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Phat dragon

15 April 2013

# 160

a weekly chronicle of the Chinese economy

The economy reportedly expanded by 7.7%yr in the March

quarter versus 7.9% in the December quarter and 7.8% in calendar 2012 and 9.3% over 2011. The NBS puts the quarterly pace at 1.6%, versus 2.0% in Q4 (unrevised), 2.1% in Q3 (unrevised), 1.9% in Q2 (previously 2.0%), and 1.6% in Q1 a year ago (previously 1.5%). As detailed in the third edition of this chronicle last week, Phat Dragon was expecting an outcome in the 8% to 8% area, with a bias to the top of that range, and is thus feeling more than a little sheepish. The average forecast in the consensus survey was 2.0%qtr, 8.0%yr. Nominal GDP failed to return to double digit territory, with the soft real growth rate allied to an equally surprising deceleration in the GDP deflator conspiring to hold nominal activity down. Looking at the breakdown from the production side of the accounts, primary (3.4%ytd from 4.5%ytd in Q4) and secondary industry (7.8%ytd from 8.1%ytd in Q4) decelerated from a year ago, while tertiary activity (8.3%ytd from 8.1%ytd in Q4) built on the gains made through the second half of 2012. On the expenditure side, the contributions are 4.3ppt from final consumption (4.1ppt prior); a dramatic decline to a 2.3ppt contribution from investment (3.9ppt previously); balanced by a sharp turnaround in net exports (+1.1ppt from 0.2ppt in Q4).
25 20 15 10 5 0

Chinese GDP: real & nominal estimates

Deflator %yr Real %yr Nominal %yr Real %saar official

25 20 15 10 5 0

Sources: CEIC, Westpac Economics.

-5 -5 Dec-99 Dec-01 Dec-03 Dec-05 Dec-07 Dec-09 Dec-11 Dec-13

Real investment growth and its GDP contribution

10 8 6 4 2 0
Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13

ppt cont.
Sources: CEIC, Westpac. * Ratio of growth rates of, respectively, real urban fixed investment and implied real gross capital formation.

GCF cont. to real GDP growth (lhs) Ratio to partial data* (rhs)

5 4 3 2 1 0

The activity profile now resembles the first three strokes of a

W, rather than the shallow V that was previously sketched. The latter path made some intuitive sense, while Phat Dragons instincts recoil at the newly installed profile. Stating that the pulse of the economy was equivalent in the respective March quarters of this year and last (both now 1.6%) is just not credible - if for no other reason than the simple fact that the authorities moved to tighten policy in the quarter just completed, whereas they were in the process of easing policy settings not long after the first quarter of calendar 2012 was complete.

The single component that contributes the most to bring about

the curious overall result is investment. The last available level estimate for gross capital formation (GCF - fixed investment plus the change in inventories) is from the end of 2011, when it comprised 48.31% of GDP. Assuming that its share was steady through 2012, a contribution of 2.3ppts implies a growth rate just shy of 5%. Similar calculations for the four quarters of 2012 yields 5% in Q1, and a troika of 8 point something outcomes in the following quarters. How do those rates compare to the monthly investment figures? Nominal urban fixed investment (FAI) converted to volumes via the NBS supplied deflator, is the key partial for the fixed component of GCF. The ratio between real FAI growth and GCF was stable around 2 from 2009 through 2011, with modest fluctuations around that level driven by the inventory cycle. Phat Dragon notes that there have been two very large outliers since the end of 2011 - March 2012 and the latest reading - which is particularly egregious at more than twice the usual ratio. If the ratio between real FAI and GCF had been 3 - still in outlier territory, but more plausible - GDP growth would have been 1.1ppts higher and the entire narrative then changes. Is there anything in the inventory cycle that could resolve these apparent contradictions? Frankly, Phat Dragon feels that the inventory story points in the opposite direction. Stocks were being rebuilt in Q1 and were being run down in Q4.

maxim that what the authorities really care about they measure extremely well. However, information that directly feeds into the performance criteria for officials cannot avoid being distorted by the incentive structure. Alternatively, the smoothing of data can play a role in the counter-cyclical management of expectations and confidence. What then is the utility of a weak GDP report driven by a stunning collapse in investment? Phat Dragon can envisage that this combination might serve the dual purposes of a) shifting the reported composition of the economy in the desired direction to accommodate the goal of rebalancing, if only on paper and b) it checks the development of the positive feedback loop operating within the private economy, as evidenced by the rise in non-bank credit growth and real estate prices in recent times. While the leash may be long, the other end is held by a firm hand.

In conclusion, Phat Dragon will mechanically adjust his growth

forecasts on the basis of the new starting point. Nothing else regarding the outlook will be ceded at this stage. While the month-of-March partial data was itself underwhelming, implying a modest jumping off point for the June quarter, the fact remains that the NBS must at some point reinstate a plausible contribution from GCF, which would manifest itself in an extra 1ppt of GDP growth. That would mean a spike in the growth rate - something that was eschewed in the March quarter, but might possibly be countenanced from the newly impoverished starting point. A return to a negative net exports contribution, as seen in 2012, would help mitigate the headline effect.

Working from the assumption that the GDP numbers are manmade, in Premier Lis immortal phrase, what was their designer aiming at? Many years ago Phat Dragon landed upon the
Westpac Institutional Banking Group Economic Research

Stats of the week: China has the worlds 9th largest

merchant marine fleet and the largest in the G20. Panama is #1 globally & South Korea is #2 in the G20.

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