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Definition Subliminal stimuli: Contrary to supraliminal stimuli or "above threshold", are any sensory stimuli below an individual's absolute

threshold for conscious perception. Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual may process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing. Audio stimuli may be played below audible volumes, similarly masked by other stimuli, or recorded backwards in a process called back masking. Introduced in 1895, the concept became controversial as "subliminal messages" in 1957 when marketing practitioners claimed its potential use in persuasion. The near-consensus among research psychologists is that subliminal messages do not produce a powerful, enduring effect on behavior; and that laboratory research reveals little effect beyond a subtle, fleeting effect on thinking. Apart from their controversial use in marketing, subliminal stimuli are employed in scientific research on perception without awareness, or unconscious perception. Subliminal messages in advertising: It is also used in advertising to create familiarity with new products subliminal messages make familiarity into a preference for the new products. Johan Karremans suggests that subliminal messages have an effect when the messages are goalrelevant. Karremans did a study assessing whether subliminal priming of a brand name of a drink would affect a person's choice of drink, and whether this effect is caused by the individual's feelings of being thirsty. His study sought to ascertain whether or not subliminally priming or preparing the participant with text or an image without being aware of it would make the partaker more familiar with the product. Half of his participants were subliminally primed with Lipton Ice ("Lipton Ice" was repeatedly flashed on a computer screen for 24 milliseconds), while the other half was primed with a control that did not consist of a brand. In his study he found that subliminally priming a brand name of a drink (Lipton Ice) made those who were thirsty want the Lipton Ice. Those who were not thirsty, however, were not influenced by the subliminal message since their goal was not to quench their thirst. Though many things can be perceived from subliminal messages, only a few words or a single image of unconscious signals can be internalized. As only a word or image can be effectively perceived, the simpler features of that image or word will cause a change in behavior (i.e., beef is related to hunger). This was demonstrated by Byrne in 1959. The word "beef" was flashed for several, five-millisecond intervals during a sixteen-minute movie to experimental subjects, while nothing was flashed to control subjects. Neither the experimental nor control subjects reported for a higher preference for beef sandwiches when given a list of five different foods, but the experimental subjects did rate themselves as hungrier than the control subjects when given a survey. If the subjects were flashed a whole sentence, the words would not be perceived and no effect would be expected.

Examples subliminal advertising used by some companies to promote their products: During a television show called Top Chef, an ad for McDonalds briefly flashed on the screen. Though McDonalds claims that the ad was accidentally run at the wrong time, some people believe that McDonalds was attempting to use subliminal advertising to attract customers

Products like Axe use advertisement below that show their consumers that using their product could potentially benefit them by the gain of attention from the opposite sex.

Coca cola has also used so various types of subliminal messaging for promotion of its products.

Types of subliminal advertising: Subliminal Tapes - The most common and well-known type of audio subliminals where the messages are hidden under the sound of ocean waves or new age music. Subliminal Software - Unlike the other subliminal technologies, this involves flashing messages or affirmations very quickly on the pc monitor such that its not possible to consciously read the message. "Natural" Subliminal-Messages - One of my personal favorites, this is where the conscious mind 'tunes-out' and ignores normally played audio messages. Dichotic Subliminals - Different messages being delivered to each ear at the same time. This makes it difficult to actually understand the message being played. But then, that's what makes it so effective in subliminal-messages... Backmasking (Reverse Speech) - Sometimes used, back-masking is when the messages are played backwards such that its impossible for the conscious mind to understand anything. Silent Subliminals - Unlike subliminal audios, this technique delivers the subliminal message silently, without the use of other masking sounds, e.g. ocean waves.

Benefits of subliminal advertising: Research shows that it helps people quit smoking. It motivates people and brings positive change in personality. It empowers advertisers to attract target audience to remember the products and services without being too pushy. Studies show that it is an effective tool to develop sharp mind. Subliminal learning is an effective tool for self-development and self-improvement. It enhances brain function for better concentration and clear thinking all the time. Experts agree that subliminal messages can be used to increase the IQ level of any person regardless of age. It is proven to enhance memory so people will be better at remembering names and dates. It allows memory to pull out experiences that may seem to have been forgotten and remember them vividly. It boosts self-esteem, so people feel completely confident and grounded at all times. It promotes calmness during trying times or social situations. As a result, people will be more comfortable in making friends and socializing with other people. It also helps professionals by making them feel at ease when delivering speeches or presentations. It helps them relax in front of large groups and capture the interest of their audience. Subliminal messages are also designed to help people develop quick thinking in any given situation so that they can act accordingly.

Disadvantages of subliminal advertising: Due to the complexity of the human mind, it has various levels of consciousness, namely, the state of dreaming, conscious-rational and lastly the subconscious level. This last level is one which is not able to function through logic or reasoning abilities, and cannot differentiate between what is real and what is fictional. Subliminal messages sent into the subconscious mind gives it the foundation to grow the message into reality. It is a form of thought-controlling, as there is a link of communication between the subconscious and the conscious mind, allowing it to affect each other. Hence, there is much controversy surrounding the use of these subliminal messages, as hidden persuasive messages have been used to influence audiences. Such incidents are commonly found in commercials and advertising, and in rock music. There has been much criticism on the use of insidious subliminal messages to maximize revenue. Subliminal messages used in advertising or subliminal advertising, are most of the time consisting of brief visual or audio messages that our brain does not consciously register what it has seen or heard. Most of the time, there is less than 25% chance that the message will be picked up by the conscious, and is used to provide stimulus for action. Subliminal advertising does exist. In actual fact, very little marketing agencies endeavour to input such messages due to the powerful impact that they can place on the audience, which would lead to overwhelming bad press that would be received if the subliminal message was found out. This puts off any potential benefit that the subliminal advertising may bring.

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