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THE INSIDES Dato, Marciano: Beating the Odds 9 === Tocoot®Sion Tilt agg Stabe zag Tom Ley, Sang Globalization where rapid Province, China Eng, Rie Marciano belongs to Batch 2004 farnod hee beanee afer passing the May 2008 ‘Chemical Engineering Licensure Exam. Ase fom being @ Dean's Lister shes also afd wih benty ‘ating her tse Chemical Engnesring 2002, Eng. Hariao is working as Research and Teehology Development abrsary Anat Ging 99 Corus Department Days Round Up! ied cit on ne ep Persea The Pain of Letting Go page 3 Is There Winning to our Struggle: The Philippine | Singéee o>, a Crises ment a ati Haled we, The company Eampanies namely the Orga ogo Co, Lit ond Ginga is NecAan Go, Usd The company's posable sowtaes 10 ou rant ses foray ore be indesondent icelste ae| eal nike, DS ‘The program proper begun Gente eetrnncra tere by Engr Jemuel C, Castilo, Assistant Quality Assurence Manager. Atrwards, Me Fenoyn Belen, Hood Guanes and Counseling Ofice raroauoes Engr. Severino Pader, Vice Pravdent for Admnistaton for Engr, Pader sed tat one + of a student leader's [obs is 0 ‘rprizaton ‘Atta i he Ky to Successful ucaesstl te,” he The upcoming sso and. 086 their respective Introduced forthe charging nd ve wil work nly leaders but page 7| ‘58 Castomar Sains Stat of ingen Ij Next Art Co, Lid trough her Imprassiva peiomance ‘ato were the oly two chosen ‘Son ao mony applicants rom |] vious somois They vowed To {o tak est in perarming the {oaks two assigned tem ‘Geng TP students new serge ot Beda ger soce ot Te “The placement of Engr. Coordination Otce beaded by Engr. Alesie ton. servant ofthe students said the omy ploctee SSC Prosidont, Benjamin Mayoraigo, in nis Inurl address “The program concluded wun ne closing veers rom (ot Businese Ecueaton Byte gig of he MP ir. Morte Ganzon and Me. LoyateJoy Cervatas seeds Nostere of Ceremony for the program Shaping the Minds of ‘Today's Leaders cominar was spearheaded by September 21 at Seminar Room A twas paricpated by Siferentreprecertatives fom 386, academic and mic organizations, Fraternities and sorontes PACUCOA FORMAL VISIT Bie eI ne Philippine Association ot Colleges and ‘Commission on (PACUCON) has rocently conducted 3 ermal three-day "Level Visit of the Computer Industrial Meenaniest and Marine ‘Strong, Pains Reveared Kudos tothe sects programs (the converence ofboth stents and inrtors. in agaon fo th. te ete eaearch Joumal was now on fs second volume, The fequrement of teas ‘masts degree in thor Feld fr the professors and tucrs were implomonted Those wore ht 8 fow ofthe stg points brought 8p for the competion of our Serestaton "ne. Viet Concluded On the last cay, a closing smeaing between the 2ecedtors Sonvened to wrap up tho viel “Theoverallepmraton Ps ever nas a0 sae Egy Lares Sac. She added thatthe featon why hoy shoul dony us the aczrectation of Level | teacnng personel who abares for his endeavor The reat of the momentous avent will be Sp dansary 2006, Guide: ICT Road Sho nowleage in stucents trom all year level cy. They Thepatipants were vent ‘new bonito. compute sotar Tallsuyo ‘Bautste, Rosario Santos. Gay Information Communications Faehe (CT) ex symp ums ana web desfan compativon a the PE Mal fem October 48. Trends Exhibit ring. the -thraeeday Exhibitors They dacuseed aan agen te ayfalpen aint washelsatthe ee by, PO Buyer's PE Malt hat inclsed vations 4 ‘Gado like diglar and web he Eveht Concluded | ea few models of The inwesiday sath Eompute's and mp3 players hela at the PE Hall. he ‘rnbltors hanes ut some hres to the viewers 13° to neve 9,more detailed ea out tha roduc, The PC Buyer's Gulde aso gave away (oe 24am oe OF he P= uace hr ehaperation wie Siopon tom Ne TE Seperment nao ues Tuan indhad nowt ‘On th Bacon competion tg al Stadente” | erdat Knowledge in" des! ‘website was conducted was. pen to all intorestea ITE L voice Ayala Young Leaders Congress: Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders AYLC yaa Young Leaders ofthe representatives from the ‘congress) ses off gan tisyeat paritipaiing"schosls, neve fnsouchforcustndng students Gren esomeortgmsing he to be a part of their 8 AYLC AYL.G on September 22005 st Gelegaton. Students