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Recruitment and Selection Process

of iLACS Technologies 1-Introduction to Recruitment & Selection Process

1.1. Introduction to Recruitment:
Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, selecting, and on boarding a qualified person for a job. At the strategic level it may involve the development of an employer brand which includes an 'employee offering'. The stages of the recruitment process include job analysis and developing a person specification; the sourcing of candidates by networking, advertising, or other search methods; matching candidates to job requirements and screening individuals using testing (skills or personality assessment); assessment of candidates' motivations and their fit with organizational requirements by interviewing and other assessment techniques. The recruitment process also includes the making and finalizing of job offers and the induction and on boarding of new employees. Depending on the size and culture of the organization recruitment may be undertaken in-house by managers, human resource generalists and / or recruitment specialists. Alternatively parts of all of the process might be undertaken by either public sector employment agencies, or commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies. The recruitment process varies from company to company, and most of the recruitment process in a company has the following steps they are as follows a) Job analysis b) Sourcing c) Screening and selection d) Lateral hiring e) On boarding

a) Job Analysis: The starting point to a recruitment effort is to perform a job analysis and/or in some cases a task analysis, to document the actual or intended requirements of the job. From these the relevant information is captured in such documents as job descriptions and job specifications. Often a company will already have job descriptions that represent a historical collection of tasks performed. Where already drawn up, these documents need to be reviewed or updated to reflect present day requirements. Prior to initiating the recruitment stages a person specification should be finalized to provide the recruiters commissioned with the requirements and objectives of the project.

b) Sourcing: Sourcing is the use of one or more strategies to attract or identify candidates to fill job vacancies. It may involve internal and/or external advertising, using appropriate media, such as local or national newspapers, specialist recruitment media, professional publications, window advertisements, job centers, or in a variety of ways via the internet. Alternatively, employers may use recruitment consultancies to find otherwise scarce candidates who may be content in their current positions and are not actively looking to move companies may be proactively identified. This initial research for so-called passive candidates, also called name generation, results in contact information of potential candidates who can then be contacted discreetly to be screened and approached. c) Screening and selection: Suitability for a job is typically assessed by or looking job for related

relevant skills, knowledge, aptitude, qualifications and


experience. These can be determined via: screening rsums (also known as CVs); job applications; interviews. More proactive identification methods include performance assessments, psychological, aptitude, numeracy and literacy testing. Many recruiters and agencies use applicant to perform the filtering process, along with software tools for psychometric testing and performance based assessment. Performance based

assessment is a process to find out if job applicants can perform the responsibilities for which they are applying. In many countries, employers are legally mandated to ensure their screening and selection processes meet equal opportunity and ethical standards. In addition to the above selection assessment criteria, employers are likely to recognize the value of candidates who also have the so-called 'soft skills', such as interpersonal or team leadership and have the ability to reinforce the company brand through their behavior in front of customers and suppliers. Multinational organizations and those that recruit from a range of nationalities are also concerned candidates will fit into the prevailing company 'culture'. d) Lateral hiring: "Lateral hiring" refers to a form of recruiting; the term is used with two different, almost opposite meanings. In one meaning, the hiring organization targets employees of another, similar organization, possibly luring them with a better salary and the promise of better career opportunities. An example is the recruiting of a partner of a law firm by another law firm. The new lateral hire then has specific applicable expertise and can make a running start in the new job. In some professional branches such lateral hiring was traditionally frowned upon, but the practice has become increasingly more common. An employee's contract may have a clause preventing such lateral hiring. In another meaning, a lateral hire is a newly hired employee who has no prior specific applicable expertise for the new job, and for whom this job move is a radical change of career. An example is the recruiting of a university professor to become chairman of the board of a company.

e) On Boarding: "On boarding" is a term which describes the process of helping new employees become productive members of an organization. A well-planned introduction helps new employees become fully operational quickly and is often integrated with a new company and environment. On boarding is included in the recruitment process for retention purposes. Many companies have

on boarding campaigns in hopes to retain top talent that is new to the company; campaigns may last anywhere from 1 week to 6 months.

1.2. Introduction to Selection Process

The selection process is based on the following parameters in the organization. When there is opening in an organization, organization look for people, as per the process, as per the department and they schedule their interview accordingly which makes them know about the job vacancy, job opening and help the candidates in performing so the HR basically deals with this process and completes all the necessary details of the process of selection of the candidates as per the process and methods. They apply certain principles for selection of the candidates and give the position to the candidates as per their requirement, qualification; eligibility, experience and necessary positions and they specify the specific job to specific employee so they can perform better. Selection process is not that easier to perform because this task requires lot of skills as per the level of screening the students. This is a very challenging and a difficult task or a job to select and reject the candidates in the interview process because it requires no heart in the field and only requires the interviewer to think from their mind and apply the tools and necessary strategies for making this concept clear. This process helps the company in filling the suitable employees with suitable positions to perform the task and duties in the organization. Selection is not same as recruitment because it talks about choosing the best and the right candidate for the position, for the vacancy and for the organization. It requires the candidate should possess skills, abilities, knowledge, eligibility, qualification and many more.

