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NOW, THIS IS VOICE! For the first time in more then ten years, the ‘Technslogical inthute of the Philippines held the Supreme Student Government Elections participated. by all TIP stuconts in the Congregating Area on AUQUSt 8, "Youread gh i prababy he et time nay every toon ie shoal to wanes ofdnay TIP sudan racing Ue ght o he S8G Elections I a yoaty acy whos student ladors trom among the ranks othe Deparment Student Goverment (OSG) wise sont oad events andepresent on, DEMOCRATS ona eagu ol Extordray fopariments. respective compete or S50 ofteersNp. The posts gr sate ave SSG President, nena end Excel Vee Preeont, Cofcreatve Reserve And Trained Students The group composed ‘of Ser Mayorga (62E) Mark Revo (TE, Wiston Nog (Ne) Mary ‘ogo! Sliver (COE), Vien Nevado (Mare) and Daren Simba re The LXS, whose name e derived rom a move of a somewhat ‘te, boosts fam Mona (ECE), Cristopher Sartago (ME! Gv is Che) flu Gea EE) a Nant apee(e2) DeMOcRATs and LYS flog errs Marae and Nome BIRTH OF FACTIONS. "une 2t marae bth cf he fects On 8 moetng sa bythe Office of Students Afar. Department Elections Staged by Angela no M Leonor opaing Area we ited th Student who Hooked thie yoor® voting precincs, the election ined up to lost their choson ciao, ting hem down ape, 7:30 PM, ater every balla Supervised by the Central Secretary, Treasuie, Austr and PRoy Nalog, Robert John M, Miranda, Cayal oy 8 Serer, Paulene Dalit, Dionne Melodi G Pajares, Ray John R Amaro CBE" Senjamin "Tomas. N Mayorga, Mary Abigail F Ann 6. Vicue, Rosemarie € aquindaru, Brandon Gan NarciaeRGchoa, deren Res Kiystine Kay C. Geronimo: COE: Ma. Nonata Lagano, Mantes ‘A Gamona, May Crs U De Vero, Pedro @. Galacan il, Nalvin ‘Agnawa; ECE: Arm’. Mensur, Fedde & Marzo. Avegate M arao, Manta. Dela Paz, Lor Nei; Salamanca, Love F. Ubalde: EE: Jue R. Genera Timothy Joseph 8. Casupang Chemie F. Delin, Ricardo V. Pn, Js Manin dus Cr Reber G. Magna, TE: Mark Angela T. Ro, Darwin P dd ot i ball ont of he preci ‘Sinbjon_ Jonarey D_ Gaga ‘lerome 0, Gumarng, res jae, Michael F. Fernando Mare incon Bijan V Nova Edgard keshan, S.Sung) Feranand T- Esty, Desa P Jeremish C. Magsoys0y, Mortage MEE Chstapher Santago,Jay200 Nolan 6. Oro ‘On August 8, from among these ofeers. select soto totfeers wil be electad for ne Supra’ Seder Gover: 18 ate Congregating Mea, “Te Offers Nag Coane ‘The ocers ware asked who among heres thy think show take ovr the SSG. was Usual done nthe previous Yoors. The time though, more than one interested oficere wanted particular The selecion of pay members care natural. 2s ofcers rom ‘he ergiecting dopomantskiew each ober mate Bian te Non ‘gineerng counterparts. As can be expecta fe fal party Hts tchustely comprised engineering and non-engnesng canadstas [RSSURING VICTORY’ “The campsigh period for both partes Kicked off during the SSECES Ganeral Assembly on Augut 3, where bth prosidemebles ad the chance to brief moos thei rxpective factions Parapemal uch as posters and bookmarks were Stegall isos aroun he compus. A sores oomovoum campaigns furhorheightoned the competion, with DEMOCRATS claiming vantage for tir penetration of the Treshmen and sophomore Sher. KEEPING 17 ORDERLY ‘On June 21, the Cental Commitee on Elections consisting of five sudant representabve fm each deparman nae formed {0 organize, montor and supervise the DSG and SSG Electors. ‘Dung bon aches his group rgsnized campaigns, the Meoting do Avance and the elacons, and supervised ie