of the the climb efficiency and cruise fuel consumption rate, calculated per flight climb to the TOC after flying to the farthest the TOC point 85 nautical miles of fuel consumption as this stage of the fuel consumption indicators. Results show heavier aircraft flights, low rate of climb climb higher fuel consumption; lighter aircraft flight, climb higher climb rate and lower fuel consumption, so the weight of the aircraft to climb does have a lot of influence in the operation and fuel consumption. Climb rate trend analysis results show that, regardless of the severity of the weight of the aircraft, moderate climb rate can save fuel consumption (Figure 10).

3-5-2 medium-range climb fuel consumption analysis Medium-range flights selected parameters of the weight of the aircraft "and" wind "non-operational factors, climb rate parameters for the operating factors, the data in accordance with the aircraft takeoff weight level (H, M, L), the wind speed of the positive and negative directions ( tailwind or headwind) analysis is divided into six grades. Climb, cruise and descent stages of operation is closely related to the climb fuel consumption savings may be caused by the increase in fuel consumption of the cruise stage, the stage will climb and cruise phase slightly. Climb to cruising layers flights from the climb starting point distance of 232 nautical miles, so take advantage of the the climb efficiency and cruise fuel consumption rate, calculated per flight to climb to TOC and flight to a point 250 nautical miles from the climb fuel consumption as the latest parent information stage of the fuel consumption indicators. When research results show that the aircraft climb, whether in a headwind or tailwind conditions, climb decreases the amount of fuel required to climb the rate of increase and decrease; and the lighter weight of the aircraft, climb higher climb rate; when the wind is against the wind, the heavyweight rate of climb away from the flight were higher than the rate of climb of the tailwind flights. The integration of these data shows that, different weight class flights suffered a tail wind or head wind, have their fuel economy of the appropriate rate of climb. After heavyweight from the M, H flight against the wind conditions faster the climb to cruising altitude, although the climb phase can save fuel, but the climb to cruise altitude, but compared to other flights consume more comprehensive and cruise information preceding paragraph fuel, lighter L-level flights are not affected. Save fuel, it is recommended that the lighter the L level flight regardless of the wind is a tail wind or head wind, can be higher than the average rate of climb climb; the weight class M, H flights can be high when the tail wind when the wind direction at the average rate of climb, the original data is maintained in the case against the wind of the average climb rate of climb can be. A 3-5-3 Zhong Duan Cheng climb fuel consumption Summary Climbing stage of the fuel consumption and the fuel consumption of the cruise phase is closely related to early climb to a predetermined empty layer, the choice of the large rate of climb and slower the airspeed climb to cruising layer, will make a significant increase in the fuel consumption of the cruise phase ; selection of a slower rate of climb and faster airspeed climb, although the cruise phase can effectively reduce fuel consumption, but it will make the climb phase of significant increase in

fuel consumption. Therefore, this study suggests that, regardless of the machine of type A or B-type machine in the climb path suggested the use of the cost index in the management mode = 0, aircraft on their own according to the prevailing wind direction, temperature, take-off weight and pre-set a good climb extrinsic factors to select the most fuel-efficient climb rate of climb speed; climb on the way due to the air traffic control intervention need to select the selected mode climb, and then refer to original mode is set to published literature climb fuel economy [5] [6] in order to achieve the purpose of saving fuel. 3-6 cruise fuel consumption analysis Cruise voyage lasted longer, the fuel consumption of a large amount of stage one, the two major aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus international literature with the fuel economy, which are identified cruise is the most critical stage of the fuelefficient operation. To the stability of this phase of flight operations, and has taken considerable time to maintain the operating state of the fuel, causing excess fuel consumption must be considerable. 3-6-1 short-range cruise fuel consumption analysis Short haul flights selected parameters of the weight of the aircraft "and" wind "is a non-operating factors, cruising altitude, airspeed parameters for the operating factors, the data in accordance with the aircraft takeoff weight level (H, M, L), wind speed positive and negative direction (tail wind, against the wind or no wind) is divided into 9 levels were analyzed. Cruising altitude will affect not only the cruise fuel consumption, will also have an impact on the overall flight fuel consumption, this study analysis cruising altitude, the overall flight fuel consumption "flight fuel consumption rate (kg / nm)" (climb, cruise, down fuel consumption divided by the climb, cruise, a decrease of the total flight distance) the most fuel consumption performance indicators. The cruising altitude research results show that, although highly select the FL240 more flight cruising fuel consumption rate is low, but overall "the flying fuel consumption rate is not necessarily low, representing a higher cruising altitude for the overall performance and fuel consumption is not necessarily better. Based on trend analysis results show that in the short-range flight, in addition to lightweight against the wind conditions should be the height cruising above FL240, 8 weight wind level all should choose FL220 to FL230 empty layer cruise. Cruising in fuel-efficient the highly flights also may vary airspeed set affect its performance and fuel consumption, the results of nine kinds of flights from the cruise at FL240 reduce airspeed to Mach number 0.63, Figure 11), addition can effectively reduce the cruise fuel consumption,

