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Ministry of detainees and liberators Affairs Children arrestContinuous crimes in favor of Children They conspire on us and they forced

us to drink bathrooms water Several individuals from Israelis Army in a settlement near Beit Our Ramallah District took us to the bathrooms and they forced us to take off our clothes completely and they kept us naked for two days, and they turned on the air condition on a freeze for the whole period, when the soldiers entered the bathrooms to fulfill their needs, they used to evacuate on our faces and heads, they didn't bring us water to drink and because of the hard thirst they forced us to drink the toilets water The two detainees Mohammad Tareq Abd Al-Latif Mukhaiemar 13 yars old and Mohammad Naser Radwan Ashqar 13 years old from Beit our Al-Tahta-Ramallah District stated their oath certification to the lawyer of detainees Ministry Hiba Masalha who visited them in the Romneim Prison. The Ministry of detainees highlighted on the so-called ((NonEthics War)) and the ugliness that the occupation forces outrage on the detainees children which negate to the international law through a huge number of certifications that indicate the exposition of children to the de-humanization through their arrest and investigation. The juveniled detainees are distributed between the Israelis occupation prisons as the following: about 90 detainee are existed in the Majedo Prison

in section No.12 (( especial for the juveniled detainees)).and there 12 rooms in section No.12 and each room contains 10 detainees and each section has the capacity to receive 120 detainee. About 75 detainees are existed in Remouniem in section No.7 ((especial section for the juveniled detainee)). So that there is 40 rooms in the section, and each room contains two detainees on the on the other hand the section has the capacity to receive 80 detainees .the other juveniled detainees are existed in Ofer prison and distributed on all sections with the adult detainees, so there is no private section for the juveniled detainees, and other section from the juveniled detainees are distributed in different investigation centers. Torture and outrages on children when arrest The children detainees exposed to this outrage since the moment they are arrested ,so about the average 95% of them exposed to strike through their arrest , and they often exposed to arrest between 2:00 am- 4:00am in the morning ,so many of the soldiers entered their houses and they break their doors down and damage their properties and the outrage on the detainee and his family by the insults and the bad speaking with the worst words, then they pull the arrested detainee with a patch on his eyes to a passive place without arrest order or inform his family to the place they want to take him. ((Most of the juvenile detainees are exposed to physical torture during their arrest, they are hit by the shoes of the soldiers with metal design and with their guns and sometimes with plastic sticks, regardless of their insults and the bad words that they hears from the soldiers and the subjection they

are exposed to, so the soldiers don't hesitate sometimes to shoot their guns on those infants who have no power or force after their siege)). Hiba Masalha exemplifies a live example on that, she says:((on 05/30/2010 I visited the detainee Salem Othman Salem Zahran born on 07/13/1992 from Dir Abu Meshaal Ramallah District in Remonium Prison and he is detained since 03/11/2009 and sentenced with 18 months. This detained was arrested from the Jebliah district near his town when the soldiers attacked him and shot guns toward him and injured his friend Fayez Fares Atta in his stomach and hand, and when he returned to help his friend and left him, he tried to escape but he was surrounded from all sides by the soldiers who asked him to put his friend on the ground, then they asked him to take off his clothes but he rejected, then one of the soldiers sat on the ground and told him :I will show you, then he directed his gun toward him and he shot on him and injured him in his leg, even when he surrendered and he didn't show any resistance evidences . The detainee Salem fell on the ground and his wound was flooding. After 4 hours the emergency car arrived and took him to the hospital of Tel Hashomair, but his friend Fayez Fares Atta was flooding so much till he died with the affection of his injury)). The Strike inside the Jeep or the Lorry The juvenile detainees exposed to the harmful strike by the hands of the soldiers through their transmission inside the jeeps or The military lorries by the hands or the backs of guns or the hit by the legs and they forced the detainees to sit on the

