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4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech

“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech

“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Experience & Knowledge Sharing

To provide a platform for local Technopreneurs to “pitch” to local VCs and angel investors

MARCH 25-26, 2009


4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate


1. ABOUT INNOTECH ............................................................................................. 2

2. AGENDA PROGRAM ......................................................................................... 3
3. VC’S/SPEAKERS PROFILE.................................................................................... 5
4. ELEVATOR PITCH / TRY ANGLE SESSION........................................................... 14

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

MSC Malaysia will be hosting its fourth series of InnoTech in Penang on the 25th and 26th
of March 2009. MSC Malaysia InnoTech Interstate is a 2 day event where the objectives
are as follows:

o To provide a platform for northern region based technopreneurs and MSC

Malaysia Status companies to meet local VCs in order to increase partnerships,
collaborations, creativity, innovation and knowledge sharing
o To provide a platform for emerging northern region based technopreneurs and
high growth MSC Malaysia status companies to “pitch” local venture capitalists.
o To create a bigger funnel to the main Innotech at least 8 per region.
o To capture requirement in developing enterprise development program
o To introduce new technology to the community in the selected region
o To introduce an online service to allow technopreneurs to put in their projects or
companies for VCs to view.

Amongst the messaging we wish to impart on the Malaysian ICT entrepreneurs are:
o To expose and educate the entrepreneurs on the latest technology and global
o To show them that strong funding opportunities and support systems exist
o To foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie amongst entrepreneurs, VCs,
partners and stakeholders
o To encourage budding entrepreneurs to take the plunge
o To encourage ICT entrepreneurship as a career of choice

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate


Wednesday, 25 March 2009: Knowledge Sharing

Time Activity
08:30-09:30 Registration, Networking

09:30-09:35 Opening Video

09:35-09:55 Speech by Devan Singaram of

09:55-10:15 Speech by Daniel CerVentus of Malaysian Entrepreneurs

10:15-10:35 Speech by Asyraf Abdul Rahman of

10:35-10:55 Break

10:55-11:15 Speech by Michael Teoh of

11:15-11:35 Speech by John Goh and Jenna Loh of

11:35-12:35 Panel Session

12:35-01:35 Lunch

Try-angle session
Where you get to “TRY” out the 3 facets of web 2.0 together
01:35-03:35 with our group of trained facilitators. Covering the following
Twitter | Blogger | Facebook | Google Docs

04:45-05:30 Closing Address

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate


Thursday, 26 March 2009: Pitching Session

Time Track 1 Track 2

08:30-09:30 Registration, Networking

09:30-09:35 Opening Remarks

Elevator pitch training &
VC Pitching Session (1)
09:35-01:30 Speaker Corner
Followed by Q&A
(everyone gets to present)
10:30-11:00 Break
Elevator pitch training &
11:00-01:30 VC Pitching Session (2) Speaker Corner
(everyone gets to present)
01:30-02:30 Lunch

02:30-03:30 VC Pitching (Private session) Elevator pitches with CEO

03:30-04:00 Break Break

04:00-05:30 VC Pitching (Private session) Elevator pitches with CEO

05:30 Closing Address

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

VCs/Speakers Profile

Devan Singaram
Devan Singaram is a survivor of the dotcom boom & bust cycle of the late 90s.
Disillusioned and awoken by the unsustainable methods of companies in the
conventional economy, Devan set out to chart a path off the beaten road. As a social
entrepreneur, Devan started Elevyn to tackle the status quo of poverty. Outside of work,
Devan produced CodeNavia, a full-fledged Content Management Framework that has
since been adopted by various corporates and NGOs to power their web portals.

Company: Elevyn Sdn. Bhd.

A little about the company:

Elevyn is a social enterprise - a for-profit company that utilizes web technologies to
bridge the digital divide and empower communities. is an online platform to buy and sell handmade items produced by

marginalized / indigenous communities. The idea is to provide artisans with a platform
to reach out to the global market. We work closely with NGOs, field partners,
marketplace agents and volunteers on the ground.

We aim to channel up to 85% of each product sale back to the artisan, while PayPal and
Elevyn each take a cut of 5% for operational costs. A further 5% is channeled to a
community cause to ensure a trickling effect of the business.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Asyraf Abd Rahman

Asyraf grew up as a child who was never fond of business, seeing how his father worked
hard day and night. It was not until he went for his studies in the US that he was awed
and attracted to entrepreneurism by the sheer creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of
the Americans. After graduation, he worked for 4+ years in his father's business, a
manufacturing company supplying parts to Proton and Perodua. Although he enjoyed
working with his father, he was always attracted to software development and web
technology. With his father's consent and encouragement, together with his two
committed and 'just as crazy' partners - Azzart and Fadhli - he began work on Consoci8
in mid 2007. By early 2008, Consoci8 was officially founded.