but also can reduce flight fuel consumption. 3-6-2 medium-range cruise fuel consumption analysis Medium-range flights selected parameters of the weight of the aircraft "and" wind "non-operational factors, cruising altitude, airspeed parameters of operational factors, the data in accordance with the aircraft takeoff weight level (H, M, L) wind speed plus or minus direction (tail wind, against the wind) analysis is divided into six grades. Mother flights cruising height distribution between FL300 to FL390ft distinguish between heavy weight distances, found: L, heavyweight from the lightest cruising altitude the highest and lowest fuel consumption rate; heavyweight from the M, H cruising altitude than the low but also to find out from their fuel consumption trend lower fuel consumption, cruising layer. The airspeed trend analysis results show that the cruise wind speed does not affect the setting of the airspeed, but rather the heavier the weight of the aircraft flights, will use a faster airspeed cruise. At the same time, regardless of weight class flights, fuel rates are accelerated with the airspeed increase; However, if selected for fuel-efficient and low airspeed, fuel efficiency is not very good. 3-6-3 in the short-range cruise fuel consumption Summary Like cruise phase of the oil control through FMS management mode Simply select cost index = 0, the computer that will be calculated based on the weight of the aircraft for the flight, wind direction, temperature and other conditions in line with the most cost-effective at the time cruising altitude cruise Mach number. Cruise, however, is often not satisfactory, the best empty layer may be another plane aircraft accounted for, or the occurrence of the situation cannot be avoided, resulting in the flight crew selected mode should be chosen cruise, this time can not affect the flight arrival The lower airspeed cruise under the premise of time, and apply the most appropriate day of the weight of the aircraft cruising layer ATC to save fuel. 3-7 decreased fuel consumption analysis The aircraft descended limited en-route control, but have different fuel consumption and operating characteristics, this study during the decline in fuel consumption analysis before the flight landed at a different airport runway direction data analysis found that the short-range flights larger and medium-range flights landed at a different airport runway factors almost no effect, it is only a short-range flight data for the classification of the factors. 3-7-1 analysis of short-range decline in fuel consumption

Short haul flights selected parameters of the "runway" non-operational factors, the decline rate parameters for the operating factors, the data is divided into four grades according to the landing at the airport and runway direction (SS10, SS28; KH09, KH27) study, an analysis of these four class samples decreased efficiency (ft / kg) "Is there a difference. This stage of research and found that some of the flights at a decreased level segment level flight condition, and therefore also produce level flight phenomenon flights. The decline in level flight analysis results shows that the decline in short-haul flights longer level flight occur airport runway direction for SS28 and KH27. Aircraft flying decreased level segment level 1 second, the average fuel consumption of 1.1 ~ 1.3kg, so the aircraft drops, should avoid prolonged level flight, in order to reduce unnecessary fuel consumption. The errors level flight, the decreased rate of fuel consumption analysis discussing to avoid decline level segment fuel consumption estimates, the time, distance and fuel consumption level flight less. Climb, cruise and descent stages of operation is closely related to the decreased fuel consumption savings may be caused by the increase in the fuel consumption of the cruise phase, the stage will decline slightly combined with the cruise stage (Figure 12). Downward trend in maternal data mildest decline in flights of a distance of 114 nautical miles (all flights slowest dropped to radar altitude 3,000 ft.), so take advantage of the decline in the efficiency of the cruise fuel consumption rate calculated per flight back since the radar altitude 3,000 ft. projection 114 knots fuel consumption as indicators of the stage of the fuel consumption. Trend analysis showed flights at each airport runway is too large or too small rate of decline on the overall performance and fuel consumption are poor (Figure 13, Figure 14), should be in accordance with the a different airport runway choose the most appropriate rate of decline, and proper communication with ATC, reduce the Ping aircraft rate. 3-7-2 medium-range decline in fuel consumption analysis Medium-range flights selected parameters of the weight of the aircraft "and" wind "non-operational factors, the decline rate parameters for the operating factors, the data in accordance with the aircraft takeoff weight level (H, M, L), the wind speed of the positive and negative directions ( tail wind, against the wind) is divided into six grades were analyzed. Climb, cruise and descent stages of operation is closely related to the decreased fuel consumption savings may be caused by the increase in the fuel consumption of the cruise phase, the stage will be decreased slightly with the cruise phase. Maternal data dropped to the latest radar altitude of 3,000 ft. flight distance the decline starting point