chosen by ‘valving exome and. oseay SrtonThose to wpa he ‘ayala Corporation epreseratves {Or tal nora to determine ‘iho al frat, bo 9 pat of the Ayala Corporation, Makat iy. Ths wl be thaw sta grad sever te ay "AVL i an aeroiaton tat brings together 70 except Student leaders trom diferent Unverates ond colages a over the “Ayala Young. Leaders tne county. hs main goal 1 Congress train the ftir leaders with 9 “The chosen students from Gommninert to seve the natn cour schoo ogee wih he est, iam dope CISCOLYMPICS QUIZ BEE 2005 “he ntgated Computer Crgarastion (ICON) orparized a qu boo frail COE CISCO students on September 19 atthe CISCO. ory cn CISCO ae inn up ya COE sheer tana CAN. With he Repo he CISCO nseucers, the wo day acy proves to be enerainag ane educations mination reurds fo the fer eatogies (CISCO 1-4) wer hd on September 19, For each catagory, 15 students advance tothe Thre stunts por catgary wore awarded forthe frst. second Uinta places. They wore Jet Soreda, Chvisiopher Sosa snd (Crstope Rolan for CISCO Joe Singh Roxanne slog and My (edo Vos fo CISCO 2 Nevin Bonet Laon layer Don 398 ‘Aken Lugno for CISCO 4. Mat Dane Andes, Haze! Saul and tll Felsi tor CISCO “hase winners wl convene as one group to represent ou schoo Inthe coming tar Calegte CISCO qu boe The venus on date of ta event wl be srvoutved on alte ole, >oLowhe alone ea i bd rm ht {ous apt man ne wo “rae, pase cme >> CONTI som ge ‘Aflorso, Head of 89 OSA. twas followed win an Inspirational tak fom Sister Mary Assumpis pl Lim, RGS.of Our Lagy of Iacilous Medal Chapel” An Ms. Rene E. Bolon and Ms. Cher! Espa of the Guidonce "Cultural Aare Office Served a8 the resource speaker of the, jerhip. visioning and ning, managing money, Stockholders analysis ond werting efective propesals. In on now to nave 2 governance and provided "the negotiation and really of he patcpans. "regoluten and transformational Mr Leany! Clarence O. leadership. The resource Torres, Director, AMls and speaker amply Wed to inepire voice Department Days Round Up‘ (MEAE Day in Full Swing ‘Amidst te heavy downpour, the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering departments celebrate ther day mith 2 bang on September 18 atthe Congregaing Aes, The theme ‘MENE: Two of the bes united to Je even beta” proved te fr those tw programs ‘ss they omened as one to mole he event s sucess. Incongpie tho past ME doe, ys wih ful acon bots afmesetal garnes Faurcompatng ears the Anke Bresers Se TE Coors oft IE depormert and ME Berens and Kamae tthe ME deportront ved fer be clampionship ie. The Kamikaze tea stole fe thundar trom te tar tae tea or having payed ‘Say fo he top for tee ganee na tom nonstop Neanwnle TE (eaters paces thi 3s awept ts game soars! te Are Breakers ‘The ME lems never gave up but pafomed well enough fo sette as second bast Anacingly, Jesus Marie Lucas, 2 gaduaing ME oy faq Behe nse the ateroon poor. The booming voke of ‘Kay, a e ane heard tom ihe Y progr, made he ‘owt ook around to ae fh’ the rea ing, His oie contre 6 ‘sho around tbe ern whim gong ot nections forte plot (ames. These games such as pass the message” in down mode Sint engrorng word anaurm test te tligence, stan and ‘oordnaton of he sgert an tacher parcpart. Later onthe ‘rogram Kiya’ rvesleg heat as an WE student and even dated the audtnce ware with he rnditon of Bamboo's Hablh, ‘the congregating ares in the evening of the cokyaton. had been a showcase of alan Difleentands namo ‘outs's Gand, Fier Fat, BreakFree and Enropy composed of nd ME stunts promos pores of musi uth 6 rok eats fd pop." uneg the cen, some ster gts tote tne of ‘Feat Boy Pur to the ejoment of he sulece, However as He ‘venng deoperod, things stares to beak apa. “ho clabation ay hve ended but oe thing i fer sue ond lasing he ME and IE sian, tachers sed department staf aie overdo ae on ep he uneven more mac amongst them: Rados OME and TE depart eis une b EE Day: Beating the Vibe ‘The Electrica! Engineering Day tthe TP Conaregating Area fon Sept 9 with te theme, “Erpomoring Moral Values and SeltDieiine Thru Spore” The thetic skills and. promote ooperaon among EE students ‘teugh sports compatiion. “The assorted wth the Mogovots teams. An exhibition ‘tices