Hopelessness Scale

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Hopelessness Scale

Name of Person Administering Test Date Total Score

HPLS SCALE These sentences are about how some kids feel about their lives. Your answers let us know about how kids feel about things. There are no right or wrong answers. Just tell me if the sentence is like you or not like you true or false. Please circle the response (True/False) that most closely fits your opinion of whether the sentence is like or not like you. Client Label

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I want to get older because I think things will be better. I might as well give up because I cant make things better for myself. When things are going badly, I know that they wont be bad all of the time. I can imagine what my life will be like when I get older. I have enough time to finish the things I really want to do. Someday, I will be good at doing the things that I really care about. I will get more of the good things in life than most other young adults. I dont have good luck and theres no reason to think I will when I get older. All I can see ahead of me are bad things, not good things. I dont think I will get what I really want. When I get older, I think I will be happier than I am now. Things just wont work out the way I want them to. I never get what I want, so its dumb to want anything. I dont think I will have any real fun when I get older. Tomorrow seems unclear and confusing to me. I will have more good times than bad times. Theres no use in really trying to get something I want because I probably wont get it.

True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True

False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False False

Hopelessness Scale (HPLS)


The HPLS-Scale will be completed at the same time frames as the CAFAS
(program entry, every 6 months, and at program exit). Administration of the HPLS-Scale

The HPLS-Scale is read to the youth to facilitate comprehension.

Instructions to the youth These sentences are about how some kids feel about their lives. Your answers let us know about how kids feel about things. I am going to read each sentence to you. Id like you to tell me if the sentence is true for you or false for you. If the sentence is how you feel, you would say it is like you or true. If the sentence is not how you think or feel, you would say it is not like you or false. Lets try some examples: A. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher. B. I dont think I will have a pet when I grow up. True True False False

(For each example, stop to explain what the answer given by the youth means.) There are no right or wrong answers. Just tell me if the sentence is like you or not like you true or false.

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