2. Company Overview
2.1. Introduction:
iLacs Technologies prime role is to assist the client to identify needs, develop an action plan and facilitate change to enhance the success of your organization. Our management, human resource, and training services are designed to improve productivity, efficiency, and communication and employee morale. iLacs Technologies specializes in helping clients quickly within defined turn-around time to costeffectively meet their hiring needs for various levels across all management disciplines & across industries with quality professionals on a permanent as well as contract basis.

2.2. Development:
At iLacs, we offer high quality IT Services on Time & Material basis. We integrate Technology, processes and experience to deliver superior IT Solution that enables the implementation of your business strategies efficiently and cost-effectively. Also our offshore development program allows you to offload either all or a portion of the project development to iLacs's team of experts. The following are the services offered by the company and are as follows. a. Enterprise Application Development b. E-Procurement & Supply Chain Management c. E-Commerce & E-Business Design and Development d. Interactive Web-Site and Animation

e. Data Modeling, Mining and Warehousing f. Offshore Database Admin Services

g. Offshore Application Maintenance and Support h. Offshore Development Centers (ODC) The iLacs company consists of the business verticals which are most necessary for the continuous growth of the organization the following explains the business verticals and they are as follows a. Financial Services and Brokerage b. Retail and wholesale c. Healthcare

d. Corporate Investment and Retail Banking e. Telecommunication and ISPs f. Real Estate g. This Staffing: Short-term projects are order of the day; Organizations are focused more and more on their core activities; honor roll plays an important role in measuring business effectiveness; certain businesses see peaks and troughs in their activities and look for flexibility in their manpower plan to match with the cyclical demand pattern. We enable organizations in all these situations by our permanent staffing solutions. iLacs provides permanent staff across a range of skill-sets across many locations in the country for a variety of industry sectors. We manage the entire HR process right from recruitment and selection, on-boarding, payroll, compliance, offboarding and training till providing you detailed management reports. Our strengths: iLacs Technologies specializes in helping clients quickly within defined turn-around time to cost-effectively meet their hiring needs for various levels across all management disciplines & across industries with quality professionals on a permanent as well as contract basis. Our consultants and associates use in-house proprietary database with customised recruitment technology solutions to pair the deserving candidates with matching client requirements. We make sure that our consultants speak with candidates before sending their short-listed profiles to respective clients. Hence, our clients benefit from dealing with consultants who have detailed knowledge of the profession and the marketplace. Training: We have the capability to deliver effective training through our huge resource pool of trainers and consultants with vast hands on industry experience. After extensive interaction found a big gap in technology transfer between industries and educational institutions. Our mission is to act as a catalyst and transfer the industry needs to educational institution and make the emerging professionals to equip themselves to gear up so the challenges awaiting for them. In one sentence, we are wanted to Bridge the gap between the industry and education institution.

A highly trained, focused, dedicated and competent workforce. Services provided by experts in diverse Domains Strategic, analytical capability, the intellectual curiosity to understand different domains. The patience to do the necessary homework. Capability to understand talents and motivation of individuals being reviewed. Honesty in providing necessary information about candidates Ability to define problems, challenges of the client and analyzing the candidate fit for the same.For the benefit of students/ working professionals wanting to upgrade their skill sets, we are conducting the following training programs Corporate Training Internship Training Professional Training Project Training Career Training Real Time Training Industrial Training And also we cover the different technologies which are useful for the careers of students/working professionals.
Microsoft Technologies - VB. Net, C#. NetSun Microsystems - Java, J2EE Database Management System - SQL SERVER 2008, ORACLE 12g, MY SQL Testing PHP Android Development Embedded Systems

4.1 Sources of Recruitment SOURCES OF MANAGERIAL RECRUITMENT INTERNAL SOURCES EXTERNAL SOURCES 1) Promotion 1) Campus recruitment 2) Transfers 2) Press advertisement 3) Internal notification 3) Management consultancy service (Advertisement) & private employment exchanges 4) Retirement 4) Deputation of personnel or transfer from one enterprise to another 5) Recall 5) Management training schemes 6) Former employees 6) Walk-ins, write-ins, talk-ins 7) Miscellaneous external sources The sources of recruitment can be broadly categorized into internal and external sourcesInternal Recruitment Internal recruitment seeks applicants for positions from within the company. The various internal sources include Promotions and Transfers Promotion is an effective means using job posting and personnel records. Job posting requires notifying vacant positions by posting notices, circulating publications or announcing at staff meetings and inviting employees to apply. Personnel records help discover employees who are doing jobs below their educational qualifications or skill levels. Promotions has many advantages like it is good public relations, builds morale, encourages competent individuals who are ambitious, improves the probability of good selection since information on the individuals performance is readily available, is cheaper than going outside to recruit, those chosen internally are familiar with the organization thus reducing the orientation time and energy and also acts as a training device for developing middle-level and top-level managers. However, promotions restrict the field of selection preventing fresh blood & ideas from entering the organization. It also leads to inbreeding in the organization. Transfers are also important in providing employees with a broad-based view of the organization, necessary for future promotions.RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 14 Employee referralsEmployees can develop good prospects for their families and friends by acquainting them with the advantages of a job with the company, furnishing them with introduction and encouraging them to apply. This is a very effective means as many qualified people can be reached at a very low cost to the company. The other advantages are that the employees would bring only those referrals that they feel would be able to fit in the organization based on their own experience. The organization can be assured of the reliability and the character of the

