Victorian Era

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Victorian Era

The Victorian era corresponds with the reign of Queen Victoria in England from 1837 to 1901. The period is beloved for its attention to high morals, modesty and proper decorum, as inspired by the Queen and her husband, Prince Albert. he Victorian era was also an optimistic time in which scientific and industrial invention thrived. 1 The social classes of England were newly reforming, and fomenting. There was a churning upheaval of the old hierarchical order, and the middle classes were steadily growing. Added to that, the upper classes' composition was changing from simply hereditary aristocracy to a combination of nobility and an emerging wealthy commercial class. 2 The Victorian era of the United Kingdom was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from June 1837 until her death on the 22nd of January 1901. 3 I was quick to point out that Queen Victoria, whose name the adjective "Victorian" comes from, obviously, was only the queen of England. Therefore, there could not have possibly been a Victorian France. asked her to please address the time period as "turn-of-the-century" when talking about other countries. 4 Period Jewelry is jewelry that has recognizable characteristics from a specific design period. The jewelry from the Victorian Era has many identifying themes and styles. ore information follows below). 5 Interior decoration and interior design of the Victorian era are noted for orderliness and ornamentation. A house from this period was idealistically neatly divided in rooms, with public and private space carefully separated. The Parlor was the most important room in a home and was the showcase for the homeowners; where guests were entertained. 6 The Victorian era followed the Civil War by about ten years and began at the very end of Reconstruction. The Civil War was a time of awareness and change in American culture. Americans died during the war out of a population of 31 million. 7 The Victorian era is unsurpassed with its beauty, elegance and old world charm. People today try to duplicate that feeling of warmth and merriment of that bygone era with Victorian Christmas decor. 8 The Victorian era was an era of massive industrialization; England was the first industrial society, and a good deal of that transformation took place in the Victorian era. The way people lived changed dramatically over the course of their lifetimes--calling into question the possibility of a single "right" point of view. 9 The Victorian era, defined as the length of Queen Victoria's reign from 1837 to 1901, was a period of history offering unprecedented scientific discoveries and global exploration. 10 Evangelicalism in the Victorian Era:This page from Victorian Web, a comprehensive web resource on Victorian society, provides a number of links to information about the

Evangelical Movement in Victorian England and its effects on Victorian society, religious thought, and the Church of England. 11 Since the Victorian era is understood as a period of time. It is legitimate, but I would say late19th-century for more complete accuracy. 12 A number of the most skilled and prolific theological writers in English literature emerged from the Victorian Era.These theologians include John Henry Newman, John Keble, and Edward Bouverie Pusey.All three were prominent leaders of the Oxford Movement, which emphasized the roots of the Church of England in Roman Catholicism. 13 In the Victorian era, the infant mortality rate was much higher than it is today. Poor nutrition, infections, and illness were just some of the reasons for the high mortality rate in infants. Furthermore, the life expectancy of a person living in the Victorian era was also much lower than today. 14

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