ground of the jeep and they put their legs on the heads and shoulders of the detainees and with some detainees the driver of the jeep hastens suddenly which cause the detainee to shake and loose his balance and hit his head with the metal edges of the jeep , and example on that when the detainee Faraj Mahmoud Harfoush from Kharbatha Al-Mesbah-Ramallah District arrested on 02/9/2009 exposed to that so he was hit by the soldiers with the guns on his shoulders and when he asked for water they gave him a bottle of beer to drink and when he rejected to drink they struck him with turbulent strike by the guns. Also what happened with the detainee Yousef Mohammad Abu Afifa from Al-Oroub Camp who is arrested on 10/22/2009 and the soldiers struck him with strikes by their guns on all parts of his body and one of them struck him on his private organ harmfully. The lawyer Hiba Masalha narrates the state of the detainee Ameer Abd Al-Ghanee Sawalmah 16 years from Balatah Camp arrested on 02/19/2009 and who was put inside soiled hole from the afternoon till the midnight with cuffed hands and patched eyes without food or drink, and the same thing with the state of the detainee Salameh Marwan Abd AlJawwad from Askar Camp 16 years old who was arrested on 02/14/2010 while the soldiers hit him with their hands and legs and with the backs of the guns on all the parts of the body harmfully. In The Centers of InterrogationTorture and Terror The torture of the juvenile detainees in the interrogation centers takes place by strike and horror them to admit with

accuses they didn't do and also threaten them with torture more and more to confess and certify against their friends and cousins so the Israelis investigators subject the children detainees for long continuous investigation circuits and for long hours during their sit on short chairs with cuffed hands to the back and turned legs and sometimes patched eyes. Sometimes in some investigation centers they hang them forced to stand for long hours under the rain of the winter and in the turbulent atmospheric cold, and at the end the Israelis intelligence exhibit on the most juvenile detainees to work with them as intelligences or spies in favor of occupation. The investigators don't hesitate to use electric shock and the ironing to force the detainee to drink hot water through investigation as the state of the detainee Nassar Aref Yousef Jradat from Sueir-Hebron District 16 years old who was arrested on 02/02/2010.so he was hanged in turbulent cold in Asioon Prison and under the cold rain, and during the investigation the investigator hit him on his face and body and using the electric shock to force him to admit. By his certification the investigators burned him with the light of the cigarettes on his hand and one of the investigators brought big battery and connected it from both sides with electric wires and match the wires in the finger of the detainee so the electricity transmitted in his hand which made him feel unconscious.

The Settlements the centers of investigation Most of the juvenile detainees are led to the settlements for investigation with them as Karieat Arbaa, Ben Yameen, Maaleh Adomim and Dan Shamroon..etc. There is the investigation and torture with them without any surveillance on investigators by the international Red Cross or any of the Palestinian Advocates, which expose the life of detainees to danger, isolation and force them to sign Hebrew authentications without knowing its denotions. Absolute Deprive From the Rights 2000 Palestinian Children still imprisoned in the Israelis prisons, investigation centers and jails, 135 of them are children detainees and 140 are under courts decisions and 21 children detainees in investigation centers and prohibitions centers even there is 32 children Detainees under 16 years old from the whole detainees children. The Israelis occupation authorities deprive the children detainees from the simple rights that the international conventions donates to them, that primary rights the deprived people from their freedom regardless of their religion, folk, race and ethnic. These rights include the right of the nonrandom arrest, the right of knowing the reason of arrest, the right of attain lawyer, the right of family to know the reason and the place of arrest, the right of stand before the judge, the right in resist the accuse and reject it, the right in the communication with the outer world and the right in

humanitarian treatment protects the reputation of the detainee child. The Children and the International Law Although the international conventions for human rights specifically the right of child, which confirmed on the necessity to obtain protection for children and their life in addition to their chance in existence and growing, and these conventions restricted the steal of the children freedom. And make the subject of their arrest ((the last resort and for the shortest possible period)), even though, the Israelis occupation authorities made from the murdering of Palestinian children and their arrest the first resort. On the other hand, the Israelis military occupation authorities strike the across of the wall the right of the deprived children from their freedom , and it dealt with them ((a project destroyers)) , and fed them all kinds of torture and harmful ,subjective treatment by hit, hang and deprive from sleep and food, also it practices in their rights such as threat, menace and damns regardless sexual harassment, and the deprive from visit, and it used the most ugly psychological, physical instruments to take admits and press on them to recruit them in favor of Israelis intelligence. Military orders and Discrimination The Israelis occupation government courses the policy of discrimination against the Palestinian children. It deals with the Israelis children in negation with the law in favor with especial judicial system for juveniles, and obtained guarantees