referrals. In this way, the organization can also fulfill social obligations and create goodwill. Former EmployeesThese include retired employees who are willing to work on a part-time basis, individuals who left work and are willing to come back for higher compensations. Even retrenched employees are taken up once again. The advantage here is that the people are already known to the organization and there is no need to find out their past performance and character. Also, there is no need of an orientation programme for them, since they are familiar with the organization. Dependents of deceased employeesUsually, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies, his / her spouse or son or daughter is recruited in their place. This is usually an effective way to fulfill social obligation and create goodwill. Recalls: When management faces a problem, which can be solved only by a manager who has proceeded on long leave, it may de decided to recall that persons after the problem is solved, his leave may be extended. Retirements: At times, management may not find suitable candidates in place of the one who had retired, after meritorious service. Under the circumstances, management may decide to call retired managers with new extension. Internal notification (advertisement): Sometimes, management issues an internal notification for the benefit of existing employees. Most employees know from their own experience about the requirement of the job and what sort of person the company is looking for. Often employees have friends or acquaintances who meet these requirements. Suitable persons are appointed at the vacant posts.RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 15 (II) External Recruitment External recruitment seeks applicants for positions from sources outside the company. They have outnumbered the internal methods. The various external sources include Professional or Trade Associations :Many associations provide placement service to its members. It consists of compiling job seekers lists and providing access to members during regional or national conventions. Also, the publications of these associations carry classified advertisements from employers interested in recruiting their members. These are particularly useful for attracting highly educated, experienced or skilled personnel. Also, the recruiters can zero on in specific job seekers, especially for hard-to-fill technical posts. Advertisements :It is a popular method of seeking recruits, as many recruiters prefer advertisements

because of their wide reach. Want ads describe the job benefits, identify the employer and tell those interested how to apply. Newspaper is the most common medium but for highly specialized recruits, advertisements may be placed in professional or business journals. Advertisements must contain proper information like the job content, working conditions, location of job, compensation including fringe benefits, job specifications, growth aspects, etc. The advertisement has to sell the idea that the company and job are perfect for the candidate. Recruitment advertisements can also serve as corporate advertisements to build company image. It also cost effective. Employment Exchanges:Employment Exchanges have been set up all over the country in deference to the provision of the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959. The Act applies to all industrial establishments having 25 workers or more each. The Act requires all the industrial establishments to notify the vacancies before they are filled. The major functions of the exchanges are to increase the pool of possible applicants and to do the preliminary screening. Thus, employment exchanges act as a link between the employers and the prospective employees. These offices are particularly useful to in recruiting blue-collar, white collar and technical workers. Campus Recruitments:Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institutes are fertile ground for recruiters, particularly the institutes. Campus Recruitment is going global with companies like HLL, Citibank, HCL-HP, ANZ Grindlays, L&T, Motorola and Reliance looking for global markets. Some companies recruit a given number of candidates from these institutes every year. Campus recruitment is so much sought after that each college; university department or institute will have a placement officer to handle recruitment functions. However, it is often an expensive process, even if recruiting process produces job offers and acceptances eventually. A majority leave the organization within the first five years of their employment. Yet, it is a major source of recruitment for prestigious companies.RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 16 Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins The most common and least expensive approach for candidates is direct applications, in which job seekers submit unsolicited application letters or resumes. Direct applications can also provide a pool of potential employees to meet future needs. From employees viewpoint, walk-ins are preferable as they are free from the hassles associated with other methods of recruitment. While direct applications are particularly effective in filling entrylevel and unskilled vacancies, some organizations compile pools of potential employees from direct applications for skilled positions. Write-ins are those who send written enquiries. These jobseekers are asked to complete application forms for further processing. Talk-ins involves the job aspirants meeting the recruiter (on an appropriated date) for detailed talks. No application is

required to be submitted to the recruiter. Contractors:They are used to recruit casual workers. The names of the workers are not entered in the company records and, to this extent; difficulties experienced in maintaining permanent workers are avoided. Consultants:They are in the profession for recruiting and selecting managerial and executive personnel. They are useful as they have nationwide contacts and lend professionalism to the hiring process. They also keep prospective employer and employee anonymous. However, the cost can be a deterrent factor. Head Hunters:They are useful in specialized and skilled candidate working in a particular company. An agent is sent to represent the recruiting company and offer is made to the candidate. This is a useful source when both the companies involved are in the same field, and the employee is reluctant to take the offer since he fears, that his company is testing his loyalty. Radio, Television and Internet:Radio and television are used to reach certain types of job applicants such as skilled workers. Radio and television are used but sparingly, and that too, by government departments only. Companies in the private sector are hesitant to use the media because of high costs and also because they fear that such advertising will make the companies look desperate and damage their conservative image. However, there is nothing inherently desperate about using radio and television. It depends upon what is said and how it is delivered. Internet is becoming a popular option for recruitment today. There are specialized sites like Also, websites of companies have a separate section wherein; aspirants can submit their resumes and applications. This provides a wider reach.RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 17 Competitors:This method is popularly known as poaching or raiding which involves identifying the right people in rival companies, offering them better terms and luring them away. For instance, several executives of HMT left to join Titan Watch Company. There are legal and ethical issues involved in raiding rival firms for potential candidates. From the legal point of view, an employee is expected to join a new organization only after obtaining a no objection certificate from his/ her present employer. Violating this requirement shall bind the employee to pay a few months salary to his/ her present employer as a punishment. However, there are many ethical issues attached to it. Mergers and Acquisitions:When organizations combine, they have a pool of employees, out of whom some may not be necessary any longer. As a result, the new organization has, in effect, a pool of

