Assignment 2

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Engineering Physics (PHY102)

Assignment 2 B-Tech :Sem- 2, 2011-12 Date of submission :12th April,2012 Q1. How did Sommerfield modified free electron theory using quantum theory? Q2. Write an expression for the energy and wavefunction of an electron in a potential well in one dimension and three dimensions. Q3. For n=1 and n=2, what are the energy eigen values for an electron in a three dimensional potential well. How many degenerate states are possible? Q4. What do you mean by density of states? Derive an expression for density of states in metals using quantum theory. Plot the density of states as a function of energy E. Q5. Write an expression for Fermi distribution function and plot it as a function of energy E at T= 0 K and T>0 K. Q6. What is Fermi energy? Explain the terms Fermi velocity and Fermi temperature. Q7. The Fermi energy of sodium is 3.2eV, estimate the value of Fermi temperature and Fermi velocity. Q8. Derive an expression for Fermi energy and prove that the mean energy of electron gas in a solid is 3/5 EF. Q9. The density and atomic weight of sodium are 0.971gm/cc and 22.99 gm respectively. Estimate the Fermi energy. Given Avogadros number = 6.022 * 10-23. Q10. At what temperature we can expect a 10% probability that electrons in silver have an energy which is 1% above the Fermi energy? Q11. The Fermi energy of tungsten at 300 K is 4.5 eV. The electrons follow the Fermi distribution function. What is the occupational probability at 2kT units above the Fermi energy? Q12. What is Thermionic emission? Derive an expression for current density due to thermionic emission. (Richardson-Dushmann equation) Q13. Write Richardson-Dushmann equation for thermionic emission? What do you mean by work function? Using Richardson-Dushmann equation how will you obtain work function of a metal experimentally? Q14. What are the limitations of Richardson-Dushmann equation ? Q15. How do energy bands originate in a solid? Q16. State Bloch theorem. Q17. Derive the condition for existence of wave function for an electron in a periodic potential using KronigPenny model. Discuss the formation of energy bands in solids on the basis of this condition. Q18. Plot E-k diagram and using it define Brillouin zones. Show these in one dimensional case. Q19. What do you mean by effective mass (m*) in solids. Plot E, dE/dk, d2E/dk2 and m* as a function of k. Explain the concept of holes in solids on the basis of effective mass. Q20. What do you mean by degree of freedom of an electron in a periodic potential. Classify solids on the basis of band theory.

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