Company: Consoci8 Sdn Bhd

A little about the company:

Consoci8 was initially established to help its founders pursue their passion - software
development and technology, at their own pace, and under their own rule. Consoci8's
goals have since evolved into helping the human race, and the whole world at large, to
live better lives - by exploring ideas and development in technology.

Although Consoci8 is still in the midst of developing its own product, which is the social
network marketplace, it is successfully producing other products - through partnerships
with other companies such as MDEC and GreyAttic Sdn Bhd - under its belt. One product
that is currently up is Teddology at - an entrepreneur social
network experiment done in joint partnership with MDEC. Coming soon will be
GreyAttic's social event site, SocialWalk, which will be up at the end of March.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Daniel CerVentus’ Lim

Daniel CerVentus is a seasoned entrepreneur of 10 years and the founder of the largest
entrepreneur community in Malaysia at Prior to that he was
involved with an education tourism company and several internet startups

Besides Earth247 and Malaysia Entrepreneurs, Daniel is head of Marketing of boutique

development house JomCode and co-founder of The UrekaWeekend.

Company: E247 Media Sdn. Bhd.

A little about the company:

Earth247 is in the business of providing a global platform to watch and share news. The
current news world is split between the domination of news organizations, with strong,
centralized editorial control versus the “anything goes” world of user-generated-

We believe the next generation of news should be built around a combination of core
journalistic values of authenticating, balance and adding value to the news, combined
with a high level of user interaction, in terms of supporting user-generated content
(UGC), and Web 2.0 characteristic of commenting and sharing the news.

Thus Earth247’s vision is to be: The global news platform of the digital age, by
integrating journalistic values with power of users to shape and share news.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Michael Teoh Su Lim

Michael Teoh is One of the Seven of Malaysia's Most Outstanding Youth 2008, awarded
by the Asian Youth Ambassadors' (AYA) Dream Malaysia Awards. He is also the first
international student, Asian and Malaysian to have won the SIFE (Students In Free
Enterprise) National Business Cup twice (2007 & 2008), representing New Zealand to
New York and Singapore, scoring an impressive win as one of the Top Business Student
& Team at the SIFE World Cup business competition among 45 countries.

Teoh has led several successful social business projects during his undergraduate years
in New Zealand, which earned him distinguished recognitions for being the only student
invited by Harvard University to attend their Asian Business Conference. Amidst his
business projects, he has also ventured into the world of consultancy abroad where he
won the first New Zealand Deloitte Business Consulting Competition, and was invited by
the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Citigroup to consult
Ocean Park in Hong Kong.

Now back in Malaysia, Michael can be found speaking at youth and entrepreneurship
conferences, where he speaks to undergraduates about being outstanding in society
and becoming remarkable business people and entrepreneurs alike.

Company: & Brand Mercatus Malaysia

A little about the company: was founded as an online journal, sharing Michael's experiences
of becoming a youth entrepreneur and spokesperson for the youth community. The
website is aimed to connect youths to entrepreneurship and business events, while
relating them to the traits of becoming a more remarkable and outstanding youth in
society. Michael sees himself as the 'Bridge' between undergraduates (Youths) and
entrepreneurship, which is why his website was initially set up for him to share his
opinions and journeys.

Currently, Michael is attached to Brand Mercatus Malaysia, a premiere branding agency,

which is now in the production stages of launching a new branding television show
called BRANDED on NTV 7 later this year. He is in-charged of producing the show, under
the guidance of Corporate Celebrity of The Firm and the CEO of the Mercatus Group
Malaysia, Mr. Peter Pek.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

John Goh + Jenna Loh

Ever enthusiastic and energetic, Jenna typifies the new young breed of female
Technopreneurs who are totally dedicated and passionate about their work. Her domain
knowledge of corporate placement and executive search of human capital was clearly
the inspiration behind the inaugural and successful pilot of D'Graduate 2008, the world's
first online reality show with real-life corporate business simulations for undergraduates
at UUM, Kedah.

Hailing from a background of public relations and event management, John is equally
passionate about developing youths to take their "rightful place in society for the
Both Jenna & John are also joined by Mollie in this journey about adding values to
people's lives. MyPath specializes in Career Development Programs and Employment
Readiness Programs for the undergraduates and youth

Eliza Noordin
Eliza Noordin is the Vice President of Teak Capital Sdn. Bhd. Teak Capital is a venture
capital management company based in Malaysia. Teak Capital currently manages Teak
Ventures Sdn. Bhd.’s funds and is also an appointed partner of MAVCAP under its
Outsource Partners Programme (OSP) in July 2008. Its’ investments are focused on five
industry sectors: semiconductors & electronics , software & IT services, networking &
communications, wireless & mobility and high growth technologies. Eliza has a degree in
Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, and prior to Teak Capital, Eliza has worked at
Multimedia University, Microsoft Malaysia and Intel MSC. Apart from her interests in ICT
industry, she is also passionate about Commercialisation of Intellectual Property.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Bob Chua
CEO and Executive Chairman PULSE GROUP PLC

- Responsible for Pulse Group’s overall management and growth.