qualified job applicants. As a result, new jobs may be created. Both new and old jobs may be readily staffed by drawing the best-qualified applicants from this employee pool. This method facilitates the immediate implementation of an organizations strategic plan. It enables a n organization to pursue a business plan, However, the need to displace employees and to integrate a large number of them rather quickly into a new organization means that the personnel-planning and selection process becomes critical more than ever. Evaluation of External Recruitment: External sources of recruitment have both merits and demerits. The merits areThe organization will have the benefit of new skills, new talents and new experiences, if people are hired from external sources. The management will be able to fulfill reservation requirements in favour of the disadvantaged sections of the society. Scope for resentment, heartburn and jealousy can be avoided by recruiting from outside. The demerits areBetter motivation and increased morale associated with promoting own employees re lost to the organization. External recruitment is costly. If recruitment and selection processes are not properly carried out, chances of right candidates being rejected and wrong applicants being selected occur. High training time is associated with external recruitment. 98% of organizational success depends upon efficient employee selectionRECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 18 5.1 60-Second Guide to Hiring the Right People 0:60 Define the Duties: To find promising employees, you must first determine what you want them to do. Carefully consider all direct and associated responsibilities and incorporate them into a written job description. Be careful with general titles such as typist or sales clerk, as they have different meanings to different people. 0:49 and What it Takes to do Them: Fulfilling these responsibilities will require some level of skill and experience, even if it is an entry-level position. Be reasonable about your expectations. Setting the bar too high may limit your available talent pool; setting it too low risks a flood of applications from those unqualified for the job. 0:37 Make it Worth their While: Likewise, you dont want to be overly generous or restrictive a bout compensation. State and local chambers of commerce, employment bureaus and professional associations can help you determine appropriate wages and benefits. Scanning descriptions of comparable jobs in the classified ads and other employment publications will also provide clues about prevailing wage

rates. 0:38 Spread the Word: How you advertise your job opening depends on who you want to attract. Some positions are as easy to promote as posting a help wanted sign in your store window or placing an ad in your local newspaper. For jobs requiring more specialized skills, consider targeted channels such as trade magazines, on-line job banks and employment agencies (though these may require a fee). And dont overlook sources such as friends, neighbors, suppliers customers and present employees. 0:25 Talk it Over: Because you have clearly defined the role and requirements, you should have little difficulty identifying candidates for interviews. Make sure you schedule them when you have ample time to review the resume, prepare your questions and give the candidate your undivided attention. After the interview, jot down any impressions or key points while theyre still fresh in your mind. This will be a valuable reference when its time to make a decision. 0:12 Follow-up on Interviews: You want to believe your candidates are being honest, but never assume. Contact references to make sure youre getting the facts or to clear up any uncertainties. Professional background checks are a wise investment for highly sensitive positions, or those that involve handling substantial amounts of money and valuables. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION 19 0:03 Youve Found Them; Now Keep Them: Now that youve hired ideal employees, make sure they stay with you by providing training and professional development opportunities. The small business experts at SCORE can help you craft human resource policies and incentive plans that will ensure your company remains the small business employer of choice.


Every task is undertaken with an objective. Without any objective a task is rendered meaningless. The main objectives for undertaking this project are:

To understand the internal Recruitment process at ILACS company To identify areas where there can be scope for improvement To give suitable recommendation to streamline the hiring process


The art of choosing men is not nearly so difficult as the art of enabling those one has chosen to attain their full worth. Recruitment is the process by which organizations locate and attract individuals to fill job vacancies. Most organizations have a continuing need to recruit new employees to replace those who leave or are promoted in order to acquire new skills and promote organizational growth. Recruitment follows HR planning and goes hand in hand with selection process by which organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates. With successful recruiting to create a sizeable pool of candidates, even the most accurate selection system is of little use Recruiting begins when a vacancy occurs and the recruiter receives authorization to fill it. The next step is careful examination of the job and enumeration of skills, abilities and experience needed to perform the job successfully. Other steps follow: Creating an applicant pool using internal or external methods Evaluate candidates via selection Convince the candidate And finally make an offer Scope: To define the process and flow of activities while recruiting, selecting and appointing personnel on the permanent rolls of an organization. Authorization: S.No. 1 2 Authorized Signatory Head- Human resource Managing director

Amendments and deviations:

