Getting Started With Calc Manager For HFM Calc Manager For HFM

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Getting Started with Calc Manager for HFM

Chris Barbieri Edgewater Ranzal

About Edgewater Ranzal

One of the Largest Hyperion Practices in the U.S. Oracle / Hyperion Platinum Partner - Highest Status 15 Years 700+ clients 1000+ projects Vertical Expertise with HighProfile Clients from Coast to Coast Sound Project Methodology Insures Project Success One Stop Shop for ALL EPM Implementation needs

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Calc Manager

Intro: What, where, and why would I use it? Object hierarchies

Variables Rule sets Objects

Hung up on naming schemes Deploying, importing, exporting

Why Use Calc Manager?

Code and document better

Flow metaphor better describes the decision process Enforces structured variables Easy re-use of objects

New feature in EPMA apps only added support for Classic apps Very useable

Object Hierarchy

System View:

Primary view when you enter Calc Manager

Choose the product


Once you select a product, you will see the available applications for each

Calculation Type

These are the available HFM rules subroutines

Rule Sets

A rule set is like a playlist Usually have one main set One blank set And one debug set

Add or remove individual rules until you found the culprit Revert to the normal one when ready

per calculation type

Deployment View

View > Deployment View Manage which set will be the deployed one

Only one can be checked All can be unchecked

Manage a Rule Set

Double-click on a set to see the contained rules

Puts you into rule set manager Drag a rule in, or right-click to remove Sequence matters!

And finally Rules!

How do you define a rule?

A logical grouping of conditions, ranges, and formulas that perform a distinct task They wont run if they are not in a deployed set

Rules dont have to be included in a set


Tools > Variables Replacement Execution

Replacement Variables

Type Type less less says Jim the rules guy Heflin Type fewer variables

Replacement Variables


Execution Variables

Definition of the variable is the same for all rules Variable is defined within the rule itself Boolean String Number



Execution Variables

Boolean Variables

True/False responses

Variable Scope

Define the scope for each variable Most are Rule specific Some, like Tax Rates, are application specific (Ruleset)

Variable Groups

Useful for sorting or associating the variables

Numeric Variables

Most often populated at the rule level nData is the most useful, as part of Data Range (HS.OpenDataUnit)

String Variables

Second most popular Useful for storing and managing metadata member names or attributes

Export Rules

Do this before you make changes Select an application name from System View and File > Export

Import Rules

Import the entire collection, including variables, by choosing File > Import Browse for the .XML file

Import Rules, contd

Choose the target application.
Update Location Details This has no connection to the application you highlighted

Click Import

Object Naming

Helpful scheme while looking at various list views RS_ for Rule Set

RS_Blank RS_Calculate RS_Debug RO_number if they are readily sequenced RO_ObviousPurposeInTitleCase

RO_ for Rule Object

Within a rule, provide intuitive Captions for each object

Be Obvious, Not Cryptic

Another Rule Example

Does the graphical flow make sense?

Do you miss script yet?

Create a New Rule

Use long names
HFM supports up to 50 alphanumeric characters for the rule name

And feel sorry for Essbase users

Select the Calculation Type

The Rule Palette

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Condition Formula Data Range Member Range Script Fixed Loop


99% of your rules should have some Most important performance aspect of your application Always ask yourself:

Value dimension member? Which entities? Which period?


Used to populate variables And for most functions

HS.Exp HS.SetDataWithPOV HS.Clear Many more

Populate Rule Scope Variables

HS.Clear Function Syntax

Shared Formulas

Like Windows, shows a little hand on the icon Usage

Check this if you want to change or delete the formula

HS.Exp or Data Range or Member Range?

Do you want to:

Operate easily with all valid intersections at once? Or Evaluate each record that exists, one at a time? Or Look through each metadata member, regardless if there is data or not?

All Intersections at Once

HS.Exp will operate on all valid intersections of the chosen members:

Pull from right to left

HS.Exp Function

Does not appear in graphical

Just set two intersections equal to each other Still a concept of left and right

Pull to the left

Multiple Rows

Series of HS.Exp functions in the same formula Last one in wins!

for the same target intersection

One Record at a Time

HS.OpenDataUnit / @OpenDataUnit

exist, within the current data unit Fetches records that exist including derived data

You are here!

Current record

Current data unit

Can evaluate each field or data value separately

Data Range

HS.OpenDataUnit Blank for a dimension implies all base members with data Fill in a single parent member Use lists Populate a variable for each field

String Functions

Evaluate the account

We only want accounts beginning with 3, but not 32101

Member Range

Rare times when the only option is to cycle through metadata

Regardless if there is data or not Can be time consuming

Spend more time hunting for 25 records out of possible 1,000 intersections

Cannot rely on calc status

37 86

ICP matching report works this way

ICP Entities * Partners * Accounts * C1 * C2 * C3 * C4 = Billions of possible places!

So do Financial Reports and Smart View


Chris Barbieri +1.617.480.6173


Calculation Manager: The New and Improved Application to Create Hyperion Planning Business Rules Monday, 11:15 am, Room 102C Security and Auditing in HFM Tuesday, 4:30pm, 101B Best Practices for Using DRM with EPMA Wednesday, 8:30am, 103A Getting Started with Calc Manager for HFM Wednesday, 8:30am, 101B Advanced Topics in Calc Manager for HFM Wednesday, 9:45am, 101B Maximizing the Value of an EPM Investment with ERPi, FDM & EPMA Wednesday, 11:15am, 101B Taking your FDM application to the next level with Advanced Scripting Friday, 8:30am, 101B IFRS reporting within Hyperion Financial Management Thursday, 10:30am, 101B

Chris Barbieri +1.617.480.6173

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