fair court. The same time, Israel considers the Israeli child is the child who is under 18 years, while it deals with the Palestinian child as the child who is under 16 years. In negation to its commitments to obtain appropriate judicial guarantees to arrest children and sentence them in relation to the convention of child right and the international humanitarian law. The Israelis occupation authorities applied discriminated military orders on the Palestinian detainees children. And it deals with them via military courts lacks the main criteria for the fair courts, especially the military order No.132, which permits the occupation authorities to arrest children in 12 years old. Prisons circumstances and arrest centers The Palestinian detainees children suffer in Israelis prisons and jails from harmful and in-humanitarian arrest circumstances that lack to the min number of international criteria for children rights and detainees rights. so they suffer from the shortage and bad food, lack of tidiness, spread of insects, crowdness, imprisoned in rooms lack to airing and appropriate lighting ,medical careless, non healthy cure, isolation of outer world, depravity from parents visits, imprisoned with adults, imprisoned with Israelis criminal children, non availability of psychological conductors and specialists, bad words , hit, isolation, sexual harassment ,gathering punishments, spread of diseases in addition to the deprived children from their rights in learning.

The depravity from the right in learning The Palestinian detainees children still deprived from their in learning. So the children in Remoniem and Majedo prisons receive simple teaching by one teacher, so the children earn teaching with average about 6 hours a week distributed on four days. But without availability of Palestinian courses of study or even any other study books and regardless of ages and individual differences. Sometimes several months pass without any teaching in the time the rest of them don't receive teaching at all, but their adult friends teach them. High Sentences and financial charges Taking a look on the imposed sentences on the detainees children shows that the Israelis occupation authorities dont deal with children arrest as a last resort and for the shortest period. As example there is a child is sentenced with a permanent prison, and several children are sentenced between a year and six years in charge to attribution to Palestinian organization, and some of children are sentenced between 6-8 months in charge of throwing stones. Often the sentence is compared with financial charges current about 1000-6000NIS. The Israelis occupation authorities takes from the Palestinian prisoners issue a source of permanent income through imposing a policy of expensive unfair financial charges on the Palestinian detainees. The halls of Israelis military courts changes in to a market of Burglary and stealing the detainees and their parents the matter that cause their families lots of

money in the destroyed economical situation atmosphere in the occupied Palestinian territory so most of the detainees are sentenced by paying financial charges, accompanied with jail sentences in the military courts, especially in Ofer and Salem military courts. In relation to the detainees children, the military courts of Israel imposed financial charges on them also. Since 2004 till now the percentage of children that imposed on them financial charges is about 75% from the whole sentenced children. By the exposition of the charges imposed on 60 children that the ministry of detainees take on its behalf to protect them, it sum's reached (99.000) NIS, which is with intermediate average (1650) NIS on each children. Sick Children without treatment There are between the detainees children about 30 sick children, which a percentage of about 9% from the detainees children. And those are deprived from healthy cure and the appropriate medical treatment. Often the alleviated caplets are the treatment for the different kinds of diseases. Correspondent to the confessions of the detainees children, the authorities and managements of prisons reject the exit of the sick children to the prisons clinics, even if it exit them though they will expose to hit, damns, and hurts even from the physicians and patients. Also, the managements of prisons dont obtain resident physician in the prison clinic permanently. The prisons management still delay and sometimes rejects proceeding injuries operations for children affected with diseases required injuries operations currently.