Any amendments to and deviations from this policy can only be authorized by the Head-human Resources and the Managing Director. Exclusions: The policy does not cover the detailed formalities involved after the candidate joins the organization. ACTIVITY FLOW The organization philosophy should be kept in mind while formulating the recruitment procedure. The HR department would set the recruitment norms for the organization. However, the onus of effective implementation and compliance with the process rests with the heads of the respective functions and departments who are involved in the recruitment and selection process. The process is aimed at defining the series of activities that needs to be performed by different persons involved in the process of recruitment, the checks and control measures to be adopted and information that has to be captured. Recruitment and Selection is conducted by: HR & Branch Manager Functional Head RECRUITMENT PLANNING Recruitment planning on the basis of budget A. The manpower planning process for the year would commence with the companys budgeting activity. The respective Functional heads would submit the manpower requirements of their respective functions/ departments to the board of Directors as part of the annual business plan after detailed discussion with the head of human Resource

Function along with detailed notes in support of the projected numbers assumptions regarding the direct and indirect salary costs for each position. B. A copy of the duly approved manpower plan would be forwarded by the HR department for their further actions during the course of the year. The annual budget would specify the manpower requirement of the entire organization, at different levels, in various functions/departments, at different geographical locations and the timing of the individual requirements. It would also specify the requirement budget, which is the cost allotted towards the recruitment of the budgeted staff and the replacement of the existing employees. The manpower plan would also clearly indicate the exact time at which the incumbent should be on board in such a way that the Regional HR has adequate notice for the time lapses involved in sourcing any other activities. C. The Regional HRs would undertake the planning activity and necessary preparations in advance of the anticipated requirements, as monthly and quarterly activities on the basis of the approved budget, estimated separations and replacements therefore. D. The vacancies sought to be filled or being filled shall always be within the approved annual manpower budget and no recruitment process shall be initiated without the formal concurrence of the Head of the Regional HR under any circumstance. Head of the Regional HR shall also have the responsibility to monitor the appointments being considered at any point of time with specific respect to the duly approved manpower budgets. Review of Manpower Plans and Additional Manpower A. Review of manpower budgets shall take place on a quarterly basis. In the event of any new position or any deviations to the original plans, details of the positions maybe forwarded to the VP-HR along with the adequate supporting information. The recommendations would normally require a formal approval of the Managing Director. Alternately, VP-HR may record the summary of his discussion with the Managing Director and the MDs approval on the recommendations, to signify the final decision taken regarding the recommendations.

SOURCING OF SUITABLE CANDIDATES Selection of Sources Regional HR would tap various sources/channels for getting the right candidate. Depending on the nature of the position/grade, volumes of recruitment and any other relevant factors, the Regional HR would use any one multiple sources such as: Existing database (active application data bank); Employee referral as per any company scheme that may be approved from time to time; Advertisement in the internet/newspapers/magazines/companys sites/job sites or any other media; Placement Agencies (particularly for positions of Managers and above); Headhunting firms particularly for senior positions, specialist positions and critical positions; Direct recruitment from campuses/academic institutes; Job websites and Any other appropriate sources. The norms for using any of the sources are not water tight. Number of positions, criticality of positions and the urgency of the positions, confidentiality requirements, relative efficacy and cost considerations would play a role in the choice of the appropriate sourcing mechanism. ADVERTISEMENTS All recruitment advertisements (in any form and any medium) shall always conform to the KLI compliance norms and would not be released by any department or branch without the

approval of the VP-HR. depending on the specifics of each position for which recruitment advertisements are to be released, Regional HR may obtain assistance from the companys marketing department and/or any external advertising agencies for the preparation of the contents. Key features of the positions as notified by the Functional Heads would normally form a part of the advertisement text. The media for releasing advertisement would depend on the level of the position being considered and the urgency of the requirements. The advertisement mode that could be broadly specified as newspapers (local or mainline depending on requirements), internet sites and business magazines. Placement Agencies/Headhunting Agencies Depending upon the vacancies, fresher fitting different description listed above may be recruited from time to time, from academic institutes of appropriate

standards/reputation/grade, in the requisite numbers and at the compensation/stipend amounts to be formally approved of the VP-HR. Plans for such recruitment need specific special approval of VP-HR. norms regarding the identification of the appropriate institutes, constitution of the selection panels, timings of the recruitment, number of candidates to be recruited into different positions, choice of the appropriate selection process and the tools thereof shall be decided by the Head of the Regional HR in consultation with the VP-HR, depending on the specific features of the position. Screening the candidates First level screening The Candidates would be screened by the HR Manager/Branch Manager for the respective locations. Screening would be on the basis of the profile of the candidate and the departmental requirements. This assessment will be with respect to:

a. The general profile of the candidate, b. Personality fit of the candidate into the profile, c. Aptitude/attitude of the candidate, d. Motives of the person to join the company and whether focus is in the short term or is a long term player, e. Basic skill level on our set of requirements, say numerically ability, networking ability, etc f. Establish the annual guaranteed cash compensation of the individual and check whether the person would fit into the system. g. Explain the role of Sales manager to the applicant and check the acceptance of the candidate for the same. In case of need, the Regional HR may take a Tele interview of the candidate for further assessment process.