- Involved in market research for his entire career
- Created strategic ventures – Nielson Online, TNS Interactive,
founding organizations of online market research and outsourcing within the industry
- Bachelor of Business IT, and Marketing (Griffith University,

About Pulse Group PLC

The Pulse Group PLC (Symbol: PGRP) is a first class Research Process Outsourcing (RPO)
company, built exclusively to serve the market intelligence industry globally. Its products
and services include Planet Pulse - an online community of survey respondents
throughout Asia Pacific and Middle East, Online Data Collection, Survey Programming,
Data Processing and Analysis, Professional MR Translations, and Qualitative Research.

Pulse Group PLC is publicly quoted on London’s PLUS market.

Andrew Wong, MiRC

Andrew is the CEO of the MCA ICT Resource Centre (MIRC). Through MIRC, Andrew is
leading the transformation of Malaysia’s SMEs towards the use of information
technology to enhance their businesses. Graduated with a degree in accounting and
MIS, Andrew started his career as an accountant in several companies, mainly in
construction, property development, trading and manufacturing. He soon developed
the expertise in starting up companies and turning around companies within the group
into profitable companies. Following the dotcom era, he ventured on his own, starting
an ICT company in 1997 and was one of the pioneers of Customer Relationship
Management solutions.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Elevator Pitch
The bit about the pitch and teaching people about the importance of selling themselves
both in the meeting room and outside

"An elevator pitch (or elevator speech) is an overview of an idea for a product, service,
or project. The name reflects the fact that an elevator pitch can be delivered in the time
span of an elevator ride (for example, thirty seconds and 100-150 words).

The term is typically used in the context of an entrepreneur pitching an idea to a

venture capitalist or angel investor to receive funding. Venture capitalists often judge
the quality of an idea and team on the basis of the quality of its elevator pitch, and will
ask entrepreneurs for the elevator pitches to quickly weed out bad ideas and weak

A variety of other people, including entrepreneurs, project managers, salespeople,

evangelists, job seekers, and speed daters commonly use elevator pitches to get their
point across quickly."

Core Things to think of towards a successful Elevator Pitch:

1. What’s the idea?

2. What’s the status of the idea or business?
3. What market or markets does the business address and are there any
testimonials or customer feedback?
4. Why do you believe you have the advantage in the marketplace relative to the
market needs?
5. What’s the competition in the marketplace?
6. What’s the revenue model (such as “e-commerce,” or “wholesale”)?
7. Who’s the team that's going to make the business succeed?
8. What’s the longer term vision, the “end-game,” for the business and the
projected return on investment for investors? (some examples are: "the
business will distribute big profits to investors from cash flow by year X", or "the
business will be acquired by another company for $XYZ")
9. What’s the total funding required to execute the business plan?
10. What amount of financing are you seeking initially and what are the terms of

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Once you have an in, its time to close

In most any business, especially start-ups funding and cash flow is paramount and in
most cases directly correlated to the success and subsequent growth of the seed.
InnoTech aims to bridge that gap in some small way by scouring the land for business
opportunities worthy and ready of funding - VC funding.

Through a series of rigorous vetting sessions, up to 14 participants / companies will be

allowed to present their case to a panel of highly qualified judges who will then forward
the best of the lot to proper channels and place the hopefuls closer to their goals and
VC's closer to their promising markets.

* Conducted open Style format where presenters present to a panel of judges and a live
audience and in so doing maximize the exposure and reach of these new start ups.

* Conducted closed Style format where presenters present to a panel of judges in a

closed environment in order to maximize focus of the presenters.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Try-angle Session – `The Causes’

Netbash gives people the opportunity to do the following things

 Learn
 Explore
 Share
 Experience

The focus of the event this time around is web 2.0

The term "Web 2.0" refers to a perceived second generation of web development and
design, that aims to facilitate communication, secure information sharing,
interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 concepts have led
to the development and evolution of web-based communities, hosted services, and
applications; such as social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and

The term was first used by Dale Dougherty and Craig Cline and shortly after became
notable after the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004. Although the term
suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any
technical specifications, but rather to changes in the ways software developers and end-
users utilize the Web. According to Tim O'Reilly:
Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the
Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new

O'Reilly has said that the "2.0" refers to the historical context of web businesses
"coming back" after the 2001 collapse of the dot-com bubble, in addition to the
distinguishing characteristics of the projects that survived the bust or thrived thereafter.

