Personal Essay

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Personal essay

Its the perfect opportunity - my Christmas wish - to extract myself from this never-ending show that my life is, conducted by stiff social rules and restraints and become the master of it. Oscar Wilde once said Life imitates art more than art imitates life. So, here I am, taking pains in transforming the spectator I am into the main actor who presents herself in order to achieve more. Who am I? At the first glance, just the average, dreamy 10th grader, struggling to find her calling through an intricate web of choices that life is. I came to the world on 25th of December, 1996, in a family of young, hardworking doctors, in Balti, Republic of Moldova. Striving for a better existence, we moved to Romania in the 2000s, and were thrilled to be greeted by the welcoming community of the closely-knit town Viseu de Sus, in the hilly north of the country. During my stay there, I attended skiing/snowboarding lessons, and also first discovered my unyielding passion for reading. Hardly had I turned 10, when I was told by my parents we would move to Zalau, a slightly bigger city, for financial reasons. Having the typical juvenile mindset, I took it as a grim tragedy, even though now I perceive it as one of the most important chapters that shaped me into an open-minded, mature character. Despite somewhat petite, I am easily noticeable because of my very bubbly and enthusiastic character and my general optimistic attitude. My most obvious personality trait remains my initiative and ambitious spirit. During group projects, I would naturally assume a leading role, assigning and allocating errands efficiently. Moreover, ever since I was a child, I have been taught that honesty is one of the most important moral values, and, as I grew older, I turned out to be a very blatant liar. My straightforward attitude has also caused me both pleasant reactions and burdens, as sometimes blunt honesty isnt acceptable. In terms of ambition, I would say that comes from my complete apprehension that you can only succeed through assiduous work, as well as from the caring yet strict foster I have received over the years from my parents and boyfriend. Usually, when I set a goal, I summon all my intellectual wealth in order I achieve it,while juggling my other tasks in the meantime. Albeit enjoying the company of other people and bonding with the ones surrounding me, I must admit I sometimes recoil for a moment of solitude. I could say that I have grown impressively mature over the latter years, as I have been challanged with quite numerous problems in both my educational and personal life. On the other hand, I have been incredibly blessed to have a trully heartfelt and genuine individual by my side, who over the past 3 years has made me feel accomplished and serene, as if we would be able to surpass any arising obstacle together. He has honestly been my head pillar and cornerstone, and I am delighted to say that I would have never reached the point I am currently at without his tremendous support. I find it impossible to write down everything about myself, since I am still in the stage where I Continuously explore my strengths and weaknesses. While writing is my cup of tea - as is Drawing, despite I am not particularly skilled in the latter-, reading is my biggest passion. I have often found myself glued to a book for days, breathing it in, suffering and rejoicing with its

characters, and feeling empty and deserted upon reaching its end. Stephen King, Dan Brown and some works of Oscar Wilde are definetely my favorites. Although I have never had any problems with making friends, I must say I would much rather be engrossed in a novel, clutching to a lukewarm cup of tea, or have a heated debate about something with an intimate friend, than sneak out and be rebellious. My accomplishments only concern my studies, so far. I have participated in many contests held at the county level, most of them in Romanian and English, and History. At the moment, I am studying for my First Certificate of English exam, which I will be taking in June, and my Certificate of Advanced English, afterwards. I am currently volunteering for the International Committee of The Red Cross, and the Center for Anti-drug Prevention, Evaluation and Counseling. Having seen the fantastic opening ceremony of the latest Olympics, and previously staying in Britain for 2 weeks, I could say I have witnessed a testimony of British life, culture and principles. The possibility of first-handedly experiencing their exquisite manners, as well as understanding the national heritage and intercultural background, makes this scholarship an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although I am aware that its bound to be a bumpy ride, I have collaborated with NGOs about intending to attend a higher education abroad. My current intentions are either on Human Resources or Law. I either feel I wrote too much or too little about myself; I could go on one instant or stop the next it is not a deadlock but the quest of an individual who has an entire spectacular life ahead. Therefore, I find myself forced to put full-stop I thank you for taking up your valuable time and assess this essay. Moreover, I am forever grateful whether I am called for interview or not that I had the chance to reflect upon the person I was, I am and I would eventually become.

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