Second Level Screening Aptitude Test If the first assessment is positive, the candidates will give the aptitude test, once such test is selected approved by the company. The scoring, interpretation and the generation of interview probes from that test will also be done at this time. People who qualify the minimum criteria on this test will be put up on to the Functional Head (VPs in case of HO) for functional assessment and suitability into the role. Tied Agency Sales Manager candidates short listed by the BM have will then take sales Aptitude test, once such a test is finalized. For the final selection, the regional Manager (Business Heads for HO) will meet the candidates short listed by the branch manager/VP. The chart specifying the Minimum approval level for each level of recruitment is specified below:


Branch Manager/Chief Manager

Area Manager/AVP/VP

Business Heads

Managing Director


No Yes Yes Yes

No No Yes Yes

No No No Yes

General Norms regarding interview Process: A. Interviews should consider the entire data provided by the candidate either through the formal CV or otherwise before coming to a conclusion about the candidate. They may insist on seeing the proof of the claims made by the candidate regarding qualifications, experience and other achievements. They may, at their discretion, decide to meet the candidate on more than one occasion or to refer the candidate to another panel. B. Ratings on various attributes of the candidates shall be recorded in the interview evaluation sheet, soon after the interview is over. Along with these numerical ratings, qualitative observations about the candidate and overall decision regarding selection or otherwise (including a decision to defer the induction, referral to another panel, considering for another position) shall be forwarded to the associated Recruitment Manager/ Head of Regional HR. Individual panel members have the option of appending their additional remarks/observations. No selection will be treated as final unless the IES form is filled comprehensively. Suitably appropriate IES formats may be created for specific positions. C. Any discrepancies noticed by the panel members regarding the authenticity of the data provided by the candidate should be specifically and formally recorded on the IES form and suitably high lightened. D. Specific points to be probed during the reference check process, if any, must also be clearly recorded and high lightened on the IES forms.

Administrative Actions Regarding Interviews A. Scheduling and the venue of the interviews would be handled by the recruitment team in consultation with the short listed candidate and the selection panel members, after taking mutual convenience into account. For field positions, respective branch/regional heads would undertake this co-ordination. B. After the final round, if the candidate is selected, the complete set of papers Personal Data Form, CV, job requisition no., Interview evaluation sheet ,reference check details, educational details, along with the interviewers recommendations and Reference check form should be forwarded by the recruitment managers to recruitment head. Fitment of the candidate into a grade and compensation fitment shall be on the assumption of authenticity of the information provided in the CV/application form. C. An appropriate formal communication shall be sent to the candidate whose candidature is not being taken forward, or details of the verbal/telephonic communications provided to the candidate shall be recorded on the candidates papers, by the recruitment team/associated line managers. In the case of interviews taking place at the branch/regional levels, similar noting should be recorded on the individual candidates papers. Negotiations of the terms and conditions and other pre-appointment formalities A. In the case of sales-Tied Agency functions, the branch managers will be allowed to fix the salary and grade of the incoming sales manager, provided the compensation does not exceed 20% of the candidates current cash salary. Any fitment beyond this norms will need the approval of Head-HR. HR will forward a worksheet to support the BMs to evaluate the appropriate cash CTC of the incumbent. For all other functions, the compensation and grade would be fixed post a discussion between the Head of the Regional HR and the associated AVP/VP. Any candidate being offered a CTC of more than 4lacs will need the sign off from HEAD-HR. In appropriate cases, at the discretion of the VP-HR, a deviation may be referred to the Managing Director, for the MDs formal approval.

B. Responsibility for negotiations and finalization of the terms shall rest with the best Branch Manager/Associated Manager. They may seek the assistance of the recruitment managers, whenever required. Reference checks process should not normally be initiated unless the candidate has indicated his firm acceptance of the offer being made by us. Reference checks A. Normal, reference checks should be undertaken with at least one reference. A second reference check will be done if considered necessary. Responsible officials from the former employers, academic institutes and/or any other eminent personalities can be considered as appropriate references. Close relatives and friends cannot be considered as references. Wherever feasible and considered appropriate, a reference should be made with a senior official of the candidates current employer. In case the candidate is currently un-employed, reference should be made with the latest employer. The format of reference check is to be used as a framework for conducting the process. B. Where the minimum two reference checks are not possible (particularly with the current employer) or where there is a mixed response from different sources, the matter may be to the VP-HR for a final decision. Depending on the seniority and any other considerations about the positions, VP-HR would normally consult the functional head concerned, before coming to conclusions. Any candidate whose credentials are doubtful shall not be recruited. C. In case of recruitment of Management trainees, fresher and life advisors as sales Managers no reference checks will be required. Employment offer letter A. When a recruitment Manager is fully satisfied about the selection of the right candidate and about completion of all the formalities connected with the appointment of candidate including requisite documentation, satisfactory reference check reports and medical fitness, he/she would forward the relevant papers listed below to the head of recruitment.

Personal Data form Employee requisition form duly filled by the regional Head/Branch Manager Interview evaluation sheet filled by the regional head/Branch manager/interviewer with his/her comments. Latest and updated resume of the candidate Photocopy of the appointment letter of the last employer or latest salary slip. Employment details. Two Professional references. Language Proficiency. B. Document check list for every grade is as follows: Authorization Release Form. Background check Form. Highest Education certificate. Highest Education marksheet. 1 Month Salary Slip of Current Employer. 1 Month Salary Slip of Last Employer. Relieving Letter of last Employment. Proof of Residence. 2 Passport Size Photograph.

