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Repblica de Moambique Governo do Distrito de Bilene Escola Secundaria John Issa Guia de Correco Lngua Inglesa Ass.

________________________ ______________________________ Data: _____/__________________/_____ _____/_____________________/______ 2012 1



TERM Read the text and choose the best alternative






A dedicated military man and socialist revolutionary, Samora Moises Machel (1933-1986) presided over the independence of Mozambique from Portugal in 1975 and became its first president. Samora Moises Machel was born on September 29, 1933, in Chilembene village in the District of Gaza in the south of Mozambique. Like the great majority of Mozambicans of his generation, he grew up in an agricultural village and attended mission elementary school. Machel completed the fourth class--the prerequisite certificate for any higher education. Most youngsters aspired to complete elementary school and perhaps learn a skill, but most found it difficult. Machel's hopes for higher education were frustrated by Catholic missionaries who refused to grant him a scholarship. Without financial assistance it was difficult for most Africans to pay school fees, room, and board. Many families needed the income earned by all family members just to survive. Machel hoped to train as a nurse--one of the few professions which had been open to blacks, albeit on a subordinate basis, since the early 20th century. Unable to secure the fees to complete formal training at the Miguel Bombarda Hospital in Lourenco Marques (today Maputo), he got a job working as an aide in the hospital and earned enough to continue his education at night school. He worked at the hospital until he left the country to join the nationalist struggle... His family worked unprofitable and arduous cotton plots to comply with the colonial government's cotton cultivation scheme, and they lost loved ones to work accidents and illness resulting from the unsafe and unhealthy work conditions prevailing in the mines, farms, and construction companies which employed thousands of Mozambicans. As an educated black working in the capital city in the heyday of colonialism, Machel faced the arrogance and racism despised by black workers throughout the country . 1.According to the text, Chilembene is a . A. City in the centre of Maputo B. Country in Southern Africa C. Former capital city of Gaza D. Village in the south of Mozambique . 2.This text was written. A. after Samora Machels death B. before Machels death C. When he was being trained as a nurse D. when he was fighting against Portuguese

Understand meaning, restate data in one's own words, interpret the logical meaning of the text

0.56x3 6=20.0

1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D

regime. 3.What was the first Machels Profession for the welfare of the nation ? A. Grazing B. militarism C. nursing D. secretariat 4. Most of the youngsters during colonization. A. Hindered financial crisis to pay school fees, room and board B. Their education was taken easily C. were donated money to study wherever needed D. were granted scholarships . 5. Samora Machel after his nursing training he worked as. A. Doctor B. nurse C. paramedic D. adjutant 6. Samora Machel as an educated black working in the capital city in the heyday of the colonialism faced the arrogance and racism .This means A. As an educated black was being deeply respected B. Samora and others were praised by their race C. Black Africans were considered very special and beloved people D. Discriminated or abused towards members of another race. 7. Samora Machel during the war against Portuguese colonizers, was. A. President of Frelimo and instructor at Frelimo's Kongwa military training camp B. instructor in military training and later became secretary of defense and then commander-in-chief of the army C. Still working as an aide in Miguel Bombarda Hospital D. being trained in Dar es salaam 8. He goes to school,________? A.Is he B. Does he C. Isnt he D .Doesnt he 9. They can read texts written in English,_______? A. Arent they B. Dont they C. cant they D. They cant. 10. We shall go to UK next summer holiday,_______? A. Shant we B. wont we C. Dont we D. Shall we 11. Ann went to Maputo yesterday,_________ A. Isnt she B. Doesnt she C. Didnt she D. wasnt she 12. A person who hasnt many friends is an __________ person A. Friendly B. Friend man C.

6.D 7.B

8.D 9.C 10.A 11.C

Use or apply knowledge, put theory into practice, use

12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.C 20.C 21.B

Friendship D. Unfriendly 13.When Mr. Manjate was driving in the morning he hit a pole, so he is _______driver. A. Careful B. Carefully C. careless D. Good driver 14. Mr. Nhantumbo is________ than you. A.famous B. The most famous C. More famous D. Famously 15.Charles is _________of two brothers. A.The fattest B. the fatter C.fat D. very fat 16.Have you ever heard news about Anibalzinho? No, not_____! A.never B. Still C. Yet D. ever 17.Samora Machel became the ____________ president after independence A. Unrecognized B. undistinguished C. unknown D. first 18.When Malangatana was detained_______ the nationalistic guerrilla A. joined B. Have joined C. had joined D. will have joined 19.When I arrived at the cinema, the film _____ A.started B. have started C. Had started D. have been started 20.If they told their father, he ____very angry. A. will be B. were C. Would be D. would have been 21.If the midfielder ____the ball more exactly , our team would have had more chances to attack A. Had been passed B. had passed C. would have passed D. will pass 22.Their motivation ________if they had kicked their opponents. A. Will improve B. would improve C. had improved D. would have improved. 23.Its so loud here. Can you _____the radio a little A.Turn off B. Turn on C. Turn out D. Turn down

knowledge in response to real circumstances .

22.D 23.D 24.C 25.A

Use or apply knowledge, put theory into practice, use knowledge in response to real

26.A 27.D 28.B 29.C 30.A 31.C 32.A-4

24.Its dark inside. Can you _____the light ,please? A.switch away B. Put off C. switch on in 25. I dont know where my book is . I have to _____it A.look for B. Look by C .Look at Look on 26. The police dont know the cause ____the accident A. of B. in C. the at 27. Theres been a rise _____ the number of accidents A. the B. at C. at in

D. put

circumstances .

32.B-1 32.C-5 32.D-2 32.E-3

D. D. D.

28. It has ____snowing a lot this week. B. been C. was D. being 29. Rick ____been studying hard this semester A. S B. ve C. s D. 30. You ____close the door open A. had better B. have better C. need D. have 31. If you go to live in the UK, you _______on the left. A.ll have to get used to drive B. Used to drive C. ll have to get used to driving .D d have had to get used to 32. Match the set of sentences A. Theres a policeman me B. This is the nurse wallet C. Theres the letter house D. The police arrested the man speeding ticket E. Theres a photography yesterday 1.who looked after 2.who stole my 3.which show my new 4.who gave me the 5. Which I received

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