There are children need operations to get rid of small pieces or shots from their bodies ,and there are children suffering from psychological diseases and from eyes and ears diseases. The statistics of detainees ministry show that about 40% from the diseases that the children suffer from is resulted from the unhealthy circumstances of their arrest and the type of food presented to them regardless of untidiness. The report prepared and published by advocated committee in Israel the depth of outrage that is practiced against the detainees children on the hands of their detainers ,the torture processes, the depravity from sleep, cuffing and the continuous restrictions on them which make those practices in favor of the detainees children nearer to savage and criminal practices, otherwise the meaning of this continued criminal practice in favor of these children naked Israel from all the meaning of values and humanitarian ethics in the shade of the accumulated applauds and invitations specifically and exiled the children from all kinds of bios even it is physical or psychological. But the continuity of these children or mere imprisoned them charge Israel as a state out of law regardless of commitment with the criteria of human rights and international law. The lawyers of detainees ministry added especially when they visited several prisons and received certifications from the detainees that the percentage of infants arrest has accumulated in the last months and they exposed for abuse and torture. There is a new phenomena protruded to show the imposing of house forcing resident on children after arrest as with the child

Karam Daana in Hebron City, and it centralized in Jerusalem city so the number of children who was imposed a forced residence about 60 children. Release international Campaign to liberate the detainees children The minister of detainees and liberators Issa qaraqe asked to release international and legal campaign to liberate the detainees children imprisoned in the occupation authorities and work to stop Israel policy on all levels officially targeting the Palestinian children and commits occupation government to respect the international law and the principals of human rights in dealing with infants children. Qaraqe saying comes in his opening speaking through a conference about the detainees children hold in Abu Dis AlQuds University, in relation to the actions of relieving the day the Palestinian detainee, many of the detainees parents and liberated children and the university students attended the conference. The Year of 2012 is the year of children detain Qaraqe said that in 2012 about one thousand Palestinian have arrested most of them from Jerusalem district and the children were chased, abused and tortured, and the percentage of children arrest has increased over the past years so it reached in the past about 700 case annually. He said that 95% of the children were arrested and interrogated inside settlements and they were abused and

tortured in savage ways and non ethics, suppression, pull the admits from them under the pressure and torture and trialed them in unfair and suppression way. Qaraqe mentioned that the phenomena of house residence on children and exiled them away of their houses and imposing financial and affidavit charges on them, and he stated that 65 cases from Jerusalem district has imposed forced residence on them and 20 child had exiled away of their lodging. Qaraqe considers that children arrest is targeting destroying Palestinian generations and their selves, which required international intervene from the United Nations to put restrict for outrage of Israel to the international criteria in arresting children. Jerusalem Children Chasing The lawyer Jawad Al-Imawi the director of the legal unit in the detainees Ministry showed that the occupation authorities targeted the Jerusalem children officially through 2010, and there is a deliberated attack from chases and arrests in the east Jerusalem and its surround especially in Silwan, Al-Isaweyah, Abu Dis and its surround particularly Wad Al-Hilwah, and there is 500 states of arrest have happened to these children in charge of throwing stones on the settlers and in some cases there were some children arrested their ages don't exceed 8 years. He mentioned to the declaration of the Israeli security minister who mentioned saying: no protection for children and he admitted that the occupation forces arrested hundreds of

children in charge of throwing stones and there is no protection for children. The Imawi discovered the cases of torture and abuse take place on children through their arrest, interrogation and present them to the unjust military courts that do not take in consideration the international laws and do not restrict with the criteria of fair trial. He said that the ministry of detainees left authenticated applauds to Israeli superior court against the military decision No.132 that permits to occupation authorities arresting children under age of 18 years. The Imawi said that the Palestinian detainees children suffer from turbulent imprisoned circumstances and in-humanitarian that lack to the many of international criteria for children and detainees rights. He also discovered that the military courts of Israel imposed high financial charges on children and since 2004 till now the percentage of children has charged with financial charges about 75% from the whole sum of sentenced children. Outraging the International Law The lawyer Iyad Misk from the international movement to protect children said in his intervene that the Israeli military courts which works in the occupied territories, do not subject to international surveillance, so yearly 9000 Palestinians acted with the average before the Israelis military courts in west bank including children.