C. Regional HR manager will take the signature of Head-HR on the employee requisition form and forward the papers to the employee service team for issuance of the offer letter. D. Employee services team will issue offer letter, to be signed by the National Recruitment Manager or Chief Manager-HR, and send the same to the concerned Branch Manager/ HR Manager. E. It would be the responsibility of the Branch Manager/HR Manager to ensure that the accepted copy of the offer letter is forwarded to the employee service team within a week of receipt of the offer letter. Till this letter is issued, the offer has not taken place in formal sense. A copy of the offer letter shall be duly signed and returned to the candidate. Candidate would be expected to fulfill various joining formalities, which are also formally communicated to him/her in the form of a checklist that is attached to the letter of offer. The Regional HR head shall have the overall responsibility and accountability to maintain the templates of the offer letters and also for drafting of suitable non-standard terms to any specific candidate. F. The employee service team will follow up Branch Manager/Regional HR Manager for the joining of the candidate and will collect all relevant documents from the candidate including the joining report, before issuing the appointment letter. The employee service team may enlist the help of the Branch Manager to ensure that all necessary documents within ten days o the person joining. After the all necessary documents, the employee service team will send the appointment letter to the new joiner. G. Once the documentation is complete for the new joiner (including the accepted appointment letter), people who may have joined before 20th of the month but have not been included in the payroll for the month because of delay in receipt of papers will be given ad-hoc salary advance (up to maximum of 65% of the prorated salary). This advance will be adjusted once the person gets included in the subsequent months payroll. H. If the person does not submit the relieving letter from the previous organization, where required to be submitted as per the table given above, within three months of joining, the

employee service manager can put their salary on hold till such time as the said documents are received. Key tasks of Regional HR Head Regional HR Head will have the authority and responsibility to administer/implement the recruitment and selection process as outlined. An illustrative list of the key deliverables of these incumbents is listed below. Ensuring inductions as per quality, numbers, time and cost consideration of the company in accordance with the approved manpower budget. Creation of appropriate sourcing mechanism along with tracking the performance of these mechanisms. Creation of quarterly and monthly recruitment plans Effective coordination with external parties such as candidates, placement agencies, consultants, academic/professional institutes and any other including the custody of the formal agreements , tracking timely payments and adjusted thereto Creation of comprehensive and appropriate tools, linkages, documents, templates and any other mechanisms to ensure smooth execution of the process requirement, along with timely improvements thereto Assistance to user department and line managers including in interviewing/selection support, scheduling etc. Effective internal communication with user departments and line managers including making the standard recruitment formats and other templates easily available to such users and notifying the modifications to such formats and templates. Creation and maintenance of qualitative information base regarding candidates, placement agencies, campuses, institutes, and any other employment-market information.

Creation and maintenance of appropriate and high-quality MIS for current and future needs of the organization, including publication/circulation of appropriate reports there from to the relevant users within the company. Monitoring recruitment costs Complete documentation for the entire recruitment and selection process for easy and quick retrieval in a readily auditable format Timely and effective communication with all internal and external parties including the candidates Tracking the progress of the selected candidates including resignation, extensions of probation periods/training period, etc for the purpose of improvement to recruitment and selection process. Effective coordination with the post recruitment arm of the Human Resource function Documentation and creating MIS regarding waiver, deviation, etc and identifying the key areas for improvement in the formal recruitment and selection process document. SWOT Analysis of ILacs techologiess Recruitment Process

Strengths Brand equity of Kotak Mahindra Bank. Rigorous Pre-Hiring assessment tests to understand aptitude and personality of candidates. Proper reference checks to ensure that only bonafide candidates are appointed. Adequate number of channel partners to generate footfalls for each location. Footfall MIS being maintained at each branch locally by Admin.

Weaknesses Pre assessment tests are costly. Conversion of footfalls is low. Lengthy pre-offer formalities. Huge employee turnover.

Opportunities Campus recruitments have huge potential

Threats Increasing number of private players in

for fulfilling manpower requirements cost This sector creates ample choices, frequent effectively. Tie up with recruitment agencies on and easy mobility for employees. Same channel partners are handling all

supplying fixed number of footfalls week This companies. This leads to same pool of on week. Develop exclusive contract with channel partners to meet the candidates being circulated to all partners. Increasing spill over as a candidate has

manpower more than one offer at the time of making a job shift. As the This industry is small, senior level candidates hesitate to meet HR of other

requirements. Make blue form brief and to the point.

Reduce turn around time of making an companies for the fear of grapevine. offer.