eallecion {and canvass of bats, Headed by Choirman Francs E- Diz. he Cental Comal payed the mporant roe of assurng henesly end lay among tne candidates and parcpans for al election eated MEETING DE AVANCE “The Metin de vance wae held on August Bat the Congregatng ‘rea. The overt slowed both pats to propery ioauce thet Cancidtes nd mace Importanty, expound on ter objectives and Bator tothe ving pub p> epee Ablidas Tops 1st Sem 2005- 2006 Dean’s List ty Andrew Amal Abe Je note yea: passod and anew sotef achievers os fom among the thousands in T's pola stasets. Passing the 20 GPA (Grace Post ora} mark st semester were 305 stdans ed by Male Fton Wi. Aloe (ECE, 1.38), angle A. Castbal (Mg, 138) and Fomenste G- Boties (ah, 14 ‘Stodenis whore grades reached the 1.50 mark make up the ‘Dean's Uist, whi those whebe GPA passed Outage reach 150, Compose the Resident Scholars To al of you who made it eit ‘Sngralatons Nay youserve ee oxemply models ote student, TIP OFFERS NEW COURSE IN SECONDARY EDUCATION Thenew school year stats Thisatz gives students achance wit TIP offering Bacnelor of Secondary Education Major In to wore sboad because te new course follows a gloDal English, "Mathematics ond eumculam Physical “Sciences.” The launching of this Tour-yeat course opens doors 0 aspring teachers inthe fed of basle program bocauso ote noes repressors wronevs passed Wrconrbure tothe gusty ofthe CET exe nih # ner ei eocaton in Dope n Edoaton SEMINAR IN SERVICE LEARNING CONDUCTED Learning was assembled on ‘uly 21 at TIP-Ge's Seminar Room A. All non Personnel were to Stend the event tht aime 12 teach service learning In. an Seademe seting and ncreane fon-teaching ‘Joesén, demonstrated ways on preparing confection beverages and sandwiches that Epfania Tabeda, Dean of he CCotege of Eaucation,ascusses Giving end practices on Eambinng both “The atondons ofthe ata Mrs. docelya Laron, interactively Assistant tothe Hood of HR. lactures Th frganized the event. National withthe UnivrsayPresgent' wie es TIP VOICE STAFF SEARCH 2005 The HE Voie launched is vr frst Rocruttent Boo nent ot the Dean’ Offos on June 2829 la sje woo get the stunt Interest ning ts pubeston sand Rove thers eg fr the ‘peoming cusligng exam on Jae 20 any ‘On June 26 the IP Voice posted the Feedom Wall whore students expressed Ue ideas tweugh wring. Fem 290 5:0 PM, Students wore sents chance {Doo cress Sseggestions in wweting. On th feelings about Tip we trough drawing Out of ‘opleans ine otoo ‘2pplcants underwont a witenexaninaton an ses oNTews byte TIP Vows eri board and adver "tha rem TIP Vase transes fr the acho! yest 2005-2008 are Lowe Baloro, Mary Angele Salut, Allan filonas, Remiee deta ‘Graz Ruby Anta Pare. and Harty Resurecion, for news wits. nie Teodor, Aaron Catal and Mak osaph Cantos Iwere hee 2s traiees fx sao, pholograpnes one layout ars yNews ~ JUNE - AUGUST 2005 P VOICE FIRST INTER-ORG MEMBERSHIP DRIVE launches by the Oice of Student Afar, spearheaded Dy Mi, Veronica C. Afonso This approach badge between uP" students ‘xganizatons, and at me sme time gave students the fon to. choose. which ‘rgenizaton they wish ou “he three-day af Select Your, ‘uo ofieadorshipis eamed and thfecive way to build 2 stoady workforce ts by encoy from bot pains. he resi took the stage, laid out th Plame, snd wed Yo win votes Forte now day ooctons “The League ot Esrociaty ‘Students platform focused on reviewing and amonding he S56 Cneitaen Tho party lo plans tovereate a. Consultative Stent concoms and proposs, ‘7o%p's platormconsets