He said that the Israeli military courts avoid many of primary rights for children fair trials, and these cases exposed to get confessions under pressure and abuse from them. He said that the bad treatment and torture against children is practiced on the hands of occupation authorities regularly and wide spread. And this system works via general culture based on savagery and away of punishment and he discovered that between the years of 2001and 2010 I presented MORE THAN 6000 complaints against the Israelis interior security investigators by the taking place of bad treatment and torture practices in favor of children and till now no criminal investigation opened in these complaints, and he said in the absence atmosphere even in finding a form of accountancy to what happened and reached to the out rages of Geneva fourth convention and the united nation convention that resist torture and the united nation convention for children rights, so the bad treatment and torture for children will continue without limit. The lawyer Iyad Misk said: in the time the Palestinian children who are between 16-18 are treated as adult by the Israeli military courts , so the Israeli children who live in Israel or in settlements are dealt as children till they reach 18 years old regarding that the Israelis laws dedicates the policy of race and discrimination. The Psychological factors for children arrest The lawyer Wisam Sehwail from the center of treatment and orientation of torture victims, said in his intervene about the

psychological factors for children arrest shows that 44% from the detainees children suffer from psychological symptoms because of arrest trauma and the exposition to the disdain, suppression and torture during their arrest. He said that children arrest is targeting to destroy the personality of child in addition to the physical appearance and psyche, emotional growing and expend on his future dreams, and that many children exposed to psychological symptoms such as isolation and the hopeless to return to school, and the permanent exhaustion and fright because of what suffering from torture, disdain and the ruminants of the arrest such as horror and scare in their selfs. He also mentioned that the center of treatment and the victims of torture follow hundreds of cases from liberated children who pass in difficult psychological circumstances because of their arrest in specific periods and in early stages of their ages. The Lawyer Sehwail asked the official and civil institutions and the education ministry to give attention particularly to the liberated children by the policy of conduct and educational, psychological direction to re-orientate them and encourage them on study and help them to get rid from the difficult traces of the prison remains and its circumstances in their selfs. Children Certifications Many of liberated children presented their certifications and personal experiences through their arrestment on the occupation authorities hands as Khalil Qrei, Muslim Awdah,

Hassan Al-Riwaidi, Odai Ghaeith, Ahmed Ghaeith, Karam Daana, Sael Quieder, Hamadeh Awda, Yazan Al-Qadi and certificate from the father of Rafat Orieqat. It appeared in the children certifications that most of them are arrested by the Israeli intelligence and they were arrested in the midnight after their houses attacks. They exposed to strike and abuse through their arrest and several of them are interrogated inside Israeli settlements. The children said that they exposed for hanging for long hours and the intensity of the cuffs on their hands and blinds on their eyes, the depravity from meeting the lawyers and some of them are deprived from parents visit. The children mentioned that the investigators have threaten them and forced them to sign on accuses they don't know its denotions, and most of them exposed to strike on all of his body by the hands of occupation soldiers and investigators. They showed that the arrest circumstances were harmful so they were deprived from education and healthy cure, and imprisoned in sections includes criminal prisoners with dangerous priorities. Qaraqe at the end of the conference handed the symbolic presents to the liberated children and their parents. 90%from the juvenile detainees are interrogated in Israeli settlements and the admits is extracted from them by force A report is issued from the ministry of detainees and liberators showed that 90% from the detainees children have been

interrogated in Israeli settlements illegitimately and illegally and the confessions are extracted from them under threats, strikes and torture. The report mentioned that according to the certifications of numbers of youth detainees that the Israeli settlements surrounded the Palestinian cities and towns are transformed to a places for arrest and interrogation away of any legal surveillance and in non official places, so the detainees are isolated and exposed their life to danger and extracts the confessions from them under pressure, menace and enmity. The report said that Israel does not commit with the international criteria and laws in arresting the children and sentenced them, and the children became as a suppression instrument correspondent to a course targeting destroying their life and future, stated that arrest cases for children has reached 150 child since the beginning of this year, who faced accusations of throwing stones on settlers residence, and most of these children are exposed to harmful strike and torture since the moment of their arrest and they were arrested in settlements do not amount between 24 and 96 hour before transmitted them to the prisons known arrest camps.