How we will be sharing the idea of web 2.0

By giving the audience something to focus on we believe they will have a reason to
actually try the technologies, what more if the reason is a good one - one that will be
helping their fellow man or woman or even their world - making it a nice place to be in
by just that little bit. For the Penang event we have selected 3 main focal points to rally
the crowd.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

WWF's >Earth Hour

Earth Hour is an initiative started by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) in 2007 in
Sydney, Australia. Last year 50 million people across 35 countries took part in this
movement. This year WWF is targeting 1 billion people worldwide - individuals,
government and corporations alike and WWF-Malaysia is joining the ranks to lead
Malaysians to be part of this global action

“The act of switching non-essential lights is a simple and effortless step that every
person can take that can trigger a huge positive impact against climate change. The
message we are trying to give is that every person, by taking a small action such as
turning off a light, can make a huge difference in the fight against climate change”, said
WWF-Malaysia Executive Director/CEO, Dato' Dr Dionysius Sharma.

“Humanity is not in a position to allow our activities to warm up the planet. Much is at
stake; biodiversity, our loved ones and ourselves. Let's start with an hour and stop only
when we have created hope for planet Earth” Dato' Dr Dionysius

Bottom line, the first step in the grand scheme of global change is a global consorted
effort to make a difference. Earth hour just helps show people they want to make that
consorted effort.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

Elevyn's >Eradication of poverty

Elevyn allows buyers to purchase handmade items directly from the artisans at Fair
Trade prices. Artisans have access to manage their own online stores. Orders are sent
via e-mail or SMS directly to the artisan, who then packs and ships the items to the
buyer. Elevyn provides support as and when required. They can transfer up to 85% of
the selling price back to the artisan. As an additional benefit to the community, 5% of
every sale goes to a fund to support a local Cause. Elevyn is a place to buy and sell hand
– made crafts produced by indigenous, rural and marginalized urban communities, in a
fair trade way.

By connecting to a global audience of socially – conscious buyers, we wanted to provide

an unprecedented transparency of the supply chains, so consumers could make
informed choices, when buying from an artisan. All this is done with the aim to eradicate
poverty and improve the living standards of marginalized communities in a transparent
and environmentally sustainable manner.

How they are doing it and how we can help them meet these goals:

1. In about 100 - 300 words, write a blog post on Elevyn. It can be anything - the
concept, shops, causes, artisans. Make sure to have a link back to
2. Stick an Elevyn banner in that blog post and/or on the side of your blog or

Two winners will be picked based on:

1. The journalistic quality of the blog post.
2. Number of discussions and clicks on your banner.

Contest duration: 23rd March - (12 noon) 6th April 2009

1. A free photography session with acclaimed photographer Anna-Rina (www.anna- worth RM 1,400. Your photos and blog will be featured on the Tongue
in Chic ( website as well as on Elevyn (
2. A complimentary jewellery set from Soning Craft & the Sinompuru Women's
Group. (
3. A fully-sponsored, half-day "Meet the Artisans" trip to Carey Island in Selangor.

4th MSC Malaysia InnoTech
“Ideas Launchpad” Interstate

WCC's > International Women's day

International Women's Day (8 March) is an occasion marked by women's groups around
the world. This date is also commemorated at the United Nations and is designated in
many countries as a national holiday. When women on all continents, often divided by
national boundaries and by ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political
differences, come together to celebrate their Day, they can look back to a tradition that
represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and

International Women's Day is the story of ordinary women as makers of history; it is

rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal
footing with men. In ancient Greece, Lysistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in
order to end war; during the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for "liberty,
equality, fraternity" marched on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.

The idea of an International Women's Day first arose at the turn of the century, which in
the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population
growth and radical ideologies.

WCC is a registered, tax-exempt, non-profit organization set up in 1985 to help women

and children facing crisis, irrespective of race, religion, or social background. Our work is
to provide immediate assistance for women needing crisis intervention, as well as to
undertake programmes to promote gender equality in our society. This year they have
come up with their own flavor to the theme of IDW : The Right to Choose, The Right to
Change, The Right to Celebrate.

What we aim to help them accomplish is in the wake of Penang Celebration of IWD to
resound the key messages and get people to think about what these rights really mean
and how they as individuals can enable these rights to be exercised. Getting people to
put these rights in context of things that their mothers, sisters, wives, girlfriends,
daughters, and grand daughters should be given the freedom to do and they currently
are given the freedom to do.


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