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The Sydney Times

Our Great Disgrace

Crimesville is undoubtedly a city without law. Anarchy is the rule here and the main attraction of this city is its atrocious crime prevention record. Prevention of criminal behaviour and despicable acts needs to be the priority here. As I have seen, even in my 1 week visit, crime really has a major impact on this community. Murder, arson and assault are all prevalent in Crimesville; these are all examples of the breakdown of the legal system. With no legal system, all semblance of integrity and all sense of common sense have dissipated, leaving each individual free to do what he or she pleases. One feels when entering the city, you are stepping out of a frying pan, into a blazing inferno (which is Crimesville). This is because the atmosphere here is so unstable; one does not know what is going to happen next. Many crime prevention organisations also echo my sentiment. When interviewed, Mr John E Webb, Chairman of the N0-Crime! Initiative said The main cause for this.... rowdy and constantly unruly behaviour is lack of government intervention in the needs of these people. Legislation is in place for a reason, to make the community feel secure.... but this is not happening. There definitely needs to be an active enforcement of the law. Thats why we are lobbying for a revamped legal system, with safeguards in place, to stop the system from breaking down, as is happening now. The legal system is in dire need of a complete overhaul because: Firstly, with an effective legal system, comes a sense of responsibility to uphold and abide by the law. Secondly, the secure legal system provides a sense of security. Everyone lives in fear, but this should not be the case, especially in one of the cities of a developed country like Australia. I saw crimes being committed on my very first day here! Especially bad, a man was violently being bashed (assaulted) unconscious. The Law enforcement officers even went as far as supporting the perpetrator, therefore not exercising their duty of care to the victim. This is the extent to which the anarchy has reached, and the further disadvantage of not having a strong, functioning legal system. So when I spoke to local resident Shane Geofferies, it came as no surprise that he blasted the Police on their performance in Crimesville. These people are incompetent. There definitely needs to be a change, otherwise well rot here in this devilish place. Astonishingly, statistics show that 95% of the adult population of Crimesville have committed a crime in their lifetime. This statistic alone should be a catalyst for change. If Crimesville doesnt change, it will be regarded as a failure of the legal system through time. Something must be done RIGHT NOW for any hope of normality to reach this town. My final question to you is; Could you ever live in this town?

Rohit Louis & Arjun Nair

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