TOD distance of 340 nautical miles, therefore take advantage of the decline in the efficiency of the cruise fuel consumption rate, calculate the fuel consumption of 350 nautical miles per flight since the radar the height of 3,000 ft push back as the stage of fuel consumption indicators. Statistical medium-range flight research data, found that the operating range of the rate of decline from 700ft/min to 2,100 ft / min range, quite a large difference. Also found from the statistics, both encountered headwind or tailwind fuel consumption are not much variation, it was found that the wind direction at this stage no significant impact on fuel consumption; The only exception is the heavier weight flight fuel consumption suffered a tail wind significantly increased than when encountered headwind. Medium-range flights and short-haul flights, encounter once or twice on the way down in level flight, had no significant effect on the overall fuel consumption. Overall, it is recommended that each weight class flights in moderately enhance the rate of decline in the fall, in order to achieve the effect of fuel savings. 3-7-3 The Zhong Duan Cheng decreased fuel consumption Summary Inseparable from the decline stages of the fuel consumption and the fuel consumption of the cruise phase, the choice of a larger rate of decline, although the decline in the course of more fuel efficient, but will stay more fuel consumption of low-altitude layer growth; selection of a more moderate rate of decline Although causes the decreased level segment increased fuel consumption, but the overall amount of fuel consumption is not necessarily more. Therefore, how to select the appropriate rate of decline for different conditions, is an important issue for the decreased level segment fuel-efficient operation. Therefore, this study suggests that the machine is a type A or type B machine drops suggested the use of management mode aircraft according to the prevailing wind direction, temperature, take-off weight of external factors to select the most fuel-efficient descent point TOD, and select the appropriate time to apply to the ATC in the best TOD point decline, while reducing the time fly by descent Zhongping; way down due to the air traffic control intervention and need to select the selected mode, as far as possible without affecting the safety and passenger comfort. under different, depending on the airport runway, the aircraft weight and wind direction, select mining the expedient decline rate to radar height of 3,000 ft, in order to achieve the purpose of saving fuel. 3-8 entering the fuel consumption analysis Approach phase is often due to the impact of external factors change flight operations, the ATC personnel scheduling is one of the main factors, contingent this study, the use of the aircraft's flight data, and no way to obtain the ATC data only for