Book ((2)) The Israeli judge discrimination cover injustice military courts

The back yard for Israeli state 200 thousand Palestinians are sentenced in Israeli military courts since 1990,regarding to the ministry of detainees and liberators statistics, and all of the procedures in Israeli military courts hall such as courts that led to imprisoned thousands of Palestinian people in the occupation prisons and still number of them spend long years from his life behind the bars. The halls of military courts surrounded with high protected military basis works since the beginning of occupation and under the plain dark, the reporters and media casters do not exist in the halls and do not present reports about the action there, and the issued sentences in these courts do not irritate discussion or controversy between the public inside Israel nor in the judicial and academic society, there a scared silence from the legal Israelis about the action in these courts which looks like a gadget. These courts represent the back yard of Israeli court and it is considered the passage columns for the system of occupation authority that is continuous in the occupation land but the occupation dedicate all of its efforts in his existence by silence on his work by military legitimates and discriminations against to the simple basis of the international law. The size of these courts shows that a rare houses in the west bank and Gaza were away of the atmospheric situation of these civil courts. The procedures of arresting Palestinians in the Palestinian territory subjects to the way of treatment and a series of military orders that orders from Israelis military leaders though the establishment of Palestinian city which comes with the advent of the Palestinian authority by 1994, but the Israeli military orders

are still valid in these areas, and these are the real laws that it rules even the outrages of the international law and the Israeli law itself. The Israeli military courts reject the application of the international law instructions even that the international laws commits the occupation to apply it, and it is impossible to the defense committee have the ability to negate the accuses before the occupation courts. According to the military procedures applied, the Palestinians from the occupied territories to the military courts, even those who were arrested on the normal back civil issues as traffic accident that some Israelis involve in them. Since the moment of investigation end , the trial of the detainees Palestinian hold in one of the Israeli military courts that works currently in the occupied Palestinian territory: Salem Court near Jenin in the north of west bank and Ofer in the middle of west bank near Ramallah.

((Book Three)): the law of illegal fighter is a cover for the occupation crimes:

The policy of Israeli arrest through its enmity on Gaza strip. The ministry of detainees and liberators surveyed the Israelis policy of arrest that its army applied during the invasion of Gaza in the period between 12/27/2008under the so-called(the campaign of the fluid shots) that lead to destroy 2114 houses completely , and destroying 3242 houses partially and exposed 16000 houses to different damages because of shooting fire ,and hurt 5300 injuries between them 1600 pregnant and 830 women, the aggression leads to 1419 martyrs and consider 82.2 from them civilians between them 318 children and 111 women but in relation to the detainees the amount number of them is 1000 detainees most of them from the civilians people and not from the military. The Purpose: murdering and not arrest The Israeli instructions during the aggression on Gaza was executive with murdering and not arrest which lead to execute many of the detainees instead of their arrest or left them bleed till death without aid or emergency permitting, and the siege housing gathering were easy targets for gathering murdering including mosques and schools in the time the Israeli army had the ability to make arrest instead of bombing and shooting fire on the civilians.

Book ((4)): The Policy of individual isolation

We cannot hide from you the suffering of the Palestinians detainees inside the Israelis detains and jails. The detainees Palestinian are the result the Palestinian-Israelis struggle and in the same time are the victims of the Israeli continuous occupation via decades .according to the data spread there are hundreds of thousands from the Palestinians live the experiment of detain and arrest , and thousands of them still spending in the Israelis prisons till our day. With the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967, Israel established the military rule system in west bank and Gaza strip and an occupied military system was applied on these areas subject to the British emergency laws and military orders, so the number of these orders exceeds thousands, in addition to the application part of these Israeli laws in favor of Israel authorities. In the shade of military rule, and in the shade of complete dominance, Israel established as occupation state military courts in the Palestinian territory and Israel kept the Palestinians detainees in many and several prisons, part of them was in the occupied Palestinian territory and another part was inside Israel state. After the establishment of the Palestinian authority on1994, Israel did not keep the Palestinians detainees in the occupied Palestinian districts but it concentrates its prisons Israel borders, and established new prisons, and the amount of prisons and jails in Israel now is about (33), and the Palestinians detainees are distributed in 20 prisons.

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