tp of various extra-curiclar AND THE VOTES WENT IN August ne Congregating roa wa filed wih tension af re ame gfoup by group t antbertatintet especie departments” precinct. Ten seve a3 dcoverng ound or new CUSA athietes. LXS fog ‘onginates rom ter capably To Sunt andthe admniseaton shoreomingeandovercome'her Brace, constating of two Wats plan to oorporata ers fws eo. Suge of eager students games inthe ner Departmental Sporfest to. booat student Dartipaton and inte process ‘thor hand, reseed that the Huling Hibla-n Nepakag Sieg Shida fag ad iia ve ara NEWS 3] ‘Mawsoonnsone Heomenames wip Ii ABae everN t Buewmosieooe 2 TH VEKEERVEDLOISG Te Heowosmoacens te 20 ot | ezine ‘is oeaeacne a economies ter 20 1m | cueten ter | rmeotnes ts prawentosuer tet 20 ie | mourn mm urcounen S ‘orvosors fe im 15 |S Sean ie wre vesaecwmaucck 1G ieaeermmovas Mt Em ts: | 8 Saleen Si sowwes.ovw Hemunrmecsonc = EE 1 | torerceton nn cect IB BESNA CAC resco. = in 154 | incre ‘By sown eeavcerrewwi events RZ 1a | tesrencowncane Bi tsogeamenn iimewsranosston, Ge Zip 1m | toseuoucastnac fbutiawon deren Seroamanwannen Gh Zip 13 | forsee Bs sence Soguamesoumrerast Aim 2b 1 | eter bane ireaeogenne Suemoncemae Mt Em 18 | Somsooonmocuct Biamaieine 1) [pen pag to | m senzmaua’ asnacorone 133 ate tet | a aeaouomr i | Hostvesea saree. ‘& | Now, This. | deere ig | iseseearer | Saaeeer it | Bere | EER 188 | 6:30 PM. Canvassing on bogun at7 PM 186 | The long process of qusltyng collected bates (cast ballots must Dear volers 12 | senate and thuntmar, counting, and 18 | fang of cotectod votes fr 1 [THE MOMENT OF TRUTH aL Frat teste ofewced cers was ctectangpeparatone ng epg 8 | ting for he final els every candidate $8 | hood for the TIP stonuy 08 tw ogin 5: | sven the prege to wots and enooae the | boowte whe wil fad ther i he stooge 1% | feathove soi! andimerpersonawelnoas AQGG°ghe "gab RA °RRGASGARREGSRA" ORE AE" # 12 | mommogwes Biptatre cen 2 | wt epg lgeoarh o 085 1m | teesemonmor Biowenawmares he _eirevimscs tothe ¥sire'906 1m | Hremosaneio Bealomas ts | oieent Un | eFsessa nec oeu ‘Beran aroun 1% | Supreme Student Governmont 06 RAPEREE Bi & | Beet ps : 3 | amenene inmate, ? | aa 2 aes, Sato 1S || Wintnhlos | Un | Me nowooecanere dommoursuaye pa is lf Carlo Dias us | wewoezoauros 13 TECHN DONO. wes te Abigael Saldivar | tis | Newaaicweey ore oromaara n | Mincent Nevaao | S| ieee, seems ie arin Simajon | 2 | keaeees gosmuen’” 2, 12 | An Interview With The 17s | io nmcanennes 250 VERIO Pre: 1 | irene ror tn | Srowouroen tm | about ten years. where. ordinary Students aewally hed the chance 10 Poriipate. Why is that? A [Po Benayocigo: thnk tetas lacion Un | Sstisen terse Harlot 13t |1995: Nung meeting kasi 2 OSA wih 1 | eumueccomse Ho ane roproeon 181 | epresentatves fom the DEG, we were 18 | aha ang si gut magi ng pose 138 | eecion nad tobe staged AaB EA RABE OE BARR RORRSER SERRE REDE RARAERRCRRR™ "RO EREE A *MORAREREERETRARRERR ARERR AT PREG RRRERRARORIBROGR SERS RIOT ARRAS ER EA" AARARA APE RESSPERAEREEERAE EER ORAS ESR ERER™™ © AP“ RRGR BREGARAEE"ORRORRERMERERRAM ORE, @ 2 | SS mn BERR B/E Ss aun tte | Seetieeer cea 3 | ccm toa te ere a RBSRRRURE, | FB [tony cure rn 1m | mawcouesva oe i 1e Dia you point out that there iB | araenouaine = 18 |was » sivsidn of cupatmens curing g|ameuet S| Bee 1B Se me oie Pe eee iS | estas Sora wee um | moscewninewncca ces | rnMaNTU ONLINE, Sue | comtamaeppatearttetebomad wallet slismer= if | Boma : ne

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