and the GE facut ‘ster af the games ended ge aarng ceny wis el ‘inners in diferent activins Botore ine celebration. Engr Babio Acun, EE faculty merber gave te opening remarks. Megovoks team emerged es the champion i botketbal fatowes ‘Mey grabbed the 1 and 2" places respectively. EE aculy fmenbote wore seo awarded 3¢ ‘hoy beat the DSG ofc n an ‘ersion. a intermission number ftom the Talents Guild was Presented earning. thom Spplause and cheers from the Heed) OSA, concluded the Awarding eeromony with her ‘osingvemarke congratulating ‘heEE-0SG fers fe alot well ‘done, Perior gomes paripates in by students. nd. some tniven the event. EE Day ended with 8 losing speech trom Me ‘ulus General, Presiden tthe EeDsG Pinoy Ako, Pinoy Tayo... September 30. seamed like 2 idle birthday bash wih al those colortal Banners and Balloons which filed the ‘congregsting area, The students ‘nore ferent colors af shirts Singing contests bth duet forthe Secarding 12 their year (evel, female catogory. The” year ans ‘green, yellow, the, and ink 3-year students ware not lft Shine which reprasented hair behind aa they on the singing Yarra) Aedingthefur was the conaetor mais csegory andthe Exchytureet Pry ig Brothers dance group competion. theme song that was payed fespecvey nthe “presentation Soveral mes teredy mace thet CoE talents cE students danced everytime The ayendod tthe CoE they beard the sang nigh where students wore gon ‘Tho celebration started Shulteedomtanavetunike ey with the epening of exhibit never did ‘wherein Engr Joseph Gattung "The CoE day was a roa Gslvered his spening remarks knock cut. Ever ha fun the find br ma. Cansuse VPore teachers, the department chai Save he inspirational message. snd especialy the Coz stents Nis: Veron alfonso and Br. Celebration Heo this is expectod Flora at te avon to formally once more take place. open the exhibit where the Congratulations. 10. all the Scents presentes thei hard- persons behind the successil Inbored projects, Boe ay. momar dope ECE Day United ‘The EGE = DSG io eaoperation wih the Sacity of Bearones and Communicalons Engraering Studs (SECES)spearteadod INCEGE doy cderater on Septonn 22 he Congeaating he Ceparimant tothe ene TIP community ‘compete inaon among sider and sro The celebration keke a tha qu bee focesed on electones. ‘0 commoreatons Powerhouse team Aer Mensur, Phop Joa ‘There wore several inter year level competitions that Challenged th ont pee year level. The 5” year students dominated the competions by ‘rang te formal ashen show, "Ngvl and tes np emerped a= tho frst piacere Chrcaldo CCelocis, John Wesiey Cristo Sornered the second spot and Beroore. Geran, ‘Alexa. Ray Bblidae grabbed tie place Fao games and specie Fotlewos to pack tho day wi laughs and make # pec By noon. an awarding ceremony was.” held to ‘csrowiadge the cokrbasions of fhe ECE-DSG officers for the eophies handed by Engr Nendila wore also given auto Teague _end_to_ Insitute of Eleeronics end Communcation Engineers of the Phippines (IECEP) ares "A. 300, wobal and tee: pont shootout mates bebweon Inetrectore wore. held) Engr Free thai won hin the ‘wore shootout terre wth TECEP playerNetSalomarca and Eng Henge wan had oe becouse of hs shotng proms Inthe evening, students rockod when various stugent bands permed atmatve hic tr se eance party ert thepegrm Da sue powrg he Ss toona ios TEATRO DISCO! ‘here succosta debut at yer, Lambie on Teno i back ‘wan a program set win a 70 Theme. The program opened with 3 dance number bythe founing Imambers snd te CENTE® teh 'A compaon showcased mmambere nnd were grouped in {0 four Each group performed & Song number a modern dance nda irterprtaive dance. “Tho panel of jusgos wa composed afte folowing Mr Clarence Leonvi Torres, oorenator or Ants and Cull ‘Ais. Eng eso Pont Il, the Founder of LENTE, Mrs Department Mr. Oscar Gabriel fra tre, Antonietta dela Crue, Bot fom PE. Dupariment and Mr Mol Sonera. 2 guest judge io has exer patmig rte inet "Alor the presaniation, Mr “Tomes eso the award fo the sninners, The bes interpretative remaining tiles namely: best modern dane, song number and theover-al winner wore awarded toe tat bate >sLovke Balen

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