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#include<stdio.h> #include<stlib.h> #include<conio.h> struct node; typedef struct node *ptr; typedef ptr list; typedef ptr position; typedef int data; struct node { data element; struct node *next; } //function prototypes void makeempty(void); int isempty(void); void create(void); position findprevious(data); void delet(data); void display(void); void insert(data, int); position getprevposition(int); data getelement(int); int getposition(data); //global variable declarations position first; position last; position L; int length; //to make empty list void makeempty(void) { position tmp; tmp = malloc(sizeof(list)); tmp->next = NULL; L = tmp; first = last = NULL; } //to check list is empty or not //to make empty list //to check list is empty or not //to create initial set of elements //to find position of previous element //to delete given element //to display all the elements //to insert a new element //to find position of previous element //to find the element at given position //to find position of given element

int isempty(void) { if (L->next = NULL) return 1; else return 0; } //to create initial set of elements void create(void) { data e; int n, i; position tmp; makeempty(); printf(Enter number of element : \ ); scanf(%d, &n); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { printf(Enter an element : ); scanf(%d, &e); tmp = malloc(sizeof(list)); tmp->element = e; tmp->next = NULL; if (L->next == NULL) { L->next = tmp; first = last = tmp; } else { last->next = tmp; last = tmp; } } } //to display all the elements void display() { position t; for(t=first; t!=NULL; t=t->next) printf(%d --> , t->element); getch(); } //to find position of previous element position getprevposition(int index) { position tmp; int count = 1;

if (index>length) { printf(Invalid Position); return NULL; } else { for (tmp=first; count<index-1; tmp=tmp->next) count++; return tmp; } } //to insert a new element void insert(data x, int p) { position pos, tmp; tmp = malloc(sizeof(list)); tmp->element=x; if (p==1) //first position { tmp->next = first; L->next = tmp; first = tmp; length++; } else if (p == length) //last position { last->next = tmp; last = tmp; tmp->next = NULL; } else //arbitrary position { pos = getpreviousposition(p); if (pos == NULL) { printf(Invalid position); getch(); } else { tmp->next = pos->next; pos->next = tmp; length++; } } } //to find position of previous element

position findprevious(data x) { position p; p = L; while (p->next->element!=x && p->next!=NULL) p = p->next; return p; } //to delete given element void delet(data x) { position p, tmp; if (isempty()) { printf(List is empty); getch(); } else { p = findprevious(x); if (p->next = NULL) { printf(Element not found); getch(); } else { if (p->next == last) { free (p->next); p->next = NULL; last = p; length--; return; } if (p == L) { first = first->next; } tmp = p->next; p->next = tmp->next; free(tmp); length--; } } } int menu() {

int ch; printf(1. Create\n2. Display\n3.Insert\n4.Get Element\n5.Get Position\n6. Delete\n7. Exit\n\n Enter your choice : ); scanf(%d, &choice); return choice; } //to find the element at given position data getelement(int pos) { position p; int i; p = L; if (pos > length) return NULL; else { for(i=0; i<pos; i++) p = p->next; return p->element; } } //to find position of given element int getposition(data e) { position p; int i=0; for (p=first; p!=NULL; p=p->next) { if (p->element == e) return i+1; else i++; } return NULL; } void main() { int ch; data n, p; while(1) { clrscr(); ch = menu(); switch (ch) { case 1: create();

break; case 2: display(); break; case 3: printf(Enter an element : ); scanf(%d, &n); printf(Enter Position : ); scanf(%d, &p); insert (n, p); break; case 4: printf(Enter an element : ); scanf(%d, &n); delet (n); break; case 5: printf(Enter position : ); scanf(%d, &p); if (p<1 || p>length) printf(Invalid position); else printf(Element at position %d is %d, p, getelement(p)); getch(); break; case 6: printf(Enter an element : ); scanf(%d, &n); if (getposition(n) == NULL) printf(Element doesnt Exist); else printf(%d exists at position %d, n, getposition(n)); getch(); break; default: printf(Invalid Choice); getch(); } } }

Sample Output:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Create Display Insert Delete Get element Get position Exit

Enter your Choice: 1 Enter number of element: 3 Enter an element: 10 Enter an element: 20 Enter an element: 30 Enter your Choice: 3 Enter element: 25 Enter Position: 3 Enter your Choice: 2 10 --> 20 --> 25 --> 30 Enter your Choice: 6 Enter an element:20 20 exists at position 2 Enter your Choice: 4 Enter an element 30 Enter your Choice: 2 10 --> 20 --> 25 Enter your Choice: 7 More useful programs @

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