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Writing Routine, Positive, Negative, and Persuasive Messages

Making Routine Requests Strategy for Routine Requests Common Examples of Routine Requests

Strategy for Routine Requests State your request up front Pay attention to tone Assume your audience will comply Be specific Explain and Justify Your Request Ask the most important questions first Ask only relevant questions Deal with only one topic per question Request specific action in a courteous close Common Examples of Routine Requests Asking for information and action Asking for recommendations Making claims and requesting adjustments Sending Routine Replies and Positive Messages Strategy for Routine Replies and Positive Messages Common examples of Routine Replies and Positive Messages

Strategy for Routine Replies and Positive Messages Start with the main idea Provide necessary details and explanation End with a courteous close Common Examples of Routine Replies and Positive Messages Answering requests for information and action Granting claims and requests for adjustments Providing recommendations Creating informative messages Answering good news Fostering good will Sending congratulations Sending messages of Appreciation Offering condolences

Developing Negative Messages Choosing the best approach Adapting to your audience Maintaining high standards of ethics and etiquette

Choosing the best approach Using the Direct Approach Effectively Open with a clear statement of the bad news Provide reasons and additional information Close on a positive note Using the Indirect Approach Effectively Open with a Buffer Provide reasons and additional information Continue with a clear statement of the bad news Adapting to your audience Cultural variations Internal versus External Audiences Maintaining high standards of ethics and etiquette Common Examples of Negative Messages Sending negative messages on routine business matters Refusing routine requests Handling bad news about transactions Refusing claims and requests for adjustment Sending Negative Organizational News Communicating under normal circumstances Communicating in a crisis Sending Negative Employment Messages Refusing requests for recommendation letters Rejecting job applications Giving Negative performance reviews: confront the problems right away, plan your message, deliver the message in private, focus on the problem, ask for a commitment from the employee Terminating Employment

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