RECOMMENDATIONS & SUGGESTIONS Compress the "white space" in your hiring process. White Spaces are delays in hiring process that are unproductive, waste time, and virtually assure you'll lose talented candidates. Often the longest delays occur between critical selection events. For example, a recruiter may need several weeks to screen a few hundred resumes from the Web job boards, or candidates who make it through screening may wait weeks to interview with a hiring manager. Here at ILacs techologies, the delays occur when the outstation candidates are called for interviews at Regional branches like Delhi and Mumbai. Sometimes, because of busy schedule of senior managers and sometimes because of tight schedule of candidate, the interview has to be postponed. This delay could be minimized by scheduling interviews in the regional locations. It is recommended to reduce the turnaround time for the recruitment and selection process. It must be made mandatory for the candidates to take the test, filling up forms etc within the stipulated time, this will make sure that the candidates do not hold casual attitude and take the recruitment process more seriously. Additionally it can send across a positive image about the company. White space in recruitment can be compressed by the use of IT also. Technology (such as automated or Web-based tracking) is ideal for eliminating unnecessary steps and reducing delays. Tie up with more & more consultants from multiple segments Since the limited placement agencies are sourcing candidates to all This companies, there often comes the problem of duplication of data. Therefore it is recommended that more and more consultants should be tied up from multiple segments to attract large pool of new and fresh

talent. Know what you're looking for in candidates It is observed that the candidates sourced by placement agencies and send for further rounds of interviews are rarely found suitable by the hiring managers. Therefore, in case there is need to utilize the service of a placement agency, then it is recommended that these placement agencies be given a well drafted job description and job specification. This can also be circulated to internal employees under the employee referral scheme. This will help people to get a clearer picture and provide for most suitable candidates. Thus making efficient utilization of the existing resources. Reduce the pre offer formalities Pre-offer documentation includes filling of a lengthy Blue form which includes all personal, educational and professional details of candidate. This is very time consuming and even after taking these details from candidate its not sure that offer will be made or not. This also becomes frustrating for the candidate sometimes. So, it is recommended that unnecessary details should not be asked before we make the final offer to the candidate. Blue form should be made consise. One size doesnt fits all An effort must be made to study local condition, education levels. Since applying common test for all candidates across entire country can overshadow a candidates capabilities. This factor must be given importance since Indian society is divided on various parameters such as education, language, infrastructure etc. A test with high level of English and complicated sentence structure can be a hurdle in areas where language itself is barrier. An option is to have different tests for different regions. Blend technology into every aspect of your recruiting and hiring process. Web-based technology lets you increase hiring speed and quality while reducing costs. Currently, job boards constitute the biggest use of the Web, offering access to thousands of

resumes within hours. But the Web can also be a powerful tool for screening and qualifying that flood of resumes. Companies have begun to use the Web to collect and instantly match data on candidate skills, motivations, and experiences against job criteria. Other uses of Web-based technology include online interviewing, candidate assessment and testing, applicant selfscheduling, and tracking. Work the Web wisely and you save time for recruiters and hiring managers and nab top candidates before your competitors can. It is recommended that apart from the person-job fit, method must be devised to check for person-organization fit. A person-organization helps to assess how well a candidate is suited the organization. Whether the attitude he/she carries will promote both organizational as well personal goals. This takes a great importance especially when attrition is high. It will help the organization to retain its employees for a longer period of time and less burden on recruitment staff. Build and manage your candidate pool as a precious resource: A "candidate pool" is a group of individuals who have shown interest in working for your company and are qualified for and ready to fill certain positions. Rather than undertaking the time-consuming process of filling one job at a time, you draw on the candidate pool and fill jobs as they become available. How do you keep a pool active? Some companies send their newsletters to pool candidates, give them product coupons, and keep in touch through e-mail. Pool management is not easy in a tight labor market --good candidates often go elsewhere. But many organizations, especially those with a reputation as a great place to work, are able to fill positions quickly using the pool concept. Create winning impression even on those who are not selected Its very important to create a favorable impression of your organization on all those who come for interview. Those who are not selected in the first round of personal interview should also carry this impression that they have missed the opportunity to work in a great company. For this, there must a proper coordination of the interview of the candidate and greater degree of professionalism. A candidate when invited for a interview must be attended as soon as possible and should be made to wait for hours together. Interviews conducted on a scheduled time leave a

good impression on the candidate. Even if he is not selected, a good impression about the will make him recommend the name to his people. CONCLUSION This is confronted with high attrition rate. Therefore it makes recruitment a critical function in the organization. In order to grow and sustain in the competitive environment it is important for an organization to continuously develop and bring out innovations in all it activities. It is only when organization is recognized for its quality that it can build a stability with its customers. Thus an organization must be able to stand out in the crowd. The first step in this direction is to ensure competitive people come in the organization. Therefore recruitment in this regard becomes an important function. The organization must constantly improvise in its recruitment process so that it is able to attract best in the industry in order to serve the best. Thus the organization must look out for methods that can enable it to adopt best recruitment practices. LEARNINGS Every endeavor undertaken to accomplish challenging goals, can only be successful under the experienced and encouraging guidance. I am privileged to have undergone training at iLacs technologies. As learning never stops, my learning at iLacs has come from a lot of exposure, on the job training and close interaction with the corporate. In brief my learning and achievements can be summarized as follows Understanding of person and profile fit. Convince people about the job profile and to sell the job to the prospective candidate; Following up with the candidates during the entire selection process; Learned to convince candidates about the offer rolled out and making them accept the offer through effective communication; Learning about salary fitments. Communicating with the corporate;

Performance appraisals, its various types, implications and significance; Handling queries received from various quarters; Managing HR department in the absence of HR manager; Reply to official mails; Prioritize issues according to their importance; Field work exposure to tap candidates that further strengthened the learning.

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