the operating parameters for analysis, it does not consider such extrinsic human factors. In the same time, in short-haul flights entering the stage correlation analysis showed completely different at this stage of fuel consumption factors affect the two different journey flights, the stage in short-haul flights are a different entry point for analysis. 3-8-1 short-range approach fuel consumption analysis Approaching the runway at the way short-haul flights selected parameters of nonoperational factors "approach distance" parameter for the operational factors, the data in accordance with the direction of landing at the airport's runway with type approach precision approach (SS10, SS10 non-precision approach, SS28 non-precision approach precision approach; KH09, KH09 non-precision approach, KH27 nonprecision approach) is divided into six grades approach distance and fuel consumption trend analysis. The approach stage level flight statistics showed the aircraft in level flight at the approach phase, 1 second to 1 ~ 1.5kg of fuel required to burn, among which the Kaohsiung International Airport approach up to level flight. In addition, the aircraft approach distance and decline stages and TOD select the relevant drop point, proposed under the ATC license, select the appropriate drop point downward path using FMGS planning to reduce the level flight time. Approach distance and fuel consumption statistics showed that the aircraft in the Song Shan Airport SS10 runway approach, using precision approach flight per sorties than the use of non-precision approach flight fuel consumption; approaching the runway at the Kaohsiung International Airport KH09 using non-precision approach flight per sorties less fuel consumption than the use of precision approach flight (Figure 15, Figure 16). Approaching from the statistical results that, accurate or nonprecision approach of aircraft at each airport runway, have the most appropriate approach distance. 3-8-2 medium-range approach fuel consumption analysis Medium-range flights selected parameters of the weight of the aircraft "and" wind "non-operational factors, the parameters of the" appearance "for aircraft operational factors, the data in accordance with the aircraft takeoff weight level (H, M, L), wind speed plus or minus direction (tail wind, against the wind) is divided into six grades, on the aircraft the stretch put CONF_3 point in time CONF_FULL landing gear fuel consumption trend analysis. According to the statistics, the stretch put the point in time of the three appearance prematurely, will increase the rate of fuel consumption. The same time, the aircraft in

the event of a headwind, earlier stretch put three appearance; the heavier aircraft flights will stretch earlier put CONF_3,, but CONF_FULL and landing gear is lighter flights will stretch to put. CONF_3, CONF_FULL, operating landing gear among closely, once stretched to put premature CONF_3 point in time, will also affect the timing the CONF_FULL landing gear stretch put, proposed without jeopardizing flight safety and passenger comfort under the stretch to put the point in time backward, in order to reduce the fuel consumption of the approach phase. 3-8-3 A Zhong Duan Cheng approach fuel consumption Summary Comprehensive whole or more can be learned arrival phase fuel-efficient operation of the two key points: the first is in the case of weather conditions permit, the choice of the appropriate type approach, and control the suitability of the approach distance; second in affect the safety and passenger comfort, try to delay the appearance of stretch to put point in time. 3-9 floor deceleration fuel consumption analysis The correlation analysis showed that, the short haul flights fuel consumption in the impact of the landing stage operational factors "maximum reverse thrust" and the "general thrust reverser, and the use of time of maximum reverse thrust was negative with the ordinary use of the thrust reversers time related, For reducing the maximum the thrust reverser time, you must increase the ordinary use of reverse thrust. The maximum reverse thrust and fuel consumption trend analysis results show that the aircraft after landing the longer maximum reverse thrust, the floor deceleration phase, the greater the amount of fuel consumption (Figure 17), on behalf of anti-thrust use the longer the more fuel, but anti- thrust after landing one of the three deceleration mechanism, not to arbitrarily reduce the use of intensity with time, otherwise it would endanger flight safety. This study to ensure that the thrust reverser deceleration function is normal, and taking into account the fuel-efficient purpose, the maximum thrust reverser time to time with the general thrust reverser compare. The proposed flight safe and secure in the floor deceleration phase, reducing the time of maximum reverse thrust to the critical value (A-type machine 9 seconds 12 seconds), B-type machine, increase the time of the general thrust reverser. 3-10 taxiing to the apron fuel consumption analysis This study is taxiing to the apron stage fuel consumption analysis, because different landing runway, causing the operating characteristics of the glide is different, and therefore under the airport runway and runway orientation glide fuel consumption analysis of operating characteristics analysis, correlation analysis the result of non-

