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Wolcott ENC 3331 Note to ENC 3331 students: this is a very structured description of the reading journal.

I think it is useful if you are not sure about where to start. However, feel free to modify this to fit your needs; just make sure that you are recording your thoughts and analysis as you do the reading journal. Reading Journal You will read a series of selections in this class. Some will be difficult because of new terms and concepts, and some may be challenging in other waysthinking from new perspectives, or topics or ideas that may be emotional. To help you read, think, and recall, I would like for you to keep a journal as you read. For each article, I expect a response that summarizes, criticizes, and responds to the article you have read. You will get better at this as the semester progresses. You might start by summarizing and noting places of confusion, questions, or observations that you have. As we move forward, your summaries and analysis will probably become more concise and more complex; in fact, I expect that. Purpose: The reading journal will allow you to record your responses to readings assigned in class. It will also give you practice in condensing and remembering information you have read as you begin to build a synthesis of ideas about writing. The journal will also give you daily practice in writing MLA citations. Instructions/ Format: Paper journals should may be handwritten but should be contained in a single folder or notebook. Digital journals should be contained in a single file or folder, with each entry clearly labeled. On the left hand side of the journal entry, begin with an MLA-style citation for the source. Then, write a brief 2 paragraph summary of the article. Then, on the right hand side of the entry, write your analysis of the article. We will talk in class about what analysis means, but this is your chance to respond to the article. Please label your journals with your name, class title (ENC 3331), class time, and section number before turning them in for grading. Summary Analysis List the MLA citation on the first line. Across from the summary, put the Then, in 150-300 words, briefly date. describe what the article is about. Then, make connections between class discussions, personal experience, or Be sure to accurately list the MLA other secondary sources. Your reading citation. This will save you valuable journal would also be an appropriate time later in the semester when place to agree or disagree, ask compiling your annotated questions, note what might be bibliography. confusing or interesting to you, and think about why we might be reading this article in a first-year writing class (in other words how is this meaningful to you as a writer?) How many entries must I have? You should have an entry for each reading we do in class or for homework. How you are Evaluated: This reading journal will function as a recording of your thoughts and reflections about the readings we cover in the class. Entries and the collection as a whole will be evaluated using the following questions: Are citations complete? Do they follow MLA style? Are responses thorough and well thought out? Have you begun to think about how ideas between articles are related, and how these scholars are participating in a dialogue? Are you making beginning moves in your analysis to also dialogue (respond, engage in conversation) with the scholars you are reading? Due Date: The reading log should be kept updated throughout the semester. There will be journal checks during the semester where I collect, grade, then return your journals to date, and the journal will be incorporated into your participation grade. Note: I am more interested in your thoughts as you read here, and less interested in you spending time worrying about sentence construction, spelling, or mechanics. There will be plenty of time to worry about surfacelevel writing issues on your major papers; don't spend too much time editing your reading journal. I will only grade for content.

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