operating factors and operational factors fuel consumption trend analysis of flight. 3-10-1 The short taxiing to the apron fuel consumption analysis Short haul flights selected "wind parameters of non-operational factors glide ground speed parameters of operational factors, the data in accordance with the size of the surface wind speed (Depending on the direction of the airport runway divided into strong, weak three), landing at the airport runway direction (SS10, SS28; KH09, KH27) divided into 12 kinds of conditions, and fuel consumption analysis for this stage of the unique use of single-engine taxiing flights. This stage do not have much time waiting, waiting for fuel consumption between 0.4 ~ 0.65kg, compared to before takeoff taxiing phase many per second, but in order to save fuel, still need to try to reduce the waiting time. Results suffered larger surface wind speed flights when the aircraft was taxiing to its glide faster ground speed, and glide low fuel consumption; any surface wind speed conditions from either a runway slipped apron improve the taxi speed can reduce fuel consumption, and is therefore recommended to the aircraft taxiing keep Highland speed to save fuel consumption (Figure 18) while taxiing. In addition, the stage 59 pen landed KH09's flight information display system using a single engine taxiing to the apron, the results show that although the use of single-engine taxiing when the glide speed will reduce taxiing fuel consumption rate of the overall significant decline proved using only a single engine taxiing is indeed effective in saving fuel consumption. 3-10-2 medium-range taxiing to the apron fuel consumption analysis Medium-range flights selected aircraft weight parameters of non-operational factors glide ground speed parameters for the operating factors, the data in accordance with the weight of the aircraft level (H, M, L), the departure airport runway direction (TP05 TP23; MC16, MC34) analysis of the state is divided into 12 kinds. The results show that glide faster fuel consumption lower, but the trend of lower anywhere speed and decreasing about speed after 15 reaches a critical value. Addition, heavyweight distance flights, ground speed and fuel consumption are very close, the weight can be obtained at this stage no significant effect on fuel consumption. The 3-10-3 Zhong Duan Cheng taxiing to apron fuel consumption Summary Summing up the above analysis, can be learned taxiing to the apron stage fuelefficient operation focused on two: one is in does not affect the safety (sliding ground speed is different restrictions based on security considerations, such as the upper limit of the linear sliding speed of 30 knots, turning speed shall not over 10) with the case

of passenger comfort, mining the faster ground speed skating line to a stop position; second is safe with plenty of time in the case of using a single engine taxiing, unnecessary fuel consumption savings. 3-11 in the effectiveness of short-range fuel-efficient operation The main objective of this study to the short-and medium-range fuel-efficient flight operations, through the analysis of the flight data, the proposed recommendations of the fuel-efficient operating trends above, As for the actual implementation of surface, the user needs to confirm its feasibility, compiled for fuel economy standard operating procedures before use. Taiwan and the next three-way flights both the short-and medium-range flights, if the results of this study will help to improve fuel efficiency, increase airline revenue, will be our greatest honor. According to the predicted results of the aforementioned fuel-efficient, short-range north of air traffic throughout the use of fuel-efficient operation can save a minimum of about 104kg of fuel, you can save up to 366kg of fuel. North High Flight aviation fuel density 0.8kg / L meter and month Petro China Jet-A1 aviation fuel license premium 18.88 / L is calculated trip use fuel-efficient operation can save about NT $ 1,571 to $ 5,528; assuming an aviation daily air traffic back and forth a total of 10 classes North, it is estimated that use fuel-efficient operating year for the company to save on fuel cost from 5,733,480 to 20,177,433. Medium-range Taoyuan, Macau route full use of fuel-efficient operation can at least save about 598kg of fuel, you can save up to 614kg of fuel, calculated in accordance with paragraph estimate trip the Taoyuan, Macau flights using fuel-efficient operation can save about new NT $ 9,032 to $ 9,274; assume that an airline daily total of six trips back and forth, it is estimated that use fuel-efficient operation of the year for the company to save fuel cost from 19,780,500 to 20,310,000. The company's A-type machine adopt fuel-efficient flight operations with the Btype machine fleet, that year up to the company to save about 220 million of fuel expense.

4 4-1

49% 45% 4-2 5

A 09

28 85





1 Economagic, West Texas Oil Price Dollars per Barrel from Jan. 1946 to Jul. 2009, http://www.economagic.com 2International Air Transportation Association, Facts & FiguresFuel, http://www.iata.org 3 CPC corporation, Taiwan, Historical Price of Jet-A1 from Dec. 1997 to Aug. 2009, http://www.cpc.com.tw 4 EVA Air, 2008 Annual Report, http://www.evaair.com 5 Airbus Customer Service, Getting to Grips with Fuel Economy, Flight Operations Support & Line Assistance, Issue 2, Oct. 2001 6 Airbus Customer Service, Getting to Grips with Fuel Economy, Flight Operations Support & Line Assistance, Issue 3, Oct. 2004 7 Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Flight Operations Engineering, Fuel Conservation.ppt, Nov. 2004 8 Airbus Customer Service, Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance, Flight Operations Support & Line Assistance, Jan. 2002 9, , , 94 10 Airbus, Airbus A320 Flight Profile Specification, Oct. 2003
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